Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

  • Mexico Mike war auf der Jahreshauptversammlung von ECU.
    Schöner Bericht mit einigen wirklich aufregenden Details.
    Bestätigt meinen Nachkauf von gestern.... :D

    Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:41 am Post subject: Notes from the ECU Silver

    I was pleased to attend the AGM again this year for ECU Silver, and wanted to report some of my observations. The meeting went through the usual motions and all were passed. Stephen Altmann then went through the powerpoint presentation on the status of the company, and I had the impression that he has made the same performance many times in the last few weeks to analysts and institutions. It was a thorough, professional update on the accomplishments and objectives regarding defining and developing a large resource at Velardena.

    I also attended the AGM last year, and there were many contrasts that I observed this time around. The number of shareholders in attendance seemed smaller, and the overall sentiment level was far more restrained. But my impression was that the company was being very carefull to present a conservative bias in the commentary. It seemed that they did not want to take any chances of crossing the line regarding forward statements or guidance, which was a departure for the levity last year when Michel suggested if the company could not outline over 200 million ounces of silver he should be fired. I know with the long-awaited TSX listing only just taking effect that perhaps management decided to play the meeting exactly by the book and to completely avoid any contraversial statements that could be misinterpreted.

    Nonetheless, the picture going forward is very bullish. A great deal of emphasis was directed at the Mineralized Corridor of stockwork zones that had been defined during the year since the last AGM, and the data was impressive. A Gemcom software generated image of the corridor was shown, and one can see that the model for the MC extends far below the lower developed workings of the mine, and also a very large tonnage of material was outlined on the other side of the major fault structure that had previously market the limit of the zone.

    Altmann made the comment that ECU is not a production story, but an exploration and development story, with success to define major deposits that can support a rapid growth curve later as the company emerges as a significant producer. At this time, it is more important to value the company on the exploration results than the financial results, in other words.

    I will not go into great detail about the various facts that were reveiwed, since any knowledgeable shareholder will know that information, but I will just relate some of the notes that I found interesting.

    I asked about the status of the gold-pyrite recovery circuit, and I was informed that the circuit is operational but the arseno-pyrite levels were too high in the concentrates that are being produced, which is a no-no for any smelter in Mexico to buy due to the airborne arsenic contamination that would be discharged. However, Michel pointed out that board member Dan Kappes is already working to resolve the metallurgy to remove the arsenic from the concentrates, and to me that is the most important news, since it demonstrates some of the value of having Kappes in the management team. I think if anyone can get that circuit operating effectively, it will be Kappes, and I would also point out that the competition to source qualified technical people for any project is intense, and to have the access to a first class consulting team to help resolve the problems is a big bonus.

    There is sufficient funding after the completion of the financing to fund the ongoing exploration and definition drilling, underground development, and a planned PFS for later this year. In particular, the PFS will help to attract more institutional investment into the story so its worth the cost to prepare the study, and I am sure it will also lay the foundation for a 5-year mining plan towards putting the bulk tonnage MC into production.

    Michel reported that the drills working at Velardena and San Diego are running efficiently, with Canadian crews, and he commented that they are pulling up drill core faster than the geos can log it and send it for assays.

    In response to a question about the lack of news, Michel stated that they are doing definition drilling and that it is necessary to complete that work in order to prove up a compliant resource, but it is not newsworthy to continually issue assay results from this work. He also stated that all the drilling work is directed towards the MC, and no drilling has targeted the skarn zones yet, now is any planned until 2008. One intriguing bit of info though indicated that 12 drill cores have tested up to 400m below the lowest level of the MC and continued to intersect mineralization, so we could have more news to look forward to there. He also pointed out that 3 more 'chimneys' have been intersected in drilling around the San Mateo mine, which is significant because that ore is extremely high grade, and this could become the second operating mine at Velardena.

    Penoles is developing a new mine working the lower elevations of similar deposits in the valley near Velardena, and Michel mentioned that ECU is building a relationship of cooperation with Penoles, including sharing of geological data, and consultations about property development. He also mentioned that Penoles has sold a ball mill from an old mill to ECU for about $30,000 and that equipment would probably have a value of more than $1 million. I think the notion of Penoles being friendly to ECU is a good thing, since these kind of favours could pay off in the future with a potential JV deal, but that is entirely my opinion and it was not expressed by management at the meeting.

