Acadian Gold WKN: A0D NW0 ISIN: CA0042681084

  • News Release! Neue Ressourcenschätzung von Beaverdam!!!

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    Jetzt haben wir allein dort ne Million Unzen! Meine Güte, und wo steht der Sharepreis? Der wird noch abgehen, dass es der Sau graust!!!! :D

    Halifax, NS July 16, 2007

    FSC / Press Release


    Halifax, Nova Scotia CANADA, July 16, 2007 /FSC/ - Acadian Mining Corporation (TSX - VX: ADA), ("Acadian Mining") is pleased to announce the results of an updated and revised mineral resource estimate on its 100% owned Beaver Dam project in Nova Scotia. The following updated measured, indicated and inferred resource figures were prepared by Mercator Geological Services Limited under the supervision of Peter Webster, P. Geo., independent consultants to Acadian Mining, and prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Definitions and Guidelines. The independent consultant's technical report in support of this estimate will be filed on SEDAR within 45 days.

    Based on a 0.30g/t gold cut-off the Company is pleased to report a measured and indicated resource of 446,000 ounces of gold (9,080,000 tonnes grading 1.53 g/t gold) plus an inferred resource of 504,000 ounces of gold (10,400,000 tonnes grading 1.51 g/t gold cut) (Table 1). Of this total resource, 46,000 ounces of gold (1,230,000 tonnes grading 1.16g/t gold) are hosted in satellite deposits referred to as the North Zone and Mill Shaft Zone which are located 600 metres north and 900 metres west respectively of the Main Zone.

    The uncut resources, also based on a 0.30 g/t cut-off grade total 589,000 ounces of gold in the measured and indicated category (9,090,000 tonnes grading 2.01g/t gold), and 720,000 ounces of gold in the inferred category (10,370,000 tonnes grading 2.16 g/t gold) (Table 2).

    These updated gold resource estimates represent an increase of 109% in the previously reported measured and indicated resources (cut) and 107% increase in the inferred resources (cut).


  • Wenn man sich vorstellt, dass Acadian Mining sich ausbreitet wie ein Spinnennetz -

    - diese ganzen Assets, diese ganzen Goldfelder, die erst noch nach NI exploriert werden,
    - die zentrale Verbeitungsstrategie,
    - der Cash-Flow aus der Zink/Bleimine,
    - die hohen Goldpreise,
    - das minenfreundliche Neuschottland,
    - ein ausgebufftes Management und PR-Team

    all das wird dazu führen, dass der Sharepreis rockt. Jetzt sind es insgesamt schon an die 2 Mio Unzen Gold. Allein diese Tatsache rechtfertigt einen zig-fach höheren Sharepreis.

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  • Blickt da noch jemand durch???

    ADA.V heißt nicht menr Acadian GOLD, aber besitzt nun über 2 Mio Unzen Gold! ?(

    Die Zahl der Gold-Unzen wurde fast verdoppelt, aber der Kurs hat sich nicht verdoppelt. --Ich will es mal positiv sagen: der Kurs ist immerhin nicht gefallen. Denn es war ja nicht unbedingt eine gute Meldung: Die Konzentration liegt nun in Beaver Dam bei nur noch 1.5 g/t. Ich kenne die Produktionskosten nicht, aber Kanada ist nicht billig, und vermutlich wird dieses Projekt keine großen Gewinne abwerfen. Es bleibt die Hoffnung auf die drei weiteren Goldprojekte, die aber zur Zeit noch kaum entwickelt sind.

    Und dann gibt es diverse Probleme. Es gibt Schwierigkeiten gutes Personal zu finden. Und die Dillution ist gigantisch: Fast Verdoppelung auf Jahressicht, es gibt PP's und Flow-Through-Share-Offering's, und die Übernahmen von Royal Road und Buchans River sind erst zu 50% abgeschlossen. Irgendwie alles etwas unübersichtlich.

    Nur gut dass ADA das Zink-Projekt jetzt ans Laufen bringt. Denn das wird bestimmt fette Gewinne liefern. Und den Kurs nach oben bringen :D :D :D

    VG heron

  • Acadian Mining Corporation gibt überprüfte Ressourcenschätzung für Beaver Dam

    Acadian Mining Corporation / Sonstiges/Sonstiges


    Veröffentlichung einer Corporate News, übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein
    Unternehmen der EquityStory AG.

    Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich.

    Die neue Schätzung beläuft sich auf 446.000 Unzen in der gemessenen und
    angezeigten und 504.000 Unzen in der abgeleiteten Kategorie

    Halifax, 16. Juli 2007, Meldung Nr. 23-07 - Acadian Mining Corporation
    (TSXV: ADA, WKN: A0D NW0 , ausstehende Aktien 137.278.914) freut sich, eine
    korrigierte Ressourcenschätzung für das zu 100% im Eigentum befindliche
    Beaver Dam Projekt in Nova Scotia bekanntgeben zu können. Die nachfolgenden
    aktualisierten gemessenen, angezeigten und abgeleiteten Ressourcen wurden
    von Mercator Geological Services Limited unter der Aufsicht von Peter
    Webster, P.Geo und unabhängiger Berater für Acadian Mining, in
    Übereinstimmung mit NI 43-101 Standards des kanadischen Instituts für
    Bergbau-, Metallurgie- und Petroleumstandards für Mineralressourcen- und
    Mineralreservendefinitionen und Richtlinien durchgeführt. Der technische
    Bericht der unabhängigen Berater zur Unterstützung dieser Schätzung wird
    innerhalb von 45 Tagen bei SEDAR veröffentlicht.

    Basierend auf einem Mindestgehalt von 0,30 g/t Gold freut sich das
    Unternehmen, eine gemessene und angezeigte Ressource von 446.000 Unzen Gold
    (9.080.000 t mit 1,53 g/t Gold ) plus eine abgeleitete Ressource von
    504.000 Unzen Gold (10.400.000 t mit 1,51 g/t Gold ) (vgl. Tabelle 1)
    melden zu können. Von dieser gesamten Ressource stammen 46.000 Unzen Gold
    (1.230.000 t mit 1,16 g/t Gold ) aus Satellitenlagerstätten, die als die
    North Zone und die Mill Shaft Zone bekannt sind und sich 600 m nördlich
    und 900 m westlich der Hauptzone befinden.

    Die unverschnittenen Ressourcen, ebenfalls basierend auf 0,30 g/t Gold
    Mindestgehalt betragen zusammen 589.000 Unzen Gold in der gemessenen und
    angezeigten Kategorie (9.090.000 t mit 2,01 g/t Gold) und 720.000 Unzen
    Gold in der abgeleiteten Kategorie (10.370.000 t mit 2,16 g/t Gold ) (vgl.
    Tabelle 2).

    Diese aktualisierte Gold-Ressourcenschätzung stellt eine Steigerung um 109%
    gegenüber den zuvor gemeldeten gemessenen und angezeigten Ressourcen und
    um 107% bei den abgeleiteten Ressourcen dar.

    Tabelle 1: Gesamte verschnittene Ressourcen 0,3 g/t Mindestgehalt

    Grenzwert Klasse Tonnen* Gold g/t Unzen*
    0,3 g/t M + ID 9.080.000 1,53 446.000
    0,3 g/t IF 10.400.000 1,51 504.000

    * gerundet
    IF - inferred (abgeleitet), ID - indicated (angezeigt), M - measured

    Tabelle 2: Gesamte unverschnittene Ressourcen 0,3 g/t Mindestgehalt

    Grenzwert Klasse Tonnen* Gold g/t Unzen*
    0,3 g/t M + ID 9.090.000 2,01 589.000
    0,3 g/t IF 10.370.000 2,16 720.000

    * gerundet

    Diese Ressource schließt die im Mai 2007 komplettierten 6 Bohrungen nicht
    ein. Hier stehen die Ergebnisse noch aus. Diese 6 Bohrungen zielten auf
    Goldmineralisierung unterhalb von 200 m ab der Oberfläche und sie sollten
    die Kontinuität der höhergradigen Goldgehalte in räumlich abgetrennten
    Gebieten testen, die durch das Blockmodell definiert worden waren.

