Beiträge von bullionbulls

    Corporations Hunt For New Slave Labour

    In 2014; we now see the next chapter in the economic nightmare known as “globalization” unfolding before us. Regular readers will be familiar with the first chapter of globalization.

    Western governments were told (by their Corporate masters) to erase all of their borders, but only for the benefit of the large corporations which are the “fronts” for Western Oligarchs. This allowed the Oligarchs to shut-down most of their high-wage factories in the Western world, and shift their operations to wherever they could find the cheapest slave-labour – and the most-compliant governments.

    Indeed, in 2014 these Oligarchs are now so smug and confident of the success of their agenda that they have the audacity to divulge it publicly:

    Obama Seeks Trade Deals Sought by Biggest U.S. Companies

    That Bloomberg headline tells us two things. First it confirms the summary of their agenda, laid out in the preceding paragraph. Secondly, it makes it unequivocally clear who is the Puppet, and who is the Puppet-Master.

    As we all know; the original destination-of-choice for these 21st century Slave Masters was China, and to a lesser extent, India. Here readers need to understand that there was a dual motive at work, not merely a quest for massive/easy corporate profits. The second, equally-important facet of this scheme was the global destruction of wages – beginning in the Western world.

    This wasn’t simply desired by the Oligarchs (and the Oligarch-cabal known as “the One Bank”), it was necessary. The destruction of wages brought on by globalization (and the Greater Depression it triggered in the West) produced powerful deflationary pressures, to counter the hyperinflationary upward pressure produced from their insane/extreme money-printing...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…hunt-for-new-slave-labour

    This is outright wrong as it can easily be witnessed that the inventories rise and fall more or less according to the movements of the gold price. They have been steadily rising since the start of gold´s bull market from 1999 onwards. During or after a sharp decline of the price of gold, a lot of this gold will just leave the warehouse system for good and can not be officially tracked anymore. Once it leaves the closed and guaranteed circle of the Comex repository receipt system, it does not get back into either the registered or eligible warehouse storage category unless the whole costly process is started anew. The physical deliveries at or, better still, out of the Comex have never been of any big significance as it is primarily an exchange to hedge gold positions inside and outside of the future markets on high volumes and, of course, a liquid market place for margin speculators.

    Sorry for a late reply/rebuttal here; but Auratico you are (inadvertently) twisting my point. I never claimed (and would never claim) that merely because the price is falling that "inventories must rise".

    Rather, what I pointed out instead was a tautology. It is the CORPORATE MEDIA which claimed that people were "selling gold" throughout 2013. What I pointed out (correctly) is that if people were "selling gold" (on a net basis) then inventories would have to rise. As a tautology, this simple point of logic/economics is beyond rebuttal... ;)

    The West’s Debt-Bomb

    In the news today; we saw the Corporate media engage in a typically Machiavellian attempt to present the West’s “debt problem”. It did this by first hiding the explosion of Western debt within the total growth of overall global debt.

    The amount of debt globally has soared more than 40 percent to $100 trillion since the first signs of the financial crisis as governments borrowed to pull their economies out of recession…

    This was followed by a convoluted presentation of “creative statistics” (i.e. gibberish numbers, which mean nothing), cobbled together to present the following message: things were pretty bad with Western governments back when the Crash of ’08 took place, but “we’re much better now, thanks.”

    With the United States being the apex of this propaganda, the Corporate media (as usual) made particular effort to “explain” how much stronger the U.S. economy was now versus then. In other words, the picture in the U.S. was a particularly extreme perversion of reality.

    Below, we see Step 1 in going from that media fantasy-world to the real world; our official numbers on GDP and debt for the Anglo banking “Axis of Evil”


    Canada $1.56T $516B* $1.82T $676B*

    United States $13.3T $8.5T* $15.7T $17.4T*

    UK $2.44T $500B* $2.44T $1.28T*

    (* - excludes state/provincial debts and other liabilities)

    Because the numbers above for the U.S. and Canada require a considerable, additional amount of translation; let us first look at the UK numbers – where the picture is (somewhat) clear. No change in GDP between 2007 and 2014, while total debt exploded to more than 250% of its previous level. But even these numbers understate the horrific debt-bomb constructed by the UK government over the past seven years, as we’ll see when we examine the doctored numbers for Canada and the U.S.

