Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

  • UC Resources Limited and Spider Resources Inc. Update on Diamond Drilling Program at McFaulds VMS project in Northern Ontario

    Ein paar Resultate:
    McF-07-73 = 16.2 m trace amounts of copper and zinc sulphide ["trace amount" ist nicht gut]
    McF-07-75 = 19.02 m of massive sulphides, mostly copper and zinc sulphide ["massive" ist sehr gut]
    McF-07-77 = 45.1 m semi-massive sulphides, including copper sulphide ["semi-massive" ist nicht schlecht]

    Zitat: Mr. Hamelin for UC: “I am extremely excited by the recent discovery by Noront Resources (NOT), this discovery should open up the McFaulds area which we have always believed has had the potential to host a major mining camp.

    UC spricht von "significant mineralization" und weist darauf hin., dass NOT.V ganz in der Nähe tätig ist. Allerdings gab es bei NOT 70 m visible copper sulphide. UC hat sowas nicht vorzuweisen, weder 70 m noch visible. Und der Kurs von UC reagiert nicht. Was aber auch mit den Problemen von UC in Mexiko zu tun hat.

    VG heron

  • @ heron:

    ...was für Probleme hat UC in Mexico?...

    bin zwar seit Monaten auf der Suche nach den Problemen von UC,
    hab aber nie was gelesen.

    ...Der Kurs legt solche allerdings nahe...

    ...Hast´n Link oder ne kurze Erklärung?! :rolleyes:

    ...Merci beaucoup


  • @ emoba

    Nichts genaues weiss man nicht, aber irgendwie scheint die Produktion nicht so richtig ans Laufen zu kommen. Auf der Webseite von UC heißt es:

    It is my personal objective that UC Resources will finish 2007 with 700 tonnes per day in production of silver and gold.”
    Richard J. Hamelin, President / CEO

    Aber seit Monaten gibt es kein Update zur Produktion ?( und vermutlich wird zur Zeit nicht allzu viel produziert. Ich erwarte in der nächsten Woche den Quartalsbericht, der hoffentlich mehr Klarheit bringt.

    VG heron

  • @ heron:

    ...unsere haben den bis dahin ziemlich banalen UC-Thread
    vor einigen Tagen in den geschlossenen Bereich verschoben,
    als wären sie auf eine Info-Ader grösseren Ausmasses gestossen :D
    ...scheinen die einzigen zu sein die meinen, Wichtiges zu kennen... =)



    ...Pursuant to the agreement, the Company will pre-sell to Auramet, 50% of the silver refined from ore mined at Minera Excellon's Platosa test-mine (up to a maximum of USD $4,000,000) for the next two years. This Agreement provides for an operating line of credit for the Company, whereby Auramet will pay for silver produced by Mineral Excellon prior to the same being refined into deliverable form. The silver will be priced at market prices, as agreed between Auramet and Excellon at the time of pricing, and will be subject to deduction for financing charges based upon LIBOR for the applicable financing period....

    IPT.V: IMPACT Silver Corp.: Stock Options
    ...IMPACT Silver Corp. (TSX VENTURE:IPT - News) announces that it has granted incentive stock options under its Stock Option Plan to directors, officers, employees and consultants exercisable for 1,080,000 shares of IMPACT. The options are exercisable on or before September 5, 2012 at a price of $1.40 per share.... X(

    FVI.V: Fortuna announces positive drill results at San Jose, Mexico

    VG heron

  • ECU.TO stieg innnerhalb von drei Tagen um 37% :D

    Ich erwarte in den nächsten Wochen gute Meldungen von allen Projekten. Die erste kam gestern:

    September 5, 2007
    ECU Silver Announces Another Discovery at the Velardena Project

    - Another new discovery at the Velardena Project.

    - Intersected the Roca Negra vein at shallow depth.

    - Samples averaged 3.16 g/t gold, 491g/t silver and 5.0% zinc.

    - Drill-hole T6-03 yielded 4.0 g/t gold and 695 g/t silver.

    - Roca Negra vein has lateral extent of over 700 meters.

