Gold und Silber... Informationen und Vermutungen I

  • Ich glaube, ich werde bei meiner GmbH noch einen weiteren Geschäftbereich "Anonyme Lagerung in der Schweiz" eröffnen.

    Falls jemand Interese hat, dann bitte PN. :D

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    deine Tiefmine mit Oberflächenaufschluss würde ich aus hier nicht näher zu erläuternden Gründen eher mit Silber assoziieren, auch wenn mein Liebste ein Goldschatz ist (das ist sie.... :] I


  • US warship bombs Somalia

    2007-6-2 12:44

    Mogadishu - A United States warship bombed targets in northeastern Somalia overnight after Council of Islamic Court fighters clashed with troops from the country's semi-autonomous region of Puntland, witnesses and officials said on Saturday.

    "We cannot yet tell you the causality figures, but what I can confirm is that the American warship bombed several targets in the surroundings of Bargal at night," Mohamoud Salah, a resident in the area told AFP.

    A Puntland military official confirmed the bombing that came three days after authorities there reported the entry of fighters and foreigners of Arab origin into Bargal, about 1 250km northeast of the Somali capital Mogadishu.

    "Our forces have fought with Islamic fighters, including foreigners linked to al-Qaeda," said the official.

    "After the fighting a US navy ship bombed three targets in the outskirts of Bargal in the mountainous area.

    "We cannot get information on causalities, but the bombardment continued for hours... The Puntland troops are still chasing Islamic fighters in the mountainous area."

    Earlier this year, a US gunship bombed positions in southern Somalia after Ethiopia-backed government forces ousted the Council of Islamic Court movement from the country's southern and central regions.

    The bombardment was targeting suspected al-Qaeda operatives blamed for the 1998 bombing of US embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam as well as the 2002 attack of an Israeli-owned hotel in the Kenyan port of Mombasa, said reports.


  • Nein, irgendwann ist Schluss - jetzt kündige ich meine Reinigungskraft. Jahrelang war sie die glanzlose Perle meines Hauses . aber so geht`s einfach nicht. Ich habe Hilde immer wieder gesagt, sie solle sich in Verschwiegenheit üben. Und jetzt stellst Du hier ein Bild von meinen Kellerräumen ein. (siehe oben) . Wie bist`n da rangekommen ? ?( :D

  • Business Cycles 4 from 4 Video (1 hour)

    From Boom to Bust…362775&q=krassimir+petrov

    Es gibt drei Bust :




    Einer von den drei kommt, sucht Euch einen aus.
    Jedenfalls wenn die Gelddruckerei und M3 Geld Supply nicht aufhoert gibt es sicherlich den Hyperinflation Bust der so und so unvermeidbar ist und die Depression nur schlimmer und laenger macht.
    Auf Dauer kann man mit Geld drucken und verteilen die Wirtschaft nicht beleben, es ist wirkt nur kurzfristig.


    Governments make the mistake to continue reinflation with credit expansion until the economy gets finally busted.

    That's what the Fed is doing, IMO, history will repeat itself, back to 1930.




    by Clif Droke
    June 1, 2007

    The bull market in stocks continues, but to hear various exponents of the bearish persuasion talk, you’d think the party was ending right now.
    At least that’s the impression I get reading some of their weekly rants on various Internet sites.

    Dr. Hussman dismisses certain of the bullish camp by dismissing them as “some kind of circus clown.” Yet many of these “clowns” have been having quite a circus party over the last couple of years. The bearish ringleaders, meanwhile, have been trying to lead a bears’ parade on Wall Street but haven’t been able to muster enough interest to turn things in their favor. The rain is pouring on the bears’ parade while the circus party rages on. Given the choice between the bears’ vision of the market’s future and that of the bulls, I say send in the clowns by all means! :D…ials/droke/2007/0601.html

  • The Unholy Alliance

    Hier nur ein Teil davon:

    ....A ploy is used because it promotes their particular agenda in a clandestine manner.

    Some call it deception by illusion or appearance, as things are not always as they so appear to be.

