Beiträge von Tschonko

    Timberline Zahlen:
    da wird sich viel ändern, wenn die erworbene Drilling company dazukommt, weil die schon anständig verdienen.
    (siehe auch bericht vor ein paar Tagen hier...)

    EXN.TO wieder mit Verlust:

    Excellon Reports Third Quarter Loss of $1,660,395
    Friday June 13, 4:24 pm ET
    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 13, 2008 - Excellon Resources Inc. (TSX:EXN - News) is pleased to report its results for the three month period ended April 30, 2008. For full details, please see the Company's unaudited Financial Statements for the three and nine months ended April 30, 2008 and related Management's Discussion & Analysis, which were filed on SEDAR on June 13, 2008.
    Q3 Highlights
    - Completed $10.0 million private placement equity financing subsequent to quarter end in May 2008
    - Produced 473,422 ounces of silver, 2,700,617 pounds of lead, and 2,625,830 pounds of zinc
    - Loss of $0.011 per share
    - Received a new Mineral Resource estimate, more than doubling the Indicated Resource from that of May 2006 and intersected additional sulphide mineralization since the cut-off date of the new estimate
    - Approved construction of mill
    "Excellon admittedly has faced some challenges of late: the work stoppage due to a strike at Penoles' Naica facility had an impact on the third quarter, and operations were temporarily suspended in mid May due to an unexpected underground water inflow," said Peter A. Crossgrove, Excellon's chairman. "However, the Company has risen to these challenges, and is surmounting them. Further, these events have made the completion of a $10 million private placement equity financing in mid May especially prudent. Excellon will continue to build on its fundamentals in the coming quarter. It will progress its work on the construction of the mill at Platosa, and pursue its exploration program."
    To view the Financial Highlights, please visit the following link:
    Test-Mining Program
    Development and mining of the Platosa deposit during the quarter ended April 30, 2008 was carried out primarily in the northwest area of the main Guadalupe Manto. Shipments of crushed ore to the Naica milling facility ("Naica mill") of Compania Maple, S.A. de C.V. (a subsidiary of Industrias Penoles S.A. de C.V. ("Penoles")) were 11,080 tonnes for the three months ended April 30, 2008 compared with 12,095 tonnes in the previous year. Shipments in the period averaged 3,693 tonnes per month (2007 - 4,032 tonnes per month). Ore shipments, which had been suspended as at January 16, 2008 due to a labour strike at Naica, resumed in mid-February.
    In the third week of May during the routine development of a third ventilation raise in the north western section of the Platosa Mine, there was an unexpected intersection of a water bearing formation at the 140 metre elevation. This resulted in a water inflow that exceeded the pumping capacity of the mine dewatering pumps and a suspension of mining activity. The Company has successfully sealed the water inflow, placed a concrete safety barrier in the access drift to the raise, and has begun to dewater the mine.
    To view the shipping statistics, please visit the following link:

    Ganzer Bericht:

    Hi eldo,
    die spielen halt mit allen Mitteln.
    Blöd ist es, wenn man dann noch Geld braucht.
    Da ist man ausgeliefert und ältere shareholder sind die Blöden.

    Siehe auch bei Sterling: die die letzten PP´s mitgemacht haben, die sind jetzt schlecht dran.
    Und Sterling braucht unbedingt Geld.
    Sollen die mexico sachen raushauen!

    Übrigens, wieso ist IMA eine Wohkltat?
    Weil sie nicht mehr fällt? :D

    June 12, 2008
    Unhedged And Unburdened By Debt, Endeavour Silver Is Going After A Sweet Spot In The Market

    By Alastair Ford

    According to Hugh Clarke, the corporate communications man at Endeavour Silver, the US patent office has issued more patents for products using silver than it has for products using any other metal. He’s not quite sure of the source for this nice little bit of silver-bull speak, and here at minesite we’ve not been able to track it down either. But it has a ring of truth about it, and a google search on the subjects of the “US patent office” and “silver” reveals hit after hit after hit.
    The reasons that that may be the case are revealed early in Endeavour’s current investor presentation. Silver, it says, is the best natural conductor of electricity, the best reflective material, and one of the best conductors of heat. There follows a long list of applications for silver – in electronics, in batteries, in catalysts used to make plastics, in windscreens, in sunglasses, in pharmaceuticals, and in clothing and washing and drying machines. One that could be added for a specifically British audience is the growing use of the metal to combat the hospital superbug known as MRSA. On the downside, silver’s use in photography continues to decline, as all but the top-flight swap to digital. But then again there is some silver in digital cameras, and Mr Clarke reckons that over time even after the switch to digital is completed, photography will still account for around 10 per cent of overall demand. In short, silver is a versatile metal, and unlike its near neighbour in the periodic table, gold, there’s comparatively a lot more of it about. No wonder the patents are flooding in.
    Bradford Cooke and Godfrey Walton, the driving force in the team at Endeavour Silver, were a long way ahead of the market in recognizing the potential of getting into this space as a primary producer. Back in 2004 it wasn’t exactly fashionable to set up as a primary producer. Indeed, it’s not hugely fashionable now, given the low numbers of primary silver miners that are currently operating. But the thinking was that as gold had already taken a bullish turn, so silver would inevitably follow. Mr Clarke himself put a time limit on this theory of Christmas 2007. If by then it hadn’t panned out, he’d look for something else to do. Needless to say, the silver price has more than tripled since then, and the boys at Endeavour have been left looking pretty clever. Mr Clarke passed a relaxing and fairly uneventful Christmas at the end of last year, and you can tell by the way he presents that he has no issues with lugging a large, and heavy, bar of silver around the world with him as takes the Endeavour story on the road.
    The bar comes out of one of Endeavour’s Mexican mines. It’s brutal, it’s hard, and it’s worth a lot of money. Customs officials like to call their colleagues over to look at it, but there’s not much lustre here - this is raw silver, as poured at the minesite, and you can see where the bubbles formed when the metal was still liquid. There’s no better illustration that a company’s in production that a bit of hard product, and if the glint on the metal wasn’t quite as brilliant as that from the bars of gold that Peter Hambro keeps at the back of his office, it certainly outshone the rather lonely lump of iron pyrites that sits on top of the old NCIM filing cabinets at Minesite’s offices.
    Endeavour’s currently producing around 2.5 million ounces per year from mines at Guanajuato and Guanecevi. In the last quarter the Guanecevi mine, in Durango, made a profit of US$2.7 million. The other mine has been struggling with some operational issues as a recent and as-yet unfinished plant refurbishment has driven up costs, but Mr Clarke is confident that the bulk of these issues are behind Endeavour now, and that costs will come down to between US$6 and US$7 per ounce. These are underground mines, so they’re never going to be in the absolute lowest quartile. The plan now is to ramp up to around 5 million ounces fairly rapidly.
    In the meantime, there may well be activity elsewhere. Apart from exploration upside, the company offers a fairly attractive combination as an unhedged producer boasting 50 million ounces in the ground and unburdened by debt. That puts it in a strong position to act as a consolidator in a market that Mr Clarke reckons is crying out for it. Endeavour’s aim is to acquire new properties, and new companies, with a view to taking it towards production of the order of 8 million to 12 million ounces. This, reckons Mr Clarke, is a “sweet spot” in the market, and would generate huge upward momentum for the company’s shares. That’s because there isn’t currently a primary producer with production in that mid-tier range, so the thinking is that Endeavour would really stand out and attract the buyers.
    So far Mr Clarke hasn’t had too much trouble bringing them in. Retail interest in silver in the USA, he says, is huge. Or to use his exact words, “Americans are nuts about silver”. They may go even more nuts about Endeavour, if the company hits its sweet spot. But only time will tell on that one.

