Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Tschonko, gutso

    Prima Links und Auszüge,danke.

    Der Degraaf passte auch in andere Sräds rein,wirklich gute Charts.
    Aber die Antwort,was zu tun ist, überläßt er jedem selbst, klar.

    Über Embry haben wir uns früher schon bei Juniors unterhalten.
    Ist einer der Seriösen der Szene.
    Insoweit ist sein Silberoptimismus sehr ernst zu nehmen.

    So oder so bleibe ich jedenfalls hoch investiert. :)

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Hallo gutso,
    zu Sterling sag ich nichts als nicht Investierter. :D
    Aber es ist vollkommen normal. ( die Macht des PP!)

    Abnormal ist, dass USA.V eine MC von 200 Mille hat.....
    Abnormal ist auch, dass das PP von Sterling so schlecht ging.

    Wiederum abnormal, dass gerade jetzt so viel frisches geld ins Valley kommt.

    Normal ist, dass Sterling die Sally ausperformen wird.

    Aber was ist schon normal?

    Irgendwie kommt mir das auch irgendwie wie eine Demonstration/Installation für De Motte vor unter dem Motto: "Geh Voda, da schau her.....!"

    Mir hat der Absatz über Hommel am besten gefallen vom Bond.
    War wie Schoko auf der Zunge....

    dass mit den guten Meldungen und dem nicht Steigen der Aktien sollte man schon beachten.
    Bin wie immer cashlos, weil ich schlicht nicht weiß, was hergeben.
    Außerdem erziehe ich mich mit dieser Methode auf hervorragende weise.
    kann mich noch erinnern, da hab ich mal Cash gemacht, a bisserl mehr als sonst und nach drei Tagen war es wieder weg.
    Ich hab ja immer mindestens 5 aktien im schädel, die ich begehre..... :D
    Das mit den Aktien ist mir übrigens lieber als mit Frauen.......
    Mann, das wär erst ein Chaos....
    Da mag ich ja gar nicht dran denken.
    Schluss, auuus, schluuusss....

    Aber 2 orders hab ich drinnen für Morgen.


  • Zitat

    Original von Tschonko
    Hallo gutso,
    zu Sterling sag ich nichts als nicht Investierter. :D


    das finde ich löblich, ...
    genau, reden wir lieber über Normales und Abnormales ... :D


    Aber es ist vollkommen normal. ( die Macht des PP!)

    Abnormal ist, dass USA.V eine MC von 200 Mille hat.....
    Abnormal ist auch, dass das PP von Sterling so schlecht ging.

    Wiederum abnormal, dass gerade jetzt so viel frisches geld ins Valley kommt.

    Dass das PP aber jetzt immer noch so drückt - und auf so konzertierte Art & Weise - überrascht mich dennoch.
    Vor allem, dass sich alles auf einmal entladen hat, am Montagmorgen.
    Heute war der Handel schon wieder fast im normalen Bereich, umsatzmässig.
    Habe da aber keine recht grossen Erfahrungen, wie das Kursverhalten bei PP's üblicherweise aussieht, muss ich mal dazusagen.
    Ich dachte, jetzt ist längst alles über die Bühne gelaufen.
    Aber: dann waren das im Dezember wohl die Leute, die aus ihrem Bestand heraus SRLM-Aktien verkauft hatten und die Aktie damit auf 2,70 US $ gesenkt haben.
    Und jetzt waren es Leute, die von ihren aus den Zertifikaten eingetauschten Aktien welche verkauft haben, also welche aus dem PP selber.
    So könnte ich mir das ja noch erklären, dass nochmal ein Absetzer gekommen ist, aber sonst ... hmn.

    CA:USA müsste meines Erachtens bei dem doch noch recht unklaren Stand, wann da mal was losgeht, und wann real Geld zu verdienen ist, erstmal bei maximal 30 Mio Marktkap liegen. Sag ich mal so. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass Ryan von U.S. Silver Corp wirklich was drauf hat, er hat ein paar ziemlich grosse Probleme zu lösen.

    Aber: er hat offenbar ein ganz gutes Händchen beim Anbandeln von Geschäftsverbindungen.
    Oder lief nur wieder mal alles zufälligerweise glücklich für Ryan?
    Na, das wird immer unwahrscheinlicher. Der kann schon was.


    Irgendwie kommt mir das auch irgendwie wie eine Demonstration/Installation für De Motte vor unter dem Motto: "Geh Voda, da schau her.....!"

    Genau das Gefühl kann einen beschleichen, vielleicht ist da auch was dran, aber ... ich denke einfach es liegt am unterschiedlichen Rhythmus, der da jetzt erkennbar wird, - bei CA:USA kann man die immense Fantasie sehen, ein neuer Stern am Himmel.
    Die Sterling wirkt für die Amis vielleicht schon wieder so ein wenig unspektakulär, man kennt die Story ja mittlerweilen.
    Vielleicht ist es solch eine Art Logik, die da dahintersteckt.

