Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

  • @Tschonko...Danke fuer das update, ich schau gar nicht drauf auf welcher Position ich dort bin.
    Das live Portfolio sieht bei mir anders aus. :D
    Mit dem Tipp IMA koennte ich weit nach oben hupfen falls der Prozess gut ausgeht.
    Die spiele ich live, die groesste Position im Depot mit einem grossen Risiko oben drauf.
    Fast 1.74% der austehenden Aktien von Ima zu einen Schnitt von 1.16 CAD um genau zu sein.
    Die Rente waere gesichert falls Marc Henderson von AQI eine Lektion erteilt bekommt.
    Das Luder war schon auf 95 cents vor ein paar Tagen, wenige Aktien werden eigentlich gehandelt was gut ist bei dem Tsunami.
    Die BCM.V EDR.TO und PJO.TO ging am Freitag ins Netz. ;)
    Offen ist noch QTA.V MAI.TO was die Silberlinge angeht, von den anderen habe ich genug im Depot.



    Viel Glueck beim weiteren Fischen... ;)

  • @eldo,
    mit IMA könntest Recht haben.
    Auf jeden fall kriegen sie Cash, aber das dauert....

    Hommel Aerikel:
    Anmerkung: die Mountain boys haben noch ein JV mit Pinnacle!

    5 Micro-Cap, Multi-Property, Silver Explorers
    Silver Stock Report
    by Jason Hommel, March 3, 2007

    This week's Silver Stock Report is presented by Theodore Terbolizard of

    Click here to see the video at Youtube!

    Allow me to introduce you to 5 silver companies.

    These stocks are the type of companies to look for in this market of exploding silver prices.

    These five companies all have several things in common.

    The companies are all very cheap, with market caps between $7 and $22 million. The stock prices are all under a dollar. They each have to be very careful about how they spend anywhere between half a million to a few million dollars, tops, each year. They each have solid reasons to expect exploration success leading to a major discovery. They each have a very solid property package that consolidates a silver area, but have enough diversification so their hopes for success are not all riding on one exploration property. They all have about ten properties to explore, and probably not enough time or money to explore them all. Each company is managed by a team of seasoned veterans who have managed to weather the bad years of the metals bear market for most of their long careers.

    None of them have resources that confirm to Canada's "43-101" regulation.

    Although Tumi, one of the five, may have about eight million ounces of silver in a historical resource in LaTrini.

    Two of the other companies, Klondike Silver, and International Millennium, each have solid positions in silver camps of former "silver rush" areas in Canada.

    The last two companies, Silver Grail and Mountain Boy, both have positions in the Stewart-Eskay area, near the Eskay-Creek high grade silver-gold mine, that is the fifth most productive silver mine in the world, currently operated by Barrick.

    None of these companies have major difficulties with infrastructure, such as access to roads or power, as all of them are located at or near former producing mines.

    All five trade on the Canadian Exchanges, so if you live in the U.S., to buy them, you will likely have to buy the stocks on the "pink sheets". The best way to do that is to look up the price with the Canadian symbol, then multiply by the exchange rate, then place a limit order with the pink sheet symbol. Never trust pink sheet price quotes denominated in U.S. dollars; they are usually delayed by a day or more, and are thus outdated and unreliable.

    Here are specifics on the five companies, starting with the largest market cap, first.

    Klondike Silver
    69 million shares fully diluted
    $.37/share Cdn x .85 = $.31/share
    $22 million Market Cap

    Klondike has a majority land position at the Slocan camp in Canada; and they have many former producing mines on their properties, and they could, if they wanted to, start producing silver very quickly.

    I own 371,713 shares. I own 571,713 warrants at $.20 Cdn that expire in November, 2007.
    My purchase price: $.20. Current gain: 85%
    I own 5 days worth of average daily trading volume.

    Tumi Resources
    31.3 million shares fully diluted
    $.53/share Cdn x .85 = $.45/share
    $14 million Market Cap

    Tumi's aerial survey work of their La Trini property in Mexico suggests that they could have from 50 million to 100 million estimated ounces of silver in the ground in Mexico. They have also staked many former high grade silver mines in Sweden.

    I own 708,500 shares. I own 200,000 warrants at $.80 Cdn that expire in April, 2008.
    My purchase price: $.60. Current gain: -12%
    I own 22 days worth of average daily trading volume.

