Silber Companies - Liste und Neues
Schöne Grafik.
Das freut zunächst diejenigen, die US Silver, First Majestic und Endeavour usw haben.
Nur: Diese Werte hier sind lediglich Komponenten des Gesamtbildes.
Vergleichsweise wichtig sind Produktionskosten, Qualität des Managements usw.
Und da läge Coeur zB ganz wo anders.Leider sehr lückenhaft: Orko, die an anderer Stelle vorne lag, fehlt u.a.
Edel Man -
bin noch erledigt von so viel sauberer Höhlenluft und Luftfeuchte in Flussnähe.
Dazu das unverschämt gute Wetter.Hat sich ja nicht allzuviel getan........
Kanadische Durchlässigkeit: ärger wie die Kalkalpen bei wasser...
Diesmal bei Carpathian gold.
2 Tage vor der Meldung beginnt die Aktie rasant zu steigen.
am Tag der Meldung geht es dann etwas retour.War positiv genau wie FCO.TO. Wann wird da das 52 Wochen Hoch geknackt?
Exmin hat 2 neue properties erworben.
Wichtiger erscheint mir die heutige Meldung.
Auch die Kosten schön aufgestellt.
Orko hat noch nie und will auch nie.
Darum nicht in der Liste.
Da sind nur Producer aufgeführt.Was ist bloss bei UC.V los?
Tschonko -
Original von Tschonko
Orko hat noch nie und will auch nie.
Darum nicht in der Liste.
Da sind nur Producer aufgeführt.
Das ist richtig. Aber schön listig von EDR:
Die Zahlen zur Estimated Production" sind wenig aussagefähig IMO.Bin selbst ein alter EDR Investor, hatte das am 15.02.2007 bei Orko reingestellt:
As of February 3, 2007) Peer group VergleichEndeavour Silver 16 Mill..............................................11,84
ECU Silver .......... 98.4 Million .....................................$7.00
Fortuna Silver ......21.0 Million ....................................$8.62
Great Panther......22.3 Million .....................................$7.11
MAG Silver...........drilling
Esperanza Silver..drilling
Silver Eagle.........12,6..................................................$3,99
Orko Silver Orko Silver.28.7 Million.......................... $1.39
Da sieht manches schon anders aus, das hatte ich gemeint.
Über UC weiß ich auch nichts, hab sie nicht
Edel Man -
beides macht sich gut in Präsentationen, mehr nicht.....
Wie sagt man da, Kraut mit Rüben vergleichen.Hab Freitag vor einer Woche die 3,04€ Position (ein Sechstel!) von FR.V zu 3,14 verkauft. Jetzt ist dir teuerste die 2,84€ Position.
Reine Vorsichtsmaßnahme!Dafür stark unvorsichtig: innerhalb einiger Wochen zum 3. male EXM.V
Ist ja blöd, so schnell hintereinander...........
Diesmal zu 0,5C$.Noch mal die einzelnen Links zu Exmin:
Hier gab´s noch andere Bieter! (Penoles und ein GG Anhängsel!!)
EXMIN Acquires Additional Project in the Batopilas Region, Chihuahua, Mexico
Thursday May 24, 10:41 am ETVANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--May 24, 2007 -- EXMIN Resources Inc. (EXMIN) (CDNX:EXM.V - News) is pleased to announce that it has acquired an additional project in the Sierra Madre Occidental of Chihuahua, Mexico. The project consists of one concession covering 100 hectares and is located in the region south of the Reyna de Oro project and southwest of the Batopilas project. The project area was declared free by the Mexican government and EXMIN was awarded the concession after winning a drawing that resulted from simultaneous applications. Participants in the drawing were EXMIN and subsidiaries of Chesapeake Gold Corp. and Industrias Penoles. The project is surrounded by concessions controlled by these companies as well as by a subsidiary of Kennecott Exploration. EXMIN's application for 100 hectares cost a total of about US$ 4,000 dollars.
Craig Gibson, Vice President of Exploration of EXMIN, stated, "We were able to step in and beat out some strong players this time. Our continuing regional exploration program, based on site visits to areas with past mining activity, had previously identified this area as a prime acquisition target. We were investigating the ownership of the concessions when they were declared free for staking, and we were fortunate to be able to win this one. EXMIN's ongoing generative exploration program has been very selective over the last six months and has focused on evaluating areas of known mineralization and past mining in order to develop future drill targets."
