Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

  • teeri,
    EPZ hat auch keine berühmte recovery rate mit 72%.
    Aber da haben ja mehrere probleme damit.

    Ist auch ein Schnäppchen zur Zeit.

    das Match OTL versus NER steht zur Zeit 0:3. :D

    Bei OTL ist ja der CEO von buffalo dabei. bin ich draufgekommen.
    Da wird´s nie fad.
    Ich halt´s so: Wo er draufsteht, steh ich nicht drin.... :D


  • Nugget,
    SMR: aber sicher doch :D
    Jetzt hab ich SRLM nachgefasst. A paar cts hab ich noch, aber noch eine Order laufen.
    Bei SMR hab ich es auch schon einmal probiert.
    Hätt ich sie länger stehen lassen, wär es heut so weit gewesen.
    Man probiert es ja dann mit 0,95.... :D

    Lasst du dein Depot unverändert oder machst du noch was?


  • @ Tschonko

    Ich möchte 3 Werte ändern.
    Vielleicht ist es aber auch sinvoll 8 Werte im Depot zu haben und 2 Werte sich für 2008 offen zu lassen.

    Im Grunde genommen sollten 10 Verdoppler für einen guten Platz reichen. :D



  • Nugget,
    aber der Scheiß geht ein ganzes Jahr.
    Da müsste man schon ein silbernes Händchen haben bei 10 Verdopplern.
    Oh ja, nicht alle reinzugeben ist sicher gut.
    Ich glaub, man darf ja nicht mehr ändern.

    also doch noch, sozusagen weihnachtsgeschenk.

    Nur sie wollten doch 4 mille fördern. Jetzt nur mehr 2,8 mille.
    Wenn sie die erreichen, bin ich hochzufrieden.
    Da wär dann nur eine frage übrig für mich.
    Zu welchen Kosten?
    Die bisher genannten erscheinen mir zu niedrig.......
    Aber die Eier müssen zuerst gelegt werden. :D

    Sterling Mining Commences Production at the Sunshine Mine
    Thursday December 20, 3:35 pm ET

    WALLACE, IDAHO--(MARKET WIRE)--Dec 20, 2007 -- Sterling Mining Company (Toronto:SMQ.TO - News)(OTC BB:SRLM.OB - News)(Frankfurt:SMX.F - News) today announced that it has resumed initial production at the Sunshine Mine in Idaho, USA. This announcement caps off an extremely productive year for Sterling Mining Company which included becoming listed on Canada's senior exchange, the TSX; a successful fundraising of US$24.7 million; and completion of Sunshine Mine's technical report compliant to Canada's National Instrument 43-101 (the "43-101 Report").

    The 43-101 Report outlines a production forecast for 2008, amounting to 2.8 million ounces of silver with additional copper and lead credits, based on an average milling rate of 479 dry short tons per day for the year. Building on this startup mill throughput for 2008, Sterling anticipates a steady increase in production over the next three years until an average daily processing rate of 1,000 tons per day is achieved.

    The first shipment of concentrate, which left the Mine site this morning for Teck Cominco's Trail British Columbia smelter, comes from processing of newly mined ores.

    Also this week, Sunshine Mine has resumed mining activities on lower levels after a methodical and intense four-year process to rehabilitate, improve and re-commission the Mine after its closure by previous operators in 2001.

    With renovation of the Silver Summit hoist and rehabilitation of the Silver Summit shaft to the 3000 foot level, Sunshine Mine's secondary escapeway system is now complete. Sterling crews are resuming mining activities from 2700 foot and 3100 foot level workplaces idled at closure. Ores from these levels, at closure, averaged 23.6 ounces of silver per ton. In addition to mining activities being resumed on the lower levels, crews are also processing material from Upper Country drifting and exploration.

    Sterling's President Ray De Motte said, "The credit for this historical event goes to the men and women at the Sunshine Mine. Without their expertise, teamwork and relentless efforts this simply would not be possible. We are grateful to the community, employees, vendors, support of shareholders, investors and investment bankers TD Securities Inc. and Blackmont Capital Inc., and look forward to achieving our goal of long-term sustainable production."

    To commemorate achieving this major milestone, Sterling Mining has scheduled a ribbon-cutting ceremony and celebration for February 2008, details for which will be announced in a subsequent press release.

    Sterling Mining Company will provide updates on production and development activities going forward.

    About Sterling Mining Company

    Sterling Mining controls the Sunshine Mine, which began initial production in December 2007, and related exploration lands in the prolific Silver Valley of northern Idaho. The Company also holds several silver properties in Mexico, including the Barones Tailings Project in the Zacatecas Silver District. Shares of Sterling Mining Company trade on the TSX under the symbol "SMQ", on the OTCBB under the symbol SLRM, and also on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the trading symbol "SMX".

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Tschonko, da warst du blitzschnell mit der Meldung von Sterling - ich kann es wieder aus der Zwischenablage löschen :D

    Man beachte: hohe Grade in den tieferen levels (über 20 oz/t, das ist nicht wenig!), wie fast überall (Lucky Friday im Silver Valley, GPR in Gua, u.a.m.)

    Homelberg-contest: nach dem 1.1.08 kannst du nur noch zufügen, wenn du noch keine 10 ausgewählt hast. Scheint keine schlechte Strategie...wenn man dann weiss, welche sich wann verdoppeln, kann man sie kurz vorher noch zufügen :P

    gute nacht,


  • EXN mit Zahlen.
    Auf den ersten und zweiten Blick schlecht.
    Aber soo schlecht sind sie gar nicht.

