Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

  • Lucky

    Ich glaube nicht, dass es am Geld fehlt. Ich denke, es liegt an der allgemeinen schlechten Marktverfassung des Aktienmarktes. Vor allem kleinere Werte leiden, da diese oft von Kleinanlegern getrieben werden. Und diese sind momentan verunsichert und kaufen nicht. Das kann sich aber auch schnell ändern.
    Das wird sich bestimmt wieder ändern.


  • ...fehlt nur, wo Risiko VERMUTET =) wird --- Deflatorische Wirkung...

    ...und drängelt sich vor den sicheren Häfen ---Inflatorische Wirkung...

    ...Wer Geld (Sicherheit) hat bekommts immer leichter und billiger...

    ...dáccord Gebrüder Hunt...



    @ dau 40%:

    ...Wenn ich mir zu 40% sicher bin die "beste Aktie" zu kennen,

    ...wärs dumm, weniger in gerade die beste zu investieren...

    ...und durch Beimischen von Schlechteren :] das Risiko zu reduzieren

    ---allerdings sollte die Einschätzung nicht zu weit von der Realität
    entfernt sein. ;)


  • Nur weil wir jetzt 2 Jahre eine Seitwärtsbewegung hatten, kann das ja nicht ewig so weitergehen. Ich bin halt mal kein Trader.

    Ist mir auch nicht klar, wieso dich der Silberpreis nicht interessiert.

    Denke, ECU oder EXN wären kurzfristig gute Umschichtmöglichkeiten, zumindest wenn Silber die nächsten Wochen weitersteigen sollte.

    Aber bei ECU geht ja auch schon ewig nix. Da ärger ich mich dann auch nur, wenn sich nix tut. Auch wenn GATA meint, wir stehen am tipping point und die ganzen Juniors/Explorer werden sich in Bälde ruck-zuck verdoppeln oder verdreifachen.

    Wer kann das schon voraussagen?

    Und wenn sich nirgends groß was tut, brauch ich auch nicht umschichten.

    Zumindest das Silber-Zerti läuft, auch wenn ich davon eigentlich nie ein Fan war.

    Seltsame Zeiten sind das.


    der DAU

  • Hallo DAU,

    meine Erfahrung in Zusammenhang mit Minen und Edelmetall lehrt mich immer folgende Gesetzmäßigkeiten zu erkennen:

    1. Silber ist volatiler als Gold
    2. Silber läuft dem Gold hinterher, um es irgendwann zu überholen
    3. Physisches Gold ist sicherer als Minen
    4. Minen besitzen einen Hebel auf den Metallpreis
    5. Große Minen folgen steigenden Metallpreisen vor kleinen Minen
    6. Kleine Minen machen große Sprünge erst ganz zum Schluss einer Hausse, wenn die großen bereits sehr stark gestiegen sind.

    Die Systematik ist bis auf Punkt 4 aktuell erfüllt. Hier haben wir seit August ein absolutes Paradoxum, speziell was die großen Südafrikaner angeht, wo eigentlich der schwache Rand auch noch helfen müsste. Der Grund, warum dieses Kriterium momentan nicht erfüllt ist, sehe ich einerseits in der Flucht in die Sicherheit (Punkt 3), andererseits wohl auch in gewisser Weise in deflationären Tendenzen, d. h. Mangel an Liquidität.

    Gerade hieraus und aus dem Punkt 5 folgt, dass Explorer und Kleinminen aktuell im Depot einfach noch nichts zu suchen haben. Es ist wie an der Nasdaq in den 90ern: zuerst müssen die Intel und Microsoft (sprich: Anglogold, Gold Fields, Newmont) mehrhundertprozentige Anstiege verzeichnen, erst dann ist der Punkt da, wo man mit Kleintiteln (an der Nasdaq: Ariba, Commerce One etc.) punkten kann, und zwar dann deutlich schneller als mit den großen.

    Ein klares Durchbrechen der Abwärtstrends bei den großen Südafrikanern wäre für mich das Zeichen, langsam Positionen in ausgesuchten Kleinproduzenten aufzubauen. So lange diese großen Produzenten noch fallen, wird man mit den kleinen erst recht keinen Stich machen.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von ADERA

    Ich glaube nicht, dass es am Geld fehlt. Ich denke, es liegt an der allgemeinen schlechten Marktverfassung des Aktienmarktes.....


    hallo ADERA,

    Die Markverfassung ist schlecht; es herrscht Risikoaversion. Welches sind die risikoreichsten Aktien? :D

    Und wenn es mit den Häuserpreisen so weitergeht wie 2007 (da fehlt jetzt schon Geld, en masse!!), wird auch dem Aktienmarkt bald viel Geld fehlen.

