Silber Companies - Liste und Neues
Ein auch allgemein lesenswerter Artikel von Ing / Maison Placements Canada.
Dieser ist an anderer Stelle, Gold betreffend, von Heron reingestellt worden.
Interessant hier eine Einschätzung der 3 von Ing / Maison besuchten Silbernen:
Excellon / EXN
Genco / GGC
MAG Silver / MAG
Die beiden ersten hab ich, MAG vieeeel zu früh mal verkauft.
Leider den letzten Dip verpaßt....
Edel Man -
danke, interessanter Link.
Lesenswert auch wegen der Goldminen.Kopier den Teil von EXN noch mal: anfügend sollte man in Betracht ziehen, dass die physical silver debt im Juni ausläuft und dadurch noch mehr cash generiert wird.
Wenig Resourcen ausgewiesen, aber da mach ich mir keine Sorgen.
Nur eine Frage der Zeit. Aber minenmäßig auch ein Spezialfall durch die schmalen, winzigen highgrades.Previously recommended, Excellon Resources (EXN) was first visited. The company has a solid management team, strong balance sheet and an experienced Board of Directors. Excellon owns 100 percent of the Platosa silver deposit located in northeastern Durango state. Excellon has a huge unexplored land package of 129 square km (36,000 acres) that lies in the middle of the beltway of Mexico's carbon replacement deposit (crd) system which hosts Mexico's largest silver mine, Santa Eulalia. Excellon has the highest grade in Mexico and is profitable. Excellon has more than $13 million in cash and the company will beginning piling up the cash in the next quarter and will be most importantly, debt free. This year, Excellon will produce 2.5 million ounces up from 1.7 million ounces but next year with normalized shipments, Excellon should producer 3.3 million ounces. Excellon has begun permitting and preparation for building a 300 tonne per day mill which will allow it to double its production in the fourth quarter of 2008. Of more excitement is that Excellon has boosted its exploration budget following an airborne survey which has highlighted at least two "mag highs". The company intends to drill these "mag highs" this summer.
Noch einmal Mr. Wasser, diesmal zu Minefinders.
Von mir schon im Nov/Dez hier als idiotensicherer und nervschonender Play für 07 ausgewiesen.
Minefinders 2006 Drilling Results: 'Dolores, Eres Preciosa'
Friday May 4, 3:45 am ETTrey Wasser (III-D Capital) submits: Last week, Minefinder’s (AMEX: MFN - News) released the drilling results from their 2006 program at their advanced stage gold and silver project in Chihuahua State, Mexico. The results were impressive and should translate into a significant upgrade for resources, reserves and production at Dolores. The new resource report is due out any day.
It appears that they are finding more ore just about everywhere they drill on the property. Even condemnation drilling outside the pit and at one of the leach pads gave indications of mineable, near surface ore. The leach pad just got larger and shareholders just got richer.But the drill bits found much more!
The 2006 drilling program had four goals:
1. To convert inferred resources within the proposed pit to measured and indicated reserves.
2. To test near-pit inferred resources to extend the proposed pit.
3. To test areas outside the existing open pit and extend the mine life.
4. To test mineralization at depth and confirm the potential for underground mining at Dolores.Drilling results of the inferred resources in and near the pit were very good. This should result in a significant upgrade to measured and indicated as well as a possible extension of the open pit. M&I resources are currently over 5.4MM gold equivalent ounces [GOE] while inferred resources represent additional 1.1MM GOE. Dolores reserves are about 60/40, gold to silver.
A new zone north of the pit that was previously drilled show significant results on three separate structures. Condemnation drilling to the east, west and south all produced results that will require more work. 2007 drilling locations will include all four areas.
Dolores is becoming “Mucho Grande”
While the open pit mine continues to expand, deep drilling at Dolores is what really got my attention. 2006 results almost insure that an underground mine will be constructed at the project. Gold intercepts at 400 to 550 meters occurring below the open pit were impressive not only in grade, but in width. These include widths of 48 to 104 meters averaging 6.1 gpt and 3.81 gpt (Aueq) respectively, with internal intervals grading 22 gpt over 4 meters. Smaller intervals of 2-4 meters were also intersected with grades as high as 1-2 ounces per ton. The Company is moving quickly into a feasibility study which includes a bulk cave and traditional underground mine plan.
