Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

  • @eldo,
    ich halt nichts von positiv od. negativ denken, aber was von Denken an sich. :D

    Na ja, die ersten Käufer waren da.....

    An und für sich, hab ich das Szenario erwartet, nur nicht j e t z t!

    Man sollte auch schauen, wie eine Company finanziert ist.

    Da hat sich eins ins andere gefügt, alles verständlich.
    Es wird Geld abgezogen um Gewinne zu sichern.
    Hedge-Fonds mit Abzug und shorts.
    Marginms müssen eingedeckt werden.
    Und wie heute zu sehen unlimitierte Verkäufe von kleinanlegern unter pari.
    Ist ja alles verständlich.

    Die wirklich guten Werte kommen wieder, auf die muss man setzen und den Rest raushauen so Zug um Zug.

    Am ärgsten hat es ja die erwischt, die heuer schon sehr viel Gewinn hatten.
    Andere haben schlicht Probleme oder waren zu teuer.
    Man muss einfach vergleichen, was eine FR, EDR, ECU oder Silvercorp zu leisten imstand ist mit allem Drumherum von Kosten ect.
    und sich dann festlegen.

    Wird alles sehr mühsam....
    aber ist machbar.
    Erstaunlich hat sich zum Beispiel die Mexivada gehalten.
    Aber auch UXG und SRLM (heut hatten wir kurz Kurs vom PP zu 3,25!)

    Kimber hat heute dann noch mit 20% Plus geschlossen.
    Aber warum, keine Ahnung!

    Es wird schon wieder, aber es wird zäh..

    I´m Winston Wolf, I solve problems... :D
    I have to solve, which I created

    Will damit sagen, der tsunami wär mir ziemlich egal, wenn ich die letzten 10 Tage besser reagiert hätt.
    Selektion und Gewichterl, das ist es.
    Und wenn ich einen Wunsch hätt, ein super Drillergebnis bei VIT.V
    Könnt ohne meinen Wunsch auch kommen :D

    In diesem Sinne

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Zitat

    Original von Milly
    Hallo Gutso,

    Bergold hat mich vor allem mit seinen tollen Sprüchen genervt, "Wechsel der Anlageklassen" (ggf. sogar in Rentenpapiere) je nach Situation versprochen, war in den Aufwärtsphasen aber grundsätzlich unterinvestiert (Geld in Anleihen geparkt), aber überinvestiert (ggf. über 100%) wenn's bergab rauschte wie jetzt oder Februar/März.


    So genau habe ich ihn auch nicht verfolgt, mir fiel nur auf, dass er grundsätzlich gut argumentiert hat.

    Ich sehe kein grundsätzliches Problem, - allerdings haben wir mit dem heutigen Tag schon ein unangenehmes Stück Geschichte erlebt, keine Frage.

    Diesen Tag wird wohl jeder von uns in 10 Jahren auch noch erinnern.

    Keine Ahnung, was man grundsätzlich anders machen sollte - ehrlich gesagt - gibts eigentlich ein Problem für uns bisher?
    Mehr Liquidität halten, auch wenns schwer fällt, das ja. Aber sonst?

    Die Aktienmärkte werden gerade weltweit künstlich beatmet, man sollte sich also nicht fragen, ob das Raumdeo & die grundsätzliche Gitterenergie derweil passt ... - Lasset uns pendeln!

    Um ehrlich zu sein. Selten war ich so drauf, dass ich dachte, dass das System samt Ratings, Analysen & PPT am Abgrund steht, im Moment glaube ich es.

    Sie können vielleicht einen grossen Hedge Fund retten, aber keine 2. und damit das System, so wie es derzeit existiert.
    Nicht, weil das Geld dafür fehlen würde, sondern weil in Folge das Vertrauen fehlt ... .

    Grüsse & Gute Nacht, zum Silver Valley poste ich morgen früh noch was.

  • Auch kurios: gehen gestern mit dieser news raus.

