Interessanter Link,Tschonko
Diese PR,besser die Ergebnisse,sind schon Kurshüpfer wert.
"....Six assay results from this area were: 82.8 g/t, 1 g/t, 8.3 g/t, 100.8 g/t, 9.2 g/t and 9.6 g/t. au....."
11. Januar 2025, 23:25
Interessanter Link,Tschonko
Diese PR,besser die Ergebnisse,sind schon Kurshüpfer wert.
"....Six assay results from this area were: 82.8 g/t, 1 g/t, 8.3 g/t, 100.8 g/t, 9.2 g/t and 9.6 g/t. au....."
Die 2 C$ und damit das Kursziel sind erreicht.
Ich geb ja sehr selten kursziele, aber hab hier vor einem jahr oder mehr gesagt, da war die bei 0,4 od. 0,5, dass die Almi ein 2 $ Zuckerl ist.
So und jetzt leg ich Dylan auf: "What good am I"
Und noch was: nix wird hier verkauft
Edel, hast auch noch relativ billig zugegriffen heuer.
Das ist echt : "Spitze"!
Dabei hatte ich sogar noch aufgestockt.
Hätte das kaum vorher geglaubt,zumal solche Umsätze.
Auf Dein Wohl,Tschonko.
Atlas Mining Company Starts Second Phase of Drilling at Dragon Mine
Und die Zahlen: steht auch viel über die Entwicklung der Company drin.
Form 10QSB for ATLAS MINING CO . Quarterly Report
Sie entwickeln immer mehr Aktivitäten in Neufundland.
About Atlas Mining Company: Atlas Mining Company is a diversified natural resource company with focus on the development of the Dragon Mine in Juab County, Utah, the only known commercial source of halloysite clay outside of New Zealand. The unique purity and quality of the Dragon mine halloysite is unmatched anywhere in the world and has spawned considerable research in the nanotechnology fields and has created exciting new applications for this product. Atlas also holds mining and timber interests in Northern Idaho, and operates an underground mining contracting business. Atlas stock trades on the OTC Bulletin Board under the symbol ``ALMI''. More information about Atlas Mining Company can be found at
Atlas geht ja wieder im Krebsgang zur Zeit.
Guter Auftrag für Atlas Fausett, die Drillingabteilung von Atlas:
Atlas Mining Company Awarded Mining Contract at Stillwater Mining East Boulder Mine ( near Big Timber, Montana).
"Atlas Fausett Contracting will provide underground drifting and stope preparation work at the property. The contract is slated to begin August 1st, and will generate approximately $200,000 per month in additional revenue for six months.
According to Ron Short, Operations Officer for Atlas Mining Company, ``This is the type of project we like to get. We have the experience and the manpower to get it done, and we are pleased to have been awarded the contract." "
Heute mit 2,20 geschlossen.
Neues 52 Wochen Hoch, still und leise, und das in diesen Zeiten.
Atlas ist eine Wohltat.
Die Grubenabteilung werkelt in der Sunshine Mine,
der halloysite clay wird immer wertvoller.........usw.
Wie Emoba gesagt hat: ein 4 Gänge Menu
und weiter: Ich zitiere:
"Almi stellt für mich gute Diversifizierung im Minenbereich dar mit erheblichen Möglichkeiten und mittlerweilen festem Sicherheitsnetz----"
Dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen.
Atlas Mining Company Updates on NanoClay and Technologies Inc. Collaborative Agreement
Monday August 7, 7:30 am ET
Dr. Yuri Lvov Enters Into Collaborative Agreement with NanoClay and Technologies, Inc.
OSBURN, Idaho, Aug. 7, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- Dr. Ron Price, president of NanoClay and Technologies, Inc. (an Atlas Mining Company (OTC BB:ALMI.OB - News) subsidiary) reported that Dr. Yuri Lvov, CEO of Pulp and Paper LLC and a professor at Louisiana Tech University Center for Nano-Engineering, has joined NanoClay and Technologies, Inc. in a collaboration to further exploit halloysite nanotubules in a range of technologies. A former research collaborator from the Naval Research Laboratory, Dr. Yuri Lvov has continued his work in the use of Nanocapsule technology and is a very productive scientist and the author of many scientific books and articles. Dr. Lvov and Dr. Price have published and patented works together in the past and intend to expand the range of intellectual property in the area of nanotechnology in an effort to further add value to NanoClay and Technologies, Inc. products.
