Beiträge von Tschonko

    gab´s ja einiges Interessantes letzte Woche.
    Vor allem Sterling und der Minigewinn von US Silver.
    Aber auch der Einstieg von Silver Wheaton bei Aurcana, die sich aber damit mehr auf die Basismetalle konzentrieren dürften.

    Außerdem gab´s eine IPO am 30.5.

    SOP.V - CA 83614T1003

    Da findest man auch den Darrell Rader, der sich bei der Entwicklung von Energold und Impact einen guten namen gemacht hat.
    War auf der Edelmetallmesse neben sean akhimov mein Lieblingsgesprächspartner

    Aber da hat sich überhaupt ein gutes Management gefunden.

    Nur 12 Mille MC und da dürfte auch mit open pit was gehen.

    In deutschland hat die michael Springer vorgestellt, der mit Tirrex einen super Einstand hatte.

    "Nun ist es also soweit, ich stelle Ihnen das Unternehmen Source Exploration Corp.
    (TSX-V: SOP) vor, ein Rohstoffexplorer, der sich auf den Erwerb und der Weiterentwicklung
    von Silberprojekten in Mexiko fokussiert.
    Auf dieses Unternehmen aufmerksam geworden bin ich durch seine 75% Beteiligung an der
    San Acacio Mine, die früher bereits produziert hat und sich in der historischen Minen Region
    von Zacatecas in Mexiko befindet.
    Die San Acacio Silberliegenschaft umschließt 398 Hektar und liegt im südöstlichen Teil des
    Veta Grande Adersystems der Zacatecas Minenregion. Die Zacatecas Minenregion wird
    durchquert von 4 großen Adernsystemen, von denen die Veta Grande die Bedeutendste ist
    und die Liegenschaft von Source Exploration Corp. befindet sich also genau im südöstlichen
    Teil dieser ergiebigen Ader.
    Erwähnenswert ist sicherlich, dass Explorationsarbeiten, die 1990 durch Silver Standart Resources
    in dieser Region durchgeführt wurden, zu der Berechnung der Ressourcen von ca.
    2.4 Millionen Tonnen 182,5 g/t Silber führten. Gold und andere Metalle sind ebenfalls über
    eine Tiefe von 120 Metern ausfindig gemacht worden.
    01.Juni 2008
    01/02 © 2006 Kapitalspiegel
    Eilmeldung Neuvorstellung!
    Source Exploration Corp.
    Symbol SOP
    Börse TSX Kanada
    Kurspotential 150%
    Anlagestrategie mittel- langfristig
    Source Exploration Corp. wird ein 10.000 Meter Bohrprogramm durchführen, mit dem Ziel
    die historischen Daten über San Acacio zu aktualisieren und zu erweitern, so dass der
    NI42-101 Report erstellt werden kann. Source Exploration Corp. wird also direkt starten
    und wir müssen nicht lange auf Ergebnisse und die nötige Informationsflut warten.
    Das starke Explorationsteam, angeführt von Richard J.Tschauder, der bereits 15 Jahre Erfahrung
    in der Exploration in Mexiko mitbringt und das hochkarätige Managementteam mit
    CEO und Präsident Robert S.Tyson, der auch über 18 Jahre Erfahrung in der Entwicklung
    und Finanzierung von Unternehmen mitbringt, haben meine Analysen abgerundet und mich
    zu dem Entschluss kommen lassen, Ihnen dieses Highlight vorzustellen."

    Ja, dein Wort in Gottes Ohr.....
    Nur ich glaub nicht dran...
    Gestern lief es bei den Kleineren hervorragend.....

    EXM: des wird a längere G´schicht....... :wall:

    Dia Bras hatte ne gute Meldung:

    Cabo sollte man sich auch anschauen nach den hervorragenden Zahlen (CBE.V, oder EGD.V oder TLR)
    Cabo Mining

    Genco fällt wieder nach der Meldung, was ich nicht versteh.

    Kimber dafür wieder stärker.

    Impact kommt auch nicht voran, was aber klar ist. Aber die wird durch Zahlen überzeugen.....

    Nächste Woche wird´s volatil, nehm ich an.
    Ich mach mal ne Woche Pause bis Freitag. Vielleicht find ich ein Internetcafe und ein bisserl Zeit.
    So viel zu tun bei der Hitz....... :tired:

    Grüße und schönes Wochenende

    Off topic: natürlich dabei gewesen....
    Viel Musik drauf zum Anhören: Tipps 5-9|musik

    Eldo,das war nur so ne vermutung...

    Milly hat schon eine kernfrage gestellt.
    Ray ist ja auch im Board bis auf weiteres.....
    Nur wird er halt nicht mitgestimmt haben.... :D

    2. Frage: WARUM?

    Das ist jedenfalls der interimistische Neue

    Ken Berscht is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario Business School, a member of the Society of Mining and Metallurgy, and is qualified as an International Financial Adviser in England. He is also a member of the Investment Dealers Association in Canada and a General Principal with the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc, and the New York Stock Exchange in the United States.

