Beiträge von gogh

    kriegt er nicht, lustig, lustig trallerallala.....

    Vorgestern wurden Laborergebnisse vom Kupfertenement Mz. Hardy gemeldet.

    die Bohrkerne waren 45 Jahre alt und beim Bergamt "Staat" gelagert gewesen.
    Keine Kursreaktion.

    Gestern wurden "Taetigkeistsberichte" vom Hauptprojekt Vanadium Mt. Peak verlautet.

    Keine Kursreaktion.

    Kurs duempelt weiter vor sich hin.

    Es dauert noch bis es in Darwin wie auf dem Pavianfelsen im Zoo aussehen wird.

    Aber irgendwann hat die Domina Hochkonjunktur.



    Kurs um 30% eingebrochen auf nur noch 13.

    TNG meldet das Ergebnis eines Bohrlochs am Mt. Hardy wo Kupfer vermutet wird.

    Man hat etwas CU nachgewiesen.

    Da das aber einen viel zu geringer Gehalt von 0,75% hat, verkaufen viele (10 Mio shares) mit Verlust.

    TNG selbst kommentiert genau dieses 1 Bohrergebnis geradezu euphorisch. Das 1 Bohrloch liesse

    eine riesige CU_Lagerstaette vermuten.

    Keine ahnung welche Bewertung richtig und welche falsch ist. Mt. Hardy spielt geringe Rolle fuer TNG.

    Es geht um Vanadium am Mt. Peak. Solange da nichts schief laeuft ist mir alles andere egal.




    Hab´mir angeregt durch die highscore Postings hier und anderswo

    das Matsa schäetzchen mal angeschaut.

    fuer mich eine Chimaere. Ueberall gut aber nirgends ganz durchgebacken.

    da fahr ich lieber am Arsch der Welt mit vollem Risiko, wo alles offen und billig ist.

    Kann aber verstehen, dass TBR Fans MAT sexy finden.



    Kurs ist auf 18 zurueckgegangen. Ohne Newsflow -vor allem zum Vanadium_Play- werden die 20 kaum erreicht werden.

    hier ein Posting auf HC von heute 16.11.2012 zum "Kupfer_Nebenschauolatz Mt. Hardy" :

    """""The Chinese investment at 33.5% in TNG is defenitely to also to utilise it at their copper exploration vehicle in Australia (look at ECE history in China they have a strong 50+ year exploration history there, with their own diamond drill manufacturing facility: ) ---these guys have been doing their geological homework on the underexplored Arunta complex that includes the Mount Doreen region and the Mount Hardy copper mine: prior to may this year TNG only had exploration rights in EL29219 which is immediately north of the mount hardy mine. The first thing they do after the ECE deal is finalised is ---Buy the Mount hardy tenement EL27892 for 200K from Walla Mines (--a good premium to what Walla had to pay for the tenement to NT minerals department - but mind you the tenement is the most prospective given its preexisting mining activity and historical rock chips + shallow cores; note no shares, no royalties no other nonsense)

    They probably were in discussions with Terra Rica at this stage but thought that Terra Ricas asking price of 95K (costs under 1000 bucks to apply for the tenement to NTG) was too high for an unexplored area. But with the RC drill hitting sulphides at EM1 their view would have changed--there would have been a board meeting and decision to buy the tenement (all cash, no shares)
    (and who knows they may have also flown Helitem on the tenements in the unoccupied desert terrain of EL28694 belonging to Terra Rica
    Hidden interparty transactions is a dodgy practice seen in many aussie juniors --but there are much better ways for PB and other board memebers to make 95K --and the board that has ECE and significant Chinese presence is not as gullible as suggested"""""



    TNG ASX +8% auf von 0,180 auf 0,195$ bei Absatz 11 Mio Stueck.
    Im Grunde steigt TNG nachrichtenlos .

    Mit der "Sulphidisation" fuer CU am Mt. Hardy ist noch ganichts konkret.

    TNG ist ein Vanadium_Play. Vanadium wird gebraucht bei der Edelstahlproduktion.

    Das Prospekt liegt am Mt. Peake und ist ordentlich exploriert.

    Die Logistik ist ueber den Hafen von Darwin geplant.

    Dahin fuehrt eine bestehende Eisenbahnstrecke.

    TNG produziert noch nichts, ein blosser Explorer zur Zeit noch.



    TNG/SHD nichts Neues

    Weil aber bei WDR gestern Chinesen absagten, habe ich mir nochmal angeschaut
    wie die Beteiligung von Chinesen an der TNG aussieht:

    Erste Jahreshaelfte 2012 mittels KapErhoehung ca. 13 Mio $ investiert:

    "The overall transaction has resulted in the introduction to the Company’s
    register of Ao-Zhong International Mineral Resources Pty Ltd (“Ao-Zhong”), a
    subsidiary of the Jiangsu Eastern China Non-Ferrous Metals Investment
    Holding Co. Ltd (“ECE”),
    and a privately owned Chinese industrial and hightechnology
    company, Aosu Investment and Development Co Pty Ltd (“Aosu”)
    with a combined cornerstone holding of approximately 30 per cent."


