Ist doch ein bisserl mehr geworden als der $.
1,29. +74%.
Über 18 mille shares gehandelt.
Morgen sehen wir dann den €.
Das drill hole 2:
18. Januar 2025, 17:18
Ist doch ein bisserl mehr geworden als der $.
1,29. +74%.
Über 18 mille shares gehandelt.
Morgen sehen wir dann den €.
Das drill hole 2:
ZitatAlles anzeigenOriginal von Tschonko
Ist doch ein bisserl mehr geworden als der $.
1,29. +74%.
Über 18 mille shares gehandelt.
Morgen sehen wir dann den €.
Nicht schlecht ! Das kann noch "heiter" werden, wenn noch mehr vergleichbare Resultate folgen.
Tschonko, nachträglich noch danke für die launige "oaschwetzn" - Übersetzung.
Nun, bei KXL bin ich seit einiger Zeit - leider - raus.
Manchmal langt es nicht für den langen Atem für derlei Spekulationen.
Mal sehen, ob das wilde Auf und Ab wieder so ähnlich abläuft wie damals.
Edel Man
Vor ein par Monaten kam CMA.V mit einer Meldung von Wine Lake .
Wo ist eigentlich denn nun eigentlich die Wine Lake Property von CMA?
Diese Karte von VMS kennen wir ja alle.
Weiß eingezeichnet die WEL.V Properties die auch hier zu sehen sind.
Die Wine Lake Property von CMA ist wohl das schräg liegende Rechteck oberhalb der WEL.V Properties
Ganz rechts übrigens das Wekusko Projekt von BLK.V. Interessant, dass es da nur Gold gibt ('nur' :D) Dazu eine geologische Skizze vom Flin Flon-Snow Lake Belt
Ebenfalls in der Region tätig und auch sehr nteressant ist NI.TO.
Weitere Infos und jede Menge Karten über die Region gibts hier.
VG heron
Ein paar kluge Worte
Vice-President of Exploration, Dr. George Gale, states, "Obviously we are encouraged by the copper grades in this drill hole, but I think it is also important to note we have results for gold, silver and zinc that are consistent with the historic and producing VMS mines in the Flin Flon - Snow Lake Belt."
These results are not that significant at all. Nowhere near the numbers needed. Novagolds project underwent 288 drill holes to establish potential for an open pit mine. What everyone here has done is worked in the information in the news release pertaining to the other historic and producing mines in the Flin Flon - Snow Lake Belt.
Let me ask you this. If they already have historic and producing VMS mines in the Flin Flon district........... why was the stock trading at a mere 9 cents earlier this year?
Im going to suggest you have nothing here. I fully believe this is strictly euphoric buying based on the bullkrap situation NOT had the other week.
And remember. When a stock goes straight up from 9 cents to to 1.30 that is 1500%. And nothing goes straight up forever. Watch for a dramatic correction tomorrow. I think you see the stock open higher, and then sell off dramatically. There are too many profits to be taken. SO, just be cautious.
ZitatLet me ask you this. If they already have historic and producing VMS mines in the Flin Flon district........... why was the stock trading at a mere 9 cents earlier this year?
Antwort: Weil es noch keiner gewusst hat.
Nun ist es das beste bohrresultat in kanada seit langem.
Freitag war klar, morgen isdt Feiertag in Kanada und die gewinne.
Aber mehr als die Hälfte aller Aktien wurden an 2 Börsentagen gehandelt.
Klarerweise hat man die rasiert, die Freitag auf Fortsetzung hofften und dann unter 1,2 verkauft haben.
Einige wichtige Fragen:
Liegt es in einem naturschutzgebiet?
Der Vergleich mit NOT: für mich ein Blödsinn
Man muss etwas über VMS Deposits wissen. Was ich bisher darüber weiß,
beruhigt mich ungemein.
Das hat Casey im Juni 06 drüber geschrieben:
"For sure, the assay results are important and relatively easy to understand, but what is much more important is to understand the setting of the mineralization.