    Blieb nur eine Mille hängen, dafür sind die debentures in Silber endgültig weg.
    Niedere grades bei silber, dafür bei den anderen Projekten Fortschritte.
    Auch von der Menge oz eher wenig.
    Könnt also wirklich gut werden in den nächsten Quartalen

    Excellon Reports First Quarter Earnings of $1,039,810
    Thursday December 20, 4:49 pm ET

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Dec. 20, 2007) - Excellon Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:EXN - News) reports earnings of $1,039,810 for the three month period ended October 31, 2007. For full details, please see the Company's Management Discussion & Analysis, which was filed on SEDAR,, on December 20, 2007.


    - Reported earnings of $0.007 per share;

    - Produced 404,747 ounces of silver, 3,073,850 pounds of lead, and 3,986,316 pounds of zinc;

    - Paid for and cancelled all silver debentures;

    - Sales of $8,377,391, operating income of $1,931,437, and net income of $1,039,810;

    - Working capital of $(10,055);

    - Cash, short-term investments and silver bullion of $3,939,393

    - Significantly expanded Rodilla Manto;

    - Continued mill evaluation and permitting process; and,

    - Common shares conditionally approved for listing on the Toronto Stock Exchange subsequent to the quarter end.

    To view the Financial Highlights, please visit the following link:

    Test-Mining Program

    Shipments of crushed ore to the Naica milling facility ("Naica mill") of Compania Maple, S.A. de C.V. (a subsidiary of Industrias Penoles S.A. de C.V. ("Penoles")) were 14,351 tonnes for the three months ended October 31, 2007 compared with 11,536 tonnes in the previous year. Shipments currently average approximately 4,800 tonnes per month. The target shipping rate is 6,000 tonnes per month, and the Platosa mine is capable of maintaining this rate of production. Some modifications were completed to the Naica mill in May 2007 and other improvements are currently being implemented at the Naica mill that should allow the operation to process increased amounts of ore delivered from Platosa. The primary constraints at the Naica mill relate to maintaining optimum recoveries while blending the high-grade Platosa ores with the lower grade Naica mine ores. Platosa mine management maintains ongoing dialogue with that of the Naica mill to optimize planning and blending of the Platosa ore to maximize the monthly ore deliveries. Platosa currently supplies about 7% of the tonnage being milled at the Naica mill, but more than 30% of the metal produced.

    Excellon is presently evaluating the construction of a 350 tonne per day mill on the Platosa Property. The mining operation has produced high-grade silver, lead and zinc ore, and sold it to the Naica mill, since April 2005. The construction of the Platosa flotation mill ("Platosa mill") would allow the production of two concentrates, containing silver, lead and zinc, at the site for sale to world markets and would decrease Excellon's current operating costs. Excellon has initiated an environmental impact assessment and process development work for the mill design. Sites near the main mine entry have been selected for construction of the Platosa mill and the tailings dam. Discussions with equipment suppliers and construction contractors are ongoing while the process development work is being completed. The environmental permit is anticipated to be received in the first quarter of calendar 2008. On completion of the process development work, detailed design and equipment selection will start. With receipt of the permit and assuming a decision by the Company to proceed, construction would start later in calendar 2008 with start-up predicted for the latter part of calendar 2008.

    The initial contract for the purchase of 60,000 tonnes of Platosa ore by Penoles was completed in October 2006 and discussions were initiated to settle on new purchase terms. Due to the increasing metal prices for lead and zinc, Penoles and the Company agreed to apply interim terms that included a price participation formula that reflected smelter industry standard practices. The interim terms have been applied to all settlements on ore purchases since November 2006. Excellon has been in discussions with Penoles on the final proposed terms for the deliveries since November 2006.

    Excellon is actively investigating another possible option to mill the Platosa ore that may have more favourable terms to the current ore purchase contract. The option may serve as a complete replacement to the Penoles contract or as a supplement to reduced deliveries to Penoles to improve the overall return on the ore sales.

    Development and mining of the Platosa deposit during the quarter was carried out in the northwest area of the main Guadalupe Manto. Mine production was sustained from this area, with mining from both the areas included in the 2006 Resource as well as from mineralization encountered by mine development outside the mineralization included in the 2006 Resource.

    The metal grades produced during the quarter were significantly impacted by the amount of production outside of both the fiscal 2008 mine plan and the 2006 Resource. The grades encountered in the mine development can be impacted by the lower than average grade encountered in breccia style mineralization common on the fringes of the Mantos, as well as higher than normal dilution as the development headings may not carry a full heading in mineralization.

    The silver and lead grades during the three months ended October 31, 2007 were considerably lower, at 877g/t and 9.7% respectively, compared to the grades for the same quarter in the previous year of 2,555g/t and 12.9%. However, the zinc grade was significantly higher for the three months ended October 31, 2007 at 12.6% versus 6.4% for the same period in 2006.

    The mine development and production continues to be carried out at similar mine depths as the previously mined out areas of Manto 5. Mining of the higher grade material in Manto 6 and the interconnection zone between Manto 5 and Manto 6 continues to be deferred until it becomes necessary to develop the mine to a lower elevation.