    Wie auch immer: Mal der Langweilige zu sein und andere neben sich heller schimmern zu sehen, das genau schadet De Motte sicher nicht, im Gegenteil!
    Irgendwie hatte ich sowas ja auch gehofft, bezüglich De Motte, habe ich auch immer wieder mal geschrieben!
    Nicht weil ich Sadist wäre, sondern weil mir Selbstgefälligkeiten noch nie gepasst haben.

    Zum Beispiel die abfällige Reaktion von Monique Hayes auf meine Frage bezüglich des Galena Mine Deals von Ryan, wo er De Motte ausgestochen hat:
    "He just made a good deal". Und das sei auch alles, weil er die Mine doch eh nie zum Laufen bringen werde.
    U.a. weil Sterling denen die Arbeiter abwerben will.

    Ob die das jetzt wirklich noch einfach so schaffen? Wohl kaum so einfach, wie es noch vor einem viertel jahr ausgesehen hat.

    Konkurrenz hat jedenfalls noch nie geschadet! :D


    Mir hat der Absatz über Hommel am besten gefallen vom Bond.
    War wie Schoko auf der Zunge....

    Muss den Bondartikel morgen lesen, bin schon zu müde.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    ...Polymetal geht an die Börse / LSE:

    ".... Shrugging off reports of investor fatigue with Russian companies, Polymetal, the world's fifth biggest silver miner ?(, plans to sell 30 per cent of its shares in a simultaneous offering in London and Moscow next month.

    The company has set a price range of $7.25-$9.50 per ordinary share....."…s/news/article2201322.ece

    NS. 16:25 : Inzwischen in Deutsch =):…n_die_Boerse_ID41921.html

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • GOG.V hat trading halt.

    Noch was zu AMC.V:
    Die Drillergebnisse des 2. Loches sollten in der nächsten woche kommen.
    Da gibt es dann die Bestätigung oder auch nicht.
    Wenn ja, dann Abmarsch.
    In den letzten beiden Tagen gut erholt, was ja ein Fingerzeig ist. :D


  • Hallo gutso,
    weil wir gestern noch von Lektionen gesprochen haben.
    Hier sind Teil 1 und 2! :D

    Bei der MC von USA. V hab ich mich vertan.
    SNS: ca 55 Mille
    USA: ??
    SRLM: ??

    Tom Szabo zu Sterling u. Strategic nevada:

    Strategic Nevada vs. Sterling

    Strategic Nevada Resources (SNS), the new owner of the Crescent mine in the Silver Valley of Idaho, received a glowing write-up by Bob Moriarty yesterday. In his piece, Mr. Moriarty compared Crescent management to Sterling, slamming the latter for ineffectual decision-making. Unfortunately, Mr. Moriarty is about 18 months too late in publicizing his candid assessment of Sterling. His timing is bad for other reasons too, being that SNS appears to be following in Sterling's early footsteps of mistakenly arousing high shareholder expectations only to have them bashed later as reality sets in. This could take some time for SNS as the full weight of reality has not yet hit Sterling shareholders after more than 3 years. Yet the value differential between the two companies has now become so lopsided in favor of Sterling that extreme speculators might consider taking an outright trading position in Sterling with a planned holding period of 3 to 6 months. I would base this speculation purely on property fundamentals as neither company has a man at the helm with exploration or mine development experience (well, actually Sterling's Ray De Motte now has over 3 years of experience but little good has that brought him so far).

    Und Bob Moriarty zum selben Thema:…iarty/moriarty012907.html
    Bilder im Link anschauen!

    A Tale of Two Projects
    Bob Moriarty
    Jan 29, 2007

    The classic novel "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens begins with the immortal words, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." It was the most famous opening lines of a book in history. Throughout the book, Dickens compares two cities and two characters. This piece will attempt much the same.

    Our goal at 321Gold is to try to support the mining industry by supporting individual companies. There is no particular "Industry" as such that you can touch and feel and see. It's a vast collection of characters and companies and projects and constantly-changing perimeters. I can't predict the price of gold tomorrow much less next week or next month but managers in mining have to guess what the price of gold or copper or moly will be five years from now. If their guess falls too far off the mark, they lose bunches of money for shareholders.

    Part of our effort to support the industry and its recropical, supporting our readers, involves traveling all over the world and writing about projects. We hope that we can understand the often complex story of individual projects and companies and do a successful job of telling that story to our readers.

    In July of 2003 I drove down from Fairbanks, Alaska to Reno in a truck I had bought at auction in Alaska. Barbara encouraged me to stop in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho and visit one of our advertisers, Sterling Mining, since they had just completed the acquisitisition of the world famous Sunshine Mine. I did and the resulting piece I wrote was my greatest failure in writing up mining companies. Ray Demotte of Sterling was the focus of the piece and despite every bit of effort I could put into helping Sterling, he has spent the past 3 and a half years stumbling over his own two feet.