The target area, called Cascurrichi, consists of a large scale structure with gold mineralization that has been traced and sampled over more than 1.2 kilometres of strike length. The concession staked by EXMIN covers the core part of the known mineralization extending for about 750 metres along strike and where the structure ranges up to 29 metres in width. Preliminary surface sampling has indicated that the mineralized widths vary from 6 metres with 5.8 grams per metric tonne (g/t) gold to 13.5 metres with 0.77 g/t gold. Individual assays of as much as 11.9 grams per metric tonne (g/t) gold were obtained, and 14 of 27 samples (52%) assayed more than 0.3 g/t gold (see table of assay results below). Six samples (22%) assayed more than 2.5 g/t gold.
EXMIN plans to add this property to the pipeline of projects that will be explored in the next several months and into next year.
EXMIN Acquires Additional Concessions at the Moris Exploration Project, Chihuahua, Mexico
Friday May 25, 1:19 pm ETVANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--May 25, 2007 -- EXMIN Resources Inc. (EXMIN) (CDNX:EXM.V - News) is pleased to announce that it has optioned three additional concessions in the Moris district and has finalized an option agreement to acquire five other concessions in the area. EXMIN has proposed to include all of these concessions in the Moris Exploration Joint Venture with Hochschild Mining Group (Hochschild) (see News Release of March 22, 2006). The earn-in joint venture agreement with Hochschild is separate from the EXMIN-Hochschild Moris Mine acquisition and production joint venture described in EXMIN's News Releases dated July 19, 2006, and Jan 18, 2007. Also, an additional concession was staked by the exploration joint venture.
The four new concessions cover strategic ground in all three of the principal target areas being explored by the joint venture, Tecolote, El Pilar and La Cienega. Two concessions, the Pedregosa and Juana Inez, cover approximately 23 hectares and include two of the most important historical, past producing mines and several vein structures in the El Pilar target area. The Relampago concession covers 33 hectares and includes one of the principal past producing mines in the La Cienega target area.
The fourth concession, Mi Fortuna, covers 60 hectares in the Tecolote area and was staked recently after the original concession was cancelled and declared open for staking.
The company also has finalized an option agreement that covers 170 hectares in the Pilar target, as was previously announced as a letter of intent (see News Release of February 22, 2006, Acquisition #3)............
Tschonko -
Gemeinsam leidet sichs besser !
Gemeint ist hier Exmin: Die hab ich auch immer weiter verbilligt, zuletzt zum 3.mal zu 0,53 C$.Aber : Von der bin ich so ähnlich überzeugt, wie etwa von Minera Andes, die erst hinkte, aber nun immer besser wird !
In letzter Zeit mit Abstand der beste Wert überhaupt im Depot.Nicht zufällig bei beiden Hochschild im Rücken.
Zu FR: Da bin ich --ehedem voll überzeugt-- seit längerem ganz raus.
Hab das auch in dem eigenen Sräd vertreten: Keith Neumeier will zu viel zu schnell IMO.Insbesondere in einem besseren Umfeld natürlich nach wie vor 1.Qualität.
Edel Man -
Mensch Meier, was ihr wieder alles verkauft habt.
Naja, 3 Tsunamis seit Anfang 2007 macht die Knie locker, I understand !
(Kauf) Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung, ich stockte die FR auf.Never mind...jeder soll machen was er fuer richtig haelt.
Aberaber Eldo !!
Hier wird im Stillen auch nachgekauft:
Avino / ASM
Exmin / EXM
Genco / GGC
Minera Andes / MAI
Continuum / CNU
Minefinders / MFL
Miramar / MAE
Novagold / NGAuf das Thema "Umschichten" gehe ich mal später in "Forenstruktur " ein.
Edel Man -
Dann bin ich aber froh Edel, haette mich gewundert das ein Soldat wie du die Flinte so schnell ins Korn wirft.
Umschichten und kaufen ist ok, man macht es ruckelsicherer das angepasste Depot.Die richtige Selection und dann laufen lassen.
Gute Aktien hast du dir gekauft, bis auf einen habe ich die auch bereits aufgestockt in den letzten Tagen.
Avino wars schwieriger mit grossen Volumen, da geben wenige ihre Aktien her bei 2 CAD....bis die news kommen auf die wir warten.Schoen langsam gewoehnt man sich an die Angriffe des PPT.
Going through the motions !
Die bringen immer einen Vorteil wenn man noch Pulver hat das man vorher vom Tisch nahm.
Fuer mich ist das die letzte Gelegenheit in 2007 den PM Einkaufskorb voll zu laden. Selbst eine Teck Com. ist ein bargain.Lets do it again, guts feelings.
...Du bist schon ein stiller Geniesser und kaufst
....Es ist es mir zu ruhig im Forum, ist das die Ruhe vor dem Sturm ??
