Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    PR vom 1.02.02.
    Endlich mal eine Übersicht mit Produktionszahlen sowie Vorschau für 2007:

    "....GREAT PANTHER RESOURCES LIMITED (TSX: GPR) is pleased to provide the following update of 2006 production and projections for 2007 for its two 100%-owned mines in Mexico. In its inaugural year as a primary silver producer, Great Panther brought both the Topia Silver-Lead-Zinc Mine in Durango and the Guanajuato Silver-Gold Mine in Guanajuato into production and steadily increased throughput at both operations from their respective starts through the balance of the year....."

    ".... Taking both operations together, the company expects 2007 cash operating costs to be approximately US$4.66/oz Ag Eq....."…-and-Projections-For-2007

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • @edel,
    bei den 4,66 sind aber die anderen Metalle miteingerechnet.

    Stimmt das, dass bei Topia eine größere mill gar nicht mehr bringt?
    Die 1,200 tonnes/day at Guanajuato by May of 2007 hören sich gut an.

    700000 oz. Klein aber fein.
    Machen die schon Gewinn wie IPT?

    Noch ein anderer Bericht:

    Bandera Gold Ltd.: Revised Summary of NI 43-101 Report
    Friday February 2, 3:38 pm ET

    EDMONTON, ALBERTA--(CCNMatthews - Feb. 2, 2007) - Bandera Gold Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:BGL - News) -
    (Clarification) Some highlights of the NI 43-101 Technical Report completed on December 11, 2006, and filed with the TSX Venture Exchange, in addition to selected information regarding our anticipated work schedule for the next six months to a year, are as follows:

    1. The chronological history of the Cinco Minas and area mines illustrates the vast potential of this overall mining area to support economical mining activities today and in the future. Bandera Gold Ltd., together with our joint venture partner Minera San Jorge (MSJ), is making considerable positive strides to make this happen. The company cautions that a feasibility study has not been completed and there is no certainty that the Company's proposed operations will be economically viable.

    2. New low level aerial photography and GPS controlled survey work will be undertaken during the early spring of 2007 when vegetative cover is at a minimum in order to proceed with field exploration and mapping of known mineralized deposits in the El Abra and El Abrita areas of the Cinco Minas property. This will allow for new three dimensional mapping to be completed in order to be able to prepare a thorough block model of the fault structure and related cross structures.

    3. Test production of high grade materials (old tailings dump material and other materials obtained from small high grade deposits on the Cinco Minas property) will be commenced between late February and early March when construction of the 60 tonne/day mill has been completed. There is sufficient high grade material within the old dumps (greater than 6000 tonnes selectively determined) to run the mill for at least 100 days. Assays taken indicate an average grade of 3.44 g/t (0.100 oz/st) Au and 333.02 g/t (9.71 oz/st) Ag (see Appendix 1).

    4. Additional high grade feed for the mill will come from the Destajos and Trinidad level adits as well as other high grade areas which have been and are being identified. This high grade material will be blended with lower grade materials from Cerro Colorado and/or additional old tailings dump materials. It is expected that sufficient volumes of high grade material will be available to run the 60 tonne/day mill in a testing mode for at least an additional year and that these will provide sufficient feed for the 250 tonne/day mill (to be constructed later this year) for at least as long. Sampling in the San Diego Cross area of the Destajos level produced an average grade across 6.3m of 4.0 g/t (0.117 oz/st) Au and 458 g/t (13.36 oz/st) Ag (see report at page 1). Disclosures of gross value in the January 31 news release are hereby retracted.

    5. Bulk sampling has been completed at the crest of Cerro Colorado and this lower grade material will be used in a test heap leach operation with the objective of expanding the heap leach pad to at least 500,000 tonnes over the next six months to a year. An agreement has been reached with the local council to develop an area of approximately 244,750 square meters (24.5 hectares) for use in the test heap leach operation (see page 27). It is expected that the pad will be ready for initial heap leach testing by late summer or fall of 2007.

