Harmony Gold Mining / HMY (NYSE), HAR (SA) und Gold Fields / GFI

  • extrel

    Goldfonds und Gold Bullion Securities sind nicht ganz so unbekannt wie es mancher zu glauben machen möchte. Es sind auch Spekulanten im Markt nicht nur "Insider".

    Die Anlagengelder schwanken auch mit dem Goldpreis. z.B. war GBS am 13.07 mit 50,86 t angegeben heute nur noch 46,38. Je höher der Goldpreis desto mehr Leute von dieser Anlageform angezogen werden. Es ist genauso wie der Neue Markt.

  • Sind nun mal feine Gold-Blue-Chips "HAR" und "GFI"

    aus "iafrica.com-business" vom 01.10..04

    Gold Fields to diversify out of SA
    Posted Fri, 01 Oct 2004

    World number four gold miner Gold Fields continues to see it as an imperative that the group expand and diversify its gold mining interest outside South Africa, chair Chris Thompson wrote in the group's 2004 financial report released on Thursday.

    "The gold price outlook remains firm, underscored by declining gold production, high international tensions, the almost certain assumption of inflation in the US and strongly rising investment demand for gold," Thompson said.

    Gold Fields' 2004 financial year was difficult, especially in terms of transformation mandates imposed by the South African government, but the principal problem was the strengthening of the rand, he added.

    Attributable Mineral Resources (exclusive of the Essakan Project in Burkina Faso and the Cerro Corona Project in Peru but inclusive of the Arctic Platinum Project in Finland) have decreased by 4.7 million ounces, or 2.4 percent, to 190.6 million ounces for the year under review.

    Attributable Reserves (exclusive of the Essakan and Cerro Corona projects), net of annual attributable depletion of 4.5 million ounces, have fallen by six million ounces, or 7.3 percent, to 75.6 million ounces.

    Thompson also announced that Kofi Ansah, formerly head of the Ghanaian Minerals Commission would joint Gold Fields' board.

    "He brings a wealth of needed Ghanaian perspective to the board," Thompson added.

    In its 2005 financial year, Gold Fields is looking to produce 4.42 million troy ounces of gold, with 2.96 million oz coming from South Africa and 1.46 million oz from the group's international operations, Gold Fields CEO Ian Cockerill said in the annual report.

    Gold Fields' total capital expenditure during its 2005 financial year are expected to total R2.155-billion, with a 38:62 split between the South African and international operations.

    I-Net Bridge

  • Es gibt da einige Fondsbesitzer, die sich Gedanken machen, wie es um den PEH Goldminenfonds bestellt ist bzw. was da los ist. Vielliecht sollten wir einmal den Fonds , die Performens etc. diskutieren. Wer hat Lust?

    Als jahrelanger Kenner des Fondsberaters Martin Siegel weiß ich einige Details, die durchaus gegeignet sind, die angesprochene Misere der unterdurchschnittlichen Kursentwicklung zu erklären.

    Der PEH Fonds war zu Beginn des Jhares 2004 nahezu voll investiert. und konnte dann wohl nicht zu günstigen Kursen nachkaufen. Der 600 $oz Daueroptimist Martin Siegel hat auch dieses Jahr den Goldpreis so eingeschätzt, wie er sich dann nicht entwicklet hat. Ich verweise auf eine Interview und zitiere: Anfang dees Jahres (2004) habe ich einen Kassenanteil von 20 Prozent aufgebaut. Abflüsse haben die Position aber aufgebraucht, so dass ich voll investiert den Kursrutsch mitnahm.
    Außerdem habe ich Basismetalle wie Stahl und Kupfer beigemischt, um die Goldschwäche abzufdern. Doch da deren Hauptkonsument China das wachstum verlangsamt, ging es auch mit den Basismetallen bergab. Zitatende. Aus: Der Fonds.com, Seite 2, 25.Mai 2004

    Offensichtlich ist Martin Siegel der einzige Berater dieses Fonds, so dass seine Einschätzung voll durchschlägt. Seine Marktkenntnis bzw. so wie er dann diese Kenntnis umsetzt, erinnert mich an die Situation ab Mai 2002 als Martin Siegel als Vorstand der Gold + Grund AG gegen alle Vernunft und gegen alle warnenden Rufe dann heimlich gegen den Willen der Organe (Vorstand, Aufsichtsrat) durch unverantwortbare Spekulation das Vermögen der Gesellschaft (der aktionäre) geschädigt hat. Siehe auch http://www.minderheitsaktionaere-gold-und-grund-ag.de
    Claus - Peter Fietkau