But the good news does not stop there. With the underground mine, will come a mill and floatation system. The current mine plan, production and economics are based strictly on a heap leach operation with no mill. Annual production of about 200,000 GOE is based on recoveries rates of only 74% for gold and 51% for silver. The addition of the mill and floatation will enhance recoveries from the open pit on about half of the reserves. Metallurgical testing has shown that this process should yield gold recoveries of greater than 90%, and silver recoveries from 82% to 94%. This will add about 650,000 GOE of production to the current mine plan, a 23% increase. Add to this, the production from the underground mine plus the additional resource areas and Dolores may have just doubled in size.
With these enhanced recovery rates, cash costs could easily drop to under $200/GOE, adding even more leverage to the economics at Dolores.
If a mill and floatation system would have this impact on production, why not build the mill now?
The answer is that the deposit at Dolores is a combination of oxide and sulphide ores. The oxide material is lower grade and the silver recoveries would not be enhanced, at the mill, from the oxide ore. Rather than dilute shareholders with the expense of the mill, the plan is to leach the oxide ore first. Cash flow will be then be used to build the mill and the underground mine.
Yesterday, Coeur D’Alene (NYSE: CDE - News) announced a merger with Palmarejo [PJO:CVE] for $1.1B. Palmarejo has a “fast-tracked” project, near Dolores, that CDE clearly believes is going to be a world class asset. PJO is projecting production of 300,000 GOE starting in late 2008 from an open pit mine with a mill. With production on schedule to begin in Q4 2007, MFN is at least a year ahead in mine construction. The defined resource at Palmarejo is about 3MM GOE and is approximately 2/3rds silver. PJO has no proven reserves and no feasibility study to define cash costs. Dolores already has over 4MM GOE in proven/probable reserves and a bankable feasibility study. CDE is excited about the underground potential at Palmarejo, but very little drilling has been done at depth and grades are nowhere near those at Dolores.
Minefinders' current market cap is about $600MM. The stock remains extremely undervalued based on my matrix and Coeur D’Alene’s.
Disclosure: The author is long MFN and considers it a core holding with a 12 month target of $18. He has no position in other stocks mentioned in this report.
MFN 1-yr chart
Silber in Mexiko heute:
Eine subjektive Einschätzung nach einer 4-wöchigen Rundreise mit kulturellem und botanischem Interesse: Silber scheint in Mexiko heute kaum ein Thema, außer für relativ billigen Schmuck!
Der Name Hugo Salinas Price ist kaum bekannt. Sein Silber-Plan war nicht einmal der 'Casa de Moneda de México' bekannt! Es gibt im ganzen Land, Biosphärenreservat hin oder her, neben den grossen unzählige kleine Minen und Minchen (Silber und polymetallisch), die oft nur lokal bekannt sind, und sicher ihr Erz an die Grossen weiterverkaufen.
Ein Minenarbeiter verdiene (April 07) 1500 Pesos pro Woche plus Kost und Logis und Kleiderzuschuss, was vielleicht mit nochmals 400 Pesos zu bewerten wäre; total also 1900 Pesos oder 190 USD, gleich monatlich knapp 800 USD. Im Silvervalley der USA wären die Lohnkosten 5x höher, jedoch aber auch der Mechanisierungsgrad, was den Lohnkostenunterschied ein wenig neutralisiert. Aber grössere Minen in Mexiko profitieren natürlich auch von einem höheren Mech.grad, wie etwa SRLM zeigt.
Ich bekam den Eindruck, dass noch heute ein erfahrener und kenntnisreicher lokaler Geologe innert weniger Wochen ein halbes Dutzend neuer 'Silberexplorer' in Mexiko buchstäblich 'aus dem Boden stampfen' könnte! Fast das ganze Land ist nämlich eine geologische Bruchzone mit tausenden und abertausenden von Vulkanen (Tequila ist in erster Linie ein Vulkan und kein Schnaps!), sodass hydrothermale Vererzungen an abertausenden Stellen entstanden sind, und wohl noch aktuell neu entstehen, da noch ein wesentliche Vulkanismus besteht.
Mexiko könnte sich durchaus, so bekommt man den Eindruck, wieder zum grössten Silberproduzenten der Welt mausern. Wieso hat wohl 'fast jede Silberminengesellschaft' mindestens ein Projekt in Mexiko?
das ist das problem, die herauszufiltern, die auch was taugen....Hab übrigens heute Bandera Gold BGD.V) nachgekauft. (+100% zu einer normalen Position)
Zeit der Financings: nach FR.V, SEG.TO (ein großes) nun auch u.a. ECU, die auch die Hosen gehörig runterlassen.