    International Millenium
    44.2 million shares fully diluted
    $.35/share Cdn x .85 = $.30/share
    $13 million Market Cap

    International Millenium has 10 properties in North America.
    Their flagship properties are located in the "Silver Capital of Canada" in Cobalt, Ontario, where very high grade "slab silver" has been found in many former producing silver mines.

    I own 1,080,000 shares.
    My purchase price: $.25. Current gain: 40%
    I own 14 days worth of average daily trading volume.

    Mountain Boy Minerals
    19.2 million shares fully diluted
    $.75/share Cdn x .85 = $.64/share
    $12 million Market Cap

    Mountain Boy has 11 properties, mostly in the Eskay-Creek area of B.C. Canada.
    Mountain Boy has hit some very high grades, up to several kilos of silver per tonne. Their stock is among the most liquid of this group, trading up to 60,000 shares in a day.

    I own 150,000 shares.
    My purchase price: $.78. Current gain: -4%
    I own 3 days worth of average daily trading volume.

    Silver Grail
    18.2 million shares fully diluted (Includes the Sept., 2006, financing.)
    $.46/share Cdn x .85 = $.39/share
    $7 million Market Cap

    Silver Grail has joint ownership of about 9 properties; mostly located in the Eskay-Creek area of B.C. Canada.
    Silver Grail has done an aero-magnetic survey over the Konkin Silver property that seems to indicate that it is bigger than the Del Norte property to the north that is being explored by the far larger company, Sabina Silver. Wheaton River, a billion dollar silver major, now owns approximately 10% of Sabina. Silver Grail faces the very real possibility that its operation will be pursued by these Silver majors.

    I own 1,751,000 shares.
    My purchase price: $.11. Current gain: 318%
    I own 56 days worth of average daily trading volume.

    There may be a buying frenzy on these stocks starting at about March fifth, so it may be unwise to try to buy any of these stocks in the immediate 2 week period after this video is produced. Instead, you may wish to put these stocks on your radar screen, and do some due diligence for a month. Maybe, if the silver market is still in a slump, you can quietly accumulate these stocks when there is no "frenzy". Another smart time to buy is 4 months after a private placement, when the private placement investors are allowed to start selling. International Millenium has just raised a few million in conjunction with their recent new listing. Silver Grail was working on a private placement back in September, and that may help to explain the current weakness in that stock now.
    If you try to buy these stocks on the open market, you may wish to limit your exposure to perhaps no more than one day, or a few day's worth of an average day's trading volume. If you wish to buy more than that, you might want to take an initial position on the open market, and then, it may be best to call the company and ask them repeatedly to contact you when they do their next private placements, where they sell stock to raise the money for the next round of drilling.

    None of these companies are making money mining. None of these companies are even close to mining anything, except Klondike. First, exploration companies have to locate drill targets, which may take up to a year or more. Then, they have to do a small first round of drilling, which also may take up to a year or more. If they are blessed, they may end up doing further rounds of "resource" drilling to prove up a resource which may take up to a year or more. Then, they may conduct a pre-feasibility study which may take up to a year or more. Then, they may have to secure a mining permit which may take up to a year or more, and do environmental impact studies which may take up to a year or more. Then, they have to do a final feasibility study which may take up to a year or more. Then, they have to raise the money to construct a mine which may take up to a year or more. Then, they have to spend that money to build a mine which may take up to a year or more. Then, they have to hire all the people to run the mine which may take up to a year or more, assuming that their project is good enough to attract top people away from other less exciting projects. And if they are very fortunate, after 5-15 years, hopefully when silver prices are higher, they may show a profit from mining silver, or gold, or maybe something else that they may find, such as zinc or molybdenum. But in this environment of low silver prices; hardly anyone makes money mining silver today, which is why these companies are so cheap, and are being mostly cautious about not spending too much money too quickly.

    Likewise, you ought to be cautious about where you invest your money, especially in penny stocks such as these you might learn about online.

    Nevertheless, the junior explorers are the ones engaged in true wealth creation.

    SEC Disclaimer: As indicated, I own positions in all 5 of these stocks. No company has paid me any money, or given me any stock to promote their company.
    If you would like to see some of the other stocks I own, please sign up to take a look at my portfolio.

    You can comment on this report at the "Hommel Forum" here:

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • heron,
    Casey ist oft ein bisserl spät dran aber dann sind´s meist sichere tips.

