Dragon Mining Gold aus Europa

  • Der Jahresbericht von Dragon Mining ist raus und sieht sehr gut aus!

    Die Inbetriebnahme von Vammala verläuft planmäßig!

    Der Gewinn per share konnte von einem Verlust von -7,21 AUS-Cent auf +0,94 AUS-Cent gesteigert werden!

    Die Goldreserven konnten beträchtlich ausgeweitet werden!


    Grüße GW


    Die Highlights:

    Der Vammala Betrieb soll (nach Plan) im spätem Juni wieder aufgenommen werden. Zuerst wird gespeichertes Erz verarbeitet. In der Orivesi Mine soll im 3. Quartal Erz gefördert werden. Mr. Cordin ist überzeugt, dass sein geplantes Ziel von 30.000 Unzen Gold-Konzentrat zum Jahresende erreicht wird.

    Insgesamt ist Dragon Mining auch finanziell in einer weit besseren Position als Anfang 2006. Die einzige Schuld, welche die Firma jetzt hat, sind die ungefähr $A 24 Million convertible notes. Diese sind nicht vor Ende 2011 rückzahlbar, wenn sie nicht davor umgewandelt werden.

    Grüße GW

    Ladies and Gentlemen, of course it has only been six months since I addressed you at our last AGM. The timing of this meeting is the result of your Company changing its reporting year-end from June 30 to December 31 each year.

    This was done to fall in line with our subsidiaries year ends in Sweden and Finland and as anticipated has made the formal reporting process much easier and more efficient.

    In the intervening period since I reported to you at the last AGM, your Company has continued to consolidate its activities in Sweden and Finland and as you will be aware, we also attempted to acquire a potentially attractive near to production gold mine project in the Ukraine.
    In Sweden the Svartliden Gold Mine produced a total 22,814 ounces of gold in the six months to the end of 2006 of which, 36% was delivered into the existing gold hedge book. As of the end of April we had just over 86,000 ounces remaining in hedge book. This is down from around 140,000 ounces just over a year ago when Peter Cordin took over the role of Managing Director and we embarked on efforts to restructure and stabilise the activities at Svartliden,
    consolidate the Company’s finances and to recommence resource expansion drilling in and around the mine.

    As a result, in March 2007 we were very pleased to announce that ongoing drilling at Svartliden had increased the resources and reserves at the mine by 90,000 ounces and 49,000 ounces respectively. This has extended the current mine life by at least 6 months and we are very hopeful that the continuing drilling program, currently underway, will add even further to our resource and reserve base at Svartliden.
    In Finland, the schedule for reopening the Orivesi Mine and recommissioning the Vammala Plant remains on track.
    The Vammala Plant is due to be restarted in late June and will commence operations by treating stockpiled ore. At the Orivesi Mine we are projecting the commencement of stope mining at the end of the third quarter. We are confident that our budgeted target of 30,000 ozs of gold in concentrate will be produced by year-end.

    As foreshadowed last year we have also stepped up our exploration in Finland and particularly at our Hanhimaa tenement in the north of the country. Overall we have increased our exploration and evaluation activities in Finland quite considerably in the last twelve months and we believe that the suite of prospects that your Company has in Finland look very promising indeed.

    As I noted earlier, at the end of last year we entered into a Heads of Agreement with Eurogold to purchase their Saulyak property in the Ukraine. We saw this opportunity as potentially a very attractive one for Dragon. An undeveloped but near production gold property situated in a country situated next door to the European Union. We are very aware that the Ukraine is working hard to bring its legislation and corporate laws in line with EU standards.
    Unfortunately, during our due diligence we became uncomfortable with a number of issues, to a point where we decided not to proceed.
    I would like to say here that we remain alive to evaluating potential acquisitions that will enhance the Dragon asset portfolio. However, your Board is very aware of the potential of its asset base in Finland and Sweden and will not propose any acquisition in the future that detracts from maximising our opportunities in those countries.

    Now I would like to say at this point, that given the enormous effort that Peter Cordin and his team have made over the last 15 months or so in getting the Company back on its feet it is very disappointing to us all, that this has not been reflected in the Company’s share price.
    From a personnel perspective, the board and senior management team at Dragon have remained unchanged over the past year and the Company has clearly benefited from the stability that has brought with it.

    In Sweden we have a very experienced Swedish mine manager leading the team for us. He has been on board for just over a year and now has a first class team at Svartliden that is performing much better as they gain experience.

    In Finland we recently appointed a Manager - Operations especially to oversee the Orivesi Mine and Vammala Plant. He is very experienced Finnish mining executive who has had a long and successful career with Outokumpu and is a first class addition to our existing, very good team.
    Overall your Company is also financially in a far better position than it was at the beginning of 2006. The only debt the Company now has is the approximately $A24 million associated with the Convertible Notes. These are not repayable until the end of 2011 if not converted before then.
    Of course we still have to deliver into the gold hedging program. However, we are currently looking at a number of possibilities regarding how to reduce the near term impact of delivering into the hedge book at just over US$400 per ounce, and maximising our forward cash flow.
    To summarise, I believe your Company is now in a sound position with projected production levels that will build to close to 100,000 ounces of gold per year over the next twelve months and a suite of very prospective assets particularly in Finland.

    In closing, it would be very remiss of me not to express my sincere thanks to my fellow directors and to all of the Dragon Group employees, for their continued support and efforts.