    Es besteht exzellentes Potential für die Erweiterung der Goldressourcen von
    Beaver Dam. Die Hauptzone ist offen zur Tiefe und nach Westen, jedoch nach
    Osten durch eine Verwerfungsstruktur abgeschert. Die North Zone, die in
    alle Richtungen offen ist, wird gegenwärtig als eine verworfene Erweiterung
    der Hauptzone interpretiert. Die Mineralisierung der North Zone wird durch
    eine 2,5 km lange magnetische Anomalie charakterisiert. Die Mill Shaft Zone
    ist in alle Richtungen offen.

    Die Goldmineralisierung der Hauptzone wurde in zwei Unterzonen unterteilt -
    eine höhergradige Zone, die als 'Main Zone Central' bezeichnet wird und
    eine niedriggradigere Zone, die als 'Main Zone Envelope' bezeichnet wird.
    Eine aufgeschlüsselte Zusammenfassung der Goldressourcen dieser beiden
    verschiedenen Zone und der Satellitenzonen (North und Mill Shaft) findet
    sich in der nachfolgenden Tabelle 3 und eine unverschnittene Version in
    Tabelle 4.

    Tabelle 3 - Ressourcenschätzung der Hauptzone 0,30 g/t Mindestgehalt,

    Klasse Tonnen* Gold g/t Unzen*
    Main Zone Central IF 6.870.000 1,74 384.000
    Main Zone Envelope IF 2.290.000 1,00 74.000
    North Zone IF 430.000 1,01 14.000
    Mill Shaft Zone IF 800.000 1,24 32.000
    Abgeleitet gesamt IF 10.400.000 1,51 504.000
    Main Zone Central M + ID 9.080.000 1,53 446.000
    Gemessen u. angezeigt gesamt M + ID 9.080.000 1,53 446.000

    * gerundet

    Tabelle 4 - Ressourcenschätzung der Hauptzone 0,30 g/t Mindestgehalt,

    Klasse Tonnen* Gold g/t Unzen*
    Main Zone Central IF 6.810.000 2,51 550.000
    Main Zone Envelope IF 2.310.000 1,31 97.000
    North Zone IF 430.000 1,34 19.000
    Mill Shaft Zone IF 820.000 2,06 54.000
    Abgeleitet gesamt IF 10.370.000 2,16 720.000
    Main Zone Central M + ID 9.090.000 2,01 589.000
    Gemessen u. angezeigt gesamt M + ID 9.090.000 2,01 589.000

    * gerundet

    Zusätzliche Ressourcenzusammenfassungen mit Mindestgehalten von 0,5 g/t
    Gold und 1,0 g/t Gold finden sich in den Tabellen 5 und 7 unten.

    Meinung des Managements

    Will Felderhof, Präsident und CEO, sagte hierzu: 'Wir sind sehr erfreut
    über das Wachstum der Goldressourcen, besonders in der angezeigten
    Kategorie, was unseren Optimismus in das Entwicklungspotential von Beaver
    Dam weiter gesteigert hat. Eine Abgrenzungsstudie wird der nächste Schritt
    in dem Prozeß sein, der zusammen mit den Ergebnissen eines derzeit
    laufenden metallurgischen Programms den Beginn einer
    Durchführbarkeitsstudie im 4. Quartal 2007 unterstützen sollte. Die
    Abgrenzungsstudie wird auch Acadians drei fortgeschrittene
    Untergrund-Projekte Forest Hill, Tangier und Goldenville mit einschließen,
    da diese zu unserem zentralen Verarbeitungs- und Service-Konzept gehören.'

    Parameter der Ressourcenschätzung

    Die aktualisierte Ressourcenschätzung basiert auf den gewichteten
    durchschnittlichen Goldgehalten aus den unterirdischen Probenentnahmen und
    den Diamantbohrabschnitten von 238 Bohrungen, die von früheren Betreibern
    seit 1977 gebohrt wunden und von weiteren 133 Bohrungen, die durch Acadian
    Mining zwischen 2005 und 2006 niedergebracht wurden. Die meisten Bohrungen
    haben 20 m Abstände entlang von Sektionslinien, die 25 m auseinander
    liegen. Zwei frühere Ressourcenschätzungen, die in den Pressemeldungen Nr.
    28-04 vom 16. Dezember 2004 und in Pressemeldung 01-06 vom 5. Januar 2006
    bekanntgegeben wurden, sind ebenfalls auf dem Projekt komplettiert worden.

    Ressourcenblock-Volumina wurden unter Anwendung der ID3-Modellierung
    (inversen Distanz hoch 3 ) für Bohrabschnitte in Gemcom Surpac (Version
    6.0) kalkuliert. Diese Analyse der Bohrungen innerhalb der Hauptzone führte
    zur Identifizierung von zwei räumlichen Bereichen, wo die Dichte der
    Bohrungen und der unterirdischen Probenentnahmen ausreichend war, um die
    Kontinuität der höhergradigen Goldgehalte zu demonstrieren. In den Gebieten
    zwischen 775E bis 950E und 1050E bis 1175E unterstützt die statistische
    Analyse der Goldgehalte einen höchsten Mindestgehalt von 25 g/t. In den
    zwischen 650E bis 775E, 950E und 1175E bis 1350E definierten Gebieten und
    alle Arealen außerhalb dieser Bereiche wurde der höchste Mindestgehalt von
    14 g/t eingeführt.

    Gemessene Mineralressourcen wurden in den Gebieten definiert, in denen Ende
    der 1980er Jahre umfangreiche unterirdische Gänge angelegt worden waren. In
    diesen Arealen wurde die unterirdische Entwicklung an zahlreichen
    Quarzadern abgeschlossen und auch fortlaufende unterirdische Proben waren
    verfügbar. Angezeigte Mineralressourcen wurden nur in den Gebieten
    definiert, wo die Bohrungen durch Acadian Mining eine ausreichende Dichte
    hatten, um die Kontinuität der Goldmineralisierung zu demonstrieren.
    Abgeleitete Mineralressourcen wurden in allen anderen Gebieten definiert,
    wo Goldmineralisierung durch Diamantbohrungen definiert wurde.

    Die Ressourcenschätzung wurde unter Anwendung von 2 m langen lotrechten
    Probengemischen vorbereitet, wobei die Goldgehalte bei maximal 14 g/t und
    25 g/t nach Mischung lagen. Die Blöcke messen 6 m x 12,5 m x 12,5 m mit
    einer Einheit Teilblock mit 3 m x 6,25 m x 6,25 m. Das Block-Drahtmodell
    wurde um die interpretierten mineralisierten Zonen bis in eine Tiefe von
    ca. 625 m unter der Oberfläche entwickelt. Ein spezifisches Gewicht von
    2,73 g/cm³ wurde dem Draht zugewiesen für große Schichteneinheiten und
    dieses spezifische Gewicht ist das gleiche, das bei anderen
    Ressourcenschätzung auf dem Projekt angewandt wurde. Die unterirdischen
    Gänge wurden verdrahtet und die verbundenen Volumina von der
    Ressourcenschätzung entfernt.

