Apollo Gold - das Sorgenkind

  • Apollo Gold Reports Third Quarter 2005 Results

    Thursday November 10, 7:00 am ET

    DENVER--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 10, 2005--Apollo Gold Corporation ("Apollo" or the "Company") (TSX: APG - News; AMEX: AGT - News) announced today a net loss of $7.2 million, or $0.07 per share, for the third quarter 2005 compared to a net loss of $11.2 million, or $0.14 per share, for the third quarter 2004. The net loss for the nine months ended September 30, 2005, was $18.0 million ($0.18 per share) compared to a net loss for the same period 2004 of $25.3 million ($0.32 per share). All dollars are reported in U.S. currency.
    On May 30, 2005, the Company adopted a plan to dispose of its Nevada assets (the "Nevada Assets"), which consist of the Florida Canyon Mine, Standard Mine and four Nevada exploration properties. The Nevada Assets are classified as "assets held for sale" and have been separated from the other assets within the Consolidated Balance Sheets. Also, the Nevada Assets only appear as a single line within the Consolidated Statements of Operations called "Loss from discontinued operations."

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Hab zwar keine Apollo,aber mal hingeguckt:
    Das mit den 14,4% ist sehr relativ: das ist FSX 0,154 Geld. Brief ist o,207!
    In München das gleiche 0.154G/0,207B

    Die Kurse bei uns sind eh manchmal merkwürdig.
    Sie spiegeln die Kurse an den Heimatbörsen oft unkorrekt wider.

    Manchmal lohnt aber deswegen Kauf hier.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Gestern in Kanada 0,25C$G/0,26B,entspricht 0,179/0,186 Euro

    Und dafür gibt es in D keinen Verkäufer,sh.oben.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • 23-Nov-2005

    Change in Assets, Financial Statements and Exhibits


    On November 18, 2005, Apollo Gold Corporation, a Yukon territory corporation (Apollo) and Apollo Gold, Inc., a Delaware corporation, closed the previously announced sale to a wholly owned subsidiary of Jipangu Inc. (Jipangu) of Florida Canyon Mining, Inc., Standard Gold Mining, Inc., and Apollo Gold Exploration, Inc. (collectively, the Sold Subsidiaries) for US$14 million. The Sold Subsidiaries own and operate the Florida Canyon and Standard mines and hold several nearby exploration properties. The purchase price was the result of negotiations between the parties based in part on discounted estimates of future cash flow of the Sold Subsidiaries and the terms and conditions of the related agreements.

    As previously announced, Apollo and Jipangu entered into a subscription agreement for a US$3.5 million private placement under which Jipangu will purchase up to 11,650,000 units of Apollo priced at Cdn$0.35 per unit, with each unit consisting of one common share of Apollo and 0.17167 of a warrant (for a total of up to 2,000,000 warrants), with each whole warrant exercisable for two years at Cdn$0.39 for one common share. The private placement is scheduled to close on January 18, 2006. If the private placement is completed and the warrants are exercised, Jipangu would own in the aggregate 19.7% of Apollos common shares based on 106,556,451 common shares outstanding as of November 17, 2005. Jipangu presently holds 9.4% of Apollos common shares.