    To view the production statistics for the three months ended October 31, 2007 and 2006 please visit the follow link:…e_Months_Ended_Oct_31.pdf

  • Hallo,

    habe heute cash geschaffen ( tax-loss :P ) für Tradings.

    Habe davon UNO gekauft und denke daß sie wieder einen Hupfer machen könnten im neuen Jahr, jetzt noch unter 30 cents zu haben.



  • Gestern war ja erfreulich.

    Endlich einmal hab ich die Sterling unten erwischt. (siehe 18.12)
    2,54$, das passt Es ist ja jetzt wohl wieder ganz gut, einige Aktien in US$ zu haben. Bin da jetzt ziemlich gut drinnen.
    Hab noch eine teuere € Position, kann man ja hier getrost haben, da ja Sterling in D und der CH beliebter ist als in den USA. :D
    Wird ja auch gecovert hier.
    Die Canucks müssen sie noch so richtig kennenlernen.......
    Könnte bis 4 durchgehen jetzt, minimum 3,5.

    Bei Arian silver passierte auch Merkwürdiges
    20.12. 500000 und 21.12. 200000 in D.
    Hat sehr gut angezogen und Dokus gibt´s auch.



    So wie Silbernugget kann man jetzt unten abgreifen.
    Man hat die Qual der Wahl.
    Werd wahrscheinlich auch noch was raustun und einen Gewinner dafür opfern um pari zu sein.

    Ich hab gestern Anfangsposition Silverstone eröffnet. (SST.V)


    Interessanter Beitrag eines Geologen, der die Orko Mine besuchte.…?postid=228060#post228060

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Hab mich gefragt, was ECU mit dem Geld will?
    Eine gute Erklärung liefert Mexico Mike.
    Auf der Homepage tut sich auch einiges.
    Interview mit Altman.
    Neue Präsi wegen annual shareholder Meeeting etc.

    ECU Silver Amends Terms of Debt Facility
    Friday December 21, 5:56 pm ET

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Dec. 21, 2007) - ECU Silver Mining Inc. (TSX:ECU - News) is pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement with IIG Capital LLC ("IIG") to amend the terms of its existing term facility (the "Facility").

    The Facility currently is for an amount of US$12,000,000 with a term ending April 30, 2010. The interest rate is equal to 6% plus the 3-month LIBOR rate, subject to a minimum interest rate of 10% per annum. Principal is repayable in equal monthly installments of US$1,000,000 commencing May 2009. ECU has amended the terms of the Facility in order to permit it to prepay any or part of the principal at its option without penalty at any time on 30 days notice to IIG.

    In consideration of such amendment, ECU has issued to IIG an aggregate of 400,000 purchase warrants ("Purchase Warrants"), with each Purchase Warrant entitling its holder to acquire one common share of ECU (a "Common Share") at a price of $2.85 at any time on or before June 4, 2009; provided, however, that if the closing price of the Common Shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange is equal to or greater than $3.75 for a period of twenty (20) consecutive trading days at any time after April 22, 2008, ECU may give notice to the holders of the Purchase Warrants of the expiry of such Purchase Warrants on the thirtieth (30th) day after the date such notice is given.

    Mexico Mike dazu:

    Very interesting that ECU would choose to announce this news immediately before a long holiday weekend. I think it is good news, but its just the way I am connecting the dots. Earlier this year we got the news that ECU had fully purchased the mine and surface rights to the mill. Previously it had been held in a long term lease agreement. Now we see ECU is making the arrangements to allow them to completely pay off any long term debt commitment, which had already been renegotiated to a lower interest rate.

    I put these together, plus the pending announcement of a larger resource, and conclude that the company is cleaning up the balance sheet, and securing the title to their attractive assets. Now the entire enterprise is just that much more secure and clean for a potential takeover transaction. They are removing any strings that are attached or longterm liabilities, and reducing the company down to one world-class mine and resource that can be bought out by another player with the objective of developing the mine into a big operation that can run for decades.

  • David Bond zu Sterling:
    er spricht nur noch von 2 Mille oz, Srlm vorgestern von 2,8.
    Also ich nehm auch die 2 Mille...
    Aber wieviel wird die oz. kosten?

    Den frommen Bondschen Wünschen zum Schluss schließe ich mich an...
    Wenn es schon nichts nutzen sollte, schaden tut es auch nicht.... :D

    Miracle On Big Creek

    Wallace, Idaho – Christmas arrived five days ahead of schedule for the Silver Valley and Sterling Mining Co., with the Dec. 20 departure of the first load of silver concentrates from the legendary Sunshine Mine and a return to production for the world's premiere primary silver mine.

    This first shipment of just under 300 tons, refined from development ore, wasn't much in terms of metrics. A bit of a test batch to seat the pumps and sumps, to tweak the recovery rates. Resumption of actual commercial-grade silver production cannot happen under federal mine safety rules until the Consolidated-Silver shaft – which is Sunshine's secondary escape-way should something happen to its primary Jewell Shaft, is fully plumbed to its bottom at the 3,100-foot level. They're 100 feet from their goal and should be ready by the time you read this.

    Which means the next batch to run through that grand 1,000 ton-per-day mill – later this week or early next – will be derived from stopes of commercial-grade ore in the production sections of the mine grading 26 ounces or better at the face; real silver ore, whether the price is $6.50 or $12 (or $50?) per ounce. The Sunshine will, next year, produce at minimum well in excess of 2 million ounces; by decade's end the Sunshine Mine will be back up to her old self again, unless silver drops below, say, $5 an ounce in current dollars. A fairly safe bet, we'd say.