    Bei TNG/SHD ist nichts Neues.

    Es gibt aber noch ein Drittes Spin Off der ehemaligen Batavia Mining; das ist WDR (Western Desert).
    WDR hat Fe_Claims sued-westlich von SHD am Roper River.
    Der WDR war ein bedingtes Take_Over Angebot eines Chinesenstadels namens "Mejin Energy Group" MEG diesen September zugegangen.
    Die MEG hat heute nacht alles abgeblasen.



    TNG wird mit hohem Umsatz zu einem statischen Kurs um die 11 Austral Cetnts gehandelt.

    Solche ereignislose Zeiten kann man zum nachdenken nutzen;

    sowas ist das Gegenteil von "Trendfolger" .


    Ist es denkbar, dass sich Asien wirtschaftlich vom Abendland abkoppelt.

    Gogh haelt das fuer moeglich und wahrscheinlich.

    Unter anderem deshalb in TNG und SHG engagiert.

    Base Metals wofuer TNG/SHG stehen, koennen nur erfolgreich sein, wenn Asien erfolgreich bleibt.





    tat gestern hopsen.

    Muss erstmal lesen, was da gesten los war.

    Hat AU_Reserven ohne Ende. Alles gedrillt und vermessen. Weil´s aber hoch

    in den Anden theoretisch zu Umweltproblemen fuehren kann, war

    der graue Star regierungsamtlich abgeschossen worden.




    Wie die Chinesen bei TNG mitmischen ist TNG_Schicksalsfrage.

    Es gibt 2 Chineische Akteure bei TNG.

    Formal ein industrielles Unternehmen und ein Forschungsinstitut.

    Die Konglomerate der Chinesischen Schwerindustrie

    und die Nomenklatura der offiziell immer noch kommunistischen

    Einheitspartei sind miteinander verwoben.

    Wie weiss niemand, wahrscheinlich wissen es die Akteure selbst nicht.

    Am ehesten laesst sich das mit den Zustaenden nach dem Zusammenbruch

    der Sowjetunion vergleichen.




    TNG verliert heute genausoviel wie am Freitag gewonnen wurde.

    15.10.2012 Schlusskurs 0,11 Austral_Dollar
    Absatz 3 Mio Stück
    (von 0,125 auf 0,11 = -13%)

    TNG ist nicht mehr die gleiche wie vor 5 Jahren.

    Zink MVT ausgetraeumt.

    Stattdessen Vanadium im Eisen 1.000 km suedlich.

    Chinesen bei allen Batavia_Spin Offs (TNG, WDR, SHD, THR) neuerdings massgeblich beteiligt.

    OPES_Debakel (Lombardkredite, Margin Calls) hat vielen TNG_Anlegern vor 5 Jahren das Genick gebrochen oder zumindest
    den Schneid genommen.

    Dauert alles laenger als den meisten lieb ist.

    Schauen wir in D und EU derweil als Pausenunterhaltung unseren Weltoekonomen wie Wolfgang Schaeuble,
    Steinbrueck, Hollande, Junkers zu. Mit Wilhelm Busch "Wehe, wehe, wenn ich das Ende sehe"


    das Mount Hardy projekt ist early stage und nur ein Nebenschauplatz.

    Flagship ist woanders Mount Peake: Eisen_Vanadium allerdings auch nur Explorerstadium.

    Hier ein kommerzieller Promotionartikel von einem Brokerblaettchen von heute.






    = lia=m^oh=i^kb=`^mfq^i=mi`=====QV=_bohbibv=pnr^obI=ilkalk=tNg=R^w=====qW=HQQ=EMFOM=TQVP=UNUU====cW=HQQ=EMFOM=TQVP=PRTS===tK=tttKliami`K`lj=

    TNG Limited


    High-grade results confirmed at Mount Hardy

    10 October 2012


    Laboratory analytical results have confirmed the high grades recently identified from rock chip sampling at the company’s

    100%-owned Mount Hardy Copper Project in the Northern Territory, Australia. The final lab results substantiate the high

    copper, zinc, and lead values previously returned from Niton XRF analysis and reported to the market on the 27


    September. The results are highly anomalous and TNG has received approval to commence drill testing key targets.

    · Lab results match. Final laboratory assay results on rock chips from the Mount Hardy project have returned peak grades

    of 35% Cu, 6.85% Zn, 16.15% Pb, and 7.93 g/t Au. These corroborate the earlier results received from preliminary Niton

    (handheld XRF) analyses. Five samples returned grades in excess of 10% Cu, whilst 56 samples returned grades in

    excess of 1% Cu. The lab results for the five main prospects (Mount Hardy, Browns, EM Targets #1, #2, and #3) correlate

    closely with the distribution of high grades encountered at these locations using the Niton analyser.