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Sept. 5, 2007) - ECU Silver Mining Inc. (TSX:ECU) is pleased to announce that the Company has made another new discovery within the Velardena project at the historical Roca Negra mine. Historical mining was carried out on the Roca Negra vein which is located approximately 80 meters north of the Terneras vein where we recently announced the discovery of the western extension of the Terneras vein. Roca Negra is located between the Terneras and Santa Juana mines and is the most northly of the extensive east-west striking veins that include Terneras, San Juanes and San Mateo.

    The following points are considered important to this latest discovery:

    1) The Roca Negra vein has been defined to a 200 meter depth and lies within our current underground development and infrastructure;

    2) The location of the Roca Negra vein at depth is easily accessible from our underground development;

    3) The Roca Negra vein has so far been defined laterally for 700 meters and vertically for 200 meters;

    4) The Roca Negra vein remains open laterally and at depth;

    5) Based on recent work in known areas within the Velardena property, higher gold grades are expected at depth;

    Michel Roy, CEO and Chairman stated that "Our latest discovery at the Roca Negra vein is positive for the Company for two important reasons. First, the grades values were excellent. Secondly, the entire sector defined to date at Roca Negra is readily accessible from existing underground infrastructures. Consequently, it can easily be integrated in our short to medium term mining plans."

    Stephen Altmann, President added that "The discovery of the Roca Negra vertical extension is confirming the impressive continuity of several large veins within the Velardena property. Our extensive exploration program continues to show ongoing success. ECU has now outlined significant vein continuity in five historical mines/veins within the Velardena property alone."

    Roca Negra History and Geology

    The Roca Negra vein was mined from surface to shallow depths only (approximately 50 meters) and was closed in 1910. In our current exploration and drilling program, the vein was followed on surface for 700 meters and it was cut at two levels from underground with the deepest cut being approximately 220 meters below surface. The deepest cut is at the same elevation as the main access adit to the Terneras and Santa Juana mines.

    We expect that the Roca Negra vein will have a vertical continuity of a minimum of 600 meters which would be consistent with similar known veins in the immediate area, namely, the Terneras, Santa Juana and San Mateo veins. However, readers are cautioned that until further drilling is carried out at Roca Negra, there can be no assurances that will be the case.

    The western and eastern extensions of the Roca Negra vein, beyond the 700 meters already identified, have yet to be drilled.

    The Roca Negra is a tabular structure with mineralization filling a pre-existing fault. The mineralization varies from calcite-rich sections with lower grades and quartz-rich sections with significant values in precious and base metals.

    Sampling and drill results

    Our exploration program at Roca Negra was focused in two areas. The first area was located about 300 meters east of the main cross-cut leading to the Santa Juana veins system. The work consisted of sampling along a 40 meter drift approximately 140 meters above the main access adit (equal to level 6 at Terneras) which yielded the following results:

    Drift Samples - Roca Negra Vein
    Sample Width Au Ag Pb Zn Cu
    m g/t g/t % % %
    33916 0.75 0.83 245 0.94 3.55 0.08
    33917 0.43 0.11 515 1.24 0.08 0.26
    33918 0.15 1.35 108 2.53 0.75 0.12
    33919 1.15 5.92 533 0.67 10.00 0.47
    33920 0.55 3.46 825 0.66 1.59 0.36
    Average 0.61 3.16 491 0.91 5.01 0.31
    These results represent excellent average grades for both precious and base metals and justify a major follow-up in this area.

    The second area tested was at the same level as the access drift, 140 meters below the first area, and was drill tested with the following results:

    Drilling Results - Roca Negra Vein
    Hole Sample From To Width Au Ag Pb Zn Cu
    # m g/t g/t % % %
    T6-03 43878 75.50 75.89 0.39 4.00 695 0.46 0.14 0.54
    T6-04 44068 93.47 93.67 0.20 0.90 106 0.19 0.05 0.15
    These assay results are consistent with the historical assays from the Roca Negra vein which contained significant gold and silver values as well as variable lead, zinc and copper values. The widths are also consistent with the widths observed and mined above.

    Going forward

    The next step in the exploration/definition process at Roca Negra is to drill at lower depth up to the 600 meter level. This will then confirm the vertical continuity of Roca Negra to a depth that is consistent with the other known veins in the Velardena property. Laterally, we plan to drill the structure for at least 1,000 meters from our existing underground infrastructure.