    Weitere Ressourcentabellen

    Tabelle 5a: Ressourcenschätzung der Hauptzone 0,50 g/t Mindestgehalt,

    Klasse Tonnen* Gold g/t Unzen*
    Main Zone Envelope IF 1.340.000 1,43 62.000
    Main Zone Central IF 6.090.000 1,91 374.000
    Abgeleitet gesamt IF 7.430.000 1,83 436.000
    Main Zone M + ID 8.620.000 1,59 440.000

    * gerundet

    Tabelle 5b: Ressourcenschätzung der Hauptzone 0,50 g/t Mindestgehalt,

    Klasse Tonnen* Gold g/t Unzen*
    Main Zone Envelope IF 1.380.000 1,93 86.000
    Main Zone Central IF 6.070.000 2,77 541.000
    Abgeleitet gesamt 7.450.000 2,62 627.000
    Main Zone M + ID 8.650.000 2,09 582.000

    * gerundet

    Tabelle 5c: Abgeleitete Ressourcenschätzung Satellitenzonen 0,50 g/t
    Mindestgehalt, verschnitten

    Zone Klasse Tonnen* Gold g/t Unzen*
    Mill Shaft Zone IF 580.000 1,58 29.000
    North Zone IF 290.000 1,32 12.000
    Gesamt 870.000 1,47 41.000

    * gerundet

    Tabelle 5d: Abgeleitete Ressourcenschätzung Satellitenzonen 0,50 g/t
    Mindestgehalt, unverschnitten

    Zone Klasse Tonnen* Gold g/t Unzen*
    Mill Shaft Zone IF 600.000 2,67 52.000
    North Zone IF 300.000 1,79 17.000
    Gesamt 900.000 2,38 69.000

    Tabelle 6a: Ressourcenschätzung der Hauptzone 0,70 g/t Mindestgehalt,

    Klasse Tonnen* Gold g/t Unzen*
    Main Zone Envelope IF 970.000 1,76 55.000
    Main Zone Central IF 5.090.000 2,17 355.000
    Abgeleitet gesamt 6.060.000 2,10 410.000
    Main Zone M + ID 7.530.000 1,73 418.000

    * gerundet

    Tabelle 6b: Ressourcenschätzung der Hauptzone 0,70 g/t Mindestgehalt,

    Klasse Tonnen* Gold g/t Unzen*
    Main Zone Envelope IF 990.000 2,46 78.000
    Main Zone Central IF 5.140.000 3,16 522.000
    Abgeleitet gesamt 6.130.000 3,04 600.000
    Main Zone M + ID 7.640.000 2,29 562.000

    * gerundet

    Tabelle 6c: Abgeleitete Ressourcenschätzung Satellitenzonen 0,70 g/t
    Mindestgehalt, verschnitten

    Zone Klasse Tonnen* Gold g/t Unzen*
    Mill Shaft Zone IF 430.000 1,91 26.000
    North Zone IF 220.000 1,55 11.000
    Gesamt 650.000 1,77 37.000

    * gerundet

    Tabelle 6d: Abgeleitete Ressourcenschätzung Satellitenzonen 0,70 g/t
    Mindestgehalt, unverschnitten

    Zone Klasse Tonnen* Gold g/t Unzen*
    Mill Shaft Zone IF 450.000 3,44 50.000
    North Zone IF 230.000 2,11 16.000
    Gesamt 680.000 3,02 66.000

    * gerundet

    Tabelle 7a: Ressourcenschätzung der Hauptzone 1,00 g/t Mindestgehalt,

    Klasse Tonnen* Gold g/t Unzen*
    Main Zone Envelope IF 670.000 2,18 47.000
    Main Zone Central IF 4.010.000 2,53 326.000
    Abgeleitet gesamt 4.680.000 2,48 373.000
    Main Zone M + ID 5.700.000 2,01 369.000

    * gerundet

    Tabelle 7b: Ressourcenschätzung der Hauptzone 1,00 g/t Mindestgehalt,

    Klasse Tonnen* Gold g/t Unzen*
    Main Zone Envelope IF 680.000 3,21 70.000
    Main Zone Central IF 4.100.000 3,74 493.000
    Abgeleitet gesamt 4.780.000 3,66 563.000
    Main Zone M + ID 5.920.000 2,70 515.000

    * gerundet

    Tabelle 7c: Abgeleitete Ressourcenschätzung Satellitenzonen 1,00 g/t
    Mindestgehalt, verschnitten

    Zone Klasse Tonnen* Gold g/t Unzen*
    Mill Shaft Zone IF 290.000 2,43 23.000
    North Zone IF 160.000 1,80 9.000
    Gesamt 450.000 2,21 32.000

    * gerundet

    Tabelle 7d: Abgeleitete Ressourcenschätzung Satellitenzonen 1,00 g/t
    Mindestgehalt, unverschnitten

    Zone Klasse Tonnen* Gold g/t Unzen*
    Mill Shaft Zone IF 320.000 4,35 45.000
    North Zone IF 170.000 2,52 14.000
    Gesamt 490.000 3,75 59.000

    * gerundet


    Alle Bohrungen, Kern-Protokollierungen und Auswertungen werden von Peter C.
    Webster, P.Geo, überwacht und die entsprechenden Informationen von den
    Geologen in ein Computersystem eingegeben. Bohrkerne werden in einer
    gesicherten Anlage gelagert und ausgewertet. Ein Meter lange Kernintervalle
    werden durch die Geologen über die ganze Kernlänge angefertigt und die
    Auswertungen aufgezeichnet. Die Kerne werden mittels einer Diamant-Säge
    zersägt und eine Hälfte des Kerns ausgewertet. Die Proben werden in Taschen
    verpackt und markiert mit vorbereiteten Probemarken, verschlossen mit einem
    Metallband und gesichert in versiegelten Kübeln für den Transport durch
    Kurier an ALS Chemex in Val d´Or, Quebec. Weitere Infos über das
    Auswertungsverfahren entnehmen Sie der Originalmeldung.

    Über das Unternehmen

    Das Unternehmen ist ein in Halifax, Nova Scotia, beheimatetes
    Ressourcenunternehmen, das eine Zink-Blei-Mine, die Scotia Mine am Gays
    Fluß in Nova Scotia, in Betrieb genommen hat. Zusätzlich zum Betrieb der
    Scotia Mine konzentriert sich das Unternehmen auf die Exploration und
    Entwicklung von Gold-, Zink- und Baritprojekten im atlantischen Kanada.

    Die Scotia Mine wird anfangs als Tagebau betrieben und soll ca. 30.000 t
    hochgradiges Zinkkonzentrat und 10.000 t hochgradiges Bleikonzentrat pro
    Jahr liefern. Vergleichen Sie Pressemeldung Nr. 16-06 vom 17. Juli 2006 für
    weitere Details.

    Das Unternehmen ist auch fokussiert auf die Entwicklung von vier
    fortgeschrittenen Goldprojekten, Beaver Dam, Tangier, Forest Hill und
    Goldenville, die den Kernbesitz des Scotia Goldfields Projekts darstellen.
    Jedes der 4 fortgeschrittenen Projekte beherbergt Goldressourcen, die in
    technischen Berichten gemäß NI 43-101 dargestellt und auf
    veröffentlicht sind. Eine Zusammenfassung der Goldressourcen findet sich in
    Pressemeldung Nr. 01-06 vom 5. Januar 2006 unter der Überschrift 'Über
    Acadian Gold'. Das Unternehmen benutzt eine neue Herangehensweise für die
    Entwicklung der Goldlagerstätten in Nova Scotia mittels einer Strategie aus
    zentraler Verarbeitung, Verwaltung und Servicebereitstellung.