    GOG und ECU: da wurde heute massiv abverkauft, in Folge dann auch gekauft. Die stören nicht mehr in Zukunft. :D

    Exmin: eigene Property wird gedrillt. Gut!

    Orko: mehr auf La Preciosa

    SBB: hat trading halt:

    Sabina's Hackett River "Preliminary Economic Assessment" Positive on Production of 12 Million oz Silver, 324 Million lbs Zinc per Year; Moving to Prefeasibility

    Noch interessanter ist der trading halt bei Aurogin AUQ.V (seit 1.3.)
    da kann man sich dann anschauen, wer zur fast selben Zeit auch th hatte. Deutet auf Merger hin bzw. Vereinigung.
    Könnte aber auch Ressourcenausweitung in Guatemala sein.

    Ansonsten hat sich das Bild gedreht: starke Verluste am Anfang des handels, dann langsames Erholen.
    Wird noch so weitergehen.
    Diesmal wird es so sein, dass die Minen vor POG u. POS wieder anziehen. Zwischenerholung kommt auch in den nächsten Tagen, aber die zählt nicht, außer man will was verkaufen.


  • Tschonko

    Nix wird verkauft.....hab heute zugekauft.....die eine oder andere Limit Order kam zur Ausführung.....mal schauen ob der Rest auch noch aufgeht....teilweise ziemlich gefrevelt, aber bei der Panik kann man schon mal günstig schnappen. die Korrektur (mehr ist es nicht meiner Meinung nach) wurde ja seit Wochen "herbeigesungen". Erstaunt bin ich nach wie vor immer wieder über die Deutschen Anleger; da gibts immer eine Portion "exrtra Panik".....der Dax ist ja mehr runtergerasselt als mancher emerging market.....ein Aktionärsvolk wird das wohl nicht mehr werden ?(


  • Zitat

    Original von valueman
    Erstaunt bin ich nach wie vor immer wieder über die Deutschen Anleger; da gibts immer eine Portion "exrtra Panik".....der Dax ist ja mehr runtergerasselt als mancher emerging market.....ein Aktionärsvolk wird das wohl nicht mehr werden ?(


    Hallo valueman!

    In allem Zustimmung,
    dem letzten Teil will ich aber gern noch was Ergänzendes hinzufügen.
    Die letzten 12 Monate (einfach mal als Chartvergleich eingeben 03.06.-03.07) lief der DAX besser als die NASDAQ !

    Das allein war krank.

    Der DAX ist halt "psychotisch" & wars immer.
    Wenn rauf, dann mehr & mehr.
    Wenn runter- dann endets nimmermehr ... .

    Deshalb sind OS auf den Blödsinn ja so ertragreich. Ich lache da nicht mehr drüber.

    Nichtsdestotrotz: ein Aktionärsvolk werden die Deutschen wohl nicht werden, nein ;)

    Wenn sie ein Volk der Gold- & Silberanleger werden, sollte es langen! :D


  • Value,
    hab deine limits gesehen. Sauber.
    Hab übrigens auch nichts verkauft.

    schau dir Verlauf POG/POS 06 an. Sind heuer einen Monat früher dran.

    Ist doch ein Merger gweworden bei AUQ.V.
    Da ensteht eine interessante Company.
    Die Mexico Gebiete von Morgain sollte man sich auch anschauen.

    Das Cortez Trend Gebiet von Aurogin wird hier gar nicht erwähnt.
    Ist nicht weit von Staccato, glaube ich.

    Ein Porträt von Chestar Millar, Chairman: siehe link

    Mr. Millar served previously in the positions of Chairman, President and Director of Alamos Gold Inc. He is a pioneer of heap leaching gold production and of the large-scale bulk mining methods used for mining low-grade gold deposits in the Western United States. Under his guidance, Afton Mines (1968-1973), Glamis Gold Limited and Eldorado Gold Corporation grew from small exploration and early production concerns into substantial mining companies. Mr. Millar served as Chairman of Glamis Limited from 1985 to 1998 and as Chairman of Eldorado Gold Corporation from 1992 to 1994.

