Gold und Silber... Informationen und Vermutungen I

  • Dear Schablonski

    This is not alert but reminder:

    Many big time traders and few impatient investors want to believe my prediction of fall of stock market and that is their choice but my request is not to ignore my theory. I am thankful to planetary movement and at the same time I am confident about what I am predicting so watch these two predictions very closely:

    1. GREAT FALL OF ALL MAJOR MARKETS (for short term)
    2. GREAT RISE OF DOLLAR :rolleyes:

    Also this week I am not recommending buying metals so lighten up if you are holding big position. Don't fall in love, don't get excited and let the crowd make the noise but you have keep yourself clam and watch the situation carefully because after the first week of March I will able write about the future trend of metals and I will confirm that they are going towards a historic high or not (I will write my fair view because I don't write with hate or love - My problem is I write what I see).

    You are paying high fee for my newsletter and it is my duty to guide you.

    Once again this week:

    AVOID METALS TILL TUESDAY...maybe next week ?
    BUY DOLLAR :rolleyes:


    Last week was quite volatile as a number of economic data came to the market one after the other. Talk of inflation, growth of the economy, business environment and concerns over the housing market dominated the currency and stock markets.

    Indeed, inflation is rising like a flame around the globe and policy makers are unfortunately taking it very easy, their only comment being to remain watchful about the upcoming data since they believe that the numbers will guide them. Astrologically I am not happy with current planetary movements because what is happening out there is not a good sign: History shows that something usually becomes big news when we ignore it. For instance, economists and other market players were not concerned when oil was moving up and trading around $40, only to panic when it reached $80. According to current planetary movements, there is reason for concern in some areas.


    I have been writing about a weak market trend and announced the final date as 14 February. I usually don’t write some things for fun or as a joke, and I consider it my duty to write about what I see, even though I have been wrong many times on short-term predictions for a few days or weeks. Nevertheless, I feel some unease after looking at the market trend after 14 February, and my prayer is that it will only be a small fall. However, I see the likelihood of a sharp and fast fall whose impact will be very negative for the short-term.

    From Mahendra

  • Zitat

    Original von Eldorado

    ""Ein Bull sollte immer schwarz sein!""

    Relax doch mal....
    Du bist schon so ein Held, schrei net so rum. :D

    Lern erstmal meine Postings lesen ;)

    Wenn man Vorhersagen mit "666" & 800 für Ende März abgibt rechnet man schon mit Argwohn, unsinnigen Bemerkungen und Kritik. Und genauso kam es dann auch.

    Man sollte auf seinen eigenen Instinkt vertrauen. Schau ich zurück sehe ich viele Erfolge und viele Niederlagen - die Erfolge aber überwiegen. :)

    Man muss in diesem Forum (leider) vieles einstecken. Ist die Meinung "sehr kontra" ist sie meist Blödsinn - das beziehe ich noch nicht einmal ausschließlich auf unser "Börsenspiel". Sehr schade sowas.

    Meine Taktik lautet: drinnbleiben, nicht traden und gegebenfalls aussitzen. Ist zwar sehr konservativ, bringt mir aber langfristig dicke Gewinne.
    UND: Man kann sich solche Prognosen persönlich leisten (!!!).

    Am Meisten würde mich ärgern, wenn ich einen signifikanten Anstieg verpasse - das ist schlimmer als jeder Verlust.

    Gute Nacht jetzt.

  • ... und ich war zu optimistisch am Ende der letzten Woche ...
    .. okay, wenn ich diesmal so töricht war - selling into strength - zu ignorieren,
    werde ich auch - tunlichst besser - selling into weakness - vermeiden.

    Da ich recht früh - nach meinem vorzeitigen Exit im vergangenen Frühjahr (einfach zu Früh),
    bereits im Juni '06 erstmalig wieder zugelegt habe, dann im Oktober noch mal kräftig nachgeholt,
    und - nahezu den letzten Rest im Januar '07 - sehe ich Alles in Allem noch ganz passabel aus,
    immer noch Grün im Saldo. Aber mehr als zwei weitere Tage von diesem Kaliber und ich sehe gut
    gerupft aus. Okay, dann gibt's Hühner-Frikassee, oder wie mein Ältester es sagen würde,
    "Exploded Chicken".



    p.s. Wünsche dir, das prozessmässig alles gut abläuft. Und immer an das alte "Cop's"-Motto denken:
    "Better to be sentenced by twelve, than to be carried by six"

    As a general rule, it is foolish to do just what other people are doing,
    because there are almost sure to be too many people doing the same thing.
    William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882)