    Das Unternehmen hält einen Anteil von 44,44% an der Royal Roads Corp.
    ('Royal Roads', TSXV: RRO). Der Hauptvermögensgegenstand von Royal Roads
    ist ein 16.075 ha (ca. 32 x 5 km) großes Mineralgelände, das als Tulks
    North Projekt bekannt ist und strategisch günstig im Basismetall-Camp von
    Buchans in Neufundland, Kanada, liegt. Außerdem hält Royal Roads 34,05%
    der Anteile der Buchans River Ltd. ('Buchans River', TSX: BUV), die auch
    ein sehr aussichtsreiche Projektportfolio im Buchans Camp besitzt. Acadian
    Golds indirekter Anteil an Buchans River beträgt 15,13%.

    Royal Roads´ Tulks North Projekt beherbergt die Daniel´s Pond Lagerstätte,
    die von BP Resources Canada Ltd. im Jahre 1989 entdeckt wurde. Royal Roads
    vermeldete (vgl. Pressemeldung vom 7. November 2006) eine abgeleitete
    Ressource (Zink cut-off 2%) von 1,69 Mio. t mit 0,57% Kupfer, 4,40% Blei,
    8,37% Zink, 196,9 g/t Silber und 0,68 g/t Gold über eine durchschnittliche
    Breite von 4,2 m.


    Peter C. Webster, P. Geo., ist für die Organisation und die Überwachung der
    Explorationsprogramme des Unternehmens verantwortlich sowie auch für die in
    dieser Pressemitteilung veröffentlichten Fachinformationen als solche. Herr
    Webster ist ein dritter, vollkommen unabhängiger Geologe, Präsident der
    Mercator Geological Services Limited und eine nach dem National Instrument
    43-101 zertifizierte Person.

    Weitere Informationen über Acadian Golds Projekte und Aktivitäten finden
    Sie auf unserer Webseite Wenn Sie auf die E-Mail- oder
    Fax-Liste des Unternehmens möchten, dann kontaktieren Sie uns bitte unter
    (902) 444-7779 oder Fax (902) 444-3296 oder mailen Sie an

    Für den Inhalt der Pressemeldung ist allein die Gesellschaft
    verantwortlich. Sie wurde weder von der TSX-Venture Exchange, noch von
    einem Dritten geprüft. Die deutschsprachige Fassung kann gekürzt oder
    zusammengefasst sein. Es wird keine Verantwortung oder Haftung: für den
    Inhalt, für die Richtigkeit, der Angemessenheit oder der Genauigkeit dieser
    Übersetzung übernommen. Aus Sicht des Übersetzers stellt die Meldung keine
    Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung dar! Bitte beachten sie die englische
    Originalmeldung auf bzw. oder auf der

    Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie bei:

    G. William Felderhof, Präsident & CEO
    oder Terry F. Coughlan, Vizepräsident
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Tel.: (902) 444 - 7779, Free: 1-877-444-7774
    Fax: (902) 444 - 3296
    DGAP 17.07.2007

  • Hier ist ein Auszug aus einer Befragung des CEO:

    MR. FELDERHOF: Oh, I had looked at one grade here that came up. It said 2.4 grams and I said, well, one gram today is worth $20 Canadian, so that means that one ton of rock with that grade is worth $48.

    MS. RAYMOND: Okay. You weren't saying that that's economically viable?

    MR. FELDERHOF: Well, I think it will be.

    MS. RAYMOND: Really?

    MR. FELDERHOF: Yes, 2.4 grams per ton, I think, is very viable in Nova Scotia, provided it all hangs together and we get good continuity in our drilling. For instance, the Moose River project, which is being developed at Atlantic Gold, I believe their grade is even less than that at two grams and I think they believe that to be viable, their feasibility right now.

  • Hab noch mal recherchiert.

    Sicher sind die Grades nicht so hoch, aber allemal lohnt sich der Abbau, vor allem beim derzeitigen Goldpreisniveau.

    Also sollte sich nicht nur Scozinc lohnen, sondern vor allem auch Acadian Gold. Das wird schon mit der Mine. Und dann die central milling strategie und die Möglichkeit, aus dem Cashflow von Scozinc Lagerstätten zu erwerben, stimmt mich insgesamt sehr bullisch für diesen Wert.

    Gruß Fünf


    Halifax, NS September 17, 2007

    FSC / Press Release



    Halifax, Nova Scotia CANADA, September 17, 2007 /FSC/ - Acadian Mining Corporation (TSX - VX: ADA), ("Acadian Mining") announced today that it has filed a final report on the updated and revised resource estimation for its 100% owned Beaver Dam project in Nova Scotia. The following measured, indicated and inferred resource figures prepared by Mercator Geological Services Limited under the supervision of Peter Webster, P. Geo., independent consultants to Acadian Mining, and prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Definitions and Guidelines. The independent consultant's resource estimate is based on a final National Instrument 43-101 report dated September 14, 2007 and having an effective date of July 16, 2007.

    The updated resource estimate is based on a 0.30g/t gold cut-off and the Company is pleased to report a measured and indicated resource of 446,000 ounces of gold (9,080,000 tonnes grading 1.53 g/t gold) plus an inferred resource of 504,000 ounces of gold (10,400,000 tonnes grading 1.51 g/t gold cut). (Table 1) Of this total resource, 46,000 ounces of gold (1,230,000 tonnes grading 1.16g/t gold) are hosted in satellite deposits referred to as the North Zone and Mill Shaft Zone which are located 600 metres north and 900 metres west respectively of the Main Zone.

    The uncut resources, also based on a 0.30 g/t cut-off grade total 589,000 ounces of gold in the measured and indicated category (9,090,000 tonnes grading 2.01g/t gold), and 720,000 ounces of gold in the inferred category (10,370,000 tonnes grading 2.16 g/t gold). (Table 2)

    These updated gold resource estimates represent an increase of 109% in the previously reported measured and indicated resources (cut) and 107% increase in the inferred resources (cut).


    Table 1: Total Cut Resources 0.3 g/t cut-off
    Threshold Class Tonnes Gold g/t Ounces*
    0.3g/t M + ID 9,080,000 1.53 446,000
    0.3g/t IF 10,400,000 1.51 504,000
    * Rounded
    IF - inferred, ID - indicated, M-Measured

    Table 2: Total Uncut Resources 0.3 g/t cut-off
    Threshold Class Tonnes Gold g/t Ounces*
    0.3g/t M + ID 9,090,000 2.01 589,000
    0.3g/t IF 10,370,000 2.16 720,000
    * Rounded


    The resource estimation does not include 6 drill holes completed in May 2007, for which assays are pending. These 6 holes targeted gold mineralization below 200 metres from surface testing the continuity of higher gold values in spatial domains defined by block modeling.

    Excellent potential exists to expand the gold resources at Beaver Dam. The Main zone is open at depth and to the west however it is truncated to the east by a fault structure. The North Zone, which is open in all directions, is presently interpreted to be the faulted extension of the Main Zone. The North Zone is characterized by coincident 2.5 km long magnetic anomaly. The Mill Shaft Zone is open in all directions.

    Additional information pertaining to the gold resources at Beaver Dam was provided in News Release No. 23-07, July 16, 2007.

    Scoping Study
    The Company has engaged Minetech International Limited, consultant engineers, based in Halifax, Nova Scotia to complete a scoping study on the Beaver Dam deposit to provide the background information necessary to make a decision to proceed with a pre-feasibility study. This study is expected to be completed on or about October 29, 2007.

