Gold und Silber... Informationen und Vermutungen I

  • Hab was anderes gesehen, auch klasse!
    (Hauptsache, das kritisch lesen ...)

    Mus los. Bis denne! ;)

    Seite 29/30 aus dem Report mit insg. 56 Seiten


    5.5 China
    The Chinese economy has continued to surge ahead in recent years, experiencing double digit GDP growth, bringing with it higher disposable incomes for a large portion of the population. The increase in individual wealth has contributed to the rise of the jewelry sector, which has experienced rapid growth over the past ten years. However, much of this growth occurred during the 1990s and in fact the rise in jewelry consumption has been only modest in recent years, for reasons explained below. For instance, GFMS estimate that in 2005 (notably the highest level of consumption we have recorded) silver jewelry consumption was still very modest, at only 2.4 Moz (75 t). This equated to local demand absorbing only 14% of total fabrication, with the remainder destined for major export markets. However, the chief exception to the sluggishness in growth in recent years was in fact seen in 2005 when silver jewelry consumption recorded a 10% increase year-on-year. The increase was assisted by the sharp rise in gold and platinum prices, which encouraged retailers, selling predominately gold and platinum jewelry, to add silver (and palladium) jewelry items to their showcases in an effort to provide alternatives to consumers who were finding the other two precious metals unaffordable.
    In spite of this recent development, silver jewelry in China has struggled to compete against other forms of jewelry and establish itself as a category in its own right. This was especially true during much of the 1990s, with demand for platinum and gold jewelry providing stiff competition to silver in the retail sector. Prior to gaining mainstream acceptance, silver jewelry often played at role in traditional celebrations for certain minority groups within the regions. The jewelry, mainly large and heavy in design, was often worn or given as a gift at ceremonial occasions, such as weddings and the birth of a child within the family, however, volumes were modest, and the demand isolated to certain Chinese provinces.
    Chinese consumers have typically perceived silver to be a “last resort” option and do not rate the white metal highly due to its low value. Having said this, it is this low value that in recent years has started to attract consumers looking for an affordable alternative to other precious metals. At the beginning of the review period silver jewelry in China was typically plain and based on traditional styles, which did not appeal to the youth market. The introduction of more modern machinery and expertise, the majority introduced from Italy, has assisted in introducing a range of jewelry that now has broader appeal. The majority of silver jewelry in China is purchased for females. Until quite recently it was unusual to see a Chinese male choosing to wear silver. However, a specific advertizing campaign aimed at this market has proved particularly successful, with a significant increase in a male range of jewelry styles, which are typically heavier set chains and bracelets often seen in western markets.
    Looking ahead, the youth market is believed to have the greatest potential for expansion and retailers have been targeting their advertizing and marketing campaigns at this sector. The lower priced range of jewelry offers this younger generation, who like their counterparts across the globe are heavily focused on global trends and what is being worn in the west, an outlet to experiment with fashion. This has encouraged fabricators to be innovative and produce a steady stream of modern designs. In order to meet the demand from this group of consumers several Chinese manufactures have looked to establish joint ventures with foreign companies or in some instances have employed leading European designers to provide originality to their work and to ensure local designs can mirror and compete with global trends.

  • Zitat

    Original von GOLD_Baron

    Gibt es dafür auch irgendeine Quelle?

    ".... Contrary to what most people think, the recent increase in commodity warehouse stocks of a few million ounces of silver is bullish. The old way of thinking claimed that a rise in warehouse stocks was bearish and a reduction of these stocks was bullish. Not according to Ted Butler.

    He suggests the recent rise in inventories is extremely bullish. When large delivery demands come in at the end of a contract month, it usually indicates that buyers are interested in getting silver quickly. Due to exchange rules and regulations, all deliveries must be made by a certain date near the end of the month. If you buy in the beginning of the month, you may have to wait until the end of the month to get delivery. If you buy at the end of the month, the wait is much shorter.

    Every day recently someone was purchasing contracts for delivery. If silver already on deposit is not available for delivery, then silver must be brought in to the COMEX warehouses to meet this delivery demand. That means that the 120 million or so ounces in the warehouses may not be available for delivery. It’s already owned by someone and they’re not selling. New silver must be brought in to accommodate the new buyers.

    In addition, most observers only look at the net change in COMEX warehouse stocks. Butler points out that gross changes are important as well. For instance, recently there has been a lot of silver also leaving the warehouses as new silver comes in. This increase in physical turnover movement is indicative of tightening in the physical market. A good portion of this silver going out may be headed to London for deposit in the ETF. Butler claims that the ETF is "shy" several millions of ounces right now.