  • "Markets - Iceberg Rolls Over, Gold Floats on Debt

    The [illusion] of (prosperity) that has propped up the Bush administration these last 6/six years is breaking up. Unlike previous market situations, our data suggests that no mere correction is underway, rather what is happening is akin to the [economic] and [financial] iceberg of the USofA rolling over. The vastly disparate ratio of wealth transfer these last few decades, which accelerated to gigantic proportions under the Bush decider-ship, and which has resulted in the top 1/one percentile of the populace controlling 99/ninety-nine percent of the wealth, is about to [flip] or roll over. As with real icebergs, the process is observable only at the point rolling begins, and by then it is way too late to react. As with real icebergs, it is entirely unequal distribution of 'mass' which results in the flip. As with really big icebergs, the actual flipping can take minutes. The data suggests that the economy of the USofA based markets, and specifically all forms of [usofa dollar] associated debts are rolling over, and the actual visible signs of the roll will be apparent on February 27, 2007. The roll has been initiated, and came 2/two days early for us on February 21, instead of the 23rd as we had supposed. However the 'weekend tension' is still showing as of this point in the processing of the immediacy values, and therefore is still showing as an inflection point in our modelspace. However the actual [visible flip/roll] shows for February 27. The coming period of 8/eight days leading up to the Ides of March release period will also be presenting more [visible] (manifestations) of financial crumbling, but by that time, it is far too late to react to stem the process. In fact, as of this interpretation, ...alea jacta est/the die is cast. Start running now, just guess correctly as to which way the iceberg will roll. As part of the [economic] degradation, soon to be exacerbated by political degradation, the populace of the USofA is going to have to endure a Spring of [employment] (crashes). The data sets are quite clear about the projection, and it is very dire. The data being interpreted has been showing up for over the last 6/six months and has been posted in previous ALTA report series. The fundamental core of our modelspace is the replacement of words. These words are showing up in basically the same sorts of conversations about the same kinds of things, but the nature of the words used to discuss all this same-old at the same-old, is different. So as an instance, since early July (2006) the Markets entity has been moved through modelspace by the replacement values associated with words used to describe 2/two very large {linguistically, that is lots of verbiage's on the internet} general areas. The dominant of these has been [housing], with the subordinate element being [instruments, paper/debt]. In this last area there are all the references to such things as stocks, bonds, derivatives, notes, et al. Further the lexicon for this group naturally contains references back to the other element [housing] just as within the [housing] lexical structure are supporting aspect/attributes which include [paper debt] and [note] references. This brief description is to provide a certain sense of the muddy nature of our interpretations. That is to say, the data sets are not usually very cleanly separated, and thus a certain amount of bleed-through on the interpretation will occur. At this time the Markets entity is exhibiting what we have termed in the past "splitting behavior". We have seen this most frequently within the Bushista entity as the various layers of support feel away from the BushCo entity and subsequently the linguistic descriptor set was split or pared down to its current shape. Within the Markets entity, and specifically within the [usofa] sub set, a split of direction is becoming visible as the [housing] lexical element is now dropping below the neutral line. This occurs as a result of the summation of the emotional values associated with the words now linked to this [housing] aspect. As the summation drops past 0/zero and into the negative range, it has a tendency to drag down the entity as a whole by lowering the many related summations which compose an entities movement through modelspace. All that just as clear as crystal at the bottom of a lake on a cloudy day? Well, here is the developing issue within the Markets entity. The [housing] sub set, a large sub set, is now dropping into negative territory, and this is JUST as the [paper debt] sub set is roaring along on a [stressed] (run up/climb). Further, the [housing] section of the data set is larger than the total [paper debt] sub set in several key ways within our modelspace. The data sets and processing that we use tend to put humans first over information. So the emotional component of [housing] in the real world will be several orders of magnitude more impacting than that of [stocks/bonds/et al] since more humans have houses than 'own' paper debt. The emotional bespoke values within the [housing] set include bespoke [fear], and secondary impacting verbs such as [crushing]. These sorts of bespoke emotion holding words are now dominating the [housing] section of the lexicon just as the [paper debt] side is making a step up into more abstract descriptor sets, that is, more emotionally 'removed' words. These twin effects have significantly shifted the relative weights within the Markets entity. The relative weight shifting within Markets entity as the modelspace is progressed forward into March is why it appears as an iceberg rolling over. As ...