    Mexico Mike zu EXM:

    "I do not think there is any bad news out there. More probably, it is widely known that EXM must raise some cash soon and there is a short out there playing that assumption. Investor confidence in EXM is pretty low right now and its not like there is a wave of bargain hunters out there to take on even a modest short. I would think a brokerage house has quietly put on a predatory trade and will cover when EXM announces the terms of a financing, but that is all just speculation on my part, based on what I know of the industry and how the juniors get routinely screwed by the institutional sumbags. Or maybe its just a bunch more retail shareholders who have decided they can no longer stand watching the price erosion. I have not sold a share, and will just trust that the management can raise the money they need to keep things together until the sector recovers.



    Hallo Nugget,
    das nervt nicht, das sind einfach Überlegungen, die man oft durchführen soll.
    Wir sind jetzt wieder dort wo, wir im JAN 06 waren. schöner Scheiß!

    Da könnt sich jetzt ne Unterstützung bilden......

    1. Wie weit kann es noch runtergehen? Galub, nicht mehr viel, aber das hab ich bei 0,24 auch geglaubt :D
    2. Jetzt? Oder soll man vielleicht warten, bis eine Meldung kommt od. das Segment sich zu drehen beginnt.
    .....Das ist entscheidend. sicherer ist der Drehmove, man verschenkt halt gleich mal so und so viel %e.
    3. Wie viel EXM hat man und zu welchem Preis?
    Sind Probleme da, die man nicht sieht.
    Wie schaut die situation überhaupt aus.
    Wenn man diese fragen positiv beantworten kann, dann gleich mit der doppelten u. dreifachen Anzahl von shares rein.

    Das hab ich schon öfters positiv durchgezogen.

    Als Notbremse, sollte sie weiter fallen, geht man halt nach geringen Verlust wieder raus und bleibt am Drücker.
    Ist natürlich viel Theorie dabei....

    Im übrigen hab ich die Diskussion genossen. Bobelle hat ja gut geantwortet.
    Ich versteh ja den Milly zum Großteil.
    Aber es geht halt auch noch zusätzlich um was Spezielles bei diesem Segment. :D
    Also DAU, reg dich wieder ab, das bringt´s nicht, deine Aufregung versteh ich auch sehr gut.
    Ist ja schon ein bisserl frotzlerisch, wenn Milly warnend den zeigefinger erhebend die stillen Mitleser meint. :D
    Was hast denn gefunden? Das wär viel interessanter....

    Milly, zu CNQ hast immer noch nichts gesagt.
    Das wär eine Aktie, die könnt dir gefallen.
    Wär schön, wenn du dazu dich mal äußern könntest.
    Im übrigen machst du es eh gut, also lass die anderen in frieden, die nicht so gut sind wie du. :D


    Ich weiß auch nicht, ob irgendwas schlecht ist?

    Nur schlecht kann einem werden..... :D
    Das ist sicher!

    Müss ma mal auf die shortlist schauen...
    Normal ist´s nicht, was da läuft.
    47 mille shares sind heraußen, und die mine ist ziemlich hergerichtet, dass man so richtig zum Produzieren anfangen kann.......

    Aber ich weiß bis heut nicht, warum de Motte gehen musste.
    Klüngelhaftigkeit pur!


    Hallo eldo,
    maximal werden es 18 monat.
    12 monat hamma schon.
    Die 6 druck i a nu durch.
    und wenn i echt probleme krieg, dann verkauf i halt OK oder EGD, da hab ich noch so 200 bis 500% Plus drauf.
    Und dann muss ich nur noch aufpassen, dass das geld nach einer Wochen nicht schon wieder in neuen ponys investiert ist.
    Aber das Problem hast du ja auch..... :D

    hammasamma :D

    für Qu 1. 30 durch 0,38, das ergibt dann die 80.

    Verstehe, du rechnest die 4 Qu hoch.

    Umsatzerwähnung auch klar, war aber etwas verwirrend.

