Global Economic Collapse
Fannie Mae soll an die Leine
Von Torsten Riecke
US-Notenbankchef Ben Bernanke hat die Hypothekenfinanzierer Freddie Mac und Fannie Mae angehalten, sich verstärkt um das Geschäft mit Baudarlehen für einkommensschwache Familien zu kümmern. Bernanke hat dabei den gesamten US-Hypothekenmarkt im Auge.
"Wie riskant diese Geschäfte sind, zeigt das Beispiel von Merrill Lynch. Das Brokerhaus hatte im vergangenen Jahr Hypothekendarlehen des kalifornischen Baufinanzierers Res Mae Mortgage im Wert von 3,5 Mrd. Dollar gekauft. Nachdem viele Kunden ihre Hypotheken nicht mehr bedienen konnten, zwang Merrill den Baufinanzierer, faule Kredite im Wert von 308 Mill. Dollar zurückzunehmen. Das Ergebnis: ResMae Mortgage musste im vergangenen Monat Konkurs anmelden."
Auch die Deutsche Bank ist in dem Markt aktiv. Angeblich sind die Frankfurter durch Kreditzusagen an Baufinanzierer auf dem besonders riskanten Markt für Kunden mit geringer Bonität mit einem einstelligen Milliardenbetrag engagiert. Das Institut wollte dazu nicht offiziell Stellung nehmen.
Kreditderivate stehen vor Bewährungsprobe
Von Udo Rettberg
Der Markt für Kreditderivate, auf dem Ausfallrisiken gehandelt werden, steht vor neuen Bewährungsproben. Pessimisten warnen, dass – falls die Unruhen an Chinas Finanzmärkten ein erstes Signal für drohendes ökonomisches Ungemach seien – mit einer Verteuerung des Kreditrisikos gerechnet werden müsse.
Harry Schultz Says
'It's All Over!' - Is He Right?By Joel Skousen
World Affairs Brief
Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World
Harry Schultz, the iconic financial guru who has been tracking the US loss of liberty for almost half a century, warned his readers in January that, like lambs to the slaughter, "Its all over!" He even addressed readers as "Dear Lambs." This week I'll add my analysis to the controversy. Just how far gone are we, and is there any hope?
The International Harry Schultz Life Strategies Letter of January 21, 2007 begins with the now famous conspiracy quotation from David Rockefeller at the secret Bilderburger conference in Baden-Baden Germany in 1991: "We are grateful to the Washington Post, NY Times, Time magazine & other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings & respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated & prepared to march towards a world govt. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite & world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
Then Harry continues with [my comments in brackets], "Frankly, dear, dear readers of mine, I fear we've lost the game. The insiders have won. They now control all the levers of power, financial & political. Many good men in public office are prohibited by the system from reforming it. [The PTB uses a variety of methods to discourage dissent: most have their jobs or advancement threatened if they persist in speaking out.] Commercial, media & political power is concentrated in just a few elite hands. I've (& others) warned (loudly) for decades in HSL what was happening & what would occur if nothing was done. People were lulled into lethargy via careful massive brain conditioning [some of this is innate--most people don't have the courage or will to fight], became content to watch TV 7 hours a day, accepted the misdeeds of politicians, the raging moral degradation of society, the creation of media/corp monopolies, the ruin of money worldwide--begun (via careful plan) by Washington/NY insiders.
