Gold und Silber... Informationen und Vermutungen I

  • Es wird auch weiterhin funktionieren, Geld drucken kostet nicht viel, also gar nicht um kümmern und zukaufen.

  • Hallo Elefant,

    ich meine, ich habe es so langsam ungefähr verstanden:

    Schritt 1:
    - Henk Paulson, Steinbrück & Co: Bu hu, niemand mag mich, niemand will meine schönen Bonds mehr kaufen. Bin doch Cashjunkie, brauche jeden Tag ne frische Spritze

    Schritt 3:
    - Heli-Ben: Ok ich kauf sie mit frisch gedrucktem Geld (= Schulden monetarisieren)

    Doch halt, dann droht Hyperinflation und die Leutles riechen, daß unser Geld STINKT. Daher zuvor

    Schritt 2:
    Raus mit dem Hammer auf den POG (und POS): Golddrücken! Zentralbanktresore leerfegen! Wer hat noch was? (+ Psychologie, die bekannten Tricks)

    Dann, wie gesagt, Schritt 3.

    Schritt 4:
    Das frischgedruckte Geld sorgt für Liqui, Aktien steigen, Gold auch (wieder)

    Geht 'ne Weile gut, doch wegen der steigenden Aktien kommen die Bonds wieder schwerer weg.

    Also zurück zu Schritt 1

    usw usf, solange bis der Brunnen bricht, halt

  • Zitat

    Original von sidha

    Du scheinst ein starkes Lokalkolorit bei Deinen Betrachtungen zu bevorzugen, ich dagegen habe meine Äusserungen nicht auf ein bestimmtes Land, schon gar nicht auf eine bestimmte Region bezogen.

    Die von mir beschriebenen Beobachtungen kann man global machen, egal ob in Asien oder Deutschland oder sonstwo.

    Sidha, ich verlasse mich gerne auf das, was ich erlebe und nicht auf das, was ich lese.
    Ein Bericht kann richtig, falsch, halbrichtig, manipuliert, verkürzt oder verbogen sein.
    Meine Erlebnisse hier sagen mir, dass nicht alle Jugendlichen total verblödet sind, wie du behauptet hast. Wie’s in Grönland oder auf den Orkneys aussieht, kann ich dir allerdings nicht sagen :D

    Es besteht natürlich auch die Möglichkeit,
    dass ich selbst total verblödet bin und deshalb die Dummheit der Jugendlichen um mich herum gar nicht zu erkennen vermag :D
    Für diesen Fall bitte ich um Nachsicht für einen armen Idioten ;)

  • Zitat

    Original von Milly
    Hallo Sil-san,

    wir sind jetzt genau an dem Punkt - 13/650 -, wo ich Freitag vor 2 Wochen Optionsscheine fischen war.
    Da hab' ich genau das gleiche gedacht :rolleyes:

    Hallo Milly-san,
    DG liegt auch auf der Lauer und ist sehr nervös.
    Ob er schon zugeschlagen hat, weiß ich nicht,
    da ich heute noch nichts von ihm gehört habe.
    Sobald der neue Letter da ist, stell' ich ihn rein :)…?postid=180408#post180408

  • Wass'n hier los?

    Ist der Goldpreis zurück auf's '01-er Niveau gefallen?

    Alles drückt sich herum um Meldungen/Meinungen/Aussagen um's Primäre dieses Threads.

    Ich habe schon Beerdigungen erlebt, auf denen es weitaus lustiger zuging.

    Zugegeben, die monatelange Rum-Eierei lässt auch mich nicht unberührt.
    Aber auf jeden schlechten Donnerstag folgt - zumeist - ein guter Freitag,
    (That was for you, LuckyFriday) und gelegentlich mehr.

    Lange kann es aber nicht mehr dauern, bis es - volatil - nach oben geht, der Druck im
    Kochtopf nimmt zunehmend extreme Werte an.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Moin germoney

    Klingt aber nicht norddeutsch. ;)

    Solltest gelegentlich hier reingucken:…?postid=180654#post180654

    Sh.zB. gestern 7:31und 10:33:

    "....Je länger die Seitwärtsbewegung anhält, umso besser...."