    Tabellen im Link:

    EXMIN Provides Exploration Drill Results From the Horcon Project, Guanajuato Region, Mexico
    Thursday August 16, 2:53 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Aug 16, 2007 -- EXMIN Resources Inc. (EXMIN) (CDNX:EXM.V - News) is pleased to announce assay results from the recent exploration drilling at the 100% owned Horcon Project located in the Guanajuato region, Mexico. Exploration at the Horcon project has consisted of a regional program to catalogue and evaluate mines and prospects on the 7,900 hectare land package and a drill program to test high grade veins that are exposed in the Horcon mine (see Press Release of December 6, 2006). The drill program at the Horcon mine is complete; five holes were drilled for a total of 1,052 metres of HQ core. EXMIN has received assay results for all of the samples submitted from the drill program.

    All of the holes cut polymetallic mineralization consisting of sulfide-bearing quartz veins hosted by a granitic intrusive body (see the attached table for complete assay results). Zones of narrow veins as well as several larger discrete veins were intersected. The most significant structure encountered in the drilling is the Diamantillo vein. Hole HOR-07-1 cut a 30 cm vein (estimated 20 cm true width) that assayed 18.2 grams per metric ton (g/t) gold, 124 g/t silver, 8.2 percent zinc and 13 percent lead within a wider zone that measures 3.6 m (estimated 2.4 meter true width) with 2.9 g/t gold, 60.9 g/t silver, 2.2 percent zinc and 2.8 percent lead. Hole HOR-07-4 was collared about 60 metres along strike and cut 1.7 m with 0.48 g/t gold, 86.4 g/t silver, 0.8% zinc and 0.7% lead within a wider lower grade zone.

    Craig Gibson, Executive Vice President of Exploration for EXMIN, stated, "The drill program was successful in exploring veins in the vicinity of the Horcon mine. Several low angle veins were cut lateral to the stopes that were previously sampled, and an area of mineralization with interesting metal grades, possibly within an ore shoot, was defined along the Diamantillo vein. This relatively small amount of work has demonstrated the potential for encountering significant tonnages of shallow mineralization at the Horcon project."


    Several types of mineralization occur at the Horcon Project, including polymetallic epithermal veins, intrusion related replacements and skarns, and volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits. The current exploration program is focused on high grade polymetallic veins in the Horcon mine area that were exploited over the past several hundred years (see press release of May 22, 2007, for assay data). Two principal sets of veins occur, northwest striking, regionally extensive high angle veins, including the Diamantillo vein and the Veta Madre, as well as a set of low angle veins that occur in the footwall of the Diamantillo vein. Much of the past mining exploited the narrow low angle veins, but the extent of mining at depth is not known because the stopes are filled with water to the level of the main access, the Horcon adit.

    The drill program was successful in intersecting the targeted systems of veins. Several low angle veins with interesting metal grades were cut, including 1.4 m of 2.8 g/t gold, 28.9 g/t silver and 1.6% combined lead and zinc in hole HOR-07-2 and several intercepts in hole HOR-07-3 (see table of assay results below). Due to the low angle dips of the veins, it is difficult to correlate known veins in the mine to the veins intersected in the relatively steep drill holes because small variations can drastically change the depth of the intercept. Therefore, the drill program was modified to explore the relatively shallow and well defined Diamantillo vein cut in hole HOR-07-1 and to postpone exploration of the low angle veins until a specialized drill rig becomes available to drill from underground sites closer to the exposures.