    Niton is right-on. These results demonstrate that Niton is a swift, effective and low-cost tool for preliminary exploration.· [b]Continuity is emerging. At Mount Hardy, 24 samples were collected from costeaning (essentially trench sampling) to

    provide a 51m run of continuous sampling transversely over the strike of two main vein lines. At a 1% Cu cut-off, a single

    zone returned 6m at 3.39% Cu. Using a 0.5% Cu cut-off, two zones were outlined returning 8m at 0.51% Cu and a

    promising 12m at 2% Cu. We view these results as encouraging and the first foray in proving the geological continuity and

    extent of high grade mineralisation at the project.· [b]Gold. Hinting at the potential beyond just base metal mineralisation, high grade gold results of up to 7.9g/t Au were

    returned from the Mount Hardy prospect for the first time.· [b]Multiple mineralisation scenarios? The raft of high grade results, although early stage, indicate to us that great potential

    is emerging to identify a major mineralised system. TNG believes that the highly anomalous base and precious metal

    values are indicative of an enriched hydrothermal source fluid. The real test will be drilling and the real prize would be the

    identification of the primary source deposit that may be related to these high-grade initial results.· [b]Drilling soon! TNG has obtained approval from the Northern Territory Department of Mines & Energy to commence

    drilling. A contractor has been secured and the company expects the rigs to start turning before the end of October.[b]

    We are extremely encouraged that the lab results confirm the high-grade multi-element results first identified from the

    preliminary XRF analysis. TNG will now swiftly mobilise a drill rig to test these geochemical targets which also coincide

    with large scale geophysical EM anomalies that were recently outlined from an airborne survey. Whilst TNG’s flagship
    Mount Peake charges towards DFS, these exploration results have the potential to drive further price appreciation.






    das Mount Hardy projekt ist early stage und nur ein Nebenschauplatz.

    Flagship ist woanders Mount Peake: Eisen_Vanadium allerdings auch nur Explorerstadium.

    Hier ein kommerzieller Promotionartikel von einem Brokerblaettchen von heute.






    = lia=m^oh=i^kb=`^mfq^i=mi`=====QV=_bohbibv=pnr^obI=ilkalk=tNg=R^w=====qW=HQQ=EMFOM=TQVP=UNUU====cW=HQQ=EMFOM=TQVP=PRTS===tK=tttKliami`K`lj=

    TNG Limited


    High-grade results confirmed at Mount Hardy

    10 October 2012


    Laboratory analytical results have confirmed the high grades recently identified from rock chip sampling at the company’s

    100%-owned Mount Hardy Copper Project in the Northern Territory, Australia. The final lab results substantiate the high

    copper, zinc, and lead values previously returned from Niton XRF analysis and reported to the market on the 27


    September. The results are highly anomalous and TNG has received approval to commence drill testing key targets.

    · Lab results match. Final laboratory assay results on rock chips from the Mount Hardy project have returned peak grades

    of 35% Cu, 6.85% Zn, 16.15% Pb, and 7.93 g/t Au. These corroborate the earlier results received from preliminary Niton

    (handheld XRF) analyses. Five samples returned grades in excess of 10% Cu, whilst 56 samples returned grades in

    excess of 1% Cu. The lab results for the five main prospects (Mount Hardy, Browns, EM Targets #1, #2, and #3) correlate

    closely with the distribution of high grades encountered at these locations using the Niton analyser.


    Niton is right-on. These results demonstrate that Niton is a swift, effective and low-cost tool for preliminary exploration.· [b]Continuity is emerging. At Mount Hardy, 24 samples were collected from costeaning (essentially trench sampling) to

    provide a 51m run of continuous sampling transversely over the strike of two main vein lines. At a 1% Cu cut-off, a single

    zone returned 6m at 3.39% Cu. Using a 0.5% Cu cut-off, two zones were outlined returning 8m at 0.51% Cu and a

    promising 12m at 2% Cu. We view these results as encouraging and the first foray in proving the geological continuity and

    extent of high grade mineralisation at the project.· [b]Gold. Hinting at the potential beyond just base metal mineralisation, high grade gold results of up to 7.9g/t Au were

    returned from the Mount Hardy prospect for the first time.· [b]Multiple mineralisation scenarios? The raft of high grade results, although early stage, indicate to us that great potential

    is emerging to identify a major mineralised system. TNG believes that the highly anomalous base and precious metal

    values are indicative of an enriched hydrothermal source fluid. The real test will be drilling and the real prize would be the

    identification of the primary source deposit that may be related to these high-grade initial results.· [b]Drilling soon! TNG has obtained approval from the Northern Territory Department of Mines & Energy to commence

    drilling. A contractor has been secured and the company expects the rigs to start turning before the end of October.[b]

    We are extremely encouraged that the lab results confirm the high-grade multi-element results first identified from the

    preliminary XRF analysis. TNG will now swiftly mobilise a drill rig to test these geochemical targets which also coincide

    with large scale geophysical EM anomalies that were recently outlined from an airborne survey. Whilst TNG’s flagship
    Mount Peake charges towards DFS, these exploration results have the potential to drive further price appreciation.