  • Als Fondbesitzer würde ich mir lieber Gedanken um den Zustand der Märkte machen und mir die Frage stellen ob die Börse ein ständiges Auf und niemals ein Ab ist. Es ist bar jeder Realität anzunehmen ein Fond könnte jedes Jahr zu jeder Zeit Gewinne machen. Im übrigen dürfte es mit den Fond wieder bergauf gehen ebenso wie mit meiner persönlichen Anlage auch. Wenn man schon zu faul ist selbst sein Geld zu verwalten hat man sowieso die Klappe zu halten.
    Ich findes es ohnehin unverschämt von anderen zu erwarten das sie "mein" Geld vermehren. Meiner Meinung gehören solche Leute fast schon abgezockt wie anno 70er und 80er bei Warentermingeschäften.
    Jeder ist seines eigenen Wohlstandes Schmied. Wäre ich Fondverwalter würde ich Nörgler rausschmeißen wie ein Käpitän Meuterer über Bord wirft. Auf dem Schiff ist der Kapitän ebenso wie beim Fond der Manager Gott. So einfach ist das.


  • @ Bratmaus

    kann dir disbezüglich nur recht geben, denn der peh q fonds ist in den letzten jahren allen davongelaufen, weil er eben nicht nur in usa sondern auch in australische und sa aktien investiert!

    sowei ich weiß ist ergroßteils in australien und dort in solide minen wie jubilee investiert. ausserdem kann man seine marktmeinung ja im goldmarkt nachlesen .... nächster chat 8.10.

  • Zitat

    Original von yoyo
    na, na. Wenn man Personenkult betreibt endet alles wie der Neue Markt mit den ganzen Gurus die alles besser wussten.

    Ich beurteile Siegel anhand seines "Goldmarktes" und der Äußerungen im Chat und betrachte dann die Märkte bzw. Minenunternehmen - mit Vorliebe fundamental. Wenn der Markt sich für fundamentale Fakten nicht interessiert ist das sein Problem und nicht meins bzw. Siegels. Früher oder später werden sich Fakten durchsetzen. Dieser Zeitpunkt wird schon sehr bald erreicht sein - alle Politiker und Finanzjongleure arbeiten ja tatkräftig daran


  • Third of harmony employees may have HIV - report

    By John Fraser
    Gold producer Harmony estimates that up to a third of its local workforce may be infected with HIV/Aids, and believes there is a risk this figure could climb higher, according to the company's annual report, published last week.

    The company is concerned that the incidence of the disease in SA "poses risks to Harmony in terms of potentially reduced productivity and increased medical and other costs".

    "We expect that the impact of HIV/Aids on our cash costs will be in the range of $2 to $5 per ounce."

    The company warned that "we expect that significant increases in the incidence of HIV/Aids infection and HIV/Aids-related diseases among our workforce over the next several years may adversely impact on our operations and financial status".

    However, Harmony said its intention was to "develop and achieve the healthiest workforce possible".

    The company said it was "well on the way" with its "healthiest workforce" campaign which provides quality health care "equivalent to private hospital standards to all employees".

    The facilities range from 24-hour emergency care and intensive-care units, to world class surgical theatres and outpatient facilities.

    "Education in all health matters as well as continuing medical surveillance is the bedrock of our approach."

    Harmony "currently estimates that the HIV/Aids infection rate among the South African workforce may be as high as 33%, a figure we believe is consistent with the overall infection rate in SA".

    Because of the impact on costs and productivity, "we are actively pursuing holistic HIV/Aids awareness campaigns with our workforce and are also providing medical assistance and anti-retroviral treatment".

    "Employees who decide to leave their place of work and return home for care are cared for through the Employment Bureau of Africa's home-based care system, towards which Harmony contributes," the report said.

    Harmony said it did not just focus on prevention and counselling, but its initiative was aimed at having the healthiest workforce in the mining industry.

    "A vision which we believe, if achieved, will give us a greater competitive advantage. The project consists of different task teams that align, implement and closely monitor initiatives in the following focus areas: HIV/Aids, occupational health, tuberculosis, nutrition, hostel facilities, sports and recreation and management of employees waiting to leave the company's service due to ill health."

    Harmony said its HIV/Aids policy was developed with input from different labour representative organisations.

