Beiträge von Eldorado

    Richtig, eine Bullenfalle beim Dow, eine Baerenfalle bei Gold.
    Vor dem unvermeidbaren Crash noch alle anlocken in den Dow und USD damit die Blase ganz gross wird, erst dann laesst man die platzen.
    Gold hat sich IMO nun ausgecrashed, Finito, zwei Versuche klappten nicht den POG unter 800 zu halten.
    Ich druecke weiter die Daumen, die Gangster sind rotzfrech und koennten das ein drittes mal probieren.
    Drecksbande ! :boese:

    Leyju,ein gutes Beispiel und Erinnerung, es heisst , wer es versteht in Gold/Silver we trust.
    Ein US Treasury Bond Bild/Beispiel fehlt noch, haenge das dann daneben.

    Gutso, funny, der Typ kommt jetzt gleich nach den anderen Troll.

    Baron, geht leider nicht, das habe ich noch:

    What’s Next?:

    On Monday, September 1, Labor Day in North America, European Union leaders meet in Brussels with
    the question of whether or not to impose economic sanctions on Russia firmly on the agenda. While
    several former USSR satellite states in eastern Europe are said to favour sanctions, the major western
    European nations are opposed. France and Germany, for example, are all too aware of how much the US
    would welcome the imposition of sanctions by Europe.
    On Tuesday, September 2, the Republicans convene in Minnesota to anoint John McCain and his running
    mate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, as their candidates for the White House. The Republican convention
    will wind up on September 4 with Mr McCain’s acceptance speech. After that, and in conjunction with
    the end of the summer doldrums on US markets, the Presidential election clicks into top gear. Whether
    this campaign is as uninterrupted by foreign influences as has been the post WWII norm for the US
    remains to be seen. One thing is certain. The present US Administration will not let the prospect of
    foreign “ructions” slow them down. Right now, the self-made stakes are much too high for that.

    Rob McEwen, CEO US Gold Corp

    Interview with The Gold Report, August 25, 2005

    I believe that by the end of 2010, we’ll be seeing $2,000 gold, and before the gold cycle is out, it will go up and touch $5,000, and that will be the end of the mania phase.

    I don’t believe that we’re out of the woods on the financial problems, and the economy has quite a bit to shake off before it will start to look good.
    And there will be more people looking for answers where to put their money so they can protect it. Gold will start shining.


    Gutso, wieder den alten Kaugummi rausholen und nochmals wegen den Knaller oder Troll nochmal durchkauen finde eine Zeitverschwendung.

    Sonst wird es wirklich eine Quasselbude und wir kommen hier ins stocken und keinen Schritt weiter.

    Du kannst ein Kamel zur Oase bringen aber nicht zum saufen bewegen, also vergiss den Heini zu ueberzeugen.

    Auf die Eier hauen dann rennt er, das funktioniert bestimmt. :D

    Jetzt fehlt nur noch Mahendra...

    Gutso, den hast aber nicht gelesen.

    ..McCain now has an even chance of winning the presidency - despite the surrounding political environment of a 10- to 15-point "generic" lead for the Democrats over Republicans in national polls and the impressive levels of unpopularity attained by President George W. Bush.

    As this paradox suggests, McCain's main appeal to the voters is not policy but personality.
    For many, his biography is his real qualification for the presidency.…ion/2008/09/02/do0205.xml

    Logisch, ein Republican muss her, die sind viel kriegslustiger und koennen Bush sein Werk vollenden.... WW3 :(

    A US “Flight Ahead” - In Opposite Directions:

    In military history there are many events which are known as a “flight ahead”. This is a technique used
    by desperate military leaders who know that they are in a position where they cannot retreat because a
    retreat would destroy them. Cortez staged a “flight ahead” after he arrived in Mexico when he burned the
    boats behind him. After that, his small force had to advance and win. Historically, most of these attempts
    have ingloriously failed because the opposing force saw it coming and retreated until the flight ahead
    exhausted itself. Only then did they counter-attack, usually to inflict a catastrophic defeat. Militarily, the
    US is today in the same position with its main land force tied down in Iraq and Afghanistan. This
    situation is fully understood by Russia which had no inhibitions to “counter-attack’ in the Caucasus.
    Economically, fiscally and monetarily inside the US, the situation is the same. Even though the US is
    going backwards here, the “flight ahead” syndrome is still to the fore. Today, every type of financial
    expedient and stimulant is being tried to avoid the accumulated consequences of the outrageous credit
    expansions which led to financial and market bubbles and huge US external debts running parallel to a
    falling US Dollar. This US double stretch is nearing its breaking point.