  • DENVER, Mar 02, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Apollo Gold Corporation ("Apollo" or the "Company") (CA:APG) (AGT: apollo gold corp com) is pleased to report that the mill at its Montana Tunnels mine (the "Mine"), which is located near Helena, Montana, has commenced production. The Mine is a 50/50 joint venture with Elkhorn Tunnels, LLC ("Elkhorn"), an affiliate of Calim Private Equity LLC ("Calim"), with Apollo acting as the manager of the Mine.
    Consistent with our previously announced schedule, the Montana Tunnels mill was placed into service on March 1, 2007. The mill consists of crushing and grinding circuits followed by gravity gold, flotation and filtration circuits. The mill is expected to operate at an average of 15,000 tons per day for the balance of 2007. The products expected to be produced will be gold and silver dore, a lead-silver-gold concentrate and a zinc-silver-gold concentrate. Both concentrates will be transported via rail to the Teck-Cominco smelter located at Trail, British Columbia, Canada. The dore will be refined in Salt Lake City by Johnson Matthey Inc. Refineries.
    The pit wall stabilization work and the construction of a new haulage ramp, which were started approximately seven months ago, were completed in January 2007. Since then, we have continued to move waste rock from the pit bottom to expose the ore body and stockpile some lower grade ore alongside the mill. As at February 28, 2007, there were 333,000 tons of lower grade material and 45,000 tons of reserve grade ores stockpiled alongside the mill for future processing. During 2007, ore delivery from the Mine to the mill is expected to exceed mill capacity, which would result in an increase in the stockpiles.

  • DENVER, Apr 02, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Apollo Gold Corporation ("Apollo" or the "Company") (AGT: apollo gold corp com) (CA:APG) reports the results for the three months and year ended December 31, 2006 (in US dollars, unless otherwise indicated) as follows.


    2007 Outlook
    Montana Tunnels mine - The mine is a 50/50 joint venture with Elkhorn. During 2007 the mine is expected to mine 7,200,000 tons waste material and 5,800,000 tons of ore for a total of 13,000,000 tons mined giving a stripping ratio of 1.24:1. With the resumption of the milling of ore on March 1, 2007, the mine is expected to mill 4,500,000 tons of ore and to produce the following payable metals during 2007: 40,000 ozs of gold, 250,000 ozs of silver, 11,500,000 lbs of lead and 25,000,000 lbs of zinc. Apollo's share of this production is: 20,000 ozs of gold, 125,000 ozs of silver, 5,750,000 lbs of lead and 12,500,000 lbs of zinc. We expect our share of capital expenditures to be approximately $0.7 million.
    Black Fox project - We anticipate that our third party consultant, SRK Consulting, Inc., will complete an NI 43-101 compliant underground reserve in the second quarter 2007, which should be followed up six months later by a feasibility study based on a combined open pit and underground mining operation along with an on site mill. Permitting of the operation is ongoing and should be completed late 2007 or early 2008.
    In 2007, we plan to undertake two drilling programs at Black Fox: (a) deep hole core drilling and (b) shallow hole core drilling. The goals of the two programs are to (i) expand the mineralization along strike and down dip of the present resources along the Destor-Porcupine Fault and (ii) expand the base metal/gold discovery in the footwall to see if the two systems intersect at depth. This drilling campaign will be financed from flow-through funding. Capital expenditures to cover the above are forecast to be approximately $4.5 million.
    Huizopa project - During 2007 our focus at Huizopa will be to advance the exploration phase of the project, specifically, construction of a dirt road to give easier access for a drilling campaign. The drilling will be a reverse circulation drilling program of approximately 25 holes and a core drill program of approximately 25 holes lasting from September to November (after the road is completed). The cost of the project is expected to be approximately $2.5 million for the year 2007.
    Apollo Gold Corporation
    Apollo is a gold mining and exploration company with a mine as described above as the Montana Tunnels mine, the Black Fox advanced stage development project in Ontario, Canada, and the Huizopa project, an early stage exploration project in the Sierra Madres in Chihuahua, Mexico.

  • DENVER, May 15, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Apollo Gold Corporation ("Apollo" or the "Company") (CA:APG) announced today a net loss of $4.6 million, or $0.03 per share, for the three months ended March 31, 2007, as compared to a net loss of $4.2 million, or $0.04 per share, for the three months ended March 31, 2006. Unless otherwise indicated, all dollar amounts are reported in US currency.
    R. David Russell, President and CEO of Apollo, said, "I am pleased that we achieved our primary target for the quarter which was to complete the remediation of the Montana Tunnels mine and bring it back into production at the beginning of March 2007. The cost of the repair was approximately $15.5 million, towards which our 50/50 joint venture partner (Elkhorn Tunnels, LLC) contributed $14.25 million. The production and total cash costs results in March were encouraging and I now look forward to a quarter of steady metal production from the mine."