    Geschätzt sollen schon 17 % der US-Hypo-Schuldner 'unter Wasser' sein, d.h. infolge Rückgang der Häuserpreise (um 9 % im 2007 gemäss Case-Shiller-Index) hat ihr Haus weniger Wert als sie Schulden darauf haben. wohin geht da die Reise wohl? Zwangsversteigerungen lassen dann die Häuserpreise noch mehr purzeln, eine sich selbst verstärkende Spirale könnte in Gang kommen.

    Traditionell 'sparen' die meisten Ami's (diejenigen, die es sich leisten können natürlich) in Aktien (IRA, College-ausbildung der Kinder), bei über 100% Hausbelehnung floss das Geld nicht nur in den in Konsum sondern auch in Aktien, der US-Amerikaner ist der wichtigste Aktienkäufer der Welt.

    Also ich bin schon am überlegen......


  • Allesklar,
    du machst deinem Namen alle Ehre......
    mir ist jedenfalls alles klar, was du schreibst.....

    danke, aber das mach ich auch, dass ich Sachen verkauf.....
    (am liebsten das, was aus der jahresfrist heraußen ist :D)
    Bin 08 hinten, also seit 1.1., sonst läuft´s nicht so schlecht.

    Insgesamt sind wir an einem blöden punkt zur Zeit.
    Kann ja jederzeit wieder ein washout einsetzen.....
    Drum hoff ich auf zwischenerholung beim Dow.... :D

    Die Majors verdienen ja schon wieder richtig Geld.
    Wenn sie genügend haben, gehen sie auf shopping Tour.
    Also das sind sie ja eigentlich schon, es wird ja verhandelt, dass sich die Balken biegen.....

    warum soll er mich interessieren, mach ja keine zertis.......
    Ist ja nicht so, dass ich nicht weiß, wo Silber steht....
    Zu viel Info macht deppat.... :D
    also mich jedenfalls....

    Unbedingter Lesestoff!
    Hat aber "valueman" auch schon des öfteren erklärt.....(die Minco Geschichte mein ich)

    Buying Gold to get Silver

    Bob Moriarty, Mar 6, 2008…iarty/moriarty030608.html

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • @ Tschonko

    Laut Adam Hamilton soll sich der HUI ja im 8. Upleg befinden und bis Mai noch heftig zulegen:

    Der aktuelle achte, große Aufschwung ist sehr aufregend, da seine technische Struktur bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt sehr gut mit den vorangegangenen massiven Aufschwüngen übereinstimmt. Daher ist es fast sicher, dass auch dieser Aufschwung ein massiver sein wird. Wenn das der Fall ist, sollten wir den gleichen Zuwachs wie seit August noch einmal bis Mai erleben. Aufgrund der außergewöhnlichen Stärke von Gold könnten die Anstiege des HUI aber noch viel größer werden.….php?storyid=6660&seite=0

    Was hältst du davon ?

    Und hast du auch eine Meinung zu CNU.V ?
    Habe in das fallende Messer gegriffen und dachte natürlich nicht, dass es soweit nach unten geht...
    Aber Sprott mit 19% und Agnico-Eagle mit 15,3% halten die schließlich nicht umsonst, also kann man wohl nicht von einer Klitsche sprechen. (oder wie Eldo manchmal schreibt: "einem Loch und daneben steht ein Lügner") :D


  • Lenz,
    Bei CNU hast noch die 8% von JV partner Fortuna vergessen.
    Haben halt ziemlich eine Dilution gehabt, aber MC ist nicht so hoch: unter 25 mille C$.
    Die Dilution wird überhaupt zu wenig beachtet.
    Da heißt es dann, ja die waren schon bei 6 und jetzt sind´s nach jahren bei 3.
    Wie Gemein!!! :D
    Dabei haben sie doppelt so viele shares heraußen...
    (bezieht sich nicht auf eine bestimmete Mine... :D

    Oaxaca ist ein bisserl weit vom Schuss und nicht sooo sicher...
    gibt´s eine Präsi.......................