    So this piece is going to be an apology to all those readers who listened to what I had to say in 2003 and an attempt to show how I think success in the silver valley is still an alternative for some. While I helped the Sterling stock go from $.75 to $14 in a six month period, with Ray's remarkable ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory on a constant basis, he managed to drive the stock from $14 a share to its current $3.10 all by himself. I can only stand by in wonder and watch the remarkable panorama which continues to this day.

    In technical terms, all I need to say about the Silver Valley of Idaho is that it has produced a boatload of silver over the past 122 years. It is the largest silver district in North America with production of over 1 billion ounces of silver. Ignoring the lead, zinc, copper and antimony, the Sunshine mine produced over 328 million ounces of silver, the world famous Bunker Hill mine produced more ore but only 161 million ounces of silver and the lesser-known but richest mine in the valley, the Crescent mine, produced 28 million ounces of silver, often with bonanza grades of over 50 ounces of silver to the ton.

    In June of 2003, Ray Demotte, President and CEO of Sterling signed a deal to lease the Sunshine Mine for 15 years. His cost of silver per ounce of historic resource was about $.02 an ounce. Every year he has to issue more shares to keep the lease. He got probably $100 million dollars worth of mill thrown in for free. It was the deal of the century and he knew it. Silver was about $4.50 an ounce.

    click on images to enlarge
    Craig Roberts of PI and Bob Moriarty Kurt Hoffman and David Greenway Craig Roberts in Hopper Tunnel Sunshine Mill across the street from the Crescent Mine

    In early January of 2007, Neil Linder, President and CEO of Strategic Nevada Resources (SNS) closed the PURCHASE of the Crescent Mine for $650,000. It sits in between the Sunshine and the Bunker Hill Mine. I spoke with Brian White of the Silver Valley this week. He is the top geologist in the valley and knows the mines better than anyone else. He now works for SNS Silver (new name as of mid-February) as their head geo. He has already planned a $1 million dollar drill program with a target of about 45 million ounces in resources. That's right at $.02 an ounce. But silver is now $13. Alas, SNS did not get a free mill.

    When I came down to Coeur d'Alene in July of 2003, I met with Ray, with his top management guy, John Swallow and the wonderful folks at Pennaluna. When asked, Ray thought his stock might go up as high as $2-$3 in the next year. At that point he would do a major financing to get the money to get the Sunshine in production. He had 10.5 million shares.

    I told him he had an easy $6-$8 stock just based on the ounces in resource and the name. And that it was mandatory that he get off the pink sheets. He responded that he needed to do an audit to get off the pink sheets and the total process would take about 4 months.

    We were both wrong, the stock shot up to $14. By then, Ray thought he was so smart that he ran around Vancouver telling everyone the stock was worth $30. Same stock, no mining plan, nothing had changed except for the price of the stock and his ego. Even I underestimated the value of the name. It made Sterling worth twice what I believed.

    It took Demotte 36 months to eventurally get Sterling off the pink sheets, he's the kind of guy who confuses motion for action, he never raised any serious money when the stock was rocketing. By his actions and lack of management direction, the stock plummeted from $14 to a low of $2.60. He's up to 40 million shares outstanding and no one in the valley seriously believes the Sunshine will get into major production under his management. He cost his shareholders $150 million and for that I will never forgive him.

    In three weeks, Neil Linder of SNS has hired the best and most knowledgeable geo in the valley. He has the financial support of Pacific International which is Cal Everett in Vancouver who works with the smartest financial and technical guys in Canada. They have already raised $8 million dollars for exploration and development. Silver Wheaton has invested money. (and investors need to realize Silver Wheaton has no deal to buy silver at a discount) Neil's guys on the ground in Idaho have already started a refurb of the few buildings that came with the deal. They have a plan for cleaning up the tunnel so they can get in and drill and are working on planning a drill program to start in 6-9 months.

    It's just my opinion and I am biased in the matter but in real terms, Neil Linder and David Greenway, VP of Corporate Development for SNS have accomplished more of importance in three weeks than Ray Demotte has in 3.5 years. They have a real plan, a real management team, real financial backing (for the institutions in Vancouver who just convinced their customers to fork over $8 million to Sterling at $2.20 a share, you should have talked to a few people in the valley about Ray and his reputation. You wouldn't have invested)

    I was on the ground at the entrance to the Hooper Tunnel at the Crescent Mine a few days ago. You can throw a rock across the street and hit the processing plant for the Sunshine. The ore at the Crescent is literally across the street from the plant at the Sunshine. The ore Ray wants to mine is a mile away from his own mill. For Ray Demotte to not step up to the plate and even bid on the Crescent shows how little he understands. SNS literally stole the single best property in the Valley and Demotte could have bought better ore than he owns for the cost of a minor drill program. He just doesn't get it.