    Ken has extensive experience in the mining industry and was president and director of International Arimex Resources, a Canadian mining venture and vice president of Enerplus International, one of Canada's largest Oil and Gas Income Trusts. He has also assisted in financing a number of small companies in the petroleum industry including Alberta Oil and Gas, Maxx Petroleum and many other companies in their formative stages in Canada.

    Ken was instrumental in financing a ten million dollar oil-drilling project in Benin West Africa, and aided in financing of a Keltic Petrochemical plant in Nova Scotia.

    In his career as a broker, Ken has managed institutional accounts in Switzerland and Europe. He was also directly responsible for bringing investors from Taiwan and Japan into the equity markets in Canada.

    Ken is currently very active in energy and mining resource. He recently joined the board of County Line Energy Corp. and serves as Vice President of Corporate Development. He also serves as a Director of Sterling Mining, an emerging silver mining producer that owns the historic Sunshine Mine in Idaho. For the past six years, he has managed an oil and gas fund in the Cayman Islands and is a director in Odyssey Management Inc., a restrictual mutual fund administrator in the Cayman Islands.

    Er soll übrigens ein guter Bekannter von Ray sein, was das ganze noch unverständlicher macht.....


    Hallo Pauli,
    Ich hab auch nicht gesagt, dass du was gegen die Firma gesagt hast... :D

    Cabo ist gegen die anderen Driller nicht soo gut gegangen. Schau EGD.V 8Energold) Oder TLR (Timberline) gar nicht zu sprechen von den Gro0en.

    Aber wir haben hier bei einer Anti-PR mit diesem Quartal einen Neuanfang. Dieses Qu. ist ja traditionell schwach, was heißt von Qu 3 und 4 können wir uns noch viel mehr erwarten.

    Überflieg mal die ersten 2 Seiten vom Energold Thread. Da war die Situation ähnlich damals.
    Die waren so was von unterbewertet. Heute schwimmen die im Geld und sind 500% gestiegen.

    Du kannst dir auch in diesem Thread zu deinem Gaudium meine Sudereien vor 2-3 Jahren anschauen.... :D

    Schon allein aufgrund der (kommenden) Zahlen "muss" Cabo gehen. Außer sie werden rausgenommen.


    Hallo Pauli,
    wo war die Präsi?

    Man müsste noch bei sedar nachschauen, wieweit sie die Schulden abbauen.

    Aber wenn man sich das anschaut, kann man nicht viel falsch machen bei einer MC von gut 30 Mille....

    IMI.V Anteile sind auch noch da, aber das ist eher Fliegenschiss.

    - A current asset balance of $26.48 million and working capital of $7.44 million.
    - Total assets of $39.83 million and total liabilities of $20.30 million.
    - Cabo's international operations recorded revenues of $4.54 million or 28% of total quarterly revenues.…task=view&id=24&Itemid=35

    Issued and Outstanding: 47,742,013

    Options (exercisable at):
    Price Shares $0.50 91,667 $0.65 719,132 $0.75
    1,125,849 $0.85 719,186 $1.00 91,668
    Total Options: 2,747,502
    Fully Diluted: 50,489,515


    PS: Eldo, wenn wir die Arschbacken sind, wer ist dann das A....

    Mensch Eldo, du bist vorlaut. T
    Teil 2 ist noch gar nicht da. Nur 10000 Zeichen pro Beitrag.....