    Clearly these are highly bullish circumstances. Leave it to Ted Butler to see clearly what’s going on in silver. How much proof does anybody need that Ted Butler is someone who should be listened to..... "

    grüsse an euch allen! :)

  • Zitat

    Original von Schablonski
    @ 5vor12
    im Oktober- Novermber war ich mir ganz sicher, daß Silber bis Weihnachten auf 24 steht, jetzt steigen plötzlich die Lagerbestände??
    Genau so ist es bei Gold - eigentlich müßte...

    von mir aus gerne

    Stand er doch, auf 12,24 :(

    Demokratie ist die Diktatur der Dummen (Friedrich von Schiller)
    Das Grundprinzip der Parteien-Demokratie ist, die Bürger von der Macht fernzuhalten (Michael Winkler)
    Wer die Zeichen der Zeit nicht erkennt, wird von ihr überrollt werden. 8o
    Wer Banken sein Geld überlässt, macht sich mitschuldig :!:

  • Meine Wahrnehmung: Massiv manipulierte Zahlen und nichts weiter als ein Ablenkungsmanöver nach dem anderen. Bin selbst Analyst und kenne die Zahlenspielchen.
    Kommt immer darauf an von welcher Basis aus man Veränderungen rechnet.
    Der sterbende Pleitier USA bäumt sich auf und versucht alles um die drohende "Insolvenz" weiter in die Zukunft zu verschieben.

    Ich jedenfalls kaufe weiter physisch Gold und Silber, daneben gute solide kleine Gold- und Silberwerte - am besten nicht in USA beheimatet (einzige Ausnahme Sterling Silver)

    beste Grüße & viel Erfolg allen die es mir gleichtun.

    Draußen gibt es keine Solidität mehr - auf kurz oder lang werden Edelmetalle davon massiv profitieren. Bilslang haben wir nur kleine Schritte nach oben gesehen. Der große Sprunk kommt bestimmt. Ich weiß zwar nicht wann - aber ich weiß daß er kommt.

  • 100 Prozent Zustimmung meinerseits. Besser hätte ich das auch nicht bringen können :)

  • Artikel von Dudley Baker

    Investors' views and opinions of the world financial markets, gold, uranium, etc. are dictated by the specific currency in which we make our investment decisions. As the U.S. dollar rises or declines, the Euro rises or declines as well as all other currencies of the world, investors are faced with making investment decisions as viewed from their particular currency. It is possible the lack of European investors in the mining shares is a sign that we are still in the early stages of this bull market. Perhaps; but it is entirely possible that this bull market will take place basically on this side of the pond. Either way it will still be a great party but the more investors the better before the clock strikes midnight.

    VG heron

  • Mexico again a prime target for silver miners

    Author: Lawrence Williams
    Posted: Wednesday , 28 Mar 2007

    LONDON -

    At the MCL 20:20 Silver Day held in London this week it was perhaps significant that of the seven companies making presentations to the audience of brokers, analysts, fund managers, press and fellow miners, four (First Majestic, Arian, Excellon and Scorpio) were focusing almost entirely on Mexico and were already producing silver or had late stage projects in progress, while two others, Hecla and Sterling, were looking to Mexico as a route for expanding silver output additional to their existing North American projects and operations.
    full story:…age34?oid=18775&sn=Detail

    linar :)


    ...The demand to date from China has been coped with by local supply, so the global market has not seen that demand. The addition of Chinese production to the total as well as its demand is primarily academic and has not affected the gold price to date. However increasing Chinese demand for gold will draw off from external supplies, so will affect the global gold price.... :D
    full story:…s/phillips/2007/0331.html

    linar :)

  • @Eldo

    Wünsche Dir ne angenehme "Heim"-Reise.


    "Stirbt ein Bediensteter während einer Dienstreise, so ist damit die Dienstreise beendet."
    (Kommentar zum Bundesreisekostengesetz)

  • ...geniesst den Abend und spucke ja keinen Kaugummi auf den Boden sonst kommt der böse Mann......hmmm Durian gegessen ?( :P
    wünsche Euch ein schöne Heimreise und geh bald wieder in die Ferien ;) :D

    linar :)

    Es ist besser auf den Füssen zu sterben, als auf den Knien zu leben.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von linar ()

  • sevus zusammen,

    ich will heute mal die chartbewegungen der letzten tage und wochen zum anlaß nehmen, abzufragen, wie denn die allgemeine stimmungslage so ist.
    also mir machen die täglichen auf und ab`s viel freude und verbreiten zuversicht. täglich wird versucht, die em-preise brutal zu drücken und täglich antworten die kurse "ällabetsch, ihr könnt mich mal!"
    ist das nicht wunderbar?
    es sieht fast danach aus, als hätten die ppt`s ihr pulver annähernd verschossen, oder irre ich mich da? der widerstand scheind zu erlahmen.
    vor einem jahr wäre der goldkurs doch bestimmt um100$ abgestürzt, oder?
    sicher haben die sich für`s letzte aufbäumen noch was aufgespart, aber ich denke, das kann man auch noch aussitzen.
    also jungs, ( und mädels! ) wie ist die stimmung???

    mfg alfy

  • Nett dass das Handelsblatt es auch endlich mal merkt :D…0/default.aspx/index.html

    Hier nochmal der Link auf eines der Postings, in denen ich Saccard mehrfach angesprochen hatte (er hat nie eingehend auf meine Fragen geantwortet, insbesondere nicht auf das Thema Immoblase :D ... wollte er alles gar nicht so gerne hören ... .)…?postid=158079#post158079

    Dort u.a. hatte ich auch den Chart mit den Indexvergleichen von Cosa Marktdaten aus 2003 upgedated.

    Mir erscheint da - wie mehrfach geschrieben - also eher der Vergleich Dow ab dem Jahr 1929 und Nasdaq ab dem Jahr 2000 seeehr frappierend zu sein!
    Aber, entscheidet selbst ... .


    Unten nochmal der Chart von damals dazu. ...

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