    Relative to the UK; things look pretty good in Canada, until one pokes their finger through that phony façade of health. The first point to note is that Stephen Harper and his Conservative government inherited the strongest economy in the Western world, with a high rate of growth, huge trade surplus, and the only budget surplus of any major Western economy. Thus it took considerable sabotage just to reverse all that positive momentum...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…26505-the-wests-debt-bomb

    IMF: Wealth Inequality Harms Economies

    For the past three decades; we have been subjected to the mythology that when the Rich get richer “it’s good for the economy”. This mythology has been debunked in several of my own previous commentaries, most notably The Pareto Threshold.

    In that piece; it was explained that wealth-inequality was not merely “harmful” to economies, but rather when it becomes too extreme it literally destroys economies. This is all just simple arithmetic/economics. Proof of this principle requires nothing more than simply visualizing an inverted “wealth pyramid” – where a small number of people at the top hold all the wealth, and the masses hold nothing.

    Obviously such an economic phenomenon is the literal representation of “instability”, reflecting a hollowed-out economy which cannot possibly survive. Conversely, elementary economic theory (i.e. the “marginal propensity to consume”) proves that an economy must be healthier/more robust if most of the wealth is held by most of the people.

    Now the International Monetary Fund, one of the central institutions of the Western banking empire, has come out and stated the obvious. Nations with higher wealth-inequality consistently exhibit poorer economic performance than nations with less inequality. We have had empirical proof of this for decades.

    Year after year, decade after decade; the Scandinavian nations of northern Europe, with centralist governments and economic policies, consistently rank at the top of all international surveys of “quality of life”. Many in the mainstream media (and the Right-Wing media, in particular) mistakenly label these governments as being “socialist”. However this cannot possibly be true.

    It is these same banking institutions and “right-wing think-tanks” which tell us all the time that socialism destroys economies. However, the centralist governments of Northern Europe also rank at the top of all international surveys on prosperity. The societies with the least wealth-inequality in the West are also its strongest economies.

    While the “more capitalist” nations in the West (dominated by Western banking) all have debt-to-GDP ratios approaching 100% or worse; these Scandinavian nations have debt-to-GDP ratios of 25% or less. Surely the right-wingers at Fox “News” don’t want to assert that all of the best-managed (and most-prosperous) economies in the Western world are “socialist”?...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…nequality-harms-economies

    Are There Any Chumps Still Holding GLD?

    In 2013; we saw a series of momentous and unprecedented events. It started in March with “the Cyprus Steal”, as the Western banking crime syndicate pushed our Puppet Governments to introduce (and rubber-stamp) a new form of financial crime – the “bail-in”.

    This then triggered a series of unprecedented events in the gold market. First, the Cyprus Steal alerted big-money players in our markets that no holdings of any form of paper, financial asset were safe, any longer. This caused the Smart Money to commence the largest exodus ever from the Banksters’ paper-called-gold market.

    The biggest of the “bullion-ETF” fraud-funds, the infamous SPDR Gold Trust (or “GLD”) saw the greatest collapse, with total holdings of this dubious paper plunging by roughly 40% from its peak. This unprecedented collapse in ETF-holdings came despite reports that the Banksters themselves had bought millions of units of their own fraud-funds – forced to do so in order to stave-off the total collapse of the entire paper-called-gold market.

    Naturally, with the One Bank’s fraud-funds collapsing at the same time that demand for real gold was skyrocketing around the world; this has created some awkward moments for the Corporate media propaganda machine. It responded as it usually does in such situations: by telling much bigger lies.

    As global demand for real gold spiked to its highest level on record; the Liars in the Corporate Media were calling this “a bear market” for gold. It pretended that the massive sell-off of paper in the paper-called-market was actually a sell-off of “gold” – despite the fact that Comex inventory numbers proved there was no gold being sold in the New York fraud markets.