Wenn man sich den CDE deal anschaut, müsste ECU mindestens mit 1,5 B bewertet sein. Aber man kann ja das resourcenupdate abwarten.ECU Silver Mining Inc.: Announces Pricing of Previously Announced
$25 Million Private Placement led by Blackmont Capital Inc.
=======================================================================NOT FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES OR THROUGH U.S. NEWSWIRE
SERVICESToronto, May 4, 2007 -- ECU Silver Mining Inc. (TSX-V:ECU) is pleased
to announce that it has agreed to pricing for its previously announced
public offering of units. ECU Silver Mining Inc.'s offering will
consist of 10,870,000 units at a price of $2.30 per unit (the
"Offering"). Each unit will consist of one common share and one half of
one common share purchase warrant. Each full common share purchase
warrant will be exercisable at $2.85 for a period of 24 months
following the closing of the Offering.If the closing price of the common shares of ECU Silver Mining Inc. on
the TSX Venture Exchange is equal to or greater than $3.75 per common
share for a period of 20 consecutive trading days any time after four
months and one day after the date of the closing of the Offering, ECU
Silver Mining Inc. may accelerate the expiry date of the warrants
issued under the Offering by giving notice to the holders thereof and
in such case the warrants will expire on the 30th day after the date on
which such notice is given.The securities issued under the Offering will be subject to a four
month hold period in Canada.In connection with the Offering, ECU Silver Mining Inc. will also grant
to the Agents (as defined below) an option to increase the size of the
Offering by up to 15% (up to 1,630,500 units) for a period of 30 days
from the closing of the offering, to cover over-allotments, if any, and
for market stabilization purposes. If the over-allotment option is
exercised in full, gross proceeds of the offering would be
approximately $28,751,150.The completion of the offering is subject, among other things, the
approval of the Toronto Venture Stock Exchange (TSX-V) and the
applicable Canadian securities commissions. Completion is expected on
or about May 30th, 2007.Blackmont Capital Inc. will act as lead agent in connection with the
offering, together with a syndicate of agents which will include, CIBC
World Markets Inc., Desjardins Securities Inc., TD Securities Inc. and
Salman Partners Inc. (collectively the "Agents").ECU Silver Mining Inc. ( is engaged in gold, silver and base
metals exploration development, and has its mining operations in the
Velardeña property in Mexico. The property includes five historical
mines: Santa Juana, Terneras, San Mateo and San Juanes, which are
interconnected, plus the San Diego mine. The Company is currently
treating development muck and vein material from stopes from the Santa
Juana mine, for treatment at the Velardeña mill. The Company is
currently extracting vein material from one of its five historical
mines and it processes its mineralized material at its own milling
facilities in Velardeña. The Company also maintains interests in
exploration properties in north western Québec.Peter Grandich mit Kommentaren zu einer Menge Minen, die er "coacht".
Peter Grandich ist immer lesenswert; danke,Tschonko.
Originell ist er unten auf S.4, bei Longview / LV.
Wo er jedem rät, seine spekulativen Werte zu verkaufen ,wenn er mental (und finanziell) Verluste nicht verkraften kann.Von den Aktien greife ich mal Adriana / ADI heraus, verdient einen eigenen Sräd.
Halte die für enorm interessant allein wegen des legendären Managements.
Vorneweg 2 alte, extrem erfolgreiche, Hasen.Hab die noch vor wenigen Tagen nachgekauft.
Northern Dynasty / NDM ist eine Uraltstory, über die wir uns schon vor 11/2 Jahren unterhielten.
Hab die seit Jahren im Depot, mal teilverkauft, dann wieder aufgestockt.
Wird vermutlich mal einer der schwersten PM Werte überhaupt.ECU zuletzt sehr schwach, aber da müßte sich die Qualität durchsetzen IMO.
Edel Man -
ja das auf Seite 4 hat mir auch gefallen.Adriana kannte ich noch nicht. Sicher gut, hab mir etwas die homepage angeschaut. Entfällt für mich wegen Uran.
SOHO: Resources Announces High Grade Results Over Potentially Open Pit Mineable Width at the El Creston Target, Tahuehueto Project in Durango Mexico
Monday May 7, 4:36 pm ETVANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--May 7, 2007 -- Soho Resources Corp. (CDNX:SOH.V - News) -
DDH07-81 returned 6.48 g/t gold and 113.1 g/t silver over 10.15 meters in a near surface drill intercept from 30.90m to 41.05m. This intercept confirms the idea introduced by new management that there is significant open pit potential at the El Creston target. Management also believes there is significant open pit potential at the Cinco de Mayo target. This will be confirmed by drilling currently in progress....................................................
GOG.V: Haben gute JV!
