Geht fett ab!! plus 26% (+8% nach Posting hier!)
plus 30% mit Kaufsignal Generierung! Fette grüne Kerze am Schluss!
20. Januar 2025, 18:48
Geht fett ab!! plus 26% (+8% nach Posting hier!)
plus 30% mit Kaufsignal Generierung! Fette grüne Kerze am Schluss!
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Geht fett ab!! plus 26% (+8% nach Posting hier!)
Wer hat Tradingideen fuer kurzfristig long?
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Vielleicht auchmal googeln wo Herr Buffet Hauptaktionär ist, und wem er nach der Lehman Pleite Geld geliehen hat?
Eigentlich ist das direkt beantwortet! da brauch man garnicht googeln. Der Noppes wird jedes Jahr zur gleichen Zeit kolportiert!
46k auf der 2.35 Cad im BID!|+Wildcat+Silver+
Erste long auf der 0,395!
Schlusskurs 0,43 mit gutem Volumen!
Orderbuch aktuell sehr gut!!
Bei CSI + WS mit am Start.CSI schon vor einer Woche!
So langsam kommen wir in sehr attraktive Kauforders! Gold hat seine Tiefs aber noch nicht gesehen!
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Int'l Tower Hill files 2012 results, no details
International Tower Hill Mines Ltd (C:ITH)
Shares Issued 98,068,638
Last Close 3/13/2013 $1.43
Wednesday March 13 2013 - News Release
Mr. Donald Ewigleben reports
International Tower Hill Mines Ltd. has filed the company's annual report on Form 10-K, including the audited financial statements, for the fiscal year ended Dec. 31, 2012, which was filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and certain securities commissions in Canada. Highlights provided in this news release should be read in conjunction with the Company's 10-K. All dollar amounts are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise stated.
ITH ended 2012 with a working capital of $27.7 million. The Company is focusing on completing all the engineering and analysis to support the completion of its Feasibility Study and the environmental work needed to maintain its current schedule.
ITH is also pleased to report that the Livengood Feasibility/Optimization Study is on schedule and on budget. To date, the following items have been completed and trade off studies are being conducted:
The mine design/production schedule alternatives have been completed, including equipment specifications and bids.
Metallurgical tests to optimize recovery have been completed.
The milling process design circuit has been completed and throughput optimization is currently being assessed. The mill will include an initial gravity circuit followed by standard carbon in leach recovery circuit (CIL) similar to the process used at the Fort Knox mine, 45 air miles to the southeast. Equipment bids have been received and are being reviewed.
Environmental baseline information collection has entered its fifth year, establishing critical benchmarks for mine permitting needs.
Don Ewigleben, President and CEO stated, "I am excited to be moving the Livengood project into this final phase of Feasibility and Optimization. This world class gold project continues to show significant potential for becoming one of the largest new gold mines in the world. The project is a very large gold resource in a favorable mining jurisdiction; the existing infrastructure and a high quality development team will continue to make ITH an attractive long-term investment."
Effective January 1, 2013, the Company began reporting as a U.S. domestic filer under the rules of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. As a U.S. domestic filer, the Company is required to file financial statements using accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, (US GAAP) rather than the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) previously used.
Shareholders can obtain copies of the Company's 10-K, including the audited financial statements for the period ended December 31, 2012 and related management discussion and analysis, on SEDAR (, EDGAR ( and on ITH's website at ( ITH will also provide hard copies of this document, free of charge, to shareholders who request a copy directly from the Company.
We seek Safe Harbor.
Als Anhang mal vom letzten Jahr!!
Another target is potential resources below the known ore body.
“Exploration holes in the Money Knob deposit were generally terminated at 200 meters to 300 meters below the surface due to limitations of the drilling technology used,” Ewigleben said in the June 21 press release. “To date, almost all the drill holes in the Money Knob have bottomed out in the gold deposit and six holes extending below the proposed pit bottom at the 300 meter depth penetrated intervals with similar gold grades to the main deposit.”
Additional resources in this area, below the proposed pit bottom, may be identified by drilling done as the mining operation proceeds,” the release said. August 2012…gs-at-work/#ixzz25XZi09Ja
Gehört nicht so direkt hier hin, aber ich mache es mal!
Im letzten Jahr haben schon Japanische Pensionsfonds angefangen sich im Rohstoffbereich einzukaufen.Minen ,Explorer die finanzstark sind.Seit Feb. ist dieser Trend verstärkt erkennbar. Auch amerikanische Pensionsfonds
haben im Sektor ende letzten Jahres verstärkt eingekauft!Es ist also nach meiner Meinung davon auszugehen, dass verstärkte Zuflüsse erfolgen werden unter den oben genannten Bedingungen.
Das ist ein ganz starkes Zeichen.
Die institutionellen Anleger haben sich bei ITH fett eingekauft!
Geschätzt 42% in festen Händen! s. SEC Filings vom 31.12.2012
43 Gesellschaften am Start.
Owner Name Date Shared Held Change (Shares) Change(%) Value(in 1,000s)
TOCQUEVILLE ASSET MANAGEMENT L.P. 12/31/2012 17,169,469 351,505 2.09 24,381
PAULSON & CO INC 12/31/2012 8,949,654 0 0.00 12,709
VAN ECK ASSOCIATES CORP 12/31/2012 6,413,116 277,201 4.52 9,107
TEACHER RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS 12/31/2012 2,099,836 0 0.00 2,982
WEISS ASSET MANAGEMENT LP 12/31/2012 1,926,411 (1,923,077) (49.96) 2,736
ROYCE & ASSOCIATES LLC 12/31/2012 1,014,000 0 0.00 1,440
INVESCO LTD. 12/31/2012 900,425 34,847 4.03 1,279
FMR LLC 12/31/2012 546,700 0 0.00 776
TFS CAPITAL LLC 12/31/2012 266,450 (71,809) (21.23) 378
DEUTSCHE BANK AG\ 12/31/2012 241,109 110,867 85.12 342
RENAISSANCE TECHNOLOGIES LLC 12/31/2012 233,600 106,100 83.22 332
TD ASSET MANAGEMENT INC 12/31/2012 220,000 0 0.00 312
D. E. SHAW & CO., INC. 12/31/2012 56,642 (700) (1.22) 80
BMO FINANCIAL CORP 12/31/2012 50,316 (340,165) (87.11) 71
GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC 12/31/2012 45,200 (24,700) (35.34) 64