    PAAS steht besser da als CDE. CDE hat, da alles Negative heraußen ist, große kurschancen. Brauchst nur den palmarejo Berricht hochrechnen.
    Die 3 werden nicht halten.
    Um so besser...... :D
    Stark unterbewertet.
    PAAS hat neulich noch so 43 Mille eingenommen mit warrants.
    CDE hat eine schlaue Wandelanleihe, die sich von selbst finanziert. US 192108AR96.

    Genco: da tut sich was. Ex board member wendet sich an shareholder. Wird das eine Streiterei wie bei Sterling und Kimber?
    Poster "Alhaja"…ewtopic.php?p=83880#83880


    das sollte bei mir 20 Mile oz im Jahr heißen (hab das inzwischen ausgebessert.)

    Versteh deine Rechnung nicht ganz. Was willst mit dem Umsatz beim KGV. Oder meinst du KUV?
    Zur zeit verdienen sie 0,38 per share.

    Ich komm bei PAAS auf ein KGV von 80, allerdings mit den Q 1 Ergebnissen.

    Sicher solides Invest.

    Hi, hi, jetzt wird sogar der Eldo schon weich. Aber vollkommen richtig.

    Nur, es hat sich überhaupt nichts geändert. Wenn die 30 mille oz definieren können, gehen sie auf 1,3. ich meine SOP.
    Das ist halt die Spekulation. Ob die eine Mine machen wollen, oder was in 5 jahren ist, interessiert mich nur peripher, das ist eine andere Geschichte.

    Warum wird die Sabina so gehämmert? weil eben nicht sicher ist, ob überhaupt, sei es aus Kostengründen oder Naturschutzgründen dort eine Mine entstehen wird.
    ich hab mit Sabina prächtig verdient, die hab ich aber schon seit mehr als einem Jahr nicht mehr.
    Verheirat mich mit einer Aktie, bin i denn deppert.... :D
    Mir reicht schon meine Ähee......

    Und Silvermex bringt schon wieder einiges an oz für die nächste Definition. Brav!

    Silvermex Resources Ltd.: Drilling Intersects 148 g/t (4.31 oz/t) Silver Across 22.5 Meters at the Penasco Quemado Project, Sonora, Mexico
    Wednesday June 11, 11:49 am ET
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jun 11, 2008 -- Silvermex (CDNX:SMR.V - News) reports the results from the 2,706 meter reverse circulation drilling program completed on the Penasco Quemado property, located in northern Sonora. Significant intersections encountered during the program include 30 meters grading 149.2 g/t Ag from infill drilling at the Penasco Quemado (PQ) Zone, and 22.5 meters grading 148.5 g/t Ag from the Southeast Extension approximately 820 meters from the start of the PQ Zone. This intersection of economic grade mineralization was the furthest ever encountered from the PQ Zone since exploration was initiated on the Property by Silvermex in 2005. The results of this latest drill campaign further confirm the deposit's low stripping ratio and amenability to low cost, bulk tonnage, open pit mining methods........................................


    PS.: Adera, hab dein Posting erst jetzt gesehen.
    Favoriten: die Driller, vor allem CBE, dann FR.TO, IPT.V

    PAAS verdient so 0,4? per share. ca 20 Mille oz Silver im jahr. Viel mehr weiß ich nicht. MC, debts und so.

    Ich weiß nur, dass Silvercorp ca eine 4 mal so hohe MC hat wie FR.

    Da kommen noch einige drauf, was Timberline für ein Schätzchen ist.

    Timberline Resource: Immense Opportunity Ahead

    by: Hans Brubaker posted on: June 11, 2008 | about stocks: TLR These are exciting times for Timberline Resource Corporation (TLR), a company that is uniquely positioned to capitalize on current and future economic trends.

    Having just passed one of the largest one day plunges in the Dow, in the past two years, investors are looking for alternative investment opportunities and are returning to the fabled “hard asset” class that provide a sense of security during economic instability. During times such as these it is important not to only look at the producers of “hard assets” but to also look at the support staff involved in these ventures.
    As such, many investors are drawn to the miners, such as Newmont (NEM), Barrick (ABX), Goldcorp (GG), and other major producers who supply precious and base metals to the industrial, and investing, communities. However, it is critical to realize that even major producers contract out some or most of their underground drilling and mining operations to independent companies in order to lower their own cost of operations. Timberline Resource Corporation encapsulates this type of independent contractor who drills and physically extracts the ore from the mines for producers.
    Recent Developments
    As previously mentioned, this has been an exciting year for Timberline Resource Corporation. From its modest beginnings, Timberline has succeeded in growing its drilling operations from four drilling rigs to twenty-four in a span of approximately two years. In addition to this robust and organic growth, Timberline is reaching out and taking steps towards acquiring one of the largest independent mining development companies in the United States. Small Mine Development [SMD] was formed in 1982 by Ron Guill, who is also a director for Timberline. SMD has been a consistently profitable company and has enjoyed double digit revenue growth over the past five years, coupled with 22 – 24 percent gross margin on revenue [EBITDA]. With the addition of an equally sound company such as SMD, Timberline is in a favorable position to capitalize on opportunities as they move into the future. As presented by the company in the most recent conference call, management expects the acquisition to close around the middle to end of July.
    A bit more information on the acquisition of SMD includes, a total purchase price of $80 million, consisting of $45-million in cash at closing, $15-million in Timberline common stock (valued at $3.21 per share), and $20-million paid in $5-million increments over four years. Ron Guill, founder and owner of SMD, has agreed to stay on with SMD over the next four years and assist in the merging of the two companies. With the recent up-listing to the American Stock Exchange (Ticker: TLR), Timberline has gained further credibility among institutional, and high net worth, investors. With further exposure to the greater investing community Timberline’s name, and business, should gain momentum over the coming weeks and months. There are very few mining companies that have the ability to explore, drill, permit, and mine all in-house and in Timberline’s case the value is truly in the sum of its parts. As Timberline moves closer towards the SMD acquisition I expect the mining industry as well as financial community will come to realize the very unique opportunity in Timberline.
    Macroeconomic Analysis
    The instability in the economic environment worldwide, over the past eight to ten months, has brought to light serious flaws in areas such as the housing market and sub-prime mortgages, increased inflation, devaluation of the dollar, and substantially higher commodity and energy costs. These events are ones that we are all well aware of, and in many circumstances affect our everyday lives. However, as an investor it is not only important to identify our current economic environment but evaluate where we are headed as a nation from this point in time. Looking forward six months, one year, two years, and five years, it is imperative to anticipate what our overall economic structure will look like and identify what sectors will be positioned to profit from it. Specifically addressing the mining sector it is evident, by all accounts, that base and precious metals will continue to remain in demand over the coming years. Although there is debate on the supply inventories of specific ore types, the general overarching consensus of the mining sector is that demand for ore will exceed supply over the next three years and possibly well into the next decade. With developing countries demanding incremental increases in supply of specific ore, such as steel, lead, copper, and zinc, this bodes well for mining companies.
    Further, those companies that specialize in extraction of those ore bodies, such as Timberline, should continue to see additional long-term contracts develop for the services that they provide. With restrained optimism for the sector in general over the coming years, it would behoove the objective investor to analyze and consider companies such as Timberline who are strategically aligned to capitalize on the immense opportunity presented.