    Harmony used a computer model which estimated that HIV prevalence in its workforce was 33,9% in 2004, and would fall slightly to 33,4% in the current financial year, falling to 24,8% in 2010. The HIV/Aids incapacitation rate was expected to rise from 1,61% of the workforce in 2004 to a peak of 3,26% in 2011.

    The company has negotiated a lower price for highly active anti-retroviral treatment from R1000 per employee per month to R554 per employee per month.

    "As of 24 August 2004, 514 employees are on the (highly active anti-retr oviral) programme, the majority having joined during the past financial year."

    Business Day

    Wenn du lügen erzahlen willst,die geglaubt werden sollen,dann sage keine Wahrheiten die geglaubt werden.
    Shogun Tokugawa

  • Möglicherweise wird die HIV-Problematik in Südafrika von vielen Europäern unterschätzt.
    Andererseits könnte ich mir vorstellen, dass es genug Leute geben wird, die lieber in einem Bergwerk arbeiten, als gar keine Arbeit zu haben. Personalausfälle sollten also - und ich weiß, dass sich das jetzt sehr kühl anhört - relativ leicht ersetzbar sein (auch in der Verwaltung).
    Als Harmony Aktionär begrüße ich aber alle Anstrengungen von Seiten des Managements, Mitarbeitern Zugang zu günstigen Medikamenten zu verschaffen. Ich neheme auch an, dass bei Harmony verstärkt Aufklärung betrieben und "das eine oder andere" Kondom veteilt wird.



  • HAR notiert um die 11€ rum.

    Auch ohne Kondom ist das Risiko gering und die Chance gross.

    (Mit Kondom ist die Chance kleiner, aber auch das Risiko).

    Ohne Wortgeklingel die HIV-Problematik in Südafrika

    ist kein spezifisches Minenrisiko.



  • Pressemitteilungen

    Gold Fields Ltd - Signing of the definitive agreement between Gold Fields Limited and IAMGOLD Corporation
    Further to the announcement of August 11, 2004, Gold Fields Limited (JSE, NYSE:GFI) (“Gold Fields”) and IAMGOLD Corporation, (TSX:IMG; AMEX:IAG) (“IAMGOLD”) today announced that they have signed a definitive agreement setting out the terms on which IAMGOLD will acquire the assets of Gold Fields outside of the Southern African Development Community (the “SADC”).

    Under the definitive agreement, IAMGOLD will issue, subject to adjustment, to Gold Fields 351,690,218 fully paid common shares in consideration for Gold Fields’ non-SADC mining, development and exploration assets. The transaction will result in Gold Fields owning approximately 70 percent of the fully diluted equity of the enlarged company. In addition, shortly before completion, IAMGOLD shareholders (other than Gold Fields), registered as such on a record date prior to closing of the transaction, will receive a special cash dividend of C$0.50 per IAMGOLD share. For Canadian RRSP purposes, the enlarged company will remain a Canadian corporation.

    Subject to the approval of the Johannesburg Securities Exchange (“JSE”), an information circular setting out full details of the transaction will be mailed to shareholders of record of Gold Fields and IAMGOLD on or around 10 November 2004. The transaction remains subject to approval by IAMGOLD and Gold Fields shareholders and satisfaction of certain other conditions precedent, including the receipt of all required regulatory approvals. The date for the shareholder meetings, expected to occur in early to mid-December, will be provided in the information circulars to be mailed to shareholders and a further announcement will be made at that time. The transaction is expected to close on or around 31 December 2004.

    Following closing of the transaction, the name of the newly created corporation will be changed to Gold Fields International Limited (“Gold Fields International”).

    Overview of Gold Fields International
    Gold Fields International will have interests in six operating mines: four in West Africa (Tarkwa and Damang in Ghana, Sadiola and Yatela in Mali) and two in Australia (St. Ives and Agnew) with 2005 forecast production totaling 2.0 million ounces of gold. In addition, Gold Fields International will have two near-term greenfield development projects, located in Finland (Arctic Platinum) and, subject to completion of the acquisition thereof, Peru (Cerro Corona), along with various royalty interests and an attractive portfolio of advanced-stage exploration projects in Latin America, Canada, Australia, China and Africa.
    For further details, please see the Terms Announcement that has been issued by Gold Fields via SENS and is available on Gold Fields web site: http://www.goldfields.co.za; or IAMGOLD’s website: http://www.iamgold.com