    The Diamantillo vein is a regional-scale high-angle structure, dipping at about 70 degrees, and has been mined at shallow levels in the past along several hundred metres of strike length in the vicinity of the Horcon mine. About 120 metres of accessible drifts were sampled at irregular intervals along the strike of the vein in available exposures and pillars that were left behind during past mining; average values were 1.86 g/t gold, 77.6 g/t silver, 1.08% zinc, and 0.98% lead over an average vein width of 1.7 m (see table below). Drill holes HOR-07-1 and HOR-07-4 were spaced about 60 metres apart and intersected the vein about 50 metres underneath the sampled mine workings with grades similar to those sampled in the mine, but surrounded by a wider zone of lower grade mineralization not exposed in the narrow workings. Hole HOR-07-5 was drilled to explore the vein about 350 metres along strike from these two holes in the nearest accessible location. This hole intersected a quartz vein with low grade metal values that is believed to correspond to the Diamantillo vein, but apparently may not have transected the entire structural zone. A future drill program will include permitting of new roads to be able to explore the Diamantillo vein in between these intercepts.

    About the Horcon Project

    The Horcon project is located about 50 kilometres northwest of Guanajuato along the regional strike of mineralization. Guanajuato is a world class mining region and is the site of exploration and mining programs being carried out by several international resource companies, including the main Guanajuato district (Great Panther and Gammon Lake Resources) the San Anton project (San Anton Resources) and the Providencia area (Canarc Resource). For more information on the Horcon Project, please see the press releases of May 22, 2007, March 5, 2007, and December 6, 2006.

    Quality Assurance

    Core drilling was undertaken using an Atlas Copco CS1000 P6 hydraulic rig provided under an agreement with Globexplore Drilling, S.A. de C.V., of Hermosillo, as reported in a press release of December 7, 2006. All of the samples to date were taken of HQ core that was split into two approximately equal portions. Sample weights are generally between about 1.5 and 6 kgs, corresponding to approximately 25 cm to 1.5 metres of split core, but a few smaller samples were taken to provide specific geologic information. Rock samples from the Diamantillo vein weighed between 2 kg and 7 kg.

    Samples were prepared and analyzed by ALS Chemex at their labs in Guadalajara and Vancouver, respectively. Gold analyses were performed by 30 gram fire assay with an AA finish; samples with more than 10g/t gold were analyzed by fire assay and gravimetric methods. Silver and the base metals were analyzed as part of a multi-element ICP package using an aqua regia digestion; samples with more than 100 g/t silver or more than 1% base metals were analyzed by AA. EXMIN inserted standard pulps into the sample stream from drill holes for quality assurance purposes.

    Dr. Craig Gibson, PhD., Executive Vice President of Exploration, is the authorized professional geologist for EXMIN Resources Inc. and the direct manager of all technical programs and information on the part of EXMIN.

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Schwacher Bounce!

    Intraday gewinne werden gleich wieder abgegeben.

    Möchte mal die Silvercorp zahlen vom 13.8. reinstellen.
    Da kann man dann mal vergleichen mit gammon, FR, EDR, Genco etc.

    Silvercorp Achieves Record $0.33 EPS for the 1st Quarter Ended June 30, 2007
    Monday August 13, 9:00 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Aug 13, 2007 -- Silvercorp Metals Inc. (the "Company") (Toronto:SVM.TO - News) is pleased to announce that for the first quarter ended June 30, 2007, the Company recorded consolidated net earnings of $15,887,496, equating to $0.33 per share or $0.32 per share fully diluted. The cash flows provided from operations were $20,734,355 with a record profit margin of 65.02% (2007 - 54.41%). All figures are expressed in Canadian dollars, other than share and mining data.


    During the first quarter ended June 30, 2007, earnings from mine operations amounted to $19,094,909 (2007 - $3,412,714) representing a gross margin of 78.14% (2007 - 78.76%). The net income realized was $15,887,496 (2007 - $2,357,580) with a record profit margin of 65.02% (2007 - 54.41%). The net earnings are $0.33 (2007 - $0.05) per basic share or $0.32 (2007 - $0.05) per fully diluted share. The net income increase of $13,529,916, over the comparable period in the prior year, is attributed to the increased through-put capacity of the Ying Silver Mine and the commencement of production at the HPG Property since April 1, 2007. Sales from the Ying Silver Mine increased four-fold to $22,748,272 over the prior comparable period. The HPG Mine achieved sales of $1,688,061 in its first quarter of operations...............................

