Fake vor'm Zinsentscheid oder kündigt sich da die "Überraschung" an?
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.weblinks247.com/indexes/idx24_hui_en_2.gif]
der DAU
6. Januar 2025, 03:55
Fake vor'm Zinsentscheid oder kündigt sich da die "Überraschung" an?
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.weblinks247.com/indexes/idx24_hui_en_2.gif]
der DAU
Das kann doch nicht wahr sein.
Dollar sinkt UND Gold UND Silber sinken auch.
In Euro jetzt ne ganz schlechte Mischung.
Ist zum heulen.
Aber wie der Baron schon sagt, nicht auf die Tagescharts gucken!!!
....... aber es kribbelt immer so in den Fingern!
Aber wie der Baron schon sagt, nicht auf die Tagescharts gucken
Der Baron ist halt viel abgebrühter.
Aber recht hat er natürlich.
der DAU
Ist das nicht die übliche 16Uhr (8Uhr NY) Drückung?
Alles anzeigenchB.... wenn ich das alles wuesste das waere schoen.
Ich habe geschriebn es "koennte" nachteilig sein, wenn die Zinsen fallen stieg Gold, wenn die steigen dann ??
linar ...diese Drecksbande, ich hoffe zumindest das Universe bestraft diese Gangster.
Wie Jim Puplava schon sagt es alles ist eine "criminal activity" was die machen gegen Gold/Silber und die Aktien.
Mind Games !!
Die FED hat doch kaum Möglichkeiten die Zinsen zu erhöhen, da die Wirtschaft schon sehr schlecht aussieht. Daher glaube ich nicht wirklich an Zinserhöhungen. Das wird doch nur verbal gepostet, damit alle sehen, hey, die kümmern sich diese verlogene drecksbande!
die müssen die hose ziemlich voll haben
Wenn das so weiter geht, sind bei uns die Hosen voll - und - leider - die Taschen leer!!!
Fakt ist: Das viele Minen technisch sehr schlecht aussehen..................................
Fakt ist: Das viele Minen technisch sehr schlecht aussehen..................................
steht wo ?
steht wo ?
Das steht nirgends, man muss sich nur einige werte mal anschauen...............
Alles anzeigenchB.... wenn ich das alles wuesste das waere schoen.
Ich habe geschriebn es "koennte" nachteilig sein, wenn die Zinsen fallen stieg Gold, wenn die steigen dann ??
linar ...diese Drecksbande, ich hoffe zumindest das Universe bestraft diese Gangster.
Wie Jim Puplava schon sagt es alles ist eine "criminal activity" was die machen gegen Gold/Silber und die Aktien.
Mind Games !!
Wenn die Zinsen steigen, steigt Gold mit!
Die FED hat doch kaum Möglichkeiten die Zinsen zu erhöhen, da die Wirtschaft schon sehr schlecht aussieht. Daher glaube ich nicht wirklich an Zinserhöhungen. Das wird doch nur verbal gepostet, damit alle sehen, hey, die kümmern sich diese verlogene drecksbande!
Sehe ich genauso. Die FED wird die Zinsen weiter senken, zwar nicht heute, aber die nächsten beiden Jahre. Bis auf Null wenn es sein muss. Sie wollen das Ende so lange hinauszögern wie es geht, mit Zinserhöhungen auf ein den Geldmengenausweitungen angepasstes Maß wäre es sofort da und sie ihre Posten los. Dann lieber die Masse und das Ausland weiter an der Nase herumführen. Was können sie verlieren wenn sie weiter absenken? Der Dollar kann nicht abverkauft werden, weil schlicht keine Alternative da ist und jeder Abverkauf die sofortige Wertlosigkeit aller Dollarbestände nach sich ziehen würde.