"People blamed inflation for their 50% loss of buying power in last 35 years, not realizing the definition of inflation is an increase in the quantity of money/credit by banks/govt, equally. They cleverly removed gold as currency backing to give them monetary control. There is now no legal restraint on govt. Govt distorts economic data [especially the CPI and the PPI inflation indices] & everyone knows it, but the kept-press is kept silent & thus nobody marches in the street about their life being sacrificed on the altar of globalization--offshoring jobs--the lie called 'free trade,' which in fact means the opposite, like all govt legislation titles. [Actually, the globalist version of "free trade" is more akin to the old corporate mercantilism--with favors carved out by the government for large insider corporations only. The little guy is never allowed to bypass the regulations.] Eg, Patriot Act is unpatriotic if [you] still believe the US Constitution has merit & is a lighthouse for other nations. The minority who understand all the above are mostly afraid to make waves--which is also part of the grand scheme, to intimidate or buy-off critics. ... Today, with the devilish North American Union being cemented into the US & Canada's future, the sabotage of freedom, both individual & collective, is being completed. [That said, the PTB know all too well that if they don't touch the most obvious symbols of liberty (freedom of worship, movement, and speech) until the very end, people will still THINK THEY ARE FREE, even when the game is already fixed. When the final freedoms are shut down, it will already be too late.]
"Will individual/personal freedom & former civil rights come back some day? Maybe. Perhaps the extremity will lead to its destruction. But, if so, we have to get through a worse period before we get there, if we do. And to get through it requires a lot of effort, especially if [you] live in the US in its present mode; many are leaving the US until it is 'safe' to return. [For most, this is shortsighted and unwise. HS lives in Europe and will suffer the shut down of freedoms there in the next world war, just like here. At least in the US, we have a large potential resistance movement and plenty of room to maneuver or hide (if you don't live on the East coast).] Washington has become an imperial govt with the public regarded as peasants, & the laws have been changed to match. Everything is a crime if civil servants wish to use existing laws. Changing presidents doesn't change new laws. Washington is Rome. Caesars come & go, each inheriting & demanding greater powers than his predecessor. (US Pres. Executive Powers now total 12K, upsetting the system's balance of power).
"PS: One of my inner circle advised me against running this article, showing so little hope. But my duty is to my subs. If [you] want sugar coating, see big media. [That was my response in past years to a subscriber who was longing for some "good news." It isn't good news we need, but a clear picture of our "awful situation."] There are no strategies useable/available to win against Big Brother govt at this late stage of lightning-fast deterioration of democracy/liberty/privacy, when the casino is rigged against [you]. ... In the past 4 mos that erosion velocity has increased by 80%. [I would say that rate of erosion velocity has been going on ever since conservatives got suckered into electing the current globalist script reader, Gwb.] While there is no current hope for reform/change or replacing the controlling elite, what little hope there is to simply 'survive'--physical, financial, [and] mental. [I would add the spiritual dimension as well.]"
I'm in complete agreement with Schultz on the core issues. I would only add that we are still a ways off from the PTB springing the entire globalist trap. That won't come until war comes, and we will never fully recover from the effects of this next big world war.
There is still work to be done in the few remaining years we have before the Russians and Chinese launch their pre-emptive strike on American military targets. The Russians need about five more years and the Chinese probably need ten. So, we may have more time, though you shouldn't delay preparations based on that hope.
I'm not addressing only your physical preparations to survive war or the demise of liberty. It's even more important to prepare your children and friends mentally for what's coming. In the remaining "good" years we have, basking in the illusions of peace and prosperity, our primary outreach has to be to the good people we know who need to understand the degree in which liberty is already lost when we only possess the appearance of a democratic process. When elections, the courts, and the media are effectively rigged as well, there is no real way to change things within the law. Don't worry about trying to influence those who don't have a clue. Search out those that suspect that something is wrong. If, in today's analysis rich internet environment, a friend can't sense anything wrong, you are dealing with someone who doesn't want to see. You'll only antagonize them by trying to open their eyes. Work with people who are teachable and interested in truth and you'll be less frustrated in this process. We must do our part in building a remnant that will not be snookered into drifting into the NWO when it finally takes on the force of evil law.
Too many people within the truth movement have this fatalistic attitude that what's coming is not worth living through. The fact is, most will live through it whether they like it or not. They might wish they WERE dead, but THEY WON'T BE DEAD and they will have to cope. So, it is better to prepare to cope and have some skills to cope with than simply wait for the coming war and loss of national sovereignty. One of those skills is to be able to handle the tremendous stress that will inevitable accompany the breakdown of the social order.