  • DENVER, May 16, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Apollo Gold Corporation ("Apollo" or the "Company") (CA:APG) (AGT: apollo gold corp com) is pleased to report the status of its Black Fox project located east of Timmins, Ontario.
    Permitting at Black Fox
    Apollo is pleased to report that applications for environmental permits to mine and mill 1,500 tonnes per day were submitted in May 2007 for its Black Fox project for a combined open pit and underground operation.
    The company has submitted a Notice of Project Status, as required under Section 141.(1)(a) of the Mining Act, R.S.O., Chapter M14 for Mine Production. The Notice of Project Status indicates that the project will be changing status from an advanced exploration project to a mine development and production project. Further applications for Certificates of Approval, Public Notification, and New Certified Closure Plans, also in accordance with the Mining Act, are also underway. The permits and operating certificate that were applied for were for both mining and processing facilities for the purpose of extracting gold and converting it into dore at the Black Fox Project.
    Apollo has been conducting and commissioning studies, assessments, and technical reports for its Black Fox project since 2003, with AMEC Earth & Environmental of Mississauga, Ontario, being the lead consultant pertaining to permitting studies, assessments, and reporting.
    Drilling at Black Fox
    Apollo is also pleased to report that a 10,000 meter surface core drilling program commenced in May 2007. The program will focus on testing the Black Fox deposit at depth and along strike and if successful would add to the overall resources of the project. Other mines in the Timmons district are known for their deposit depths and we therefore plan to drill to a depth of 800 meters, which is 400 meters below our existing resources.
    Norex Drilling Ltd. of South Porcupine, Ontario has been contracted to conduct the surface drill program.
    Black Fox Feasibility Study
    Apollo confirms that SRK Consulting Group, a third party engineering company, continues to be on schedule to produce an underground resource/reserve statement (Canadian National Instrument 43-101) in the second quarter 2007. Apollo expects that the feasibility study, which will include the already published open pit reserves as well as the underground reserves, will be completed by SRK in the Fourth Quarter 2007. Apollo anticipates that the proposed project will be a combined open pit/underground mining operation with a 1,500 tonnes per day mill facility on site.
    The Black Fox project is located on the Destor Porcupine Fault Zone (DPFZ) in the Larder Lake Mining Division of Ontario which has produced over 70 million ounces of gold since 1910 from various properties on the trend including Dome, Hollinger, McIntyre, Pamour, Hoyle Pond and Ross Mines.
    Apollo Gold Corporation
    Apollo is a gold mining and exploration company which operates the Montana Tunnels mine, which is a 50% joint venture with Elkhorn Tunnels, LLC, the Black Fox advanced stage development project in Ontario, Canada, and the Huizopa project, an early stage exploration project in the Sierra Madres in Chihuahua, Mexico.

  • Apollo Gold Announces Timing of the Release of Updated Ore Reserve and Resource Information for its Black Fox Project

    DENVER, Jun 29, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Apollo Gold Corporation ("Apollo") (AGT: apollo gold corp com) (CA:APG) is pleased to announce that an updated Canadian National Instrument 43-101 compliant ore reserve and resources for the Black Fox Open Pit and Underground Project has been completed by SRK Consultants, Denver, Colorado, as of June 29, 2007. A press release updating the market on the reserves and resources as well as the project, pre-feasibility level, and financial economics will be released on Monday morning July 2, 2007, pre-market open.
    Apollo Gold Corporation
    Apollo is a gold mining and exploration company which operates the Montana Tunnels Mine, which is a 50% joint venture with Elkhorn Tunnels, LLC, in Montana, the Black Fox advanced stage development project in Ontario, Canada, and the Huizopa project, an early stage exploration project in the Sierra Madres in Chihuahua, Mexico.
    This press release has been reviewed and approved for release by Richard Nanna, Professional Geologist, Apollo's Senior Vice-President, Exploration and Development and designated "Qualified Person" under NI 43-101.