Für die Devisenreserven der Asiaten existiert nicht einmal ansatzweise die nötige Menge an Gold, um eine Rotation überhaupt in Erwägung ziehen zu können. Die Minenförderung sinkt weiter, und die Mengen, die die Notenbanken verkaufen, sind hier absolut marginal. Bei 1.000 Mrd. Dollar Reserve sind das bei einem Goldpreis von 1.000 genau 1 Mrd. Unzen, d. h. 30.000 Tonnen (die Rundung sei erlaubt). Alle Notenbanken zusammen besitzen aber nicht mehr als das doppelte und dreifache. Dies bedeutet wiederum: ein Switch in Gold auch nur einer Notenbank würde den Goldpreis durch die Decke jagen, und wer wäre dann der Gewinner? Richtig: derjenige mit dem meisten Gold. Und das sind wiederum die Amerikaner (Notenbank und reiche Privatinvestoren). Somit haben sie im Prinzip eine Win-Win Situation, sie können machen was sie wollen und ihre Gläubiger eigentlich nichts.
Kam soeben vom International forecaster rein ( Ausschnitt)
Consider the following when deciding whether the Fed can raise its funds rate: The FDIC insured banks in 2007 had net income of $105.5 billion, a very poor return of .86% on their collective assets, which are in the $12 to $13 trillion range. Most of those assets are in bonds, derivatives and various types of consumer and commercial debt, with a smattering in stocks and customer deposits. The market values of these assets are interest rate sensitive. Rising rates reduce bond, derivative and debt principal, cause losses for those on the wrong side of interest rate swaps, bring stock markets down due to economic tightening and raise customer expectations concerning rates of return for money on deposit. Each .25% rate hike could potentially impact US banking's $12 to $13 trillion asset structure with yearly losses and write-downs of about 30 billion dollars (.0025 x 12 trillion) resulting from reduced asset values and increased costs.
In addition, the Fed is floating and rolling over about $400 billion a month in money and credit to keep the banking fraudsters from imploding, and that could mean a decrease in profits from reduced spreads on the magnitude of a billion per year for the system as a whole. Remember, due to fear of default, insolvency and a lack of confidence and transparency, banks are hoarding and investing their money instead of re-lending it, so the fractional reserve multiplier is not working and banks are profiting from spreads between returns on their investments and the cost of money used to make those investments. This is one of the major reasons that commodities have gone wild. The commodities markets are the only places left where investors can make a profit with little downside compared to other markets, and this is where big financial institutions are exploiting the Enron loophole to manipulate markets and increase spreads. The other big driver of prices for commodities is the declining value of the dollar.
So if the Fed hikes its funds rate twice by .25%, the losses and write-downs for US banking could be over $60 billion, which would wipe out about 57% of last year's gains. Note that due to whopping subprime losses, in Q4 for 2007, banks only netted $600 million, while in Q1 for 2008, they netted only $19.3 billion. This means that $60+ billion in losses and write-downs could result in a complete wipe-out of the banking sector. And never mind the hundreds of billions of losses that have already accrued but have not yet been recognized due to "creative accounting" methods that have been allowed by regulators to buy the fraudsters more time. And never mind the gargantuan negative impact on real estate markets which might result from higher mortgage rates for purchases and refinances, such as defaults going up, sales going down and real estate prices dropping into the toilet, along with collateral values for assets securing real estate backed bonds and derivatives a/k/a toxic waste. And never mind the ever-increasing losses from ever-accelerating defaults in consumer credit like credit card balances, car loans and student loans. And never mind what could happen to those financial institutions on the wrong end of interest rate swaps and credit default swaps if hundreds of banks get vaporized. This year and next, there might not be any retained earnings of any kind that might otherwise have been available to support deteriorating capital positions.
Note how substantially lower rates have failed to increase banking sector profits due to massive losses in real estate toxic waste derivatives. And now we hear inane jawboning about rate increases. You just can't make this stuff up. Next, Wednesday's FOMC meeting will produce no change in the funds rate with more jawboning about concern for inflation and the need for a strong dollar policy. This duplicitous Fed-speak will be blathered into the ears of investors solely to suppress gold and silver prices, with odds increasing for two .25% rate hikes by year end, rate hikes that will probably never materialize. How laughable.