  • Und hier die beste Nachricht seit langem:

    Dragon hat Vammala planmäßig wieder in Betrieb genommen!!! :] :] :] :D :D :D

    ASX ANNOUNCEMENT 4 July 2007
    Dragon Mining Limited is pleased to announce the successful recommissioning of the Vammala Production Centre and the production of gold concentrate in Finland. Ore haulage from the Orivesi Mine, 80 kilometres from the Vammala Production Centre, commenced on Monday, 18 June initially hauling stockpiled ore from both previous mining operations and Kutema pillars.
    The Vammala plant which will be operated on a 24 hour basis five days per week has achieved consistent throughput of 40 tonnes per hour. The recommissioning of the Vammala Production Centre culminates the dedicated efforts of the Finnish team lead by Heimo Poyry in reopening the Orivesi Gold Mine following the commitment by the Company to the decline development at Sarvisuo lodes - a series of parallel vertical pipes some 300m from the previously mined Kutema lodes.
    Current reserves and resources stand at 93,000 ounces and 216,000 ounces respectively however extensive drilling undertaken in the past twelve months has provided encouragement of additional resources within the hydrothermally altered zone at Orivesi. Results have been regularly released to the market and a new resource statement is being finalised. The Company has two underground rigs committed for the remainder of the year. Whilst the majority of the metres to be drilled will be to confirm and upgrade resources, exploration holes are also planned in the program.
    In achieving the recommissioning of the Vammala Production Centre with production from the Orivesi Gold Mine, Dragon is well positioned to achieve targeted gold production in 2007 of 75,000 ounces from its two gold mines.

    For and on behalf of Dragon Mining Limited
    Peter G Cordin
    Managing Director

    Grüße GW

  • Der Bericht vom 2. Quartal klingt wirklich sehr gut! :) Die Highlights sind:

    Die Produktionskosten konnten in Schweden auf 385 US$ pro Unze gesenkt werden. :)
    Die Jahresproduktion wird voraussichtlich auf 100.000 Unzen erhöht werden.
    Der Cash betrug am 30.06.07 2,8 Mio + 5,1 Mio aus dem PP vom Juli (total 7,9 Mio)
    6700 Unzen wurden ins Hedgebook geliefert (23.100 Unzen für 2007 noch offen)


    Grüße GW

  • Hallo zusammen, bin seit kurzem hier im Forum angemeldet, lese aber schon eine Weile bei euch mit. Durch die wie ich finde sehr informativen Diskussionen und auch Meinungen von Leuten die hier schon länger im Geschäft sind kann man hier als Neueinsteiger nur lernen. Bei Dragon Mining bin ich seit 0,068 drin. Freut mich sehr das sie es geschafft haben Vammala in Produktion zu bringen. Das Team dort scheint bei den ganzen Problemen sehr gute Arbeit zu leisten. Bin gespannt wie sie sich weiter entwickeln......



  • Hallo dread,

    herzlich willkommen im Forum. Mit 0,068 hast Du wirklich einen sehr schönen Einstiegspreis gehabt. Hoffen wir ´mal, dass Dragon seinen Weg nach oben eingeschlagen hat. Aber immer auf der Hut sein. Die Inbetriebnahme der Mill ist ein schöner Meilenstein - mehr nicht. Die Orivesi Mine muss kostengünstig fördern ehe das Geld alle ist - erst dann ist es geschafft.

    Grüße GW


    Excellent Gold Recovery from Koka Metallurgical Test Work

    Zara Joint Venture, Eritrea (Dragon Mining Limited diluting to 20% interest)

    Koka Gold Deposit

    Dragon Mining Limited, in conjunction with Sub Sahara Resources NL is pleased to announce that is has
    received positive metallurgical test work results for ore sample taken from the Koka gold deposit in Eritrea.
    Further details are outlined in the Sub Sahara announcement which is attached.
    The Zara Joint Venture comprises a single license covering an area of 196km2 situated in northern Eritrea,
    approximately 160km northwest of Asmara city. The project is managed by Sub Sahara Resources NL and
    Dragon is diluting to a 20% interest in the project by Sub Sahara completing a bankable feasibility study or
    spending US$3.3 million.

    For and on behalf of

    Dragon Mining Limited

    Peter G Cordin

    Managing Director


    • Very high gold recovered by gravity concentration
    • Total gold recovery exceeds 96% after 24 hours gravity/cyanidation
    • Low reagent consumption

    Australian resources company Sub-Sahara Resources (ASX: SBS) announces that it has
    received positive metallurgical test work results for ore samples taken from the Koka gold
    deposit (Zara Project) in Eritrea Test work was completed by specialist metallurgical consultants, Ammtec Limited of Perth,
    Australia on three representative composite metallurgical samples selected from 3 diamond drill
    holes (ZARD009, ZARD015 & ZARD035).

    Gravity separation results were excellent as follows:

    ZARD009, 42% ZARD015, 40% ZARD035, 73%
    The resulting metallurgical recoveries (including gravity) for the samples are shown below:-
    Sample % Au Extraction at Hours Consumption (Kg/t)
    8hr 12hr 24hr 48hr Lime NaCN
    ZARD009 215-233 5.23 75um 94.9 97.2 98.5 99.35 0.22 0.33
    ZARD015 88-101 25.7 75um 91.1 93.8 96.3 99.69 0.24 0.36
    ZARD035 94-106 2.93 75um 97.2 97.9 98.4 99.32 0.20 0.39

    Limited Acid Mine Drainage test work indicates that the ore possesses potential for acidg enerating, but at this stage, the findings are not considered to be detrimental to the project.

  • Ah ja, deswegen :D :

    Man will mit dem Geld das Hedgebook schließen und damit endlich parallel zum Goldpreisanstieg verdienen.
    Endlich mal ein vernünftiger Grund, Geld aufzunehmen........

    Die großen Investoren haben wohl schon zugesagt, allerdings liegen sie mit 11,5 Cents grad über den 10-11 Cents, was die Aktien an der Börse kosten würden.....der Crash kam wohl dazwischen....

Schriftgröße:  A A A A A