    Cautionary Statements

    Safe Harbor Statement under the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain statements in this document constitute "forward looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the US Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to those with respect to the price of gold, the timing and amount of estimated future production, costs of production, estimated operating results, reserve determination and reserve conversion rates, involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of IAMGOLD or Gold Fields to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks, uncertainties and other factors include, among others, risks related to the integration of acquisitions, increased production costs, risks related to international operations, risks related to joint venture operations, the actual results of current exploration activities, actual results of current reclamation activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of gold, currency devaluations, labour disruptions; changes in government regulations, particularly environmental regulations, changes in exchange rates, inflation and other macro-economic factors, as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in the Form 40-F for IAMGOLD and the Form 20-F for Gold Fields as on file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. Although IAMGOLD and Gold Fields have attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this document.

    Investors are advised that National Policy 43-101 of the Canadian Securities Administrators requires that each category of mineral reserves and mineral resources be reported separately. Investors and securities holders should refer to the annual information form of IAMGOLD for the year ended December 31, 2003, and material change reports filed by IAMGOLD since January 1, 2003 available at http://www.sedar.com, for this detailed information with respect to IAMGOLD, which is subject to the qualifications and notes set forth therein. United States investors are advised that while the terms "measured" and "indicated" resources are recognized and required by Canadian regulations, the SEC does not recognize them. Investors are cautioned not to assume that all or any part of mineral deposits in these categories will ever be converted into reserves.


    Gold Fields:
    Willie Jacobsz
    +27 82 493 1377

    Cheryl Martin
    +1 303 796-8683

    Tom Atkins
    +1 416 360 4710
    toll-free +1 888 IMG 9999 zurück

    Die Börse ist wie ein Paternoster. Es ist ungefährlich,
    durch den Keller zu fahren.

    Man muss nur die Nerven bewahren !

  • aus obiger Pressemitteilung
    Liste der Assets

    ""Overview of Gold Fields International
    Gold Fields International will have interests in six operating mines: four

    in West Africa (Tarkwa and Damang in Ghana, Sadiola and Yatela in

    Mali) and two in Australia (St. Ives and Agnew) with 2005 forecast

    production totaling 2.0 million ounces of gold. In addition, Gold Fields

    International will have two near-term greenfield development projects,

    located in Finland (Arctic Platinum) and, subject to completion of the

    acquisition thereof, Peru (Cerro Corona), along with various royalty

    interests and an attractive portfolio of advanced-stage exploration

    projects in Latin America, Canada, Australia, China and Africa""

    Aktuell wird das Gerücht gehandelt
    Gold Fields,
    die 70% an der neuen Gesellschaft halten wird,
    werde selbst übernommen.

    Deshalb steigt Goldfields gestern in Americas 8%.

    Für Iamgold, der Short Cut, bleibt da weniger Anleger_Bimbes.
    Leichte Verluste um 1%.. Die sind aber vorher toll gelaufen

    Ansichten eines Clowns:

    GFI und IMG machen noch eine ganze Weile Performance.


  • Aus "BUSINESS DAY" vom 18.10.2004

    Harmony in hostile bid for rival Gold Fields

    SA's largest gold producer, Harmony, is expected to launch a hostile bid for rival gold company Gold Fields today, in concert with Gold Fields' largest shareholder, Russia's Norilsk.
    Harmony is chaired by businessman Patrice Motsepe.

    The company is expected to offer its own shares for Gold Fields stock, as it has been suffering from the strong rand, and it does not have enough cash to fund the deal, which could be worth R48bn, based on Gold Fields' market value.

    If successful, the deal would enable Harmony to upgrade its asset profile, and would also enable Norilsk to torpedo offshore listing plans by Gold Fields, which is planning to reverse-list its non-Southern African Development Community (SADC) assets into Canada's Iamgold.

    Norilsk holds 20% of Gold Fields, and there has been recurrent speculation that it intends to raise its stake.

    Harmony is believed to have been planning its move on Gold Fields for some time, but was prompted to act by rumours last week that a bid for Gold Fields was being formulated. Gold Fields share price rose sharply on Friday, surging 3,44% to R94,02 and forcing Harmony's hand.

    "If they'd waited much longer, the rising share price would have made the deal more expensive," an industry source said.

    Harmony is understood to have made its first offer to Gold Fields directors at the weekend, with a deadline of midnight last night. Gold Fields has repeatedly said it believes it is following the best strategy for its shareholders, and is expected to turn down the offer. If this happens Harmony will launch a hostile bid, expected to be announced today.