For instance, if in a porphyry deposit, which tend to be large and consistent, a company drills a 100-meter hole of 0.5% copper, the odds of this turning into a big deposit are good. Another example of a good bet on consistency and geophysical signature is a volcanic massive sulphide (VMS) deposit. In either of these systems, if an exploration company hits a very good hole, there is a fair chance of that being the discovery hole. By contrast, if a similar result comes from a vein system, one excellent hole is nowhere close to providing similar odds of a future success."
Meiner Meinung war es das bei VMS, und was für eines.
Infos über VMS.V in diesem Board:
und natürlich bei stockboard: Aber das muss man erst mal aushalten ohne schwachsinnig zu werden.
Weiters noch mal empfohlen, sich KXL.V anzuschauen, auch ein megafund…n/hercules/photo_gallery/
Na ja, die Gebietsnachbarn interessieren ebenso nicht wie die Co, an der das Management noch beteiligt ist, konstatiere ich.
tschonko gibt ne neue company mit 6 projekten von GG drin ! also nicht rente
black combe - ist aber noch nicht gelistet early PP läuft gerade für 50 ca cent - ähnliche zusammensetzung später wie OK gruß rita
ZitatOriginal von Tschonko
Another example of a good bet on consistency and geophysical signature is a volcanic massive sulphide (VMS) deposit. In either of these systems, if an exploration company hits a very good hole, there is a fair chance of that being the discovery hole.
Interessant, wie rasch nun VMS-Deposits zum neuen Codewort werden. Jeder will nun auch eines haben oder ist gerade dabei, eines zu entdecken, nun sogar auch noch die bislang dahindümpelnde Uranium Star (URST):
"The Three Horses Property in Madagascar acquired earlier this month is a “world-class” VMS (Volcanic Massive Sulfides) property. Bill Nielsen, Uranium Star’s chief geologist, compares it to Nevsun's Bisha Project in Eritrea, a property he was instrumental in discovering and developing to feasibility. "
es werden einfach viele VMS Deposits entdeckt, was mit den neuen Methoden der Auffindung (aus dem Flugzeig etc.) zu tun hat.
Und weil man keine engen veins hat, wird man schnell fündig.
Wirtschaftlich sind sie ja ein Hammer.
In 10 jahren dann das Überangebot, vorher bleiben schon die kleinen Sumperer auf der Strecke.
So ungefähr seh ich das....??
Die 2. Co von VMS heißt im übrigen HVG.V. Selbes Management.
Bei VMS ist ja nur mehr die Größe strittig .....
und eben die oben angesprochenen Unwägbarkeiten.
Bei VMS heute nicht so reger Handel, aber immerhin 10 mille.
Kurs so um den $, das passt.
In einigen tagen ist dann der ganze Aktienbestand einmal durchgemischt worden.
Among diversified base metals miners, HudBay Minerals (HBM, C$26.51) stands out on a valuation basis, with its significant, fully integrated First World zinc, copper and gold production and a billion dollars of cash on its balance sheet (by the end of 2007). There has been continued accumulation of this stock by Monaco-based hedge fund SRM, now at around 16% of HudBay.
Das sind die großen Nachbarn und VMS hat sehr guten kontakt.
Die werden ihnen 2 drill rigs zur verfügung stellen.
ZitatWeiters noch mal empfohlen, sich KXL.V anzuschauen, auch ein megafund
Na und da ging´s heute wieder zur sache +34%
Werden wir hier auch noch sehen, vermute ich.
Interview vom Mantle Ceo Mustard zu VMS und NOT
D.P: Seeing as you were a well thought-of analyst for
a while, it’s time to ask you some questions now that
there's no constraints on some of the stories of the day,
two of which are definitely attracting time on the screen
and that’s Noront Resources (NOT) and VMS Ventures
(VMS). What are your thoughts on those two plays?
J.M: Those companies have made legitimate new discoveries
in mining friendly jurisdictions. Obviously Noront’s
nickel discovery in Ontario was a complete surprise
to many because it was really a system of base
metal occurrences that were identified several years ago,
initially by De Beers when they were looking for diamonds.
