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    Hommel: Im Zahlensalat? Warum sollte es dem anders gehen?
    Trotzdem Interessant

    Forgotten Near-Term Silver Producers
    Silver Stock Report
    by Jason Hommel, May 26th, 2008
    The CPM Group's 2008 yearbook is available for $75.
    The yearbook is 185 pages and filled with data about the supply and demand fundamentals of the silver market, and is a very reliable source of primary data.
    On page 29, the yearbook lists Near-Term Mine Development Projects, annual production, due within 5 years. Many on their list were major companies, but they forgot a few, which is understandable, since the junior mining sector is not their primary area of expertise; they are primarily consultants. But I follow the junior mining stocks a bit more closely, of course; that is my primary business.
    The public is tracking many companies at our wiki, So, I took about an hour to go over our publicly available data, and found many junior mining companies that have silver projects that the CPM group didn't list. This is a good list of companies to review as possible investments if you are bullish on silver. I own a few of them, but not all of them.
    Project, Company, Country New Silver Supply NOT listed by CPM Group:
    Caribou, Blue Note, New Brunswick: 1.4 million oz. silver, 2007
    Galena Silver, USA Silver, Idaho: 2.3 million oz. silver, 2007
    San Jose Project, Minera Andes, Argentina: 3.1 million oz. silver, 2007
    Sunshine Mine, Sterling Mining company, Idaho: 2.8 million oz. silver, 2008
    Miguel Azua: Calvario, Silver Eagle mines, Mexico: 1.0 million oz. silver, 2009
    Prairie Creek, Canadian Zinc, NW Territory, CAN: 1.2 million oz. silver, 2009
    Jerusalem, Dynasty Metals and Mining, Ecuador: 0.5 million oz. silver, 2009
    Fuwan, Minco Silver, China: 6.4 million oz. silver, 2010
    Tejamen, Oremex, Mexico: 4.2 million oz. silver, 2010
    La Guitarra, Genco, Mexico: 5.2 million oz. silver, 2010
    Rosemont, Augusta Resource Corp., Arizona: 1.5 million oz. silver, 2011
    The trading symbols of these companies are all listed at, or Yahoo! Finance.
    Further notes for CPM Group, and their readers:
    Minefinders will probably produce 4.2, not 4.8 million oz. of silver per year, due to an extended mine life.
    Barrick's Pascua Lama project can probably be safely pushed forward, indefinitely, or at least out another 10 years and not be seriously considered.
    What does the new silver mine supply mean for silver prices going forward? Probably very little.
    Total mine supply was about 550 million ounces. New mine supply in 2007 that might have been overlooked by the CPM group, was about 1%.
    New investor demand was much larger than new mine supply.
    Silver Investment demand for 2006, was about 50 million ounces.
    Silver Investment demand for 2007, was about 75 million ounces.
    Silver Investment demand for 2008, for Silver Eagles, has doubled, from 10 million ounces, to a pace of over 20 million ounces, and probably would have been higher, if there were not shortages and rationing.
    Many coin shops have told me that their business volumes increased about 10 times in January and February, prior to when there were many reports of shortages starting in March.
    I would estimate that 2008 might see silver investment demand of about at least 150 million ounces, as a conservative estimate, and investment demand would have to decrease in the second half of the year to get under about 150 million ounces, and that is not very likely.
    Therefore, I'll project that new silver investor demand for 2008 will be about 75 million new ounces, for a total of 150 million ounces.
    Whereas, new silver mine supply for 2008, according to the CPM Group's 12 listed mining projects, and including my adjusted numbers, is about 42.5 million ounces. (This does not take into account old silver mines that may be shutting down, reducing ore grades, and thus reducing supply).
    The four largest new projects for 2008 are:
    Apex silver, to produce 17 million ounces annually, from San Cristobal in Bolivia. (maybe?)
    Coeur d'Alene, to produce 8 million ounces annually, from San Bartolome in Bolivia. (maybe?)
    Minefinders, to produce 4.8 (4.2) million ounces annually, from Dolores in Mexico.
    Pan Am Silver, to produce 4.1 million ounces annually, from Manantial Espejo in Argentina.
    Bolivia silver production is at significant political risk, in my opinion, due to nationalizations, and continued threats of such.
    Including new Bolivia production, the total new silver mine supply for 2008, (42.5 million ounces) is simply not nearly enough to meet existing and my projected 2008 investor demand (75 million ounces), and prices will likely continue to move up strongly.
    The four largest new projects for 2009 are:
    Goldcorp, to produce 31 million ounces annually, from Penasquito, Mexico.
    Coeur d'Alene, to produce 10.4 million ounces annually, from Palmarejo, Mexico.
    Silver Standard, to produce 9.6 million ounces annually, from Pirquitas, Argentina.
    Harmony, to produce 4 million ounces annually, from Hidden Valley, Papua New Guinea.
    In my opinion, it is too early to say what mine supply will mean for silver prices in 2009, since silver prices could well be $30/oz. or higher by then, with between 2-5 times more investor demand than today, or up to 400 million ounces demanded by investors due to continued inflation, war, etc.
    But we can be sure that in the next year or two you will hear many false and misleading reports about how new mine supply ought to create some kind of "surplus" that investors won't want to buy.
    I was surprised to read a recent report by Eric Roseman, who does not appear to be a hired shill by the investment bankers, but who writes for the more trusted Sovereign Society, where he seemed to buy into the notions of those false reports in his recent article, "A Silver Divergence: Rising Supplies Begin to Weigh on Poor Man’s Gold in 2008".
    He starts out, "silver will face the tacit test of price resilience under the growing bombardment of new production."
    But new production is no "bombardment" it is not nearly enough to meet rapidly growing investment demand.
    He continues, "The bulk of global demand for silver going forward will have to come from investors."
    But that's poorly phrased. The bulk of global demand for silver continues to be all forms of industrial demand (including jewelry and silverware) at over 900 million ounces. Investment demand for 2007 was 75 million ounces, and I expect 2008 investment demand to reach at least 150 million ounces. So, the bulk of demand for silver continues to be industrial, not from investors.
    He notes, "Barclays believes mine production will grow by 6.5% in 2008, faster than last year’s increase of 3.6% and possibly the largest surplus of silver in over 20 years."
    According to the CPM Group and my figures, mine supply of 550 million ounces may increase by 42 million ounces (not including mines that shut down, which would reduce supply), so that figure of a 6.5% increase sounds a bit too much.
    But with investment demand of 75 million ounces in 2007, already doubling in 2008, investment demand is far more than increased mine supply, and thus, there will be no surplus, but rather, a continued deficit.