    6. The mineral resource volumes have increased significantly for the inferred resource category to 4.80 million tonnes from 0.40 million tonnes, a twelve-fold increase (see Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimates at page 81). The following table summarizes both indicated and inferred resource information as per our technical report:

    Ag Avg. Avg.
    cut Grade Grade Ounces Ounces
    Resource off Tonnes Ag Au Ag Au
    Location Category (g/t) (millions) (g/t) (g/t) (millions) (thousands)
    Minas Indicated 30 2.27 171.9 1.22 12.50 89.1
    Minas Inferred 30 0.40 137.9 1.07 1.80 13.8
    Cohete Inferred 30 2.50 64.1 1.09 4.63 79.2
    Colorado Inferred 30 1.30 64.1 1.09 2.50 42.8
    San Juan/
    Coral Inferred 30 0.60 97.9 0.56 1.90 10.8
    TOTALS Inferred 30 4.80 74.5 1.02 10.42 142.8
    TOTALS Indicated 30 2.27 171.9 1.22 12.50 89.1

    7. To date, references from older reports have indicated that only 20% of the known main Cinco Minas vein system has been tested. Bandera intends to continue field work begun in 2006 to identify new sources of mineralized sections. It is expected that this work will considerably enhance the reported mineral resource volumes given in this technical report.

    The technical information contained in this news release was collected, compiled and reviewed by Richard Munroe, B.Sc., FGAC, P.Geo., a qualified person under NI 43-101.

    Bandera Gold Ltd. is a Junior Canadian Exploration Company whose corporate strategy is to build shareholder value by finding and developing overlooked and undervalued mineral properties in North America and South America. By partnering with an experienced mining and mineral exploration entity, the Company's core focus will be the continued exploration and advancement of the Cinco Minas property in Mexico to production, exploration of the Gran Cabrera property in Mexico and the exploration of the Belmira property in Colombia.

    On behalf of the Board

    Kelvin Williams, CEO

    The foregoing information may contain forward-looking statements relating to the future performance of Bandera Gold Ltd. Forward-looking statements, specifically those concerning future performance, are subject to certain risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially. These risks and uncertainties are detailed from time to time in the Corporation's filings with the appropriate securities commissions.

    The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

    Kelvin Williams
    Bandera Gold Ltd.
    (780) 465-4129
    (780) 469-6040 (FAX)

    Investor Relations
    Micro Cap et al

  • Tom Szabo zu den großen drei co und EDR:
    Für FR.V wäre ein AMEx Listening auch so bald wie möglich erstrebenswert, möcht ich hinzufügen.

    Today, I would like to briefly talk about a silver stock which might be poised to hit the mainstream in the next year or two. By mainstream, I mean the likes of Pan American, Silver Standard and Silver Wheaton (the "Big Three"), currently believed by many to be the best and purest silver stocks to own. Well, there are several strong contenders to join that select group, but I believe Endeavour Silver might have an edge. The key is getting a big boost in resources, ramping up production and acquiring another project or two. I believe these are all achievable in the medium term although by no means are they certain. What is certain is that Endeavour Silver's recent AMEX listing (EX) will make the stock easier to own when and if it hits the mainstream radar. Some patience will have to be exercised with a silver stock like this but I believe it has a solid place in a long-term silver portfolio, even (perhaps especially?) as a substitute for one or more of the Big Three. I own a few thousand shares.

    Top picks in silver stocks:…p-picks-in-silver-stocks/

    In diesem thread geht es geau um die companies, die dann kommen.
    Aber zuerst kommen bei der "Masse" die top picks. :D

    Interessanter Artikel:

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Zu GPR: Hab mal in den letzten Quartalsbericht reingeguckt.
    Danach hatte sie noch mit Verlust gearbeitet.
    Führte auch --leider --viel fresh money durch einige Kapitalerhöhungen zu.

    Wichtig aber ihr Hinweis, daß sie in 2007 die Produktion vervierfachen wollen!
    Dann sieht das sicher schon anders aus.