    Also mich bedrückt die lange Seitwärtsbewegung nicht, im Gegenteil.
    Und jede Unkerei,die hier bis 300 $ herunterreicht, stimmt optimistischer.

    Bin aber bekanntlich kein Anhänger kurzeitiger Betrachtungen und Vorhersagen.

    Nun Eldo: Er hat sich eine zeitweilige Zurückhaltung auferlegt.
    Die Gründe wurden ja hier zu Genüge diskutiert.

    BTW: Bin ohne Bedenken derzeit sehr hoch investiert.

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    .....empfindet Sinclair:

    ".....I feel the pain is nearly over.

    As distasteful ( widerlich =) ) as the past few weeks have been it is only noise as the major trend is up with $761, $887.50 and $1000 coming."…=&linkid=4806&T_ARID=4875

    Jo. :]

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • "From my friend Mahendra ... I could not disagree more with his dollar call for the obvious reasons. Should it ever go that way, I will be stunned!

    Dear Members,
    I was very excited about metals after reading current planetary movement on last Saturday but first three trading days of this week metals remained very quiet. I am still very much optimistic of short term as well as medium term bull market of metals (at least next four months). I believe that gold and silver should reach new high with in few months, which means gold will be touching $800 and silver $18.80.

    Dollar rise and stock market fall can bring small uncertainty with gold market but nothing to worry about as opposite relationship of gold and Dollar soon will break soon and they will walk together. It may take few more days for gold to adjust and making a new historic relationship with the US dollar. BUY GOLD AND SILVER ON ANY DIP and this opportunity should come on Thursday.

    Important Hedging or trades: Hedge buying position of gold with buying of USA dollar because that will secure your investment in short term uncertainty as well as in medium term. Both gold and US dollar will make money for you.

    One request - Metal traders shouldn't keep a hating attitude towards US dollar in this current unique era. Once again buy gold and dollar.....

    Thanks & God Bless
    Mahendra Sharma, Wednesday 8.20 PM Santa Barbara"

  • Zunächst Einmündung in die Hyperinflation, danach – nach ca. 1 bis 2 Jahren – deflationärer Kollaps. Deswegen Gold/Silber kaufen. Das meint jedenfalls ein sehr pessimistisch gestimmter Bob Chapman.

    Ich persönlich bleibe mit einem kleinen Teil meines verfügbaren Geldes in grünen Aktien und baue diese Positionen vorsichtig weiter aus. Mein Instinkt sagt mir, dass die Inflation die Kurse bis 2009 (8 und 9 sind die besten Jahre im 10-Jahreszyklus) treiben wird. Mentale Stopps können aber jederzeit die Reißleine meines Fallschirms aktivieren. :D Der Löwenanteil ist auf der sicheren Seite, in Gold/Silber und Bargeld ;)


    International Forecaster MidWeek Reading - Gold, Silver, Economy + MoreBy: Bob Chapman, The International Forecaster

    -- Posted Thursday, 21 June 2007

    Auszüge aus dem Artikel:
    Rising interest rates won’t reduce liquidity, but they will in time reduce the use of that sea of liquidity. We are still a year or two away from that happening.
    We are facing a 35% to 50% devaluation of the dollar versus other major currencies. The adjustment versus gold, just to make up for the inflation since 1980, should be between $2,200 and $2,500 an ounce. The only reason gold presently is not at those levels is that the gold price has been suppressed by a collection of devices – the most powerful being the sale of gold bullion. It should be noted that the possibility exists that the dollar could collapse completely. This is why Foreign Affairs, the house organ of the Council on Foreign Relations, recently had an article regarding a new private currency backed by gold.
    The size of the US debt makes any further increase in interest rates virtually impossible unless the Fed wants a collapsing economy. That means rates have to go higher eventually to fund the twin deficits. That will be very painful in and of itself, and will doom the US economy at best to a long drawn out recession or depression.
    Do you really think the stock market can go substantially higher on hot air and a sea of money? Do you really believe this LBO-takeover boom can last indefinitely? The prices being paid for companies is idiotic and unsustainable. We predict once this bubble breaks stocks will fall, banks will loose large amounts of money, a number of hedge funds will fail and some private equity funds will fold.
    America’s way of life will change dramatically for the worse. The 1930s will appear attractive. There will be massive civil unrest to be dealt with by 300,000 mercenaries and 200,000 gang members in our Army and Marines. You had better get ready and fast. Hold gold and silver related assets. Have an assault weapon with one thousand rounds of ammo and ten 30-shot clips for all in your household over ten years old. Have a generator, extra fuel, and water access and dehydrated and freeze dried foods. It is not going to be nice.
    This housing slump is not going to go away anytime soon as we predicted. Wall Street, government and the real estate and building industry are finally realizing this correction is going to be expensive and last a long time. A long time to Wall Street is by the end of 2007. They are either fools or liars.