    Hallo Lucky,
    i tipp net und das hat Gründe, die ich hier nicht ausführe.... :D

    das kann nicht schaden. Kenn aber PAAS nicht genau.

    Interessant ist CDE.
    Und einige der Garibaldi Properties sind direkt an palmarejo angereiht.
    Möglicherweise hat CDE doch nicht soooo vieelll zu teuer palmarejo eingekauft.

    Bei der EM tut sich definitiv mehr als bei den Minen.
    Von der Qualität wird das die beste Fußballveranstaltung aller Zeiten, so viel kann man jetzt schon sagen.
    Bin da aficinado....
    Aber egal, das würde nur zu schweren Ausschweifungen führen..... :D
    und schlußendlich zu Beleidigungen gegenüber unserem Teamchef "Hicke" Hickersberger....

    Also CDE:
    Palmarejo hikes Coeur d'Alene's silver reserves
    Tuesday June 10, 11:29 am ET

    Coeur d'Alene says its Palmarejo venture boosts company silver reserves by 29 percent COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho (AP) -- Silver producer Coeur d'Alene Mines Corp. said Tuesday a study of a Mexican property confirmed an increase in companywide silver reserves by 29 percent over year-end 2007 levels.[Blockierte Grafik:]
    The feasibility study of the company's Palmarejo silver and gold project indicates that companywide reserves have increased to 278.8 million ounces.
    Also, production from Palmarejo is expected to increase the company's overall silver output 28 percent next year to an estimated 23.6 million ounces.
    Palmarejo has increased the companywide gold reserves by 50 percent to 2.2 million ounces.
    "Construction remains on-schedule with an expected first-half 2009 startup," Chief Executive Dennis E. Wheeler said in a statement. "Once in production, Palmarejo will add significantly to Coeur's growing silver and gold production profile, reduce companywide cash costs, and substantially boost our cash flow."
    The feasibility study will be updated later this year.
    Shares of Coeur d'Alene Mines fell 14 cents, or 4.3 percent, to $3.12 in midday trading.

    Würd mal sagen: HL, Silvercorp, CDE und FM.TO von den größeren. Und die werden, wenn mal wieder was geht, zuerst beschleunigen.


    Nochmals was zur profitablen silvercorp....(siehe auch gestern)…age32?oid=54418&sn=Detail

    Record profits for Canadian silver miner with ops in China
    Silvercorp Metals officials said Monday that the Vancouver-based miner is building a solid base in China’s Ying Mining Camp to significantly increase resources and resource production. Author: Dorothy Kosich
    Posted: Tuesday , 10 Jun 2008
    RENO, NV -
    Silvercorp Metals Corporate Secretary Loren Waldmen told analysts and investors Monday that the company is considering a secondary listing on the NYSE after reporting record earnings for the fiscal year ended March 30, 2008.
    The Vancouver-based company reported 3,960,189 ounces of silver, 2,152 ounces of gold, 49,623,448 pounds of lead, and 15,911,881 pounds of zinc sold during the past fiscal year. Silvercorp has grown from a single producing mine at the Ying Mining Camp of Henan Province to several mining projects in three silver-polymetallic mining camps in three Chinese provinces.
    Silvercorp plans to spend $26 million to increase its mining and milling capacity in fiscal 2009 including:
    · $12 million to build a 2,000t/d capacity mill plus tailings dam at the Ying Mining Camp. The new mill is expected to operational by November 2008. Silvercorp is developing four silver-lead-zinc mines at the camp.
    · $10 million for developing mining capacity and infrastructure at the TLP and LM Mines, also in the Ying Mining Camp.
    · $4 million for further upgrading and mechanization of the Ying and HPG mines at the camp.
    The company also plans a $15.5 million drilling and exploration tunneling program at the camp to upgrade resources from inferred to indicated and higher, and to drill and tunnel new targets. Silvercorp is applying for a mining permit for the newly acquired Gaocheng (CG) and Shimentou (SMT) properties in Guangdong Province, and plans a $1.5 million drilling campaign at the properties. Silvercorp also plans an $8.5 million exploration program at its Na Bao project in the Qinghai province in the hope of making a new discovery.
    For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008, Silvercorp reported a net income of US$59.9 million or 41-cents per share, up 172% from $22 million or 15-cents per share for the previous fiscal year ended March 31, 2007.
    For the fourth quarter ended March 31, 2008, net income was reported at $10.9 million (7-cents/sh), compared to $6.9 million (5-cents/sh) for fiscal year 2007.
    During a conference call to discuss financial results Monday, Waldmen said Silvercorp intends to buy back 3 million shares over the next year.