DEVELOPING TOUGHNESS: Coping is tough if you haven't conditioned your family to handle hard times. That doesn't mean necessarily continually preaching to them about the threat of the NWO. Giving them the rational for preparing is important, but, it doesn't do a lot of good to keep pressing adult children who are resistant to our version what is going on in the world. Time will teach them the consequences of blindness. But what you can do is encourage them to do common sense things that toughen people up mentally: hard cardiovascular exercise, not overeating, and eating really healthy organic food, for starters. Remember, this doesn't include "low calorie" foods with phony fats and imitation sweeteners, which are deadly. It is also important for families to toughen up mentally by doing lots of substantive reading of good biographies or history, learning languages (like Spanish), and book-learning new professional or manual skills.
By far, the greatest thing you can do for your children is expect them to discipline bad attitudes and lazy work habits. Putting pressure on ourselves to overcome weaknesses and bad attitudes is one of the greatest of the toughening exercises--and it yields great results long-term.
Some children are innately soft, and need toughening, even if totally obedient and nice. Soft children don't like pushing themselves in anything and have become accustomed to being asked nicely about any request--which is fine for a peaceful world. But sadly, the world they face in the future won't ask nicely, and they need to know how to be tough enough to stand up to real threats and hardship someday.
That's why the Marines and other military services do a lot of screaming and yelling in training--to get recruits accustomed to not freezing up under intense stress. While I'm NOT recommending you yell and scream at your children just for practice, it is appropriate to show strong verbal disapproval when confronting real tantrums and rebellion. Moreover, you can place them in such things as competitive sports (bad as they are sometimes) because they at least will be forced to move fast and react fast under pressure. Some will say, "I'm just not a sports person." I accept that. But even so, we sometimes have to learn to handle ourselves in situations we don't feel comfortable with or even like. Dealing with playing basketball when they don't like it is NOTHING compared to dealing with a kidnapping, shooting, or rape someday. Learning to ride a horse at a gallop, mountain biking over rough terrain, and long distance running are also good in building strength and character. Don't shield your children from tough growing-up experiences. They will thank you for it someday.
EARLY WARNING ON TRIGGER EVENTS: Let's talk about how to see possible danger zones coming in the future. In the last issue of the WAB in 2006 (The Big Picture--see "Latest Brief" archives), I covered my suggestions for preparations in general. Now, I would like to add something different. I would like my readers to start looking for possible trigger events to a larger war. World War III will most assuredly have one or more triggering conflicts to seemingly "justify" the larger attack on the US military. All wars have trigger events (usually purposefully provoked).
Keeping in mind, our globalist Western leaders are actively setting the stage for various trigger events. Some, like Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq have as their major purpose the antagonization of opposing forces in the world. Other potential future trigger events are Iran, North Korea, and Taiwan. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is also an ever-present potential trigger event--especially because Israel has the potential of taking the conflict nuclear and engendering nuclear retaliation.
At this stage, we do know the US is planning an attack on Iran. I feel strongly it will be this year and that Israel will initiate the attack so the US will have an excuse to rush in--despite the Bush administration's repeated denials of any such plan of attack. The US can then excuse its involvement under the cover of "we had to come to Israel's aid."
The attack on Iran will most likely be a furtherance of the "antagonize the world" strategy. But it could be a direct trigger to World War Three. Russia is warning the US NOT to attack (though they did that with Iraq and then let Iraq fall). So, how much is bluff and how much is real? I think it's a bluff on the Russian's part, but we can't ever be totally sure when dealing with some many evil empires.
So, while I'm 90 percent sure that Iran is NOT a direct trigger event for WWIII, I am suggesting that my subscribers treat it seriously enough to at least review all your preparations, check your equipment, and brief your children on what they should do to get home in a big crisis. Even my adult children need occasional briefings. They tend to rely too much on their father to warn them. I want to try to instill in them a higher sensitivity to see the world and its potential threats for themselves.