    Ray just spent about $4 million dollars buying a tailings pond from Formation Capital. The negoation for the property is the talk of the valley. Formation had no use for the property and there were environmental issues. They were real close to having to reclaim it and that costs money. While I was down there in the valley I was told Formation probably would have taken any reasonable offer and I heard numbers between $100,000 and $1 million. Ray never asked them how much they wanted, he just offered $4 million. They snapped it up before he could wake up to what he had done.

    I'm angry, I think you may sense that. Ray Demotte had the world on a silver platter and he couldn't handle it. I dropped them as advertisers and stopped writing anything about them when he looked me in the eye and told me that his long-awaited audit was complete. Since I knew his financial guy, I knew and he knew that it simply wasn't true. I'll deal with fools but I won't deal with those who look me in the eye and don't tell the truth.

    It's a new day in the Silver Valley. The Crescent Mine is the richest mine in the valley. It will be a repeat of the Sterling story but with a happy ending. There is adult management running the place, they are fully financed and every guy now working for Sterling (except perhaps for one) will be putting in his application soon to work at a real mine with real miners.

    Brian White understands the valley and where the ore is. He's looking for good help and is thinking about how and where to drill even now. The team is coming together and it's a flipping good team. Tom Fudge is a director and he has deep roots in the valley, he's first rate.

    I like thinking of it as the Dream Team. It will be the most interesting silver project to work on in the world. The Crescent Mine under its current management and supporters is aiming at being both the biggest and best silver mine in the valley and maybe the world. With only three weeks under their belt after the closing, it's easy to see they are on track. The race is not always to the swift nor the battle to the brave, but that is the way to bet.

    I almost always shudder when I see mining websites. Many of them are a disaster but I don't mind all that much because I'd rather see them good at mining. The SNS website is a model of brilliance. You can read it and understand just who they are and what they have in mind to do.

    SNS hasn't succeeded just yet and Sterling hasn't failed just yet. But I know where I want to put my money and I have. Ray has blown out the last of his authorized 40 million shares and one day soon he will have to hold a shareholder's meeting to get permission to print more shares. If Sterling shareholders ever want to see a return, they need to be asking hard questions of management. It's long since time for a change.

    I'd rather be going to the SNS shareholders meeting. It will be the one with all the smiling faces.

    Strategic Nevada Resources is an advertiser. We have bought shares both on the open market and participated in the recent placement. I have visited the property and I like it. I like silver and mining in the Silver Valley. I even like some of the chain-smoking old coots I met there who know all that there is to know about mining in the valley and who have left an enduring legacy for future generations. I am biased so before investing in anything do your own due diligence and take some responsibility for your own decisions.

    I'd like to see one of the silver juniors become a 10 million ounce silver per year producer and my money is on SNS to do it first. They will stumble and make the odd decision now and again but I believe they will not be making the same bad decisions again and again for 3.5 years.

    I am still on the road, and won't hit home for another 4 (four) weeks many of which will be spent in the boondocks of Tanzania, so please hold off sending email until the end of February.

    Strategic Nevada Resources Corp
    SNS-V $1.83 Canadian (January 26, 2007)
    30 million shares fully diluted (about)

    Die von Mariarty hochgelobte Website:

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Hallo Tschonko,

    das macht jetzt aber wirklich Spass! Mehr Informationsdichte, als durch soviel aufgewühlten Staub, wird man über die "Minen-Matrix" von Pushern, Analysten und CEO's in USA und Kanada wohl selten vorgesetzt bekommen.
    Motto, Definition einer Mine: "A hole in the ground with a liar at the top."

    Ich würde ergänzen: " ... behind a lap-top." =)

    Die Chance, das mal - so kurz und knapp - und in Aktion und so übersichtlich nebeneinander legen zu können, ist wohl eher selten.


    Enttäuschte, ehemals allzu euphorische Liebhaber sind eben nie gerecht!

    Moriarty, 2003

    mit Zitaten von diesem Artikel 29 Juli 2003:

    Moriarty, 2006

    Das ist dann der voben verlinkte Artikel vom 29. Januar 2007.
    (Darin - habe ich eben bemerkt - findet sich auch der Link auf seinen alten Artikel, - der Versuch einer Immunisierung.)


    Ignoring the lead, zinc, copper and antimony, the Sunshine mine produced over 328 million ounces of silver, the world famous Bunker Hill mine produced more ore but only 161 million ounces of silver and the lesser-known but richest mine in the valley, the Crescent mine, produced 28 million ounces of silver, often with bonanza grades of over 50 ounces of silver to the ton.

    Das stimmt alles insofern, als dass die Grades der Crescent offenbar auf enger konzentriertem Gebiet besser waren, aber die Ag-Erze der Sunshine vielfältiger verteilt sind - und dadurch vermutlich längerfristig immer noch weit ergiebiger sind (u.a. über die reichhaltigsten Argillite-Siltite-Vorkommen der Gegend in relativ guter Erreichbarkeit vom Erdboden aus gesehen) und damit hat die Crescent für mich immer noch ein Fragezeichen - ein grosses Fragezeichen.
    Wir sprechen bei der Sunshine von der ZEHNFACHEN Produktionsmenge und vermutlich weitläufiger verteilten Erzen ... ! ;)

    Für mich sind die Leute ziemliche Pusher, allerdings halbwegs informierte. Vielleicht dadurch umso gefährlicher .. wer weiss.