    Third Quarter Ended March 31, 2008
    Revenue for the quarter ending March 31, 2008 was $16.04 million compared to $8.90 million in the third quarter of fiscal 2007, an 80% increase. This increase can be attributed primarily to significant growth from our international operations and strong growth in our Ontario and Atlantic divisions. International revenues represented 28% of revenues for the quarter, as compared to 2.0% for the third quarter in fiscal 2007. Revenues also increased by 17.6% from the second quarter of fiscal 2008 which was $13.64 million. These results are significantly higher than budget and expectations for the Holiday Season. Management believes the international operations will contribute a substantial percentage of the Company's total revenue stream, as we continue to increase the drilling fleet in Mexico, Panama, Spain and other countries, during the balance of fiscal 2008.
    In the third quarter of FY2008 surface drilling increased $2.14 million or 21% to $12.34 million from $10.20 million in the second quarter of fiscal 2008, while underground drilling increased marginally to $3.38 million during the third quarter of fiscal 2008. Geotechnical drilling revenues remained at the same level comparing quarter to quarter.
    Gross margin for the quarter ended March 31, 2008 was 22.8% compared to 22.4% during the third quarter of fiscal 2007. However, because of increased costs during this period and significant downtime experienced as a result of the Holiday Season, the third quarter operating costs are higher than normal compared to the balance of the year, resulting in less than satisfactory gross margins. Direct costs for the quarter ended March 31, 2008 were $12.37 million compared to $6.90 million. The increase is a direct result of significantly higher activity, which resulted in higher revenue in the third quarter of fiscal 2008.
    The Company recorded EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, amortization, stock-based compensation and other items) of $1.86 million for the quarter ending March 31, 2008 as compared to $643,845 in the same period last fiscal year.
    General and administrative expenses increased to $1.79 million for the quarter compared to $1.36 million for the comparable period last year. This increase is a result of additional administration costs incurred for the international and United States operations, higher insurance costs as a result of increased assets, increased salaries and increased travel and promotion costs. As a percentage of revenue in the third quarter of fiscal 2008, general and administration costs at 11% have decreased from the 15% recorded in the prior year period and 12% in the second quarter fiscal 2008. While the Company has maintained salaries at the cost of living index for the past couple of years, it is expected that during this fiscal year the salaries will increase at a higher percentage.
    Amortization of property, plant and equipment for the quarter ending March 31, 2008 increased to $626,948 compared to $389,200 in the third quarter of fiscal 2007. The increase is due to an increased property, plant and equipment base. Amortization expense increased marginally during the quarter when comparing the third quarter expense of $626,948 to the expense of $547,639 in the second quarter of fiscal 2008. This increase is a result of additions of property plant and equipment.
    Net income, after taxes, increased to $731,277 for the quarter ending March 31, 2008 as compared to $130,793 recorded in the third quarter of fiscal 2007. This represents an increase of 526% that is directly related to the increased revenues and the improved gross margin.
    Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008
    Revenues for the nine months ending March 31, 2008 were $44.01 million compared to $26.76 million in the nine months ending March 31, 2007, a 64% increase. This increase can be attributed primarily to growth of revenues from all international divisions in addition to Ontario growth of 54% and Atlantic growth of 44%. International revenues represented 19% of revenues for the nine month period as compared to 2.0% for the same period in fiscal 2007.
    The gross margin for the nine months ending March 31, 2008 was 24.6% compared to 23.8% during the same period in fiscal 2007. The increase in gross margin is primarily due to higher margins earned by the international operations. Direct costs for the nine months ending March 31, 2008 were $33.19 million compared to $20.39 million for the comparable period in fiscal 2007.
    General and administrative expenses were $4.79 million for the nine months ending March 31, 2008 compared to $3.87 million for the same period last year. This increase is a result of additional administration staff and costs incurred for the international and United States operations, increased salaries, higher audit costs, new costs attributed to establishing our international shipping centre in Kirkland Lake, Ontario, plus increased travel and higher training costs. Overall general and administration costs have decreased as a percentage of revenue to 11% during the first nine months of fiscal 2008, as compared to 14% during the same period in fiscal 2007.
    Amortization of property, plant and equipment for the nine month period ending March 31, 2008 increased to $1.69 million compared to $1.04 million in the same period of fiscal 2007. The increase is due to substantial capital equipment additions made during fiscal 2007 and during the first nine months of fiscal 2008.
    The Company incurred a $286,549 interest expense during nine months ending March 31, 2008 compared to $161,344, during the same period in fiscal 2007. The increase is primarily due to the increased utilization of the operating line to finance the additional accounts receivable, increased inventories and capital asset acquisitions experienced as a result of the significant growth in business in fiscal 2008.
    Net income, after taxes, increased to $2.62 million for the nine months ending March 31, 2008 as compared to $764,293 recorded during the same period of fiscal 2007. This represents an increase of 243% that is directly related to the increased revenues and the improved gross margin.
    The Company recorded EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, amortization, stock-based compensation and other items) of $6.06 million during the nine months ending March 31, 2008 compared to $2.57 million in the same period last fiscal year.
    Consolidated total assets increased $12.79 million to $39.76 million at March 31, 2008, compared to $26.97 million at June 30, 2007. The increase is primarily due to the higher accounts receivable from increased revenues, additional inventory and additions to capital equipment.
    Consolidated total liabilities increased by $6.65 million to $20.30 million at March 31, 2008, from $13.66 million at June 30, 2007, primarily as a result of the increased utilization of the operating line of credit required to fund the increased receivable, inventory and capital assets levels. Unearned revenue increased by 16% during the period to a total of $3.06 million at March 31, 2008 primarily from projects in Spain, Panama, Mexico and Ontario.
    The Company's current cash (cash and cash equivalents) position at March 31, 2008, is $1.03 million compared to $422,337 at June 30, 2007. Short term investments and marketable securities decreased $48,818, from $204,460 at June 30, 2007, to $153,642 at March 31, 2008. There were no dispositions during the quarter but the decrease is attributed to the adjustment to market value at March 31, 2008. The unrealized loss of $48,818 is recorded on the Statement of Comprehensive Income.
    Cash flow from operations (before changes in non-cash operating working capital items) was $4.33 million during the nine months ending March 31, 2008 as compared to $1.78 million earned in the same period in the prior fiscal year.
    Working capital increased by $4.17 million from $3.27 million at June 30, 2007 to $7.44 million at March 31, 2008. The increase is primarily related to improved financial results during the period and the exercise of warrants in August and October, 2007.
    The Company has worked towards its strategic objective of becoming a drilling service provider of sufficient size to benefit from economies of scale and to provide the foundation from which to pursue new opportunities. Cabo is well positioned to capture an increase in revenues as the demand for mineral exploration, development and mining continues to grow. The Company's strategy is to implement a comprehensive human resources program, incorporate a "raving fans" customer relations philosophy, and achieve operating and administrative cost controls and efficiencies through the implementation of new management systems and reports.
    Cabo Drilling Corp. is a drilling services company headquartered in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Company provides mining related and specialty drilling services through its Canadian divisions in Surrey, British Columbia; Kirkland Lake, Ontario; Montreal, Quebec; and Springdale, Newfoundland; as well as Cabo Drilling de Mexico S.A. de C.V. of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico; Cabo Drilling (Panama) Corp. of Panama, Republic of Panama; and Cabo Drilling Spain S.L. of Sevilla, Spain. The Company's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol: CBE.
    John A. Versfelt, President and CEO
    Further information about the Company can be found on the Cabo website ( and SEDAR (