    As even the drones of the mainstream media can comprehend; if gold-holders were selling their gold (on a net basis), then gold inventories would have (must have) gone up. In fact; Comex inventories collapsed last spring, and at the fastest pace on record. Ipso facto; with inventories falling rapidly, then people were buying gold (and selling paper) – on a net basis – and in huge quantities.

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…/warehouse-deliveries.jpg]

    [chart courtesy of]...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…-chumps-still-holding-gld

    The Matrix (2014 version)

    Few noises emitted by the U.S. (and Western) mainstream media have been as shrill or as sustained as the endless accusations that “China is a currency-manipulator”. Every time the renminbi falls in value versus the dollar (and sometimes merely because it doesn’t rise); we hear the U.S.’s political puppets burst into a familiar chorus. China is (supposedly) deliberately manipulating the value of the renminbi lower (versus the dollar) in order to make its own exports cheaper – and thus steal U.S. jobs.

    This, in turn, has led to endless saber-rattling by the same puppets, threatening to punish China with assorted economic sanctions . We’ve seen so many episodes of this farce that those who follow U.S. political theater closely should have that script memorized.

    First, the moment the renminbi slides by any significant amount; we have Republican drones hurling accusations at China because – true or not – it makes them appear “strong” when it comes to “protecting U.S. jobs”. Then we have the Democrat drones chiming-in with their agreement. Because whether or not they actually believe what they are saying; if they don’t echo the accusations, they know they will be painted by Fox “News” and the rest of the lunatic-fringe on the Right as being soft on protecting U.S. jobs.

    Yet, incredibly, the moment the calendar clicked-over from 2013 to 2014, we see a brand-new paradigm. As “the Matrix (2013 version)” becomes the Matrix (2014 version); suddenly the mainstream media has new propaganda priorities. In this new paradigm, where the Federal Reserve is pretending to begin its long-promised Exit Strategy; portraying China as “a currency manipulator” is against the interests of the Master of Ceremonies, the One Bank.

    Here’s how the Matrix (2014 version) works. For four years we were told by this same mainstream media that U.S. bond and equity markets were being (literally) “pumped up” by the exponentially increasing money-printing of the Federal Reserve. This was nothing more than stating the obvious. If you pump air into a tire, it will inflate...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…7-the-matrix-2014-version

    The End of Too-Big-To-Fail? The End of The One Bank?

    This commentary has a dual title, because it was impossible to give precedence to either one of these questions of paramount importance. The sequential order of these questions is governed by the fact that an affirmative answer to the first question gives rise to the second.

    But such talk ‘puts the cart before the horse’. The first detail of which readers must be aware is the Reuters headline (and article) which provides the basis for these interrogatives:

    Fed’s Lacker calls for new laws to end too-big-to-fail threat

    Yes, we have seen/heard various banking officials and politicians occasionally muse about “doing something” about this systemic, corporate blackmail in the past. However, the strong/direct language of the title of this article was fortified with equally strong and explicit language in the text:

    Calling too-big-to-fail banks “the most critical issue facing our financial system,” a top Federal Reserve official on Tuesday urged new laws to address the problem, including ending Fed emergency lending powers…

    This is unprecedented, at least with respect to the last six years of saturation-fraud which has been condoned (if not actively assisted) by the same cast of banking officials and politicians. Here tone is of equal importance to substance. Note the judgmental nature of this reporting:

    …new laws to end too-big-to-fail threat

    …“the most critical issue facing our financial system”

    This is the sort of language which regular readers are used to seeing in my own commentaries – not coming from the lips of either our (corrupt) banking regime or our (corrupt) Corporate media. Indeed, for nearly six, long years; we have seen the media, our politicians, and (of course) the Banksters themselves all referring to the abominable concept of “too big to fail” as a permanent reality, and rarely as a “threat”.

    Why is tone as important as substance? Simply look at our own, recent history. Over the past six years of ambivalent weasel-talk from this same collection of Villains; what we have seen is that the weak, equivocal language of these bankers/politicians/media drones has always been accompanied by equally weak action – either no action at all, or mere window-dressing which actually perpetuates the fraud/crime...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…l-the-end-of-the-one-bank

    Falling Emerging Market Currencies Prove Dollar-Fraud

    Since roughly the beginning of this year; we have witnessed what is being characterized by the Corporate media as “the worst selloff in emerging-market currencies in five years”. This comes several months after our authorities began a (supposed) investigation into the serial rigging of currency prices in global FX markets by various tentacles of the One Bank.