Golden Tag and Rubicon Minerals Announce Follow-Up Drilling at McCuaig Project, Red Lake, Ontario
Tuesday May 8, 8:29 am ET
7500 Metre Program to Commence by Early JuneMONTREAL, QUEBEC--(CCNMatthews - May 8, 2007) - Golden Tag Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:GOG - News) and joint venture partner Rubicon Minerals Corp. announce that they will carry out a follow-up, 7,500 metre, land based drill program beginning in late May or early June, at the McCuaig joint venture (Golden Tag 40%-Rubicon 60%). Golden Tag and Rubicon recently announced encouraging results from a drill hole designed to test for the possible down-dip extension of the No. 1 vein structure developed at the adjacent former McKenzie mine (see news release dated April 16, 2007). A gold-bearing zone in what appears to be a very robust structure, was intersected containing up to 15.65 g/t gold over 1.55 metres.
Hosted by a well developed 20+metre wide vein zone, this target is wide open for follow up, both along strike and down dip. The project is well located within Balmer rocks on the prolific Red Lake Mine Trend and is adjacent to both the past-producing McKenzie Mine which produced 651,000 ounces of gold between 1935 and 1966, and the Gold Eagle Mines discovery to the east.
A detailed presentation on the McCuaig property including photographs of the zone are posted at the Company's website at
In other news, drilling on the San Diego property in Durango State, Mexico where Golden Tag is earning a 50% interest from ECU Silver Mining Inc. is nearing completion on Holes P2, P3 and P4 (see news release of April 18, 2007). These holes, comprising a total of 1,253 metres, are in the northwest sector of the property and are testing the lateral extension of strong mineralization in the La Rata and La Cruz veins.
The Company has completed drilling on the Aquilon properties in James Bay, Quebec. Drilling on the Extension property confirms that the banded iron formation ("BIF") consists of banded magnetite-chert with interlayers of garnet, amphibole and biotite. Positive signs of sulphide replacement of magnetite were observed in several holes, however, assay results to date are at background levels only. On the Aquilon Main property, 5 holes for 1,000 metres have been completed. Several disseminated to semi-massive sulphide, largely phyrotite zones were encountered within metasediments. The Company is awaiting assay results.
Golden Tag Resources Ltd. is a junior exploration company actively exploring for high grade gold and silver deposits at the San Diego silver project in Durango State, Mexico; the Aquilon Main and Aquilon Extension gold projects in James Bay, Quebec; and the McCuaig gold project in Red Lake, Ontario.
Statements in the release that are "forward-looking statements" are based on current expectations and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially. We undertake no duty to update any forward-looking statement to conform the statements to actual results or changes in our expectations.
Orko hat Trading halt!
Bandera Gold:
das Schätzchen hab ich zum ersten Mal nach dem untenstehenden 43 er Bericht gekauft. Und der ist lesenswert!!
Gestern nachgekauft.Unter 50 mille MC: ca 40 Mille shares
niedrige Shortquote mit 28600 seit Monaten
52 Wochentief bei 0,82
Testproduktion läuft.
Verhandlungen über JV mit penoles.
Abgehalten hat mich eher schlechte Homepage und TIER 2 company status.Bandera Enters Negotiations for Joint Venture With Penoles
Thursday March 15, 7:34 pm ET
EDMONTON, ALBERTA--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 15, 2007 -- Bandera Gold Ltd. (the "Company") (CDNX:BGL.V - News) announced today that it is entering negotiations to form a joint venture with Industrias Penoles S.A. de C.V. (Penoles) regarding the exploration and development of its Cinco Minas silver/gold property in Mexico.Bandera Gold Ltd.: Summary of NI43-101 Report
Wednesday January 31, 4:35 pm ETEDMONTON, ALBERTA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jan 31, 2007 -- Bandera Gold Ltd. (CDNX:BGL.V - News) -
Some highlights of the NI43-101 Technical Report completed on December 11, 2006, and filed with the TSX Venture Exchange, in addition to selected information regarding our anticipated work schedule for the next six months to a year, are as follows:
1. The chronological history of the Cinco Minas and area mines illustrates the vast potential of this overall mining area to support economical mining activities today and in the future. Bandera Gold Ltd., together with our joint venture partner Minera San Jorge (MSJ), is making considerable positive strides to make this happen.
2. New low level aerial photography and GPS controlled survey work will be undertaken during the early spring of 2007 when vegetative cover is at a minimum in order to proceed with field exploration and mapping of known mineralized deposits in the El Abra and El Abrita areas of the Cinco Minas property. This will allow for new three dimensional mapping to be completed in order to be able to prepare a thorough block model of the fault structure and related cross structures.