    FIRST MAJESTICS mit update zu La Encantada
    die wird richtig schön ausgebaut, war ja bisher schon ein schmuckstück....

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jun 10, 2008 -- First Majestic Silver Corp. (Toronto:FR.TO - News)(Other OTC:FRMSF.PK - News)(Frankfurt:FMV.F - News)(WKN: A0LHKJ) is pleased to announce that ground breaking and construction of a new 3,500 tpd cyanidation circuit at the La Encantada Silver Mine, located in Coahuila Mexico will commence next week. The final permit from the Mexican authorities was received last week allowing for this expansion to begin immediately.
    Construction of the new cyanidation circuit is expected to be completed by February 2009. The total budget for this major plant expansion is US$21.6 million and has an undiscounted Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 80% representing a payback period of 14 months based on the assumption of US$15.00 per oz silver.
    Historically, the La Encantada mill has had a capacity of 800 tpd and has been processing oxide ores from the mine through a flotation circuit to produce a lead/silver concentrate. The construction of the new 3,500 tpd cyanidation circuit will allow the Company to increase its recoveries of silver and to produce Dore bars as a finished product instead of concentrates. Due to the historically low recoveries yielded from the past 30 years using flotation at La Encantada, a large Resource has been created in the form of tailings that was defined in the Company's NI 43-101 report dated March 19, 2008. That 43-101 report defines 4,916,085 tonnes of tailings with an average grade of 150 g/t. Commencing in the first quarter of 2009, silver production will come from combining ore from the mine with tailings from surface. This expansion, will allow production to be expanded to 3,500,000 ounces of silver in 2009 and 4,000,000 ounces of silver in 2010. Production will be in the form of Silver Dore rather than concentrates which will significantly reduce smelting, refining & transportation costs of the finished product and thereby increasing the profitability of the La Encantada operation.
    The metallurgical testing for the cyanidation process was executed at the SGS Metallurgical Laboratory in Durango, Mexico which included the testing of the different ores present and the tailings to be processed. This metallurgical testing confirmed historical tests completed by Penoles in 1985.
    The mixture of ore and tailings as defined by the Company's expansion plan will consist of 700 tpd of raw ore from the mine with an average grade of 350 g/t with a recovery of 78%, plus 2,800 tpd of old flotation tailings with an average grade of 150 g/t and a recovery of 50%, resulting in combined recoveries of 60%.
    This expansion project illustrates First Majestic's commitment to maintaining its aggressive plans of continuing the growth at each of its operations, of which management believes will bring substantial benefits to the Company's shareholders. La Encantada will be doubling its silver output in the coming year and will produce 100% silver in the form of Dore bars, reducing smelting treatment and freight charges and increasing the Company's leverage to the value of this important metal.
    The Company's ongoing aggressive development and exploration program at La Encantada is continuing with the purpose of increasing both the oxide and sulphide Resources within the mine. In addition to this mill expansion, a total of 8,160 metres of underground development is scheduled for 2008. Presently, three diamond drill rigs are working underground and are scheduled to complete 7,600 meters of drilling in 2008. Additionally, to compliment this development and exploration program, a Geophysics team is presently on site at La Encantada completing a 46 kilometre regional geophysics program.
    The exploration potential within La Encantada's 2900 hectare property boundary is very high as all the operations of the mine and the present Reserve/Resource are located in a small portion of the property covering only approximately 100 hectares. The Company's current development and exploration program is focusing on the definition of known areas and testing of new targets and is expected to result in significantly improved Reserves/Resources. The Company anticipates the next updated NI 43-101 Report on the La Encantada Silver Mine will be completed by late 2008.

    Mit 1,8 Mille oz erreichen sie schön langsam Betriebstemperatur...... :D
    Schauen wirklich nicht schlecht aus im Gegensatz zu Sterling. Aber da dürft auch das meiste schon ausgestanden sein.....