    Jason Hommel

    Hallo Lucky,
    stell dir vor, der hätt keinen Plastikhelm aufgehabt.
    Der würd ´sein Hotel nicht mehr finden..... :D

    Die Bar hat einen starken Abdruck bei dir hinterlassen. Abstinent warst da sicher nicht.... :D

    Danke für die Aufklärung. War nicht so schwierig, der panther hat ja einen Hupfer gemacht.... :D

    Minenarbeiterstreik, die Zweite.....…AN2619262720080526?rpc=44

    Gerbino mit was für hinter die Ohren......


    Mexican miners stage 24-hour strike over leader
    Mon May 26, 2008 9:29am EDT

    MEXICO CITY, May 26 (Reuters) - Mexico's mining union said it began a 24-hour nationwide strike on Monday in a dispute over the reelection of union leader Napoleon Gomez.
    Some 70,000 miners could join the stoppage, union official Carlos Pavon said. He said 90 percent of union members were reporting that they had laid down their tools early in the morning.
    Grupo Mexico's (GMEXICOB.MX: Quote, Profile, Research) giant Cananea copper mine is already closed due to a months-old labor dispute but the strike could affect production at that country's largest silver miner Fresnillo (FRES.L: Quote, Profile, Research), a subsidiary of Penoles (PENOLES.MX: Quote, Profile, Research). (Reporting by Mica Rosenberg, editing by Walker Simon)

    SNN wird bald Geld brauchen....

    Ebenso von Avino: wenn die nur ein bisserl schneller wären.
    1 mille oz. auf die Schnelle sollten da kein Problem sein.
    Aber leider!

    Strategisch liegen sie hervorragend.