    There is a giant glut of homes and condos. The building industry never thought things would turn out this way. There are at least 2.2 million vacant single-family homes and condos for sale nationwide. That is one million over the norm.
    Wall Street says the market downturn could linger for years but doesn’t pose a major risk to the overall economy. They must think we are terribly dumb. In fact, the situation in the home building industry is that CEO’s totally refuse to give interviews.
    As we saw last week foreign central banks have been sellers of US Treasuries. Whether this will persist only time will tell. This was accompanied by much higher international interest rates, the most noticeable of which was the move from 4.70% to 5.30% for the US Treasury. The 10-year note as we mentioned has broken down and a 24-year bull market in bonds has ended. All this happened in just two weeks. Higher rates change everything. That is higher carrying costs for business, hedge funds, and mortgage borrowers and for the US government in new debt as well as old debt that is being rolled forward. Those who want to initiate new debt will find it more difficult to get, and fewer will find they can afford to borrow. The era of low interest rates is over.

    A major change in the world is about to take place. The generation of low interest rates is now part of history. It will take about three years, perhaps less, for the current hyperinflation to burn itself out. We will know when it’s coming when the speculators become risk adverse and stop using the massive credit available to them. You can print all the money you want and create all the credit you want, but if people do not use it you then have deflation and depression. The stealth game of increasing interest rates and, at the same time, increasing money and credit to offset it is over. The move to cash, gold and silver and real assets has begun.

    We will see the US and world economy enter recession in which the US economy is already mired. Bankruptcies will rise and tax revenues will fall along with the stock, bond and real estate markets. Business and governments will cut health care and retirement benefits. Some nations will print money like in the days in the early 1920s of the Weimar Republic in Germany. Some will call in their currencies, issue a new currency and default on their debt. The US is a candidate for such a bankrupting move.

    History tells us as bonds fall, yields rise and stock markets fall. If you are in the market, get out. It’s your last chance to save your hide. The break will come sometime over the next year to year and one-half.
    Eventually dollars will be unacceptable and that is when the financial chaos begins. That is why you must own gold and silver related assets. Once inflation ends you can only own gold bullion coins. Whether you know it or not, the dollar has been fiat since 8/15/71. Finally the world is about to realize they have been victims of the biggest scam in history.
    We often wonder how analysts get economic and financial history so wrong? We studied that history, but in this case we lived it as the largest gold and silver stockbroker of that time. In fact, most analysts’ reports are so confused we often cannot understand them. There is no mystery to why the gold rally was stopped in its tracks. The commercials again added 80,000 shorts; we saw naked shorts and the central banks coordinated the sale of 181 tons of gold over an eight-week period, which was followed by aggressive leasing, which is still going on. We also cannot leave out the sale of 31 tons of gold from the ETF GLD, which was sold by hedge funds in coordination with central banks with whom they work in concert with. Did you ever wonder why there is no hedge fund regulations? Now you know. Hidden from the public eye while the foregoing was going on was that jewelry sales rose 17% and gold production fell 4%. The buyers in India, the Middle East and China loved the physical gold sales and another correction as a new time to buy.
    The trend is your friend. Gold is in a bull market. Go long and stay long, making appropriate changes along the way. Do not let anyone twist you out of your gold and silver positions because in the final analysis they are your only financial salvation. Paper money is just that – paper, no matter what currency it is in.
    The long bull market in gold and silver still persists. Physical demand in both metals continues to strengthen. ETF’s add to the demand some 80% of the time. Every time central banks sell, buying comes in strongly from Asia and the Middle East. Dollar foreign exchange reserves in part are being used to buy gold. This is definitely a 2-way market. Gold production continues to decline and no major finds have been produced in sometime. Mining costs continue to rise and in some areas there are labor shortages. Former hedgers continue to de-hedge bringing buying into the market and huge losses for companies as we predicted it would, as long ago as 1992. Political events remain negative, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa. It is only a matter of time before gold and silver move higher.…Forecaster/1182438060.php