    Weiß nicht, wieviel du hinten bist, aber da sollte man nachkaufen, wenn Geld da und das depotgefüge nicht in Schieflage kommt.

    Zur Bewertung noch 2 links:
    Mining costs mit allem Drum und Dran

    und eine allgemeine Seite über Mining in Mexico:

    HUI: wenn der Gesamtmarkt mitspielt.
    Wie gesagt die großen sammeln Cash an, wie GG etc.

    Aber das nützt so Werten wie CNU, Garibaldi, Exmin relativ wenig.
    Da müssen andere Sachen passieren.
    Gute Meldungen etc.

    Die Verwerfungen werden hier beschrieben:
    Auswirkungen haben wir genügend......
    Aber die hier gehen dann nur in die Großen oder in ETF´s

    Advance Alert: Major Action We're Taking
    by Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.

    Dear Subscriber,
    These markets are going wild, and we're responding with major action — a brand new set of recommendations Mike and I are going to issue within the next week or so.

    But if you think the recent market moves have been climactic, think again.

    The flood of money rushing out of paper assets like stocks and mortgages ... into foreign currencies, gold, silver, oil, wheat, platinum, and almost every commodity under the sun is just a trickle in comparison to the tidal wave we see coming.

    Just look at the big hits people are already taking on their traditional investments:

    Muni bonds are getting killed! People thought they were "safe." Not so. Some muni investments have lost more than half their value in a matter of weeks.

    Government-sponsored agency bonds like Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Sallie Mae are now being dragged into the mortgage and loan catastrophe!

    U.S. home equity is vanishing! For the first time since the Federal Reserve started tracking the data in 1945 — more than a half-century ago — the equity in the average American home is now less than half of what is owed on those homes. Plus, nearly nine million families now owe more than their home is worth!

    Home foreclosures have just doubled to the highest in history! Even middle-class families with good credit and the ability to pay their mortgages are abandoning their homes in droves. Imagine what's happening to people who can't pay!

    Jobs are disappearing! On Friday, economists were expecting to see 23,000 more jobs for February. Instead, they were shocked by the news of 63,000 fewer jobs.

    The Fed is panicking! With the next Fed meeting just nine days from today ... and with most investors expecting — even demanding — at least a three-quarter-point cut, the Fed announced a whopping $200 billion in new dollars to be pumped into the economy. This is unprecedented, to say the least.

    U.S. dollar in freefall: Proving that global investors are not dumb — that they clearly understand this blizzard of horrific economic news means Washington will gut the dollar in the weeks ahead — they're already beating the greenback to a pulp.

    So with all these traditional investments getting smashed ... with the Fed pouring in hundreds of billions of more cash ... and with the dollar collapsing ... where do you think all that money is going?

    If your answer is commodities and foreign currencies, you're dead right! In fact, just in the last few days ...

    Oil blasted through its 28-year-old inflation-adjusted highs without so much as looking back, hitting an eye-popping $106 a barrel.

    Gold prices exploded higher, moving within $8 of the never-before-reached $1,000 mark.

    Copper exploded to a new all-time high of over $4 per pound.

    The CRB index is beginning to look more like the trajectory of a moon rocket than a mere price chart.

    The euro has surged to a new all-time high, while the Japanese yen continues on its way to its highest level in history as well.

    This is no mild-mannered inflationary spiral, my friend. Just compared to three months ago, the U.S. dollar buys 19% less in terms of commodities. Heck, at an annual rate, that's the equivalent to an inflation rate of more than 70%!

    The things you buy at the grocery store ... for transportation ... to heat and cool your home ... and every foreign-made product you buy at Wal-Mart is soaring in price.

    Now, for the good news: Opportunities to profit from this great super boom in oil, gold, silver, platinum, copper, food and other commodities are now far more accessible than ever before.

    Now, a whole new kind of investment vehicle makes going for huge gains in commodities and foreign currencies as easy as buying shares in IBM or Microsoft.

    I'm talking about exchange-traded funds — simple ETFs. And as I told you at the outset, Mike and I are getting ready to take major action to recommend our top choice of three of them within a week or so.

    We've posted a blockbuster report on this crisis on our website. Plus, our site tells you exactly how to jump in to harness these powerful forces. Just click here.