    Interessant, was os einige Aktien heute aufführen.

    Bei mir waren gestern die ganzen gewinne vom jahr 07 weg, waren so 35%.
    Leichtes minus von 1%.
    Für meine blödheit die letzten 2 wochen könnt ich mich schlagen.
    Hätt die Neukäufe so wie MGN und SRLM gleich wieder liefern sollen.
    Hätt einiges jetzt und die nächsten paar Wochen mit dem Cash anfangen können.
    So aber: Gähenn e an den start zurück, mein Herr... :D

    Hab übrigens diese Woche jeden tag einen Trade gehabt.
    Ge und verkauft: 3:2.

    So, jetzt steht mir wieder das geliebte Spiel bevor.
    bei jedem neukauf muss etwas raus.... :D
    scheiß Spiel....


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Hallo Emo!

    Hoffentlich lässt sich das so umsetzen, ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass im Moment einige so denken ... .
    Aber sie werden es teils auch wieder vergessen, denn:
    Es braucht wenigstens kurzzeitig die Illusion, das Problem für die Märkte wäre weg.
    Und genau dann vergessen die meisten wieder nach den jetzt gefassten Grundsätzen zu handeln.
    Genau dann wäre aber so ein günstiger Zeitpunkt da. ...
    Es braucht dafür - leider muss ichs mal so sagen, und das fröhliche Wort damit bewusst ad absurdum führen - Optimismus & den Anschein von wiedergewonnenem Vertrauen der Märkte ... .
    Wenn sie so weiter machen, mit ihren Schönheits-OPs, dann könnte es vorübergehend gelingen, aber viel Zeit wird nicht bleiben, vermute ich.



  • MSV.TO liefert neue Bohrresultate. Sehr sehr gute wie ich meine....
    zur Meldung gehts hier:…he-Completion-of-Phase...

  • Hallo Millionär,
    wolltest was sagen?

    Was jetzt nachkaufen und womit?
    was für mich heißt: was schmeiß ich raus.
    Soo viel Handlungsbedarf hab ich gar nicht.

    Es gibt aber auch die, die in den letzten Monaten eingestiegen sind.
    Die müssen fast was tun.
    Nur laufen lassen ist da zu wenig.
    Gewisse Kurse sieht man so schnell nimmer.
    Mistviecher raus mit Verlust, die guten unterfüttern!
    Nue was sind die Guten? :D

    Auratico hat hier heute was reingestellt, dass Minen ihr Cashgeld in nun pleitegehnde Funds gesteckt haben.
    Seltene Idioten! :D
    mir auch schon passiert!
    Das Thema wird uns länger erhalten bleiben.

    Kimber: weiter undurchsichtig
    Jim puplava hat ab 15.8. noch mal 377 000 Stück aufgeladen.
    Am nächsten tag hat dann wieder einer stark gedrückt.
    puplava kannt jedenfalls kimber durch und durch.
    Weiß nicht, ob er stur ist? :D

    Scorpio: wieder gute Drillergebnisse
    sieh Scorpiothread.

    Die Baja calofornia wird immer interessanter!
    Nun Premier mit Sutter…r_gold_jv_agmnt.html?.v=1

    Sutter Gold and Premier Gold announce signing joint venture agreement for exploration - Mexico gold concession
    Monday August 20, 9:15 am ET

    THUNDER BAY, ON, Aug. 20 /CNW/ - Sutter Gold Mining Inc. (TSX VENTURE: SGM - News) and Premier Gold Mining Limited (PG: TSX) jointly announced today the signing of a Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) which formalizes the Letter of Intent (LOI) signed March 29, 2007 between the parties. The JVA formally establishes the venture between the companies to jointly explore Sutter's Santa Teresa mineral concession located in the historic and high grade El Alamo District of Baja California Norte, Mexico. The Sutter concession is located in the heart of the gold district which was the subject of the El Alamo Gold Rush of 1888. It is located some 100 kilometers southeast of Ensenada and about 250 kilometers from San Diego, California.