    Naja, mit den Equivalent costs,machen die meisten auch.
    Wie soll man die Minen mit mehreren Metallen auch vergleichen?


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Hallo edel,
    danke, ich hatte die so mit gut 2 Mille in Erinnerung.
    Da sind mir die oz 700t relativ wenig vorgekommen.
    Wenn sie das einhalten, ist viel Luft nach oben.

    Ja machen alle so, außer die reinen silver plays :D
    So sind die Kosten von 14,6 relativ hoch.
    Liegt auch an der Minenstruktur.......

    EDR: Szabo spricht dir aus der Seele....


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Tschonko
    EDR: Szabo spricht dir aus der Seele....

    Jo, Tschonko
    Und wie, dem alten EDR ler ! :]

    Hab deshalb auch Deinen Szabo - Auszug für den EDR Sräd "abgekupfert." :D

    Bin da nochmal auf die prima Performance eingegangen.

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • The World's Top 20 Undeveloped Silver Deposits

    A corporate presentation from Mines Management Inc. listed the world’s Top-20 undeveloped silver deposits. I thought it would be instructive to see which public companies own these deposits. Silver is in a bull market after all. They are roughly listed from largest to smallest. Often new drilling results will expand the estimated size of these deposits so the relative size of each deposit can be a moving target.
    Wo ist denn die Sterling.... ?( :D...schauts a bissl auf die Revett.

    Peñasquito, Mexico – Glamis Gold [acquired by Goldcorp (NYSE: GG - News) in early November]

    Pascua-Lama, Chile – Barrick Gold Corporation (NYSE: ABX - News)

    San-Cristobal, Bolivia – Apex Silver Mines Limited (AMEX: SIL - News)

    Navidad, Argentina – Aquiline Resources Inc. (TSX: AQI.TO - News) and IMA Exploration (AMEX: IMR - News) are in a legal fight over ownership.

    Cerro Rico – Bolivia – Corporación Minera de Bolivia [COMIBOL] and Franklin Mining Inc (Other OTC: FMNJ.PK - News).

    Corani, Peru – Bear Creek Mining Corp. (TSX VENTURE: BCM.V - News)

    Ocampo, Mexico – Gammon Lake Resources Inc.

    Montanore, Montana, USA – Mines Mangement, Inc. (AMEX: MGN - News)

    Veladaro, Argentina – Barrick Gold Corporation (NYSE: ABX - News)

    Rock Creek, Montana, USA, – Revett Minerals Inc. (TSX: RVM.TO - News)

    Prognoz, Republic of Sakha, Russia – High River Gold Mines Ltd. (TSX: HRG.TO - News)

    Hackett River, Nunavut, Canada – Sabina Silver Corporation (TSX VENTURE: SBB.V - News)

    Maverick Springs, Nevada, USA – Silver Standard Resources (Vista Gold) (NASDAQ: SSRI - News)

    Pirquitas, Argentina – Silver Standard Resources Inc. (NASDAQ: SSRI - News)

    San Bartolome, Bolivia – Coeur d' Alene Mines Corporation (NYSE: CDE - News)

    Dolores, Mexico – Minefinders Corporation Ltd. (AMEX: MFN - News)

    Palmarejo, Mexico – Palmarejo Silver and Gold Corporation (TSX VENTURE: PJO.V - News)

    Candelaria, Nevada, USA – Silver Standard Resources Inc. (NASDAQ: SSRI - News)

    Waterloo, USA – Pan American Silver Corp. (NASDAQ: PAAS - News)

    Bowdens, New South Wales, Australia – Silver Standard Resources Inc. (NASDAQ: SSRI - News)

  • Die SRLM ist ein unmittelbarer Konkurrenzbetrieb. Offenbar kann man sich nicht riechen und gönnt dem andern das jeweils einfliessende Kapital nicht.
    Deshalb erwähnt man sie nicht.
    David Bond hat sich vor ein paar Wochen über die Mines Management lustig gemacht ("a Treasure, buried ..") und nun ignoriert man eben die SRLM bzw. das Silver Valley dafür wieder.