    Good luck and God bless!


    About Money and Markets
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    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Also einen kräftigen Washout kann ich mir im Moment beim besten Willen nicht vorstellen.

    Gemessen an den schwachen Vorgaben aus den Standardindizes hat sich der PM-Sektor hervorragend gehalten.

    Meiner Meinung nach, müsste es in Kürze zu einem kräftigen Kursschub bei den Juniors kommen.

    Es wird sich doch immer mehr und mehr herauskristallisieren wo man investieren sollte bzw. wohin die Flucht geht.

    Washout würde ich sehen, wenn der IMF einen konkreten Zeitpunkt für Goldverkäufe bekannt gibt. Würde sich dann zumindest anbieten und die Möglichkeit bieten für etwas unbegründetete Panik zu sorgen.


    der DAU

  • ärgerlich die EXN.
    dafür haben sie im Vorjahr mehr gedrillt.
    In dem Bericht sieht man auch, wie wenig Silber die eigentlich produzieren.

    kannst dir heute schon einen washout vorstellen.... :D

    Den Rohstoff Spiegel find ich diesmal wieder mal interessant.
    Läuft hier ganz oben am Band...
    (Find keinen link, nur was zum runterholen, was ich eh schon gemacht hab.... :D)

    Sehr langer Bericht von Arian, nur ein kleiner Teil hier

    Arian Silver Corporation: Initial NI 43-101 Resource Calculation at Tepal
    Monday March 10, 3:00 am ET

    LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM--(Marketwire - March 10, 2008) - Arian Silver Corporation ("Arian" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:AGQ - News; AIM:AGQ)(PLUS:AGQ)(FRANKFURT:I3A - News), is pleased to announce the completion of a Canadian National Instrument (NI) 43-101 mineral resource estimate for the Tepal Property, located in Michoacan State, Mexico. The resource estimation has been prepared by international mining consultants, A.C.A. Howe International Limited.

    Highlights -

    - 1.18 million ounces of gold

    - 421 million pounds of copper

    - 2.58 million ounces of gold-equivalent

    - Initial inferred resource estimate from only 50% of the drill-holes completed to date

    - Resource areas open along multiple directions and to depth

    - Further resource calculation to follow once Phase-1 drilling programme is completed

    - Phase-1 drill programme to total 7,500 metres

    This initial resource estimate of 78.8 million tonnes (MT) containing 1.18 million ounces (oz) of gold and 421 million pounds (lbs) of copper is in the "inferred" mineral resource category and contained within two distinct mineralized zones (North and South Zones). Input data for estimations is from 31 verified historical core holes, and 23 Arian core holes drilled to an aggregate depth of 3,435.4m, completed by the Company up until December 2007.

    Results from an additional 15 holes sited within or with close proximity to the zones currently delineated by this estimate are not included in this resource statement. The results from these holes, together with holes from the on-going Phase-1 drilling, will be reported and modelled for an updated resource statement in due course. The resource estimates are summarised in the table below, and plans showing the extent of the resources can be viewed in the following two links:

    Tepal Long Section:

    Tepal Plan Map:

    Rest hier:

    Der Liebermann hat amal zu seinem Freund Billy Wilder g´sagt:

    "Man kann ja gar nicht so viel fressen, wie man kotzen möcht..."

    Dem schließ ich mich vorbehaltlos an. :D


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • heute Silvercrest (SVL.V) gekauft. Hätt sie gern für 1 CAD gekauft, aber die kommt nicht runter, selbst heute nicht.

    Grund dafür kann die kurzbevorstehende Preliminary Feasibility Study für ihr Santa Elena Projekt sein.

    Hiernochmal die Analyse der Coffin Brother (Hard Rock Analsyt) aus Okt. 2007


    VANCOUVER, B.C. February 21, 2008 – SilverCrest Mines Inc. (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that all phases of work on the Company’s Preliminary Feasibility Study at the Santa Elena Project are near completion. The Santa Elena Project is located approximately 150 kilometres northeast of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico and is easily accessible with excellent local infrastructure. The Company has the right to acquire a 100% interest in the Santa Elena property.
    J. Scott Drever, president of SilverCrest stated; “We are now very confident about the nature and minimum size of the Main Zone deposit and are becoming more confident about its mineability as the preliminary feasibility progresses. We have used a gold price of US$600 per ounce and a silver price of US$10 per ounce for our base case economics and all preliminary indications are that we potentially have the makings of a very robust project at Santa Elena. The team of people we have assembled to carry out the permitting and engineering design all have extensive experience in this type of operation and are working well together to finalize all aspects of the development plan. We are anxious to finalize the Preliminary Feasibility Study so that we can move forward with the next stages of the program.”

    und West Timmins Mining (WTM.TO) auch noch hinterher, wenn ich grad schon dabei bin.

