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Royal Standard Minerals (A0BLUE) sollte man jetzt kaufen!
Thread: RSM
29. Januar 2025, 07:03
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Royal Standard Minerals (A0BLUE) sollte man jetzt kaufen!
Thread: RSM
Ist es jetzt modern für jede kleine Aussage einen Thread zu eröffnen?
Posted On: Friday, December 22, 2006, 6:26:00 PM EST
When History Repeats Itself
Author: Jim Sinclair
Dear CIGAs,
I have waited 26 years for the next major explosion in the gold market.
We are, in my opinion, directly on the doorstep of that occurrence.
I have stood up to risk to make my point on more than one occasion.
I know of no other commentator on gold who has been willing to take one penny in risk standing behind his or her published views. This is most certainly true when I pay six figures to do this service on behalf of the community.
So here is another promise. I am telling you that we own 2007 and 2008. If I am incorrect about this then this page will close down with my apology. I firmly believe I will be around until 2012-2015 and gold will be way into the four figures.
Let me define what right is. It is a new high in gold above $887.50.
During this period of time 2007-2008 I expect:
Gold shares will return to their traditional asset based valuation. Prices will be made by what you have under your feet, where you are and how advanced you are. In general they will be multiples of what they are presently, some ten fold.
China will stand up to the US in economic and political matters.
The US Treasury International Capital report will go below the zero line.
The cost of the Iraq/Afghanistan conflicts will skyrocket both in $$$ and lives.
The NATO Coalition in Afghanistan will in practical terms break down.
The Federal Budget Deficit will sky rocket.
The US dollar will trade down to .7200
Consideration of a North American currency, a natural outgrowth of NAFTA type arrangements, akin to the Euro will be discussed, but will not happen.
I have waited 26 years for this opportunity. Within a few weeks it will start. These are the Golden Years coming again. A second opportunity in one life time to tag-em and bag-em in the gold market is sitting there waiting for us.
Dec 28: You are about to start a brand new year. A year that I have waited a very long time for. This is a golden period that I believe will be the best of my personal experience. I am offering you, in the following, what I see as the entire story. It will be added to in this general form until after the first business day of the New Year.
I have never had a problem with putting my cards on the table specifically. My opinion puts all this in first gear in the period of January 15th to January 29th 2007.
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.feuerwerk.digifotos-foerster.de/muehlburg/feuerwerk2.jpg]
Man müsste mal die genauen Auswirkungen dieser Tatsache untersuchen.
Nicht alles was der Spiegel schreibt muss stimmen
Ich fürchte es gibt keine bei der Europäischen Union.
Man wird sagen: "oh daran haben wir damals gar nicht gedacht".
Ben schon.
Gesundheit ist das wichtigste.
Ich habe die Sendung zwar nich gesehen, aber ich vermute der Experte empfahl
aber KEIN
physisches SILBER
Kannst du das nochmal konkret wiedergeben was er "empfahl"?
Ziel bis Jahresende: 460 bis 500
Royal Standard Minerals Project Update
MANHATTAN, NEVADA, Dec 22, 2006 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
Royal Standard Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE: RSM)(OTCBB: RYSMF) (the "Company") is pleased to provide a progress update at the Goldwedge Project located in Nye County, Nevada. The Goldwedge Project is completing the installation of a concrete floor and two ball mills for the regrinding circuit as a means to increase gold recoveries within the plant. Recent test work of mine-run gold bearing material by Metcon Labs, in Tucson, AZ indicated precious metal recoveries with a combination of gravity treatment and flotation returned 95.76% for gold and 95.64% for silver with a nominal minus 100 mesh grind. Knelson Research & Technology Center in Langley, BC is currently carrying out a total gravity recovery test under similar conditions to the Metcon work for a comparison; the results are expected next month. The initial results indicate that precious metal recoveries can be significantly enhanced with a more aggressive regrinding circuit. The Company commenced construction work, modifying the regrinding circuit in November, 2006. The underground program has continued with the decline development without any significant interruptions along with stockpiling any gold bearing material that has been encountered during this development to be processed through the plant at a later date, according to qualified person, Roland M. Larsen.
At the Railroad property, Elko County, Nevada, work on the copper-skarn system by a field geologist and a geophysicist has resulted in the completion of field mapping programs during October and November 2006. The alteration mapping and a large ground magnetics program have provided very useful information, these data should be helpful in regard to Future drill hole selection on the property. The geophysical interpretation of this data is underway. No drilling was completed in October and November on this property due to delays with the availability of a drill, the changing weather and the need to complete the evaluation of the new geophysical and geologic data forced a rescheduling of the drilling program until the spring.
The permitting process for the Pinon gold-silver project is progressing with Dyer Engineering Consultants, Inc. involved with the Water Pollution Control permit and JBR Environmental Consultants Inc. working on the Plan of Operations. Currently both firms are preparing a response to NDEP and USBLM, in regard to the last round of comments to our applications.
The Company is pleased to announce that it has retained Pro-edge Consultants Inc. ("Pro-edge") to provide investor relations services to the Company for C$7,500 per month for a twelve month term commencing November 1, 2006. Pro-edge is a Toronto-based IR firm that represents public companies in the natural resource, energy, technology and entertainment sectors; and has partners in New York & Houston (USA), London (UK) and Singapore. To the best of the Company\'s knowledge, Pro-edge has no interest, directly or indirectly, in the Company or its securities, or any right or intent to acquire such an interest. Pro-edge is owned by Weslosky & Cowans Ltd. ("WESCOW"), which is licensed and regulated by the Ontario Securities Commission as a limited market dealer.