My job is almost done, jetzt heisst es abwarten.
URLAUB AM BESTEN 8)...the PM's can drive you crazy and sometimes its not healthy.
Live while you can and enjoy every day.
BGL May 28, 2007
Bandera Gold Ltd. (“Bandera”) announced today a proposed non-brokered private placement of a minimum of 2,000,000 and a maximum of 4,000,000 units of Bandera at a price of $1.00 per unit, for proceeds of up to $4,000,000. Each unit will consist of one common share and a half warrant. Each whole warrant entitles the holder to purchase an additional common share at a price of $1.25 per share for a period of one year from closing of the private placement.
The financing is subject to regulatory approval including the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. Finders Fees will be paid on the private placement in accordance with the policies of the Exchange and applicable securities laws.
The net proceeds of the private placement will be used for exploration and development of Bandera’s Cinco Minas and Gran Cabrera properties.
On Behalf of the Board
Kelvin Williams
President and CEO
Bandera kriegt man nun zu PP Kursen.
Ich hab zwar ein bisserl teurer gekauft, aber was soll´s.@eldo,
ich hab grad mal 3% cash.....
Mehr brauch ich nicht sagen und aktuell 3 Hänger......
Vor allem die Victoria, die verschleierte Schl...FR kann man kaufen, vor allem nach diesem Bericht.
First Majestic Silver Corp.: San Martin Silver Mine Update and New NI 43-101 Resource
Die Ex First Silver Mine San Martin.
Am letzten Bericht von First Silver und dem jetzigen von Fr kann man sehen, dass die wirklich die mine "verkommen" ließen.
Was für eine Entwicklung in 9 monaten.Das wird ja noch ne richtig schöne Mine.
Beim ersten Lesen war ich enttäuscht.
Nach dem 3. mal bin ich erfreut und ich hab es mir wahrlich nicht schön gelesen.Ein paar Beispiele:
The Company has also initiated exploration at the old Rosario mine and completed 1,762 metres of diamond drilling over 34 holes (28 underground and 6 from surface). None of this new work since January 1st,, 2007 is included in the new NI 43-101 resource calculation below.3 drill rigs sind am Laufen.
Die Ausmaße der Mine sind viel größer als gedacht und überall Mineralisation.
La parilla arbeitet auf Volldampf, San Martin auch auf hohem Niveau.
Da weiß man dann auch, wozu das geld vom letzten großen PP gebraucht wird.Strategie klar: eher egal, ob 5 Mille oz gefördert werden heuer.
Aber es wird eine gewaltige Resourcenausweitung geben.....Für den Kurs ist das zwar nicht so gut, aber wenn alles so ungefähr normal läuft, schaut´s in 9 Monaten sehrrr, sehrr gut aus.
Dann plärrt das Baby....Grüße
Tschonko -
Zitat....Es ist es mir zu ruhig im Forum, ist das die Ruhe vor dem Sturm ??
So ist das doch immer wenn saure Gurken Zeit ist. Das Forum ist wesentlich kommunikativer, wenn die Kurse steigen als bei fallenden bzw. steitwärts gehenden Kursen. Wie dem auch sei, die Kurse werden spätestens Juli/August sehr viel besser stehen als jetzt (730US$ + x) ......das ist aber nur meine unmassgebliche Meinung....bin voll investiert!
ZitatThink positiv ! Juli/August bin ich wieder im Urlaub.
Nach pro-zyklischen Gesichtspunkten ein eindeutiges Indiz in diesem Zeitraum voll investiert zu sein
Ist zwar nicht Silber, aber so G´schichten wie CPN.TO, AMC.V, FCO.TO oder VIT.V, die verschleierte Schl... sind immer interessant.
Also, leicht überfällig der Bericht aber dafür ansprechend.
Carpathian Gold Announces Initial Mineral Resource-Multi-Million Ounce Gold Estimate
Tuesday May 29, 9:07 am ETTORONTO, ONTARIO--(CCNMatthews - May 29, 2007) - Carpathian Gold Inc. (TSX:CPN - News; 'the Corporation") is very pleased to announce its initial National Instrument 43-101 compliant Resource Estimate, as provided by independent consultants AMEC Americas Limited's ("AMEC"), on its 100% owned Rovina Exploration License in central Romania, which hosts the Colnic Au-Cu porphyry deposit ("Colnic") and the Rovina Cu-Au porphyry deposit ("Rovina"). AMEC has estimated the Mineral Resource for each of the Colnic and Rovina porphyry deposits, located approximately 2.5 km apart, utilizing drill hole data to December 31, 2006. Drilling on both of these porphyries is on-going and neither porphyry has yet been fully delineated in size and average tenor
For both porphyries the Mineral Resources reported are confined to a Whittle 4x-generated conceptual pit shell to determine the amount of potentially mineable open pit mineralization using various economic assumptions. The Colnic resource estimate is divided into gold-copper ("Au-Cu") mineralization (with block model of Cu grades greater than 500 ppm) and gold ("Au") only mineralization (with block model Cu grades less than 500 ppm). The Rovina resource estimate is entirely comprised of Au-Cu mineralization.