    A question was raised about the value of ECU and whether Altmann thought it was fair at the current share price. Altmann replied that they had done a study based on 15 other junior silver miners in the peer group, with the average market cap per ounce of silver resource coming in at $3.50 US. The current market cap for ECU would suggest 130 million ounces of resources. I note that management was very cautious not to suggest any resource numbers, but I personally believe the company has already defined enough mineralization to generate a compliant resource of between 300 to 500 million ounces of silver, so that would imply a double to triple from the current market cap if my personal estimates are accurate.

    I am a long term ECU investor, and I have no relationship with the company, nor are they an advertiser on my website. I remain bullish as hell on the outlook, and I think the company will continue to crank out impressive exploration results long into the future. Sooner or later the market is going to have to take notice that this is one of the most significant discovery plays in North America.


    90% of everything is crap...

  • @ Tschonko
    Schöner Artikel über ECU. Interessant, dass nun auch Mike die Resourcen auf 300-500 mio oz schätzt. Das habe ich schon öfters gelesen, auch wenn niemand nichts genaues weiß...

    Hier noch ein Artikel über GoldQuest uns seine Cooperation mit Gold Fields.

    VG heron

  • heron,
    das gebiet mit der großen Entdeckung gehört ihnen 100%.
    Die JV sind da natürlich hilfreich und GFI stockt nicht so ohne weiteres auf.... :D
    Ich mein, ich hab sie nicht........
    Aber es interessiert mich, weil die gebiete in der Dom. Republik von Impact und Energold dadurch aufgewertet werden. :D

    ne, hab ich nicht. Das Gebiet in peru soll vielversprechend sein.....

    YALE: ein bisserl mehr Umsatz und das Ding steigt um 17%.

    UC.V ist mir irgendwie ein Rätsel.

    Am 13.6. hatten wir folgende Meldung:
    UC Resources Intersects La Soledad Mineralized Zone Over 5.9 Meter Core Length at Copalquin Property, Durango Mexico

    Da wurde wieder sichtbares Silber entdeckt, was ziemlich selten ist,

    Voriges Jahr kam um die selbe zeit eine ähnliche Meldung u. dann ein Report so Anfang Juli.

    Ich hoffe, das wiederholt sich heuer.
    Insgesamt habe ich leichte zweifel am management, weil die Öffentlchkeitsarbeit in den letzten 10 Monaten war nicht so toll.
    Außerdem hat mir der Erwerb der kanad. property nicht gefallen, weil es mir lieber gewesen wäre, das mexico projekt voranzutreiben.

    Heuer hat man ja eine Miniproduktion angefangen.

    Hier noch der Chart. Man beachte den Aufschwung von Juli bis September.
    Er möge sich wiederholen! :D


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    In dem auch allgemein lesenswerten Artikel

    Anatomie des Silberaktien - Erfolges

    ist enthalten diese mE ausgezeichnete Tabelle mit 30 Silberaktien.

    Eine Fundgrube mit vielen Daten, die zu einer besseren Einschätzung führen könnten:

    ".....The entire group of the RSG silver stocks consists of over 30 companies , all containing established underground resources. No matter what the economic cycle holds, there are always great growth and value stories to be found......"

    Die Tabelle läßt sich nicht verlinken, deshalb obigen Link aufrufen und dort den rot markierten Textteil "30 companies" anclicken.
    Es lohnt sich. :)

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • ...ssri steckt tief in epz drin...

    ...wie die mit den Kleinaktionären ihrer "Töchter " umgehen?...

    ...davon hängt wohl der Anlageerfolg wesentlich ab...

    ...Das Interesse von SSRI an EPZ lässt auf die Qualität schliessen...

    @ Tschonko

    UC-Conundrum verführt langsam zum aufstocken :rolleyes:

    YLL: gerade 10% bekommen-- und ab und davon... ;)

    GNG : del...

    ...die Handtücher werden wohl bei mehreren unserer Freunde gehisst...