    Pünktlich Ende Mai die Zahlen...
    Yessss, die sind super......e n d l i c h!
    Es bleibt zwar noch immer relativ wenig hängen......

    für die Tabellen der link:

    Cabo Announces Record 3rd Quarter Results
    Friday May 30, 9:00 am ET
    NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - May 30, 2008) - Cabo Drilling Corp. ("Cabo" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:CBE - News) today reported results for its third quarter ended March 31, 2008.

    (CDN $000s, except 3 months 3 months 9 months 9 months
    earnings per share) ending ending ending ending
    Mar 31-08 Mar 31-07 Mar 31-08 Mar 31-07
    Revenue 16,037 8,896 44,011 21,228
    Net Earnings (Loss) Before
    Interest, Tax, Amortization,
    Stock-based Compensation and
    Other Items (EBITDA) 1,860 644 6,062 523
    Net Earnings (Loss) Before Taxes 1,095 214 4,066 1,268
    Net Earnings (Loss) After Taxes 731 131 2,622 764
    Earnings (Loss) per Share ($)
    Basic Before Interest, Tax,
    Amortization, Stock-based
    Compensation and Other Items
    (EBITDA) 0.04 0.02 0.13 0.06
    Earnings (Loss) per Share ($)
    Basic 0.02 0.00 0.05 0.02
    Cash from operations(i) 1,422 505 4,335 1,777
    Gross Margin % 22.8% 22.4% 24.6% 23.8%
    Working Capital 7,437 3,661 7,437 3,661
    (i)before changes in non-cash working capital items

    The Company reports:
    - Its highest ever quarter revenue of $16.04 million in the 3rd quarter of FY2008, an 80% increase from the 3rd quarter FY2007 of $8.90 million.

    - Record net 3rd quarter FY2008 EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, amortization, stock based compensation and other items) of $1.86 million compared to 3rd quarter FY2007 earnings before interest, tax, amortization, stock based compensation and other items of $643,845.

    - Record net earnings before taxes for the 3rd quarter of FY2008 of $1.10 million compared to 3rd quarter FY2007 net earnings before taxes of $214,325.

    - Record 3rd quarter net earnings after taxes for the 3rd quarter of FY2008 of $731,277 compared to 3rd quarter FY2007 net earnings after taxes of $130,793 resulting in 3rd quarter FY2008 net earnings after taxes of $0.02 per share compared to FY2007 3rd quarter earnings of $0.00 per share.

    - Gross margin percentage for the 3rd quarter FY2008 of 22.8% compared with a gross margin of 22.4% in the FY2007 3rd quarter.

    - Cash flow from operations, before changes in non-cash working capital items, was $1.42 million for the 3rd quarter FY2008 compared to 3rd quarter FY2007 cash from operations of $504,883.

    - A current asset balance of $26.48 million and working capital of $7.44 million.

    - Total assets of $39.83 million and total liabilities of $20.30 million.

    - Cabo's international operations recorded revenues of $4.54 million or 28% of total quarterly revenues.