3. Test production of high grade materials (old tailings dump material and other materials obtained from small high grade deposits on the Cinco Minas property) will be commenced between late February and early March when construction of the 60 tonne/day mill has been completed. There is sufficient high grade material within the old dumps (greater than 6000 tonnes selectively determined) to run the mill for at least 100 days. Assays taken indicate an average grade of 3.32 g/t (0.104 oz/t) Au and 324.2 g/t (10.42 oz/t) Ag (see Appendix 1). This works out to a total value of metal recovered of approximately $1.1M (US) or about $330,000.00 (US) per month, assuming an average gold price of $640 US per oz and an average silver price of $13.20 US per oz.
4. Additional high grade feed for the mill will come from the Destajos and Trinidad level adits as well as other high grade areas which have been and are being identified. This high grade material will be blended with lower grade materials from Cerro Colorado and/or additional old tailings dump materials. It is expected that sufficient volumes of high grade material will be available to run the 60 tonne/day mill in a testing mode for at least an additional year and that these will provide sufficient feed for the 250 tonne/day mill (to be constructed later this year) for at least as long. Sampling in the San Diego Cross area of the Destajos level produced an average grade across 6.3m of 4.0 g/t (0.125 oz/t) Au and 458 g/t (14.35 oz/t) Ag (see report at page 1).
5. Bulk sampling has been completed at the crest of Cerro Colorado and this lower grade material will be used in a test heap leach operation with the objective of expanding the heap leach pad to at least 500,000 tonnes over the next six months to a year. An agreement has been reached with the local council to develop an area of approximately 244,750 square meters (24.5 hectares) for use in the test heap leach operation (see page 27). It is expected that the pad will be ready for initial heap leach testing by late summer or fall of 2007.
6. The mineral resource volumes for indicated and inferred resources have increased to 7.07 million tonnes from 2.67 million tonnes in the previous report of March 2006 (see Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimates at page 81). This is triple the previously reported volume of mineral resources based on the very structured and concise format required under NI43-101. The resource is representative of approximately 235.70 thousand oz of Au and 23.33 million oz of Ag. These quantities of gold and silver are representative of a present supportable valuation of the project according to NI43-101 of approximately Four Hundred and Sixty Million dollars ($460,000,000.00) US at the present day gold and silver prices of $640 per oz Au and $13.20 US per oz Ag (see page 85).
7. To date, references from older reports have indicated that only 20% of the known main Cinco Minas vein system has been tested. Bandera intends to continue field work begun in 2006 to identify new sources of mineralized sections. It is expected that this work will considerably enhance the reported mineral resource volumes given in this technical report.
The technical information contained in this news release was collected, compiled and reviewed by Richard Munroe, B.Sc., FGAC, P.Geo., a qualified person under NI43-101.
Bandera Gold Ltd. is a Junior Canadian Exploration Company whose corporate strategy is to build shareholder value by finding and developing overlooked and undervalued mineral properties in North America and South America. By partnering with an experienced mining and mineral exploration entity, the Company's core focus will be the continued exploration and advancement of the Cinco Minas property in Mexico to production, exploration of the Gran Cabrera property in Mexico and the exploration of the Belmira property in Colombia.
On behalf of the Board
Kelvin Williams, CEO
Das rechtfertigt den trading halt!
Ergebnisse, die die Resourcen dorthin bringen, wo sie veranschlagt waren für 07. Weiß die Zahl nicht auswendig.
La preciosa macht ihrem Namen immer mehr Ehre!Orko Silver Hits Major Intercept in Martha Vein at La Preciosa
Wednesday May 9, 4:12 pm ETVANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--May 9, 2007 -- Orko Silver Corp. (CDNX: OK.V - News) is pleased to announce that it has received further assay results from the current diamond drilling program on La Preciosa Project in Durango, Mexico.
Of particular note is a new major width and high grade intercept of the Martha Vein in "Mina La Preciosa" sector and an increase in width in the Abundancia Vein in drill hole BP07-102. The Martha Vein yielded 13.79 metres true width grading 376.5 g/t Ag and 0.320 g/t Au for a silver-equivalent of 395.7 g/t, including 3.07 metres true width grading 1,374.0 g/t Ag and 0.605 g/t Au for a silver-equivalent of 1,410.3 g/t. This vein was not included in the previously released Inferred Resource Estimate (13 March 2007). Abundancia Vein in this hole yielded an impressive 26.80 metres true width grading 152.3 g/t Ag and 0.205 g/t Au for a silver-equivalent of 164.5 g/t.