I think what Noront has and because of the
grade so far, is very significant; Noront’s valuation is
obviously pushing the envelope, but the significant opportunity
to add to that whole district probably will be
quite material to Noront going forward and be particularly
attractive to any company that wants to have a blue
sky exploration nickel play in a brand new district. It will
take some time for this story to unfold as the area is remote
and they definitely will need road access eventually
to move any bulk material out. Given the liquidity and
lots of news flow stacked up, this makes a classic trading
play to own many times over – and don’t forget there
are many other players rallying in the area.
VMS has made a copper + base metal discovery in Manitoba,
a legitimate mining area where many, many discoveries
have been made and there have been several operating
mines in the past. The world class Flin Flon camp
is nearby, so infrastructure is very good. The challenge
is that these two projects are basically geophysical discoveries
and we have no idea what the ultimate size and
scale of them may be. I would not expect these deposits
or these discoveries to lead to a deposit that’s in the 20
to 30 million tonne range, but because the good infrastructure,
even a 5 to 10 million ton-type target of these
kind of grades is quite significant for VMS.
The NOT discovery will take much more work as it is in a
less developed area.
VMS hätte ich fast so schnell verkauft wie Spider / SPQ.
Denn nach heftigen Eruptionen folgen regelmäßig Korrekturen, im Chart zu sehen .
Habe hier aber aufgrund der enormen Fantasie widerstanden.
Der vorhergehende Artikel -- danke, Tschonko-- bestätigt diese, "Nur 5 - 10 Mio t .... ."
Btw: Hatte am 4.10 das Fehlen in Kodiak / KXL bedauert.
Widerrufe und behaupte das Gegenteil: Bin ab 9.10. wieder dabei.
Aber : Viel zu lange gezögert, dachte, sie würde weiter korrigieren.
Aber manche Abrißlücken werden nicht mehr geschlossen.
In den steilen 3.Anstieg hineingekauft bei 1,5 C$.
Hallo Edel,
bei VMS hab ich mir sogar einen zukauf überlegt aber sein lassen.
Die KXL Steigung hab ich gesehen, aber bin leider nicht dabei.
Es gibt zur Zeit so viele Entdeckungen.
NOT ärgert mich noch immer, die Urlaubsg´schicht hab ich schon erzählt.
Mexico Mike zu KXL:
das ist ein anderer disclaimer als der von Hommel (siehe Idaho thread... )
Die Spider wird nochmal gehen, nehme ich an und hoffentlich auch UC.
Dann lad ich da mal einen teil ab.
Der CEO von Mantle scheint auch ein G´scheiter zu sein (klingt irgendwie besser als zu schreiben; ... ist auch kein Blöder!
Also KXL:
On thursday I was able to tour the Hercules Project currently under exploration by Kodiak Exploration. When this property was first acquired, it was of minimal interest to me, since I had invested in the stock based on the potential for base metals at their Caribou Project. Last year, KXL reported some exceptional grade results from Hercules with very high grade gold and silver across significant widths at the Wilkinson Lake zone. One interval reported averaged about half an ounce of gold per tonne across 16m! That got my attention. The company then began increasing their holdings in the area through staking. Exploration continued at the property, with additional drill results in that program that outlined lower grade results but again over significnat vein widths.
The first stop on the tour was to visit the outcrop at Wilkinson Lake where that big initial intercept was reported. There is nothing impressive about the vein, which has been stripped and washed along a short distance, immediately adjacent to the road. Obvious evidence of alteration is visible, with banded quartz veining, laddering, and stockwork zones occurring across widths from 2m to about 10m at thesurface. A variable zone at the edge of the vein of schisted rock marks the shear zone of the fault, which was the conduit that allowed the mineralizing fluids to emplace the gold-rich quartz veining.
The locations of the surface channel sampling are clearly visible, in straight cuts across the entire vein width with a rock saw, at regular intervals of every 20m. There were also ribbons marking where individual chip samples had been extracted, and the drill hole locations were also clearly market, just a short distance from the vein outcrops. It was a single high grade surface sample by a prospector that generated the drilling target to test below that occurrence and lead to the bonanza result, putting the project on the front burner for KXL.
