@Eldo/Edel - verwirrt weil "science fiction" und Wahrscheinlichkeit so nahe beieinander liegen es wäre schon ein Hammer ;):D
3. Dezember 2024, 17:54
@Eldo/Edel - verwirrt weil "science fiction" und Wahrscheinlichkeit so nahe beieinander liegen es wäre schon ein Hammer ;):D
ZitatAlles anzeigenOriginal von Edel Man
Hallo linar,worauf gründet Deine Verwirrung?
"Ähnlichkeiten mir .....anderen lebenden Personen sind ausgeschlossen...."
Entlarvend für die Haltung der Cabal und ihrer Helfershelfer ein Comment der FOX News:
"...Silver is a barbarous relic; it hasn’t been money for years! How dumb can you get?.....”
Sie können es nicht lassen,bekommen aber offenbar kalte Füsse.
Edel Man
Was interessierts ob mutmaßlichen Geld-Betrügern die Muffe geht. Irgendwann ist jede Täuschung zu Ende. Darauf war schon immer Verlass. Selbst ein paar "gechippte" Barren, wenn es sie denn gibt, werden den Gang der Dinge nicht aufhalten können:
Eine Mikromomantaufnahme, die nicht repräsentativ sein muss: Heute bei meiner Hausbank: Keine zukünftige Reservierung von Silberzehnern mehr. Begründung: Lieferung 75 Stücke, Nachfrage allein für Reservierungen: mehr als 250 Stücke.
Anmerkung: vor 6 Wochen lag das Zeugs noch massenweise da rum, bis ich abräumte. Und urplötzlich rennen die Kunden den Schalter ein.
Und die WM ist schon längst vorbei. Selbst Fussball-Zehner lagen zu WM Zeiten noch wie Blei in den Tresoren der Filialen (!). Und nun kloppen sich die Leute um jeden Zehner????
Was ist passiert.
Ich bin auch dafür, ein Barbar zu sein.
Bar + Bar das sind nämlich schon 2 Bars, da ist es mir auch egal ob das als Schimpfwort gemeint ist. Hauptsache Edelmetall-Bars.
Lebende Fossilien haben einen ausgesprochenen Reiz an sich, in Zeiten des Artensterbens.
Hier ist eine Radio Interview mit David Morgan auf FNN.
Hier ist eine Radio Interview mit David Morgan auf FNN.
Charts von J.Sinclair, selbst, von heute Nacht:
Edel Man
Nach dem recht posiven Ausblick von godmodetrader:
Noch eine optimistische Einschätzung:
Klasse Edel, da kommt Freude auf wenn man so positiv denkt.
Die Shorts sind bald in der Klemme
Yep, Eldo.
Dieser Shortie guckt auch schon entsprechend.
Meint GodmodeTrader:
Vielleicht nach Zwischenkonsolidierung / Rücksetzer..
Verfahre selbst dessenungeachtet bei allen Silberpositionen :"Hold the line"
Edel Man
A Sure Thing Silver Cycle?
Dec 02, 2006
No need to look at charts of silver prices. A simple glance at the calendar will tell you that it is winter already, so silver must be skyrocketing. Many writers on several websites have pointed out that buying silver in the summer and selling it in the winter is a sure and easy way to make lots of profits. If you can't grow up to be the Federal Reserve and print your own fiat, buying silver in the summer and selling in the winter just might be the next best way to dramatically increase the number of FRNs in your bank account. After all, if everyone knows that strategy ...
Hier der gesamte Beitrag mit Charts im Link im Link :
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.financialsense.com/…/2006/images/1201_2lg.gif]
im unten verlinkten Artikel wird die Frage aufgeworfen,
- ob der Anstieg des POS seit Mitte September 06 bereits der Beginn der Welle 5 ist (und die beiden Tiefs vom Juni und September bereits A und C der 4. Welle waren) oder
- ob wir uns dem B der 4. Welle nähern (14 bis 16$) und uns anschließend eine scharfe Korrekturwelle C (bis max. 8,50$) ins Haus steht.
Der Autor kann diese Frage aufgrund der gegenwärtigen Chart-Patterns nicht eindeutig beantworten, meint aber, dass zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt Vorsicht angebracht sei und erst mal die Intensität der nächste Korrektur abgewartet werden solle.