Raising the Fed funds rate to support the dollar at this point would be tantamount to committing national economic suicide. The Fed cut too fast and has now waited far too long to achieve any positive impact by raising rates, especially by such miniscule amounts. Our inflation is quickly approaching the peaks of 1980-1981 of around 14% to 15%, with about two percent left to go. At that time, Paul Volcker raised the Fed funds rate in large leaps to the 17% to 20% range during the last quarter of 1980 and the first three quarters of 1981. That is the magnitude of rates that would be necessary to control the type of inflation we are currently experiencing, and we hear from the fane-stream media that the Fed is "talking tough" which the markets translate into about two .25% rate hikes before yearend to a total of 2.5%. This transpires as M3 continues to ride high at 17%. Excuse us if we seem a bit skeptical that these miniscule rate hikes would do the slightest bit of good to quell inflation and support the dollar. This is nothing short of surreal. Of course, the Fed's and the government's lies have boxed them in. How can you raise the Fed funds rate into double digits when you claim that official inflation is a little over 4%? How would that be for racking up losses to your credibility?
Rate hikes could start off a new round of risk reassessment as inflation puts bonds and treasuries into negative rates of return and as rampant defaults across the board make bond investors gun-shy. This could trigger a bear market in bonds that could take the whole system down as losses from eroding bond principal would reach levels of magnitude that would be irreparable regardless of what the Fed might do. Even the Fed cannot resurrect the dead. Theoretically, the entire banking system could be wiped out without a single bank remaining solvent, not even the Fed. The entire financial world would become one giant bankruptcy court. The Illuminists would be at all the auctions picking up all the choicest assets for pennies on the dollar, using the thousands of metric tonnes of gold and silver they have secretly hidden away offshore and in Switzerland to provide the necessary funds in the event the dollar completely collapsed. Gold and silver would be somewhere in intergalactic space headed for the Einstein DeSitter radius at the outermost bounds of the visible universe. The value of secret Illuminist gold and silver holdings might be valued in the tens of trillions as gold blew past the five figure boundary.
For all you doubting Thomases here are some sound fundamental reasons why gold and silver are headed higher. Both precious metals have consumption shortfalls to production and there is no hope of that changing for at least the next seven years. South Africa’s power shortages will last another 5 to 10 years. Environmental laws slow down, inhibit and even prohibit the production of these metals. As a result there are no major discoveries in sight. Governments keep changing the rules of mine development and how much mining companies have to pay in taxes and royalties. China and the Middle East continue to be huge buyers, along with India as both Russia and China consume all local production and buy in the open as well. No one knows if the US has any gold left except the elitist insiders and because of secrecy and lying, we do not know what the holdings of governments really are. Inflation is not going to go away and for the next two years it is going to get considerably worse. The credit crisis at best is 15% solved. It will take years to unravel the losses and see which banks and financial firms are bankrupt. The worldwide creation of money and credit by central banks is still 13% and as long as that persists, there can be no letup in inflation. The US government has no intention of even getting close to a balanced budget. Real interest rates in US dollars are a minus 7%. That cannot go on forever. That is why real dollar-denominated interest rates continue to move higher. Present credit conditions make it very difficult for corporations to raise money and the mining sector is no exception. Base metals are up 500% to 2,200% and gold and silver are up 200%, which makes them extremely under priced.
If the above are not enough reasons to buy gold and silver coins and shares then we simply give up. There has never been a bull market that had so many fundamentals working for it.
Nur die Ruhe, die Fakten sind hier längst durchgekaut. Schaut nach aktuellem EUR/Dollar Kurs nach der FED- Entscheidung und denkt an heutigem Verfallstag. Gold und Silber werden nach 22.00 Uhr MESZ interessant!
Steigt der Goldpreis - oder fällt der Goldpreis ?"
Meine Güte, 98 % dieser Rohstoff-WElt Arttikel kann man hinsichtlich des Inhalts in die Tonnen kloppen
Er steigt sogleich.....
Doener gegen Kartoffel die alles ueberlebt hat, super, morgen Gold gegen PPT und Gold ist der Gewinner.
Das waere ja eine Blamage wenn Gold verliert im naechsten Match, zumindest hat die Kartoffel erstmal gewonnen.
Sonst waeren die Doener's morgen zu frech in Deutschland.
Kartoffel war haerter, Gold sollte es auch morgen auch sein.
Gnight Goldbugs
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