    The Last US “Option”:

    The last “option” left to the Bush Administration is to try to regain the global strategic initiative by
    making a full-scale attack upon Iran.
    True, any such move would be strategic folly of truly historic
    dimensions. That is far from certain to constrain the present Bush Administration. What IS certain is that
    any such attack would pull out from under the US the last of its remaining international standing. It is
    also certain that it would pull the last of the underpinnings out from under the US financial system as well
    as the US Dollar and act to cause a global depression of awe-inspiring depth and duration. A “flight
    ahead” would destroy what still remains of the US economy. And so would a US military retreat.
    The US is walking on a ledge with an economic crash on one side and a strategic defeat on the other.

    As of August 28, with a month to go in the fiscal year, the US Treasury’s debt subject to limit had
    increased by $US 663 Billion since October 1, 2007.
    Over the month since July 30, when the Treasury’s
    debt limit was raised by $US 800 Billion to $US 10.615 TRILLION, it has increased by $US 116 Billion.
    During the previous month, the month of July 2008, the Treasury’s officially admitted-to debt increased
    by $US 102.77 Billion. This insane financial profligacy has staved off, for now, the deflationary impact
    of the contraction of bank lending and consumer spending which normally fuels US economic “growth”.
    Mr Obama’s acceptance speech as the Democratic Presidential candidate in the upcoming election was as
    predictable as it was depressing. “Middle America” is suffering. Don’t worry, we’ll spend our way back
    to prosperity and we’ll do it all for you. That was the gist of it.

    As The Privateer has said many times in
    the past, the American people do get to vote but they don’t get to pick who to vote for. The US political
    (and financial) establishment does that and nobody who would in any way rock the boat gets past them.
    Over the past 11 months, the US government has borrowed nearly $US 700 Billion.
    In the two months since the beginning of July, they have borrowed well in excess of $US 200 Billion of that.
    also nationalised in all but name the entire US mortgage industry in the form of Fannie and Freddie. The
    most conservative REAL estimates of what that will eventually cost US taxpayers now exceeds

    $US 1 TRILLION. A complete takeover, which is a distinct possibility, would cost in the region of
    $US 5.3 TRILLION.

    In fact, the possibility that the Treasury will be left holding the entire “bag” has
    grown substantially over recent weeks as reports proliferate that Asian investors in general and the
    Chinese in particular are now actually selling down their huge holdings of US “Agency” debt paper.

    Sorry aber das koennt ihr selber uebersetzen,oder einfach ueberblaettern wenn es zu viel ist.

    A Status Report On The US Empire:

    According to the Pentagon's 2008 “Base Structure Report” (its annual unclassified inventory of the real
    estate it owns or leases around the world), the US maintains 761 active military “sites” in foreign
    The United States has 510,927 military service personnel deployed in 151 foreign countries.

    With a presence in 151 foreign countries and with 761 bases, the question can again be asked. Where are
    the national borders of the United States? :hae: :D
    But behind the present stage of US global military might lies
    another historical fact. The economic costs of this global military reach are enormous. According to the
    Fed, in July 2008 US workers in production or non-supervisory roles earned 3.1 percent less than they did
    a year ago after adjusting for the rising cost of living. Again according to the Fed, 40 percent of
    American families spend more than they earn

    The military enterprise is destroying living standards.
    Status Report On The US Financial System:

    US losses and write-downs on securities related to home loans to people with poor credit now exceed
    $US 504 Billion at financial institutions and there is more to come. Over the last four months, the prices
    of US commercial (repeat - commercial) real estate have started to fall at an accelerating rate.

    ALL American Roads Lead To The US Treasury:

    In July, US Treasury Secretary Paulson was forced to seek Congressional authority to inject unlimited
    capital into Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac after their shares tumbled about 90 percent, wiping out some
    $US 54 Billion of stock market value.
    On August 26, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chairman Sheila
    Bair said that her agency might have to borrow money from the Treasury Department to see it through an
    expected wave of bank failures which lie ahead. General Motors reported a second-quarter loss of $US
    15.5 Billion and Ford Motor Co reported an $US 8.7 Billion loss. The US auto makers are on the way to
    Congress to ask for the US Treasury to borrow $US 50 Billion and re-lend it to them on easy terms for
    three years while they re-capitalise their plant and equipment. They can’t do it without these loans.