  • DENVER, Aug 14, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Apollo Gold Corporation ("Apollo" or the "Company") (CA:APG) (AGT: apollo gold corp com) announced today that it has filed a Canadian National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") pre-feasibility study on SEDAR ( http://www.sedar.com) regarding the mineral resources and reserves at the Black Fox Project ("Black Fox") located near Timmins, Ontario, Canada. This news release should be read in conjunction with the release issued on July 2, 2007. This mineral resource and reserve estimate was prepared by SRK Consulting Inc., Denver, Colorado. SRK has confirmed that the resource and reserve study complies in all respects with NI 43-101 guidelines. Table 1 below summarizes the Black Fox Indicated Resources: (All US$)
    The minable reserve was calculated based on a gold price of US$525/oz of gold which is the trailing three year average gold price. The average total cash cost per ounce of gold was calculated at $236 per ounce.

  • DENVER, Aug 14, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Apollo Gold Corporation ("Apollo" or the "Company") (CA:APG) (AGT:apollo gold corp com) announced today that it has filed a Canadian National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") pre-feasibility study on SEDAR ( http://www.sedar.com) regarding the mineral resources and reserves at the Black Fox Project ("Black Fox") located near Timmins, Ontario, Canada. This news release should be read in conjunction with the release issued on July 2, 2007. This mineral resource and reserve estimate was prepared by SRK Consulting Inc., Denver, Colorado. SRK has confirmed that the resource and reserve study complies in all respects with NI 43-101 guidelines. Table 1 below summarizes the Black Fox Indicated Resources: (All US$)
    The minable reserve was calculated based on a gold price of US$525/oz of gold which is the trailing three year average gold price. The average total cash cost per ounce of gold was calculated at $236 per ounce.

  • WallSt.Net (http://www.wallst.net) Updates the Investment Community Through All-New Interviews with AGT, KMT and SSRI

    NEW YORK, Aug 15, 2007 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- On August 14, David Russell, CEO of Apollo Gold Corp. (AGT: apollo gold corp com) (CA:APG)
    (http://www.apollogold.com) updated the investment community in an all-new interview with http://www.wallst.net. Interview highlights include detailed discussions on the following topics:

    -- recent results from the company's Black Fox project
    -- reasons the "market should be paying attention to" the company's recent
    -- reasons management believes the company's stock is undervalued
    -- why the company's second quarter is a "turnaround quarter" for the
    -- upcoming development milestones for investors to watch for

    To hear the interview in its entirety, and to read an in-depth report on the company, visit http://www.wallst.net/supersto…ks_profile.asp?ticker=agt
    Join this executive's financial social network at http://www.mywallst.net/AGT-David-Russell

  • Apollo Gold Announces Second Quarter 2007 Results With Improved Production and Profits

    DENVER, Aug 15, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Apollo Gold Corporation ("Apollo" or the "Company") (CA:APG) (AGT: apollo gold corp com) is pleased to announce its operating results for the second quarter of 2007. Apollo recorded a net income of $2.4 million, or $0.02 per share, for the three months ended June 30, 2007, as compared to a net loss of $2.6 million, or $0.02 per share, for the three months ended June 30, 2006. The net loss for the six months ended June 30, 2007 was $2.2 million, or $0.02 per share, compared to a net loss of $6.8 million, or $0.06 per share, for the same period in 2006. Unless otherwise indicated, all dollar amounts are reported in US currency.
    R. David Russell, President and CEO of Apollo, said, "I am very pleased with the quarterly results and the fact that we recorded our first ever income in a quarter, which is another significant milestone indicating the progress that Apollo Gold has made during 2007. The Montana Tunnels mine continues to perform well leading Apollo to record both profit in the quarter and positive cash flow from operating activities. I expect further improvement from the mine during the second half of 2007."