The following table summarizes the results of the in-pit mineralization for each porphyry deposit; with Colnic comprised of Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resources reported at a base-case gold equivalent ("Au Eq.") cut-off grade of 0.4 g/t and Rovina comprised of Inferred Mineral Resources reported at a base-case copper equivalent ("Cu Eq.") cut-off grade of 0.25% . The base-case cut-offs are determined from assumed economic parameters such as mining and milling costs of comparable porphyry-type deposits and metal recoveries based on early-stage testwork (see Metallurgical section below). For both Colnic and Rovina the various tonnage and grade estimates at different ranges of Au Eq. and Cu Eq. cut-off grades are attached in a table at the end of this press release.
Colnic and Rovina Mineral Resource (as of December 31, 2006)
urce Deposit
Cate- Name Tonnage Au Cu Au Eq. Cu Eq. Gold Copper Gold Eq.
gory (zone) (Mt) (g/t) (%) (g/t)(i) (%)(i) (Moz) (Mlbs) (Moz)(i)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Indi- Colnic
(Au-Cu) 68.0 0.64 0.12 0.83 0.51 1.41 175.0 1.82
Indi- Colnic
cated 68.0 0.64 0.12 0.83 0.51 1.41 175.0 1.82
Infer- Colnic
(Au-Cu) 9.4 0.47 0.10 0.63 0.39 0.14 20.0 0.19
(Au Only) 6.8 0.82 0.03 0.82 - 0.18 - 0.18
(Au-Cu) 144.1 0.30 0.26 0.72 0.44 1.38 829.0 3.32
Total Rovina
Infer- & Colnic
red 160.3 0.33 0.24 0.72 0.42 1.70 849.0 3.69
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(i) Au Eq. and Cu Eq. as determined by AMEC using a gold price of $US550 per ounce and a copper price of $1.30/lb. Metallurgical recoveries are not taken into account.
- Base case cut-offs used in the table are for 0.40 g/t Au Eq. for Colnic and for 0.25% Cu. Eq. for Rovina
- Rounding of tonnes as required by reporting guidelines may result in apparent differences between tonnes, grade and contained metal content.
Mr. Dino Titaro, President and CEO of the Corporation commented: "We are exceptionally pleased with this initial Mineral Resource Estimate, given that it represents a starting point of the resource potential for each deposit that was achieved within only 10 months of commencement from drilling in 2006. We are highly encouraged as the global resource has more than met our initial expectations and our original minimum target goal for the project of at least 200 million tonnes has already been surpassed. We are confident that the 2007 drilling program which is currently underway should add to these resources and upgrade their category confidence level. Our exploration team has done an exceptional job in the advancement of this project and on behalf of senior management and the Board of Directors, I thank them all. In addition we are pleased with the level of detail and thoroughness brought to this estimate by AMEC in providing a high caliber and high confidence resource estimate".
The following provides information about the Resource Estimate and Conceptual Pits.
To generate the conceptual pits, the following early-stage assumptions were used. Additional work will be required to more accurately establish these parameters:
- Au Price: US$550/ounce - Cu Price: US$1.30/lb - Copper Concentrate Process Cost: US$3.00/tonne milled - For the Au-only zone at Colnic, Pyrite Concentrate/Cyanide Leach Process Cost: US$4.00
- G&A: US$1.00/tonne milled - Mining Cost: US$0.95/tonne - Colnic - Process Recovery through Copper Concentrate: 60% Au, 85% Cu - Colnic - Process Recovery through Pyrite Concentrate/Cyanide Leach: 75% Au, 0% Cu - Rovina - Process Recovery through Copper Concentrate: 60% Au, 90% Cu - Pit Slopes: 50 degrees
Resource Estimate:
- Mineral resources were estimated in conformance with the CIM Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve definitions referred to in National Instrument ("N.I.") 43--101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
- The Resource Estimate for Colnic was based on 49 drill holes (15,714 m) drilled over an area of approximately 600 m by 600 m. At Rovina the resource estimate was based on 17 drill holes (8,435 m) drilled over an area of approximately 400 m by 300 m.