Next stop on the tour was the Marino vein swarm, with several veins stripped and exposed on either side of the road access. This area was very similar in appearance to the Wilkinson Lake zone, but it was more obvious how the veins pinched and swelled at surface over a very short distance along the lateral extension.
What was the most interesting about Marino is that of the drill hole locations selected by the geos, the one that produced the highest grade interval which was recently reported, targeted the vein immediately below a very narrow, low grade section. In fact it is pure luck that the company drilled there, more a fluke of convenient location for the drill pad than shrewd exploration. Yet that hole yielded an intercept of 1.6m bearing over 38 g/t gold, a magnificent hit.
That would illustrate what the biggest challenge is for the company in this exploration program. There is no shortage of high grade gold, with so many chip and channel samples along with excellent drilling success. However, while the continuity of the mineralization across all these zones is superb, the the grades actually demonstrate wide variance from one section to another. The area one meter on either side of a very high grade intercept could come in with very low grade assays. While investors get excited by high grade results and will bid the shareprice up, geological consulting firms are more interested in consistent large tonnage zones, and it will ultimately take a large resource established by a consulting firm to demonstrate value for a future acquisition of the property. A lot of work then remains in order to build a large, high grade resource that will justify a much higher share price.
The most impressive stop on the tour came when I visited the Golden Mile zone. This is a large vein that has been exposed for a length of more than 2km and remains open in both directions. Some people have erroneously assumed that the strike length of the veins is more than 5km. That is incorrect, but in fact the combined length of the many veins that have been stripped and sampled so far is more than 5km.
What makes the Golden Mile a standout is that unlike the other veins on the property, this one has a great many visible gold occurrences. Some of the VG is finely distributed grains of gold that require a hand lense to see, and some occurs as large chunks of massive gold, flakes, and wire gold. The channels cut into the vein surface for sampling also had widespread VG on the exposed surfaces. I wanted to collect some samples for my own collection and chose to sort through rock chips that we smashed from the vein surface, and again I found prolific VG on most pieces. I saved 5 of the most impressive chunks, but I could have easily brought home 50 or 500.
So far, most of the gold grades from this section have not been reported while they wait for the assays. This delay prompted the company to suspend further drilling until they have more information to spot the drill targets. But it means we can look forward to more good results shortly, and it allowed the company do more surface work.
Additional veins continue to be discovered on the property. And everywhere they look, in samples, and in drill cores they pull, there is VG. This entire area is intensely mineralized, and the drilling completed so far has only gone to very shallow depths. The upside is tremendous.
I learned that the company is still active staking new property in the surrounding district, and that several other companies are also on the hunt. I think this entire region is going to become a very hot area play, and KXL is the dominant participant in property holdings, with a head-start on the rest of the pack.
I think the company has a challenging exploration program ahead to prove up a large resource. There is no question that this is a very big system that is mineralized all to hell. But the issue will be establishing critical mass of a tonnage that could support a mine. There will be no shortage of places to look. They may find that far below the surface, some of these veins intersect to form wider areas of high grade ore. They may find that the veins continue with high grades to extreme depths of 2km below the surfface or more. And there will doubtless be zones encountered at depth that compare well with the wide surface exposure that I witnessed in many places.
A lot of this will come down to luck as well. With so many pockets of high grade ore, the drill may hit those or may miss them and hit lower grade intervals instead. But as they complete thousands of meters of drilling on this property, they will define the structure, and if a large enough area is shown to be continuously mineralized, its game on...
In my opinion, this is the most exciting discovery area in Canada since Red Lake. I expect the resource defined will amount to 1 million ounces for openers, and quite possibly could grow to many million ounces of gold. I would also not be surprised if significant silver is also encountered, along with base metals further to depth. I believe Hercules has now displaced Caribou as the flagship project for KXL, and we will be hearing a lot more from this property for a long time to come. It is relatively remote, but in a historic mining district with strong support from the local population, very good infrastructure access, and a nearly ideal geologic setting to host a significant deposit. I think steady news flow and high grade results will help to drive this stock to a much higher range during the next 12-18 months. It looks like KXL has hit the sweet spot just in the right time, as the price of gold is breaking out and the juniors are beginning to attract more interest from investors.