    The finalized venture with Premier provides the funding for immediate exploration of the project and appoints Premier as the operator. The Santa Teresa Concession compliments both Premier and Sutter business plans to explore high-grade gold properties as it:

    - Is located within a proven (some 220,000 ounces of past
    production) gold district;
    - District has historic mined grades of between 1.00 and 2.00 ounces
    per ton (opt);
    - District was only mined within a 120 meters of the surface, but
    remains open at depth; and
    - Has geologic characteristics similar to the prolific Mother Lode
    Gold District of California.

    The Santa Teresa Concession (STC) is located adjacent to and on strike
    from the past-producing Princessa Mine (the district's largest gold producer)
    whose ore body was known to extend close to the STC boundary. A 12,000 foot
    diamond drill program has been agreed to by the parties comprising 24 holes.
    We envision the potential to discover high grade gold zones, which could
    initially support the construction of a small to medium-sized gold mine. While
    this is an early stage project, initial exploration has the potential to
    provide very exciting results.

    Premier will earn an initial 50% interest in the project by:

    - Making its remaining payment of 75,000 shares of Premier to SGMI.
    - Completing US$1.5 million in exploration and property acquisitions
    within two years, including US$1 million within one year of
    signing the JV agreement.
    - Reimbursing SGMI for all payments (~US$225,000) over a four-year
    period to the original vendor of the property.

    In addition, Premier can secure the right to earn an additional 15% interest in the venture (for a total of 65%) by making a further cash payment of $500,000 to SGMI and conducting an additional US$4.0 million in exploration on the property.

    Steve McGibbon, COO of Premier states: "The venture is in ongoing discussions with experienced core drilling contractors in Mexico. We anticipate starting the drill program during September 2007. Both parties are extremely anxious to see what lies beneath the shallow water table in the district as, historically, miners chasing the highly enriched veins from the surface quit mining once they hit this water table." Hal Herron, President of Sutter Gold, comments that "Premier's experience in the Red Lake District of NW Ontario and Sutter's experience in the Mother Lode District of California makes this venture extremely well-suited to exploring the high grade gold potential of the El Alamo District."

    About Premier

    Premier Gold Mines Limited is a Canadian-based mineral exploration and development company with diverse property holdings that include several projects and deposits in Northwestern Ontario and a joint venture in Mexico. In the Red Lake gold mining camp, two of these are operated in joint venture with Goldcorp Inc. (TSX:G - News). A strategic project is also located on the main Musselwhite Gold Mine trend (Goldcorp-Kinross). Additional information can be found on the Premier website at http://www.

    About Sutter Gold

    The Sutter Gold project contains a 3.2 mile segment of the Mother Lode belt from which 10 historic mines produced 2.3 million ounces of gold. The historic mines bracket a one-mile-long portion of the Mother Lode belt with no historic gold production and which contains the Lincoln and Comet zones. The Lincoln and Comet zones were blind discoveries that did not outcrop at surface and which represent the first significant new gold discoveries made along the Mother Lode belt in the last 50 years. The Sutter Gold project has been the subject of considerable modern exploration activity, most of it centering on the Lincoln and Comet zones, which are adjacent to each other and together referred to as the Lincoln project. A total of 85,085 feet of drilling have been accomplished in 190 diamond drill holes, and modern underground development consists of a 2,850-foot declined ramp with 2,400 feet of crosscuts plus five raises. The historic gold production was documented in a detailed report completed by Mark Payne, the consulting geologist to Sutter Gold and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Further information on US and Mexico operations is available at the Company's website at


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Genco erholt sich bestens. Drillergebnisse

    Kimber wieter im Fallen: Was wird da gespielt?

    Schwache Umsätze!