    Avino Provides Mexico Progress Update
    Monday May 26, 8:30 am ET
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - May 26, 2008 - Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd. ("Avino" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:ASM - News; OTCBB:ASGMF - News; BERLIN:GV6 - News; FRANKFURT:GV6 - News) is pleased to present an update on its progress at the Avino Mine property near Durango in north-central Mexico. As one of the few Canadian mining companies that have been active in Mexico since the 1970s, we understand the importance of a long term outlook. Avino is currently planning to re-establish small scale production at our mine on a test basis. This represents a very exciting time for the Company and we have been working on many fronts as part of our commitment to re-establish full commercial production.

    Langer Rest hier:


    Hallo Nugget,
    UNO haben 1 Jahr nichts getan. Und jetzt PP, zum Kotzen!
    Viele müssen zu Dumpingpreisen neues Geld holen. Und alles wird teurer. Alle, die zu säumig waren, hatten nicht das beste Händchen.
    Egal, was im Boden ist. Konnte man ja jahrelang hören.
    Aber viele werden noch durch´s Dorf getrieben ..... :D

    Drillingcompanies nicht vergessen: CBE.V, EGD.V und TLR.

    SNN: die brauchen keine hohen grades, daraus wird was. Bin da über Kings minerals dabei, denen gehört 7ß%.

    Das kann man sicher tun, noch dazu, wenn man Verluste für heuer schon generiert hat, muss man es tun.
    Machen aber viele. Steigung, dann Abverkauf usw.

    Yale: die tun wenigstens was, das wär für mich ein Aufstockungskandidat. Da bin ich aber gar nicht weit hinten.
    Schöne Finanzierung mit Australischer Bank.


    schon möglich, dass es an den haaren .....

    Fakt ist: Kitco will Hommel klagen.
    Weiters, dass die Perth Mint über die westaustralische Regierung (Chefe!) Probleme kriegen kann.
    Einen Pool von 880 mille $ haben und nichts liefern können ... :D
    Was machen sie mit dem Geld?
    Mich interessiert das zwar nur am Rand, aber interessieren tut´s mich schon.... :D


    Hallo Nugget,
    hab Seite 1 mit Hilfe von Edelmann aktualisiert. Mehr als 10000 Zeichen und da geht nichts mehr.
    Also Arian, silverstone raus, da war nur miniverlust. IPT rein.
    Tut sich noch nicht viel. Einen von 4 teilen Öl raus, aber da ist das geld gebunden (interne margin :D )

    Also zu Exmin:
    Zur Zeit ausgesetzt, weil sie Bericht nicht eingebracht haben.
    Ich häng unter der landkarte noch an, was Mexico mike schreibt, seh es aber anders als er, nicht so rosig.
    Idee von Exmin ist exzellent, JV mit Penoles, Yale Hochschild und neuerdings AmMex, da fanden sich ein lahmer und ein Blinder. :D
    Größte Landbesitzer in super Gebieten.
    Was passt also nicht?

    Sie verhungern bei vollen Töpfen, könnte man sagen. Kein Geld. Hochschild reinvestiert die Gewinne und Exmin sieht nichts von ihrem 30% Anteil.
    Außerdem Rücktritt von Hochschild von den Explorationsgebieten von Morris, nicht von morris (30% EXM) selbst, wenn ich das richtig verstanden hab.

    CEO Boltz hat eigentlcih alles richtig gemachtr, er ist nur falsch gelegen und zu lange gewartet.
    Was ich nachvollziehen kann, mir ist es ebenso ergangen. :D

    Sie könnten jetzt nur eines tun, a bisserl was verkaufen um selbst zu drillen.
    Hoffen, das Yale in Urique gute Löcher anbohrt.
    Dass sie doch etwas mehr von Morris einlösen.
    Für mich werden die schlichtweg "erpresst", in die Enge getrieben um ein ganz billiges PP zu machen.
    Das ist die Kehrseite von JV´s.

    Alle Explorer mit Geldmangel gehen in die Richtung
    Was heißt, Gebiete werden wieder billiger.
    Es steht eine gewaltige Konsolidierung in Mexico an (1-2 jahre ab 23.5.08 18:45! :D
    Shit happens.

    Nehme mal an, wenn sie wieder gehandellt wird, dass sie nochmals nachgibt.
    Auf der Homepage sind noch immer die shares von 07 angegeben.
    Wenn da wer eine aktuelle zahl hat, muss nicht genau sein.