- All drill holes are diamond drill core and were sampled over their entire length over mostly 1 m sample intervals. A thorough QA/QC program was in place during the drill program, which included the insertion of standard, duplicates and blanks at regular intervals.
- The integrity of the drill hole database, including assays, used in the Resource Estimate was reviewed by AMEC and deemed as acceptable.
- A three-dimensional (3D) geological and block model was generated using GEMS© software; separate domains were created for each lithology and alteration type at Colnic and Rovina.
- Grade interpolation at Colnic was completed using a combination of outlier restricted kriging and ordinary kriging with multiple passes. At Rovina outlier restricted ordinary kriging and inverse distance cubed were used.
- Densities were determined for a representative number of rock and mineralization types using industry standard methods and an average value for each modeled rock type was applied to the block model.
- Preliminary metallurgical work was completed by SGS Lakefield, Canada, for the Corporation (see below).
Mr. David Thomas, MAusIMM, Senior Geologist with AMEC, is the Qualified Person responsible for the Mineral Resource estimates for both the Colnic and Rovina Deposits. The complete N.I. 43-101 Technical Report will be filed on SEDAR at within 45 days.
For both the Colnic and Rovina porphyries, there is additional mineralization outside of the conceptual pit outline that is not reported as Mineral Resources. This mineralization will require further evaluation to potentially be incorporated into a future Mineral Resource, particularly at Colnic where a comparable number of tonnes above the cut-off grade of 0.4 g/t Au. Eq. lies outside of the conceptual pit shell utilized for the initial resource estimate.
At both Rovina and Colnic there are higher grade portions of each deposit (see tables at end of this press release), some of which occurs near to surface. These areas could represent potential starter pits for each deposit and need to be further evaluated.
Metallurgical Testwork
Three metallurgical samples, each totaling a minimum of 20 metres of mostly 1/4 HQ core comprised of 4 five-metre composite samples for a total sample weight of 35-42 kg each, were submitted to SGS Lakefield Research, Canada, to provide a preliminary estimate of copper and gold recoveries. Two composite samples were submitted for the Colnic deposit and one composite sample for the Rovina deposit. The testwork program was overseen and supervised by Mr. Al Hayden, P. Eng., of EHA Engineering Ltd. who is a Qualified Person under N.I. 43-101 and a consultant to the Corporation.
The purpose of the testwork was to investigate the recovery of copper and gold through flotation followed by cyanide leaching of gold from the flotation tailings. Selective copper and bulk sulphide flotation samples were investigated in rougher and cleaning tests along with the effects of fineness of grind, pH, type of collectors and pyrite depressants. One cycle test was conducted on each sample consisting of flotation test work for copper and gold recoveries and cyanide leaching of the cleaner tails for additional gold recovery.
Flotation testwork on the composite samples from the Colnic and Rovina deposits has demonstrated that a saleable copper concentrate containing a significant portion of the gold can be produced.
Cycle tests for Rovina yielded copper recoveries to flotation of approximately 92%, with the concentrate grading 26.8% Cu and 28.4 g Au/t. Gold recovery was in the order of 65%. Cyanidation tests on the cleaner tails indicate that additional gold can be recovered using acceptable reagent consumptions, by leaching of flotation cleaner tails and thus enhanced the gold recovery to 79%.
For Colnic, cycle tests yielded copper recoveries to flotation of approximately 84 to 90% with the concentrate grading approximately 21% Cu and 94 to 98 g Au/t. Gold recovery was in the order of 56 to 70%. Cyanidation tests on the cleaner tails indicate that additional gold can be recovered using acceptable reagent consumptions, at this deposit by leaching of flotation cleaner tails and thereby enhancing the gold recovery to approximately 70 to 78%.
We consider these preliminary metallurgical test results to be excellent and demonstrating that there is no unusual metallurgical process that may be required and that subject to economic assessments, additional metallurgical testwork is warranted to optimize the flowsheet and to establish various process design parameters. So far, from the limited testwork, the indicated flowsheet includes bulk flotation of sulphides followed by regrinding and cleaning of concentrate to produce a saleable grade, and cyanidation of one or more cleaner tailing products. Further work will be completed on larger and more representative compiled samples throughout each deposit to determine the optimum process design. It should be noted that the additional recovery of gold mineralization from the cleaner tails was not incorporated into the AMEC conceptual pit-model for the purposes of this initial Mineral Resource estimate. Further details and comments on the preliminary metallurgical testwork will be discussed in the 43-101 report.