    As a general rule, it is foolish to do just what other people are doing,
    because there are almost sure to be too many people doing the same thing.
    William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von germoney ()

  • Zitat

    Schaun mer mal, aber ich denke dass Du von der Tendenz her richtig liegst. Ich persönlich sehe allerdings den Zeitpunkt zu kurzfristig und den Preis zu niedrig, da ich eher bis 2011 selbst mit höheren Preisen rechne (oder soll ich besser sagen mit höherer Kaufkraft??!) :D :D :D Sollte ich Tradern (ist mir persönlich zu risky) jetzt auf den Schlips treten, bitte ich vielmals um ENTSCHULDIGUNG. Aber ich denke langfristig sind sich hier alle einig und ich liebe nichts mehr als NACHKAUFKURSE, ich hoffe das geht EUCH genauso :D :D :D

    P.S Unsere Rente ist nicht sicher und ich hoffe, das weiß jeder, also lasst das angesparte Geld arbeiten, aber nicht auf dem herkömmlichen Weg ;)

    "Ess und trink so lang Dir´s schmeckt scho 2mal ist uns´s Geld verreckt!"; "Steuerbetrug ist der strafbare Versuch des Steuerpflichtigen den legalisierten Diebstahl durch die Herrschenden zu verhindern." "Goldpreis = Gold/Vertrauen in die Geldwertstabilität."

    6 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Homm13 ()

  • Sowas ist Blödsinn...was sollen die Wellen.

    Ich lese aus Plutonias Augen den Goldpreis ..oder den Mandeln.

    Was glaubt ihr gibt nie eine Prognose des POG von mir...schlicht doof....kann ich in die Zukunft sehen....und ich glaube ich blicke es einigermaßen.

    cu DL

  • Das Universum besteht aus Wellen mein LIEBER´(Es geht immer auf und ab, beobachte es mal ;) Sinus, Kosinus) . Aber mal im ERNST, aus den Wellen werden Prognosen, sobald man draufklickt :D :D

    P.S Als ich das kleine Bild gesehen habe, habe ich mir auch gedacht, what´s upppppp. Das denkt sich Bush übrigens every fuckin day... ;) :D Sieht er nicht aus wie ein frettchen??! :D :D Wenn man jetzt noch "terror" bei frettchen ergänzt, wird es interessant... :D Ob ich den Bush mag?? NÖ, mein Opa hat mich schon vor ihm gewarnt und der war bei der... Man ssoll ja nicht alles in den Mund nehmen :D

    "Ess und trink so lang Dir´s schmeckt scho 2mal ist uns´s Geld verreckt!"; "Steuerbetrug ist der strafbare Versuch des Steuerpflichtigen den legalisierten Diebstahl durch die Herrschenden zu verhindern." "Goldpreis = Gold/Vertrauen in die Geldwertstabilität."

    5 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Homm13 ()

  • Was ich meinte ..der Depp will uns was weismachen...ich hätte exponential durchgezogen....ohne Rücksetzer...das meinte ich....keine palle in pantalone.....aber die Hälfte ist schon wieder da...ziehe ich Sondersachen ab...den Kurs mache ich...währe ich fast pari.......also der Frosch der in die Sahne fiel

    cu DL

  • Zitat

    Original von PatroneLupo
    Was ich meinte ..der Depp will uns was weismachen...ich hätte exponential durchgezogen....ohne Rücksetzer...das meinte ich....keine palle in pantalone.....aber die Hälfte ist schon wieder da...ziehe ich Sondersachen ab...den Kurs mache ich...währe ich fast pari.......also der Frosch der in die Sahne fiel

    cu DL

    Nachhaltig bzw. langfristig denken, hin und her macht Taschen leer. Ich erinnere mich an einen Vortrag von BERGOLD in muß sich im Leben nur 2 mal entscheiden, was finanzielle Themen angeht. Also entweder gehe ich RAUS aus dem AKTIENMARKT, oder REIN. Rein werden wir in einigen Jährchen noch billig genug können, RAUS sollten wir bereits sein... :D :D Da muß man ihm absolut RECHT geben, auch, wenn er noch nicht das Alter von Kostolany hat :D :D ;) Keine Kritik UWE, sondern RESPEKT... ;)

    P.S Es gibt eben Regeln an der Börse, die universal gelten, auch wenn man dazu eine Schlaftablette nehmen muss.... :D

    "Ess und trink so lang Dir´s schmeckt scho 2mal ist uns´s Geld verreckt!"; "Steuerbetrug ist der strafbare Versuch des Steuerpflichtigen den legalisierten Diebstahl durch die Herrschenden zu verhindern." "Goldpreis = Gold/Vertrauen in die Geldwertstabilität."

    7 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Homm13 ()

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