Gary Cope, President of Orko, adds, "These results increase our confidence that we will exceed expectations at La Preciosa. The recent discovery of the Martha Vein, given its initial widths and grades, could potentially change the entire dynamic of the project. Hole 102 encompasses the best assay results to date at La Preciosa. We are extremely pleased with the ongoing exploration program and look forward to releasing more results as we receive them."
Vollständige Nachricht: detailed drill plan map is available at the link below:
A complete table of drill results is available at the link below:
Hallo Tschonko
Habe mir den letzten Quartalsbericht und MD&A von Bandera angeschaut. Das Management übt fleißig warrants aus ohne jedoch zu verkaufen, vielmehr gab es sogar einige Insiderkäufe. Scheint daß sie Vertrauen zum Unternehmen haben. Könnte mir vorstellen daß 100 moz Silber und 1 m oz Gold nachgewiesen werden. Übernahmekandidat in 1-2 Jahren?GGI:
Für Morelos, Iris und Temoris wurd eine NSR von 2% statt wie üblich 1& zu vereinbaren mit der Option 1% davon für 1 bzw 1.5 (Iris) mio zu erwerben. Damit war wohl der günstige Kaufpreis möglich.Zudem gibt es keine Drillverpflichtungen in Form von Mindestdrillsummen wie bei anderen Unternehmen, d.h. GGI ist nicht unter Druck zu finanzieren!
Es gibt ein neues Radiointerview von Regoci : Drilling in Morelos wird angeschnitten oder ist in Vorbereitung, wenn ich es richtig verstanden habe wartet man noch auf die Spezifizierung der Targets.
Hallo Nugget!
die insidergeschichte schau ich mir auch immer an vorher!
Aber blöd wären sie, wenn sie nicht zu 0,25 ausüben.Hier geht´s jetzt um das JV von Penoles. Verhandelt wird......
das mit der NSR hab ich nicht verstanden.
Hast du da den link?OK: der Anstieg war klar. Jetzt sollte es über die 1,03 gehen, sonst wieder retour.
Geologix GIX.V: die wollte ich bei Schwäche kaufen.
sehr interessante Co.!!!
Mexico, Nevada und Peru.
Kenn sie aber noch zu wenig respektive die untenstehende meldung.... -30% auf Grund dieser Meldung!
Jetzt weiß ich nicht, soll ich oder doch eher nicht...
San Agustin, Mexico: Geologix Increases Strike of Zone 4 by 100 Metres, Extends NE Gold Trend in Zone 3 by 700 Metres, 4 KM of Trenching Begins, Drilling Scheduled for June 07
Thursday May 10, 8:17 am ETVANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - May 10, 2007) - Geologix (TSX VENTURE:GIX - News; FRANKFURT:GF6 - News) is pleased to announce that it has received the analytical results for the last three diamond drill holes of the eight drill hole (2,700m) program completed earlier this year.
President and CEO Dunham Craig stated "We continue to be very pleased with the results from our Phase 1 drilling program with the extension of Zone 4 gold-silver-lead-zinc mineralization and the continuation of the gold bearing NE structures in Zone 3. Drilling has confirmed our geological model and indicates that the mineralizing system is of sufficient size and potential to warrant accelerating our plans to continue aggressively exploring the project. The potential size of the mineralizing system has justified the company's plans to spend an additional $1 Million dollars over the next 4 months to continue trenching and drilling the multiple zones identified in our Phase 1 program.".............
Tschonko -
GIX.V im Zickzackkurs.
Hab das ein bisserl verpennt, jetzt mog i nimma.....
Grandich hat noch schnell was rausgeschossen.
Man beachte kaufpreis!!Special Alert
May 10, 2007 • 11:00AM ESTI’m literally going out the door to travel to Toronto
for tomorrow’s “Market Call” appearance so I couldn’t put
together a full commentary but needed to tell my readers
the following:
I’ve already more than doubled my position in Geologix
Explorations (GIX-TSX-V $1.65 ) this morning and if
the rest of my current orders are filled, I will have more
than tripled it. I believe the market has completely misinterpreted
today’s drill results
(Wouldn’t be the first time and won’t be the last in the junior resource business) and the
impact they should have on the company going forward. It’s very rare that a junior does
500 and 1,000 meters step outs, and the results were far, far better (IMHO) than the
market is suggesting today. I believe this is unsophisticated selling and I’m either going
to benefit greatly from it or end up nowhere as smart as I think I am at the moment.