  • ...muss man eh sein, flexibel mein ich. :D
    Das haben sie so an sich, kurz und heftig.
    Das ist eh noch keiner.

    gute käufe. SVL siehe Bild
    Der WTM hechel ich auch immer hinterher.

    [Blockierte Grafik:…ties/MexicoProperties.jpg]

    Nochmals: Rohstoff Spiegel, diesmal sehr interessant.

    Der Arian hechel ich auch.......
    hier kommt sie auch vor.

    Surging Prices Spur Mexican Silverado

    By Andrew K. Burger - 09 Mar 2008 at 01:15 PM GMT-04:00

    BAKU, Azerbaijan ( -- Silver prices have also been climbing – 55%+ in the last 12 months. Some market watchers believe silver may be ripe for a further, sharp move upward as a large overhang of short positions is now deep underwater. Given the macroeconomic conditions, mark-to-market losses and margin calls, the scent of a massive round of short covering is in the air, and that would send silver prices up on a meteoric rise.

    Mexico and Peru automatically spring to mind when silver mining is mentioned. And there are a host of TSX-listed companies actively exploring and developing silver mining projects south of the Rio Grande. Working in Zacatecas State, one of the world’s richest known sources of silver ore, Arian Silver [TSX-V:AGQ] expects to bring its San Jose prospect into production by 2009. ECU Silver Mining [TSX-V:ECU] has made significant discoveries and has started processing ore from a group of seven mines in the Velardena district, another historically prolific source of gold, silver, lead and zinc.

    Surging Silver

    Silver prices were fixed at a mid-market price of $20.82 in London on March 7, having risen 7.7% in the past month. Rather than indicating the formation of a speculative bubble, recent price action and market conditions indicate that silver is in the early to middle stages of a secular bull market, according to Dublin’s Gold Investments. Prices have risen 330%+ in the last five years.

    “Another clear indication that silver is far from a speculative mania rather in the early to middle stages of a secular bull market was seen in the fact that silver had its largest daily gain on a closing basis in memory and yet despite this the open interest actually fell. Again showing that speculative longs have not entered the market rather it is speculative shorts that have been exiting their humongous short position which is causing the price to surge,” according to Gold Investments’ March 7 market letter.

    Gold Investments’ analyst sees signs that a massive short covering may be in the making. “…Huge and unprecedented concentrated short positions in silver are being forced to cover their shorts and buy back silver in significant volumes. We could see the commercial shorts forced to panic cover en masse creating a massive surge in the silver (and gold) price. This eventuality is looking increasingly likely, especially in the light of the very significant macroeconomic and systemic risks facing the U.S. and many western economies.

    “Silver has now surpassed the predicted high of most silver analysts in the world who have failed to realize the massive growing supply/demand imbalance in silver and how the humongous and unprecedented short position in silver would lead to prices being propelled to levels that may shock even silver's more bullish enthusiasts. This happens in most bull markets but will be a sight to behold in silver in the coming years.”

    Mining & Silver in Mexico

    Mexico is the world’s second-largest silver producer. Encouraged by 1990s changes in mining legislation that allow foreign companies to acquire 100% interests in mining operations, foreign miners helped pushed mining production to a record $7.2 billion in 2007, up from between $2-3 billion five years ago.

    Mining companies invested a record $2.2 billion in Mexico last year according to official government figures. With only 20% of the country explored, the Mexico Mining Chamber of Commerce forecasts that some $20 billion will be invested in the country's mines by 2012.

    Arian Silver on March 3, released an initial NI 43-101 inferred resource estimate for its San Jose property in the Tepal area of Zacatecas State. Results from only half the drill holes completed to date from 1.6 kilometres of a total estimated 12-plus km strike length from the San Jose Vein System returned an estimated 27.7 million ounces of silver, 64.6 million pounds of lead and 147.5 million pounds zinc.