2007 Exploration Program
The Corporation is continuing its drilling program on each of the Colnic and Rovina porphyries, comprised of in-fill drilling, delineation drilling and exploration drilling for extensions to the mineralization as well as its generative exploration work to evaluate other porphyry targets within the vicinity of these two deposits. Highlight intersections to date in 2007 include (see press release dated April 30, 2007; note for Au Eq. and Cu Eq. grades the metal prices used at the time of the release are $US450/ounce for gold and $1.25/lb for Copper, metallurgical recoveries not taken into account):
462 m of 0.43 g Au/t and 0.41% Cu (1.21 g/t Au Eq. or 0.64% Cu Eq.) including 203 m of 0.49 g Au/t and 0.47% Cu (1.38 g/t Au Eq. or 0.73% Cu Eq.) in drill hole RRD-21 at Rovina, and;
131 m of 0.37 g Au/t and 0.23% Cu (0.81 g/t Au Eq. or 0.42% "Cu Eq.") including, 40 m of 0.57 g Au/t and 0.23 % Cu (1.01 g/t Au Eq. or 0.53% Cu Eq.) in drill hole RRD-20 at Rovina, and;
235 m of 0.79 g Au/t and 0.12% Cu (1.02 g/t gold Au Eq.) including 184 m of 0.89 g Au/t and 0.14% Cu (1.16 g/t Au Eq.) in drill hole RCD-51 at Colnic.
Both porphyries have yet to be fully delineated in respect of either their size or contained mineral content. The objective of the 2007 drilling program is to further define the size of each porphyry deposit with the additional information that is collected to be incorporated into an updated Mineral Resource estimate planned to be completed during the early part of 2008.
Mr. Titaro is the qualified person (as defined in National Instrument 43-101) overseeing the design and implementation of the present exploration programs. He is responsible for preparing the technical information contained in this news release.
A conference call has been scheduled for Wednesday May 30, 2007 at 1:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (E.T.) to discuss the Mineral Resource results and the project.
Re: News Releases - Tuesday, May 29, 2007
=======================================================================Minco Gold Corporation (the "Company" or "Minco Gold")
(MMM-TSX/MGH-AMEX/MI5-FSE) is pleased to announce that its wholly owned
subsidiary, Minco Mining (China) Corporation, has entered into a
cooperative joint-venture agreement with Henan Nonferrous Geological
Mining Co., Ltd. ("HNGM") to jointly explore and develop the Xiaoshan
polymetallic project located in Henan Province, China. Under the terms
of the agreement, Minco can earn up to 70% equity interests in Xiaoshan
with a total contribution of RMB 35 million (approx US$ 4.57 million).
Minco will make an initial payment of RMB 15 million (approx US$ 1.96
million) to secure the exploration permits and fund RMB 20 million
(approx US$ 2.61 million) in exploration and development before the end
of June, 2009. The agreement is subject to Chinese government
approval.The Xiaoshan project consists of two exploration permits, the 17.1
square kilometre (km2) Huluyu permit and the 12 km2 Dafangshan permit,
for a total land package of 29.1 km2. Located in Shanxian County,
Northwest Henan Province, the region covers the eastern portion of the
famous Qinling metallogenic belt which is one of the most important
gold producing regions in China.Xiaoshan is located on a structural zone parallel to Silvercorp's Ying
Silver Project located 30 kilometres to the south. The Xiaoshan and
Ying projects demonstrate very similar geological settings, structures,
and mineralization styles. Regionally, both projects sit on the
Southern rim of the North China Craton where the Archean metamorphosed
rocks of the Taihua Group are the dominant host for the large
gold-silver deposits in the East section of the Qinling belt. In this
region, the Archean migmatite, schist and gneiss (Taihua Group) have
been intruded by Proterozoic diabase dykes and Mesozoic acidic dykes.
Vein-alteration zones in the region are dominantly controlled by N-NW
(North-Northwest) and NW-W (Northwest-West) trending faults with the
mineral deposit type similar to the mesothermal veins of the Coeur
d'Alene District in Idaho, U.S.A..