    Verkaufen braucht man jetzt nicht, obwohl Partner AmMex handelt bei 0,07. :D

    Hier ein Überblick, man beachte die Nähe zu bestehenden Minen,
    hier Urique und einfach weiter durchklicken


    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Mike zu EXM gestern und heute:

    I am trying to figure out what is different this year from when I was buying more EXM above 60 cents. Other than the fact that they now have that mine up and running properly (bullish) and a few more exploration rounds successfully completed at various projects (bullish) there is not much different about the story. Yet the stock is down by about 70% despite some good progress. So what has changed? The market has gone sour on juniors, and the cash position is very thin, but otherwise I think EXM is a better company now than when I was chasing it after visiting Moris.

    The cease trading order has not been priced in, and when trading resumes no doubt there will be some heavy selling presure from a few people who have had enough and are just getting out. Thereafter, that should be the floor. I think the market is going to come back, and therefore EXM will recover too.

    I remember buying more at 40 cents and thinking that was the absolute bottom. I cant believe it ever got this cheap, and while mistakes have been made for sure, I still think the business model is viable, the projects are of high quality, and the outlook is good.

    I guess I should put the usual disclaimer in here, that I am shareholder and EXM is a paid advertiser on the forum.

    The problem with Moris is that Hothschild is controlling the purse strings, and they have been banking all of the cash from the mine for a rainy day. I do not think one dollar has filtered through to EXM yet. It is just their conservative nature to make sure there is a war chest on hand to fund any maintenance issues at the mine. In the meantime, EXM needs cash now and cannot wait until a regular stream of income starts paying out from Moris. So yes, I do expect a PP is going to happen once the cease trade order is lifted.

    However, down the road, I think the Moris Mine is going to pay out several million dollars per year to EXM in profits and that will go a long way to funding any additional work. I really think Moris is a great asset and it will be even more valuable as the price of gold and silver rise. If EXM chooses to sell their interest in the mine it will probably be worth enough money to keep the company busy for a long time too. I guess its a good problem to have.

    siehst, das hab ich übersehen.
    Möcht wissen, wenn kimber mit ner Meldung rausrückt.
    Golden Goliath Expands Mineralization at San Martin Tunnel with New Assay Results
    Thursday May 22, 3:48 pm ET
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - May 22, 2008) - Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:GNG - News; PINK SHEETS:GGTHF - News) is pleased to announce that a comprehensive underground chip sampling and mapping program, combined with diamond drilling, on the San Martin tunnel has returned significant assays that have greatly expanded the known mineralization. This new set of information, which includes grab samples from a new zone averaging 6.8 gm gold/tonne and 2,158 gm silver/tonne, builds on previously reported results of 10 metres grading 6.7 gm gold/tonne and 131.6 gm silver/tonne. The recently completed chip sampling and mapping program has outlined the following mineralized areas within the recently rehabilitated San Martin tunnel.

    Silverstone mit gutem Ergebnis: 400 toz verkauft, 0,04 pro Aktie Gewinn bei 4,5 mille gesamt.

    Silverstone Reports Record Earnings of $4.5 Million for the First Quarter
    Thursday May 22, 6:58 pm ET
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--May 22, 2008 -- Silverstone Resources Corp. ("Silverstone") (CDNX:SST.V - News) announces its financial results for the first quarter ending March 31, 2008. For the three months ended March 31, 2008, Silverstone recorded earnings of $4.5 million or $0.04 per share.
    Overview and Highlights
    - Silver sales of $7.5 million recorded during the quarter from the sale of 403,000 ounces.
    - Earnings of $4.5 million or $0.04 per share.
    - Operating cash flows of $3.7 million.
    - Total cash costs of $3.96 per ounce of silver.
    - Cash at March 31, 2008 of $21.3 million (December 31, 2007 - $34.4 million) with no bank debt. The decrease in cash was due to the purchase of a CDN$17.5 million convertible debenture from Aquiline Resources Inc. granting the Company the right to purchase 12.5% of the life of mine payable silver from the Loma de La Plata zone.
    - On May 22, 2008 the Company announced a 130% increase in silver reserves at Lundin Mining's Neves-Corvo mine and a 67% increase in silver contained in measured plus indicated resource categories, which includes reserves.
    The information in this news release should be read in conjunction with the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements and Management Discussion and Analysis for the three months ended March 31, 2008, which will be available at Silverstone's website at and at
    Silverstone will host a conference call on Friday May 23, 2008 at 7:30am PST (10:30am ET) to discuss these results. The conference call may be accessed by dialing 1.866.365.1119 in North America or 1.416.849.7329 internationally. Please ask for the Silverstone Resources Corp. conference call. The conference call will be archived for later playback until Friday May 30, 2008 and can be accessed by dialing 1.866.501.5559 and the passcode is 21272848#.
    Silverstone is a Canadian based public silver mining company with 100% of its revenue from silver production. More information is available online at:

    Hallo eldo,
    ich glaub, die gehen in Richtung royalty so wie Silver wheaton.
    Exploratrion wird verkauft oder in eigene Firma ausgelagert.