About Royal Standard Minerals Inc.
Royal Standard Minerals Inc. (http://www.royalstandardminerals.com) is a precious metals exploration and property development company based in Reno, Nevada with 100% interest in eight advanced exploration-stage projects in four districts of Nevada. Present focus is on the following three properties: Goldwedge (Round Mountain, Manhattan), Railroad-Pinon (Carlin Trend) and Fondaway Canyon.
The Canadian Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of this release as per Exchange Policy 3.3 section 6.5.
Royal Standard Minerals cautions that the statements made in this press release and other forward looking statements made on behalf of the Company may be affected by such other factors including, but not limited to, volatility of mineral prices, product demand, market competition, imprecision of mineral estimates, and other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the Securities and Exchange Commission filings of the Company.
Contacts: Royal Standard Minerals Inc. Roland Larsen President & CEO 775-487-2454 775-487-2460 (FAX) http://www.royalstandardminerals.com Pro-edge consultants inc. Tracy Weslosky or Fred Cowans Managing Partners 416-581-0177 or Toll Free: 1-866-544-9622 info@pro-edge.com http://www.pro-edge.com
SOURCE: Royal Standard Minerals Inc.
http://www.royalstandardminerals.com mailto:info@pro-edge.com http://www.pro-edge.com
Copyright 2006 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
Die "normalen" Leuten kommen mit diesem "diabloic" bloß nicht klar.
Da wird immer gleich gejammert - und vor Weihnachten soll es doch allen gut gehen!
Kritik nehme ich zur Kentnis - werde mich entsprechend ab jetzt etwas zurückhalten, was das "Teuflische" angeht.
An meiner persönlichen Einstellung zu diesen Dingen ändert es wenig.
Das mit dem 666 POG bis 31.12. will wohl wirklich nicht mehr hinhauen.
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.kitconet.com/charts/metals/gold/t24_au_en_usoz_2.gif]
jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeden Tag der gleiche Scheiß.....
10 Villen, 1 Tonne Gold, 10% von BMW
Erwartest du einen massiven Crash bei den Edelmetallen? Kann Dein Posting schwer deuten...
IMO gehen wir wirklich nochmal bis 500 Dollar. Die Zinserhöhungen sind schön in der Schublade.
Ich hoffe beim Endziel lebe ich nicht mehr und bin kräftig dabei die Hölle aufzumischen
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/features/2005/07/images/0522devil.jpg]
3. All influential people who were trapped to come under the control of the Illuminati, plus the students who had been specially educated and trained, were to be used as agents and placed behind the scenes of all governments as experts and specialists. They would advise the top executives to adopt policies which would, in the long run, serve the secret plans of the Illuminati's one world conspiracy, and bring about the destruction of the governments and religions they were elected or appointed to serve.
Man sollte nicht vergessen, dass es ausschließlich um LANGFRISTIGE PLANUNGEN geht. Gerade das macht es dem Normalbürger noch schwerer überhaupt durchzusehen, da sein Denken von Kurzfristigkeit bestimmt wird.
Der Artikel den Lenz1 gepostet hat, gibt ungefähr meine Meinung über die aktuellen Geschehnisse her...
Diese kleine Gruppe von zukünftigen Weltbeherrschern ist so gut organisiert und arbeitet so gut im Hintergrund, dass es keiner merkt.
Wer die Geschichte der Familie Rothschild kennt weiß wovon ich rede. Heute führen sie offiziell ein zurückgezogenes Leben bzw. lassen die Söhne in der Hochfinanz der Welt agieren. Ich bin mir zu 90% sicher, dass sie bereits den größten Teil des weltweiten Goldes sich direkt bzw. indirekt über die Kontrolle über das Goldvermögen einzelner Staaten angeeignet haben.
Das Wort Skrupel kennen sie nicht, weil sie einem höheren - zionistischen? - Zweck folgen und sobald Fanatismus ins Spiel kommt rationale Denkmöglichkeiten nicht mehr gelten.
Damals sagte auch so ein Fuzzi von der NWO-Clique, dass sie eine globale Krise brauchen, um die Weltregierung einzuführen.
Es wird auch eine Weltregierung irgendwann geben - weil die Menschen sich auf Grund von Gedankenkontrolle, McDonalds und Trägheit (westliche Welt) und Fanatismus (Orient), etc. nicht wehren werden - sie sind ja selbst genug mit ihren Konflikten beschäftigt.
Diese Elite sieht sich als ausgewählt - was man sogar fast unterschreiben kann, denn ihre Vorgehensweise und ihre über Jahrhunderte vorhandene Geduld und Strategie, sind GENIAL!
Das heißt nicht, dass ich ihre Ziele tolleriere.
Der Dollar-Crash kommt spielt diesen Leuten in die Hände. Kriegsrecht in den europäischen Staaten, USA, China - weltweit.
Ein Land was ich bisher noch nicht in diese Sache einflechten konnte ist Russland mit Putin - da fehlt mir irgendwie noch der Draht.
Wahrscheinlich gibt es Putin, um Konfliktpotenzial zu erzeugen.
Auf irgendjemand muss man den Dollar-Crash schieben können...