    Only the most naïve or obtuse of readers would not immediately suspect that we are witnessing yet another, monstrous financial crime by this rapacious crime syndicate. It is thus both ironic and amusing that as the mainstream propaganda attempts to pervert and conceal what is really occurring here that it inadvertently described what is taking place, in this Bloomberg headline:

    Contagion Spreads in Emerging Markets as Crises Grow

    Of course the “contagion” (or disease) which Bloomberg refers to is none other than the One Bank, itself. Simply and literally, this financial cancer destroys everything it touches, as part of an overall campaign to suck-out all of the world’s wealth.

    How do we prove the One Bank’s guilt in this crime? The same way we prove guilt with any other crime: means, motive, and opportunity. Both “means” and “opportunity” are very obvious here; given that we are dealing with a financial monopoly which literally controls and operates all these markets. However; it is worthwhile to explicitly delve into the One Bank’s means for perpetrating these financial crimes – as it also epitomizes why smashing this crime syndicate is the primary imperative of our era.

    Let me first revisit the Swiss research which defines the One Bank, itself:

    In detail, nearly 4/10 of the control over the economic value of [all transnational corporations] in the world is held, via a complicated web of ownership relations by a group of 147 TNCs in the core, which has almost full control over itself…an economic “super-entity”…3/4 of the core are financial intermediaries.

    Obviously when the Swiss academics refer to 40% “control” of all of the world’s “transnational corporations”, they are not talking about minority-interests of all these corporations, but rather 100% control being exerted over 40% of all the world’s largest corporations. Thus when the Swiss academics refer to a “super-entity” what they are really describing is a corporate monopoly so enormous in size/scope that it makes Microsoft or Google look like corner grocery-stores in comparison...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…encies-prove-dollar-fraud

    Federal Reserve Increases Counterfeiting

    At the beginning of 2012; readers were presented with a commentary about the U.S. Treasuries market (Maximum Fraud in U.S. Treasuries Market) which merely stated the obvious. There was no visible/legitimate means by which this market, and the massive quantities of new supply coming onto the market could be supported – at all.

    With the world having already begun its transition away from the U.S. dollar as reserve currency to China’s renminbi; we had already entered into a new, permanent paradigm of declining demand for the U.S. dollar (and thus U.S. debt). Coupled with this; the large fiscal surpluses which had been used to soak-up U.S. Treasuries (in BRIC economies, and other Emerging Markets) during previous years have shrunk considerably.

    Thus we had/have parameters where nations have dramatically less incentive to accumulate U.S. dollars (through buying Treasuries), and these nations have significantly less funds with which to make any purchases of foreign debt. Combined with the explosion in supply; this could only mean an enormous drop-off in demand, and (at best) a sharp spike in Treasuries prices – if not a complete collapse of this (obvious) bubble-market.

    Even more outrageous is the fact that we have had these bubble-prices for U.S. Treasuries after it had become totally obvious to anyone paying attention that the United States is now hopelessly insolvent, or in the words of a former economic advisor in the Reagan regime, “bankrupt”. The (to be polite) questionable solvency of the U.S. economy dictates bond prices at absolute lows – not absolute highs. What we are supposed to believe is that virtually overnight; all of the world’s bond-traders suddenly/completely forgot the concept of “risk” with respect to the pricing of U.S. Treasuries.

    But on top of all of this; simultaneously we have had U.S. equities markets soaring to record highs. Back when we had sane, legitimate (legal) markets, where the Laws of Supply and Demand still applied; bond markets and equity markets ran counter-cyclical to each other. When one market was moving toward its highs, the other was dropping-off in a trough.