    Ich mag diesen übertriebenen Ami-Stil einfach nicht so gern.
    Erst ist alles super, dann ist alles Scheisse. Himmelhochjauchzend-Zutodebetrübt.

    Differenzieren ist deren Sache nicht. Für mich ist Crescent Randsache.
    U.S. Silver Corp. könnte da schon interessanter werden, wenn sie die Probleme meistern, vor denen sie stehen.
    Sie können aus den Gebieten der ASLM und der SBUM was machen!!
    Das sind Spitzenclaims!

    Und überhaupt: in einem Jahr ist De Motte dann wieder der "Good American Guy", ders eben doch noch geschafft hat.
    Wider Erwarten.

    Ich sage nur: Testen wir diese Postings in einem guten Jahr, - so ca: April 2008. ;)

    Und: Solche Heiss-Kalt-Duschen sollen schon gesund sein, - wenn man mal das Herzinfarktrisiko dabei vernachlässigt! :D

    Für mich hat die Crescent nicht annähernd so viel Potential, wie die Sunshine.
    Vor allem, - das erscheint auch etwas lächerlich, wenn man sich allein die explorierbaren Gebiete anguckt.
    Aber sie sind eben immerhin der günstigste, verbliebene Deal der letzten 8 Wochen im Silver Valley gewesen. (Mindestens einen wüsste ich noch, aber zu meinen Anfragen bezüglich des Fahey Group Property wollte mir David Bond im November 06 - bis heute - ja partout nix schreiben.)

    Nee, - also das ist jetzt vermutlich wirklich zuviel des Guten, so auf De Motte rumzuhacken.

    Aber: was denkst Du? :D


  • Ich muss leider Bob Moriarty zu grossteil recht geben mit seiner Meinung uber Ray und Sunshine, wenn er Pech hat dann wechsel die letzten Mohikaner zu SNS, wenn sie mehr zahlen !
    Dort Personal zu bekommen ist nicht einfach, keiner hat Bock in einer Mine zu arbeiten.
    Wenn FCO nur 1million USD wollte warum hat Ray 4 mille bezahlt ?
    Was laeuft da wieder hinter der Buehne ab ?
    Ein Edgar Wallace ! :D
    Promises and lies, ich stecke keinen Cent mehr in ganze Tal bis einer endlich was produziert.
    Die Sterling und NJMC sitz ich aus oder beim Stoploss fliegen sie raus.
    Vergisst nicht die EPA hat auch noch einiges zu sagen.
    Die Wahrheit liegt irgendwo in der mitte, SNS fass ich aber auch nicht an bei dem Lob von Bob Moriarty. :D

    Bei FCO habe ich schon einen verdoppler die reisst die Sterling wieder raus. :D

    Nice stories im Silbervalley, seeing is believing !

    How about Shoshone Mining ?? die hatte ich auch mal, uber die hat sich Ray den Mund zerissen als ich dort war.
    Er sagte dort passiert gar nichts, und bei ihm ? :D
    Anstatt Sunshine auf Vordermann zu kriegen geht er und kauft Land von FCO. ?(

    Let's issue more shares for 360m Ounces in the ground. :D

    Who wants some ?



  • Zitat

    Original von Eldorado
    Was laeuft da wieder hinter der Buehne ab ?
    Ein Edgar Wallace ! :D

    Hallo & guten Abend Eldo!

    Ok, das war verständlich gesprochen. :D

    Ich gebe zu, ich glaube die Situation für De Motte ist, - obwohl das hier im Forum teils schon anders gesehen wurde in den letzten 12 Monaten, - dass er ein wenig isoliert dasitzt, im Valley, seit der aus seiner Sicht "feindlichen" Galena und Crescent Deals.

    Er hat nur seine Beteiligungen, Leases und dagegen eher wenige Directors in entsprechenden Firmen sitzen, die im Valley eine Rolle spielen.

    Aaaber: das ist eben sein Stil. Und die Gebiete sind riesengross.
    Ich tippe: er kommt in dem Moment aus dem Loch raus, wo die Sunshine wirklich ein Quartal lang produziert hat.
    Also zwischen März und Juni 2008.

    Komisch, ich halte von der Crescent Story wirklich nicht so viel.

    Aber wovon ich schon gar nicht soviel halte, ist

    Die rutschen doch bei jeder Bitch übers Silicongebirge. :D


  • @eldo, gutso

    meine Antwort hier:…?postid=146268#post146268

    Nur so viel, die tailings von formation könnten noch sher viel wert werden für de Motte......
    eldo, den Verdoppler hab ich auch bei FCO, aber nur bei 2 Dritteln.
    FCO könnt heuer der Durchbruch gelingen. Dann kommt noch ein verdoppler....
    Dafür bin ich bei SRLM bei 3,25 raus....