    Results from an additional 34 holes, along with holes currently being drilled as part of the company’s Phase One programme, will cover a minimum 4 of a total 12-plus km strike length and will be modelled, reported and released in an updated resource statement later this year, according to company information.

    Arian’s wholly owned Mexican subsidiary, Arian Silver Mexico S.A. de C.V., holds an exclusive option to wholly acquire the San Jose Project. The Project concessions include the San Jose Mine, which was operated by a subsidiary of Penolés from 1973 to 1991 and then by Monarca, which operated the mine between 1993 and 2001. The mine was closed in 2001 due to prevailing low silver prices after producing more than 2 million tonnes of ore averaging 250 grams/tonne silver.

    An existing underground development ramp provides access to a 3-kilometre stretch of the San Jose Vein System. The western portion of the System, which extends more than 4 km, remains unexploited. Two other main vein structures are exposed and have not been explored using modern methods and tools.

    ECU Silver
    Akin to Arian, ECU Silver Mining is exploring and developing resources in a historically rich and productive region of gold, silver and base mineral resources. Working properties in the Velardena District in Durango State that include five historic mines the Company has been producing mineralized stope material and processing it into lead and zinc concentrates at wholly owned milling facilities - two milling operations at Velardeña and a wholly owned flotation mill in the Village of Velardeña. ECU in Q3 2006 completed a pyrite processing circuit for enhanced recovery of gold and silver.

    Management, in a March 4 media release, said that following metallurgical and processing tests of ore from its Santa Juana Mine, the company is now able and ready to zoom in on specific high-grade ore sections, refine mining methods and metallurgical process and take advantage of current market prices to finance ongoing exploration and development without further share dilution by resuming mining and milling operations at the Velardena mill. Ore processing has resumed and throughput is expected to reach 200 tonnes a day initially and 300 tonnes daily in Q2 this year.

    Working its three main Velardena District Properties in central Mexico’s Durango State – Velardena Main, Chicago and San Diego – while exploring a fourth, ECU Silver has expanded NI 43-101 compliant measured and indicated mineral resources 116% and inferred resources 121% in the past year. The company has amassed an NI 43-101 inventory from 32 mineral veins of 3.7 million tonnes (38 million ounces silver equivalent) measured and indicated, and 13.7 million tonnes (179 million ounces silver equivalent) inferred.

    Management sees the potential to increase this substantially by adding an additional 550 to 960 million silver equivalent ounces. Doing so would make ECU majority owners of one of the world’s largest gold and silver resources.

    Velardena Main property consists of four interconnected mines- Santa Juana, San Juanes, San Mateo and Terneras. ECU began exploring the San Diego property approximately 10 kilometres northeast in Q3 2006 together with Golden Tag Resources Ltd. [TSX-V:GOG] and recently released positive results from an exploratory drilling program being conducted on the Terneras vein off the San Juanes mine that was previously believed to be barren.

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Hoffe ich auch Tschonko, die Coffin Brothers sind schon seit mehreren Jahren von SVL sehr überzeugt. Sie sind aber gleichzeitig frustriert über den Seitwärtschart. Im letzten Kurzupdate zu SVL ( 03/08 ) äußerten sie sich sehr zuversichtlich:

    One reason for the current trading pattern is a large issue of in the money $1.00 warrants that expire in late March. Holders are trading out stock to raise money to exercise warrants. This will keep the share price in the current range for most of the month. There are 25 holes in the lab and two drills turning. The arrival of more drill results, the Feasibility Study and a new resource calculation should all be strong drivers for a higher share price once the warrants have expired. Its indeed frustrating but we suspect March will represent the final chance to accumulate SVL in this range.…47378&t=0&all=0&TableID=0

    WTM heute mit gutem Start in 2008 bei einem ihrer Hauptprojekte: Lluvia de Oro

    WTM's Lluvia de Oro Exploration Starts with New Surface Discoveries Returning 13.10 g/t Gold and 402 g/t Silver
    Tuesday March 11, 8:00 am ET


  • Die "grüne" Überflutung ist noch nicht bei den Minen angekommen.
    Wird sie auch nicht.
    Aber geht Fisch, geht Fleisch. :D

    Exmin update zu Morris: Produktion läuft.