PS: Sehe gerade, dass ihr (Eldo, Edel) bereits auf den Artikel eingegangen seid.
....und dann aufwärts zu 23 $, hält Dan Norcini in 6 - 9 Monaten für möglich.
Sein heutiger Chart aus jsmineset.com :
In diesem Langfristchart von 2001 bis jetzt sind die wichtigen Ausbrüche aus Dreiecken dargestellt
Edel Man
Hier eine andere Fibonacci Prognose :
Chart 3 shows a short-term prediction for the daily closing Comex Silver prices from Jan 2007 thru March 2007. It suggests that silver prices are consolidating and forming a triple bottom. After March 2007, it is predicted that a strong rally will continue in silver prices (also predicted for gold prices). The fun has not yet started Wall Street!
Chart 4 presents the prediction for 2007 in Silver prices assuming a linear trend of $0.013 increase per day. This trendline could be $2.50 higher by the end of the year if the current six-month support continues and we will correct, if necessary, on a monthly or quarterly basis. If we use the 987-day cycle with Fibinacci corrections at the bottoms it is possible to project the price of Silver close $150 an ounce by 2018 (based on the current trend) and we once asked the question will gold reach $2018 by 2018.
If one divides $2018 by 15 (gold/silver ratio), we get a possible silver price of $134.50 per ounce which is close to current trend line.
We remain in a rather neutral situation regarding the Silver Comex for the next three months but with an upside bias. A double bottom in Feb 2007 should signal the start of the next major upleg in silver.
Silver is probably not the best choice right now to demonstrate the plausibility of precisely Fibonacci cycles actually present in the markets because its major cycles are coming off a multi-decade decay and just reaching bottoms.
It is believed that Silver prices are just beginning a multi-decade run (only if supply lasts so hurry China and Mexico and Peru and Argentina and Canada and United States and….find new mine supplies as 78 million Boomers may be retiring into precious metals in the coming decade. Watch the hype in 2010/2011). It will not happen again.
Investing in silver coins/bullion over the next ten years could result in a 10X+ investment gain. Do it slowly as we have been urging for several years and take physical possession of the gold and silver.
The interesting period comes after March 2007 with a strong rally coming in silver prices as the USD continues to wobble on its vertical axis like a gyroscope slowly losing its angular momentum (increasing wobble can also happen to this planet if the polar caps continue to melt as was investigated once by Einstein because of the huge redistribution of water mass to the equator – called pole shifts resulting in earthquakes off the Richter Scale due to changing loads on the continental plates).
The angular momentum (gyroscope) analogy in the financial world holds as more USD are printed the more they add to the weight at the financial equator (which are derivatives and currencies and bonds) and the more you have to add because the rotation (circulation) slows (as debt grows more people drop out of the game).
It is Catch 22 until the USD and current financial system implodes –
it is an irreversible financial path for USD at this point and there is no turning back as we have passed the point of no return and the debt cycle for US will go unstable as the world cycles out of USD. Limit (debt) cycles do not remain limit (stable) cycles in any system with a continuing increase in the forcing function(called M3 pumping). The producer (gold/silver) wins and the debtor (USD) ultimately loses. For a while longer, we get to live in denial.
Hypotheses: Seven major “Fibonacci Cycles” in virtually all the worlds’ indices and commodities and yields may have determined our interest financial lives far into the past (and for many decades) and may still be present in the markets today but masked by high levels of M3 liquidity. What you gonna do when the Fibonacci Cycles come after you?
Die Charts seht ihr hier:
Wenn das dann alles so eintritt,sehen wir so oder so 17$ und mehr in 2007.
Nur die Zeitpunkte der Prognosen liegen etwas auseinander.
Wenn sie überhaupt stimmen.
Nun, eine Prognose bis 2018 ist schon sehr kühn IMO mit 150 $.
Cook: You’re convinced industrial demand will remain strong?
Butler: Sure, There has been no fall-off in industrial demand to speak of in copper, zinc, nickel or oil in response to high prices. Why would silver be different?
Cook: What about in a recession?
Butler: It depends. If it’s just a recession in the US, and not in China, it should be no big deal to silver.