    It is unclear what Norilsk is seeking from the deal, other than to prevent Gold Fields from reverse listing its non-SADC assets into Iamgold, which is due to be rebranded Gold Fields International after the transaction.

    However, one likely scenario if the hostile take-over were to succeed would be Norilsk acquiring Gold Fields' international assets, with Harmony getting hold of the local and SADC mines. Another scenario would be Norilsk taking control of Harmony.

    Gold Fields shareholders will be expected to want a healthy premium for any take-over deal. The transaction would be complicated by the need to obtain permission from SA's competition authorities, and from the Reserve Bank if Norilsk is involved.

    "There is likely to be a lot of concern about a Harmony bid," said an analyst. "Gold Fields has a strategy its shareholders like, and they won't want to give over control of their company, which has a respected management."

    Mark Smith and David Talbot of Dundee Securities of Canada said at the weekend January's reverse listing of Gold Fields "should be difficult to stop, given its apparent universal support".

    However, if the deal were to go through, it would consolidate Motsepe not only as one of SA's pre-eminent black entrepreneurs, but also as a major dealmaker.

    Neither Harmony nor Gold Fields would comment on the proposed take-over yesterday.

    Harmony's share price closed 1,08% lower at R83,50 on Friday.

    Business Day

  • Norlisk, GFI, HAR und IMG unter e i n e r Leitung.

    Noch nur "angedacht".

    Das wäre ein neuer PoG-Path-Maker.

    Und das aus einer ganz anderen Kinderstube.

    Die "Üblichen" werden das nicht kampflos hinnehmmen.

    Nur die stehen knietief im Morast.

    Volatilität ist angesagt.

    Kein Wunder dass der Rand (noch) nicht fällt.



  • Liebe Goldbugs

    Könntet mir vielleicht einer mal erklären, was da genau abläuft und vor allem welche Konsequenzen diese für die betroffenen Aktien hat. Bis auf Norilsk besitze ich von allem ein paar und nun habe ich keine rechte Ahnung, was man besser halten und was man besser verkaufen sollte.

    Besten Dank

  • Technische Details der HAR-Offerte:

    alle Beteiligten haben "mächtig Holz vor der Hütten".

    Die Kritische Masse für einen "Blow off" ist da.

    Da reicht ein Fleet in being.

    Die brauchen garnicht zuzuschlagen.


    aus SA-Tageszeitung vom 18.10.04

    Harmony details proposed merger with Gold Fields


    South African gold miner Harmony (HAR) on Monday announced the

    terms of a proposed merger between it and Gold Fields (GFI), under

    which Harmony proposes to acquire the entire issued share capital of

    Gold Fields in exchange for the issue to Gold Fields shareholders of

    new shares in Harmony.

    Harmony said it has conveyed the terms of the proposed merger to the

    board of Gold Fields and is hopeful that the proposed merger will be

    recommended by the directors of Gold Fields.

    However, in view of the proposed transaction between Gold Fields and

    IAMGold Corporation Inc., which Harmony considers to be contrary to the

    best interests of Gold Fields shareholders, Harmony believes that Gold

    Fields shareholders should be afforded the opportunity to decide on the

    merits of the proposed merger at the earliest opportunity.

    Harmony will shortly post to Gold Fields shareholders an offer document

    containing the detailed terms and conditions of the proposed merger.

    The proposed merger is conditional on the proposed IAMGold

    transaction not proceeding and the approval of the proposed merger by

    Harmony shareholders.

    In terms of the offer, Harmony is offering 1.275 Harmony shares for each

    Gold Fields share and for each Gold Fields ADS. The offer values

    Goldfields at 52.9 billion rand or $8.1 billion based on the closing price

    of 84.41 rand per Harmony share on the JSE Securities Exchange South

    Africa on 14 October.

    The proposed merger ratio represents a premium of approximately 29%

    on the closing price.

    Harmony said the proposed merger is driven by Harmony's pursuit of a

    number of key strategic objectives, including creating significant value

    through the application of the Harmony Way to generate cost efficiencies

    from Gold Fields' South African assets, together with operational

    synergies from Harmony's and Gold Fields' contiguous assets;

    revitalising Gold Fields' assets within the Southern African Development

    Community and accessing the value of Gold Fields' exploration portfolio.

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