    Alberne Spielchen, da muss man nicht einfach drauf reinfallen.

    Ausserdem werden die Reserven und Resourcen im Silver Valley unterschätzt.

    Ich gebe aber auch zu, dass mir der Stil, wie Minen in USA und Canada gepusht und dann wieder kalt abgeschreckt werden, um ordentlich Kohle zu machen, nicht so gut gefällt.
    (Siehe Bond / Moriarty Schlagabtausch aktuell ... da kann man kurz drüber lachen, aber je mehr man drüber nachdenkt eigentlich traurig, das Ganze.)

    Irgendwie machen die Aussies das anders.


  • Wen es interessiert...? Mich nicht. :D

    Here is my review on the Vancouver Gold show, & Silver.

    This is a 20-minute video presentation for those who don’t like to read reports.

    Gather your family, and show them this report.

    Afterwards, I invite you to share your comments at the new “Hommel Forum”.

    You can comment on this report here:

    Thank you.

    Jason Hommel

  • Hallo Herr Hommel!

    Mich auch nicht!

    Aber danke für Dein Posting, immerhin, er predigt noch!

    Da hol ich zur Feier des Tages gleich eine 5-kg Reliquie raus & schlag mit dem Franz-Lehar-1970-25-Shilling dagegen.

    Viel schöner, der Ton!



  • Hallo gutso,
    im Hommelforum war ich kurz.
    Da ist´s aber noch ziemlich einsam....

    Fortuna and Continuum Buy Processing Plant for San Jose, Mexico
    Monday February 5, 9:00 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Feb. 5, 2007) - Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. (TSX VENTURE:FVI - News; "Fortuna"). Mr. Jorge Ganoza, President of Fortuna, is pleased to announce the purchase by Fortuna and Continuum Resources Ltd. ("Continuum") of a 100% interest in an operational mineral processing plant and other mine equipment for the high grade San Jose silver-gold project in Mexico. San Jose is being explored and developed under a joint venture between Fortuna (76% ownership) and Continuum (24%).

    The plant is located 12km from San Jose, and was processing silver-gold mineralization from the San Jose mine up until November of last year. The plant is permitted and comprises conventional crushing, grinding, and flotation circuits with capacity to treat 150 tonnes per day. San Jose silver-gold concentrates were sold on a regular basis to Met-Mex, the Penoles smelter in Torreon, Mexico. Production records indicate metallurgical recoveries of 80% for silver and gold.

    The vendors have made key investments in equipment and infrastructure to upgrade the plant to 360 tonnes per day, and an 8' x 9' ball mill was recently installed. These upgrades are included as part of the acquisition. The mine equipment acquired includes rubber tired underground loaders, air compressors and hoists. All the equipment is operational.

    The total purchase price for a 100% interest in the processing facility and mine equipment is US$2,250,000, to be paid in three installments of US$750,000 over a twelve month period, with the first payment made on signing of the agreement. The transaction is subject to an additional 15% for value added tax.

    With the acquisition of the plant, Fortuna and Continuum are moving forward on their plan to re start the mine in 2007 in tandem with an aggressive exploration program to expand the existing resource at the project.

    San Jose Project

    San Jose is a high-grade silver-gold project in Oaxaca, Mexico. Fortuna's recent drilling at the project returned a series of Bonanza style high grade intercepts outlining a mineralized shoot that remains open at depth and along strike (see Fortuna news release dated September 5th, 2006). Drilling is expected to resume shortly with two rigs being mobilized to the property.