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Moin, guter Artikel von Chapman!


    Original von SilVisconti
    Zunächst Einmündung in die Hyperinflation, danach – nach ca. 1 bis 2 Jahren – deflationärer Kollaps. Deswegen Gold/Silber kaufen. Das meint jedenfalls ein sehr pessimistisch gestimmter Bob Chapman....

    Jo, so ungefähr könnte es ablaufen.


    ....The trend is your friend.(Frei nach Jesse Livermore :] ) Gold is in a bull market. Go long and stay long, making appropriate changes along the way. Do not let anyone twist you out of your gold and silver positions because in the final analysis they are your only financial salvation. Paper money is just that – paper, no matter what currency it is in.....
    The long bull market in gold and silver still persists.

    Ja Ja.!! Dieser Thread wäre höchstens halb so voluminös, wenn mehr diese Kernaussagen beherzigten. ;)

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Die Seitwärtsbewegung --hier beim XAU-- gleicht einer zunehmend gespannten Feder: :)


  • Zitat

    Original von bob

    Was meinst Du mit 'grünen Aktien' genau, Umweltaktien (Solar etc.)?


    Auf diesem Niveau des Rohölpreises, egal ob er nun noch weiter steigt oder wieder etwas abfällt, wird es in den kommenden Jahren IMO ein Bewegung weg vom Öl und hin zu alternativen Energien und Uran geben. Deren Aktien haben nunmehr lange und teilweise kräftig konsolidiert und sind zum Teil schon wieder auf Klettertour. Da sind mit Sicherheit einige Tenbagger in den nächsten 1 bis 2 Jahren dabei. =)

  • Hy Edel
    Ich hatte schon letzes Jahr über die " Federvorspannung " geschrieben.
    Wenn man die Fundamentaldaten betrachtet, dann glaube ich heute, daß diese nicht zum Termin " greifen".
    Aber genau deshalb stimmt diese Meinung immer mehr.
    Wenn es gegen die Goldbugstrategie läuft und schlechte Laune aufkommt, setze ich einfach meinen Sturkopf ein.

    Trotzdem machen die täglichen einschätzungen Spaß, auch wenn ich meist daneben liege.


    · Bush can win Iraq
    · Dollar and Dow to strengthen
    · Gold can dip to $630 – then up

    Investment Indicators from Peter George
    Friday, June 22, 2007

    …The above long-drawn out analysis is like a game of chess that is reaching its end. Whereto for Iran? The implications for world markets are important. Most analysts have long-since written off America’s President Bush, the Dollar, a sustained recovery for the US economy, and any prospects American troops may have of bringing peace and prosperity to Iraq. This writer differs with these views across the board. In order to persuade his readers he has any prospect of being proven correct, it was necessary to be somewhat exhaustive, even long-winded. In a recent article explaining why Saudi Oil production was about to be significantly affected by rising ‘depletion levels’, the author sought to explain why his report became so lengthy:

    “Given the importance of the subject, in a choice between being thorough and being brief, it seemed better to be thorough.”

    The writer shares his sentiments and trusts his readers will eventually agree.


    There is a well-known Latin tag which the writer quotes often. It well-encapsulates the gist of the above heading:


    It means: “If you want peace, prepare for war”

    The past thirty odd pages of evidence and argument invite certain key conclusions to be drawn when dealing with ‘rogue states’. They spell victory when resort is had to the strategy of force or meaningful threat but continuing failure where reliance is placed on the soft options of ‘negotiation’ and ‘compromise’.