    ...wohl dem der noch Platz dafür hat... :D



    • Offizieller Beitrag

    nicht nur Silber, auch andere Rohstoffe. 'Aktive' Tabellen, man kann sie nach den aufgeführten Analysekriterien gliedern.


    vielleicht klappt ja sogar der link. Nein - nur bis zum Fragezeichen...soweit bist du auch schon gekommen - wie beim Witz von der Tomatensuppe mit dem Gebiss drin.

    Danke und Gruss,

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von LuckyFriday
    nicht nur Silber, auch andere Rohstoffe. 'Aktive' Tabellen, man kann sie nach den aufgeführten Analysekriterien gliedern.

    Ja doch, aber wir sind ja in Silver Co. hier. ;)

    Hochinteressant die Riesenunterschiede in der Bewertung der EVPU $ / OZ.

    Was auch sehr schön ist, endlich die Länderrisiken, mehrfach differenziert !
    ( Bei click auf "Country" ).
    Hatte ich mal, war aber irgendwie verloren gegangen.

    Wird sicher künftig immer wichtiger.

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • emoba,
    was ist ein conundrum?

    Yale kriegt man nicht zu jedem Preis, musste ich auch feststellen, hab mehr bezahlt und 75% bekommen.

    "die Handtücher werden wohl bei mehreren unserer Freunde gehisst..."
    Und hoffentlich nicht angepisst.... :D

    danke für die Liste. Hab mich da auch herumgespielt.

    Man verliert halt schnell den überblick, worum es geht.

    2 Beispiele:
    Hab die Woche ECU gekauft. In der Tabelle schreiben die von 54,9 Mille oz
    Bin mir fast sicher, dass es an die 100 sind. Also 90+
    Hab das von der Homepage, kann mich aber nicht genau an die Zahl erinnern.

    EXN: schaut hier komplett schlecht aus mit 18 Mille Schulden und EVPU von 9.
    Sie haben halt nur 9 Mille ausgewiesen, weil das was mit der "Konsistenz" der Mine zu tun hat :D
    Aber das die viiieeelll mehr haben, ist wohl auch klar.... :D
    Sage nur extrem schmale veins, da setz mal ein Spritze...
    Cash gleicht übrigens dept aus.
    Ein Teil der Dept endet mit August.
    Übrig bleibt cash, weil man ja gut verdient.

    Aber ansonsten schon brauchbar und auch schön bunt... :D

    Also das ist mir auf die Schnelle aufgefallen. Könnte man ja mal checken, wen es interessiert.


  • These are the days......

    Kanada geschlossen:
    SRLM steigt um 7%: gut erwischt letzte Woche
    Kimber fällt auf das 52 Wochen low: schlecht erwischt vor 2 Wochen
    Almi auch 6 % Plus.

    Wenig Handel, viete Vorlagen
    und am Donnerstag dann umgekehrt, da feiern die Amis

    Und in D gibt´s nach wie vor Schnäppchen unter Wert.
    Malachite kriegst in frankfurt nur um 0,24. Hatte da Order drinnen den ganzen Tag. Dann erhielt ich das kleine Päckchen (10k) in München für 0,229.
    Umrechnungskurs: 0,233

    Also Absauger anwerfen...... :D
    Und wenn es nur Tradingposiitionen sind um Löcher zu stopfen....

    Off topic: Spitzenfussball kann man bei der Unter 20 WM in Kanada sehen.
    Eurosport überträgt und das Niveau ist wirklich gut
    USA : Südkorea: die spielten auf so hohem tempo, dass sie selber nicht mehr folgen konnten.... :D


    PS: MAG Silver an der AMEX als MVG

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Pascal,
    das fällt für mich unter: These are the days..... (siehe oben)
    Shorties auf Kurzurlaub......

    Weiter wird um hohe Summen Geld eingesackt bei PP`s.

    Mexican Silver Mines Ltd. Completes $12.8 Million Private Placement

    First Majestic Silver Corp.: La Parrilla Silver Mine Update and New NI 43-101 Resource

    Den ganzen Text wird man wohl im FR- Thread einstellen.
    Vielleicht gibt es dort auch mal einen Kommentar? :D
    Die Börse sagt buhh, FR fällt um 1-2% :D

    Keith sagte nicht umsonst, La Parilla ist sein Baby........
    Wohlgemerkt Baby, aber es wächst.....
    Wird ein netter kleiner Erwachsener......
    Hoffentlich werden es heuer noch 100% Auslastung der Mill, die ja auch noch erweitert werden soll.