    Readers are cautioned that until a complete pre-feasibility study is completed, there are no assurances this latest mineralized zone will be economically viable, and although the above points are based on the best available data the company has collected to date, a material difference between the actual results and the Company's expectations may arise once further drilling is completed at the Roca Negra mine.

    The Company is also currently drilling underground both at our Santa Juana and San Mateo mines, plus testing the San Juanes vein, and on surface at the Chicago vein as we continue to define the MC and other veins, results are expected on all of these fronts shortly.

    Mr. Michel Roy, P. Geo., a "qualified person" within the meaning of NI 43-101, prepared the technical information disclosed in this news release.

    Statements in the release that are "forward-looking statements" are based on current expectations and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially. We undertake no duty to update any forward-looking statement to conform the statements to actual results or changes in our expectations.

    The Toronto Stock Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

    ECU Silver Mining Inc.
    Stephen Altmann
    (416) 644-8640
    Fax: (416) 644-8801

    VG heron

  • Hallo,
    es tut sich ja sehr viel, da kommt man ja mit dem Lesen nicht mehr mit.
    Es ist aber auch wohltuend, diese Berichte mal nicht zu lesen.
    Hab im Urlaub die Tagebücher von Ernst Jünger gelesen. 1939-47.
    Eine Wohltat.
    Ich glaub, den verstehen heute nur noch wenige.
    Hab mir für das Horoskop im Internet die daten gesucht.
    Dort, wo ich sie gefunden hab, stand dann:
    "rechtslastiger Schriftsteller, war bei der Fremdenlegion.."
    Was ja nicht gelogen ist, aber es ist eine Reduktion von Ernst Jünger auf beinahe Null.
    Das sind vielleicht Idioten und zwar fürchterliche.....
    Seinen Bruder Friedrich Georg kann ich auch empfehlen, wenn es nicht gerade die Gedichte sind... :D
    Da herrscht Klarheit in der Sprache und Verlogenheit, die fehlt einfach......

    Womit wir wieder beim Thema sind:
    Verlogenheit oder kreative Mitteilungen und Konstruktionen.

    Heron hat ja schon die ECU Meldungen eingestellt.
    Sind positiv, aber man muss sich die auch noch mal anschauen.

    Sehr positive meldung von CPN.TO. Die hab ich Mitte August nachgekauft.
    Und heute Alexis. AMC.V. Kommen mir auch solide vor.
    CPN Meldung: schon fein, viel Cash, mehr als 20% Instis (ist ja auch kein Bonus mehr... :D)

    Kurz noch was zu Mergern oder so was Ähnliches wie im 3. Fall:

    1. Aurogin und Morgain sind nun Castle Gold CSG.V
    Produzieren schon sehr billig und die Mexico property von morgain ist auch sehr gut.

    2. Auch so ein kleiner Produzent mit zusätzlich Nevada.
    Sind die, die Queenstake geputzt haben.
    Da könnte was sehr Nettes entstehen!

    3. Scorpio verkauft Gold Anteile an Bactech.
    Dachte zuerst an schlechten Scherz.
    Und die Konstruktion hab ich nach mehrmaligem Lesen noch nicht erfasst.

    Hier der text aus der BM Meldung: find ich ein bisschen klarer???

    Zur Erinnerung: Bactech hatten die Properties von Tonkin Springs die US Gold übernommen hat, um überhaupt erst US Gold zu werden.
    Sie haben sich mit einer Golddilution beschäftigt auf Bioebene. Die dürfte ganz gut sein.
    Mussten verkaufen, weil ihnen die Nummer zu groß war.
    Glaub auch, dass die noch nie ne Mine hochgezogen haben.
    Sonst ist ja so eine Konstruktion sinnvoll.
    Scorpio hab ich ja wegen der Mexico property.
    Bin mir da nicht im klaren, was ich tun soll.
    Einerseits lockt, Scorpio aufzustocken, um gratis shares zu kommen.
    Andererseits ist die BM so ein Arschpony, dass anscheinend nur der Edel reiten kann. Da wurden schon viele abgeworfen.
    Ich nicht, weil ich bin ja nicht aufgestiegen... :D

    Na ja, das reicht ja mal.....