    Schau dir noch den silver stream link an. Navidad ist auch dabei... :D…tream_projects

    Heut kam noch diese Meldung vor den Zahlen:

    Silverstone Announces 130% Increase in Silver Reserves at Lundin Mining's Neves-Corvo Mine
    Thursday May 22, 9:00 am ET
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--May 22, 2008 -- Silverstone Resources Corp. ("Silverstone") (CDNX:SST.V - News) is pleased to announce updated 2007 year end Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource estimates for Lundin Mining Corp.'s (Lundin) Neves-Corvo mine located in Portugal. A National Instrument 43-101 compliant technical report has been prepared for Silverstone by Qualified Person, Mr. Neil Burns P.Geo., Lundin's Corporate Resource Geologist. This report titled "Resource and Reserve Update Neves-Corvo, Portugal Prepared for Silverstone Resources Corp." dated May 2008 will be filed on within 45 days.

    VMS.V wird wieder gehandelt.
    Deposit wird größer: +32%

    EXN.TO auch wieder gehandelt.


    Heute gibt´s Zahlen bei Silverstone

    Hier die Silver stream prjekte:…s/silver_stream_projects/

    Viel interessanter das Video + Interview mit CEO darren Pylot:
    Er spricht da auch von der Abspaltung der Explorationsprojekte.

    Darren Pylot, President & CEO, Director
    Mr. Pylot has been the President and CEO of Silverstone Resources Corp since 2006 and in 1994 created Capstone Mining Corp. He serves as President and Chief Executive Officer for both companies, and has been responsible for bringing Capstone’s Cozamin base metal mine into production as well as negotiating and securing Silverstone’s silver by-product streams agreements. Silverstone’s business model of pursuing silver by-product streams and exploration projects are unique in the industry; and in less than 2 years Capstone has increased production at the Cozamin mine by 200%.
    Mr. Pylot has over 17 years experience in the management, administration and financing of public companies focusing on the junior resource sector.
    He has raised over C$200 million in equity financings in the past three years.
    He is also a director of East Asia Minerals Corp. a well-financed, Asian-based Canadian mineral exploration company with uranium properties and advanced gold and gold-copper properties. East Asia recently sold one of its uranium projects for C$83 million, to date, the largest sale ever of a uranium property on the TSX Venture Exchange.

    Fresnillo wird irgendwo zuschlagen, die haben das Geld. Nur übernehmen sie sofort oder fangen sie mal so an, sich mit 5 -9,5 % einzukaufen. Kann man hier nachlesen, was der CEO gesagt hat.

    Und sie werden wohl sicher ein Target in Zacatecas haben. Entwicklung schon fortgeschritten.

    Schauen wir uns doch die Karte an!
    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Vergessen: Trading halts bei EXN.V nach Wassereinbruch beiTestmine.
    Trading halt kam nach der Meldung??? Aktie fiel stark, man muss schauen, ob mehr betroffen ist.
    Sonst wär es komplett harmlos und eine günstige Kaufgelegenheit.


    VMS.V ebenso ein Halt. Aber wieso???

    First majestics hat a bisserl angeschoben in den letzten Tagen.