    The clearest example when dealing with Iran followed President Ahmadinejad’s hot-headed act of aggression in abducting members of the British Royal Navy. The writer referred to it as:


    Certain external interventions took place to make it possible. These were described as ‘PRESSURE JETS’ 1, 2 and 3. They were set out in detail on pages 10 to 13 above. The proof of the pudding was in the eating. Overwhelming pressure was the answer, particularly when the threat of military intervention was vividly spelt out by the Saudi King. In the case of North Korea and Iran, the strategy of holding a knife to the throats of their respective leaders must be sustained. Blair, Cheney and Bush were spot on. However long and drawn out, when dealing with rogue states, diplomacy is counter-productive. Whatever the economic costs of UN sanctions, Ahmadinejad will ride them out. High oil prices have helped him. Internal political pressure will only unseat him if the threat of military intervention becomes intense and imminent.

    The threat worked with Libya. It will work with North Korea and Iran. The alternative, as Robert Joseph pointed out, is that Iran will follow in the footsteps of North Korea. She too will acquire her own nuclear arsenal and it will not take more than another few months. Time has run out.


    After careful consideration the writer is persuaded that before the end of 2007, the Iranian crisis will pass boiling point. The US, Britain, France and Germany will likely form what the ‘Neo-Cons’ term a ‘Coalition of the willing’. Led by the US, they will convey an unmistakable message to the Iranian ‘elite’. Disband your nuclear enrichment and stop interfering in Iraq. Refusal will trigger war by way of a major strike against Iranian nuclear facilities. There will doubtless be collateral damage and insignificant US casualties but there is no alternative. Iran will finally be back in her box. President Ahmadinejad will retire into obscurity. The way will be open for a peaceful and democratic solution to the situation in Iraq. It could potentially serve as a model for the entire Middle East, defying current critics in the West and Islamic radicals in the East. America’s key western partners would then have reason to fund reconstruction of Iraq as a joint effort in coope ration.


    If the Iran – US standoff pans out as projected, the implications for US international interests could on balance prove highly beneficial. They will separately impact the dollar, oil prices, popularity of the American President, and the strength of world markets and commodities.
    · In the case of the dollar it may surprise by accentuating the strengthening trend already under way. This is explained below.
    · It will similarly contribute to a reduction of tension in oil markets but way insufficient – in the opinion of the writer - to negate the growing impact of ‘Peak Oil’. Latest developments here could prove dramatic and are dealt with in the section on oil.
    · Despite the political fortunes of Bush having reached a nadir, his term as President only ends in late 2009. If Iraq chaos subsides, he will confound the world of nay-sayers. Sentiment could swing in his favor. Reasons are given below.
    · The next section will focus on world markets, specifically the Dow, S&P and NASDAQ. Contrary to sentiments of a year ago, the outlook here continues to improve. The first two have both made new highs, as have one or two key performers in the NASDAQ. The world’s most famous chartist has strong views concerning the way forward.
    · A final section deals with commodities, with particular emphasis on the outlook for gold, at a time when the overwhelming majority of opinion is negative.

    7.1 OUTLOOK FOR THE DOLLAR – 2007 TO 2008

    No.77, headed: ‘Race to Win’, was published on September 21, 2006. The letter alluded to the Dollar’s ability, in the first 11 months of the preceding year, to spring surprising strength from a pit of extreme weakness. In under a year it had rallied from an all-time low of $1,36 against the EURO on December 31, 2004, to $1,16 on November 16, 2005. The slide of 2004 had been triggered by a series of disappointing economic data. From the end of 2004 onwards, thousands of speculators ‘shorted’ the dollar, expecting the slide to accelerate. Instead it swung right back round and bit them. Prominent victims were Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway - the world’s second richest man – and Bill Gross of PIMCO, manager of the world’s biggest bond fund. They got whipsawed, covering in panic as the rally drew to a close. It happens in the best of circles. The Dollar recovery had been occasioned by a surprising improvement in economic data in face of rapidly rising interest rates. In vestors were attracted by US yields which made Dollar-denominated assets more profitable. The party didn’t last long.