Within the Huluyu permit there are three sets of faults trending NW
(Northwest), N-NW, and NE (Northeast). Thirteen gold and silver veins
have been mapped at surface in this area and the largest vein has been
traced for a length of 4,150 metres. Sampling by the Henan Nonferrous
Exploration and Mining Company from underground workings at Huluyu have
returned values ranging from 3.0 g/t to 74.6 g/t gold, 121 g/t to 726
g/t silver, 3% to 29% lead, and 1% to 23% zinc. One grab sample from
underground workings returned 21.3 g/t gold, 520 g/t silver, 18.3%
lead, and 16.66 % zinc while another grab sample yielded 45.8 g/t gold,
145 g/t silver, 6.26% lead, and 12.90 % zinc.In the Dafangshan area, 7 gold veins have been mapped at surface. The
mineralization is strata bound and occurs as thin veins. Sampling by
the Henan Nonferrous Exploration and Mining Company returned values for
veins that vary in length from 212 m to 772 m with average widths from
0.42 m to 0.65 m and average gold grades from 3.00 g/t to 5.77 g/t.
Two grab samples returned gold values of 12.8 g/t and 21.7 g/t
respectively.While mining activities for gold and silver can be traced back for
hundreds of years, the Xiaoshan project remains largely under-explored
by modern techniques. Exploration in the region has been limited to
surface mapping, stream sediment sampling, trenching, and sampling of
old workings and artisanal tunnels. Minco's geological team is
preparing a work program to investigate the numerous veins identified
on the property with a focus on the deep part of the known mineralized
zones.This news release has been reviewed and approved for release by William
Meyer, P. Eng, Chairman of Board and a Qualified Person in accordance
with National Instrument 43-101.About Minco Gold
Minco Gold Corporation (MMM-TSX/MGH-AMEX/MI5-FSE) formerly "Minco
Mining & Metals Corporation") is a Canadian mining company involved in
the direct acquisition and development of high-grade, advanced stage
gold and base metals properties in China. The Company owns an
exploration property portfolio covering more than 1,500 square
kilometres of mineral rights in China including the past producing Gold
Bull Mountain mine. For more information on Minco and its properties,
please visit the website at or contact Ute Koessler
at 1-888-288-8288 or (604) 688-8002
"Ken Z. Cai"
President, CEO & Director -
Fortuna Cuts 104.9m of 283 g/t Ag + 2.48 g/t Au at San Jose
Wednesday May 30, 9:30 am ETVANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - May 30, 2007) - Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. (TSX VENTURE:FVI - News; "Fortuna"): Mr. Jorge Ganoza, President of the Company, is pleased to announce initial drill results from the 2007 drill program at the San Jose silver-gold deposit located in Oaxaca, Mexico which is being explored and developed under a joint venture between Fortuna (76%) and Continuum Resources Ltd (24%). Analytical results have been received for the first two drill holes in the initial 11,000m phase of the drill program.
Drill hole SJO-054 returned 283 g/t Ag and 2.48 g/t Au (410 g/t Ag Eq) over a continuous mineralized drill length of 104.9m, which includes several intervals of high-grade silver-gold mineralization. The true width of the mineralized zone is estimated at 83 meters. This hole is located in the central portion of the Trinidad high-grade shoot and intersected the mineralized zone between 310m to 400m vertically below the collar of the surface shaft.
Drill hole SJO-053 was collared to the east of SJO-054 and encountered the mineralized zone between approximately 370 to 470 meters below the surface. Assay results for both holes are summarized below. A long section showing the location of the intersections will be posted on the Fortuna website shortly (
Length-weighted assay averages have been calculated using a lower cut-off of 100 g/t Ag-equivalent. Silver equivalency estimates were derived using US$10.30/oz for silver and US$525/oz for gold yielding a Ag:Au ratio of 51:1. Metallurgical recoveries and net smelter returns are assumed to be 100% for purposes of estimating silver equivalency.
Danke heron,
wo hast denn das her?
Bei Yale kann man nicht viel falsch machen, außer man hat zu wenig davon. :
Den Fehler hab ich, gleich ich mit mehr IPT.V und noch mehr EDG.V aus.Orko mit wiederum guten Ergebnissen: schon am 9.5. hier vermerkt:
"Ergebnisse, die die Resourcen dorthin bringen, wo sie veranschlagt waren für 07. Weiß die Zahl nicht auswendig.
La Preciosa macht ihrem Namen immer mehr Ehre!"Also das sind imo schon mehr als 100 Mille.
Die Goldgehalte sind zwar klein, machen aber auch Mist.
Companymacher eher nicht!Restfrage: Wer nimmt La Preciosa zu welchem Preis heraus?
Möcht noch mal auf die Carpathian hinweisen CPN.TO
Siehe Bericht gestern!)
Hier könnte eine Company entstehen.
Alles openpit wie bei Polska.ECU mit Quartalsergebnissen:
Lesenswert!Bis zum neuen 43er Ende 07 sollte sich nicht allzuviel tun.
der dürfte aber sehr gut werden.