    A Quote To Alarm The World:

    Mr Yu Yongding, a former adviser to China's Central Bank, has come out with the following statement:

    “If the US government allows Fannie and Freddie to fail and international investors are not compensated
    adequately, the consequences will be catastrophic. If it is not the end of the world, it is the end of the
    current international financial system.”
    China holds $US 376 Billion of long-term US agency debt, most of it in Fannie and Freddie assets.
    Perhaps The Chinese Gentleman Listened To Mr Buffett:
    Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two largest mortgage finance companies, “don't have any net worth”,
    billionaire investor Warren Buffett said. “The game is over” said Buffett, the 77-year-old Chairman of
    Berkshire Hathaway, in an interview on August 22. Fannie has about $US 120 Billion of debt maturing
    through September 30 while Freddie has $US 103 Billion due, according to the figures provided by the
    companies. If either company is unable to roll over this debt, the government could be forced to step in.
    The Fannie/Freddie report called for an equity injection by the US government in a quasi nationalization.
    This does not require putting the agencies' liabilities on the US balance sheet and doubling the US debt!
    After accounting for tax assets and generous asset markets, Fannie and Freddie each may have a negative
    $US 50 Billion in asset value with little prospect of digging themselves out of the hole, Barron's reported.

    Status Report On The US Collateral Foundation:

    In financial terms, Fannie and Freddie are placed on top of their collateral foundation. That foundation is
    made up of the valuations of American real estate. If these valuations fall, the asset side of Fannie and
    Freddie’s balance sheet starts to fall while their mortgages held and the guarantees they have made do not
    fall in the slightest. These last two are their liabilities. It is time to take a clear look at this US collateral
    foundation. The median sales price of California homes sold in July was 40.3 percent below where it was
    a year ago, the California Association of Realtors has reported. California’s median sales prices across
    the state, which peaked at just under $US 600,000 late last summer, have fallen from $US 587,560 in July
    2007 to $US 350,760 in July 2008. This is a US collateral foundation crash.

    The US Deflationary Crash:

    It is also a full scale deflationary event. Consider a full cash purchase sale at the median price in July
    2007. If that purchaser had sold one year later in July 2008 he would have received 40.3 percent or
    $US 236,800 less than he paid for the house. That loss would have deflated or contracted his future
    capacity to make purchases or investments by that amount. Of course, these days very few buyers
    purchase a house for cash. Instead, money is borrowed to cover 80-90-100 percent of the purchase price.
    The same collateral crash exposes the lenders to the same scale of losses, however, and it is these lenders’
    mortgages which Fannie and Freddie have already bought or offered their guarantees against!

    The US Deflationary Crash Goes Local:

    US regional banks together with US insurers hold the majority of Fannie and Freddie's $US 36 Billion of
    outstanding preferred stock. They could be wiped out in the event of a government rescue. This means
    that it is not enough for the US Treasury to bail out Fannie and Freddie, all these small and mid-sized US
    banks will also have to be taken care of. These US regional banks are now seeing their main investments
    in commercial real estate contracting as mentioned earlier in this report.

    The US Deflation Crash Goes Global:

    As also mentioned earlier, across the world from China to Australia to Europe and Russia there are
    myriads of financial institutions which have already made their own representations to the US Treasury as
    well as to Congress and the Bush Administration. They are now placing demands to be compensated for
    the enormous losses which they see ahead. There is NO way for the US to make such compensation.

    Lend And Borrow Faster Or The US Will CRASH:

    As this Global Report makes clear, and on the latest full factual grounds, the US is engaged in an
    enormous overstretch both geo-strategically and geo-economically. The American public is the elastic in
    the middle. Economically, their lives are being torn apart by the tragic fall in valuations of their
    investments in everything from houses to stocks to cash money. Yes, US cash money has lost 5.6 percent
    in purchasing power in a month as US consumer prices climb while wages and salaries are not climbing.

    Geo-strategically, the US military machine is concentrating six US carrier task forces in or close to the
    Persian Gulf, a concentration of military might not seen in the Middle East since the US lined up for its
    attack on Iraq more than five years ago. In the Black Sea close to Georgia, there are now US and NATO
    ships nose-to-nose with the Russian main Black Sea fleet. These military moves could easily blow up.

    more >>>>


    Alles uninteressant bis 2001....da fingen die richtig zum drucken an und sorgen fuer eine Hyperinflation eines Tages.

    Ich behaupte soviel die drucken steigt sicher auch der Goldpreis, im Schnitt sind das 15% p.a was die ZB's in letzter Zeit an Fiatgeld drucken.

    Irgendwann wird sehr viel Fiatgeld das wenige Gold was da ist oder andere Sachwerte kaufen und die Preise werden explodieren.