    EXN: diesen Silberverkauf kapier ich auch nicht. Die haben die alte physiche loan ja noch nicht vollständig getilgt und auf Oktober verschobe.
    Recht g´scheit erscheint mir das nicht.
    Aber vielleicht kapier ich es ja nur nicht.


    Silver purchase, schon von Heron dankenswerterweise eingestellt:


  • ...und seh die Rätsel nicht ?(

    @ Tschonko:

    so wie ichs versteh,

    ...KONZENTRIERT sich SPM auf den Aufbau der Multi-Metall-Produktion auf ...ihrer Hauptproperty und

    ...gliedert die Gold-Claims aus und erwirbt damit die Bactec zu mehr als 50%
    die die Goldaktivitäten im Rahmen des SPM-Konzerns :D weiterführt...

    @ EXN:
    positiv interpretiert hat EXN einen Liefer/Abnahmevertrag zu jew. Marktpreisen
    abgeschliossen---bin aber nicht sicher, ob das so richtig ist... =)

    Schön, dass´d wieder da bist...



    • Offizieller Beitrag

    :] Keineswegs, emoba !

    Es wird allerdings ein neues Unternehmen geben, das Scorpio mehrheitlich gehört und dann Bactech beherrscht.

    "....The resulting company, to be called Scorpio Gold Corporation, will continue to pursue BacTech's strategy of acquiring refractory gold and complex base metal projects for application of its proprietary bioleaching technology. The Company will also have an excellent portfolio of advanced stage development properties in Canada, and access to SPM's expertise in Mexico for acquiring, developing, or operating complementary projects in Mexico...."

    Hab schon im Scorpio Thread angemerkt, daß BM ein interessantes Unternehmen ist.…?postid=199882#post199882

    Offenbar ist die Technologie von Bactech doch sehr interessant für SPM.

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Hallo edel, hallo emoba,
    Urlaub beendet. "Eldoeffekt" hab ich hier so Anfang august schon angekündigt,
    nur dass es vorher sooo runterrauscht, hätte ich nicht gedacht.

    Zu Scorpio: Mir ist unklar:
    1. gibt es sowas wie ein reverse takeover zwischen der neuen Scorpio Gold und BM?

    2. Scheint mir auch noch nicht sicher, ob man als SPM holder eigentlich shares von der neuen bekommt. die scheinen das selbst noch nicht so genau zu wissen.
    Die Shares Aufteilung besteht ja nur zwischen BM und Scorpio Gold.

    3. Das Bioleaching geht ja nur bei gewissen steinformationen. Die kanadagebiete sollen da geeignet sein.

    4. Von der Bewrtung her scheinen ja die kanadagebiete kaum eingepreisrt zu sein.
    Wenn es also shares gibt, wär es wahrscheinlich ein Geschäft.

    Alles unter großem Vorbehalt, so ca. hab ich das verstanden.

    Emoba, ja es ist nur ein Verkauf.
    Aber warum schieben sie die eine debt nach hinten.
    Und ich hab da noch Zusatzsätze im Hinterkopf.
    Muss ich mir noch mal anschauen.

    Man muss die alle einfach noch besser abklopfen: genauso wie UC, EXM (da hab ich schon einen Verdacht), ECU etc.

    Merger: UNO.V könnte auch mal eine Abspaltung liefern.
    Einmal Chester und Umgebung adererseits die mexico properties.
    Hab ich auch nachgekauft.
    2 mal Chester



  • Tschonko, EDEL MAN, emoba

    Grundsätzlich ist die Idee von SPM - sich auf Ihre Kernkompetenz - die Silberexploration und bald Förderung zu konzentrieren nicht schlecht. Die Ausgliederung der Gold properties an BacTech und gleichzeitig dann doch den Daumen über Scorpio Gold draufzuhalten ist auch nicht übel eigentlich. Sollte sich die Tachnologie von BacTech auch noch als geeignet und wirtschaftlich erweisen nochmal gut.
    Was ich noch nicht gelesen habe, bzw. evtl. überlesen habe ist, wie diese Ausgliederung für die Altaktionäre von SPM abgewickelt wird. Gibts Gratis aktien und wenn ja in welchem Verhältnis?