    Thursday morning's 7 a.m. departure of that first batch of cons aboard a Zanetti Brothers truck bound for the Cominco smelter at Trail, B.C., was nothing short of a human and technological miracle. It was a kick in the ass to watch in the gathering light of the Big Creek winter; the hand-shakes, the high-fives, the perma-grins from the crews, the “I knew we could do it” spirit. The Sunshine has been returned to life by sheer talent, expertise, and will.

    Our Better Half had been assigned to photograph this historic event; we were along, as a journalist always is, just for the ride. Varying weather patterns ranging from rain to slush to snow – typical Silver Valley weather this time of year – accompanied our 15-minute drive from our home in Wallace to the Sunshine Mine complex up Big Creek. A suspected pair of deer eyeballs peered out of the dark as we rode up the canyon. The wipers slapped.

    Thankfully for silver and the Silver Valley, Sterling's shareholders stood 100-to1 behind their president, DeMotte, when some renegade punks wanted to make themselves temporarily rich by hi-jacking the mine and eking out a little high-grade production for the sake of a press release, Vancouver-style, as opposed to spending shareholders' money on jumbos, on drills, on transformers and upon badly needed ramps and drifts and equipment that might ensure another 100 years' silver production out of the old girl.

    But this is a time for vindication of the righteous, not vilification of the greedy and just plain dumb. It is a time to be gracious. It is a time to feel good: a time for reconciliation. It is a time to celebrate. Sunshine, that magical treasure, is returning to her rightful place in the sun.

    Ray DeMotte is quite right to assign credit for Sunshine's return to production, and the fact that 120 fine men and women are again at work at Sunshine, to his mine manager, Mike McLean, who, in turn, would insist it was the work of his people that made this miracle happen. A culture established by Sterling at Sunshine is that nobody gets hired unless the crew he or she is going to be working with approves. Makes for a pretty tough, family operation.

    DeMotte comes from an English coal-mining background, and knows first-hand what devastation a mine closure can bring. At our first meeting back in May of 2003, shortly after he and Sterling arrived on the scene, sharing a cigarette on the front stoop of his tiny office in Coeur d'Alene, DeMotte was adamant that if he could pull this thing off, it would be for the long haul. “There is no way I am going to preside over a mine closure. I will not reopen the Sunshine unless and until I am positive it will remain open.”

    Long-term thinking like that is rare, even in the mining business. Hecla thinks long-term, as do such giants as Rio Tinto and BHP, which is why companies like Hecla have been around for more than 100 years. The market, however, ofttimes batters such thinking as investors, impatient for a quick buck, fail to appreciate the long-term damage that short-term thinking causes. Short-term, quick-buck artistry plagued the Sunshine Mine in decades past, the mine many times used as a bargaining chip to buy racetracks, oil companies and real estate, and to leverage a disastrous adventure in South America. Each time, the world's richest primary silver mine paid a heavy price. Labour relations predating even the 1972 fire were ugly at best, featuring year-long strikes, record numbers of grievances and NLRB arbitrations, and morale was nothing short of dismal. The mine's 400-odd hourly personnel roster rolled over three times in 1971.

    When Sunshine Precious Metals Inc. shipped Sunshine's last concentrates in 2002 and filed for bankruptcy, most here were convinced it was absolutely the end of the line. “Out of reserves”; “high-cost producer”; “intractable labour force” were the phrases used here and on Wall Street. But the problem was never the mine: It was always the mining company. That so many of the new Sunshine's workforce, including manager McLean, mill superintendent John Ackerman, and dozens of miners and technicians, are guys who worked there before, underscores that point.

    We wish the very best to Sterling and the Sunshine crew. You brought us a nice and early Christmas present, folks. And with 200 million ounces in Sunshine's holds, you should be around for many a Christmas to come.

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • SRLM heute im Hoch schon bei 3,47. (siehe Eintrag 22.12.) mit guten Umsätzen.

    Die Newmac NER.V war heut in der Spitze schon bei 1,5.
    Scheint, als ob das ATH getestet wird......
    Während OTL das 52 wochen low testet.....

    EXN schwächelt nach den Zahlen.

    ALMI.OB hat man in die pink sheets manövriert. Warum???
    Nun ALMI.PK
    Ist aber gut gestiegen die letzten Wochen

    Insgesamt schöne Weihnachtsgeschenke bei geringen Umsätzen.

    Das wünsch ich auch allen Lesern hier (aber bei hohen umsätzen!)
    Ales und macht´s es guat..... :D


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Wieder mal Qualität aus Österreich.... :D

    Dirk Masuch (Geologe, der in Mexico lebt) betreibt folgende Seite.
    Da gibt es eine sehr gute nevada Karte, nur ich kann die Namen schlecht lesen. Wie vergrößert man die?…nevada-gold-investor.html

    Weiters dort gefundenein sehr guter Artikel, eigentlich excellent....

    Monday, November 5, 2007

    The Location Risk in Mining Investing

    By Dirk Masuch Oesterreich

    (This article was just published at Dexterity News, a publication of Brookshire Raw Materials).