    Zu viel Fiatrgeld das Schutz bald sucht, wenig Sachwerte wie Gold z.B.

    Aus fertig, AMEN !...da kann mir ein Troll erzaehlen was er will, das sollte doch logisch sein.

    Romario, ja Verkaussignale, das ist was sie brauchen !

    Deine Theorie das Gold der eindeutige Verlierer nun ist im Vergleich mit den Dow/USD teile nicht, ich sah andere Charts die das Gegenteil beweisen.

    Sei mir nicht boese aber deine Charts kannst dir wo hinschieben, Gold ist seit 2001 um 230 % gestiegen, zeige mir das beim DOW . :D

    Heini's tauchen hier auf einmal auf das gibt es gar nicht. ?) :thumbdown:

    Auf Midas:

    Nur eine kurze Reflexion über das Verhältnis des Hurrikan, Gustav auf die nationalen Tragödie "Katrina", Ende August 2005.
    Aus Neugier, hab ich die Kursbewegungen angeschaut von Rohstoffen und dem Hui-Index.
    Erstens, Rohstoffe. Crude war in einer starken Tendenz bis dort hin, der Sturm zunächst akzentuierte die Bewegung.
    Aus Öl offenbar wurden rund 60 $, und dann auf Rang eins rund 70 $ innerhalb von ein paar Wochen.
    Aber dann überraschend, dass trotz dem furchtbaren Schaden und der Hektik rund um Katrina, diese Preise zurückzogen im nächsten Monat wieder auf rund 55 $.
    Der Schaden war nicht wirklich auf den längerfristigen Zyklus. In der Tat, Öl nicht wirklich verschoben, bis Ende 2006, nachdem sie festgestellt hatte die Talsohle in genau bei 50 $ und dann auf fast verdreifachen sich das von dort aus.

    Und der Hui.... Ich war überrascht zu erfahren, dass die Bedrohung und die Kraft des Sturmes nichts bewegen bis der Hui vor und während des gesamten Monat August 2005.
    Der HUI hat im Grunde blieb statisch.
    Angesichts der Tatsache, dass Leistung, es war zu erwarten, dass nach dem Sturm viele den Hui verkaufen würden, ermäßigt scharf, aber das war nicht der Fall.
    Am 15. August 2005 fast eine Woche vor "Katrina" landete, war der Hui 215. Und erstaunlich, am 30. August auf dem Höhepunkt der Hysterie, tatsächlich verkauften sich alles auf knapp 200. Aber bis Ende September, wenn man erwartet hätte, um zu sehen, der Hui deutlich niedriger, der Hui sprang tatsächlich auf 245 oder fast ein Gewinn von 25% und bis Ende des Jahres, der Hui näherte sich dann auf 300 oder insgesamt gewinne von etwa 50% aus den Tagen nach Katrina.

    Kurz gesagt der HUI kann schnell wieder um 50% nach oben springen, Kaufalarm ?.. entscheidet mal selbst.

    Sehen Sie meine Nummer? Katrina war nur ein Ereignis außerhalb, und es war historische und verheerend. Mit aller Logik, ihre Auswirkungen hätte bleibender. Aber das Gegenteil bewiesen etwas anderes. Der HUI hat genau das Gegenteil als das, was wir erwartet haben könnte. Auch wenn Gustav hat offenbar erwiesen sich als viel weniger als befürchtet, und die Märkte reagiert haben, und zwar mit Öl nun über $ 4 und Gold fast 13 Dollar, die endgültige Effekte werden nicht von dem Sturm, sondern durch die längerfristigen Zyklus und Fundamentaldaten . In der Tat, meine Vermutung ist, die Reaktion wird sich als eine niedrige, aus denen die Gold-Markt beginnt zu stark ansteigen. Aber es wird auch mehr locken Bären und mehr Shorts am Dienstag.

    Ein weiterer Beobachtung. Wenn man sich die Charts ein Monat vieler der Junioren Sie werden sehen, dass viele der Festlegung geschlagen Junioren haben sich im Laufe der vergangenen Monate. Ich habe damit gerechnet, dass dieses Verhalten wäre ein wichtiger Anhaltspunkt zur endgültigen Ende des schrecklichen Rückgang in den meisten in diesem Sektor. Tune in.

    Das PPT hat alle Hubschrauber nun in der Luft wie es ausschaut, ein EM Frontal Angriff :boese:

    EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED ...wieder mal ... :( ...ich muss jetzt schnell mehr postings machen sonst faellt das wirklich noch auf die 748. :D