    Yet in the magical, arithmetic-defying realm of the U.S. Treasuries market; we had Treasuries prices at record highs, despite the obvious drop-off in demand. We had Treasuries prices at record highs, despite the obvious insolvency of the U.S. government. We had Treasuries prices at record highs, despite U.S. equities markets also, simultaneously soaring into bubble country...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…-increases-counterfeiting

    2013: A Successful Year of Price Suppression, Part III

    Part II of this series ended with the promise to explain to readers how “globalization” (based on so-called “free trade”) was not only contributing to the destruction of food inventories, but is also an important, overall component of the One Bank’s price-suppression paradigm. This will not be obvious to readers, as here the Machiavellian machinations of this Crime Syndicate are more indirect than what we are used to seeing.

    To understand these two, parallel tracks of economic destruction; it is necessary (as always) to begin with definition of terms. In defining “globalization”; it is best to start with discussing what globalization is not. It is not “free trade”.

    “Free trade” is a theoretical model of (supposed) economic efficiency in the realm of trade, which has two necessary/essential components. It must be pure trade, meaning trade unencumbered by any trade-distorting rules, and it is trade based entirely upon the doctrine of “comparative advantage”.

    What is “comparative advantage”? Few, if any readers will be able to answer that question, because it is a phrase which is rarely uttered by the charlatan economists, and on the rare occasions they do use these words, they are always speaking in purely theoretical terms. Why is this? Because comparative advantage exists nowhere in the 21st century global economy.

    By itself; this proves that globalization has absolutely nothing to do with free trade. However; it is even more important to look at the second, violated principle of “free trade”: the (lack of) purity of the international trading system. Here it is revealing to look at a recent confession by the Political Puppets, (surprisingly) published by the Corporate media.

    Obama Seeks Trade Deals Sought by Biggest U.S. Companies

    This is what globalization is really all about; making the world a “better place” for the world’s largest mega-corporations – and only the largest mega-corporations. Any benefits for people which result from globalization are purely accidental, and completely unintended.

    When our Western governments betrayed their own populations, and signed these “free trade deals”; they only erased some of the trade-distorting rules which made our international system less-than-pure. Specifically; they tore-up all of the rules which provided protection/support for jobs and wages, and they kept most of the rules which only subsidized corporations...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…rice-suppression-part-iii

    Debunking Tapering Mythology

    One could only hope that after nine, nauseating months of lies and half-truths from the U.S. Federal Reserve and mainstream media on so-called “tapering” that we would be spared any more of this nonsense in 2014. Sadly, since the mainstream propaganda machine found this a very fruitful form of lying in 2013, and since it is rapidly running out of any other semi-plausible fiction to use in holding together our smoke-and-mirrors economies; it appears that “tapering” is here to stay – i.e. talk about “tapering”.

    …The improving economy led the Federal Reserve to begin tapering its bond purchases this year. Monthly purchases of government bonds and mortgage-backed securities will be reduced from $85 billion to $75 billion this month, and it is likely that the quantitative easing program will come to a close by the end of 2104. [sic]

    The delightful “Freudian slip” above by the Conference Board of Canada is the nexus of all this propaganda, and so it is the first point which must be stressed in debunking the lies. There is no “tapering” taking place in the United States, in fact most likely the money-printing has increased. A previously familiar chart (below) demonstrates this.

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…jan14base_max_630_378.png]

    Where is the supposed “tapering” which took place last year? It’s not here, meaning that no reduction in the money-printing ever took place.

    But regular readers undoubtedly have another question. Why does this chart of the U.S. adjusted monetary base now appear stretched-out, rather than the simple, vertical line that they are used to seeing? Because a chart which used to be scaled in decades is now scaled in years. Throughout the entire (modern) history of the U.S. dollar; changes in the monetary base have been so slow/gradual that the chart which measured the monetary base could be scaled in decades.

    Today, with the Federal Reserve’s virtual “printing press” running white-hot, 24/7; the only way we can still see incremental changes (i.e. anything other than a sheer, vertical line) is by stretching-out the scale of the chart dramatically. The simple fact that this chart has been re-scaled tells us there will be no tapering. No reputable institution would change the scale of a key statistic temporarily, for just a few months. If the Federal Reserve had any serious plans to “taper”; it would have never changed the scale of its own chart measuring the (official) money-printing...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…unking-tapering-mythology

    2013: A Successful Year of Price-Suppression: Part II

    Part I of this series ended with some rather ominous questions. Most of those questions tied-in to the chart below, and what it signified in both practical and statistical terms:

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…ies/cereal-production.jpg]

    Here readers see a picture which is markedly different from the parameters we know to exist with (for example) precious metals. With gold and silver; we have two commodities where production is (now) falling, and inventories are (already) near-zero. It’s easily understandable why these commodities are already at a crisis-point in terms of basic supply/demand analysis.