  • DENVER, Feb 14, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Apollo Gold Corporation ("Apollo") (CA:APG) (AGT: AGT) is pleased to provide an update on the status of the infill diamond drilling program at its Black Fox Project ("Black Fox") located near Timmins, Ontario, Canada.
    On August 13, 2007, Apollo announced an indicated probable reserve of 1,002,000 ounces of gold at its Black Fox Project as per a Canadian National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101"). Within the NI 43-101 there was a recommendation that Apollo conduct an infill drilling program with the aim of potentially converting resources previously reported as "inferred" to "indicated" resources and hence potential conversion into additional mineral reserves. This infill drilling program was completed in the fourth quarter of 2007 and Apollo has now received all assays from the program for inclusion within the new resource/reserve statement scheduled for release during the first week of March 2008. The full feasibility study continues to be worked on by our third party consultant, SRK Consultants of Denver, and is expected to be issued at the end of March 2008.
    In December 2007 and January 2008 Apollo announced assays for some core holes and below is a table of additional holes recently received. All assays, except from two holes, have now been received, and a full list of holes and assays may be viewed on our website http://www.apollogold.com. Apollo will update this list upon receipt of the assays from the two outstanding holes.
    Dick Nanna, Apollo's Senior VP Exploration & Development, stated, "I believe that the drill program has achieved its objective and we expect to convert some of the resource into additional reserves and are now completing the new resource statement. The infill drilling program consisted of 66 holes, 41 drilled from the surface and 25 from our underground drift on the 235 meter level, with 60% of the holes encountering mineralization in excess of 2 grams per tonne.

  • DENVER, Feb 15, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Apollo Gold Corporation ("Apollo" or the "Company") (CA:APG) (AGT: AGT) is pleased to announce that the Company has commenced a 30 to 40 hole core drilling program at its Huizopa project on a target known as Puma de Oro.
    The Huizopa project is located in the Sierra Madres in the State of Chihuahua, between Alamos Gold's Mulatos Mine and Minefinder's Dolores project. Apollo's property package consists of 170 sq. km and to date the Company has conducted aerial surveys, mapping, geochemical sampling and geophysical surveys which identified three primary geological drill targets, one of which is Puma de Oro.
    Senior Vice President Exploration and Development, Richard (Dick) Nanna, stated that, "Our initial plan is to complete 30 to 40 core holes totaling approximately 4,000 meters of drilling with helicopter assistance and we expect to be completed in March 2008. Our contractor Falcon Drilling, specializes in helicopter supported drilling programs at remote exploration sites and has seasoned drilling personnel with experience in Canada and Mexico, as well as Central and South America. In March 2008 we hope to commence the construction of a road to enable us to road transport both a core rig and a reverse circular rig so as to expand our drilling program.
    This press release has been reviewed and approved by Richard Nanna, Professional Geologist, Mr. Nanna is designated a "Qualified Person" under Canadian National Instrument 43-101.
    Apollo Gold Corporation
    Apollo is a gold mining and exploration company that operates the Montana Tunnels mine, which is a 50% joint venture with Elkhorn Tunnels, LLC, the Black Fox advanced stage development project in Ontario, Canada, and the Huizopa project, an early stage exploration project in the Sierra Madres in Chihuahua, Mexico.

  • LOS ANGELES, CA, Feb 22, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- MoneyTV is the nationally syndicated television program all about money and what makes it happen, ( http://www.moneytv.net), featuring informative interviews by hosts Donald Baillargeon and Skip Lindeman with company CEOs, providing insights into their operations and outlooks for their futures.
    Free information packages from the featured companies can be requested by sending an email to info@moneytv.net.
    The television program can also be viewed online immediately at http://www.moneytv.net.
    Featured companies on this week's program include:


    Apollo Gold Corporation (AGT: apollo gold corp com) CEO R. David Russell announced the commencement of drilling in Mexico.

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