    Ich ging gestern "Fremd". Verantwortlich dafür war der Herr Fredi.
    Das versteht ein jeder:

    Das versteht nicht ein jeder:

    Silvermex Resources: High Grade Silver-Lead-Zinc Results Returned From Sampling Along 2,400 Meters of Surface Strike and 200 Meters of Underground Workings at La Frazada Project, Nayarit, Mexico
    Wednesday May 21, 8:30 am ET
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - May 21, 2008) - Silvermex Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SMR - News) announces that a first phase surface and underground sampling program at its 100% owned La Frazada project have returned silver assays as high as 2,495 g/tonne Ag (80.22 oz/tonne Ag) across 1.5 meters on surface at the Jabalina vein, 251.01 g/t Ag (8.07 oz/t Ag) across 1.5 meters from underground at the La Frazada workings and 539.8 g/t Ag (17.35 oz/t Ag) across 15 meters from a breccia zone underground at the Tiro Real shaft. The La Frazada project is a 360 hectare concession located along the South West margin of the Sierra Madre Occidental, in the historic mining district of Real del Zopilote, in the state of Nayarit. The La Frazada project is located approximately 300 km North West of Guadalajara and 200 km south of the San Marcial project under option to the Company. Based on the results of this program, a drill program initially scheduled for later this year may be accelerated.

    Viele tabellen, daher

    Aurcana mit Results:

    Aurcana Corporation is a Canadian mining company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange, symbol AUN. The acquisition of 100% of the Shafter silver mine, in Presidio County, Texas, has transformed Aurcana into an emerging primary silver producer. Shafter is planned for start up in 2009 with silver production of 3.2 million ounces. Additionally, the 80% owned La Negra silver-lead-zinc-copper mine in Queretaro State, Mexico, operates at 1,000 tonnes per day and the 100% owned Rosario silver-lead-zinc-gold mine in Sinaloa State, Mexico, is also advancing towards production at a planned rate of 800 tonnes per day. The reader should be cautioned the Company has not completed feasibility studies confirming the projected production capacity for La Negra, Shafter or Rosario and there is no certainty the Company's plans will be economically viable.

    Aurcana, together with its proven construction and operating team, is 100% committed to restoring and restarting the historical Shafter silver mine at the earliest opportunity. Additionally, aggressive exploration programs are being carried out at the La Negra Mine and the Rosario Mine in order to increase historical reserves and resources. With success, this could lead to further increases in silver production. Aurcana, while committed to advancing its current projects, continues to seek and evaluate additional high quality, producing or near producing silver projects.

    Aurcana Reports 145 g/t Silver and 1.96% Copper Over 23.5 Meters
    Wednesday May 21, 8:01 am ET

    High Grade Copper - Silver Zone Continues to Expand at La Negra

    würd sagen so Anfang Mai, nur deine Frage ist falsch gestellt. 13.5.99 war der Jupiter od. Mond auf 21° Widder.
    und die Konst. läuft jetzt auf 0° Stier, was heißt, jetzt gilt´s. :D

    Das war eine Spitzenprognose von Spica.
    Er bezog es zwar auf fümdig werden, aber Jupiter Mond auf Stier, sie kommen zu ihrem Betand/Wert?

    Find den link nimmer!


    CNQ locker durch die 100. Da dürfte heuer noch ein Split anstehen.

    OMV will MOL klagen
    Montag, 19. Mai 2008 10:04
    Der österreichische Energiekonzern OMV will einem Pressebericht zufolge die Blockade seiner angestrebten Übernahme der ungarischen MOL juristisch aus dem Weg räumen. Die OMV dürfte noch an diesem Montag Klagen gegen Beschlüsse der MOL-Hauptversammlung vom April einreichen, schreibt laut dpa-AFX die "Financial Times" (FT, Montag-Ausgabe) ohne Quellenangabe. Die Österreicher sind bereits mit 20,2 Prozent größter Einzelaktionär von MOL, verfügen aber nur über zehn Prozent der Stimmrechte.
    Die OMV wolle die Beschlüsse auf dem Aktionärstreffen für ungültig erklären, da sie ihrer Ansicht nach nur mit der Zustimmung eng mit MOL verbundener Aktionäre zustande gekommen seien, schreibt die "FT". So seien MOL-Aktien (Treasury Shares) auf Kosten der Aktionäre zurückgekauft und bei befreundeten Unternehmen geparkt worden. Seitens der OMV in Wien gab es für den bevorstehenden rechtlichen Schritt vorerst keine Bestätigung.
    Die EU-Kommission prüft die geplante Übernahme wegen schwerer Wettbewerbsbedenken besonders streng. Da noch Unterlagen nachgereicht werden mussten, dauert die vertiefte EU-Prüfung voraussichtlich länger als bis zum ursprünglichen Termin 22. Juli. (Forts.mögl.) sp/wyr WKN 74305 ----
    ISIN AT0000743059 HU0000068952