    Wenn sich nun BacTech bzw. Scorpio gold auf die Gold properties focussiert, werden wir bald wissen was die Wert waren....m.E. sind diese nämlich im aktienkurs von SPM tatsächlich in keinster Weise eingepreist....der Wert von SPM bemisst sich derzeit zum grössten Teil am Nuestra Senora projet.

    Alles in Allem sehe ich der weiteren Entwicklung von SPM sehr positiv entgegen. Ich werde weiter halten.


  • Moin Tschonko!

    Es war viel los in den letzten Tagen, News, Quartalszahlen..

    Zur Meldung von EXN, soweit ich das kapiert habe: Auramet ( ist ein Goldhändler, der schon früher mit EXN zusammen gearbeitet hat:

    News vom 16.8.07: ...The Company funded this transaction through internal cash reserves and a USD 2.5 million bridge financing loan from Auramet Trading, LLC. The loan has an interest rate of 12Prozent per annum, and is repayable in six equal monthly instalments starting September 2007...

    Nun gibt es einen neuen Deal: Auramet und EXN haben vereinbart, dass EXN einen Kredit bis zu 4 Mio bekommen kann. EXN kann selbst bestimmen, wann, für wie lange, wie viel, wie oft, und immer mit Silber statt mit Cash zahlen.

    Mit Hedgen hat das gar nichts zu tun. Bleibt natürlich die Frage, ob sich der Deal für EXN rechnet. Positiv ist jedenfalls, dass EXN aufs Tempo drückt.

    VG heron

  • Ave Tschonko!
    "Man muss die alle einfach noch besser abklopfen: genauso wie UC, EXM (da hab ich schon einen Verdacht), ECU etc."

    Kannst Du den Exmin-Verdacht bitte mal präzisieren? Finde im Moment überhaupt keine Erklärung.

    Danke im vorraus
    Beste Grüße

  • Hallo heron,
    ja klar, geht schon ok., aber mich stört halt, dass die laufende debt noch nicht beglichen wurde (sollte ja schon im Frühjahr sein) und jetzt wieder eine.
    Da gibt´s dann keine ordentlichen zahlen :D

    Value, edel, emoba,
    daraus geht eben nicht hervor, ob man als SMC holder was bekommt.
    Aber das ist mir nicht klar, wie das gehen soll, siehe fett markiert.
    Aber das kommt schon noch raus.…ign-Letter-of-Intent-w...

    BacTech, subject to shareholder and TSX Venture Exchange approvals, and certain other customary conditions, will issue to SGC shareholders including SMC, 2.6 shares of BacTech for each share of SGC held at a deemed value of $0.18 per share, resulting in SGC shareholders acquiring approximately 56% of the common shares of BacTech (approximately 50.7% on a fully diluted basis). The signing of a definitive agreement will be preceded by a 35 day due diligence period. The transaction is expected to close within 120 days, and is subject to customary conditions, including definitive documentation, receipt of all requisite regulatory approvals, including the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange and the Toronto Stock Exchange, and approval by the shareholders of BacTech and SGC. BacTech has obtained voting support agreements supporting the transaction from shareholders representing more than 40% of the outstanding shares of BacTech. SMC has also agreed to support the transaction as the controlling shareholder of SGC.

    zuerst nur mal so viel.
    Hat nichts mit properties od. EXM als Company zu tun.
    CEO Boltz wollte nie nach frankfurt oder an die pink sheets od. OTCC.
    Er will nach toronto. Scheint einigen nicht zu passen.
    Es wird halt vorgeführt, dass man so auch was machen kann :D

    im übrigen lief voriges jahr mit Sabina ein ähnliches Spiel.
    Weit runter, dass man noch billig rein kann.
    Eben nur eine Ahnung. Wenn man ein k dazugibt....?

    Zu dem Artikel "Mexican Govt. Mineral Staking Rush Roils Market"

    Sollen ja mehr Öl und Gas sein, aber wenn es so ist, dann profitieren die,
    die schon viel land gestaked haben.
    Wie EXM, wie Garibaldi, auch UC


  • Der erste Barren kommt im Oktober,
    In Betrieb genommen wurde Morris mine am 28.8.