    U.S. Silver Reports May Silver Production Up 24% Over 1st Quarter 2008, Provides Operational Update for the Galena Mining Complex
    Tuesday June 10, 8:48 am ET
    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(MARKET WIRE)--Jun 10, 2008 -- U.S. Silver Corporation (CDNX:USA.V - News) ("U.S. Silver" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that silver production for the month of May was 145,000 ounces which is 24% higher than average production in the 1st quarter 2008 and 46 % higher than the average monthly production in 2007. This is an annualized rate of approximately 1.8 million ounces. The Company is also pleased to provide an update of operations for the Galena Mining Complex located in North Idaho.
    Recent highlights include:
    Production Rates
    The mine averaged 640 tons per day in May, an increase of 90% over the 2007 average of 338 tons per day and a 15% increase compared to Q108 numbers. The last 10 days of May averaged more than 720 tons per day of mill feed to the two concentrators. May's production of 145,000 ounces is the highest production level since US Silver acquired the Galena Mining Complex. The Company expects to increase production levels steadily and achieve a rate of over 250,000 ounces of silver per month by the end of 2008. Bruce Reid, Chief Executive Officer commented "that these production numbers confirm that the turnaround at this operation is well underway."
    Exploration Drilling
    - Drilling of silver-copper ore continues in the newly discovered 114 Vein system on the 2400 level with recent intercepts of 4.4 feet of true width assaying 141.4 ounces silver per ton (opt Ag) and 1.92% copper, 4.1 feet assaying 134.2 opt Ag and 2.14% copper, and 4.4 feet assaying 114.8 opt Ag and 1.28% copper.
    - Drilling of the silver-lead ore in the same vein system (114 vein) has discovered true widths of 3.7 feet assaying 22.6 opt Ag and 25.3% lead, 6.3 feet assaying 16.6 opt Ag and 13.6% lead, and 1.9 feet assaying 36.1 opt Ag and 43.9% lead.
    - An extension of the 4 Vein has been drilled on the 2400 level with a true vein thickness of 29 feet assaying 5.6 opt Ag and 5.5% lead.
    - Discovered a new vein system on the 4000 level with assays as high as 45.3 opt Ag and 0.68% copper over a true thickness of 5.0 feet.
    - Continued successful drilling for an extension of the 3000 level silver-lead mineralized zone to the 4000 level with assays of 14.1 opt Ag and 17.8% lead over a true thickness of 5.0 feet.
    - Surface drilling is expected to begin this summer in an area between the Galena and Coeur mines on a known high grade vein system. Additional surface targets include a newly discovered surface outcrop assaying 4 opt Ag immediately above the Galena mine surface plant as well as possible up dip extensions of the Silver Vein. The "Silver Vein" was the most prolific mineralized silver-copper Tetrahedrite vein in the Galena Mine with over 100 million ounces of silver produced since it's discovery in 1947.
    2400 Level New Discovery
    The Company continues with its exploration program on the 2400 level of the Galena mine. The second phase of the development program includes additional crosscuts into the ore zone as well as westerly lateral development to provide drilling access for the continuing expansion of this newly discovered mineralization.
    Initial exploration drifting on the 114 vein recently began on two of the silver-copper bearing veins. Exploration will continue for several months as at least two silver-copper veins and three silver-lead veins systems have been identified. The estimated strike length of the vein system based on drilling is at least 900 feet with exploration continuing in the westerly, up dip, and down dip directions.
    A new drill jumbo was purchased and should be commissioned in early June. An additional 2.5 yard loader is also being mobilized to the 2400 level and should be available for operation by mid June. Short term production from 2400 is projected to exceed 150 tons per day during the exploration period.
    Recent diamond drilling on the 4 Vein below the 2400 level indicates a wide vein with good silver and lead values. Drilling continues to define this zone with assays still pending on several completed holes. The No. 4 Vein is only a few hundred feet from the Galena Shaft and would be easily accessible should mining commence on this new discovery.
    All of the 2400 level exploration activity is in areas outside the established ore reserves. These new discoveries have potential to expand the ore reserves and resources at the Galena mine.
    4600 Level Ramp System
    Development and mining continue in the 4600 level ramp system. This large scale mechanized mining area will have three entry ramps into the silver-copper ore zone providing a total of 14 ore headings available for mining. This work area should provide about one-third of the feed to the Galena mill by the 3rd quarter. Three additional high grade veins have been discovered in the development process and will provide additional opportunities for efficient production of high grade ores. Drilling has also indicated several additional veins in the footwall of the main vein system that could become a significant contributor to this highly mechanized ramp system. Production rates from the 4600 ramp are expected to exceed 200 tons per day by the 3rd quarter.
    4900 Level Ramp System
    The 4900 level ramp intersected the 306 Vein recently after numerous equipment and infrastructure delays. A 60.4 opt Ag (ounces per ton silver) ore reserve block with 1.49% copper at an average width of 6.4 feet was accessed as well as a secondary target, the 293 Vein, with a resource averaging 12.3 opt Ag and 0.24% copper at an average width of 6.4 feet. Once developed, testing of a modified longhole mining method will be utilized on the 293 Vein and should provide information and valuable experience for longhole mining on the Caladay silver-lead Vein system as well as on the Silver Vein system.
    3000 Level Silver-Lead Zone
    Development and mining continue on the numerous silver-lead veins on the 3000 level. Full scale mining has been delayed due to the number of unexpected veins that have been encountered. The new high grade veins are being explored with the total extent of mineralization being larger than originally thought. Once the exploration has been completed, production volumes of about 250 tpd are projected from the 3000 level by the end of the year.
    5200 Level Development of the 175 Vein
    Development of another recent discovery on the 5200 level continues as planned. The drift will access a large resource on the 175 Vein averaging 9.0 opt Ag (ounces per ton silver) and 8.6% lead over an average width of 9.9 feet. Additionally, an ore reserve on the 185 Vein with a grade of 12.9 opt Ag and 19.6% lead over an average width of 6.8 feet, will be accessed. Although development activities will take an additional six months, initial exploration drifting on the vein should begin in August.
    Galena Shaft Repair
    The Galena Shaft repair will be completed to the 2800 level shaft station in June and should be completed to the 3200 level as scheduled before the end of the year. As anticipated, one of the more difficult repair sections of the shaft above the 2800 level has already been completed without interruption. Once the entire 800 foot section is completed, the Galena Shaft repair will provide improved hoisting capability, ventilation, and services into the Galena Mine.

    yess silberbug,
    den müsst man homöopathisch hochschütteln und als Kopfwehmittel in der Apotheke verkaufen...
    Unweigerlich Kassenschlager... :D

    Was gibt´s sonst noch??

    Scorpio hat die Mine eröffnet mit Tamtam...…auguration-at-the-Nuestra...

    Bin neugierig, wo Genco heut schließt? Wieder weiter Spread.......

    Yes, I've said to believe the juniors have bottomed out based on the CDNX/GOLD ratio indeed but I've also said not to expect a rocket launch as from here on. The big picture reveals a giant up-ward potential for the juniors within 14 months from now. In other words, I expect the junior sector to be significant higher valued by end of 2009. Furthermore I noted that the next up-leg for the juniors will occur on the back of a new up-leg in gold. It's simple, a new up-leg in gold will evolve once the correction that started in March 2008 will be over. Yes, I've said that gold has most likely bottomed out at $850 and I stick with that but still another down-trend has to be breached to the up-side before a new up-trend could be established, see chart below:

    Könnt also noch ein "breiter" Weg werden.....…_08/hommelberg052808.html


    Minesite Artikel zu....