One very important thing you need to brief your family on is what do when something big happens and you are all separated. You need to establish two other meeting places where they can be found in case they can't make it home--such as a friend's house, a school, or church. These places should be accessible by foot from where they spend most of their time during the day.
They should be trained to always carry with them some bright colored post-it notes and a pen so that they can leave a note near the main front door of the secondary meeting place in case they have to leave it. The note should explain where they have gone and in the company of whom. These notes should be stuck high up on a glass entrance door, if possible on the inside of the door where the wind won't blow it away and with the message visible from the outside. They will have to write on the sticky side for this to work. If possible, they should have a cell phone to help communicate in an emergency.
These are the kinds of training that you can start with. The more options you have, the more you have to think through the contingencies. If you have a shelter planned in your home or some secure location, you have to develop transportation plans to get there after you've gathered your family. You even have to develop contingencies for leaving someone behind should you not be able to get together. These are tough issues and you don't want to have to be figuring them out in the middle of a crisis. Do your planning whenever you see one of these potential trigger events arise. That's what I'm trying to encourage.
Lastly, remember that you will eventually have to deal with the increased skepticism of non-believing family members when you prepare for many years and nothing ever happens. First, things are happening. The world is moving closer to this horrible war, not further away. So, just because the "big one" hasn't happened doesn't mean everyone can relax completely. Actually, the better prepared you are, the more you can relax about it until it comes. But the bottom line is this: As long as Russia and China are continuing to build huge stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, I am going to assume they intend to use them someday. It doesn't matter how long it takes. I am determined to be on my guard and watching.
I intend to warn my subscribers via email if I can. That is one of the reasons why I would hope you would continue to subscribe even though you might think you know my general views on how this is all coming down. Nevertheless, no one is infallible and you shouldn't rely on my view alone. That's why I try to explain to you how I see things. I'm trying to help each of you gain the skills to see for yourselves and prepare as best you can.
So, when George Bush tells Bob Woodward in his book, Plan of Attack, "We will export death and violence to the four corners of the Earth in defense of our great nation," you can believe him--at least the part about exporting death and violence. It will be done NOT in defense of our once great nation, however, but in the name of building an evil New World Order
When comrade Michael Chertoff of Homeland Security announces a two-year delay in implementing the "Real ID Act," you can believe him, but also understand that this is no victory. The globalists are merely reacting to the growing rebellion among states at this unfunded mandate and putting off the confrontation until they can undermine the states who are up in arms. Sadly, hardly any of the state governments are up in arms about the loss of privacy that comes with a national ID card (or imposed national standards) but are only concerned about the cost of funding such a system. The feds will easily be able to defuse the money issue and then the "Real ID" will once again go forward.
Most things the government says, you should NOT believe: You should not believe it when they tell you our missile defense system will defend America. It is only there for show and perhaps as a provocation for Russia. It is not designed with a warhead nor deployed in sufficient numbers to affect a Russian/Chinese pre-emptive strike at all, though the Russians worry that it is. Besides, Presidential Decision Directive PDD-60 is still in effect, telling our missile forces to NOT launch on warning, but absorb a nuclear first strike. Do the Russian's believe it? I doubt it. But its true purpose is to induce Russia to make the first launch a big one, so our leaders can have an excuse for losing the first part of the war.
Do not believe the Bush administration when they assure America that Russia and China are our ally in the phony war on terror. Do not believe the administration or Russia when they assure you that Russia is disarming. Do not believe the administration when they assure you they have disbanded secret CIA prisons. In fact, these prisons are still in existence and are still in use. Even in the US, the Bush administration has many new nuclear war bunkers as well as excess prison capacity (built off-budget for some future purpose, they won't say what). These prison's purpose is NOT to round up illegal aliens. They have other dissidents in mind for that.