Dr. Price stated, ``We are very happy to have established this collaboration with one of the world's most experienced nanotechnology experts and expect great things from this collaboration. We have another agreement with Dr. J. Schomburg, of Durtec in Germany, who has been involved in Europe's clay technologies, uses and innovations for over 25 years. We believe NanoClay and Technologies Inc. is assembling a critical mass of experts in the field and is poised to bring quality products to market.''
About Atlas Mining Company: Atlas Mining Company is a diversified natural resource company with focus on the development of the Dragon Mine in Juab County, Utah, the only known commercial source of halloysite clay outside of New Zealand. The unique purity and quality of the Dragon mine halloysite is unmatched anywhere in the world and has spawned considerable research in the nanotechnology fields and has created exciting new applications for this product. Atlas also holds mining and timber interests in Northern Idaho, copper and gold properties in Newfoundland, and operates an underground mining contracting business. Atlas stock trades on the OTC Bulletin Board under the symbol ``ALMI.'' More information about Atlas Mining Company can be found at
nicht angezeigt
... werden die Threads offenbar angezeigt. Teste es mal, könnte stimmen oder?
Bei Dir steht nämlich oft keine Überschrift drin.
PPS: Habe die Almi vor 2 Monaten mal angeschrieben wegen Nachfrage, nach ein paar Infos. Sie haben nicht einmmal kurz & oberflächlich geantwortet, bei 2ter Nachfrage auch nicht. Geschweige denn ausführlich.
Das war bei manch anderer Mine schon anders, sogar MacMin Silver in Australien ist da viel auskunftsfreudiger.
Hat mich nicht besonders überzeugt, diese Verfahrensweise, aber vielleicht war ich da ja auch zu ehrlich. Habe gemeint, ich fände sie besonders interessant, wegen ihrer Silver Valley Claims, ...
Man hört sowas in dieser Branche offenbar (noch) nicht sehr gern.
(Natürlich sind sie momentan deswegen interessant, weil sie so gut diversifiziert dastehen. )
geht ja auch oft ohne Überschrift.
Probier ich mal.....Danke.
Zu Atlas:
ich glaub die haben schon vergessen, dass sie claims im valley haben, so unwichtig ist das für die zur Zeit.
Timber schon abgeerntet, neu bepflanzt, also was soll´s.....
Also kamen sie sich möglicherweise verulkt vor....
So wie wenn einer fein gesackelt ist und man sagt:
"Mei, hast du aber einen schönen roten Socken an...."
Bei Atlas bin ich so was schon gewohnt...
Nichtsdestotrotz wird das mein erster 1000%er.
Fehlen nicht mehr ganz 300%. Und Freispiel!
Schätze mal, recht hosch!
N´ Tausi hatte ich auch noch nicht bisher. Jedenfalls nicht gehalten an einem Stück durch. Das - ist - extrem - cool. ...
Drücke Euch die Daumen (aber obs mit roten Socken an den Hacken was wird? Vielleicht wird ja das Valley-Gebiet dann noch der endgültige Kick-Down zum Abschluss )
Grüsse & Gnacht,
Quartalsbericht: wie immer sehr ausführlich.
Die machen das ordentlich.
ALMI ist ja eher ein Kleiner bei mir.
Zumal relativ spät mit dabei.
Oftmals werden die Kleinen ja auch mal groß.
Sieht so aus,als ob demnächst der nächste Kursschub bevorsteht....
Hallo Edel Man, Hallo Tschonko,
deren Idaho Gebiet ist jedenfalls langfristig auch spannend.
Habs grade drüben im Silver Valley-Thread mit erwähnt, zum Thema East Silver Valley .. .
Oder sie verkaufen es an Sterling.
Tät mich auch nicht wundern, wenn sie schon so nix dazu sagen wollten.
PPS: Almis Bergaufstieg!
Ich liebe diese Typen!
Wenn sie Abnehmer für den Clay haben, noch einmal ein Verdoppler.
Habe fett markiert, die Fortschritte bei der Arbeit in der sunshine Mine von Sterling.
500000 monatlich macht Atlas beim Drillen! Cabo müsste mehr machen,
ich versteh das nicht.....