Irr mich da gern, weil andere ergebnisse auch anstehen.Grüße
TschonkoPs: hätt ich fast vergessen!
SEG.TO hat absolute kaufkurse erreicht.
Ist jetzt wahrscheinlich der 4. Dip im letzten Jahr.(ich hab genau beim letzten gekauft! - aber den hab ich damals nicht gesehen, war zufällig.)
Die 1,12 (ca. ) sollten halt halten.
Beste Aussichten und billig.Und noch was: Premier mit GG…r_gold_agreemnt.html?.v=1Victoria hat den Schleier etwas gelü ja....ür mich das wichtigste daraus:
The majority of the high-grade intercepts in NW-4 occur again within the Favret Formation and thus this host rock will remain the focus of future exploration, although the up-plunge portions of the intersection zones may be found in units above the Favret. The significance of the Favret as a host rock is that, as a host rock, it has not been extensively explored in the past. It underlies most of the McCoy-Cove Mining District and, as such, will continue to be the focus of Victoria's exploratory efforts.Sind ja im Cortez Trend Nevada.......
Neben den sauguten Zahlen von Energold (siehe Thread Energold)
vermeldete auch Impact.
IMPACT Announces Continuing Improvement in Operations
Wednesday May 30, 4:58 pm ETVANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - May 30, 2007) - IMPACT Silver Corp. (TSX VENTURE:IPT - News; "IMPACT" or "the Company") is pleased to announce its results for the quarter ended March 31, 2007. The Company's consolidated financial statements include the results of Royal Mines of Zacualpan Project ("Zacualpan") that was purchased on January 16, 2006 and resumed production on January 18, 2006. For the 2007 first quarter, the Company's net revenues were $1,859,000 (2006 - $1,146,000) and net profit was $266,000 (2006 - $178,000).
The comparative results for the first quarter of 2006 have been restated in accordance with the recommendations contained in CICA handbook 1506.42, as more fully described in Note 15 to the March 31, 2007 Financial Statements. There was no significant impact on net income for the quarter as a result of this restatement of the comparative 2006 first quarter earnings.
In the first quarter of 2007, the Company achieved higher levels of throughput at the Zacualpan mine, averaging 253 tonnes-per-day ("tpd"). While the amount of silver produced in the quarter was 13% lower, production in lead increased 95% and zinc by 74% over the comparable quarter in 2006. The number of total tonnes processed also increased by 75%.
Quarterly Comparison (t equals tonnes)
Q1 2007 Q1 2006
Total mill throughput (t) 22,845 13,069
Average daily mine production (t) 253 145
Silver Production (oz) 85,606 98,950
Lead (t) 135.68 69.55
Zinc (t) 243.58 139.86
Cdn. $ direct costs (t) $50.97 $49.76
-----------------------------------------------------------------During the first quarter, mining of medium grade mineral at the Guadalupe Mine continued principally on the 195m Level exploiting the Lipton, Lipton del Bajo Paulina, Intermediate and Liptonia Veins, as well as exploiting the Liptonia Vein on the 140m level.
Success in exploration drilling in 2006 led to the commencement of mining in late 2006 from La Gallega (Salvadora) Mine. Mining began on the high grade Salvadora stopes and in the first quarter also commenced on the Lipton Vein and the recently-discovered San David Vein. Material is transported by truck from La Gallega approximately 500 meters to the mill and is forming an increasingly important source of mill feed.
Fred Davidson, President, stated, "We are pleased to report another profitable quarter while continuing an aggressive exploration and development program as part of our plan to ramp up production at Zacualpan to the current capacity of the mill of 500tpd. In this quarter we were able to not only increase tonnage processed, but also lay the foundation for further production growth."
During the quarter the Company acquired through a Government auction, a 100% interest in the mineral exploration rights to the 200km2 Mamatla mining district, which lies immediately adjacent to the Zacualpan mining district. The acquisition of these exploration rights adds significantly to the overall growth potential and future prospects of the Company.
IMPACT Silver Corp. is a Tier 1 silver-focused mining and exploration company with two producing silver mines at Zacualpan, Mexico; exploration rights to two Mexican mining districts, an advanced-stage silver project at Zacatecas, Mexico; and, other projects in the Dominican Republic. Energold Drilling Corp. (TSX VENTURE:EGD - News) owns 6.6 million shares of IMPACT.
On behalf of the Directors of IMPACT Silver Corp.
Frederick W. Davidson, President & CEO
The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.
Darrell Rader
IMPACT Silver Corp.
Corporate Development
(604) 681-9501
(604) 681-6813 (FAX)
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