When the government assures us that habeas corpus is still guaranteed for American citizens, don't believe them. When people someday disappear into America's secret Gulag, there will be no habeas corpus law to make the government show cause or even declare if they have someone. The continued improper use of "national security" to cover for secret court hearings (like the high profile "hearing" of supposed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed at Guantanamo), not to mention illegal surveillance and imprisonment without charge that is growing, not diminishing. Even the media is complicit. There should be howls of protest, but no. This week the reporter who blew the whistle about the secret FBI wiretapping rooms he saw installed in a new AT&T building said that not only did the government pressure him to be silent, but that his employer (LA Times) did as well. What does that tell you about the complicity of the media? Others have subsequent said that every major telephone central has one of these. Nobody asks for a warrant and nobody shows a warrant to go inside and listen in on conversations. The supposed FISA control over this process is only for show.
Copyright 2007 Joel Skousen. All Rights Reserved.
Partial quotations with attribution permitted.
Cite source as Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief
Soweit ich weiss hat die DeutscheBank auch die WTC versichern lassen für 3,5 Mrd. Dollar. Der Silverstein hat sich beschwert, dass noch kein cash geflossen ist
Sie müssen im US-Bereich schon gewisse Erfahrungen gesammelt haben
Auszug aus "Schockwelle erschüttert das Finanzsystem"
Der strategische Hintergrund
Dabei spielt aber auch ein anderer wichtiger Aspekt eine Rolle, der gemeinhin übersehen wird, nämlich, daß der Krach und seine Folgen unter bestimmten Umständen selbst zum Mittel der Politik werden. Angesichts des politischen Umschwungs in den Vereinigten Staaten nach der Kongreßwahl im vergangenen November sei der Augenblick der Wahrheit gekommen, erklärte der amerikanische Ökonom und Politiker Lyndon LaRouche: Wer werde die nun entstehende Weltordnung beherrschen - republikanische Tendenzen, wie sie in der Geschichte mit dem Amerikanischen System der Politischen Ökonomie verbunden sind, oder die britisch-holländische Finanzoligarchie?
Die anglo-holländische Fraktion sei in sich gespalten. Eine Gruppe setze darauf, dem Finanzsystem den Boden wegzuziehen, um die USA und alle Nationalstaaten schnell zu zerstören. Die andere Gruppe fürchte, in einer solchen schweren Krise könne es einen „Roosevelt-Reflex“ und eine Hinwendung zu dirigistischer Wirtschaftspolitik des Amerikanischen Systems geben, und sie ziehe es daher vor, das System abgestuft und kontrolliert aufzulösen.
Auch in Japan gebe es historisch bedingt zwei Grundtendenzen. Die eine sei das industrielle Japan, das um die Bedeutung qualifizierter Arbeitskräfte wisse und daher seine Wirtschafts- und Handelsbeziehungen auf die eurasischen Mächte, allen voran Rußland, China und Indien, umorientieren möchte, weil die USA, England und Kontinentaleuropa immer tiefer in die Krise rutschen. Die andere Fraktion sei auf das imperiale System ausgerichtet, das seit dem 17. Jh. unter anglo-holländischem Einfluß stehe. Bestimmte Kreise der Industriefraktion hätten erkannt, daß der Yen-Carry-Trade, der das anglo-holländische System aufrechterhalte, Japan als industrielle Wirtschaft zerstöre. Daher rühre die Entscheidung für eine Erhöhung der Zinsen - wenn auch eine graduelle, um den Schock möglich gering zu halten.
Finanzinvestor reicht riesiges Wohnungspaket weiter
Der US-Finanzinvestor Blackstone hat ein neues Milliarden-Geschäft in Deutschland abgeschlossen: Er verkauft die Mehrheit seines hiesigen Immobilienbesitzes. Die Mieter von 31.000 Wohnungen müssen sich auf neue Eigentümer einstellen.
Frankfurt am Main - Blackstone hält künftig nur noch einen Minderheitsanteil an dem Immobilienbestand, der in der Vitus Gruppe gebündelt ist. Den Zuschlag für die Mehrheit an dem Milliarden Euro schweren Immobilienportfolio hat ein Konsortium um die Investoren Round Hill Capital und Morley Fund Management erhalten; diese Gesellschaft gehört dem britischen Versicherer Aviva.