    Zur Kreditblase und Exploration Update

    ECU Silver News Release

    TORONTO, ONTARIO, Aug 20, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
    ECU Silver Mining Inc. (TSX: ECU) -


    The current global credit crisis has many investors concerned about the short term investments of cash resources by public companies and in particular, the liquidity of these short-term investments. ECU Silver Mining Inc. ("ECU") is pleased to report that its positive working capital and excess cash have been invested in short-term certificates with National Bank Financial in Canada and Scotiabank Inverlat in Mexico. The total amount of these invested funds are immediately redeemable at any time.


    Certain articles have been written regarding companies with exposure to joint-venture related non-recourse loans. ECU reports that it has no major company joint ventures and as such has no non-recourse loans with a major company on any of ECU's mineral exploration properties. In addition, ECU has no hedging contracts and/or derivative contracts in place. ECU has a joint venture agreement with Golden Tag Resources Ltd. ("Golden Tag"), a junior exploration company, on the San Diego property. There are no non-recourse loans between ECU and Golden Tag. ECU maintains only one debt facility for US$12 million which has standard debt covenants and no direct hedging or derivative exposure. The loan facility is with IIG Capital of New York.


    ECU is currently working on building a 3-D geologic computer resource model which will serve as the basis for the updated 43-101 technical report and for the pre-feasibility study. All historical assay information received to date have been input into the geologic resource database and data correlation interpretation is underway. A more detailed update will be provided in the near future.

    Contacts: ECU Silver Mining Inc. Stephen Altmann President (416) 644-8640 (416) 644-8801 (FAX) Website:

  • Zum zweiten mal mit schlechtem Timing:

    Exmin grants options to buy 1.88 million shares

    2007-08-20 15:33 ET - Options Proposed

    Mr. Karl Boltz reports


    Exmin Resources Inc. has granted a total of 1.88 million stock options to its directors, officers, employees and consultants. Each option will be exercisable into one common share of Exmin at a price of 38.5 cents per option for a period of 10 years from this date and subject to provisions of the company's stock option plan. The options will vest immediately, except for those individuals performing investor relations activities, in which case they will vest in quarterly stages over a one-year period.



  • Monday, August 20, 2007

    BGL-TSXV August 20, 2007


    Since our last news release on mining activities in late April, the rainy season has been upon us slowing activity somewhat, however considerable advancement of the project on both the Cinco Minas and Gran Cabrera properties has occurred.

    At Cinco Minas, testing continues on the mill circuitry including the crushers (jaw and cone), the ball mills (10 and 60 tonne), the agitation and settling tanks, the Merrill Crowe Zinc Precipitation Unit, the filter press, dore refinery and tailings pond. A new agitation tank, considerably larger than the two already in place has been constructed and is being added to the testing circuitry. This tank will actually be more integral to the expansion when the 250 tonne mill is brought online, but forms a valuable tool during the 60 to 70 tonne testing phase. A Falcon Gravity Concentrator, delivered in July has been set in place just behind the ball mills in the mill circuitry. The Gravity Concentrator has been added to the system in order to collect ‘free’ silver and gold which would not be collected in the cyanide process. It is expected that the amount of silver and gold collected in this manner could be as much as 1/3 of the silver and gold collected in the total circuit, so it is a very important part of the process.

    Infrastructure at the Cinco Minas property has advanced considerably since our last report including the commissioning of the new connection to the Federal Electrical Grid and installation of a new water line from creek sources a number of kilometers away which is to be used both for mine water supply and enhancement of the community’s system. The road system within the Cinco Minas area has been considerably improved and added to over the past number of months. The total length of roadway added to or which has been rebuilt exceeds 6 kilometers.

    The top of the Cerro Colorado area which is to be used as feedstock for the heap leach facility to be constructed later this fall is presently being sampled at the surface and at depth by use of an air-track drill. The upper portion of the deposit is weathered considerably and can be ripped and excavated by caterpillar rather than having to be drilled and blasted. It is expected that at least 30,000 tonnes and maybe as high as 50,000 tonnes of heap leach feed stock can be accessed in this manner allowing costs for mineralized grade materials supplied to the heap leach to be kept to a minimum.