The funny thing is that silver historically had its biggest gains in past recessions. A lot of people buy silver for bad times and for monetary purposes. Not me, mind you, but bad economic news might impact silver positively. In any event, I’m not worried about a collapse in demand or big supplies being dumped on the market in a recession, because demand is super-diversified and there are no big supplies to be dumped.
Cook: I see silver as real wealth. It’s wealth you don’t get with paper assets. Do you agree?
Butler: Yes and no. I agree that silver is an undervalued asset that will appreciate in the long term, and that makes it logical to hold. And it certainly offers diversification from other paper assets. But, at some point, and that point may be very far off in time, it will likely no longer be undervalued. If, and when, that time comes, it will probably be prudent to switch into what may be undervalued at that time. I hope this doesn’t shock you, but I’m not a silver worshipper. I’m an analyst, looking for the best value.
Cook: We haven’t had a real financial panic in the U.S. since 1929. The main reason is that we deal with any potential economic crisis by inflating. Money is abundant and it’s impacting the price of assets. Do you see silver benefiting from inflation?
Butler: Sure, but by definition no more or less than everything else. Inflation or currency depreciation is not silver specific. I don’t talk about it because so many do speak about it and I kind of thought it was self-evident.
Cook: What about the monetary value of gold and silver?
Butler: If monetary value means a valuable asset worthy of investment consideration, then I agree. If you mean silver being used as money, it’s a pipe dream. In the modern world money is not the highest and best use. This issue was settled 40 years ago when the U.S. stopped using silver in coinage because there wasn’t enough around to hold the price below the melt value.
Cook: The U.S. recently put a ban on exporting and melting U.S. copper and nickel coins because the base metal content is now worth more than the face value of the coins. Any thoughts on this?
Butler: I think it highlights the overall demand and scarcity of natural resources, and how we must continue to put these resources to their best and highest possible use. That doesn’t include them being used as money.
Cook: What do you mean? They are used as money.
Butler: Yes, but that is obviously changing. The price of base metals has skyrocketed, due to strong industrial demand. It now costs too much to continue using them in coinage. We need the properties of copper and silver for electrical conduction, and nickel for stainless steel and zinc for rust proofing more than we need them in coinage. It’s no big conspiracy that the materials previously used for coinage will change. In the meantime, the government is trying to discourage these coins from being melted for their metal content value while they gear up for making new coins out of different materials. It’s a simple and logical reaction on their part for a world running tight on natural resources. The world must better utilize all its resources.
Cook: Is this along the lines of your recent prediction that the Mint would stop producing Silver Eagles at very high silver prices?
Butler: Absolutely.
Cook: You’ve called silver a miracle metal. Why?
Butler: Think of the word miracle. It connotes a magnificent and unexpected transformation. What better word to describe silver? A substance treasured through the ages for its beauty and store of value transformed by technology into a vital material used in more applications than any other metal. Who could have dreamt thousands or hundreds of years ago that this metal was destined to be used in so many important ways, very different from the reasons it was desired at the time. If that’s not a miracle, I don’t know what is.
Cook: Do you think today’s price is still reasonable for a miracle metal?
Butler: The recent sell-off makes it more attractive than ever. With the price down it’s going to be time to load the boat. Silver is under priced on just about every relative comparison one can make. It’s under priced compared to other industrial metals, precious metals, oil, real estate, stocks and bonds, even itself when looked at on a historical inflation-adjusted basis. Certainly, the price rise to date has not resulted in an increase in mining production yet, or any notable increase in scrap supply, and no demand destruction. This strongly suggests that the price of silver is grossly undervalued.
Any time you can buy a miracle on the cheap is a good time to buy.
Roland Watson ist von der Effizienz überzeugt.
Begründet dies auch,und geht ausführlich auf das Gold / Silberratio ein:
"....For those who want to balance risk and leverage in their gold portfolio, silver should be seriously considered as a major component.
So, silver functions as leverage to the price of gold...."
Edel Man
Habe den Titel meines ältesten Threads
" Silber: Münzen, Barren und/oder Minen"
Der neue entspricht besser Inhalt und Bestimmung.
Edel Man
Tim Silvers ( ) mit Spekulationen darüber :
".... "Any price around $12 or lower is an excellent reentry point... The absolute bottom I would expect is $11.50, but that is a long shot."