    "Cabo recorded its highest ever quarter revenues of $16.04 million, an 80% increase from the third quarter revenues of fiscal 2007 in what is traditionally one of our weakest quarters," stated Mr. Versfelt, President and CEO of Cabo Drilling Corp. "The growth in revenues can be attributed to record revenues from our international operations and strong growth from our Ontario and Atlantic divisions. The international operations recorded revenues of $4.54 million or 28% of quarterly revenues as compared to $199,919 or 2% in the third quarter of fiscal 2007."
    "During the third quarter of fiscal 2008, Cabo achieved record third quarter net income. The Company recorded net income, after taxes, of $731,277 and basic earnings per share of $0.02," Mr. Versfelt said. "We also improved our net earnings before taxes by 412% from $214,325 in the third quarter of fiscal 2007 to $1.10 million in earnings before taxes in the third quarter of fiscal 2008. EBITDA also increased in the third quarter of fiscal 2008 to $1.86 million from $643,845 in the comparable period in the previous year."

    "While the Company recorded its historically best third quarter gross margin of 22.8% in fiscal 2008, as compared to 22.4% in the third quarter of fiscal 2007 this is less than satisfactory. Going forward we will continue to strive to improve upon our margin numbers to achieve our year end goal of a gross margin of approximately 27%."
    "The Company's Pacific division was awarded its second project in the USA in February 2008" stated Mr. Versfelt. "We have also identified other favourable USA exploration and mining markets in which we can continue our organic growth."
    "Cabo is continuing on its path of achieving profitability quarter over quarter," commented Mr. Versfelt. "The Company's third quarter of 2008 is our seventh consecutive quarter of achieving profitability. This is a great milestone for the Cabo team. We are improving both our top line and bottom line numbers and creating value for our shareholders, employees and clients."
    "Our balance sheet is growing stronger as a result of record revenue growth. As compared to June 30, 2007, the Shareholders' Equity has improved by 46.7% to a record high of $19.52 million for the nine months ended March 31, 2008" Mr. Versfelt explained. "Furthermore, working capital also improved to $7.48 million, the highest level ever experience by the Company."

    So, stell das hier auch ab teilweise, was ich bei Silver companies zu Sterling......

    Bei Sterling wär auch mal eine Pressemeldung angebracht.
    Aber da hört man nichts.
    Genausowenig, als man 2,8 Mille oz ankündigt und dann hat man mal 60t oz im 1. Qu.
    Das sollte man zumindest darstellen.
    Umsatz ist gering, das ist positiv....

    PS: bei Infotour zu SRLM, in USA findet man kaum was, noch bei w.o. geschaut.
    Und da wurde ich fündig.
    Zwar nicht in der Causa, aber ein gewisser "Manfred123" schreibt dort......
    Ein gnadenloser Durchblicker.....
    Muss man gelesen haben.... :D
    Auch noch auf der Seite vorher…neuster_beitrag

    Ja, ich weiß niente.... (über Weggang de Motte)

    Aber mit der 2,8 mille etc...da verliert man die Glaubwürdigkeit.

    Könnte auch was mit dem Gerichtsverfahren zu tun haben (Meldung vor ein paar Wochen), das aber eh
    im Sinne von de Motte entschieden wurde.
    Vielleicht hat ihn seine Vergangenheit eingeholt.
    (Weisst eh, was ich da immer sag: Wenn der Moriarty eine Abrechnung macht,
    dann ist was vorgefallen. Die macht er nämlich äußerst selten).
    Und da kann man den Moriarty (zugedröhnter Vietnam Veteran etc..) alles Mögliche nennen, aber auf das kann man sich verlassen.

    Ich kenn die neuen Typen nicht. könnt sein, dass der Christiansen da im hintergrund werkelt....

    im übrigen glaub ich, dass sie es hinbekommen müssten mit PP und so.
    Wird wohl schon ein Gradmesser sein, wie das durchgezogen wird.

    Was mich erstaunt, ist, dass nur 55000 shares gehandelt wurden.
    Da könnt auch noch was kommen von enttäuschten de Motte Anhängern.
    Oder der Machtkampf ist noch nicht entschieden.

    Wenn man wie Lucky darauf wartet, dass bond da was schreibt auf die Schnelle, glaub ich nicht.

    Schlimmstenfalls geht wieder eine Company pleite, aber wieder nicht die sunshine.... :D
    Das glaub ich zwar auch nicht, daliegt die Wahrscheinlichkeit unter 3%.


    Im übrigen ist es mir ziemlich egal, obwohl ich depp zur zeit wieder drin bin...
    Kann ja nichts auslassen......

    Wenn man so nichts findet, dann holt man sich halt Infos über den InterimsCEO Ken Berscht.
    Der tanzt auf vielen Hochzeiten, war auch schon bei Sterling im Board und gut im Geld aufstellen.
    Unter anderem ist er in einem Hedge Fund und bei Artemis Silver, auch ein Fond, der billig Gesellschaften aufkauft.