    Fortuna is a growth oriented, silver and base metal producer focused on mining opportunities in Latin America. Our primary assets are the Caylloma Silver Mine in southern Peru and the San Jose Silver-Gold Project in Mexico. The Company is aggressively pursuing additional acquisition opportunities. For more information, please visit our website at


    Jorge Ganoza Durant, President

    Garibaldi Receives Title to Ocampo Area Claims, Acquires Additional Contiguous Claims and Announces Private Placement Financing
    Monday February 5, 9:00 am ET

    IRIS CLAIMS, OCAMPO AREA, MEXICO--(MARKET WIRE)--Feb 5, 2007 -- Garibaldi Resources Corp. (the "Company") (CDNX:GGI.V - News) is pleased to announce that it has received formal title from the Mexican Department of Mines for the 5,600 hectares of ground (the "Iris Property") acquired in the government sponsored lottery of prospective ground in the Ocampo area conducted in January 2006 (see Company's news release dated February 8, 2006). The concession acquired by Garibaldi adjoins the north western boundary of Gammon Lakes' Ocampo Property and is situated 3 kilometres west of Agnico-Eagle's Pinos Altos Property.

    Recently completed reconnaissance on the Company's Iris claims confirmed significant gold values associated with silica anomalies identified from ASTER satellite images. Composite float samples from two sites (approximately 500 metres apart) returned gold values ranging from 0.55 to 0.787 g/t gold. Subsequent to receiving initial results, Garibaldi staked an additional 1,700 hectares of ground adjoining the northern boundary of the Iris Property. With this northern extension, Garibaldi's Iris Property captures a larger portion of the regionally extensive Ocampo Caldera which hosts Ocampo, Pinos Altos and the Moris Mine recently acquired by Exmin/Hothschild.

    Private Placement Financing

    The Company also is pleased to announce that it has agreed to a non-brokered private placement of up to CAN$90,000.00 of its securities consisting of the sale of up to 150,000 units at a price of $0.60 per unit, each unit consisting of one common share in the capital of the Company and one-half of a non-transferable share purchase warrant with each whole warrant entitling the holder to acquire one additional common share of the Company at a price of $0.70 per share for one year.

    The private placement is subject to acceptance for filing by the TSX Venture Exchange.


    Steve Regoci, President

    To view the map accompanying this release, please click on the following link:

  • Hab meine kleine Position PDO.V verkauft:
    am 11.1 zu 0,35 rein, heute zu 0,53 raus. 50%+

    Dafür heute YLL.V gekauft.
    JV Partner von EXM.V (das sind die mit Hochschild!) und IPT.V:

    Damit indirekt IPT.V noch höher gewichtet. Die hab ich in einer mittleren Position, dafür mehr EDG.V (die sind an IPT.V beteiligt) und jetzt eben YLL.V. (gibt´s auch in Frankfurt, aber noch unter Ausschluss der öffentlichkeit mit Moontaxen).
    Fehlt noch EXM.V!

    Möcht noch darauf aufmerksam machen, sich die Karte von Garibaldi anzuschauen! (siehe letztes Posting - hab die nicht)

    American Bonanza:

    American Bonanza Exploration Drilling Success at Copperstone

    Clifton Mining: mit Frühjahrsnasenbohren!
    Die lassen bohren durch Dumont. Auch praktisch und flockenschonend.

    MERGER: werden ja für die Silbrigen auch immer anstehender.
    Und das ist doch ein sehr interessanter......von der Konstruktion gesehen. Wird Nachahmer finden!

    Queenstake und YGC:

    DENVER, CO and VANCOUVER, BC, Feb. 5 /CNW/ - Queenstake Resources Ltd. ("Queenstake") (TSX: QRL - News; AMEX: QEE - News) and YGC Resources Ltd. ("YGC") (TSX: YGC; F:ZH6) are pleased to announce that they have agreed to combine the two companies to create a new publicly traded company ("Newco"). The business combination is proposed to be structured as a plan of arrangement, but other structures are being considered. Under the agreed upon terms, shareholders of YGC will receive one common share of Newco for each share of YGC held, and shareholders of Queenstake will receive one common share of Newco for each ten shares of Queenstake held. Outstanding warrants and options in each company will be exchanged on the basis of the same ratio.…eenstake_merger.html?.v=1