    Sollte man lesen! Artikel über Millar…millar_RWM_V4_Issue_1.pdf

    Aurogin and Morgain to Merge
    Monday March 5, 1:47 pm ET
    Merger of Equals Creates New Gold Company-Increased Production and Expanded Reserve Base Set To Grow Shareholder Value

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(CCNMatthews - March 5, 2007) - Aurogin Resources Ltd. ("Aurogin") (TSX VENTURE:AUQ - News) and Morgain Minerals Inc. ("Morgain") (TSX VENTURE:MGM - News) are pleased to announce that their Boards of Directors have unanimously approved a letter of intent to combine the companies in a merger of equals to create a new gold producer ("Newco").

    Upon successful completion of the transaction and continued execution of existing operating and development plans, on a proforma basis, Newco will have the following attributes:

    - Measured and indicated resources of greater than 1 million ounces of gold with additional indicated resources of 470,000 ounces of gold (see table below);

    - In 2007, two operating gold mines located in Mexico and Guatemala;

    - Excellent pipeline of exploration and development projects including Fortuna in Mexico and the El Arenal, Bridge and Lupita Zones in Guatemala;

    - 2007 estimated gold production of 35,000 ounces, with Newco's share being 22,000 ounces growing to 35,000 ounces in 2008;

    - Immediate operating and management synergies; and

    - Three year goal of 100,000 ounce annual gold production.

    Measured & Indicated Inferred
    Resource Tonnes Grade Ounces Tonnes Grade Ounces
    Table (000) (g/t) Gold (000) (g/t) Gold
    Aurogin El Sastre (1) 370 4.14 49,251 1,165 3.13 117,265
    Lupita (2) 13,000 1.24 518,000
    Total 370 4.14 49,251 14,165 1.39 635,265
    Aurogin's Share 185 4.14 24,626 9,916 1.39 444,686

    Morgain El
    Castillo (3) 58,043 0.54 1,015,184 1,700 0.45 24,595
    Total 58,228 0.56 1,039,810 11,616 1.26 469,281
    (1) El Sastre Technical Report March 23, 2005
    (2) Luptia Technical Report February 8, 2006
    (3) El Castillo Pre-Feasibility Report October 20, 2006

    "Merging our respective companies will create exceptional value for our shareholders," said Rick Adams, Director of both Aurogin and Morgain. "By combining our current operations with those close to production, combining our pipeline of exploration and development projects and combining management from both companies into a world class team, we will have significantly enhanced our production profile, gold reserve and resource base and our ability to continue to grow shareholder value."

    "The Boards of Directors of both companies have unanimously approved the transaction and are in the process of seeking independent opinions that the transaction is fair, from a financial point of view, to the shareholders of both Aurogin and Morgain. We believe that our companies are a tremendous fit due to complementary strengths including the management teams, geographic synergies and project pipelines of similar value," said Chris Babcock, President and Chief Executive Officer of Morgain. "This combination will create a larger, more valuable gold company which will be well positioned to generate additional value for all shareholders through organic growth and strategic acquisitions. This is a win-win for shareholders of both companies."

    Summary of the Transaction

    While the specific legal form of the business combination is still being finalized, the transaction will result in one new corporate entity, Newco. Each shareholder of Aurogin will receive one (1) common share of Newco for each two (2) Aurogin shares held immediately prior to the date on which the transaction becomes effective by its registration with the Registrar of Companies for British Columbia (the "Effective Date"). Each shareholder of Morgain will also receive one (1) common share of Newco for each two (2) Morgain common shares held. Newco will apply to list its shares on the TSX Venture Exchange.

    All validly subsisting options, warrants and rights to acquire shares of Aurogin or Morgain will be exercisable to acquire that number of common shares of Newco, on an adjusted basis as to the price and number in reference to the share exchange ratio. The term of all outstanding options and warrants will remain unchanged.

    The transaction is subject to the parties completing due diligence and entering into a further definitive agreement providing for the specific mechanics for completing the transaction. The Boards of Directors of both companies have unanimously recommended the transaction to shareholders and are currently in the process of seeking independent opinions that the transaction is fair, from a financial point of view to the respective shareholders of each company. The transaction is subject to all requisite regulatory, court and shareholder approvals and acceptances, and the satisfaction of all conditions precedent and other conditions customary in transactions of this nature. The transaction is expected to require the approval of at least two-thirds of the votes cast by both Aurogin and Morgain shareholders present in person or by proxy at respective meetings of the two shareholder groups expected to take place in June.