    Moreover, given the fact that monetary nationalism exists, and that there may be a resulting resurgence in such belief, neither issue, when coupled with the advent of globalization, has been shown to be the precipitating cause of financial crises or geopolitical problems.
    There is a problem with the world’s currencies – granted, but it has nothing to do with being national currencies per se. It has everything to do with the nature or composition of the currencies – the fact that they are all paper fiat debt-currencies, therein resides the flaw – the weak link.
    That they are no longer redeemable in gold and silver was the kiss of death to all the world’s national currencies, not the mere name of the nation from which they came, although this too has its part in the play.
    It is also incorrect to equate nationalism with the severing of paper money from gold backing. National currencies existed prior to the end of the gold standard. Examples are: the German Mark, the British Pound, the U.S. Dollar, the French Franc, the Austrian Ducat, and the Spanish Silver Dollar.

    When gold and silver ceased to back national currencies, a devastating loss to the value of money occurred. The purchasing power of money began to steadily decline. This is known as debasement or devaluation of a currency. It was the main cause in the devolutionary process that purposefully gave rise to paper fiat debt-money.
    But this is only part of the tale. The key to the story is the fact that currencies were at one time gold and silver coin – not backed by them – they were them.

    As you will see in the quotes from the U.S. Constitution below, the U.S. Dollar is a specific weight of silver: 371.25 grains – the Silver Dollar.
    And just who was responsible for breaking away from the hard currency of silver and gold coin, as mandated in the U.S. Constitution, and later from what came to be known as the gold standard? Was it the government or the banker’s doing?
    Who pushed for central banking – governments or the elite international bankers?
    Who wrote the U.S. Federal Reserve Act – Paul Warburg of the German international banking House of Warburg, or the U.S. government?

    Who wrote the by-laws of the International Monetary Fund, one of which disallows and prohibits any member nation from having a currency backed by gold; was it a government or a group of elite international collectivists?

    And this holds true for all the central banks around the world, all of whom were established by various elite international banking houses. Cui Bono? :D

    The last paper in our series on the New World Order, The New World Order and The Constitution of the United States, shows that the International Monetary Fund is an enabler for the continuation of the present day paper fiat system of irredeemable debt-money, as one of its by-laws states that no member of the IMF can have a gold backed currency.

    As the above referenced paper illustrates, the IMF does dictate draconian measures that financially strapped countries find austere, if not impossible to meet. We agree completely with Mr. Stiglitz when he says:
    Countries are effectively told that if they don't follow certain conditions, the capital markets or the IMF will refuse to lend them money, they are basically forced to give up part of their sovereignty.”

    After extolling the virtues of gold as a sound medium of exchange, suddenly paper fiat is tossed back upon center stage. It is difficult to apprehend the reason and motive here: is it the inability to make a definitive final decision between the two, or perhaps gold was only mentioned to make it appear that a level playing field was being offered, while the real goal had always been a trilateral regional currency system – the forerunner of a one world currency of paper fiat debt-money

    “It is only since 1971, when President Richard Nixon formally untethered the dollar from gold that monies flowing around the globe have ceased to be claims on anything real. All the world's currencies are now pure manifestations of sovereignty conjured by governments. And the vast majority of such monies are unwanted: people are unwilling to hold them as wealth, something that will buy in the future at least what it did in the past. Governments can force their citizens to hold national money by requiring its use in transactions with the state, but foreigners, who are not thus compelled, will choose not to do so.”

    How can debt be used to pay off debt? It is beyond absurd.

    The Mandrake System

    As it now stands, the Federal Reserve creates money out of thin air – this is the meaning of fiat: spoken into existence. The illusion used to try to obfuscate the sinister deed is that the Treasury first issues bonds that are then sold to the Fed.

    The Fed takes newly created dollars (by writing a check for the dollars that do not exist anywhere in their own accounts in any real sense but only as computer entries) and uses them in payment for the Treasury bonds.

    The government takes the newly created fiat dollars (Fed’s check or digital computer entries) received as payment for the bonds from the Fed to the Treasury, and places (deposits) them in the U.S. general account. They are then used to pay for various services and goods the government procures.