    At Destajos, advancement has been made underground toward the old Destajos workings where a block of high grade mineralization in the vicinity of Tumi’s RC hole No. 30 exists. It is expected that the total amount of exploration in progress and to be completed in the near future will involve approximately 90 meters of drifting, 105 meters of cross-cuts plus about 60 meters of raising and shaft sinking (to levels approximately 10 meters above and below Destajos). This could develop a substantial amount of high grade mineralization (estimated to be 9,000 to 10,000 t) for short term operation (150 plus days) of the 60 to 70 tonne pilot plant.

    At Gran Cabrera, approximately 20 kilometers of new and/or refurbished roadway has been completed over the last number of months in order to advance exploration including exposure of mineralization, access to old workings, sampling by in-house geological teams and some mapping of the area. As well, the top of one of the many mineralized areas within the property has been stripped off allowing for sampling to take place and sufficient room for a helicopter to land if required. The total amount spent as a result of this activity is well in excess of $300,000.00 since the signing of the Option Agreement in November of 2005, and this expenditure will put us in an excellent position in order to be able to advance the property from a geological point of view.

    Behre Dolbear de Mexico, S.A. de C.V., our consulting geologists, are in the process of reviewing exploration and development activities. Baltazar Solano – Rico, who heads up our geological team, will be working in conjunction with Bandera Gold Ltd. and our joint venture partner, Minera San Jorge, S.A. de C.V., to provide a geological exploration plan for the next six to twelve months. This is expected in the near future.

    Bandera Gold Ltd. is a Junior Canadian Exploration Company whose corporate strategy is to build shareholder value by finding and developing overlooked and undervalued mineral properties in North America and South America. By partnering with an experienced mining and mineral exploration entity, the Company’s core focus will be the continued exploration and advancement of the Cinco Minas property in Mexico to production, exploration of the Gran Cabrera property in Mexico and the exploration of the Belmira property in Colombia.

    On behalf of the Board

    Kelvin Williams,




  • Sachen gibt's :D

    Zitat aus eimen Quartalsbericht: In early May, the Company halted drilling operations on the San Lucas property when potential costs overruns were identified. Subsequent to the quarter end, upon receipt of more complete drilling and financial reports from Mexico it became evident that the program had gone over budget as a result of excess drilling and substantially over budgeted cost due to both difficult drilling conditions and weaknesses in control over costs and procedures.The Company considers this as a weakness in internal controls ...

    Das stammt von ORM.V. Die sind winzig klein und wissen nicht was im eigenen Haus vor sich geht :D

    Mexico Mike über ECU.TO (aufgelesen in einem US board vom 14. Juni):

    I believe that the results from San Diego indicate that the mineralization they have encountered is related to the same system that formed a number of other large deposits in the region. The topography of the district is rugged, and the limestone host rock of area was intensely altered by a large intrusion. The town of Velardena sits in a valley, alongside of which the main highway through Durango runs. To the north of this valley is the old Santa Maria Mine, a former Grupo Mexico base metals producer. To the east, another series of ridges is host to the ECU mines, and the Reyna Del Cobre Mine owned by Penoles. ECU geologists believe that the mineralization from all of these mines were emplaced due to the same underlying intrusive.

    Lower elevations of these deposits are base metals rich, and that is where the large skarn deposits have been encountered at each of the three mines. Higher up in the system, there are stockwork zones and narrow, high grade epithermal veins that bear greater precious metals content.

    Where it gets interesting is that each of the major mine developments in the area are located at different elevations, so they encounter the same systems a different depths. It appears Santa Maria, located lower down in the valley, was limited to base metals since the upper elevations of the mineralization had been eroded away. The composition of the fluids circulating below when these mines were formed could also have played a role in why Reyna Del Cobre is primarily a copper mine, yet the mines controlled by ECU are richer in gold and silver.