    When choosing the right location for doing business mining is fundamentally different from other industries. Miners have to go to where the commodity is found. This often means building a mine in countries that are politically unstable, have poor infrastructure, and often have a certain level of corruption. Once construction begins or a mine is built, a miner is “extortionable” due to the very nature of the asset: immobility. Investors have to choose carefully where to put their money.

    Location is among the biggest business risks for mining companies. However, the risk of doing business in under-developed countries must be balanced against potential rewards to gain perspective. With enough probabilities of adequate rewards going into the riskier parts of the world may very well be worth the risk.

    There is one group of mining companies that can substantially reduce the location risk so that investors would mainly have to assess only geological and company specific risks. This group of companies is the highly speculative junior explorers. The reason is simple: they have no assets to lose. Furthermore, in the (rare) case of a major discovery the rewards can be tremendous. A good example is the success story of Aurelian Resources. Shareholders saw their stock go from 60 cents to a top of 40 dollars in a few months after last year’s discovery of the Fruta del Norte deposit in Ecuador.

    There is another compelling reason for the juniors to make the move into risky areas. Typically, troubles for mining companies start at the development or production level. Problems mostly arise when a company is at a vulnerable time or when there are assets in place that are being mined. Once a certain amount of money is sunken into the ground, miners, out of necessity, mostly will arrange themselves with changing conditions rather than face the risk of loss of their upfront investments and future profits.

    Junior miners avoid this kind of risk almost completely. As long as they don’t have any assets they can mostly go about their business of exploration undisturbed and unmolested, often being helped by local authorities and specialists. Once they find a mineral deposit is when they usually appear on the radar screen. The spot on the screen becomes bigger and bigger the more reserves are being proved. Meanwhile, profits for shareholders begin to materialize by way of an appreciating stock price. From an investment perspective it can be a difficult decision to stick with the company through the development stage, to wait (or hope) for a buyout, or to (partially) get out in order to protect the investment.

    Now, does this mean that junior explorers are less risky investments than established producers? Of course not. However, a quick look at potential traps that can lock up your money invested in a producer may possibly make you reconsider the perceived safety of going with the producers:

    1) change of the tax regime

    2) challenges to land ownership status

    3) delaying / denying of permits

    4) strikes of the workforce

    5) assault and robbery (you think that’s unlikely? Earlier this year the Cerro Colorado Mine in Sonora, Mexico, was robbed twice at gunpoint, the gold in form of dore bars was stolen)

    6) lawsuits, renegotiations, legal action

    7) NGO activities

    8) environmental issues (perceived or real)

    9) accidents and safety issues

    10) government exclusions of prospective terrains

    11) outright expropriation and confiscation

    x y z) insert our own nightmare here

    I don’t know about you but for me this is more risk than I am willing to take. Furthermore, all of these factors are completely out of your control. There is not much you can do other than to sell your shares or sit tight and hope for the best. The whole situation leaves you feel rather helpless all the while you have money tied up that could be better deployed elsewhere.

    These are all reasons that make the junior explorers interesting because almost none of these risks apply to them. But don’t let me be mistaken here. An exploration company is among the ultimate speculations because there is exactly one way for your investment to pay off: the discovery of an economic deposit. This is, in one word, the geologic risk. And for most market participants this one risk factor is more than they are willing or allowed to take.

    As a geologist the geologic risk of course does not prevent me from taking a look at this asset class. To the contrary, this is exactly what I take up as a challenge when I go over a new company. I am much more concerned about the quality and honesty of management and the credits and capabilities of the exploration team. However, evaluating the geological risk factor inevitably gets to the roots of a company and often allows conclusions about the people running the company. Being able to evaluate the geological risk is what makes you see through all the fog and hype built around most companies. It puts you, the investor, in control.

    When you are ready to take on the high risk / high reward opportunities of junior mining investing at Servicios HidroGIS we offer you three ways to help you reduce risk and increase your possibilities of picking a winner.

    In a few hours time we can take a look at the information on the website of the company that caught your interest and see if there are any red flags coming up. If the assets of the company are in Mexico we back it up by checking against our own database of maps and articles.

    We can dig deeper and check for available geological information by means of a comprehensive internet research for relevant material (SEDAR, Geological Surveys, professional associations, scientific publications, geologic maps and articles, and wherever else the trail leads us) within two or three days.

    And in case you need a reality check on the ground we can go there for you and take an on-site look at the property or the mine operation (within the Americas), including a full geological report supported by a complete photo documentation.

    Mineral exploration is a risky business. However, for the astute investor the rewards can be outstanding. The best opportunities for high rewards are never without risk after all. Investing in junior exploration companies is all about balancing risk and reward which can be done to a great degree by getting a hold on the geological risk factor.

    Nevada Gold Investor

    Servicios HidroGIS

  • SRLM scheint nun doch Richtung 4 zu gehen.
    Dann ist aber vorerst mal Schluss.
    Inzwischen ist die € Position auch pari. Aber die 2,54$ vom 18.12. freuen mich schon sehr. :D

    Die SST.V bewegt sich auch nach dem kauf in die für mich richtige richtung.

    Sabina und Mexivada ziehen auch wieder stark an, die zweite nach meldung.
    (Hab beide nicht)

    GOG wurde heute durch rubicon gezogen, dazu noch das JV mit ECU.
    Die ist billig und man kann warten.

    Bei Dirk Masuch hab ich noch einen Bericht über Victoria gefunden.