    It is much less-easy to understand why the chart above also represents a looming crisis. This is due in large part to the obvious/unequivocal importance of food production. Because food (self) sufficiency is a key policy objective of almost every nation; their reactions to the food-crisis looming ahead of us have coloured this data – and thus (somewhat) hidden the underlying problems.

    It’s also important to point out another premise of simple logic. Because food-production (and sufficiency) will always remain a top priority; in the attempts to ward-off a near-term food catastrophe we could (will) see our governments simply trigger a different form of economic cataclysm – hyperinflation – which will also lead to mass hunger/starvation, but simply in a less-direct route...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…price-suppression-part-ii

    2013: A Successful Year of Price-Suppression, Part I

    There must certainly be times when regular (and objective) readers ask themselves if it is not me who is “living in fantasy-land” rather than – as alleged again and again in these commentaries – the drones of the mainstream media. There was an example today of an item from Bloomberg (and the “statistic” it contained) which might create such doubts in readers’ minds.

    Wholesale prices in the U.S. climbed in December for the first time in three months to cap the smallest annual increase in five years, showing companies face little pressure to charge more… [emphasis mine]

    Where is the “hyperinflation” which I (and John Williams, and others) insist is already ‘in the pipes’ of the global monetary/financial system? While readers have seen a chart (on numerous occasions) showing U.S. money-printing in an exponential spiral – a near-vertical line, to be precise – we see wholesale prices actually moving in the opposite direction.

    How is this possible? Or, put another way, who is telling the truth? To answer these questions; let me ask an additional and more specific question. Why do precious metals prices not reveal the hyperinflationary pressures which are alleged to exist? Regular readers and knowledgeable precious metals investors would have no difficulty answering that question in a convincing manner: price-suppression.

    Over recent years; readers have been supplied with overwhelming evidence of price-suppression/manipulation in precious metals markets, and in a variety of different forms:

    1) Bullion-leasing fraud

    2) Regulatory malfeasance

    3) Falsified data/statistics

    4) Outrageous ratios of paper to bullion in markets

    5) The collapse of global inventories of gold and silver

    Overlaid on top of this; we have the daily price-action in these markets: endless, repetitive examples of vertical lines, as prices “gap” lower (and sometimes) higher in these large, global futures markets. Here readers need to know the history (and math) behind these futures markets...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…-price-suppression-part-i

    Creeping Zeros and Economic Armageddon

    Regular readers are familiar with my characterization and observations concerning the Corporate media propaganda machine. This oligopoly disseminates its “news” as a single, monolithic herd. This, by itself, is conclusive proof that we are dealing with propaganda (and brainwashing), as any legitimate “free press” always exhibits considerable diversity of opinion.

    However, one important facet of this brainwashing/conditioning requires no deceptions or distortions of any kind in order to achieve the desired effect: apathy and confusion. As an inevitable consequence of “inflation” (i.e. the relentless/excessive money-printing of the One Bank); the numbers we use in discussing the parameters of all our economies are increasing, and at an exponential rate.

    This phenomenon of arithmetic is known as “creeping zeros”. But what is important for this discussion is not the arithmetic, but the inevitable psychological ramifications of creeping zeros. Specifically, as the numbers increase in size at an exponential rate; our understanding of these numbers decreases – proportionately.

    The implication of this is hopefully obvious to most readers: the bigger the crimes of the One Bank, and the faster it piles one mega-crime atop another, the faster we lose the capacity to understand the magnitude of these crimes. When it commits crimes involving numbers which are literally beyond human comprehension, it becomes logically impossible to truly understand these mega-crimes, themselves.

    It is necessary to inject some hard numbers here to facilitate understanding. The largest number which we puny humans can fully understand is (roughly) one million. It requires no academic credentials to make such an assertion, because the basis for this conclusion is tautological in nature.