For personal disclosure, I bought more shares this week, and have not sold a share since last winter, but I do have plans to take some profits later in this run and ride the zero cost average shares. So I do not want to overly hype this story and sell into it, but be advised I plan to take about a quarter of my shares off the table, somewhere above $2. KXL paid my airfare to the project, but I do not receive any form of compensation for my time or for posting my reports. Please regard this report as an honest opinion and do your own DD...
Man schaue sich die Karte genauer an:
Das 0702 loch liegt sschon nahe am Optionland von Hudbay.
Wäre aber auch nicht die tragik.
30% VMS und Hudbay muss es zur Produktion bringen.
VMS Ventures Inc.: 2nd Drill Program Planned at Reed Lake Discovery Zone, Snow Lake, Manitoba
Monday October 15, 1:09 pm ET
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Oct 15, 2007 -- VMS Ventures Inc. (CDNX:VMS.V - News) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that a drill has been sourced for its second core drilling program on and around its recent Reed Lake VMS discovery. A program consisting of up to 3,000 metres in 13 core holes is planned. The Company anticipates drilling will begin within 10 days.
This drill program is designed primarily to determine the extensions, orientation and geometry of the copper-rich mineralization discovered in RD 07-02 and to explore for its extension as suggested by the VTEM geophysical anomaly that extends to the west and south on to the Company's Mineral Exploration License 268A (MEL 268A).
In addition, core holes will test conductors in the areas of RD 07-04 and RD 07-05, which are approximately 1,000 and 1,400 metres respectively east of RD 07-02. Drillholes from both these sites encountered alteration that is considered distal to VMS deposits and additional drillholes are required at both sites.
The mineralization and alteration assemblage intersected in RD 07-01, RD 07-02 and RD 07-03 is typical of other VMS deposits found in the Snow Lake area. As previously reported, each of the three drillholes intersected chlorite altered felsic volcanic rocks along the south side of a VTEM conductor. Holes RD 07-02 and RD 07-03 intersected a solid sulphide interval with a pyrite-sphalerite cap that is stratigraphically overlain by layers of magnetite and chert. Drillhole RD 07-01 appears to have been stopped short of the target VTEM conductor in chlorite altered volcanic rocks. These VMS deposits characteristically consist of multiple lenses of mineralization that are associated with a single time-space horizon.
These additional holes should also assist in determining the extent of the mineralization on the Company's Mineral Exploration License 268A and on the HudBay optioned Reed Lake property (HudBay Minerals: HBM-TSX). The map posted on the Company's website shows the location of drillholes RD 07-01, RD 07-02 and RD 07-03 in relation to the property boundaries and to the VTEM anomalies in the area.
VMS Ventures Inc. is focused primarily on acquiring, exploring and developing copper-zinc properties in the Flin Flon-Snow Lake VMS Belt. The Company also holds the largest land package considered prospective for nickel-copper mineralization at Lynn Lake, which is to date Canada's third largest nickel producing camp. The Company's project portfolio consists of the Snow Lake VMS project, the Lynn Lake Gabbros nickel-copper project, the Nickel Belt project, the South Bay nickel-copper-cobalt PGE property, and the Eden Lake Carbonatite Complex, Specialty Metals property. All VMS Ventures Inc. properties are located in the mining friendly province of Manitoba, Canada.
John Roozendaal, President
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.
VMS Ventures Inc.
Keith Patey
Director of Communications
(604) 986-2020 or Toll Free: 1-866-816-0118
[Blockierte Grafik:]
Heute wieder guter Umsatz und es geht zur Sache!
Day's Range: 1.15 - 1.67
zur Zeit 1,48
ATH: 1,52
Soll man ja nicht beschreien...
Aber wer vor wenigen Monaten dabei war, hat ihn mit VMS.
Naja, wir haben bereits 1/3 dessen, Tschonko.