    PP bei Kimber zu 0,75 mit warrants zu 1,25

    Und mit 1,23 sind wir fast dort. Nur wie geht´s weiter???

    Gute Ergebnisse bei Scorpio:…o_nuestra_senor.html?.v=1

    Und Gammon macht große Schritte: MFN übrigens auch.
    schaut richtig gut aus. Hoffentlich stimmt´s auch.... :D


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Value,
    bei Scorpio wird´s noch dauern. Die machen eine schöne Mineneröffnung im Juni, viel mexikanische Prominenz.
    GAM steht außer Frage, da beginnt es bestens zu laufen. Law suite ist halt noch anhängig.

    Bin da auf eine wirklich billige Goldproducer Aktie gestoßen. Schau sie dir mal an! Nicht so groß wie peak, aber immerhin gut 100 t oz

    Paramount: trading halt ????

    Exmin: die sorgen jetzt für ständigen news flow. Relativ wirkungslos, aber das kommt schon...

    EXMIN Resources Inc.: High Grade Mineralization and Three Mineralized Targets Drilled in 2007 at Moris Exploration Project Chihuahua, Mexico
    Thursday March 13, 11:33 am ET

    Sterling feiert in der Sunshine eine Party.....
    mit Governor und Bandl durchschneiden.....

    Gutes auch von Yale!

    Yale Completes Preliminary Metallurgical Studies at La Verde Grande
    Thursday March 13, 9:40 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BC--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 13, 2008 -- Yale Resources Ltd. (CDNX:YLL.V - News) (Frankfurt:YAB.F - News) is pleased to announce that preliminary metallurgical studies on mineralization from within the La Verde Grande Mine has shown that excellent recoveries can be obtained for copper and zinc. Bottle roll tests indicate that recoveries of 84.3 % for copper and 76.5 % for zinc are obtainable. Gold and silver recoveries were not part of this first test.

    The study was completed in Hermosillo by Consulores Entalpia who have acted as metallurgical consultants to many of the copper mines in Sonora, including Piedras Verdes (Frontera Copper), Cananea (Penoles), and La Caridad (Grupo Mexico). The study was performed on approximately 150 kg of material from the lower level of the La Verde Grande Mine, which had an average grade of 2.21 % copper and 0.68 % zinc. Historic metallurgical studies and production data have resulted in a wide variety of results with emphasis on either copper or silver depending on their relative value at the time and always involved the flotation of the oxide mineralization. The most recent, performed in 1981, studied the recovery of silver and gold by floatation with the recovery of copper from the tails. This resulted in total metal recoveries estimated at 81 % for copper, 80 % for silver and 60 % gold -- with no consideration for zinc.

    In bringing the metallurgical studies to current standards, a key component is to test the viability of a heap leach scenario for the La Verde Grande mineralization. A preliminary column test performed by Yale showed recoveries of 66.61 % copper after 30 days on 30 kg of 'run of mine' (no crushing) mineralization. The results of this initial test indicate that better recoveries could be obtained with a longer leach time and that recoveries may also be improved with crushing.

    Yale is awaiting recommendations for further studies to determine optimal parameters for heap leaching while also examining the economic viability of conventional milling and processing as an alternate processing route.

    "This is a critical step in advancing the La Verde Grande deposit towards feasibility as the combination of favourable preliminary metallurgy and high grades encountered to date together with record metal prices suggests that there is the real potential to define an ore body within the La Verde Project," stated Ian Foreman, P.Geo., President of Yale Resources.

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • PZG / Paramount nur ein Fake? ?(

    SEC Suspends Trading of 26 Companies to Combat Corporate Hijackings

    Actions Are First From Enforcement Division's Recently-Formed Microcap Fraud Working Group

    Washington, D.C., March 13, 2008 - The Securities and Exchange Commission today suspended trading in the securities of 26 companies that appear to have usurped the identity of defunct or inactive publicly-traded corporations using a tactic known as corporate hijacking. The Commission ordered the suspensions because of questions regarding the adequacy and accuracy of information pertaining to their status as publicly-traded companies.

    The trading suspensions are part of the SEC's stepped-up effort to address fraud involving the securities of non-exchange traded, or microcap, securities. These are the first actions resulting from the recent formation of the Enforcement Division's microcap fraud working group. In March 2007, the Commission suspended trading in the securities of 35 companies as part of the SEC's Anti-Spam Initiative, which targets potentially fraudulent spam e-mail.