    Impact nun auch in D:

    GOG.V wieder handelbar:

    ECU Silver and Golden Tag Announce High Grade Silver-Lead-Zinc Values in Continuing Exploration on the San Diego Joint Venture, Mexico

    TORREON, COAHUILA AND MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(CCNMatthews - Jan. 31, 2007) - ECU Silver Mining Inc. (TSX VENTURE:ECU - News; "ECU") and Golden Tag Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:GOG - News; "Golden Tag") are pleased to report high grade mineralization was intersected in step-out drilling on the Montanez Vein, San Diego property, Durango State, Mexico.

    Three recent drill holes intersections in the Montanez vein have returned:

    - 3,680 grams silver per tonne (g/t Ag) with 7.85 % lead and 10.9 % zinc over 0.75 metres (2.5 feet) in hole SD-06-01;

    - 2,801 g/t Ag with 8.89 % lead and 6.13 % zinc over 1.05 metres (3.4 feet) in hole SD-06-01A, including:

    -- 5,030 g/t Ag with 14.8 % lead and 8.63% zinc over 0.55 m (1.8 feet);

    - 1,254 g/t Ag with 0.91 % lead and 2.24 % zinc over 0.55 metres (1.8 feet) in hole SD-06-10;

    - Stringer and skarn-type mineralization continues to be encountered in all drill holes and includes higher grade areas such as:

    -- 1.07 g/t Au and 550 g/t Ag with 3.46% lead and 5.69% zinc over 0.83 metres (2.75 feet) in hole SD-06-01.

    It is noteworthy that holes SD-06-01 and SD-06-01A, laterally 12 metres (39.36 feet) apart, as well as hole SD-06-10, all intersected the Montanez vein within diorite and are situated 135 metres (442.8 feet) east of an intersection within the Montanez vein grading 1,016 g/t Ag over 1.16 m (3.80 feet) obtained in limestone with associated skarns in hole SD-06-02 (see Press Release: December 7th, 2006). Silver values of 3,680 g/t Ag (SD-06-01) and 5,030 g/t Ag (SD-06-01A) from fire assaying with gravimetric finish were reported over intersection lengths of 0.75 m (2.5 feet) and 0.55 m (1.8 feet) respectively in both new Montanez vein intersections. The silver-rich mineralization in the veins is associated with lead and zinc-rich massive sulphides hosted within with Quartz-Fluorite-Carbonate breccias within moderately fractured and carbonatized diorite. Both holes were terminated within broken ground related to a broad fault zone and before intersecting the La Cruz or La Rata veins.

    Readers are cautioned that until a complete pre-feasibility study is completed, there are no assurances that these mineralized zones will be economically viable nor that future grades will be equal to the latest findings.

    Skarn and stringer mineralization

    Zinc-silver-bearing stringer-style mineralization reported from initial drilling in hole SD-06-02 continues to be encountered within and adjacent to the diorite intrusion. This style of mineralization has been encountered in all holes to date. Assessment of the distribution, character and potential of this style of mineralization will be made after additional drilling and interpretation. Highlights from recently returned assays in hole SD-06-01 include:

    - 381 g/t Ag, 0.11% Pb and 0.12% Zn over 0.5 m (1.6 feet) (from 13.2 to 13.7 m) - from an oxidized vein;

    - 1.07 g/t Au, 550 g/t Ag, 3.46% Pb and 5.69% Zn over 0.83 m (2.7 feet) (from 104.1 to 104.93 m).

    "We are pleased with all the data collected to date on the San Diego JV property with Golden Tag. The quality of the latest results justify further drilling on the property once the current program is completed as the continuity of the veins as well as the grades have exceeded our expectations," noted, Mr. Michel Roy, Chairman and CEO of ECU Silver Mining.

    Diamond drilling at the San Diego property is continuing with two holes currently underway and one hole remaining to complete the 3,500 metre Phase 1 exploration program initiated in September 2006. Three of seven known veins on the property are being targeted, on a wide spaced pattern of drilling along the La Cruz, La Rata and Montanez veins. The program of exploration is the first modern exploration on the property and is supervised by joint venture partner ECU Silver Mining Inc. An additional phase of diamond drilling is presently in the planning stage and it is expected that this work will commence after completion of the three remaining Phase 1 holes.

    Readers are cautioned that until a complete pre-feasibility study is completed, there are no assurances that these mineralized zones will be economically viable nor that future grades will be equal to the latest findings.

    Na sicher doch, wissen wir........

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Neues zum Dreieck EXM.V, IPT.V und YLL.V.
    Yale gibt´s übrigens auch in D.
    Passiert heute Bemerkenswertes mit dem Kurs. :D
    Zuerst 27% rauf, dann mit einem Schlag wieder runter auf Ausgangslage. Bekannt?

