Peter Degraaf über die inzwischen weit divergierenden "Silber":
"...Featured is the daily silver chart. The blue arrows point to times when the silver price fell below the 200DMA (red line on the chart). Two years ago, at the seasonal low in September, price fell to 2% below the 200D. A year ago during the August seasonal low, price fell to 3.5% below the 200DMA. Last week during the presumed 2008 seasonal lows the price was pushed 37% below the 200D! Think of this as the sellers of 'paper silver' having pushed a beach ball well below the surface of the water in a pool. Think of how rapidly the beach ball can rise when it is released, then go buy some 'real silver', just as I have been doing.
Notice the RSI at the top of the chart is already turning positive, and the MACD at the bottom of the chart is also ready to turn up again.
The positive aspect that is impressive about the rise in today's silver price (Tuesday 08/26)), is the fact that the US dollar is also rising. In 2005, silver, gold and the US dollar all rose in tandem.
Therefore, a decoupling (separating the metals from the movements in the US dollar), would not be unique. The main driver for silver and gold is the fact that 'real interest rates' (T-bills less CPI) are currently negative. Whenever rates are negative, silver and gold usually rise, as money in bank accounts is punished.
This is 'real silver'. It does not fold, crumple or burn, and you cannot create it on a computer."