    Board of Directors

    It has been proposed that the Board of Directors of Newco shall be comprised of seven Directors including, Chester Millar, Morgain's Chairman, John Paterson, President and Chief Executive Officer of Aurogin, Chris Babcock, President and Chief Executive Officer of Morgain, Edward Thompson, a Director of Aurogin, Rick Adams, VP Corporate Development and Director of both companies, Darren Koningen, VP Engineering of both companies and a Director of Morgain and Rodrigo Sanchez-Mejorada, a newly appointed Director of Morgain.

    The head office of Newco will be located in Toronto.

    Advisors and Counsel

    Aurogin's legal counsel is Tupper, Jonsson & Yeadon and Morgain's legal counsel is Axium Law Corporation.

    Aurogin is currently a Canadian junior gold producer focused on the acquisition and development of profitable gold deposits in the Americas. Its 50% owned El Sastre Main Zone gold mine is only one part of the overall El Sastre Project, an expanding resource that includes at least four mineralized zones. Aurogin is debt free and anticipates funding its 2007 exploration program out of free cash flow generated from the El Sastre Main Zone gold mine.

    Morgain is a Vancouver based emerging gold exploration and development company focused on the acquisition and development of profitable gold mines in Mexico. Morgain is currently developing its 100% owned Castillo Gold Project located in the State of Durango, Mexico.


    Edward Thompson, Director

    Issued: 63,684,721 common shares


    Christopher E. Babcock, President and Chief Executive Officer

    Issued: 72,529,908 common shares


    The technical and pre-feasibility reports referred to above contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to the future price of metals, timing of exploration activities, mine life, economic viability and estimated internal rate of return, estimation of mineral resources, the results of drilling, estimated future capital and operating costs, future stripping ratios, projected mineral recovery rates and plans for developing, the projects. Generally, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "can", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved". Forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of the companies to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to: risks related to the exploration and potential development of the projects, risks related to international operations, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of metals. Although the companies have attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The companies do not undertake to update any forward-looking statements that are incorporated by reference herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

    The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy of this news release.

    Rick Adams
    Aurogin Resources Ltd.
    VP Corporate Development
    (416) 214-4809

    Greg Taylor
    Aurogin Resources Ltd.
    VP Investor Relations
    (416) 605-5120

    (604) 662-4505 or Toll Free: 1-877-642-6200
    Coal Harbour Communications Inc.

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • UC Resources and Spider Resources announce the signing of a Letter of Intent (LOI), regarding a four year exploration program on the McFauld’s Lake volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (“VMS”) project, located in northern Ontario in the James Bay Lowlands, held by Spider and its joint venture partner, KWG Resources Inc.. This LOI confirms the terms and conditions on which UC, will have an option to earn-in to an up to 55% undivided interest in the McFauld’s Lake project, which is currently owned, as to an undivided 50% interest, by each of Spider and KWG...

  • Endeavour Triples Silver Reserves and Resources at Guanacevi Mines Project, Durango, Mexico
    Thursday March 8, 5:00 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 8, 2007 -- Endeavour Silver Corp. (Toronto:EDR.TO - News)(AMEX:EXK - News)(DBFRANKFURT: EJD) announces that it has tripled the silver reserves and resources at its producing Guanacevi Mines Project in Durango, Mexico as a result of its aggressive drilling programs in 2006.
    full story:

    linar :)

  • Tom Szabo gestern:

    ...Finally, I wanted to mention that several silver stocks are currently either good bargains or seriously lagging their peers depending on your perspective. Among these are Silver Quest, which has just taken an eerily similar fall to Oremex although for different reasons. Regardless, both these companies continue to have similar risks and opportunities as they had at a share price of $C0.70 with the major difference being that their market caps have been almost cut in half in a matter of days. Still, they both have interesting, potentially very valuable property holdings, management and experience which have been discounted to nearly zero by the market. Further downside is certainly possible in both cases but I should note that neither appears desperate for near-term financing and therefore the risk of substantial dilution is only moderate. Meanwhile, valuation as a shell company doesn't lie very much lower: even if we forget about existing projects, it wouldn't take much of a new property acquisition to justify the current price level. Plenty of resource companies trade at a higher valuation with only moose pastures in their project portfolios. I own positions in both these stocks as part of my high risk, speculative holdings with a very long term (3 years plus) investment horizon, and I am considering adding at these prices (I had lightened and consolidated some of my holdings a few weeks back as per my daily commentary at that time).