    The vendors and workers that receive these dollars in payment from the government then take the money and deposit it into their individual commercial bank accounts.

    The commercial banks, through the miracle of fractional reserve lending, begin the process of loaning out 9 times the money deposited on reserve by the commercial customers, who received the money from the government, who in turn received it from the Fed, who in turn created it out of nothing – by simply writing a check to the Treasury.

    Now you know why Mr. Polyani and Mr. Reuff thought the scheme to be a bit far fetched and nonsensical – one that any sane, rational human being would be unable to make any sense of: cents yes – sense no. It is a most unholy alliance. X(


    No monetary system that allows the national debt to circulate as the currency has any possible chance of succeeding except in its own self-destruction.
    Inflation is inherent within its genetic makeup, forever doomed to a never-ending cycle of ever-increasing money, credit, and debt creation.
    Debt cannot pay off debt. A system that allows this sophistry to exist is simply creating more and more debt – debt that our sons and daughters and their sons and daughter will be servicing (paying the interest on) long into the future – never mind ever paying the debt off.
    Debt payment is a mathematical impossibility. The servicing of the debt is a pernicious form of prostitution, whereby the future is sold for the present – our son’s and daughter’s future, condemning them to a life of debt servitude.
    Only the elite at the top of the food chain profit by such a system of wealth transference – they who collect the interest rate stream – the moneychangers Christ turned the tables on.

    By Douglas V. Gnazzo

  • Selbst wenn ihr mich auslacht, mit kommt so eine Vermutung auf.

    Was ist wenn Rockefeller/Rothshield & Friends erstmal den POG unten halten und manipulieren aber gleichzeitig Gold von meinetwegen von Spanien still und heimlich kaufen ?

    Entweder sind die so bloed diese EZ Banken aber die verkaufen immer zum falschen Zeitpunkt und Preis wie es die Vergangenheit gezeigt hat. Eine paar Wochen spaeter klettert dann der POG um teilweise 20 Dollar wieder rauf.

    Die Strohmannbank JPM hat schon mal angefangen und Gold physisch gekauft nachdem sie gesehen haben es geht nicht weiter runter.

    Das waere doch ein guter Trick an dem wenige denken.

    Wenn die Zeit reif ist dann wird es neu bewertet mit 2000 - 5000 USD pro Unze.
    Fiat Geld haben sie ja genug, es heisst nicht umsonst, der das Gold hat der herrscht am ende des Tages.

    Das Gold von den Zentralbanken geht in private Haende zum Grossteil wie wir wissen, wer sind eigentlich die Personen die so grosse Mengen kaufen ?

    Der Steuerzahler wird beschissen wenn Gold billigst auf dem Markt geschmissen wird, das Gold gehoert eigentlich jeden Buerger und nicht dem Staat.

    Vielleicht ist es die Illuminati selber die kauft, die schnappen sich die real assets vor der Finanz und Wirtschaftskrise die unweigerlich kommen wird bei der Druckerei die gemacht wird.

    Erst dann wenn sie genuegend Gold haben oder ihre Interessen erfuellt sind lassen sie den USD und DOW so richtig crashen.

    Die Freimaurer kommen danach eventuell mit einem neuen Goldstandard oder Amerodollar und lachen sich einen Ast ueber die Deppen die billig verkauft haben. Eigentlich hat man ihnen gesagt das sie Gold verkaufen sollen sonst macht der IMF Probleme.

    Manche Staaten sind dann gezwungen wieder Gold teuer einzukaufen und ihr zahlt wieder die Rechnung.



    ""Debt cannot pay off debt. A system that allows this sophistry to exist is simply creating more and more debt – debt that our sons and daughters and their sons and daughter will be servicing (paying the interest on) long into the future – never mind ever paying the debt off. :(

  • Annuit Coeptis 8)

    "Ess und trink so lang Dir´s schmeckt scho 2mal ist uns´s Geld verreckt!"; "Steuerbetrug ist der strafbare Versuch des Steuerpflichtigen den legalisierten Diebstahl durch die Herrschenden zu verhindern." "Goldpreis = Gold/Vertrauen in die Geldwertstabilität."