    EXMIN Announces Inauguration of the Moris Mine, Chihuahua, Mexico
    Monday September 10, 9:00 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Sep 10, 2007 -- EXMIN Resources Inc. (EXMIN) (CDNX:EXM.V - News) is pleased to announce that the Santa Maria de Moris mine (Moris mine) was inaugurated on August 28th, 2007. The mine is operated by Minas Santa Maria de Moris S.A. de C.V., which is owned jointly by wholly owned Mexican subsidiaries of EXMIN (30%) and the Hochschild Mining Group (70%) (Hochschild) (LSX: HOC). Officials of both companies as well as representatives of the Federal, Chihuahua State and local municipal governments were present at a small ceremony at the mine.

    Production at the mine officially began on August 8th, as previously announced by Hochschild on August 13, 2007. Crushing and stacking of ore on the leach pad is underway, and leaching operations have commenced.

    Karl J. Boltz, President and CEO of EXMIN, stated, "The inauguration of the Moris mine is an important milestone in the development of EXMIN. The mine is operating at close to the 3,000 ton per day design capacity, and the normal bugs that occur in a start-up of this type are few and are being ironed out by our partner, a very competent producer."

    Moris mine

    The Moris mine is a 3,000 ton per day heap leach operation that employs approximately 200 people on a continuing basis, many of which are from the local community. The previously existing milling facilities have been refurbished and the new tertiary crusher is in service to allow production at the design capacity. The previously existing heap leaching operation had four leach pads that cannot be reused. Some of the material has been recrushed and stacked on the first new pad as a base for the ore that is currently being mined from two deposits, Creston and San Luis.

    The ore is crushed to minus 1/4 inch and carried by conveyor belt to the new leach pads. The first new leach pad #5 is currently being stacked with ore, and leach pads #6 and #7 are under construction. Leaching has commenced, and the first pour of gold-silver dore is anticipated in October.

    Please see EXMIN's website,, for photos of the mine operation. For more details on the mine and reserves, please see press releases of July 10, 2007, and January 17, 2007.

    Quality Assurance

    Dr. Craig Gibson, PhD., Certified Professional Geologist, and Executive Vice President of Exploration, is the authorized professional geologist for EXMIN Resources Inc. and the direct manager of all technical programs and information on the part of EXMIN.

    About Hochschild

    Minera Hochschild Mexico (MHM) is a subsidiary of Hochschild Mining plc (HOC.L for Reuters / HOC LN for Bloomberg), a publicly held company listed on the London Stock Exchange. Hochschild is a leading precious metals company with a primary focus on the exploration, mining, processing and sale of silver and gold. Hochschild currently operates four underground epithermal vein mines, three located in southern Peru and one in southern Argentina. Hochschild also has two advanced stage development projects, one in each of Mexico and Peru and one early stage development project in Mexico. In addition, Hochschild has over twenty long-term prospects throughout Latin America and has over forty years experience in the mining of precious metal epithermal vein deposits. For further information please visit

    Neither EXMIN's joint venture partner, Minera Hochschild Mexico, nor Hochschild Mining plc or any of its subsidiaries, accept any responsibility for the use of project data or the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

    About EXMIN

    EXMIN Resources Inc. (EXMIN) is currently focused on the exploration and development of precious metal properties of exceptional merit in the Sierra Madre gold belt of Northwestern Mexico as well as in other highly mineralized areas of Mexico.

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Noch mal zu EXN: Ein Beitrag aus dem SH Forum,…31806&t=0&all=0&TableID=0

    The Taxman vs. Friends and Excellon

    If a debenture holder is paid out in cash for whatever number of oz of silver, the watchful Taxman will deem that as a sale and trigger Tax on the capital gain. For those who want to hold silver for the longer term, it will be an immediately undesirable consequence. No one should be surprised that some major holders in that position would have happily elected or even initiated the extension so they can receive the full amount in silver and reap the benefit of tax deferral.

    What should the company do if it was a proposition from the debenture holders?

    Firstly, what has the company got to lose and gain? It has to pay for the custodian fees and storages charges a little longer, but on the other hand, its cash (millions) remains in the bank and keep collecting interest.