    Fifteen months later, the Dollar trend was swinging back into weakness. It propelled the EURO from $116 on November 16, 2005, to $1,31 by February 16, 2007, publication date of No.78. ‘Dollar Bears’ went into full cry. In his letter the writer inserted a six-page section on the US currency, suggesting it would most probably ‘range trade‘, between $126 and $136 and that predictions of runaway weakness were likely to prove far too pessimistic.

    In the event the EURO re-tested its previous 31 December 2004 peak of $1,3642, beating it by a marginal 40 points. This occurred on 27 April 2007. Over a three-year period it had traced out a ‘DOUBLE TOP’. Once again the cause was a fear that the housing crash would trigger a widespread American recession.

    Since the end of April 2007, the Dollar has begun began to show signs of wanting to rally, pulling the EURO down from $1,3682 to a recent low of $1,3380. Thomas Flury of UBS thinks this level represents strong short-term resistance and will prove a turning point. He projects a push up to $1,38 over the next three months in anticipation of two further ECB rate rises. This would bump the Bank’s discount rate from 3,75% to 4,25%. If it happens, he figures this would cause the EURO to target new highs. What can go wrong?

    There are three possibilities. First, downward momentum in the EURO may yet have a way to go. Second, an implosion in the Spanish property market could spark ripple effects through Europe. This might persuade the ECB to place further rate increases on indefinite hold. Third, and most important, an Iranian ‘climb down’ could significantly boost long term prospects for both the dollar and America’s international standing. All three of the above are discussed below.

    · Based on a ‘momentum tracker’ derived from an old-fashioned Indexia charting system, Dollar strength could persist for a while, dragging the rate from a current $1,3450, down to $1,3150. Potential drivers of Dollar strength are as usual indications from job figures that the US economy continues to grow faster than most have predicted. In May, 157,000 new jobs were created, higher than expected. In addition, data from the Institute for Supply Management showed strong growth in the manufacturing sector. Michael Woolfolk at the Bank of New York conclude as follows:

    “Connect the dots and we seem to be heading for a strong rebound in the manufacturing sector….We see $1,32 as FAIR VALUE against the EURO, and if these data keep surprising on the upside, this is a fait accompli.”

    The housing slump has so far failed to generate the ‘knock-on’ feared by the likes of Greenspan. The need for rate cuts is therefore receding. Some suggest the compounding effect of rising oil and commodity prices in boosting costs, might even lead the Fed to consider RAISING rates. This could happen towards the end of the year or early next. The anticipation of such a possibility reflects in falling bond prices and gently rising long-term interest rates. In terms of yield attraction, Dollar debt therefore retains its edge over assets denominated in EUROs.

    · What of the European economy itself? As Clinton would have said: “It’s the ‘Rain in Spain’, stupid!” Irrespective of general ECB optimism, certain members of the community face turbulent times. The US housing market fell off a cliff. A far worse fate could face property speculators in Spain. Why should this affect overall ECB interest rates? In the words of John Stepek in Moneyweek:

    “Statistics on the Spanish property market make for terrifying reading. More than 800,000 homes were built last year – that’s more than Germany, France and Italy combined, leaving a glut of property hanging over the market. House prices have risen 270% in 10 years. Household debt has climbed from 75% of disposable income in 1995 to 133% now…Spain’s market is unusually vulnerable to rising interest rates and panicky speculators. In a country of 40m people, 4m foreigners own property…and a whopping 96% of mortgages are on floating rates. Since 2005 there have been seven hikes.”

    Bernard Connolly of Banque AIG spoke to the London Daily Telegraph:

    “Spain is going to face the direst of economic circumstances; a cycle of recession, deflation and widespread private sector default – a depression in fact. This stock market slide is not just a ‘correction’. It has a very long way to go.”

    For the month of May, Euro zone retail sales fell for the first time in three months. Although Germany stands strong, the ECB may yet need to exercise caution, holding rates in check, particularly if the Spanish construction industry experiences a potential meltdown. The overall European climate is not a ‘slam dunk’ scenario for rising rates.