Vitus besteht aus fünf regionalen Wohnungsgesellschaften und verfügt unter anderem über Standorte in Bremen, Mönchengladbach, Kiel und Wuppertal. "Sämtliche Mieterschutzbestimmungen und über das Mietrecht hinausgehenden Verpflichtungen bleiben von der Transaktion unberührt" :O, hieß es vom US-Finanzinvestor.
Das Transaktionsvolumen beträgt laut "Financial Times Deutschland" etwa 1,6 Milliarden Euro. Bei dem verkauften Portfolio handelt es sich unter anderem um Wohnungen, die der Finanzinvestor 2004 zum Preis von 1,4 Milliarden Euro von der angeschlagenen Beteiligungsgesellschaft WCM übernommen hatte.
Als Minderheitsgesellschafter von Vitus will Blackstone die Gesellschaft auch künftig beraten und an Wertsteigerungen teilhaben. Die beiden großen deutschen Immobiliengesellschaften Deutsche Annington und Gagfah (Anm. WOBA Dresden Deal), die beide ehrgeizige Wachstumspläne haben, kamen bei dem Blackstone-Verkauf nicht zum Zuge. Der "FTD" zufolge hätte Annington vor wenigen Wochen beinahe den Zuschlag bekommen, sei letztlich aber nicht bereit gewesen, den geforderten Preis zu zahlen.
Annington verfügt über rund 230.000 eigene Wohnungen und gehört dem britischen Finanzinvestor Terra Firma. Finanzkreisen zufolge wird die Immobiliengesellschaft wahrscheinlich nach der Sommerpause an die Börse gehen - später als ursprünglich geplant. Terra Firma hatte zuletzt aber auch die Option genannt, Annington mitsamt dem Bestand an den bereits börsennotierten Konkurrenten Gagfah zu verkaufen.
"Blackstone hat es nicht eilig, aus der Anlageklasse herauszugehen, und behält daher einen Anteil", wurde Chad Pike zitiert, der Europachef der Blackstone-Immobiliensparte.
Donald Trump sucht einen Käufer für sein "Herzstück" - seine Kasinos in Atlantic City.
Trumps letzter Trumpf
Von Marc Pitzke , New York
Der US-Serienaufschneider Donald Trump will seine hoch verschuldeten Hotel-Casinos in Atlantic City verkaufen. Eine Niederlage? Wohl kaum - er selbst dürfte bei dem Geschäft kräftig abkassieren.
Lauter in Brunnen sitzende Füchse, die verzweifelt nach Hammeln suchen
Einer hat seinen schon gefunden - ob es ihn wirklich rettet?.
Der zweite sucht noch - ob er auch einen finden wird?
Original von mesodor39
Lauter in Brunnen sitzende Füchse, die verzweifelt nach Hammeln suchenEiner hat seinen schon gefunden - ob es ihn wirklich rettet?.
Der zweite sucht noch - ob er auch einen finden wird?
Donald war ja schon mal pleite, warum nicht nochmal??! Ich hoffe natürlich, dass er nicht wieder den gleichen Fehler begannen hat, wie bei seiner ersten PLEITE...
Glaub kaum, daß de rpleite geht. Der hat nur Aktien von dem Laden und dessen Boss ist er auch nicht mehr.....
Schlimmstenfalls verliert er etwas Geld. Den richtig großen Schaden, den haben dann andere.
Wer sowas auf Kredit kauft, dem ist nicht mehr zu helfen (meine Meinung). Für so dumm halte ich Herrn Trump nicht.
Original von mesodor39
Glaub kaum, daß de rpleite geht. Der hat nur Aktien von dem Laden und dessen Boss ist er auch nicht mehr.....Schlimmstenfalls verliert er etwas Geld. Den richtig großen Schaden, den haben dann andere.