    Management's Opinion
    "We are pleased that the Beaver Dam property is now sufficiently advanced to be at the scoping study stage in this strong gold market. A development decision on Beaver Dam would be another big step forward for Acadian Mining."

    Resource Estimation Parameters
    The updated resource estimation is based on weight averaged composite gold values from underground sampling and diamond drill intercepts from 238 drill holes completed by previous operators in the period since 1977, and 133 additional drill holes completed by Acadian Mining between 2005 and 2006. Drill holes for the most part are spaced at 20 metre intervals along section lines 25 metres apart. Two previous resource estimates announced in Press Release No. 28-04 on December 16, 2004 and Press Release 01-06 January 5, 2006 were also completed on the property.

    Resource block volumes were calculated using Inverse Distance Cubed (ID3) block modeling applied to drill hole intercepts in Gemcom Surpac (Ver.6.0). This analysis of drilling within the Main Zone resulted in the identification of two spatial domains where density of drilling and underground sampling was sufficient to demonstrate the continuity of higher gold values. In the areas between 775E to 950E and 1050E to 1175E statistical analysis of gold grades support a high cutoff cap grade of 25g/t. In the areas defined between 650E to 775E, 950E to 1050E and 1175E to 1350E and all areas outside of these domains a high cutoff cap grade of 14 g/t was established.

    Measured Mineral Resources were defined only in areas where substantial amounts of underground development had been completed in the late 1980s. In these locations underground development was completed on various quartz veins and results of continuous underground chip sampling were available. Indicated Mineral Resources were defined only in areas where drilling by Acadian Mining had provided sufficient density to demonstrate continuity of gold mineralization. Inferred Mineral Resources were defined in all other areas where gold mineralization was defined by diamond drilling.

    The resource estimate was prepared using 2 meter down-hole assay composites with contributing gold assay results capped at 14g/t and 25 g/t values after compositing. Blocks measured 6 meters x 12.5 meters x 12.5 meters with one unit of sub-blocking at 3 meters x 6.25 meters x 6.25 meters. The block model wireframe was developed around the interpreted mineralized zone to a maximum depth of approximately 625 meters below surface. Specific gravity of 2.73 g/cm3 was assigned to the wireframed for major lithologic units and is the same as that used by other resource estimates on the property. Underground workings were wireframed and the associated volumes removed from the resources estimate.

    Sample Protocol
    All drilling, core logging and sampling is supervised by Peter C. Webster, P. Geo. and pertinent information is recorded by staff geologists into a computerized system. Drill core is stored and sampled in a secure locked facility. One metre core sample intervals are established over the entire hole length by staff geologists and sample intervals are recorded. Core is cut by a diamond tipped saw and one half of the core is sampled. Samples are bagged and labeled with pre-numbered sample tags, sealed with a metal tie and secured in sealed buckets for shipment by courier to ALS Chemex in Val d'Or, Quebec. Once received by the lab, samples are logged in a sample tracking system and received weights are recorded. The entire sample is coarse crushed and pulverized to approximately 85% passing 75 micron (200 Mesh) to generate the plus and minus fractions for the 150 Mesh screen analysis. The final prepared pulp is passed through a 105 micron (Tyler 150 Mesh) stainless steel screen to separate the oversize fractions. Any +105 micron material remaining on the screen is retained and analyzed in its entirety by fire assay with gravimetric finish and reported as the Au (+) fraction result. The -105 micron fraction is homogenized and two sub-samples are analyzed by fire assay with AAS finish. The average of the two AAS results is taken and reported as the Au (-) fraction result. The Au (+) and Au (-) are weight averaged to produce a total gold value for the sample. Blind standards and blanks are inserted at standard intervals by Acadian Gold and ALS Chemex as check samples.

    About the Corporation
    The Corporation is a Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada based resource company which has recent brought a zinc-lead mine, Scotia Mine, located at Gays River, Nova Scotia into operation. In addition to bringing the new mine on stream, the Corporation is focused on exploring and developing gold, zinc and barite properties in Atlantic Canada.

    The Scotia Mine will operate initially as an open pit mine and is expected to produce 30,000 tonnes of high grade zinc concentrate and 10,000 tonnes of high grade lead concentrate per year. Please see News Release No. 16-06, July 17, 2006 for further details.

    The Corporation is also focused on developing four advanced gold properties, Beaver Dam, Tangier, Forest Hill and Goldenville, which form the core holdings of the Scotia Goldfields project. All of the four advanced properties host gold resources described in technical reports prepared in compliance with National Instrument 43-101 and are available on A summary of gold resources is provided in News Release No. 01-06, January 5, 2006, under the paragraph titled "About Acadian Gold". The Corporation is bringing a new approach to the development of Nova Scotia gold deposits by pursuing a multiple mine central processing, managing and servicing strategy.

    The Corporation holds a 44.44% equity interest in Royal Roads Corp. ("Royal Roads") (RRO-TSX-V). Royal Roads' principal asset is a 16,075 hectare (approximately 32 km x 5 km) mineral property known as the Tulks North property which is strategically located in the centre of the world-class Buchans base metal camp in central Newfoundland, Canada. In addition, Royal Roads holds a 34.05% equity interest in Buchans River Ltd. ("Buchans River") (BUV-TSX-V), which company also holds a highly prospective property portfolio in the Buchans camp. Acadian's indirect interest in Buchans River is 15.13%.

    Royal Roads' Tulks North property is host to the Daniels Pond deposit which was discovered by BP Resources Canada Ltd. in 1989. Royal Roads reported (see Press Release issued November 7, 2006) an inferred resource (Zn cutoff = 2%, S.G. 4.0) of 1.69 million tonnes grading 0.57% copper, 4.40% lead, 8.37% zinc, 196.9 g/t silver and 0.68 g/t gold over an average width of 4.2 metres.

    Peter C. Webster, P. Geo. is responsible for the management and supervision of the Company's exploration program and is responsible for the preparation of the technical information reported in this news release. Mr. Webster is an independent third party geologist, President of Mercator Geological Services Limited and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

    Forward Looking Statement
    Certain information regarding the Corporation contained herein may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements may include estimates, plans, expectations, opinions, forecasts, projections, guidance or other statements that are not statements of fact. Although the Corporation believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to have been correct. The Corporation cautions that actual performance will be affected by a number of factors, many of which are beyond the Corporation's control, and that future events and results may vary substantially from what the Corporation currently foresees. Discussion of the various factors that may affect future results is contained in the Corporation's 2006 Annual Report which is available at The Corporation's forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement.

    For additional information on the Corporation's properties and activities, please visit our web site at If you wish to be added to the Corporation's e-mail or fax distribution list for future news releases and updates, please contact us at phone: 902 444-7779, fax: 902 444-3296, email:

    G. William Felderhof, President & CEO
    or Terry F. Coughlan, Vice President
    (902) 444-7779 Toll Free: 877-444-7774
    Halifax, Nova Scotia

    The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

    News Release No. 24-07
    Shares Outstanding: 137,278,914

    Suite 2001, Purdy's Wharf Tower II,
    1969 Upper Water Street,
    Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3R7

    News By Filing Services Canada, Distributed By The Richmond Club
    Maximum News Dissemination by Filing Services Canada Inc.
    Ph: (403) 717-3898 Fx: (403) 717-3896

  • Stimmungsbericht von der Scotia Mine:

    HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA | Monday September 24, 2007
    By ROGER TAYLOR Business Columnist | 6:59 AM

    WILL FELDERHOF had been banking on the price of lead and zinc growing in value as he investigated the feasibility of developing an open pit mine in Gays River to recover the ores, but he hadn’t expected just how valuable the metals would become.