    "Microcap investing involves thousands of companies and hundreds of thousands of investors. Keeping this tier of the market honest and free of fraud is every bit as important to investor confidence as our regulation of the world's largest companies and exchanges," said SEC Chairman Christopher Cox. "These trading suspensions demonstrate the SEC's intensified commitment to eradicating microcap fraud. The trading suspensions, and the actions that will follow, should leave no doubt that the Commission will use all of the weapons in its arsenal to combat those who threaten the integrity of our markets."

    Linda Chatman Thomsen, Director of the SEC's Division of Enforcement, added, "Hijackings are a burgeoning problem, and a type which the Division's microcap fraud working group was created to address. Today's trading suspensions are squarely aimed at putting the market on notice about the risks associated with acquiring non-operational or 'shell' companies, and with investing in microcaps. This is a first step. We will continue to vigorously investigate those involved."

    In conducting the corporate hijacking, certain persons appear to have incorporated each of the 26 companies using the same name as a then defunct or inactive publicly-traded corporation. For identification purposes, each class of an issuer's publicly-traded securities is assigned a ticker symbol by Nasdaq Reorganization and a CUSIP number by the Standard & Poor's CUSIP Bureau. These same persons appear to have usurped the CUSIP numbers and ticker symbols assigned to the defunct or inactive corporations' publicly-traded securities for use by the newly-incorporated entities. They then appear to have obtained new CUSIP numbers and ticker symbols in lieu of the old ones, also for use of the newly incorporated entities, by apparently representing falsely that they were duly authorized officers, directors, or agents of the original publicly-traded corporation.

    The trading suspensions will last for 10 business days. The trading suspensions commenced today at 9:30 a.m. ET and terminate at 11:59 p.m. ET on March 27, 2008.

    The 26 companies whose trading was suspended today are: Andros Isle Development Corp. (AVPJ); Asante Networks, Inc. (ASTN); Beluga Composites Corporation (BGCC); Cobra Energy Inc. (CBNG); Complete Care Medical, Inc. (CCMI); Disability Access Corporation (DBYC); El Alacran Gold Mine Corp. (EAGM); Extreme Fitness Inc. (EXTF); Gaming Transactions Inc. (GGTS); Global Equity Fund, Inc. (GEQF); HealthSonix Inc. (HSXI); IQ Webquest, Inc. (IQWB); JSX Energy Inc. (JSXG); Kensington Industries, Inc. (KSGT); Kingslake Energy Inc. (KGLJ); L International Computers Inc. (LITL); Let's Talk Recovery Inc. (LKRV); Mobilestream, Inc. (MSRM); Mvive, Inc. (MVIV); Native American Energy Group Inc. (NVMG); Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (PZG); Regal Technologies Inc. (RGTN); Remington Ventures, Inc. (REMV); Straight Up Brands, Inc. (STRU); Transglobal Oil Corp. (TRGO); and Turquoise Development Company (TQDC).

    The Commission cautions broker-dealers, shareholders and prospective purchasers that they should carefully consider the foregoing information along with all other currently available information and any information subsequently issued by these companies. Further, broker-dealers should be alert to the fact that, pursuant to Rule 15c2-11 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, at the termination of the trading suspensions, no quotation may be entered unless and until the broker-dealer has strictly complied with all of the provisions of the rule. If any broker or dealer is uncertain as to what is required by the rule, it should refrain from entering quotations relating to the securities of this company that has been subject to a trading suspension until such time as it has familiarized itself with the rule and is certain that all of its provisions have been met. Any broker or dealer with questions regarding the rule should contact the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. at (202) 551-5720. If any broker or dealer enters any quotation that is in violation of the rule, the Commission will consider the need for prompt enforcement action.

    The Commission acknowledges the assistance and cooperation of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Ontario Securities Commission, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey in Newark, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Florida in Tampa, the Newark and Tampa Field Offices of the U.S. Secret Service, and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).

    Any investor or other person with information relating to this matter is invited to contact the staff at (202) 551-4600 or by e-mail at
    # # #
    For more information, contact:
    Scott W. Friestad
    Associate Director, SEC's Division of Enforcement
    (202) 551-4962
    John S. Polise
    Assistant Director, SEC's Division of Enforcement
    (202) 551-4981

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