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Mal wieder zum golddrivers contest:

    tschonko 17.99%

    1 Excellon Resources EXN.V 1.23 1.62 0.39 31.7%
    2 Formation capital Corp. FCO.TO 0.46 0.59 0.13 28.3%
    3 X-Cal Resources XCL.TO 0.29 0.37 0.08 28.1%
    4 Golden Tag Resources Ltd. GOG.V 0.52 0.65 0.13 25.0%
    5 UC Resources UC.V 0.44 0.55 0.11 25.0%
    6 Minefinders Corp. Ltd MFL.TO 10.67 12.44 1.77 16.6%
    7 Energold Mining Ltd. EGD.V 1.45 1.67 0.22 15.2%
    8 Orko Gold Corp. OK.V 0.53 0.59 0.06 11.3%
    9 Sabina Resourecs Ltd. SBB.V 2.35 2.43 0.08 3.4%
    10 First Majestic Corp. FR.V 5.35 5.10 -0.25 -4.7%

    Bin da jetzt 31.:
    der 10. hat 22% plus, der 100. 10%. Alles sehr eng.

    Ich hab am 18. u. 22. die damals jeweils letzten dieses Depots, das ich auch real habe, nachgekauft. das waren OK. und UC.

    Demnach wäre jetzt FR.V ein klarer Kauf.
    dass die in diesem Depot mal Letzter sind, da hätte ich kräftig dagegengewettet. :D Nun die einzige Minusposition.
    Nur ich hab genug.
    FR. ist auch so ein klarer Kauf. Ebenso noch immer Excellon.
    weniger gefäält mir Golden Tag zur Zeit.

    Minefinders sind, wie schon hier vor 2 Monaten bemerkt, eine der sichersten plays in diesem jahr.
    Da braucht man sich nur die Historie von Gammon Lake anschauen.
    Ein trottelsicherer play ist auch Energold.

    Dass X-CAL jetzt schon antaucht, hätt ich nicht erwartet.


  • :D - jetzt erst recht ein klarer Kauf

    First Majestic Silver Corp.: La Parrilla Silver Mine Update and New NI 43-101 Resource

    Tuesday February 6, 9:00 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Feb 6, 2007 -- FIRST MAJESTIC SILVER CORP. (CDNX:FR.V - News)(Other OTC:FRMSF.PK - News)(FWB: FMV) (WKN: A0LHKJ) (the "Company") is pleased to announce an update regarding its activities in Mexico at its flagship property, the La Parrilla Silver Mine and the resource development drilling presently underway.

    The La Parrilla Silver Mine is located about 1km from the village of San Juan de La Parrilla and 75km SE of Durango, Mexico. Covering in excess of 3400 hectares, with excellent infrastructure, the mine is only 4km off of the main highway which links Durango and Zacatecas. Among the several large vein systems included within the La Parrilla property boundaries, the Company is focusing on the La Rosa/Los Rosarios, San Marcos, San Jose, San Nicolas, Vacas, Quebradilla, La Luz and Recuerdo structures.

    To date, 126 diamond drill holes totalling 30,096 metres have been completed. Six drill rigs are operating full time in the different regions within the property. The drill program was designed to develop additional resources, explore known mineralized areas and assist in mining activity. An updated NI 43-101 report has been posted today on SEDAR ( Due to the lag time between completion of each drill hole and the receipt of results and preparation of reports, this updated NI 43-101 report covers only 100 of the 126 holes for a total of 23,702 metres. The total current resources are estimated as follows:

    Total Ounces
    Grade Grade Silver Silver
    Resources Tonnes Ag g/t Au g/t ounces Equiv.
    Indicated 1,800,465 282 0.13 14,488,459 20,859,348
    Measured 66,835 274 0.05 589,815 596,563
    Total Measured+
    Indicated 1,867,300 278 0.09 15,078,274 21,455,911
    A cut-off of 100 g/t Ag is used in all calculations of this report and the silver equivalent values are calculated according to the following formula: Ag eqv. oz. equals (Ag oz. + (Au oz. x 570/9.70)). The conservative prices of US$570 for gold and US$9.70 for silver in the formula are based on quotations during the first week of February 2006 and used in the previous report (Helsen, dated March 27, 2006) and kept in the present report for the sake of consistency. The calculation of Total Measured + Indicated Resources assume 100% recoveries.