    There are other silver stocks to look at as well, such as Great Panther which fell below $C2.00 today apparently on to-be-expected production worries and new shares coming to market from warrant exercises and past financings. Another one is Bear Creek Mining, where some warrant exercises in January of this year likely contributed to share supply and merely "positive" -- but not spectacular -- drill results have failed to maintain the extreme level of investor attention seen late last year. Yet both these companies have more going for them today than they did at prices 30% or more higher than current levels. Again, I have positions in both and may look to add around current levels. Among silver stocks with significant base metal exposure, these two are among a select group I own -- even though they are not focused on predominantly gold-silver projects, I believe the circumstances still make these stocks "special".

    VG heron

  • Hi!

    Will nicht gross drauf rumreiten, hier ist der Silberminen Thread, aber weil ichs oben nun schon mal angeschnitten hatte: ich hab mal die Grafik up to date gebracht.

    Der aktuelle Nasdaq Verlauf & der vom DJIA 1929-1937 ist dem Charakter nach schon frappierend ähnlich. ...
    Ob man viel draus ablesen kann, ist die Frage ... .

    Wie sieht Eure Minenbilanz durch den Rückschlag bei den Spot-Kursen so aus?

    Bei mir ging es, weil die Silver Valley Idaho Minen das bisher nicht antizipiert haben.
    Ist ähnlich wie mit dem Rückschlag bei Zink.
    Die Zink & Bleiminen der Pine Creek Region sind währenddessen nicht eingebrochen, sondern haben sogar haussiert.

    Ist natürlich die Frage, wie es da weiter gehen wird, wenn der Preis über längere Zeit unter 13 oder 12 Dollar runterkäme ... .

    Eine interessante Frage ist auch, wie z.B. ein Fast-Produzent wie Sterling Mining bei solchen Preisen zurecht käme, profitabel genug dürften sie ja dann schon noch sein, um interessant zu bleiben, - also dürfte sich die Story im Valley fast unabhängig von den Spot Preisen entwickeln, wenn man früh genug - bzw. tief genug - einsteigen konnte.

    Sorgen mache ich mir also nicht. Selbst wenn die Realwirtschaft Kapriolen schlagen sollte, - solange es kein Deflationärer Crash ist ... .


  • Hallo gutso,
    war ja eine interessante Lektion anfang März.

    Gold u. silber waren jedenfalls nicht der sichere hafen.....
    Wird zwar mittels ETF Geld geparkt, aber auch schnell abgezogen....

    Bei UC tat sich einiges.....
    gefällt mir nicht so sehr, der kanada ride + PP für dieses gebiet

    Merger: AUQ + Morgain, eine eigene geschichte.
    Maxcht Sinn, aber warum, wird nur AUQ geprügelt?
    Hab denen mal geschrieben. Mr. taylor ist auf reisen, also noch mal an CEO Paterson.

    ansonsten ist der thread für mich gegessen.
    Ist ein überwiegender lesethread geworden.
    100000 clicks in 11 Monaten war nicht schlecht.
    Ist auch, glaub ich, noch einige zeit interessant darin zu blättern.

    Muss mir noch überlegen, ob es eine fortsetzung geben wird.
    Würde etwas anderes werden.
    Viel weniger Aktien, weil die kann man nicht alle beobachten.

    War schon ein sehr gutes momentum dabei ab Oktober.
    Für mich war es ja auch so etwas wie ein logbuch.
    Seite 1 hab ich in den letzten 14 tagen auch noch ein bisserl verändert.

    Beim Depot gab´s ein bisserl kosmetik, sollte es so weitergehen, gibt´s ne Wurzelbehandlung, eine kleine :D

    Vielen dank für´s mitmachen und mitlesen.


  • ...


    Nicht sowas sagen!

    Herr T., das ist schon alles recht gerechnet, aber was wähnt er, soll er der erfreuten Gruppe mitgeben?

    Bitte, wenn schon, dann erst mal ca. zwei Monate Pausiererei!

    Frag vor allem auch nach, ob jemand Verantwortung mittragen würde -
    ich würde mich nicht wundern. ...

    Abgesehen davon: heute, Silber, was ist generell noch drin!?
    Schmerzfreie Flüge sind ausgebucht!!
    Das schon, aber die Chance bleibt gross!


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