Wer sowas auf Kredit kauft, dem ist nicht mehr zu helfen (meine Meinung). Für so dumm halte ich Herrn Trump nicht.
Er war in den 80er Jahren wegen eines Immobilienchrashs mit 9,2 Mrd $ in den Miesen, konnte 29 Banken die Zinsen nicht mehr zahlen und haftete für 1 Mrd. persönlich. Wie ich schon sagte, man kann für ihn nur hoffen, dass er den gleichen Fehler nicht wieder gemacht hat...
Wall Street Examiner Report
Lee Adler talks with Aaron Krowne about the mortgage market meltdown, housing, and the markets -
[Blockierte Grafik:]
Crisis Looms in Market for Mortgages
Foreclosures May Hit 1.5 Million as U.S. Housing Bust Deepens
Hold on to your assets. The deepest housing decline in 16 years is about to get worse.
As many as 1.5 million more Americans may lose their homes, another 100,000 people in housing-related industries could be fired, and an estimated 100 additional subprime mortgage companies that lend money to people with bad or limited credit may go under, according to realtors, economists, analysts and a Federal Reserve governor. Financial stocks also could extend their declines over mortgage default worries.
The spring buying season, when more than half of all U.S. home sales are made, has been so disappointing that the National Association of Home Builders in Washington now expects purchases to fall for the sixth consecutive quarter after it predicted a gain just last month...…d=ahwzaBwuNaII&refer=home
LEAP wird Recht behalten...
New Century woes deepen as creditors walk away
New Century shares were halted at 9:30 a.m. Eastern on news pending, according to market sources. The stock had dropped 56% to $1.42 in pre-market trades on the mortgage lender's latest credit woes and closed Friday at $3.21.
The firm said in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission Monday that lenders under its short-term repurchase agreements and aggregation credit facilities had either discontinued their financing or notified the company they plan to do so.
In the filing, New Century said as of March 9 some of its creditors have purported to terminate the company's servicing rights.…%2DA042%2D5140A5D47659%7D
http://www.wallstreet-online.d…ill=1173744000&1173712584 -
Original von GOLD_Baron
Foreclosures May Hit 1.5 Million as U.S. Housing Bust DeepensHold on to your assets. The deepest housing decline in 16 years is about to get worse.
As many as 1.5 million more Americans may lose their homes, another 100,000 people in housing-related industries could be fired, and an estimated 100 additional subprime mortgage companies that lend money to people with bad or limited credit may go under, according to realtors, economists, analysts and a Federal Reserve governor. Financial stocks also could extend their declines over mortgage default worries.
The spring buying season, when more than half of all U.S. home sales are made, has been so disappointing that the National Association of Home Builders in Washington now expects purchases to fall for the sixth consecutive quarter after it predicted a gain just last month...…d=ahwzaBwuNaII&refer=home
LEAP wird Recht behalten...
Mit ein paar Wochen Informationsvorsprung
Original von GOLD_Baron
IMMOBILIENMARKTFinanzinvestor reicht riesiges Wohnungspaket weiter
Der US-Finanzinvestor Blackstone hat ein neues Milliarden-Geschäft in Deutschland abgeschlossen: Er verkauft die Mehrheit seines hiesigen Immobilienbesitzes. Die Mieter von 31.000 Wohnungen müssen sich auf neue Eigentümer einstellen.
Frankfurt am Main - Blackstone hält künftig nur noch einen Minderheitsanteil an dem Immobilienbestand, der in der Vitus Gruppe gebündelt ist. Den Zuschlag für die Mehrheit an dem Milliarden Euro schweren Immobilienportfolio hat ein Konsortium um die Investoren Round Hill Capital und Morley Fund Management erhalten; diese Gesellschaft gehört dem britischen Versicherer Aviva.