    Behind Victoria Resource Corp’s (VIT.V) recent core hole NW-5 at the Cove-McCoy project

    By Dirk Masuch Oesterreich

    I wanted to write this for months. I had Victoria Resource Corp. on my mind ever since I came back from the Geological Society of Nevada’s fall field trip in September. Now events passed me by, and what events they were.

    Yesterday, Victoria Resource Corp. announced gold assays from core hole NW-5 at the Cove-McCoy property in north-central Nevada that were just outstanding. They intercepted a composite interval of 61.9 m (203 ft) of 12.57 g/t (0.367 oz/ton) including 13.9 m (45.5 ft) of 37.21 g/t (1.087 oz/ton) gold. It’s share price almost doubled on the news. It has come down somewhat since. True thickness has not been reported yet, though, and is likely to come down. Congratulations to a team of dedicated geoscientists!

    I became aware of Victoria Resource Corp. during the GSN fall field trip in September. Eight out of ten of Victoria’s geologists participated in the field trip. Marcus Johnston, Senior Geologist at Victoria Resource Corp., was behind almost every aspect of the field trip. Marcus functioned as coordinator, editor of the geological guide book, and as a field instructor. Field explanations were also given by Dr. Raul Madrid, Vice President of Exploration, and Dr. Mike Ressel, Senior Geologist. They were assisted by geologists Scott Briscoe, Derek Unger, Ryan Bresnahan, Tomas Correa, and Ken Coleman, who diligently took field notes in the gold mines we visited (“spying”, as I heard someone say…. well, we all were spies these days…). Victoria even sponsored the drinks rather than dinner at Elko’s Western Folklife Center on saturday night, which, I guess, may have reflected their preferences.

    The discovery at Cove-McCoy did not come like a rabbit out of a hat. In January this year, Victoria reported high grade intercepts at Cove-McCoy which kept their share price soaring during the spring. These results were followed up by another, less spectacular intercept announced in may. These initial phase-I drillings were designed to test the geometry of a structural intersection projected at depths sufficient to intercept the silty limestones of the Favret Formation, which is considered to be a very good host for Carlin-type gold mineralization in this area. Victoria drilled a total of four holes (NW-1 – IV) to test structural intersections and the geometry of a potential orebody. In other words, they were refining their structural model and narrowing down on potentially more successful drill targets. Drill hole NW-5 is the first of a series of phase-II drillings and hit the bullseye right away. It is now clear that Victoria has a potential tiger by the tail.

    How did it come to this? The secret behind Victoria’s success is people. Victoria’s geologists have been working diligently on this project and others in Nevada for years and have a profound understanding of how structural controls and Eocene magmatic activity interrelate in the formation of Nevada’s Carlin-type gold deposits. They even made their knowledge available to the public by several scientific publications. Take Marcus Johnston’s 353 pp. PhD-thesis as an example:

    Johnston, M. K. (2003): Geology of the Cove Mine, Lander County, Nevada, and a genetic model for the Cove-McCoy magmatic hydrothermal system.- PhD. Dissertation, University of Nevada, Reno, 353 pp.

    Right. This is the same Cove mine close to Victoria’s Cove-McCoy property. Small wonder they knew where to look for gold in this area and where to find it.

    Other important articles written by members of Victoria’s exploration team include:

    Henry, C. D. & Ressel, M. W. (2000): Eocene magmatism of northeastern Nevada: The smoking gun for Carlin-type gold deposits.- in: Geology and Ore Deposits 2000: The Great Basin and beyond. Geological Society of Nevada Proceedings, p. 365-388.

    Johnston, M. K. & Ressel, M. W. (2004): Controversies on the Origin of World-Class Gold Deposits, Part I: Carlin-Type Gold Deposits in Nevada.- Society of Economic Geologists Newsletter, v. 59, p.1, pp. 11-18.

    Ressel, M. W. & Henry, C. D. (2006): Igneous Geology of the Carlin Trend, Nevada: Development of the Eocene Plutonic Complex and Significance for Carlin-Type Gold Deposits.- Economic Geology, v. 101, pp. 347-383.

    And finally, Mike’s PhD dissertation:

    Ressel, M. W. (2005): Igneous Geology of the Carlin Trend, Nevada: The Importance of Eocene Magmatism in Gold Mineralization.- University Of Nevada, Reno, 276 pp.

    The real secret weapon in Victoria’s pool of highly qualified exploration geologists, however, is Dr. Raul Madrid and the wealth of experience he brings to the company.

    Raul Madrid worked with Dr. Ralph Roberts for 18 years. During this period they refined the criteria for defining gold belts in the western United States, gold belts that go beyond what is usually referred to as gold bearing trends in the Great Basin. As an example, see the map of gold belts on the start page of Victoria Resource’s website. Besides the established gold trends (Battle Mountain-Cortez, Carlin, Getchell, Walker Lane, Independence, Round Mountain – Northumberland) there are several other gold belts that extend into Utah. Note the northwest-southeast alignment of most of the gold belts.

    Dr. Raul Madrid is applying structural analytical methods leading to refined predictive methods in gold exploration. Raul sees the need for future exploration in Nevada in deeper exploratory efforts than today which could open a potential for about 1.5 billion ounces in the gold belts in the western US (that’s right, that’s billion with a “b”). In fact he compares the potential in Nevada and Utah to South Africa’s Witwatersrand.