    On Thursday, Felderhof, president and CEO of Acadian Mining Corp. of Halifax, formerly called Acadian Gold Corp., presided over the official opening of the Scotia Mine in Gays River.

    Felderhof’s company has spent $4.5 million to refurbish the mine, which was vacated back in the late 1990s by Savage Resources Ltd. after it spent $18 million to upgrade the facility. When Savage’s Australian parent, Pasminco Ltd., went into receivership, he says, Savage was forced to let the Gays River operation go before it could be put into full production.

    If Acadian were to start from scratch to build the same mine today, Felderhof estimates, it would cost $75 million to $100 million.

    He tells me in a phone conversation that he thought the mine would be profitable at 40 cents for zinc and 70 cents for lead when he was doing his feasibility study last year and, although he thought the shortage of supply for zinc and lead would mean the price would go even higher, he was pleasantly surprised by the current price for the minerals. The price of zinc is currently at $1.30 a pound, while the world price for lead is $1.50 a pound.

    "Both those metals have performed very well and we are anticipating they’ll go higher," he says, adding that the exchange rate on the loonie has gone against metal producers, but that has been mitigated by the dramatic climb in value of the metals.

    Acadian, through its subsidiary, ScoZinc Ltd. (the entity that operates the mine) signed memoranda of understanding with MRI Trading AG and Trafigura AG, Zug, Switzerland, earlier this year for the sale of the zinc and lead concentrate from the Scotia Mine. He says the company is delivering the product from the mine to the purchasers based on the terms outlined in the memoranda but that the formalization of the contracts is imminent.

    The lead concentrates are currently being loaded into containers at the mine, he says, and are trucked to Ceres terminal at Fairview Cove, where they are loaded onto a ship, which takes the containers to Rotterdam. The containers are eventually taken up the Rhine River to a smelter in Germany.

    "We expect the zinc will go to Clarksville, Tenn. . . . It will go down the eastern seaboard by boat and then up the Mississippi (River) by barge," he says. "That will be loaded at Sheet Harbour. We have a warehouse facility at Sheet Harbour where we will truck our concentrates to. So we warehouse them until we get a quantity in the order of 5,000 tonnes and we then call a boat in. The first boatload of zinc will be going out probably in October sometime."

    Felderhof says the mine is meeting expectations on a tonnage through-put basis but not at full capacity for production of the two metals. The metal production should improve once the mining operation works through some low-grade ore and reaches the higher-grade material deeper down into the mine.

    "We should be at the expected run at mine grade probably the first or second week of October," he says.

    Currently there 105 people working at the mine, says Felderhof. He points out that the mine puts $500,000 a month in wages into the local economy and spends about $15 million a year purchasing supplies and services.

    "And most of these people who work here live within a 30-kilometre radius of the mine. So it’s a real boost to the local community here and we have the support of the local community as well."

    The plan is to keep the Gays River operation open-pit for the next five to seven years, producing about 30,000 tonnes of zinc concentrate and 10,000 tonnes of lead concentrate per year. After that period is over the company will consider the development of underground mining methods.

    Acadian Mining is involved in exploring for various metals in the Atlantic region, but of additional interest to Nova Scotians is the company’s focus on developing four gold properties — Beaver Dam, Tangier, Forest Hill and Goldenville — that form the core holdings of Acadian’s so-called Scotia Goldfields project.

    Roger Taylor’s column appears Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.


    VG heron

  • :D :D :D

    Halifax, NS October 17, 2007

    FSC / Press Release



    Halifax, Nova Scotia CANADA, October 17, 2007 /FSC/ - Acadian Mining Corporation (TSX - VX: ADA, FWB: C2Z), ("Acadian" or ?Corporation?) announced today that it has received conditional approval for the listing of its common shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange (?TSX?). Acadian?s common shares should commence trading on the TSX in early November, 2007 and will continue to trade under the symbol ?ADA?. A further announcement will be made when the Corporation is advised of the commencement date for trading on the TSX.

    About the Corporation

    Acadian Mining Corporation is a Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada based mining company which operates a zinc-lead mine (Scotia Mine) at Gays River, Nova Scotia. The Corporation is focused on exploring and developing gold, zinc-lead, and barite properties in Atlantic Canada.

    The Scotia Mine will operate initially as an open pit mine and is expected to produce 30,000 tonnes of high grade zinc concentrate and 10,000 tonnes of high grade lead concentrate per year. Please see News Release No. 16-06, July 17, 2006 for further details.

    The Corporation is also developing four advanced gold properties, Beaver Dam, Tangier, Forest Hill and Goldenville, which form the core holdings of the Scotia Goldfields project. All of the four advanced properties host gold resources described in technical reports prepared in compliance with National Instrument 43-101 and are available on A summary of gold resources is provided in News Release No. 01-06, January 5, 2006, under the paragraph titled "About Acadian Gold." A summary of gold resources for Beaver Dam is provided in News Release No. 23-07, July 16, 2007. The Corporation is bringing a new approach to the development of Nova Scotia gold deposits by pursuing a multiple mine, central processing, managing and servicing strategy.

    The Corporation holds a 44.42% equity interest in Royal Roads Corp. (?Royal Roads?) (RRO-TSX-V). Royal Roads? principal asset is a 16,075 hectare (approximately 32 km x 5 km) mineral property known as the Tulks North property which is strategically located in the centre of the world-class Buchans base metal camp in central Newfoundland, Canada. In addition, Royal Roads holds a 34.05% equity interest in Buchans River Ltd. (?Buchans River?) (BUV?TSX-V), which also holds a highly prospective property portfolio in the Buchans camp. Acadian Mining?s indirect interest in Buchans River is 15.13%.

    Royal Roads' Tulks North property is host to the Daniels Pond deposit which was discovered by BP Resources Canada Ltd. in 1989. Royal Roads reported (see News Release issued November 7, 2006) an inferred resource (Zn cutoff = 2%, S.G. 4.0) of 1.69 million tonnes grading 0.57% copper, 4.40% lead, 8.37% zinc, 196.9 g/t silver and 0.68 g/t gold over an average width of 4.2 metres.

    Forward-Looking Statement

    Certain information regarding the Corporation contained herein may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements may include estimates, plans, expectations, opinions, forecasts, projections, guidance or other statements that are not statements of fact. Although the Corporation believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to have been correct. The Corporation cautions that actual performance will be affected by a number of factors, many of which are beyond the Corporation?s control, and that future events and results may vary substantially from what the Corporation currently foresees. Discussion of the various factors that may affect future results is contained in the Corporation?s 2006 Annual Report which is available at The Corporation?s forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement.

    For additional information on the Corporation?s properties and activities, please visit our web site at If you wish to be added to the Corporation?s e-mail or fax distribution list for future news releases and updates, please contact Acadian at phone: (902) 444-7779, fax: (902) 444-3296, email:

    News Release No. 26-07

    Shares Outstanding: 138,473,239


    G. William Felderhof
    President & CEO


    Terry F. Coughlan
    Vice President
    (902) 444-7779
    Toll Free: 877-444-7774
    Halifax, Nova Scotia

    The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

    News By Filing Services Canada, Distributed By The Richmond Club
    Maximum News Dissemination by Filing Services Canada Inc.
    Ph: (403) 717-3898 Fx: (403) 717-3896

  • :D :D :D

    Die ist aber schon etwas älter: :P

    Halifax, NS October 12, 2007

    FSC / Press Release



    Halifax, Nova Scotia CANADA, October 12, 2007 /FSC/ - Acadian Mining Corporation (TSX - VX: ADA), ("Acadian" or "Corporation") announced today that its wholly owned subsidiary, ScoZinc Limited, has signed Agreements with two buyers, MRI Trading AG ("MRI") and Trafigura AG ("Trafigura"), for the sale of 100% of the zinc and lead concentrate production from Acadian's Scotia Mine in Nova Scotia. Both MRI and Trafigura are headquartered in Zug, Switzerland. The Agreements specify the commercial terms for the sale of Scotia Mine production from start-up to December 31, 2008, as contemplated by the Memoranda of Understanding announced on June 27, 2007 in News Release No. 21- 07. The contracts also include an opportunity to continue the arrangements for a further two years, to December 31, 2010, should the parties agree in late 2008 to principal terms governing production for this period.