Vitus besteht aus fünf regionalen Wohnungsgesellschaften und verfügt unter anderem über Standorte in Bremen, Mönchengladbach, Kiel und Wuppertal. "Sämtliche Mieterschutzbestimmungen und über das Mietrecht hinausgehenden Verpflichtungen bleiben von der Transaktion unberührt" :O, hieß es vom US-Finanzinvestor.
Das Transaktionsvolumen beträgt laut "Financial Times Deutschland" etwa 1,6 Milliarden Euro. Bei dem verkauften Portfolio handelt es sich unter anderem um Wohnungen, die der Finanzinvestor 2004 zum Preis von 1,4 Milliarden Euro von der angeschlagenen Beteiligungsgesellschaft WCM übernommen hatte.
Als Minderheitsgesellschafter von Vitus will Blackstone die Gesellschaft auch künftig beraten und an Wertsteigerungen teilhaben. Die beiden großen deutschen Immobiliengesellschaften Deutsche Annington und Gagfah (Anm. WOBA Dresden Deal), die beide ehrgeizige Wachstumspläne haben, kamen bei dem Blackstone-Verkauf nicht zum Zuge. Der "FTD" zufolge hätte Annington vor wenigen Wochen beinahe den Zuschlag bekommen, sei letztlich aber nicht bereit gewesen, den geforderten Preis zu zahlen.
Annington verfügt über rund 230.000 eigene Wohnungen und gehört dem britischen Finanzinvestor Terra Firma. Finanzkreisen zufolge wird die Immobiliengesellschaft wahrscheinlich nach der Sommerpause an die Börse gehen - später als ursprünglich geplant. Terra Firma hatte zuletzt aber auch die Option genannt, Annington mitsamt dem Bestand an den bereits börsennotierten Konkurrenten Gagfah zu verkaufen.
"Blackstone hat es nicht eilig, aus der Anlageklasse herauszugehen, und behält daher einen Anteil", wurde Chad Pike zitiert, der Europachef der Blackstone-Immobiliensparte.
Ein neuer Fall von Schrottimmobilien ala Badenia??! Also ich persönlich würde momentan davon nichts kaufen... Sollen sie doch da hin gehen wo der Pfeffer wächst diese Heuschrecken
Over a million and a half houses foreclosed and more than a hundred mortgage companies bankrupt... LEAP/E2020's anticipations confirmed by Bloomberg!
- Decoded news (March 12, 2007) -One month after LEAP/E2020 anticipated in detail the amount of forthcoming house foreclosures and mortgage company bankruptcies (GEAB N°12), Bloomberg in an article dated March 12th entitled "Foreclosures May Hit 1.5 Million as U.S. Housing Bust Deepens;, confirms the trend thus anticipated, and writes that the Federal Reserve itself expects no less than 1.5 million houses foreclosed and 100 sub-prime morgage companies bankrupt in 2007. Knowing that this category of media and institution are usually prone to underestimate negative trends, LEAP/E2020 advises to expect even higher figures.
About future stages, GEAB N°13 (on subscription) is coming up on March 16th.
Anm.: Na da haben wir ja noch einiges zu erwarten...
Original von Homm13…1c10998ffce4d82293bd1fac9Over a million and a half houses foreclosed and more than a hundred mortgage companies bankrupt... LEAP/E2020's anticipations confirmed by Bloomberg!
- Decoded news (March 12, 2007) -One month after LEAP/E2020 anticipated in detail the amount of forthcoming house foreclosures and mortgage company bankruptcies (GEAB N°12), Bloomberg in an article dated March 12th entitled "Foreclosures May Hit 1.5 Million as U.S. Housing Bust Deepens;, confirms the trend thus anticipated, and writes that the Federal Reserve itself expects no less than 1.5 million houses foreclosed and 100 sub-prime morgage companies bankrupt in 2007. Knowing that this category of media and institution are usually prone to underestimate negative trends, LEAP/E2020 advises to expect even higher figures.
About future stages, GEAB N°13 (on subscription) is coming up on March 16th.
Anm.: Na da haben wir ja noch einiges zu erwarten...
...the land of the free...