    Yale Confirms High Potential of Zacatecas Properties
    Wednesday January 31, 6:02 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BC--(MARKET WIRE)--Jan 31, 2007 -- Yale Resources Ltd. (CDNX:YLL.V - News) (Frankfurt:YAB.F - News) is pleased to report that results from the first phase sampling and mapping program on the Salvador, Zacatecas and San José properties confirms the significant potential of the properties. These three properties, along with the San Sabino claim, make up the Zacatecas Venture, in which Yale has the right to earn an 80% interest in from IMPACT Silver Corp. (CDNX:IPT.V - News). The Zacatecas district is one of the most famous historic silver mining districts in Mexico.

    The historic mines throughout each of the properties and samples near these mines grading up to 145 ounces per tonne silver (see news release dated October 17, 2006) combined with the recent results show that there remain significant exploration potential within the properties and that each property warrants drill testing. A drill is being mobilized to the Zacatecas area and will arrive towards the end of February to commence a core-drilling program on these properties.

    This ongoing work is being supervised by consulting geologist Edward Lyons, P.Geo.

    Salvador and Zacatecas -- 1,337 g/t silver found in outcrop.

    The Salvador and Zacatecas properties are contiguous and host two main veins (with splays) that have silver grades that range from 100 to 1,410 g/t. The Salvador Vein lies to the NE and has been traced for 450 metres within the property. The Zacatecas Vein has one sub-parallel vein and has little outcrop but many shafts and dumps that indicate a strike length of at least 350 metres within the property.

    Of the 61 samples analyzed, 31 contained over 100 g/t silver. Due to the lack of outcrop (primarily a result of mining activity) a majority of sampling was done on the historic mine dumps that exist throughout the properties. This recent sampling of these dumps confirmed the earlier sampling and returned average grades 200 to 300 g/t silver.

    The highlight of the sampling program was one pair of chip samples that averaged 1,337 g/t silver over 1.08 metres true vein width on the SE part of the Salvador Vein. This confirms that higher-grade silver mineralization does exist within the vein system and that the down dip continuation of the veins is a viable exploration target.

    San José -- additional silver and gold exploration target identified.

    The San José concession hosts two vein systems. The northern San José vein is made up of two sub-parallel veins with an oblique splay. Several shafts and cuts on the vein mark its length over 250 metres but the strike length is open in both directions. The sub-parallel vein along the south fault contact has little development and is poorly exposed but extends into a zone of silicification.
    Of the 44 samples analyzed, 14 contained over 93 g/t silver. A significant difference at San José from the other claims is the consistently elevated gold values. Previous sampling of dumps (see news release dated October 17, 2006) identified gold values up to 7 g/t and silver values up to 145 ounces per ton. Recent sampling returned 2,180.0 g/t silver (or 63.5 ounces per ton) and 3.15 g/t gold. Outcropping vein at this dumpsite returned 208.0 g/t silver, 1.00 g/t gold, and 2.32% lead over 57 cm.

    The eastern extension of the San José vein is poorly exposed but one outcrop graded 428.0 g/t silver and 0.97 g/t gold over a true width of 0.98 metres.

    A new exploration target has been identified within the San José claims as recent sampling one hundred and fifty metres away from the known workings and dumps returned gold values from 0.27 to 0.87 g/t and silver values up to 531.0 g/t (15.4 oz/T) in outcrops over a widespread area. Below is a list of results from this new area:

    True Width
    Concession Type (m) Ag g/T Au ppm Pb %
    San José float 176.0 1.12 -
    San José chip 0.99 149.0 0.27 1.75
    San José chip 0.98 218.0 0.36 1.16
    San José chip 0.98 531.0 0.87 -
    Field work is on going with additional samples having been sent to the lab. Results will be released when received and interpreted.

    Edward Lyons, P.Geo, who supervised the fieldwork, is a Qualified Person according to NI 43-101 and has reviewed this news release. Samples were tagged for identification after collection and securely stored at the IMPACT base camp until shipment. A total of 5% assay standards and 5% blanks were inserted into every sample shipment as a quality control measure. All samples were shipped to the ALS Chemex preparation laboratory in Guadalajara (Mexico) and the pulps were then shipped to the ALS Chemex laboratory in North Vancouver, Canada where a 30 gram split of each was assayed for gold and silver by standard fire assay and a 10 gram split was analysed for an additional 30 elements by ICP spectrometry.

    On behalf of the Board,

    "Ian Foreman"
    Ian Foreman, P.Geo.
    For additional information on Yale Resources please call the Company at 604-678-2531.

  • Sieh an, jetzt hat´s mir seit langem wieder einen Beitrag nicht genommen.

    Eine ältere Meldung zu Yale, die die Verbindungen etwas darlegt.