    · A final boost to the Dollar could come from developments in the Middle East, the focus of this letter. An Iranian ‘climb down’ would overnight slash perceptions of a US trade deficit spiraling endlessly out of control, on the back of rising military outlays in Iraq. A Dollar rally would then not stop at $1,32 but could easily push back down to $1,26. Based on the Middle East scenario sketched above, the writer believes a Dollar rate of $1,26 could well be on the cards by end 2007. That would give Dollar Bears something to think about, wouldn’t it?

    · As this letter was going to print the writer watched Victor Adair being interviewed. A well-known currency specialist from Man Financial, his forecast for the Dollar was a gut-wrenching $1,20. His reasons were simple. EURO rate rises are already ‘factored in’, whereas Dollar rates, US growth, and Domestic inflation, will all surprise to the upside. Seems good to the writer.


    Two years ago the writer laid out a five-year forecast for the prices of oil and gold. Based on their respective 1980 highs of $40 a barrel for oil and $875 an ounce for gold, he projected a five-fold increase for oil to $200 a barrel by end 2010, and a mildly tamer four-fold increase in gold to $3,500. Supply problems would give oil the edge, enabling it to accelerate away from its multi-decade relationship with gold.

    Having read Matt Simmons’ book, ‘Twilight in the Desert’ barely two years ago, the writer became an avid subscriber to the theory of ‘Peak Oil’. In essence it holds that easily obtainable oil resources are limited and that global production is set to decline. The theory specifically claims that Saudi Arabia’s main oil deposit, the Ghawar Field – and biggest in the world - is way past its ‘sell by’ date and set to experience a sharp fall-off in output. It suggests that for some years, Saudi production has been maintained at artificially high levels, allowing consumers to grow complacent.

    Quite recently the writer’s attention was drawn to an independent source of information supporting Matt Simmons ‘Peak Oil’ theory to the tee. It was entitled ‘Depletion Levels in Ghawar’. The original article was posted on a website called ‘The Oil Drum’, on May 15th this year, by author Stuart Staniford. The report was quite technical and ran to 49 pages – effectively a ‘thesis’. Staniford then took the unusual step of inviting e-mail blogging by recognized experts. They have since contributed a further 81 pages of commentary, most of which was highly complementary.

    The bottom line appears increasingly to be that Saudi production peaked at 9,5million barrels a day in 2005. It has since fallen to 9mb/d in 2006 and looks like sliding to 8mb/d for the year to December 2007. The report then infers production levels of 7.0mb/d, 6.0mb/d and 5.5mb/d for the years 2008, 2009, and 2010. One blogger made a strong case for the rate of decline accelerating down to 4mb/d before hitting a plateau!

    The general consensus from both the author and his ‘bloggers’ was that oil prices would hit $100/barrel by end 2007, rising to a minimum of $200 by end 2010. Matt Simmons would probably agree with those estimates although in his book he postulated that under certain circumstances the price could appreciate substantially faster, ultimately reaching as high as $500 a barrel. All values are assumed to be in constant 2005 Dollars.

    Using the conservative scenario of $100 by end 2007 underscores the attractions of most well-run energy stocks. Specific recommendations will follow in the section on stocks.

    A heightened Iranian confrontation would give a short term boost to prices in the event that sunken ships were to block the Straits of Hormuz. However, if followed by a ‘climb down’ before the end of the year, the net effect on prices would ultimately be deflationary. A far greater measure of peace would return to Iraq. Production of oil could conceivably double from 2mb/d to 4m. In Iran itself, if a more moderate administration came to power, sanctions would be dropped. Over time the nation’s oil resources would once again receive proper attention by way of foreign technical expertise and fresh investment from offshore. This would make it possible for production to revive. Unfortunately none of these benefits would wholly offset the sharp fall off expected from Saudi Arabia. Nor could any increases be implemented as rapidly as the declines now predicted.


    The political fortunes of George Bush junior long ago became the butt of jokes. His faith-based strategies gave rise to snide allegations regarding the President’s alleged lack of cranial capacity. However, before siding with mockers, one would be well-advised to take a tip from legendary stock trader Baron Rothschild.

    ‘The time to buy is when there’s blood in the street’.