    Generally speaking (and as simple, common sense), we can only “understand” what we are capable of perceiving with our senses. You cannot explain “colour” to someone who has been blind all of their lives. You cannot explain “music” to someone who has been deaf all of their lives. They lack the sensory capacity to genuinely understand such concepts.

    Similarly; while we can be told what an “atom” is, we cannot truly grasp the nature of these particles – save for the very few who can observe them (somewhat) via the aid of an electron microscope. This lack of comprehension also applies to phenomena in the universe which are too large for our comprehension...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…s-and-economic-armageddon

    Fiscal Responsibility in the Real World

    It is both ironic and pathetic that as our corrupt, Western governments drown in their own self-created insolvency, these weasel-politicians spend more time talking about “fiscal responsibility” than at any other time in modern history. However, as with most of what our politicians talk about; they have little-to-no understanding of this subject themselves.

    A simple hypothetical example will bear this out. Suppose we have a Corporation in serious financial difficulty. It’s spending is roughly flat (in real dollars), but its revenues (also in real dollars) have collapsed. Despite this “revenue crisis”; the Corporation completely ignores revenue-generation, and obsesses entirely about slashing spending.

    It performs this cost-cutting primarily through laying-off its own employees (and/or slashing their wages and benefits), which reduces its own revenues even further. What is the one thing which we know for certain about this Corporation? It will go bankrupt in the near future.

    This hypothetical corporation is, of course, an identical representation of our own, corrupt/incompetent governments. While we suffer through the greatest revenue-crisis in the history of our nations; all the politicians ever talk about (and occasionally do something about) is cutting spending.

    Who continues to advise our idiot-politicians to continue slashing spending (in order to ensure that their minimal brainwave activity is never directed toward increasing revenues)? The deceitful bankers and the even more-incompetent economists. Of course it is this same cast of liars and fools who are 100% responsible for creating both our revenue-crisis and our solvency-crisis (which has resulted)...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…ibility-in-the-real-world

    When Deflation Becomes Hyperinflation

    As we begin 2014; it seems incredible to me that we still have what is known as “an inflation/deflation debate” raging. But a debate which was merely frustrating five years ago is now absurd; because it is founded on an entirely false paradigm.

    What is logically implied in this “debate” is that spiraling inflation or crushing deflation are alternative scenarios; when, in fact, it has been patently obvious for many years that these two forms of economic cataclysm not only can be but must be concurrent (if not simultaneous) scenarios.

    Here I can claim no personal credit, as others saw the degeneration in the West into literal “Ponzi economies” sooner than myself. Darryl Schoon (for one) recently noted his own previous work in this area, and he, in turn, credited Bill Bonner with reaching this conclusion earlier than himself, going all the way back to 2006.

    Even beyond this; there has been the work of John Williams, the eminent producer/creator of It is Mr. Williams who first made the quantum leap in analysis in noting as our debt-saturated economies crumbled towards collapse – and fiat money-printing increased exponentially as a result – that “inflation” and “deflation” were not competing scenarios. He coined the term “hyperinflationary depression”, one which I subsequently adopted in my own work...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…on-becomes-hyperinflation

    When Deflation Becomes Hyperinflation

    As we begin 2014; it seems incredible to me that we still have what is known as “an inflation/deflation debate” raging. But a debate which was merely frustrating five years ago is now absurd; because it is founded on an entirely false paradigm.

    What is logically implied in this “debate” is that spiraling inflation or crushing deflation are alternative scenarios; when, in fact, it has been patently obvious for many years that these two forms of economic cataclysm not only can be but must be concurrent (if not simultaneous) scenarios.

    Here I can claim no personal credit, as others saw the degeneration in the West into literal “Ponzi economies” sooner than myself. Darryl Schoon (for one) recently noted his own previous work in this area, and he, in turn, credited Bill Bonner with reaching this conclusion earlier than himself, going all the way back to 2006.