    Da kann man nachlesen:…t=2&frt=2&off=1

    Und Artemis: da lohnt es sich, ein paar fenster aufzumachern.…id=14&Itemid=31

    Ein interview:…clnk&cd=3&gl=us[/url]

    Was heißt das nun?
    Sie werden genügend Geld auftreiben.
    Fragt sich nur zu welchen Bedingungen.
    Und in der Sunshine wird voll gearbeitet.


    Wenn man so nichts findet, dann holt man sich halt Infos über den InterimsCEO Ken Berscht.
    Der tanzt auf vielen Hochzeiten, war auch schon bei Sterling im Board und gut im Geld aufstellen.
    Unter anderem ist er in einem Hedge Fund und bei Artemis Silver, auch ein Fond, der billig Gesellschaften aufkauft.

    Da kann man nachlesen:…49&tof=4&rt=2&frt=2&off=1

    Ein interview:[url][/url]

    Und Artemis: da lohnt es sich, ein paar fenster aufzumachern.…task=view&id=14&Itemid=31

    Was heißt das nun?
    Sie werden genügend Geld auftreiben.
    Fragt sich nur zu welchen Bedingungen.
    Und in der Sunshine wird voll gearbeitet.


    Und hier gibt´s Broderick mit Bildern von den Minen in Mexico

    So, nun hab ich wiedr IPT.V gekauft.
    Also, wenn ich was kauf in letzter Zeit, nur IPT.

    Schon wieder abnormal übergewichtet.

    Silvermex Drilling: Da geht´s darum die Resourcen entscvheidend zu erhöhen.

    Bei Formation sollten nun die letzten Hürden genommen sein....
    Da sollt ich auch wieder reingehen...........


    Da tut sich einiges, vor allem bei VMS....
    Man beachte mal die Nachbarn von VMS.
    Weil nach den letzten Drillergebnissen könnte es aus den VMS >Gebieten hinausgehen.

    Newmac mit weteren Ergebnissen....NER.V

    VMS.V schiebt auch an. Nicht verwunderlich nach diesen Ergebnissen.
    Aber die haben mal ein paar Tagwe gebraucht, bis sie es geschnallt haben...

    Das sit alles high risk: mit der Hoffnung asuf den großen Fund. den könnten beide machen.
    Gering ist es bei beiden nicht mehr.


    Was ist ZSIL?

    Den du zitiert hast (in punkto SRLM), den hab ich nicht gemeint.

    Ja, ich weiß niente....

    Aber mit der 2,8 mille etc...da verliert man die Glaubwürdigkeit.

    Könnte auch was mit dem Gerichtsverfahren zu tun haben (Meldung vor ein paar Wochen), das aber eh
    im Sinne von de Motte entschieden wurde.
    Vielleicht hat ihn seine Vergangenheit eingeholt.
    (Weisst eh, was ich da immer sag: Wenn der Moriarty eine Abrechnung macht,
    dann ist was vorgefallen. Die macht er nämlich äußerst selten).
    Und da kann man den Moriarty (zugedröhnter Vietnam Veteran etc..) alles Mögliche nennen, aber auf das kann man sich verlassen.

    Ich kenn die neuen Typen nicht. könnt sein, dass der Christiansen da im hintergrund werkelt....

    im übrigen glaub ich, dass sie es hinbekommen müssten mit PP und so.
    Wird wohl schon ein Gradmesser sein, wie das durchgezogen wird.

    Was mich erstaunt, ist, dass nur 55000 shares gehandelt wurden.
    Da könnt auch noch was kommen von enttäuschten de Motte Anhängern.
    Oder der Machtkampf ist noch nicht entschieden.

    Wenn man wie Lucky darauf wartet, dass bond da was schreibt auf die Schnelle, glaub ich nicht.

    Schlimmstenfalls geht wieder eine Company pleite, aber wieder nicht die sunshine.... :D
    Das glaub ich zwar auch nicht, daliegt die Wahrscheinlichkeit unter 3%.


    Im übrigen ist es mir ziemlich egal, obwohl ich depp zur zeit wieder drin bin...
    Kann ja nichts auslassen...... :D

    Sie wachsen ungebremst.
    Man beachte das working capital und was sie vorhaben....