I said this project is a company maker and I believe in my heart we will look back later
this year and consider today’s price a “gift.”
I urge you to call the company as part of your due diligence at 1-888-694-1742. -
....das ist wenn man keine realtime Kurse hat - hatte für 1.85 eingegeben
aber da sah ich Herrn Grandich nur noch von hinten
Hallo linar,
da haben wir zu lange geschaut.
Mir ist sie während ich den Beitrag schrieb, den ersten heute, schon davongelaufen.Check das nicht: Zuerst kaufen, dann schreiben!!
Noch schneller war der silver eagle. Die haben die 30 Mille schnell abgeschlossen. Rapide!!
Von FR.V hab ich noch nichts gehört. Die sollten auch heute fertig sein.....??
Silver Eagle Closes Equity Financing Including Exercise of Over-Allotment Option
Silver Eagle Mines Inc. ("Silver Eagle" or the "Company') (TSX:SEG) is pleased to announce that it has closed its public offering previously announced on April 30, 2007, including the exercise, in full, of the over-allotment option, and has issued 20,010,000 units at a price of $1.50 per unit for gross proceeds of C$30,015,000.
Each unit is comprised of one common share and one-half of one common share purchase warrant. Each whole warrant entitles the holder to purchase one common share of the Company until November 10, 2008, with an exercise price of C$2.03 per share.
Cormark Securities Inc. and Blackmont Capital Inc. acted as co-lead agents in connection with the offering, together with a syndicate that also includes Fraser Mackenzie Limited and TD Securities Inc. ....
Tschonko -
Habe mich unvollständig und nicht klar genug ausgedrückt. Habe einen Artikel leider nur als pdf file , daher ein Miniauszug:
A) Morelos:
Garibaldi holds an option to purchase a 100%
interest in the Morelos property from Minera Cima
SA de CV for $US 25,000 (paid) plus $US 450,000 in
stock payable in 9 tranches over 4 years (first two
tranches totaling 475,000 shares and 271,000 warrants
paid), plus a one-time $US 2-million payment
in 4 years. The purchase is also subject to a 2% net
smelter royalty due to the seller, one-half of which
can be bought back for $US 1 million.B) Iris:
Garibaldi secured the Iris concession adjoining
Gammon Lake’s Ocampo Mine in early February this
year for costs plus cash payments totaling $US 75,000
over 18 months, and subject to a 2% net smelter royalty
due to the seller, Minera Gama SA. Half of the royalty
may be purchased by Garibaldi at any time for $US 1.5-
million. In May, the company accelerated its payments,
and completed the acquisition of 100%-interest in the
concession early.C) Temoris:
Garibaldi is acquiring a 100% interest in the Temoris
concessions by paying $US 600,000 over 4 years
($US 50,000 now paid) and issuing $US 275,000 in
warrants to acquire shares in the company over 4
years, plus a lump-sum payment of $US 1.4-million
after 4 years. The seller will also be granted a 2% net
smelter royalty, one-half of which may be purchased
by Garibaldi for $US 1-million.Was ich meine ist GGI zahlt 4 Jahre lang sehr wenig Geld für die Projekte, und nach Ende von 4 jahren können sie entscheiden ob sie es wollen oder nicht, und dann jeweils 2 mio (A), 1.5 mio (B) bzw. 1.4 mio (C) zahlen. Es wird eine NSR von 2% vereinbart ,welche zur Hälfte zurückgekauft werden kann.
Die übliche Praxis sieht eine 1% NSR vor und Drillverpflichtungen in aufsteigender Rheinfolge jährlich vor z.B.
1. Jahr 0.8 mio
2. Jahr 1.5 mio
3. Jahr 2.2 mio...Bedeutet im Klartext: Der Kapitalbedarf ist bei GGI niedriger als üblich, da die Hauptzahlung erst am Ende der 4 Jahre erfolgt, und kein Verpflichtungen bestehen für bestimmte Beträge zu drillen. Geht die Spekulation nicht auf geben sie ein Projekt auf, haben aber nicht viel gezahlt. Sie sind nicht unter Druck PP´s zu machen.