    I am very optimistic that as ECU probes further to depth, they will encounter some of the same higher grade skarn zones that the other large mines outlined from the system, however, if in fact the acidity of the mineralizing fluids were a contributing factor, we may find a greater concentration of gold to depth in the skarn at Velardena.

    Now to put all that into perspective for San Diego, the very high gold grades in the narrow veins have once again been encountered, and again this could be due to greater acidity in the plumbing of the system as the deposit was emplaced. I noted that the gold zone reported this week occurred at a depth of about 500m below surface, which is much deeper than the mines at Velardena. I believe San Diego is located about 20 kms from Velardena, and I do not know the elevation of the property but I would assume that it sits higher above sea level. And therefore even though the latest gold intersection occurred at greater depth, it may be roughly the same elevation of the mineral system as the higher grade gold ECU reported last year from Level 18 of the Santa Jauna Mine.

    If so, then we can look forward to the potential that skarn and stockworks may exist below these high grade veins.

    The bottom line for me is that the entire district is intensely mineralized, and there is ample evidence that very large deposits were formed at all three mines. San Diego could become the next big discovery area, and it bears a close resemblence to the ECU Santa Jauna, Terneras, and San Mateo Mines. I think they are going to find another gold-rich, bulk tonnage deposit as the exploration on the next round tests to deeper levels.
    Mike Kachanovsky

    VG heron

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    ...und Penoles mit weiterem Landerwerb.

    JV und Gründung einer gemeinsamen Mine Minera Juanicipio…rticle_08212007093621.doc

    MAG hat nach extremem Kursanstieg rd. 30 %korrigiert.

    Ausreichend, hoffe ich, bin heute (wieder) eingestiegen.
    Nachdem immer wieder der Aufsprung verpaßt wurde.


  • Hallo heron,
    das ist ja unglaublich mit ORM.V
    Wär ein grund, die sofort zu liefern.

    Firmen beginnen sich zu deklarieren wegen der loans:
    Heute ECU.V, Fortuna, Energold (EDG.V) und IPT.V
    siehe auch Thread: "Finazielle geschäftsrisiken.

    Options bei den eigenen Mitarbeitern, da gibt es bargains.
    EXM.V, jetzt zu 0,385.
    Hochschild kriegt sie um 0,5. Aha! (Heutige meldung)
    Da hab ich mir dann noch ne position um 0,37 gekauft, weil EXM ist ja mit ECU, CPN.TO (gestern + 25%), VIT.V ziemlich unter wasserstand geraten in meinem Depot..
    EXM ist jetzt überhaupt meine größte position, auch die größte verlustposi.....

    VIT.V gab bei 0,5 options rausfür mitarbeiter . Auch eine Art von Verarsche.

    Das verhalten der Hedgefunds in den "strange days" ist auch genauer zu untersuchen.
    Es entsteht ja fast der Eindruck, dass die guten extrem abverkauft wurden um Geld zu generieren.

    Andererseits, wenn man Aktien zum Beispiel um eine halbe Mille shorted (vor der krise schon!!!) und da nur ein Zehntel reales geld einsetzt, muss man sich eindecken und kaufen.
    Das erklärt, warum sich einige Drachen ziemlich gut hielten.
    Verkehrte welt, strange days........

    Dafür gibt es jetzt Geschenke...
    Leider braucht man dafür Bares..... :D

    endlich MAG!


    PS: eh nichts!

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo Tschonko

    Mutig, mutig! Mit Exmin.
    Die hat mich auch seit Tagen angeblinzelt, aber die grabschte ich bereits 4 X. :]
    Zumal einer der dicken Posten, trotz Kurseinbuße.

    Dein Kauf könnte sich als Schnäppchen erweisen, hoffe ich doch sehr.

    Wenn die nach oben guckt, kratze ich noch ein paar € zusammen.
    Denn bin ebenso wie Du von ihr überzeugt.

    Tja MAG, da hatten wir hier launige Postings, ist sicher ein Spitzenwert.

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

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