    Energold Announces Record First Quarter Revenue and Profit
    Wednesday May 28, 2:58 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - May 28, 2008 - Energold Drilling Corp. ("Energold") (TSX VENTURE:EGD - News) is pleased to announce its 2008 first quarter results. Gross drilling revenues for the first quarter were $8.6 million up 48% from $5.8 million in the first quarter of 2007. Net income for the first quarter was $1.7 million, up 116% from $800,000 (including $308,000 from discontinued operations). Energold drilled 56,862 metres in the quarter compared to 31,300 for 2007. The Company ended the quarter with a very strong balance sheet with a fully consolidated working capital position of $36.1 million, an increase of over $16.5 million from its net consolidated working capital position of $19.6 million at March 31, 2007. Consolidated group cash and cash equivalents at the end of the quarter were $20.6 million.
    First Quarter Results Comparison (Canadian $000's except per-share
    amounts and meters drilled)

    March 31 2008 2007(i) % Change
    Revenue 8,624 5,844 48
    Net Income 1,769 819 116
    Earnings Per Share - Basic 0.06 0.03
    - Diluted 0.05 0.03
    Cash and Term Deposits 20,672 7,095 191
    Consolidated Working Capital 36,100 19,600 84
    Meters Drilled 56,862 31,300 82
    (i) 2007 Results (excluding Meters Drilled) include both Continued
    and Discontinued Operations

    The contract drilling industry remains highly cyclical with a slow-down experienced in the months on either side of the Christmas holiday and high season occurring during late summer. The production mix during the quarter varied as more drill contracts reflected price increases driven by the declining U.S. dollar. As a result, the average revenue per meter exceeded $150.00, compared to last year's average of $135.00. As anticipated, start-up situations in new markets and rig mobilizations contributed to increased operating costs. Even with the large number of rigs being mobilized, margins remained at about 40%.
    Over the next two to three years, Energold is focusing its efforts on a number of key objectives, including increasing its market share. More of the industry's interest is becoming focused on "frontier areas" where the lack of infrastructure has held back exploration in the past. As a direct result of this, Energold believes that the demand for its style of drilling is expanding faster than the industry as a whole. New contracts and requests for tenders suggest that the balance of 2008 will continue to be extremely busy.
    Energold is also continuing its investment in drill rig development. The Series III model continues to provide enhanced depth capabilities well beyond 800 meters. In January 2008, the Series III model was recognized by the prestigious London-based Mining Magazine in the category of Exploration for Capital Equipment. Combined with a new program of redesign and retrofitting of older models, improved performance capabilities from the drill fleet in the coming year are anticipated.
    The Company will be discussing its 2008 First Quarter Earnings results and hosting a question-and-answer period via a conference call at 12:00 pm PT, 3:00 pm ET, Monday, June 2, 2008. The dial-in numbers are 416 695 9745 or 800 355 4959.
    Energold Drilling Corp. is an environmentally and socially sensitive diamond drilling company that services the mining industry. Energold holds 6.6 million shares of IMPACT Silver Corp.
    On behalf of the Directors of Energold Drilling Corp.,
    Frederick W. Davidson, President, CEO
    The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

    Contact:Darrell Rader
    Energold Drilling Corp.
    Corporate Development
    (604) 681-9501
    (604) 681-6813 (FAX)

    ECU mit gewohnten Ergebnissen: ganz enge vein mit hohen Gehalten.....
    Schreiben auch, dass sie ähnliche veins entdeckt haben.
    Solche veins sind schon profitabel.......

    Die sollen endlich wieder produzieren! Auch so ein Schlaferl..

    Newmac mit weteren Ergebnissen....NER.V

    VMS.V schiebt auch an. Nicht verwunderlich nach diesen Ergebnissen.
    Aber die haben mal ein paar Tagwe gebraucht, bis sie es geschnallt haben...

    Bei Sterling wär auch mal eine Pressemeldung angebracht.
    Aber da hört man nichts.
    Genausowenig, als man 2,8 Mille oz ankündigt und dann hat man mal 60t oz im 1. Qu.
    Das sollte man zumindest darstellen.
    Umsatz ist gering, das ist positiv....


    PS: bei Infotour zu SRLM, in USA findet man kaum was, noch bei w.o. geschaut.
    Und da wurde ich fündig.
    Zwar nicht in der Causa, aber ein gewisser "Manfred123" schreibt dort......
    Ein gnadenloser Durchblicker.....
    Muss man gelesen haben.... :D
    Auch noch auf der Seite vorher

    ja das ist wirklich ein Geschäft.
    Die Börse straft ab???

    Nach Aurcana auch wieder Utah.....

    Noch ne Überraschung. De Motte ist nicht mehr CEO.
    Keine Ahnung, was da los ist. Schaut aber nach troubles aus. Warum jetzt?