Schon oder noch ??
SK auf ATH mit 1,5 C$ + 25 %, 13 Mio Stück...
Btw. auch KXL wieder fest mit 2,16 + 10 % auf JH.
Sind inzwischen schon ziemliche Fahnenstangen.
Edel Man
ich hab nichts verändert, still holding.
Obwohl die schon zum traden ist und wird und wäre.
Stell mich da auf Berg/Thal ein.
Wenn ne meldung kommt, die nicht ganz so gut ist, dann geht es massiv runter.
Ist sie so gut wie die erste und alles auf VMS Gebiet, dann heißt´s:
NOT, wir kommen!
Hab ja gesagt zu Spider, dass die noch mal zieht. Hat se jetan!
VMS läuft auch weiter zur zeit
Die FLX.V hab ich heut nachmittag knapp verpasst.
10 Minuten früher und die Order zu 0,33 wäre ausgeführt worden.
VMS Ventures to Option Copperman Claims in Snow Lake, Manitoba
Wednesday October 17, 2:13 pm ET
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Oct 17, 2007 -- VMS Ventures Inc. (CDNX:VMS.V - News) (the "Company") has entered into a Letter of Intent to acquire the Copperman claims. Drilling on the Copperman property in 1967 by Western Nuclear Mines Ltd. indicated that the "A" zone contains 149,672 tonnes with 3.08% Cu and 3.08% Zn. Combined reserves of 221,308 tonnes with 2.63%Cu and 4.46% Zn were reported in Manitoba Mineral Deposit Series Report 21. Grab samples from the trenches assayed up to 12% Zn and 2.3% Cu. (Note: these are historic results and are not considered compliant with today's NI 43-101 reporting requirements). The reported mineralization is associated with altered felsic volcanic rocks that are exposed at the edge of the limestone cover rocks found in this area of Manitoba.
The Company's recent VTEM survey of the Copper claims indicates a moderate VTEM anomaly in the vicinity of the existing trenches and where the known mineralization on the Copperman claims occurs. A number of short strike length conductors exist on the property and some of the formational conductors can be traced for approximately 7 km along strike. This package of rocks is considered to be highly prospective and currently the Company is reviewing all available drill data and evaluating geochemical survey data to identify new drill targets. It is anticipated that drilling will commence on this property during the Company's planned 2007/2008 winter program.
The letter of intent (the "LOI") is dated August 16, 2007 between the Company (the "Purchaser") and a private investor group (the "Vendors") concerning the acquisition of all of the Optionor's right, title and interest (the "Interest") in and to Mineral Lease 28 (ML-28) located in the Province of Manitoba and referred to as the Copperman claims. The Copperman claims are approximately 300 ha in size and are contiguous with and situated at the north end of the Company's 100 % owned Copper claims.
View the map by clicking on this link.
Pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the LOI, the Company will pay the annual lease fee of $2,800 and issue an aggregate of 1,100,000 common shares in the capital stock of the Company to the Vendors over a four year period, following which the Company shall be deemed to have exercised the option. The Optionor shall retain a 3% net smelter royalty on the Property. There is no provision for an Area of Influence with respect to the Copperman claims in the agreement.
The LOI is subject to approval by the TSX Venture Exchange.
VMS Ventures Inc. is focused primarily on acquiring, exploring and developing copper-zinc properties in the Flin Flon-Snow Lake VMS Belt. The Company also holds the largest land package considered prospective for nickel-copper mineralization at Lynn Lake, which is to date Canada's third largest nickel producing camp. The Company's project portfolio consists of the Snow Lake VMS project, the Lynn Lake Gabbros nickel-copper project, the Nickel Belt project, the South Bay nickel-copper-cobalt PGE property, and the Eden Lake Carbonatite Complex, Specialty Metals property. All VMS Ventures Inc. properties are located in the mining friendly province of Manitoba, Canada.
Rick Mark, CEO & Chairman
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.
VMS Ventures Inc.
Keith Patey
Director of Communications
(604) 986-2020 or Toll Free: 1-866-816-0118