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Homm13 ()

  • DAS was du da gerade geschrieben hast:

    IS THE TRUTH !!!

    Wir sollten die Chance an der Haaren packen...

  • In dem Video from boom to bust sagte der Professor das man in der grossen depression um 1930 der Weizen und Korn vom Staat aufgekauft wurde und ins Meer geschmissen wurde damit der Preis oben bleibt waerend die Menschen gehungert haben.
    In einer Depression fangen die Leute wieder zu sparen an und weniger wird gekauft erwaehnte er auch..

    Bastards ! X(

  • Was uns nach dem RUSH bevorsteht??!

    Jeff Bezos: After the gold rush, there's innovation ahead

    Gold RUSH:

    :D :D :D :D :D

    "Ess und trink so lang Dir´s schmeckt scho 2mal ist uns´s Geld verreckt!"; "Steuerbetrug ist der strafbare Versuch des Steuerpflichtigen den legalisierten Diebstahl durch die Herrschenden zu verhindern." "Goldpreis = Gold/Vertrauen in die Geldwertstabilität."

    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Homm13 ()

  • Bingo!
    Wurde hier schon mal diskutiert, als du im Urlaub warst. Fekete sagt sogar, dass gut informierte Kreise diese Sell-Offs in Papier immer wieder inszenieren, um das Metall zu Ausverkaufspreisen zu akkumulieren.
    Ich würde die Begriffe „Illuminati“ und „Freimaurer“ allerdings durch den Begriff „Eigentümer der Fed“ ersetzen.
    Dass die Fed keine staatliche Einrichtung ist, sondern sich im Eigentum von einflussreichen und superreichen Privatpersonen befindet, ist Fakt. Illuminati und Freimaurer dagegen sind Wischi-Waschi und werden sehr leicht mit Konspiration assoziiert.

    Ich persönlich setze noch eins drauf und vermute, dass die og. Kreise nur Silber akkumulieren und zwar seit WK 2. Sie ließen mit Absicht Gold von der Fed und den angeschlossenen Notenbanken horten, während sie das Silber des sog. Silber-Carry-Trades heimlich aufkauften. Als alles Silber weg war, haben sie die gewinnsüchtigen Carry-Trader Silber sogar leer verkaufen lassen.
    Silber muss nunmehr nur noch wie eine überreife Frucht gepflückt werden: Der größten Shortpoition, die je ein Metall gesehen hat, steht ein leergefegter physischer Silbermarkt gegenüber. Der Markt ist überaus angespannt und schon geringste Nachfrage kann Silber an den tipping-point bringen, von wo es nach oben schießt.
    Die Eigentümer der Fed warten ganz ruhig ab, bis der Markt total überschießt und weisen dann Bush und Bernanke an, den Silberstandard einzuführen.
    Wer das Silber hat, hat die Macht :)
    Das Gold der Notenbanken wird auf den Markt geworfen, der POG kollabiert und die Masse - nämlich die Goldanleger - schaut wieder mal in die Röhre. IMO ;)

    Schönes WE

  • @SilV

    Du bist ein Silberbug, klar mit Silber kann man auch viel fabrizieren, ich fahre aber zweispurig. :D

    ""The true purpose of the order was to rule the world. To achieve this it was necessary for the order to destroy all religions, overthrow all governments and abolish private property . . . The strength of our order lies in its concealment, let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation."

  • Gut dann nennen wir sie Geschaeftmaenner :D

    The Plan to Bankrupt all countries

    This is all part of the Rothschilds plan for the New World Order to bankrupt all countries and turn them into satellites by foreclosing on the bankrupt countries. This Awareness indicates that there are things happening behind the scenes that yet could prevent this entity from his goals and dreams, yet there is nothing simple or easy about the struggle that will follow as the struggle that is already occurring.

    It is actually a kind of covert war going on all over the globe as to who is going to be free and who is going to be in control of the masses, whether they eventually will awaken enough to throw off the oppressors or whether they will cuddle up the oppressors, hoping to seduce them into being nice to their slaves.

