Hallo Zusammen,
was man vom Folgendem halten soll und wie sich das dann spesenmäßig verhält sei jedem selbst überlassen zu entscheiden.
Ich befürchte am Schluss ist es den Aufwand bei meinen wenigen Stück nicht wert
Bevor ich bei GBRoyalties angefagt habe bin ich die Originaldokumente auf http://www.sedar.com durchgegangen (suche nach Great Bear, Dokumente vom 07. Oktober) um so ungefähr einen Plan für die Anfrage zu haben.
Diese sind im Anhang.
Dort fand ich auch die Emailadresse für die Anfrage.
Fazit: es scheint eine Möglichkeit zu geben sich als nicht in Kanada/US Seßhafter für die Kapitalerhöhung zu qualifizieren durch eine Art Selbstauskunft „form" an die Gesellschaft.
Etwas kurios - dies auch noch nach der im Circular genannten Frist.
Vorlage dafür wollten sie mir mailen aber ich habe sie noch nicht erhalten. Nächster Schritt wäre dann die ING damit zu nerven.
Falls jemand selbst bei der Gesellschaft anfragen will nur zu, bitte wenn möglich aber ohne Verweis auf meinen Schriftwechsel.
Die Frage von mir und Antwort von GBRoyalties wie folgt:
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Dear Mr Morrison,
first of all please excuse - my English could be more precise regarding legal and financial matters. Anyway I try to do my best and hope you may help me to get a more clear picture of the topic.
Being a shareholder in Gear Bear Resources before the split I also hold shares in Great Bear Royalties. The shares are held in an ING direct brokerage account in Germay.
On 4th of November I got a letter from the bank telling me I received rights for a capital raising but that I was not allowed to participate.
Upon written request from my side why this was not possible I was informed that it is only possible for residents in Canada. For non-residents there would be a procedure to qualify to join, for which the deadline already was over and is too complicated and costly for them to offer to retail investors.
After that I looked up the original documents onwww.SEDAR.com
Shortly summarized, according my understanding the Notice of Rights offering and the Rights Offering Circular had both been announced on 07th of October 2020,
the Rights Offering Circular describes that Ineligible Holders may qualify for the offer before 19th October 2020 by an investor letter that shows that joining the capital raising is lawful in their country of residence.
So my questions are as follows:
1) The October 19th deadline is definitely gone, so I suppose there is no more chance to join in the rights offering?
2) Towards future offerings (if there are any), is there another possibility to receive the information earlier, like an email mailing list for shareholders, or is the only way to watch the SEDAR announcements more closely?
3) Regarding the above mentioned investor letter – is there a specific form and content required? And is only a paper letter accepted or would also scan-and email be accepted?
Thanks in advance for your help, if any questions from your side please feel free to let me know.
with best regards
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Antwort von GBRoyalties:
The rights expire on 27 November, so you still have time.
You will need to complete a form and will need to be approved by us to participate. Chase (copied) will send you the form. A scan is fine (no original required).
You will then be able to take this form to ING to participate in the rights offering.
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