Re: News Releases - Thursday, May 10, 2007
Closing of $34,415,000 Private Placement
=======================================================================FIRST MAJESTIC SILVER CORP. (FR-V) (the "Company") is pleased to
announce the successful completion today of the private placement of special warrants announced April 20. The private placement consisted of a total of 6,883,000 special warrants sold at a price of $5.00 per Special Warrant (the "Issue Price") for aggregate gross proceeds to the Company of $34,415,000 million and was conducted through Cormark Securities Inc. (formerly Sprott Securities Inc.), CIBC World Markets Inc. (as co-lead underwriters) and Blackmont Capital Inc. (the "Underwriters"). Each Special Warrant will be exercisable, without further consideration, for one Unit of the Company and will be
automatically exercised for one Unit of the Company on the date the Company obtains a final receipt for a prospectus qualifying the underlying shares. In the event the Company has not obtained a final receipt prior to the date that is 11 weeks after the closing date, each Special Warrant will be exercisable for 1.08 Units. Each Unit will consist of one common share and one-half of one share purchase warrant. Each whole share purchase warrant will be exercisable at a price of $6.50 for a period of 18 months from the date of closing. The underwriters received a cash commission of 5.5% of the gross proceeds of the offering at closing.The net proceeds of the offering will be used to fund further expansion of the Company's La Parrilla Silver Mine, The San Martin Silver Mine and La Encantada Silver Mine, to satisfy property and vendor commitments and for general working capital.
First Majestic is a producing silver company focused in Mexico and is aggressively pursuing its business plan to become a senior silver producer through development of its existing assets and the pursuit through acquisition of additional assets that contribute to achieving its corporate growth objectives.
The securities offered have not been registered under the U.S.
Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an application exemption from the registration requirements. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the securities in any State in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.FOR FURTHER INFORMATION contact, visit our
website at or call our toll free number
Keith Neumeyer,
President & CEO -
Danke Nugget,
alles klar und FR ging ja schneller als gedacht.
Super teamarbeit!FR: jöö, da schau i oba, hat der Kasperl imma g´sagr.
Heißt für mich, die brauchen das geld nur für laufende Kosten.
La Parilla frisst dollares.
Aufbau einer Mine kostet.Will Keith aquirieren, braucht es neues Geld.
La Parilla scheint ja größer zu sein als angenommen.
Bin neugierig, wieviele oz das für 07 werden???Die frage ist, ob die angepeilten 5 Mille knapp oder deutlich verfehlt werden..
Aber auf jeden Fall gibt es eine Resourcenausweitung fü La Parilla.Grüße
tschonkoPS: Edel, könntest du die IMI.V International Millenium wieder zu den EM Minen verlagern?
Die zieht an!! -
Noch etwas zu EXN ( Habe ich noch nicht), aus einem Artikel evtl. schon gepostet:
Previously recommended, Excellon Resources (EXN) was first visited. The company has a solid management team, strong balance sheet and an experienced Board of Directors. Excellon owns 100 percent of the Platosa silver deposit located in northeastern Durango state. Excellon has a huge unexplored land package of 129 square km (36,000 acres) that lies in the middle of the beltway of Mexico's carbon replacement deposit (crd) system which hosts Mexico's largest silver mine, Santa Eulalia. Excellon has the highest grade in Mexico and is profitable. Excellon has more than $13 million in cash and the company will beginning piling up the cash in the next quarter and will be most importantly, debt free. This year, Excellon will produce 2.5 million ounces up from 1.7 million ounces but next year with normalized shipments, Excellon should producer 3.3 million ounces. Excellon has begun permitting and preparation for building a 300 tonne per day mill which will allow it to double its production in the fourth quarter of 2008. Of more excitement is that Excellon has boosted its exploration budget following an airborne survey which has highlighted at least two "mag highs". The company intends to drill these "mag highs" this summer.
Haben die gar nicht so öffentlich gemacht.
Original von Tschonko
PS: Edel, könntest du die IMI.V International Millenium wieder zu den EM Minen verlagern?
Die zieht an!!
Done, TschonkoHatte sie eher als Metallmine gesehen.
Sie ist übrigens ab heute im Musterdepot eines Börsenbriefes, Zufall ?
Edel Man -
Hallo Edel,
danke. Hauptproperty ist die größte histor. silbermine in kanada.Welcher Börsenbrief? D od. drüben?
Sind ja seit Anfang Mai handelbar, die CBE Abspaltungs Gratisdinger....
In Vancouver wurden heute relativ viele gehandelt.Hab die IMI bei Cabo schon lange vor Abspaltung immer erwähnt.
Wenn POG und POS die nächsten Tage noch mehr abtauchen, sind die nächsten Monate gelaufen.......
EXN ist mir eine der liebsten, aber sie hängt auch zur Zeit.
Wird aber heuer noch so richtig abschwirren vermute ich.
Heuer ist noch lang......
sieh oben!Grüße
Tschonko -