    No production has been sold forward at this time and, as a result, an investment in Acadian provides full leverage to zinc and lead prices. However, the Corporation will assess the possible merits of selling forward a portion of the production from time to time as market conditions warrant.

    Stanley Neamonitis, special marketing consultant to Acadian Mining based out of New York, has stated, "The commercial terms in the Agreements for the sale of production from Scotia Mine are very favourable to Acadian Mining."

    Will Felderhof, President and CEO stated, "We are pleased to have reached agreement on the sales terms of the Scotia Mine zinc and lead production with Trafigura and MRI. This is an opportune time to bring a zinc-lead mine into production given the current high prices for these metals. Our anticipated cash flow from Scotia Mine should result in strong growth of the Corporation going forward."

    Scotia Mine produces a high grade (60%) zinc concentrate low in iron (less than 1%) and other contaminants and a high grade (75%) lead concentrate. Commissioning of the mine commenced on May 7, 2007 and is currently operating at a mill throughput rate of 2,000 tonnes per day processing mid-grade ore. The mine shipped 800 tonnes of lead concentrates in September, 2007 and the Corporation anticipates shipping a further 1,000 tonnes in early November, 2007. A shipment of 5,000 tonnes of zinc concentrate is also scheduled for early November, 2007. Current zinc concentrates stockpiled at the Scotia Mine and the Corporation's warehouse facility in Sheet Harbour total 4,430 tonnes.

    Pending News - Zinc-Lead Projects

    Final Assay results from a 25 hole reverse circulation drilling program on the Carrols Corner Prospect located approximately 3 km west of the Scotia Mine mill are expected shortly.

    Initial diamond drill results from a drilling program underway on the Getty Deposit located approximately 700 metres west of the Scotia Mine main deposit are expected shortly. A total of 45 drill holes of a 100 hole program have been completed. A second diamond drill was brought on site early in the week which will speed up the drill program.

    An inferred resource estimate compliant with National Instrument 43-101 is expected to be completed on the Getty Deposit before the end of October, 2007.

    Pending News - Gold Projects

    Diamond drill results from a six hole program designed to test the continuity of higher grade gold mineralized trends below 200 metres at the Beaver Dam property are expected shortly. Results of a first phase scoping study on the open pit potential of Beaver Dam is expected in late November, 2007. A metallurgical test program on Beaver Dam gold mineralized material is expected to be completed by the year end.

    About the Corporation

    The Corporation is a Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada based resource company which has recently brought the Scotia Mine into operation, a zinc-lead mine located at Gays River, Nova Scotia into operation. In addition to bringing the new mine on stream, the Corporation is focused on exploring and developing gold, zinc and barite properties in Atlantic Canada.

    The Scotia Mine will operate initially as an open pit mine and is expected to produce 30,000 tonnes of high grade zinc concentrate and 10,000 tonnes of high grade lead concentrate per year. Please see News Release No. 16-06, July 17, 2006 for further details.

    The Corporation is also focused on developing four advanced gold properties, Beaver Dam, Tangier, Forest Hill and Goldenville, which form the core holdings of the Scotia Goldfields project. All of the four advanced properties host gold resources described in technical reports prepared in compliance with National Instrument 43-101 and are available on A summary of gold resources for Goldenville, Forest Hill and Tangier is provided in News Release No. 01-06, January 5, 2006, under the paragraph titled "About Acadian Gold". A summary of gold resources for Beaver Dam is provided in News Release No 23-07, July 16, 2007. The Corporation is bringing a new approach to the development of Nova Scotia gold deposits by pursuing a multiple mine, central processing, managing and servicing strategy.

    The Corporation holds a 44.42% equity interest in Royal Roads Corp. ("Royal Roads") (RRO-TSX-V). Royal Roads' principal asset is a 16,075 hectare (approximately 32 km x 5 km) mineral property known as the Tulks North property which is strategically located in the centre of the world-class Buchans base metal camp in central Newfoundland, Canada. In addition, Royal Roads holds a 34.05% equity interest in Buchans River Ltd. ("Buchans River") (BUV-TSX-V), which also holds a highly prospective property portfolio in the Buchans camp. Acadian's indirect interest in Buchans River is 15.13%.

    Royal Roads' Tulks North property is host to the Daniels Pond deposit which was discovered by BP Resources Canada Ltd. in 1989. Royal Roads reported (see News Release issued November 7, 2006) an inferred resource (Zn cutoff = 2%, S.G. 4.0) of 1.69 million tonnes grading 0.57% copper, 4.40% lead, 8.37% zinc, 196.9 g/t silver and 0.68 g/t gold over an average width of 4.2 metres.


    Terence Coughlan, B.Sc., P.Geo., is acting as Qualified Person in compliance with National Instrument 43-101with respect to this release and has reviewed the contents for accuracy.

    Forward-Looking Statement

    Certain information regarding the Corporation contained herein may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements may include estimates, plans, expectations, opinions, forecasts, projections, guidance or other statements that are not statements of fact. Although the Corporation believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to have been correct. The Corporation cautions that actual performance will be affected by a number of factors, many of which are beyond the Corporation's control, and that future events and results may vary substantially from what the Corporation currently foresees. Discussion of the various factors that may affect future results is contained in the Corporation's 2006 Annual Report which is available at The Corporation's forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement.

    For additional information on the Corporation's properties and activities, please visit our web site at If you wish to be added to the Corporation's e-mail or fax distribution list for future news releases and updates, please contact Acadian at phone: 902 444-7779, fax: 902 444-3296, email:


    G. William Felderhof
    President & CEO
    Terry F. Coughlan
    Vice President
    (902) 444-7779
    Toll Free: 877-444-7774
    Halifax, Nova Scotia

    News Release No. 25-07
    Shares Outstanding: 138,169,739

    News By Filing Services Canada, Distributed By The Richmond Club
    Maximum News Dissemination by Filing Services Canada Inc.
    Ph: (403) 717-3898 Fx: (403) 717-3896

  • GOLD!!!!



    Halifax, NS October 22, 2007

    FSC / Press Release



    Halifax, Nova Scotia CANADA, October 22, 2007 /FSC/ - Acadian Mining Corporation (TSX - VX: ADA, FWB: C2Z), ("Acadian" or "Corporation)" announced results of 6 drill holes today from its diamond drilling program testing the continuity of higher grade zones of gold mineralization at depth on the Beaver Dam property. The drill program results were positive and support the continuation of assessment of the underground potential beneath the zone presently being evaluated for a possible open pit operation. Drill holes of particular note include BD2007-134 which intersected 6 metres of 13.87 g/t gold including 2 metres of 33.28 g/t and BD2007-137 which intersected 4 metres of 10.54 g/t gold.

    Details of assay results for the 6 new holes are provided in Table 1 below. Highlights of the 133 previously released holes are provided in Table 1 of News Release No. 18-07, June 5, 2007, Table 1 of News Release No. 06-07, March 1, 2007 and Table 2 of News Release No. 11-06, April 24, 2006 and Table 1 of News Release No. 18-06, August 17, 2006 and Table 1 of News Release No. 01-07, February 1, 2007. Assay results are over drill intercept widths. The true width of gold mineralized intercepts varies from approximately 80% (-50 dip hole) to 85% (-45 dip hole) of the intercept width.