    Börse straft wieder ab....
    Aber auf die halt ich sowieso nicht viel, obwohl sie immer recht hat. Irgendwie weiblich, heißt ja auch die Börse.... ;)

    Sterling Announces Management Change
    Tuesday May 27, 11:16 am ET
    WALLACE, IDAHO--(MARKET WIRE)--May 27, 2008 -- Sterling Mining (Toronto:SMQ.TO - News)(OTC BB:SRLM.OB - News)(Frankfurt:SMX.F - News) announces that Raymond De Motte is no longer President of the Corporation. Ken Berscht has accepted the position of Interim President, effective immediately, pending a search for a replacement fulltime President expected within the next 60 days. In addition, Kevin Shiell will continue his role as Executive Vice President.
    Mr. Berscht is currently a Director of Sterling Mining and graduated with a degree in Business Administration from the University of Western Ontario, Canada. He is member of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers. Mr. Berscht currently holds the position of President of Dore Mining Ltd and Peace River Oil and Gas. Formerly he served as Vice President of Enerplus International. He is qualified as a General Principal with the NYSE and a Registered Representative with the Canadian Investment Dealers Association.
    Mr. Shiell is also a Director of Sterling Mining and has served as Executive Vice President since January, 2003. He has held various management roles including mine superintendent and mine manager.

    Schaut doch gut aus.
    Stehen nun am Scheideweg. Wie weit können sie die oz erhöhen, ist die Frage.
    Aber die ist gar nicht vorrangig, weil es so auch läuft.

    IMPACT Silver Announces Record First Quarter Earnings and Silver Production
    Monday May 26, 5:37 pm ET
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - May 26, 2008 - IMPACT Silver Corp. ("IMPACT") (TSX VENTURE:IPT - News) is pleased to announce record financial and operational results for the quarter ended March 31, 2008. The Company's consolidated financial statements include the results of Royal Mines of Zacualpan Project ("Zacualpan") in Mexico. Gross Revenues for the first quarter exceeded $2.6 Million and net income for the quarter was $845,000 ($0.02 per share). Mine operating earnings for the quarter were $1.3 million. IMPACT ended the quarter with cash and cash equivalents of $8.9 million.
    Three Months Ended March 31 2008 2007 % Change
    Revenue $2,687,000 $1,859,000 +44
    Net Income $ 845,000 $ 267,000 +216
    Earnings Per Share $ 0.02 $ 0.01

    Quarterly silver production reached a record of 131,859 ounces, a 54% growth over the same quarter of last year. The Company also produced record quantities of lead, zinc and gold. The addition of high-grade silver production from the commencement of mining activities at the Chivo Mine at the end of the fourth quarter and the subsequent re-activation of operations at the San Ramon mine in the first quarter enabled IMPACT to substantially increase its head grade, margins and silver production. Despite higher hauling costs from the Chivo and San Ramon Mines, direct costs per tonne decreased to $50.63 from $50.97 a year ago. The much higher silver grades led to a higher contribution margin per tonne processed.

    Three Months Ended March 31 2008 2007 % Change
    Total tonnes (t) Produced 24,247 22,843 +6
    Tonnes Produced per Day 266 253 +5
    Silver Production (Oz) 131,859 85,606 +54
    Lead (t) 162 136 +19
    Zinc (t) 275 244 +13
    Direct costs per tonne $ 50.63 $ 50.97 -1

    Mine expansion at the new mines led to an increase in daily throughput at the Zacualpan mill of 266 tonnes per day. The Company continues with its aggressive plan to modernize operations and increase production.
    Guadalupe Mine
    As in 2007, the majority of the mill feed for the first quarter was from mining of lower grade material at the Guadalupe Mine. Planning is underway to improve track access to a new area: the Kena-Dolores zone. It and a number of smaller veins could be providing feed late this year. Material from the Guadalupe Mine remains the lowest cost producer for the mines supplying the mill because of its close proximity.
    San Ramon Mine
    The Company recommenced mining at the San Ramon during the first quarter of 2008 on a selective basis after redesigning the mining plan.
    During the quarter, the Company continued to drift along the vein while opening up two stopes for mining. The Chivo Vein itself has higher grades of lead and zinc towards the north and more silver towards the south. Material presently mined from Chivo is predominantly from the silver-rich southern portion as well as development muck; however, as larger production stopes are opened up, the lower grade ore from development will represent a smaller percentage from Chivo and average grades will rise. Mineral from Chivo continues to be the principal reason that silver production reached a record for the quarter. A second adit approximately 60 meters vertically lower on the structure is currently being planned.
    Exploration drilling results from Chivo and the Kena-Dolores zone of the Guadalupe Mine strongly indicate at least two zones of future development, which have the potential to substantially increase mined tonnages and grades allowing the Company to reach its production target of 500 tonnes per day within a year and, as importantly, be able to maintain it in the future.
    IMPACT Silver Corp. is a silver focused mining and exploration company operating in Mexico with a producing silver operation at Zacualpan, the 200-square-kilometer advanced Mamatla Silver District and an advanced project with a producing mill at Zacatecas. Energold Drilling Corp. (TSX VENTURE:EGD - News) who was the contractor for the drill program, owns 6.6 million shares of IMPACT.
    On behalf of the Directors of IMPACT Silver Corp.
    Frederick W. Davidson, President, CEO