    June 02, 2008
    SilverCrest Mines Less Than A Year Away From Production At Santa Elena

    by Christian Gradley

    This has been a May to remember for Scott Drever and his management team. GoldSource Mines, a company presided over by Mr. Drever, shot up from C$0.20 in late April to more than C$6.50 last week. And, SilverCrest Mines, where Mr. Drever also presides, is poised to go in the same direction. While excited about GoldSource, management is thrilled to be within a year of going into production with SilverCrest. “For a junior,” Mr. Drever says, “SilverCrest is looking really good!”
    Leading SilverCrest’s charge towards production is its flagship Santa Elena property. Located 150 kilometres northeast of Hermosillo, in Senora State, Mexico, Santa Elena was acquired by the company in 2005. Since then, SilverCrest has drilled more than eighty holes on the property to upgrade and expand the resource. As of late last year the company had developed the property into a NI 43-101 compliant indicated and inferred resource of more than 55 million ounces of silver and silver equivalents, grading approximately 74 g/t silver and 1.5 g/t gold.

    With its drill programme at Santa Elena winding down, the company has now turned its full attention towards production. The all important feasibility study is presently in its first draft. And, while the final numbers appear to be slightly up – as is no surprise in today’s market – Mr. Drever said that they are still well within the company’s expectations. The final report is to be released within the next two weeks. In the meantime the company plans to finalize negotiations on an EPCM (engineering, procurement, construction, management) contract. With all major permit applications presently pending government approval, the company is confident that construction is on track to begin in September. Scheduled to be under construction for six to nine months, Santa Elena should be in full production by mid-2009.

    To get Santa Elena into production, SilverCrest is presently estimating a cost of C$18-20 million. With over C$11 million in the bank and US$3 million secured through a line of credit, the company is perfectly positioned to move forward with the project. Once operational, Mr. Drever states that Santa Elena will be developed in three phases. First, SilverCrest will target the main 800 metre long by 150 metre high by 25 metre wide high-grade silver and gold mineralized strike. This deposit is amenable to a low cost open pit heap leach operation, running at 2,500 tonnes per day.

    Although Mr. Drever is the first to admit that this operation is rather modest, the attractiveness of Santa Elena is not in its overall size, but instead in its high grades. Towards the end of phase one’s eight to ten year mine life, the company plans to add a conventional mill. Phase two will therefore see SilverCrest reprocess the heaps left over from phase one – the company strongly feels that based on internal calculations, there is “significant value left in the heaps, which will add a number of years of life to the mine.” Phase two will also buy time for the company to decide whether or not to proceed with phase three, an underground operation. What is truly exciting for Mr. Drever is that all three phases have been tested down to US$600/oz for gold and US$10/oz silver and still look “really good.” At present silver and gold prices, the project looks really, really good.

    Also looking good are SilverCrest’s other projects, notably Santa Elena’s neighbour to the east, Cruz de Mayo. Acquired in 2004, a November 2007 NI 43-101 estimate revealed an indicated and inferred resource of nearly 15 million ounces of silver, grading approximately 66 g/t silver. Akin to Santa Elena, Cruz de Mayo is also amenable to a low cost open pit heap leach operation. Exploration work, recently halted due to the company’s intense focus on Santa Elena, will continue in the coming weeks. With an RC drill soon to be on site, SilverCrest is determined to get Cruz de Mayo up to 30-50 million silver ounces. The company also has another 14.5 million silver ounces at its El Salvadoran project, El Zapote. Unfortunately, mining in El Salvador has been on hiatus as the government revises its mining and environmental laws. The company is patiently waiting for approval to proceed, but is not holding its breath.

    With the company’s flagship, Santa Elena project, just about to the crest the production hill, SilverCrest is excited. Understandably so. The company is flush with cash and is stealthily moving forward with a robust project that has a long mine life. And, once in production, it will have the cash flow to pursue other growth opportunities. Things are rolling for SilverCrest!

    das passt schon so, wie du es sagst. Da gießt du nichts in den Wein
    Ich hab sie auch nicht, find sie aber interessant.
    11 Mille MC für 14 Mille silver oz sind nicht teuer.
    Dazu 3,2 Mille cash

    Den Report könnten sie sehr schnell hinbekommen, weil schon viel Vorarbeit durch Silver standard und Sterling Mining geleistet wurde.
    Orko und Silvermex wollen gar nicht in Produktion gehen, nur als Beispiel. Es genügt, eine gewisse Anzahl von oz zu präsentieren.
    Hier ist noch der Riesenvorteil, dass open pit möglich ist.

    Hier kann man Genaueres nachlesen, z.B. die Zahlungen, die schon an Sterling geleistet wurden.

    Bandera hat auf der Homepage ein update veröffentlicht.

    BGL-TSXV June 5, 2008 UPDATE ON RECENT ACTIVITIES direkt auf der Startseite!
    Der lawsuit dürft sich noch ziehen.


    Zu SOP.V ist vielleicht noch Folgendes interessant:
    Through our 99% owned Mexican subsidiary Roca Verde Exploración de México S.A. de C.V., Source Exploration has an earn-in agreement with Sterling Mining Co. to purchase an initial 75% interest, and up to 90% interest, of the San Acacio property.

    Mehr hier:…source=yahoo#comment_form

    Hecla Mining: Best Valued Silver Producer
    by: Marc Courtenay posted on: June 03, 2008 | about stocks: HL / RTP

    It is very hard to find a silver producer that is over 100 years old, has a balance sheet that includes 0 debt and $385 million of total cash, and is selling for around 14 times next year's conservative projected earnings.

    Established in 1891 in northern Idaho's Silver Valley, Hecla Mining Company's (HL) rich history of mining has distinguished it as a respected precious metals producer. Hecla is the oldest U.S.-based precious metals mining company and the lowest-cost primary silver producer in North America. Now headquartered in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, with a sister office in Vancouver, B.C., this international, publicly traded company is 117 years old.

    Hecla recently announced its plan to acquire 100% of the fifth largest silver mine in the world – the Greens Creek mine in Alaska. Upon closing, the transaction will nearly double Hecla's annual silver production to approximately 11million ounces, while further decreasing its already low cash costs per ounce of production.