    Zur Zeit ist es einfach mau, schauen wir mal, was um den 25. Juli herum passiert.
    Es ist letztendlich die Frage, ob wir für heuer schon die Tiefstkurse gesehen haben oder nicht?
    Bzw. wie weit es noch runtergeht.
    Dabei ist mir POG und POS ziemlich egal, es geht um Deposits und Substanz.


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • These are the days.......

    Mexico mike hat es anhand Bandera treffend auf den Punkt gebracht......

    "The trading action for BGL today is a textbook example of how easy it is to control a stock in a thin market. BGL opened at $1.10 today, which represents a multi-week high. Immediately thereafter, someone showed up with a block of 50,000 shares on the offer at a buck. This effectively caps the stock and locks it down in the trading range, preventing a technical picture improvement that could draw other traders in.

    Now I seriously doubt that anyone is actually motivated to sell 50,000 shares of BGL today, and certainly not by putting it all up in one block when the total trading volume for the day so far is only 4950 shares. This is strictly a powerplay to hold up the stock, and keep it stuck in a range, perhaps allowing somebody to continue buying up cheap stock below a buck. While it all stinks of manipulation, it is difficult to prove and the regulators have no balls anyway. So this is just the sort of thing that longs have to put up with until the market regains steam later this year."

    Ist ja nicht nur hier zu beobachten.......
    Bei Bandera kommt noch hinzu, das das PP noch läuft.

    Manche steigen unkontrolliert wie Cabo heute +11%
    Manche dürfen nicht steigen.......
    Manche können nur fallen......


  • Hallo,

    BGL: Das PP soll nächste Woche geschlossen werden, habe für 1.00 nochmals zugegriffen.


    Zum Survey und zu den Kosten. Im letzten Interview sprach Regoci von möglichen JV´s aber erst nach dem survey.

    "In this regard, the Company has contracted for a hyper spectral survey of its Mexican properties which, with the follow-up analysis, is expected to cost in the order of US$400,000."


  • Hallo nugget,
    bei BGL aber nicht im PP zugegriffen?

    These are the days........
    Yale und CBE haben Gewinne wieder abgegeben....normal
    EXN hält sich.

    GoldQuest gestern + 26%.
    Ärgert mich, weil ganz oben auf kaufliste gewesen.
    Hab aber eine andere Position nicht verkaufen können.
    Geht mir jetzt dauernd so.......

    Ab nächster Woche zeigt der pfeil dann in eine richtung, d.h. es wird klarer.
    Dann ist auch das : "these are the days..." vorbei.

    Tom Szabo wieder ganz hervorragend:
    Kann nicht sagen warum, aber eine Apogee und eine Southern Arc interessieren mich einfach nicht. Ich weiß auch nicht warum.

    GPR hat sich wirklich erholt und die troubles werden kleiner.
    Exeter ist sowieeso ein hammer. Hab die leider nicht.

    Am 11.7 ist der rückläufige Merkur vorbei, ich hoff, dann wird es wieder besser.
    Der macht mich einfach nur fickrig..... :D

    "JULY 5 2007 2:30PM - A somewhat meaningless decline in silver and gold today with an encouraging climb off the lows. Nothing has really changed and we are waiting for some technical or fundamental guidance to give us direction.

    Coeur was on the move today following an announcement that due diligence on the Palmarejo buyout has been completed and the transaction is expected to close in the 4th quarter. The stock is now trading around $4.00, which is the same level as the day the deal was announced over two months ago. The price is 15% higher, however, than the apparent double bottom at $3.50 carved out over the past few weeks. It is uncertain whether this truly was a bottom but as I mentioned a short while ago, not much else can conceivably go wrong with this company. Coeur will likely trade in a range for a few months but it is about as unloved as a silver stock can possibly get at this point and so it may turn out to be a pretty good contrarian bet over the medium to long term. On the other hand, top management is probably a liability from a strategic standpoint. I will keep an eye on it for now and currently hold no position.