    The Illuminati--Federal reserve Plot to gain control of the World's Silver and Gold

    This Awareness indicates that the present situation wherein the United States economics began to suffer, relates to their time in the mid-sixties, when the silver was taken--the silver backing was taken from the dollar. This Awareness indicates that it was shortly thereafter that a peculiar thing occurred which few entities are aware of, but which had a profound effect on history in general. This Awareness indicates that in 1969, an entity who was remotely related to the Rothschilds, went to Europe and met with various bankers in small countries--these being independent bankers not associated with the Rothschild Illuminati. This entity began explaining a technique whereby these bankers could effect the nature of the seizing of gold. This Awareness indicates the lluminati had seized most of the gold--the Rothschild banks along with the Rockefeller banks, had taken most of the gold and silver from circulation--and held this in their control. This Awareness indicates at this time it was still possible to buy gold for $ 32 an ounce.

    This Awareness indicates that this entity in meeting with these various bankers in sixteen nations, small nations, presented a plan or program whereby these entities could rake off some of the gold and make a large profit in so doing. This Awareness indicates the plan was at follows:

    The entities would purchase gold at a price of $ 32 per ounce, then take that gold, or its certificate of ownership, and mortgage that at exactly the same amount--$ 32 per ounce. This Awareness indicates these entities could often mortgage this gold right back to the bank which sold the gold to them. This Awareness indicates these entities then would take the money from the mortgage and purchase more gold at $ 32 an ounce, mortgage that at 100% value, and then again purchase more gold. In this manner , these bankers and money speculators began to drain off the ownership of gold, with the possibility of redeeming that gold which was being tied up by the mortgage, redeeming this at $ 32 per ounce. This Awareness indicates this began happening on a rapid scale, and the gold which was tied up suddenly began to be tied up into the banks of other nations, and these nations having mortgagees which allowed them to redeem this gold at $ 32 per ounce.

    This Awareness indicates that after a certain time, the price of gold became quite valuable in various countries--then the entity, the then President Nixon, made the announcement that he would put an end to the gold speculators and their efforts to destroy the American dollar, by taking the gold backing off the dollar. This Awareness indicates that this occurred and the price of gold shot upwards to its present rate. This Awareness indicates that those nations which then had invested in gold, mortgaged that gold at $ 32 an ounce, could then redeem the gold at $ 32 per ounce and resell at the current value

    Replay of memory on Maldek (Maldek a Planet belonging to our Solar System which was destroyed)

    This Awareness indicates that 85% of the souls upon this plane have lived on Maldek and this as the Luciferian consciousness which is being worked off as part of the Earth's karma. This Awareness indicates this as being dissolved. The entire Illuminati, money changing trip as but a replay of the memory of the action which occurred on Maldek wherein beings were categorized, numbered and enslaved. This Awareness indicates that the movement which began 60.000 years ago in Atlantis was but a recollection of certain states which began on Maldek ....more here:…illuminaticonspiracy2.htm

    Be prepared for Desperate Acts to Come and remember Tiananmen Square:

    Rothschilds: "The Head of the Beast"

    This Awareness indicates that as long as entities understand this as being the Horn of the Beast or the Head of the Beast and can recognize the importance of staying separate from the Rothschild influence and creating a union of countries, they can do great things in the preservation of freedom in the future. But, you must realize too that the Rothschild agents are like cockroaches crawling around your home. These cockroaches crawl as over Europe; they are everywhere. They are all around the world: in the United States, in Europe, in Asia, in Africa, in Japan and the Orient. They are constantly maneuvering and working for the Rothschild purposes.

    When this Awareness speaks of the Rothschild purposes, It refers also to those cohorts, the other 12 super-wealthy families that associate or ride the coat-tails of the Rothschilds There are many families, but there are essentially 13 major families.

    There are approximately 300 families, but 13 major families that make up the international banking community, which is behind the organizations known as the Bilderbergers, Council of Foreign relations, the various secret cults such as the Masonry and the Tong organization and the Mafia,--all of these various organizations which are sub-orders of the international banking community families. 8o

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