    It is that vision that separates Victoria’s approach to gold exploration from most of their peers. The success at Cove-McCoy impressively proves that they are on the right path.

    A good starting point for your own due diligence on Victoria Resource Corp. is their website which is a bit of a showoff for whoever coded it. On the other hand, it’s refreshing to see a design that does not use the same design template that 90 % of all the other junior companies seem to be using. It is certainly among the better and most informative sites in this sector.

    If you are interested in a Google Earth kmz-file to see the exact location of the drill site I'll be happy to email it to you. Please contact me at

    Nevada Gold Investor

    Servicios HidroGIS

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Tschonko
    Da gibt es eine sehr gute nevada Karte, nur ich kann die Namen schlecht lesen. Wie vergrößert man die?

    Moin Tschonko

    Karte -- wirklich hervorragende-- ist ja gut lesbar! :]
    Aber die Namenstabelle rechts ist verschwommen, das Druckraster ist mE. zu grob gegenüber der kleinen Schriftgrösse.


  • Hallo edel,
    genau um die companies und die Nummern ging es mir.
    Die erlese ich kaum.........

    Einiges kann man auch hier entnehmen,
    Die zeit sollte man sich nehmen, wenn man an Nevada interessiert ist.

    Black Canyon und dann wieder Cove-Mc Coy kommen im Frühjahr.
    Ersteres kann schon im Jänner passieren, kann sich aber auch hinziehen....

    Hier werden ja 800 meter gebohrt....
    Und sie kommen nicht mit einzelnen Bohrlöchern daher wie andere ...löcher.
    lieblingsbild ist visible gold mit dem nicht manikürten Geologenfinger (Black Canyon). :D


    PS: siehe die letzten postings auf der Vorseite, das bringt dann den Zusammenhang....... :D

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo Tschonko

    Hier das Ergebnis der Bemühungen eines Sohnes, danke!.

    Hat gefiltert usw., mehr geht nicht.

    Er ist mir einiges bei PC´s voraus:

    Mit etwas Mühe ist die 2.Tabelle lesbar. :)


  • Hallo Edel,
    danke, teilweise ist es lesbar, mehr nicht.

    Bactech hat den Scorpio deal bestätigt bekommen.
    Mir ist es ja noch immer vollkommen schleierhaft, warum gerade bactech.......
    Die haben ja noch kein Bein auf den Boden bekommen.
    In Nevada gescheitert (Tonkin Springs ging an US Gold)
    Mit den bakterien verdienen sie auch kaum was...etc. etc.

    Es könnte doch wohl mit der bakterien lösung für Metalle zu tun haben.
    das soll ja die recavery rate um einiges verbessern.

    "BacTech has developed and patented bacterial oxidation technology for the treatment of refractory ores and concentrates to enhance the recovery of gold, silver and base metals. BacTech has successfully commissioned three bioleach plants for gold and demonstrated its technology in the selective recovery of base metals from complex sulphide concentrates in a joint project with Industrias Penoles de C.V. of Mexico that was completed in 2001. The Company's focus is the acquisition of equity positions in projects amenable to bioleaching."

    und die recovery rate wird immer wichtiger werden bei der Bewertung von Minen.
    Die sollte man jetzt schon immer miteinbeziehen.

    Scorpio Mining wird 46% an der neuen halten. Das ist mein einziger grund, warum ich scorpio noch halte. Da ensteht einiges an Wert.....

    Irgendwie reizt mich die neue auch, aber ich glaube, die kann man sich nach listening auch noch kaufen. Bin mir aber nicht sicher.........

    Was wird die für eine MC haben? BM hat 57 Mille (Shares outstanding 57,607,206), dazu kommen noch welche von einem PP, das Scorpio Gold begibt.

    BacTech Shareholders Approve Merger With Scorpio Gold Corporation
    Friday December 28, 11:15 am ET

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Dec. 28, 2007) - BacTech Mining Corporation (TSX VENTURE:BM - News; "BacTech" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that shareholders at the special shareholders meeting held today, voted 99.6% in favour of approving the merger (the "Merger") of the Company with Scorpio Gold Corporation ("Scorpio Gold"), a 93%-owned subsidiary of Scorpio Mining Corporation (TSX:SPM - News; "Scorpio Mining").


    In addition to approving the Merger, the shareholders of BacTech voted in favour of changing the name of BacTech to "Scorpio Gold Corporation", and in favour of changing the size and composition of BacTech's board of directors, as set forth in the Company's management information circular dated November 12, 2007.

    The combined company will hold interests in 2 past-producing gold mines in Nova Scotia, a polymetallic exploration project in the Gaspe, Quebec, as well as access to numerous projects under evaluation by BacTech.

    As consideration for the Merger, BacTech will issue 2.6 common shares for each common share of Scorpio Gold outstanding and will exchange any outstanding Scorpio Gold warrants for BacTech warrants based on the same 2.6:1 exchange ratio. The Merger constitutes a change of control of BacTech as Scorpio Mining will, on the closing of the Merger, hold approximately 46% of the issued and outstanding common shares of BacTech.

    Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP acted as BacTech's legal advisor. Axium Law Corporation acted as legal advisor for Scorpio Gold.


    Completion of the transaction is subject to a number of conditions, including TSX Venture Exchange acceptance. The transaction cannot close until the required acceptance of the TSX Venture Exchange is obtained. There can be no assurance that the transaction will be completed as proposed or at all.

    Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the Management Information Circular, any information released or received with respect to this transaction may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon. Trading in the securities of BacTech should be considered highly speculative.

    The TSX Venture Exchange has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • AUN.V hab ich nach einem Monat mit Verlust verkauft und dafür SST.V gekauft. (Siehe Seite 1)

    Insgesamt hab gut 25% Plus gemacht in 07. (rechne immer genau den depotwert Anfang und Ende des Jahres ohne Einlage/Entnahme).
    Was dabei seltsam war (hatte ich noch nie!), das depot war das ganze jahr nie im Minus. Das möcht ich eigentlich beibehalten, weiß nur nicht wie...??? :D

    Gewinne wurden großteils nach einem Jahr Behaltefrist eingefahren, der Rest mit Verlusten gleichgestellt.

    UND: mit Silberaktien war nichts zu gewinnen für mich in 07.
    Wozu man sagen muss, dass das nicht ganz stimmt, weil
    ich hab ja eigentlich von den Positionen gezehrt, die ich im herbst 06 gekauft hatte wie Sabina, Orko, UC, Premier Gold, MAR.AX, EXN. Da wurde auch einiges verkauft.

    Weiters hatte ich stark auf Drillingcomp. gesetzt, was voll aufgegangen ist.
    EGD war ein Hammer und Cabo hat es mir "gehoben" (aus verlust in ein gutes Plus). Von Cabo erwart ich auch heuer einiges, hab nur eine von 6 Positionen verkauft.
    auf die G´wichteln kommt´s schopn an

    Neben CBE hat es mir heuer noch FCO.TO und VIT.V gehoben.

    dabei hab ich auch starke minuspositionen aufgerissen wie EXM.V und CPN.TO, weiters nicht so arg YLL.V, UNO.V Kimber und Bandera, sowie die immerwährende Clifton, die neben EXM noch stärker gewichtet ist.

    Gut gestiegen sind auch meine 2 Ölis, CNQ und OMV.
    Solaraktien hab ich heuer leider nicht gehabt, wär schön gewesen.

    Dass das Ergebnis so ausgefallen ist, dazu haben auch noch die Zocks VMS.V und NER.V beigetragen. Aber da weiß ich fast sicher, dass ich das jahr bei denen nicht vollkrieg. VIT.V war auch stark im Dez. und SRLM und SST lassen sich auch gut an.

    Grösster fehler war Mitte August voll investiert zu sein. Das hab ich einfach zu spät gemerkt, da die Driller noch gut gingen im Juli und der depotstand relativ gut war. Höchststand Anfang Juli mit + 50%, den ich dann nochmals Anfang Nov. erreichte.

    Bei mehr traden hätt man sehr gute Ergebnisse erzielen können, einige laden ja dazu ein wie Sabina, FR und auch SRLM........
    Hab ich aber sein lassen aus Steuergründen.

    Insgesamt wird das ganze immer schwieriger, weil man mehr Sachen beachten muss.
    Und der gesamtmarkt (DOW) hat noch nicht gekracht, Seit August wissen wir ja, dass wir da am schnellsten unten sind.
    Ich steh überhaupt nicht auf achterbahnfahrten und da vor allem, mag ich schon gar nicht, die steilen Abfahrten.... :D
    Die möcht ich auch 08 vermeiden.

    Bei der Kimber weiß ich auch nicht, was ich tun soll, hab da zu lange zugeschaut wollt eigentl. verkaufen, jetzt werd ich wahrscheinlich aufstocken müssen.

    Ja, was ich noch getan hab und bei einigen schlicht übersehen hab, weil zugierig (die steigt bestimmt noch weiter! :D Kennt man doch oder?),
    dass ich bestehende Positionen verbilligte, soll heißen, dass ich die teurste Pos. verkaufte und dann weiter unten wieder zukaufte.

    Beispiel VIT, wo ich es nicht tat. dafür hatte ich meine gründe.
    3 posi: 1,2, 0,9 und 0,68. Jetzt steht sie bei 1,33.
    Ich könnt nun die 1,2 verkaufen und warten, hab mein geld wieder, noch immer eine gute Pos. wenn sie nun auf 1 fällt, kann ich wieder eingehen, wenn sich fundamental nichts verändert hat.
    Das hätt ich natürlich schon bei 1,5 tun können im Dez.
    Möglichkeit ist auch die 0,9 rauszunehmen bei eher langsamen Anstieg.

    Ja noch was:
    Abstiege wie bei Gammon od ALMI etc. hab ich nicht mitgemacht, bzw. nur so lange, bis die Pos. ins Minus gerutscht wär.

    Ich hab zu viele werte im Depot, da sollt ich was machen.
    So great funds G´schichten wie VMS und NER werd ich wohl weiterhin spielen.
    Und dass ich die Noront bei 0,37€ knapp vor dem urlaub nicht gekriegt hab, dass ärgert mich zwar nimma, aber stören tut es mich gewaltig... :D

    Morgen wird in Kanada noch gehandelt, da wird dann noch mal frisiert an den Depots.
    Ich glaub (eigentl. weiß ich das!!), dass 08 für Silbercompanies ziemlich gut wird (dazu siehe auch Satz 1).
    Aber das glaub ich jedes Jahr...... :D


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

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