    Great Panther was another mover today as the market seems to have finally chewed through the large share supply from previous financings. At the same time, the threat of more financings has been alleviated to some extent as Great Panther has just raised C$4 million via convertible loans. With a positive outcome to a lawsuit involving the Guanajuato project and solid progress anticipated at multiple projects, Great Panther seems to have turned the corner and may be preparing to make an assault on the recent highs above $2.50. I believe good quarterly results will be important in maintaining the momentum. Longer term, I hope the convertible loans will be kept to a minimum because I am not a fan of this type of financing. I don't currently have a position in Great Panther although I may add upon news or earnings announcement.

    One company not doing so well today is Apogee. The stock is near a 52 week low on tiny volume. Technically speaking, it has pretty strong support at current levels and is overdue for a rally. The last few times Apogee has rallied, it made 50% moves in a couple of days. Thus, a repeat from near current levels around C$0.45 is probably in the cards. From a fundamental standpoint, new management is hopefully seeking a turnaround after what I believe were some serious missteps in project advancement over the past two years. I don't currently have a position in Apogee but I will be looking to take a speculative stake in the next few days, looking to cash in on the next 50% surge.

    Finally, a short update on the trio of Exeter, Southern Arc and Serengeti. First up is Exeter, which recovered nicely from the news that its Don Sixto gold-silver project in Mendoza province of Argentina was halted due to new environmental regulations. I increased my position on the day of that negative news, doubling my stake. Since then, I have taken some profits to lock in a gain of 30% and will likely be buying again in the next few days. I am still looking for a news release with monster silver grades plus strong base metal credits from the Cerro Moro project, which could spark another rally in the shares. Meanwhile, the company announced further drill results that substantially increased the strike length of the high grade veins at Cerro Moro. Such positive results can certainly continue throughout the summer as the drills are kept running full-time, and this should keep a floor under the share price. Thus, I am expecting a profitable trading range to develop for the next several months with an upward bias but no major fireworks until sometime this fall. The situation should allow intrepid investors to establish a position in Exeter at a comfortable pace.

    Next up is Southern Arc, which saw its share price get way ahead of itself on unreasonable expectations of a stupendous drillhole at the Selodong project that never materialized. Mind you, the hole was good, but not good enough to support the inflated stock. Through some timely trading, I managed to somehow lock in gains of almost 80% over 2 weeks and I am currently out of the stock. I will wait to see what happens around the C$1.75 level before making another foray. There appears to be no hurry at this point because there could very well be several weeks of price consolidation ahead.

    Last but not least is Serengeti, which gained 8% today on anticipation surrounding the imminent release of assay results. I never did buy this stock, partly because I did not understand the company's approach to drilling or the reasons behind the recent fluctuations in share price. While I've gained a better grasp over the past few weeks, there still appears to be a disconnect in my opinion. I can't put my finger on exactly what, but hopefully the new drill results will make things more clear. Until then, I will remain on the sidelines."


  • Hallo Tschonko,

    bin meine BGL nicht losgeworden , daher leider nicht am PP teilgenommen.
    Vorgestern aber etwas anderes verkauft um doch noch ein paar am Markt zu kaufen.

    Hatte auch PEZ im Visier, habe mich aber doch für BGL entschieden.
    Es wird über höhere Grade gemunkelt. R. Novis von der IR -Abteilung antwortet gerne auf mails, also wenn Du Fragen hast...

    2.5 mio oz Silberäquivalent Produktion ,davon 1/3 Gold Anfang 2008 ist das Ziel.



  • Und es scheint sich zu wiederholen! :D

    Zu meinem vorherigen Posting:
    Der Pfeil zeigt heute schon eindeutig in eine Richtung...... :D

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hab sie etwas aus den Augen verloren.

    Werde sie aufgrund der interessanten Kennzahlen wieder in den Fokus nehmen:

    "....100% production growth by 2011, with 33.3% of growth expected to be achieved by late-2007. Hochschild Mining is one of the world’s lowest cost silver producers, with co-product cash cost of silver and gold being $3.57/oz and $153/oz, respectively, the analysts say. The company has robust net cash of $378.7 million..."

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • @edel,
    bei Hochschild würden mich mehr die companies interessieren, wo die ihr Geld verbraten werden.

    Kimber hab ich mir noch mal angeschaut:
    das war mein Schnellschuss....Da hätt ich mir ruhig noch Zeit lassen können.
    Leider haben die durch die Streitereien viel Zeit vertan.