    Similar swings in and out of favour are frequently observed in the world of politics, but in the case of Bush there are other factors at work. For all his faults, the man is a ‘Committed Christian’. In deference to his stand the writer sought a scripture appropriate to his current dire circumstances but pregnant with potential for a ‘bounce-back’ based on God’s promises. These are generally attributable to any man of God who sticks ‘faithfully’ to whatever he believes God is asking him to do. He may of course have misheard, but, in Bush’s situation this is unlikely. Throughout his term he has been surrounded by ‘Godly advisors’, in particular people like Billy Graham’s son, Franklin, who prayed for him on the day of his inauguration. After September 11, Franklin Graham’s comments were bold and forthright:

    “The God of Islam is not the same God of the Christian or the Judeo-Christian faith. It is a different God, and I believe a very evil and wicked religion.”

    The writer’s arguments with regard to a Bush ‘bounce back’ may be presumptuous. Time will tell. The scripture chosen is found in the Old Testament Book of Lamentations, chapter 3, verse 16, 31, and 32. It fairly describes Bush’s predicament but carries promise of a change for the better:

    "He has broken my teeth with gravel; he has trampled me in the dust.
    I have been deprived of peace; I have forgotten what prosperity is…
    but…men are not cast off from the Lord forever. Though he brings grief,
    he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love."

    The Prophet Kim Clement felt the same way:

    “I will not allow a Bush to be leaving the White House in shame. I will yet bring some honour to what has happened.”

    Although it is fashionable to condemn the March 20, 2003 invasion of Iraq out of hand, one must still distinguish between the reasons given publicly at that time, and those which could, should and still can be given today. These arguments were fully addressed in section 3.0, entitled:

    ‘The Iraq War in Retrospect’

    However convenient it may be to condemn the war and the reasons for launching it, dealing with the present situation is another matter entirely. It allows no scope for ‘beating around the Bush’. Everyone has to lay their strategy on the line.

  • Zitat

    Original von PatroneLupo
    Was ist los mit Gogh...hat er wieder schreibrechte????

    Ja, laut David kann er seit gestern wieder schreiben, allein, so scheint mir, fehlt im noch die Lust.(Vermutung) ;)

    Da er ja auch rießige Unterstützung im Forum erhalten hat, glaube (und hoffe) ich, dass er sich bald wieder meldet.

  • wenn einem sowas Gutes widerfaehrt......................

    bedankt man sich.

    Die Reaktion haett ich nie fuer moeglich gehalten.

    Da spring ich ueber meinen Schatten und sage

    Danke und macht´es gut

    Das Raenzlein ist geschnuert.

    hintem Horizont geht´s weiter.


  • @Eldo,

    Schön, dass'te wieder da bist.

    Edel Man,

    Danke für den Reply von gestern. Danke auch für deine Aufmunterung.
    Manchmal irretiert es mich, wenn es - zeitlich - nicht so läuft, wie ich es erwartet
    hatte. Die jugendliche Ungeduld ist immer noch da - selbst nach mehr als 50 Lebensjahren -
    aber "watt shalls, nach der Ebbe kommt die Flut".

    Re.: "heilandsbächle", was die Dialekte im deutschen Sprachraum betrifft, habe
    mir da eine gewisse Multilingualität aneignen müssen:

    - Mutter ist Schlesierin -
    - Vater ist Niedersachse -
    - Schwiegermutter ist Friesin
    - Schwiegervater ist Holsteiner, mit dänischen Vorfahren
    - eine Schwester ist verheiratet mit einem Schwaben, der kann nur "babbele"
    - die andere Schwester ist mit einem Münsterländer verheiratet
    - mein Vorgesetzter ist ein Hesse aus dem Rodgau - urhessisch seit die Menschheit
    gelernt hat, stehend zu pinkeln.
    - ein Arbeitskollege kommt aus dem Saarland
    - ein anderer aus dem Badischen

    ... ehrlich, irgendwann weisst du einfach nicht mehr, in welchem Dialekt du dich befindest.



    As a general rule, it is foolish to do just what other people are doing,
    because there are almost sure to be too many people doing the same thing.
    William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882)

  • Hallo Gogh,

    schön, dass du wieder da bleibst. =) =) =)


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