    Yale Re-Starts Multiple Field Programs in Mexico
    Thursday January 18, 2:08 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BC--(MARKET WIRE)--Jan 18, 2007 -- Yale Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:YLL.V - News) (Frankfurt:YAB.F - News) is pleased to report that exploration programs on the Urique Project and Zacatecas Venture have re-started after the Christmas break. Yale has the right to earn a 75% interest in the Urique Project from EXMIN Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:EXM.V - News) and the right to earn an 80% interest in the four properties that make up the Zacatecas Venture from IMPACT Silver Corp. (TSX VENTURE:IPT.V - News).
    In addition, the Company is organizing a field program for its wholly owned Carol copper-zinc property and is vetting additional opportunities in Mexico.

    The Zacatecas Venture -- preparation for drill program:

    Fieldwork has re-started on the Zacatecas Venture -- currently made up of four properties. To date 121 samples have been taken from various workings and outcrops on the Salvador and San Jose claims. The continuing fieldwork will finish sampling and geological mapping at Salvador and San Jose as well as complete the sampling and mapping on the San Sabino and Zacatecas claims. Results are pending and will be released once they have been received by IMPACT Silver -- the operator of the exploration programs.

    The exploration targets at Zacatecas are bonanza grade silver veins that have been the subject of mining in the district since the arrival of the Spanish some 450 years ago. Each of the properties in the Zacatecas Venture has seen past production as evidenced by the numerous shafts and old waste dumps that have been identified to date. These dumps (see news release dated October 17, 2006) have averaged greater than 250 g/t silver in initial sampling.

    IMPACT has a diamond drill that has been committed to the Zacatecas Venture and this drill is expected to start a first phase drill program on the properties during the first quarter of this year.

    The Urique Project -- detailed sampling to define drill targets:

    There are currently two field crews working on the 290 square kilometre Urique Project. The first field crew is finishing work on the Cerro Colorado target. The Cerro Colorado target is a 2+ km long structurally controlled breccia, which initial sampling by EXMIN showed +1 g/t gold occurring at a series of locations along the entire strike length of the structure.

    The current program at Cerro Colorado is designed to fully test this mineralization by detailed geological mapping and sampling. The goal of this program is to define drill targets for a significant drill program planned for late 2007. Results from this first phase of exploration are pending and will be released when the partners have received the full data set and have integrated the results into the growing database that the partners have for the Urique Project. When this crew is finished at Cerro Colorado they will move to the San Pedro target area where the partners have sampled some bonanza grade quartz veins (see news release dated September 6, 2006).

    The second field crew has been dispatched to the southern portion of the property where there are four known mineralized target areas. This initial recognisance program is programmed to take two months and result in the partners being able to prioritize the targets for detailed follow-up work programs to take the targets to the drill ready stage.

    The main exploration targets within the Urique Project are large-scale precious metal mineralized systems. The Urique Project contains 7 mineralized targets, which include several historic mines and numerous small-scale workings. The Urique Project is located immediately north of Goldcorp's El Sauzal property, currently in production and host to over 2 million ounces of gold, and immediately south of Kimber Resources' Monterde Project, which is host to a reported 800,000 ounces of gold and 45 million ounces of silver.

    Ian Foreman, P.Geo., President of Yale, is the Qualified Person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101, for the Urique Project and the Zacatecas Venture.

  • hab grade zeitgleich noch was im SRLM Thread ergänzt, was mir wichtig ist.

    da isses.

    Grüsse & Glück auf!

  • EXN.V hat ATH. Auch nicht schlecht. Mit hohen umsätzen.

    FR.V wird zur Zeit auf den 5,4 gehalten.
    Ein 9seitiger bericht von Sprott nach Besuch der Minen.…OTT-SECURITIES-070201.pdf

    Kursziel 7,2C$. Serrr konservativ.

    Keith schaut mit Helm irgendwie anders aus.... :D

    Den Vergleich mag ich schon nicht mehr hören:
    "We maintain that First Majestic’s aggressive growth strategy should catapult it into the upper tier of silver
    producers, and create shareholder value as it grows. Given our current assumptions First Majestic will
    reach Hecla’s level of production by 2008 and Hecla has a market capitalization of US$700 million."

    Hecla hat auch viel Gold, was nicht bewertet wird.

    Mei drittes fettes ding SBB.V geht auch wieder nordwärts.

    Alles paletti! :D


    PS: Yale hat ca. 25 mille shares am Markt, das hab ich oben vergessen.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Gemeinsame Freude über die 3 Musketiere ! :]
    Auch bei Impact.

    Nb: Minera Andes und Premier Gold dicht an ihrem ATH.
    Und mit aussichtsreichen Charts.

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Hab soeben "Idiot wind" in einer langen liveversion gehört.

    he won the war,
    after loosing every battle...

    Heute gab´s kräftiges SL Schütteln, besonders bei FR und SBB.
    Sind ein paar freiwillig gehüpft...
    Schaun die nicht auf das Volumen? :D


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