    In 2007, Hecla was the lowest-cost primary silver producer in North America, producing 5.6 million ounces of silver at an average total cash cost of negative $2.81 per ounce. Hecla also produced 107,708 ounces of gold. The company has exploration properties and operating mines in five world-class silver and gold mining districts in the U.S., Venezuela and Mexico. Hecla's proven operating expertise, recent acquisitions, low-cost growth profile and excellent exploration potential emphasizes Hecla's position as a the low-cost, low-risk silver investment.

    Hecla mines, processes and explores for silver and gold in Idaho, Colorado, Mexico and Venezuela. Hecla currently produces silver from two silver mines, Greens Creek and Lucky Friday, as well as mining gold at the La Camorra Unit in Venezuela. In 2007, the Greens Creek mine in Alaska contributed 2.6 million ounces of silver to Hecla's account, and the Lucky Friday mine in northern Idaho produced 3.0 million ounces. The La Camorra Unit in Venezuela produced 87,490 ounces of gold in 2007.

    Hecla has long been well known in the United States as a quality producer of silver and gold. The name "Hecla" is commonly associated with both precious metals by investors. Hecla's common stock has been traded on the New York Stock Exchange for over 40 years under the symbol "HL."

    So this is a company with a trailing-twelve-month profit margin growth of 28% and operating margins of 28%, and its year-over-year quarterly earnings growth was around 90%.

    On Feb. 13, 2008 HL CEO Phil Baker Jr. told a conference that his company is trying hard to complete the acquisition of Greens Creek so they can own 100% of this bonanza.

    "It took 20 years," said Baker, but "once Rio Tinto (NYSE:RTP) did the Alcan transaction we went into high gear to be able to pick up [Greens Creek]. Baker added, "We know the operation intimately and believe the operational risks are low."

    "The cash cost per ounce of silver produced at Greens Creek, including byproduct credits, is among the lowest in North America."

    Based on recent prices for metals, Hecla should recoup the $750 million purchase price within 5 to 6 years, and could potentially do so sooner if prices continue to improve. And according to CEO Baker, Greens Creek will generate large volumes of free cash. The estimates are $150 million to $200 million annually after taxes.

    So the possibility for HL to pay some dividends and/or make some more accretive acquisitions is tremendous with this kind of scenario. Great revenues and cash flow enable Hecla to expand other operations, as well.

    In addition to consolidating ownership at Greens Creek, Hecla is upgrading operations at its properties in Idaho's Silver Valley. And I'm told Hecla is adding a former Colorado mine to its portfolio. They recently annouced a deal to earn up to a 70% j.venture interest in San Juan Silver Mining Venture in the Creede mining district in Colorado.

    Through this they will be gaining access to a 48 million ounce silver resource, based on initial assessments. There is probably even more silver resource out there. The land package includes the old Bulldog mine of the former Homestake Mining Co.

    So is there much downside to HL? My best estimate would be that if gold and silver prices drop 10% (which is entirely possible) over the summer months HL could dip down near $8 a share (which is not likely but also is possible).

    If that happens, I, who already own a nice position, will be backing up the truck to complete my purchases to make Hecla one of the largest single positions in my portfolio.

    Don't believe me though, do your own due diligence. Start at their user-friendly web site which I'll post in a moment, and notice they do have an Environment Policy.

    That web address is I think you might also want to look at their "Key Statistics" on the Yahoo Finance site to gain a quick overview of their financial condition and balance sheet.

    By the way back on April 16th they announced they completed the acquisition of of Greens Creek from Rio Tinto. I'll conclude with quotes from that announcement.

    As a result of the transaction, Hecla subsidiaries now hold 100% of the Greens Creek joint venture, which is believed to be the fifth largest silver mine in the world in terms of annual production. Hecla has held a 29.73% interest in Greens Creek for the past two decades. On an annualized basis, by 2009 the integration of the rest of the Greens Creek mine into Hecla is expected to:

    * nearly double Hecla's silver production to about 11 million ounces annually
    * increase silver reserves by more than 150%
    * increase gold reserves by 140%
    * significantly increase Hecla's cash flow from operations
    * decrease Hecla's already-low average cash costs per ounce of silver

    Hecla's President and Chief Executive Officer Phillips S. Baker, Jr., said, "We think the Greens Creek mine and its 12-square-mile land package is an exceptional asset, with great low-cost, long-lived production, as well as tremendous upside exploration potential.

    This asset transforms our company and provides us a solid base for additional growth well into the future." The acquisition is accretive to Hecla on important major operating and financial metrics, including production, cash costs per ounce, cash flow and silver, gold, zinc and lead reserves. As a result, Hecla has increased its production guidance for 2008 to approximately 9 million ounces of silver. Hecla's cash costs remain among the lowest of the North American primary silver producing companies, and in 2007 the average total cash cost was negative $2.81 per ounce of silver.

    The $750 million purchase price consisted of $700 million in cash and $50 million in Hecla common stock. Hecla funded the cash portion of the payment with approximately $340 million from its existing cash and the remainder was funded through a $380 million debt facility provided by Scotia Capital.

    The debt facility includes a $140 million three-year amortizing term facility and a $240 million bridge facility (of which Hecla drew $220 million at closing), which matures in six months. Baker said, "Our Greens Creek and Lucky Friday silver mines generate a great deal of cash flow at current metals prices, which is expected to enable us to pay off the debt in less than three years.

    We have organized this financing to include a bridge facility that allowed us to eliminate a bank requirement to hedge a portion of our future zinc and lead production, and therefore avoid the earnings volatility associated with mark-to-market accounting. Over the course of the next several months, we will be evaluating various opportunities to retire the bridge loan."

    Baker concluded, "As a participant in the Greens Creek joint venture for 20 years, Hecla has first-hand knowledge of its great value. Frankly, we have been trying to acquire Rio Tinto's interest for many years. I could not be more pleased with this transaction and am excited about what it means for our shareholders and for our company's future."