    Das ist schon mal wichtig:
    As is common in epithermal deposits, silver is variable. Factors such as spatial distribution, high grade vs low grade and topographic elevation may influence recovery.

    Monterde kann viel größer werden als angenommen. (siehe Bild unten)

    Initial results from the reconnaissance exploration program have identified five anomalous areas which are now being investigated. Geochemical sampling on the rest of the Monterde property is complete. Results are pending.

    Hier ist der link zu den Rseourcen, die ganz ordentlich sind.

    Ein nettes Spielchen mit google earth findet man hier:

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Im übrigen kann ich nur empfehlen, so "ab und an" hier so 2-3 Seiten zurückzulesen.
    Mach das selber selten, aber wenn, ergibt sich immer was.....
    nämlich Anregungen....und auch gute Ideen.....


    So ist das halt, scheiss la vie..... :D


    Noch ein Artikel zu Kimber:

    Wer die guten Charts sehen will, .........

    The Long Case for Kimber Resources
    Monday June 11, 11:06 am ET

    Greg Silberman submits: Kimber Resources (AMEX: KBX - News) is an undervalued gold stock with properties in the historic Sierra Madre Gold Belt in Mexico.


    Kimber Resources is a development and exploration company in the Chihuahua State of Mexico. Properties are located in the heart of the Sierra Madre Gold Belt, an historic gold district.

    Kimber’s flagship is the Monterde gold-silver property 260 kilometers southwest of the city of Chihuahua. It is host to the Carmen, Carotare and Veta Minitas deposits. Total resource at Monterde is ~2m M&I gold equivalent ounces (64% gold and 36% silver). At a market cap of C$70m, that equates to $35/equivalent oz in the ground – which is reasonable as far as Mexican exploration companies go. Here is a good guide to see how different companies rank by ounces per market cap.

    Kimber is in a good neighborhood with exciting mid-tier producers all around including Minefinder’s (AMEX: MFN - News) Dolores Project; Alamos Gold’s (Toronto: AGI.TO - News) Mulatos Project; Gammon Lake’s (AMEX: GRS - News) Ocamppo and Palmarejo's (CDNX: PJO.V - News) Palermo project.

    The share structure is pretty tight, with 49,219,920 shares issued and 51,748,620 outstanding on a fully diluted basis. Most options are priced north of $2 and are currently out of the money. Insiders hold 17% if the company.

    The Scoop:

    There has been a fierce proxy fight going on for control of the future direction of the company. A group of shareholders felt that CEO Robert Longe was not bringing the company along quick enough to BFS and production. The shareholders have so far settled for placing key members on the board, but Robert will be replaced before long.

    In addition, the company announced poor drilling results at Monterde at the end of 2006 and dropped the bombshell that cut-off grades may cause difficulties when converting resources to reserves.

    All of this has served to keep the stock relatively cheap. The company has a good board, no debt and great properties (which should turn out to be economical). Insiders know it and have been buying hand over fist – the latest on-market purchase being $36,000 by newly appointed director Leanne Baker.

    Kimber will work through their problems in due course and it is very attractively valued at this level.

    Technical Analysis:

    Kimber (weekly) testing strong support @ C$1.50

    Kimber had a fantastic run from 2003 to 2004 - a 10-bagger (up over 10x).

    As you would expect, those gains take time to digest.

    In fact, it took 2 years for the price to marginally exceed its 2004 highs but that ended up being a double top and paved the way for yet more weakness.

    C$1.50 has acted as solid support over the last 3 ½ years. And that’s where we join the stock today.

    Remember, even though the stock has been correcting for 3+ years, the company has continued exploring and defining up ounces – moving from indicated and inferred resource of under 1 million ounces to over 2m by the end of 2006.

    The daily chart, shown below, indicates a double bottom is in place with the necessary technical divergences. KBR is setting up for a low risk/reward trade.


    Money Management:

    Kimber is a small junior with a market cap of CAD$71m.

    Average daily volume is ~45k shares or roughly C$67k/day; individual investors should have no problem with liquidity.

    Das hat man ja auch nciht immer! :D

Schriftgröße:  A A A A A