    As a result of the ongoing encouraging drill program and the recent discovery of a number of new areas of interest, the Company decided to acquire additional land through staking an additional two large land blocks. One 18,466 hectare block of land encircling the original 3,424 hectare land package surrounding the La Parrilla for a new total of 21,890 hectares, and a second adjacent land block of 31,347 hectares for a new grand total of land held in the region of 53,237 hectares.

    Shareholders and interested parties are encouraged to view this very positive report updating the ongoing activities at the La Parrilla Silver Mine. The report can be viewed at or

    The Company's Independent Qualified Person under the policies of National Instrument 43-101 responsible for supervision at the La Parrilla Silver Mine and has authored the most recent qualifying report, is Dr. Jan N. Helsen, Ph. D., P. Geo.

    The Company is further pleased to report that the construction of the new 800 tpd mill at the La Parrilla is complete. Construction began last year in May. The old mill has now been replaced by a newer and much larger facility. Two different circuits have been installed: a 400 tpd cyanidation circuit and a 400 tpd flotation circuit. Both circuits have now been commissioned and are in operation.

    In addition to the activities at the La Parrilla Silver Mine; the Company is pleased to announce the purchase of the nearby San Juan Silver Mine. This mine is part of the land package previously reported as the Chalchihuites Group of Properties where drilling and development has been ongoing since early 2006. The property consists of 10 mining claims totalling 204 hectares in the Chalchihuites area 50 kilometres away from the La Parrilla. The purchase was made through the exercise of an option agreement signed in October 2004. The final payment of US$650,000 was made on January 11, 2007.

    The decision to exercise the option was based on the excellent results of the exploration and development program which has included five diamond drill holes total of 1,892 meters and the development of a 168 meter ramp and 76 meters of direct drifting.

    Over 2000 tonnes of sulphide ore has now been stockpiled from the San Juan Silver Mine for the purpose of mixing at the La Parrilla mill.

    First Majestic is a producing silver company focused in Mexico and is aggressively pursuing its business plan to become a senior silver producer through the development of its existing assets and the pursuit through acquisition of additional assets that contribute to achieving our corporate growth objectives.


    Keith Neumeyer, President

    This press release includes certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein, including without limitation, statements regarding potential mineralization and reserves, exploration results and future plans and objectives of First Majestic Resource Corp. are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

    The TSX Venture Exchange has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and the TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

    First Majestic Silver Corp.
    Keith Neumeyer
    (604) 688-3033 or Toll Free: 1-866-529-2807
    (604) 601-2010 (FAX)

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Hallo gutso,
    thanks, erweist sich als gute Spielerei.
    Das wird sowieso noch gehörig geschüttelt. Aber bisher erfreulich, weil auch real.
    Hab ja noch einen tag vor Schluss ALMI raus u. GOG rein und mich über den klugen Schachzug gefreut.
    Seit vorgestern beginne ich zu zweifeln, ob das so klug war. :D

    Was mich erstaunt, ist, dass bisher, wenn man den letzten kauft, der immer anschiebt. wird bei FR auch so sein nach der Meldung.

    Hab zu SRLM noch was abgelassen im Sterling thread.
    Die Korrelation eigene Unsicherheit in Bezug auf eine Aktie und häufiges Posten würd mich auch mal interessieren...... :D


    PS.: Edel, Premier Gold hat heut einen sauguten Bericht rauslassen.
    Wo hintun?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo Tschonko

    Zuerst auch mal Freude, daß Du--oder wer am Ende-- vom Forum gut in dem Contest bist. =)

    Zu Premier Gold: Die ist und wird was, da sind wir uns einig.
    Hätte auch einen eigenen Sräd verdient IMO.