    Then what have the debenture holders done for the company? Their funds helped launch the Platosa mine, right? But before that occurred, Excellon was in a takeover bid on Destorbelle Mines Ltd - a part holder of the company’s present properties. To help close the deal in time, already on an extension of a previous deadline, a major subscriber to the debenture (Top Gold A.G) made an advance payment of US$3.5mln two months ahead of time to Excellon.

    In regard to the FRIENDS and RELATIVES theory, the ENRICHMENT part was dead wrong and rotten (as elaborated in previous posts 6/27/2007, 6/13/2007), however that event indicated indeed a friendly and helpful hand lent to the company at a needy time. Now if those folks behind that subscription, possibly others as well, prefer a delay in repayment of our debt so they can receive the full amount in silver, does it make any sense not to reciprocate and accommodate such desire with no or insignificant expense to the company?

    Let’s now go over to the company side. Alas…. there is another watchful Taxman standing by! For every oz of silver the company sent to the trust, this Taxman deemed that as a sale at fair market value although not a penny was received of course from the trust. Since the company is already operating in profitability, we can bet that tax bill is going to be hefty.

    How to reduce that tax burden? We are probably out of luck as far as paying back the principle portion of the debenture is concerned, but anything above and beyond that may be deemed as expense and qualify for tax deduction.

    If we look again at the debenture structure, it was effectively a forward sale of silver with a money back guarantee to be settled in 3 years time. The sale price was US$5.5/oz and the cost would be the fair market values assessed upon delivery to the trust from time to time. Let’s say if the average works out to be US$10.5/oz, then we have a loss of US$5.0 for each oz sold in 2004 and to be delivered in 2007. This will form the basis for tax deduction claims.

    Whatever case the company and its tax advisors want to pursue should be of little concern to us. We only need to recognize that there are significant tax implications at maturity of the debenture and the company needs to take measures to protect itself from any avoidable tax burden or recapture those taxes if already paid.

    Soon after the announcement of first debenture extension, it was cited on this board that the company offered tax issue as reason for the extension. Then came the second extension as announced in the August 31 NR – a puzzlement perhaps to some, but it also shed more light on the tax implication. The company said it had intended to have its Mexican subsidiary assume the Debenture obligation at its onset but wasn’t able to do so until now. Why did they intended to do so and finally did it at such a late stage?

    Let’s see who is on the frontline facing the forces of the Taxman? The Mexican sub is the one that has been mining, selling and sending silver to the trust. It is also obviously the one that has to declare profits (both virtual and real in the millions) and pay taxes first, isn’t it?

    Using the $5/oz estimated figure, the total loss incurred at maturity will be $9 mln ($5/oz x1.8 mln oz), and the same eligible for tax deduction. We want to avoid paying taxes on something like $9 mln or recapture them (if already paid) as soon as possible, don’t we? Whatever the case may be, tax advantage is now realizable by having the debenture obligation and its tax reduction value transferred to the subsidiary. It is worth the wait, isn’t it?

    Referencing the 2007 presentation - Ag production: Avg 247,000oz/month; Ag in trust: 1.51mln oz on May 10, 2007, silver went to the trust at over 120,000 oz/month meaning at that rate, the debenture should have been fully funded well before Aug 31 (end of first extension).

    So the pieces are now in place to explain the company’s acts: 1st extension due to shortage of ounces + tax purposes; 2nd extension for tax purpose alone. There have been no underhanded dealings to confer undue favours to anybody. The Friends and Relatives Enrichment scheme was just an invention based on a nonexistent “original term” invented by the theorists and suspicionists.

    While no one can read others’ mind in terms of their honesty and other faculties, we can certainly assess them from their past acts. They have built a profitable company with huge exploration potential literally from the ground up through arrangements cautiously taking care of risks and protecting shareholder value, with excellent vision and execution both on the business side as well as the exploration side bringing us to this point. The series of latest events hints at the setup of a stage whereby the company may be launched into its next phase – in which it will be counted in the major league.

    Good luck and happy investing.




    Vielleicht mal ein Blick drauf werfen..

    Die Neue Company ist jetzt CSG.V siehe News vom Aug,29

    Wird erst seit einer Woche gehandelt.


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