Atlas Mining Company Releases Update in Shareholder Message
Wednesday October 11, 10:18 am ET
OSBURN, Idaho--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Atlas Mining Company (OTCBB:ALMI - News) Dear Fellow Shareholders: It's been an exciting and productive year so far here at Atlas Mining Company (Atlas), and our pace of development looks like it will not slow down any time soon. Dr. Price, president of our wholly owned subsidiary, Nano Clay and Technologies, Inc., has aggressively revamped our processing plant to better accommodate the buyers of our halloysite clay. With Dr. Price's efforts we expect to meet the strong demand from the building products, plastics, oil and gas and ceramics industries. Our contracting group, Atlas Fausett Contracting, under the guidance of Ron Short and Frank Fausett, continues to contribute cash flow to the company by capitalizing on the burgeoning demand for mining services in the western part of the United States. We have been able to bring together a group of very qualified and professional individuals who are playing a pivotal role in growing the company and creating additional value for our shareholders.
Significant resources have been focused on the development and ultimate commercialization of our Dragon Mine property. The Dragon Mine currently has 13 employees and the mine is moving forward quite well. One of the more exciting things we have discovered at the Dragon Mine is that the hundreds of thousands of tons in the waste piles above ground which were left from previous mining activities contain from 30% to 60% halloysite clay. With Dr. Price's processing system, we intend to reprocess much of this material with very little mining cost to us. This additional resource will be a great supplement the over 300,000 tons of material in the underground deposit. We are not in the position to estimate the quantity of this additional resource, however, we do know it will add years to our mine life. Other accomplishments at the Dragon include the installation of power and phone lines to the mine. We have finally been able to wean ourselves from the generated power that has supported us for the past couple of years. We have added additional storage space and a shop. And we have also applied for a large mine permit to accommodate the "mining" of the waste piles, and to give us more freedom to operate.
The main question on everyone's mind is when will we make some sales? Dr. Price has distributed samples of our product to numerous potential buyers in the plastics, building materials, oil, and the ceramics industry, and he has been guiding them on how best to incorporate our processed halloysite into their products. For example, a building products manufacturer intends to utilize our processed halloysite in the commercialization of anti-mold applications pending regulatory review. We have a few open offers from interested buyers and expect to execute some sales in the near future. Dr. Price's newly installed systems must be tested and calibrated so that large volumes of quality material can be consistently produced. That said, our machinery is in place and operational and we expect to be able to make those supply commitments soon.
Atlas Fausett Contracting has been very busy these past several months. This entity is currently employing 29 miners and is creating revenue in the neighborhood of $500,000 per month. Our reputation in the industry continues to bring us additional opportunities, and our current contracts should carry us through the remainder of the year and well into 2007. I had the opportunity to inspect the work we are doing at the Sunshine Mine this past week and I am quite pleased with the efforts of our crews, as they have approached the 1,800 foot mark on this 5,000 foot project. This project, plus the one at the Stillwater Mine and the Lucky Friday Mine, has helped add revenue to our company while we wait for halloysite sales. Third quarter revenue from contract mining was $1.2 million and year to date revenues through September has reached over $2.25 million.
Our continued growth has required us to increase our two person administrative staff. Therefore, we recently hired Barbara Suveg, CPA, to assist in the office and help complete financial statements and SEC filings. Besides being a CPA, Barbara also has a Master's Degree in Business Administration. Barbara has done accounting and audit work with publicly traded companies, and has worked in the mining industry for a number of years. Some of you may recognize the Suveg name. Barbara's father was a mine manager for Day Mines and Hecla for many years. Needless to say, Barbara is very familiar with the mining industry and will fit in well with our company and help create financial reporting and control structures that will support Atlas' future growth.
In regards to our endeavors in New Foundland our efforts have cost us a little more than anticipated; however, the properties we have under our control, we believe, have great potential. In fact, we are currently negotiating with several well-established companies on at least two of these properties.
Currently, our attorney is working on our annual shareholders meeting proxy statement. When you get your proxy, please vote and return it to us as early as possible, in order to make sure your vote is counted on the issues presented.
As we move into the final quarter of 2006, we look forward to accomplishing the goals we have set for ourselves. We made a strategic decision to forgo the traditional ceramic markets and focus our halloysite sales efforts on the more profitable markets available to our unique product. We believe this strategy will soon be realized and the shareholders will be rewarded for their patience. As these goals are achieved, we hope and believe that your commitment to our company will be rewarded through the appreciation of your investment. The continued creation of shareholder value is our top priority. Thank you for your support and patience.
William T. Jacobson
President and Chief Executive Officer