    Table 1 Selected Results - Holes BD2007 - 134 to BD2007-139
    Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Grade (Uncut g/t)
    BD07-134 184.00 214.00 30.00 3.22
    Including 192.00 207.00 15.00 6.06
    Including 201.00 207.00 6.00 13.87
    Including 201.00 203.00 2.00 33.28
    BD07-135 245.00 259.00 14.00 1.12
    Including 251.00 259.00 8.00 1.33
    BD07-136 264.00 288.00 24.00 1.00
    Including 265.00 281.00 16.00 1.25
    BD07-137 194.00 212.00 18.00 2.56
    Including 206.00 210.00 4.00 10.54
    Including 206.00 207.00 1.00 36.30
    BD07-138 224.00 244.00 20.00 1.37
    Including 230.00 236.00 6.00 2.90
    Including 230.00 231.00 1.00 8.08
    BD07-139 210.00 268.00 58.00 1.59
    Including 222.00 232.00 10.00 3.00
    Including 222.00 224.00 2.00 5.19
    Including 229.00 232.00 3.00 4.65
    Including 240.00 245.00 5.00 3.47
    Including 244.00 245.00 1.00 10.20

    Table 21 Drill Hole Co-ordinates BD2007-134 to BD2007-139
    Hole Easting (m) Northing (m) Elevation (m) Depth (m) Dip Azimuth
    BD07-134 1075 1144 1135 223 -60 178.4
    BD07-135 1125 1175 1133 301 -65 180
    BD07-136 1075 1225 1134 343 -65 180
    BD07-137 865 1200 1133 237 -63.7 178
    BD07-138 1175 1150 1133 263 -65 180
    BD07-139 1021 1207 1133 272 -60 180


    Management's Opinion

    Will Felderhof, President and CEO stated: "This is a positive development for Beaver Dam and provides a basis for a phase 2 drilling program subsequent to receiving the results of the open pit scoping study later in Q4-2007." Recognition and definition of discrete higher grade gold mineralized zones beneath a lower grade, potentially open pittable zone would have a positive impact on gold resources at Beaver Dam.

    Sample Protocol

    All drilling, core logging and sampling is supervised by Peter C. Webster, P. Geo. and pertinent information is recorded by staff geologists into a computerized system. Drill core is stored and sampled in a secure locked facility. One metre core sample intervals are established over the entire hole length by staff geologists and sample intervals are recorded. Core is cut by a diamond tipped saw and one half of the core is sampled. Samples are bagged and labeled with pre-numbered sample tags, sealed with a metal tie and secured in sealed buckets for shipment by courier to ALS Chemex in Val d'Or, Quebec. Once received by the lab, samples are logged in a sample tracking system and received weights are recorded. The entire sample is coarse crushed and pulverized to approximately 85% passing 75 micron (200 Mesh) to generate the plus and minus fractions for the 150 Mesh screen analysis. The final prepared pulp is passed through a 105 micron (Tyler 150 Mesh) stainless steel screen to separate the oversize fractions. Any +105 micron material remaining on the screen is retained and analyzed in its entirety by fire assay with gravimetric finish and reported as the Au (+) fraction result. The -105 micron fraction is homogenized and two sub-samples are analyzed by fire assay with AAS finish. The average of the two AAS results is taken and reported as the Au (-) fraction result. The Au (+) and Au (-) are weight averaged to produce a total gold value for the sample. Blind standards and blanks are inserted at standard intervals by Acadian and ALS Chemex as check samples.

    Acadian Targets November 1, 2007 for TSX Listing

    Acadian received conditional approval for the listing of its shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX"). The listing is subject to Acadian fulfilling various requirements, which the Corporation expects to do shortly. Subject to receipt of final approval, trading is expected to commence under the symbol "ADA" on November 1, 2007. Acadian will issue a news release three days prior to commencement of trading on the TSX.

    Investor Relations Contract to End

    The investor relations contract with Michael Bayback & Co. will end on October 21, 2007.

    About the Corporation

    Acadian Mining Corporation is a Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada based mining company which operates a zinc-lead mine (Scotia Mine) at Gays River, Nova Scotia. The Corporation is focused on exploring and developing gold, zinc-lead, and barite properties in Atlantic Canada.

    The Scotia Mine will operate initially as an open pit mine and is expected to produce 30,000 tonnes of high grade zinc concentrate and 10,000 tonnes of high grade lead concentrate per year. Please see News Release No. 16-06, July 17, 2006 for further details.

    The Corporation is also developing four advanced gold properties, Beaver Dam, Tangier, Forest Hill and Goldenville, which form the core holdings of the Scotia Goldfields project. All of the four advanced properties host gold resources described in technical reports prepared in compliance with National Instrument 43-101 and are available on A summary of gold resources is provided in News Release No. 01-06, January 5, 2006, under the paragraph titled "About Acadian Gold". A summary of gold resources for Beaver Dam is provided in News Release No. 23-07, July 16, 2007. The Corporation is bringing a new approach to the development of Nova Scotia gold deposits by pursuing a multiple mine, central processing, managing and servicing strategy.

    The Corporation holds a 44.42% equity interest in Royal Roads Corp. ("Royal Roads") (RRO-TSX-V). Royal Roads' principal asset is a 16,075 hectare (approximately 32 km x 5 km) mineral property known as the Tulks North property which is strategically located in the centre of the world-class Buchans base metal camp in central Newfoundland, Canada. In addition, Royal Roads holds a 34.05% equity interest in Buchans River Ltd. ("Buchans River") (BUV-TSX-V), which also holds a highly prospective property portfolio in the Buchans camp. Acadian Mining's indirect interest in Buchans River is 15.13%.

    Royal Roads' Tulks North property is host to the Daniels Pond deposit which was discovered by BP Resources Canada Ltd. in 1989. Royal Roads reported (see News Release issued November 7, 2006) an inferred resource (Zn cutoff = 2%, S.G. 4.0) of 1.69 million tonnes grading 0.57% copper, 4.40% lead, 8.37% zinc, 196.9 g/t silver and 0.68 g/t gold over an average width of 4.2 metres.


    Mercator Geological Services (Mercator) is responsible for the management and supervision of the Corporation's exploration program at Beaver Dam. Ms. Chrystal Kennedy, P. Geo., Project Geologist with Mercator, is the independent third party responsible for review of drill hole technical information reported in this news release, and is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

    Forward Looking Statement

    Certain information regarding the Corporation contained herein may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements may include estimates, plans, expectations, opinions, forecasts, projections, guidance or other statements that are not statements of fact. Although the Corporation believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to have been correct. The Corporation cautions that actual performance will be affected by a number of factors, many of which are beyond the Corporation's control, and that future events and results may vary substantially from what the Corporation currently foresees. Discussion of the various factors that may affect future results is contained in the Corporation's 2006 Annual Report which is available at The Corporation's forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement.

    For additional information on the Corporation's properties and activities, please visit our web site at If you wish to be added to the Corporation's e-mail or fax distribution list for future news releases and updates, please contact Acadian at phone: 902 444-7779, fax: 902 444-3296, email:

    G. William Felderhof, President & CEO
    or Terry F. Coughlan, Vice President
    (902) 444-7779 Toll Free: 877-444-7774
    Halifax, Nova Scotia

    The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

    News Release No. 27-07
    Shares Outstanding: 139,562,042 October 22, 2007

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