    Anderenfalls im Junior Thread von Eldo.
    Der ist etwas vernachlässigt,nachdem er fast alles dort hat. :D

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Hi nochmal,

    nee in dem Fall fand ich nur das "fröhliche Matschwerfen" der Kommentatoren so aufregend, dass ich die Klappe schier gar nicht mehr zu kriege. ;)

    Lässt schon wieder nach.


  • Der FR.V Bericht von gestern gefällt mir immer besser, je öfter ich ihn lese. :D

    Aus einem kan. Forum zu Yale (YLL.V) von dem User Geo Dale, der mit dem Ceo telephoniert hat.

    Conversation with Ian Foreman, President Yale Resources, 02/01/07

    Regarding the Zacetecas JV with Impact Silver, (IPT) I had asked if it would be possible to generate some immediate revenue by hauling the material from the dump piles to Impact’s processing plant. I was also curious about the depth to the water table, and the condition of existing tunnels on the JV properties.

    Mr. Foreman had the following comments:

    There are four prospects, the San Jose' prospect is the closest to IPT’s processing plant, about 3 km. away.

    The roads to all the JV properties are in very good shape.

    Using a low side estimate of 250 grams per ton of silver from the dump piles at San Jose’ as an example, Ian figured it would cost about $50 per ton for a truck and driver. The ore would have a cash value of $180 per ton, including processing fees. There are 3-4000 tons of ore on the dump piles. The main reservation about doing this at present, is that Yale would be basically hauling away real estate that they did not own yet. Yale needs to earn into their JV with IPT first by doing the exploration work. Secondly, IPT is just getting their processing plant and assay lab up to Canadian standards. It will take some time for them to fine tune the recovery process.

    While Ian thought this was a good idea, it would have to be deferred until later, where it might be possible to finance a second round of drilling with toll processing of the dump pile material. Regarding the drilling, a man-portable drill from Energold Drilling is now clearing Mexican Customs, and Ian anticipated that work could begin on exploration drilling at the Zacetecas JV in about two weeks.

    The water table is at 40 meters, depth of the shafts at the JV prospects is unknown. My notes are not clear if this was the depth to water at San Jose’ or at some other prospect.

    Some people at SH have speculated that YLL has some sort of agreement not to compete with IPT. Ian indicated that YLL has the first right of refusal on any new prospects that IPT controls within the entire district. Basically, IPT has so much on their plate right now, they can’t do all the exploration work alone. So, IPT still retains a carried interest forward in any JV.

    In summary, I was satisfied with the answers given to my email enquiry...Mr. Foreman tried to call me three times at the hour I had indicated, but there were problems with the phone connection. I called him back, and on the second try, reached the receptionist, who put me through. Mr. Foreman is very knowledgeable and accessible, and I highly recommend that anyone with questions about the company to give him a call.

    One final postscript, there is an excellent report by Geologist Helen Grond at Impact’s website. This report, on the “Royal Mines of Zacualpan” is entirely applicable to the JV with Yale. It is a good read, and I humbly recommend it to anyone interesting in learning more about both companies prospects. I have briefly summarized this report in the following paragraphs.

    According to the report by Ms. Grond, the water table in the Guadalupe mine is below the 195 meter level. Historic mining by the Spanish waned in the late 1600's when most of the mines reached the water table. When the district was first discovered, there was a supergene enriched zone of oxide rich metallic ore near the surface, this zone has since been mined out.

    The subsurface epithermal vein deposits are similar to those at Fresnillo, operated by Penoles and now the focus of a JV with MAG. The sulfide minerals are found in a predominately quartz and carbonate rock matrix, which is in turn hosted by mafic volcanics and andesite. The epithermal vein deposits are best developed in northwest and north striking vein structures, which reach their greatest thickness where the veins intersect, averaging 2-6 meters in horizontal width, 30-150 meters in length, and 230-300 meters in length. The metallic ore content of the epithermal veins exhibits vertical zoning....with silver values increasing towards the top, and lead-zinc values increasing towards the bottom. Gold values are less predictable in their ocurrence.
    "Practice Random Acts of Kindness and Question Authority"

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