    Even beyond this; there has been the work of John Williams, the eminent producer/creator of It is Mr. Williams who first made the quantum leap in analysis in noting as our debt-saturated economies crumbled towards collapse – and fiat money-printing increased exponentially as a result – that “inflation” and “deflation” were not competing scenarios. He coined the term “hyperinflationary depression”, one which I subsequently adopted in my own work.

    As we careen into a Greater Depression with nothing but “the Great Depression” to guide us as a template; what caused John Williams (alone among all analysts) to realize that this time it is different? Much like we could classify the fictional genius of Sherlock Holmes as “mere observation”; we could similarly abbreviate Williams’ brilliance as “mere arithmetic”.

    What is different in the Greater Depression unfolding before us today, versus the Great Depression which occurred one Kondratieff Winter before this? It’s the arithmetic.

    With few exceptions; all the larger economies in the world of 1929 were solvent, and (prior to the Great Depression) relatively healthy. The anemic, debt-saturated husks of the 21st century bear absolutely no resemblance to the robust economies of that era.

    A healthy person can suffer through a serious illness, or engage in a stringent diet (or even fasting), and then expect to recover their vitality once the illness or self-imposed fasting had ended. However; put someone already suffering from anorexia on a severe diet and you kill them...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…on-becomes-hyperinflation

    Interest Rate Fraud

    In our surreal, “Matrix” societies; one financial crime stands out above all others in terms of its relentless and pervasive impact in strip-mining all of the wealth out of our economies: interest rate fraud. It is the cornerstone of the financial crime empire of a crime syndicate previously dubbed “the One Bank”.

    This commentary will focus on two themes:

    1) All of the interest rates used to siphon the wealth from our societies are the direct result of illegal manipulation. Thus all contracts requiring the payment of interest are null-and-void, as a basic principle of Western legal jurisprudence.

    2) Examined over time, the clear financial objective of this interest rate fraud is an economic paradigm which can only be characterized as “debt slavery”.

    The obvious starting point in this analysis is demonstrating the endemic illegality at work here. Once fraudulent/criminal intent is established, the remainder of the analysis acquires additional credibility. Various forms of empirical evidence are available.

    First we have “LIBOR” (London InterBank Offered Rate), the single most-important interest rate in the Western world; the basis for over $500 trillion in commercial activity. Here we have confessed financial fraud; admitted collusion between the handful of Big Banks who set the LIBOR rate, secretly.

    LIBOR itself is created through a totally opaque, (supposedly) anonymous process which could not possibly be contrived to make the illegal manipulation of this rate any easier. And the Big Banks who “collectively” set this rate have now been all identified as mere tentacles of the One Bank. This is not merely a gigantic act of fraud (the largest, single financial fraud in history); it is a system of fraud.

    We then move to the next-largest sphere of fraud: the individual, national interest rates of the various Western governments. Our interest rates are all set by “central banks”; ultra-powerful, privately-controlled, financial entities which are not only completely “independent” of the governments they supposedly serve, but as we have now seen in many instances, these “banks” are completely above the law...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…26467-interest-rate-fraud

    Silver Bells

    As the Christmas season passes, and the end of 2013 is upon us; this is a natural time to reflect upon what has transpired over the last year in the precious metals sector. Obviously 2013 will not be viewed as a good year, in retrospect, by precious metals investors.

    This was the year of Hostage Markets; the year that the One Bank demonstrated in its own, inimitable, heavy-handed manner that it had corrupted our markets to the point where it could freeze bullion prices at any number it chose – regardless of supply/demand fundamentals. However, while these fundamentals have become virtually invisible, by no means have they ceased to exist.

    Rather, in exerting absolute short-term control over bullion markets the One Bank has inadvertently once again demonstrated its (long-term) impotence against those fundamentals. When it perpetrated the Cyprus Steal to create a “precedent” for its newest form of paper-theft (the “bail-in”); the One Bank caused a stampede out of its own paper-called-gold, and an unprecedented collapse in the entire paper-gold market.

    Worse still (for the Bankers), this exodus out of paper-called-gold manifested itself primarily in the form of a stampede into real, physical bullion. In part; this was a reflection of paper-called-gold holders swapping paper for metal – with the inevitable effect of a massive draw-down in Comex inventories.

    However, the stampede out of paper-called-gold also caused an inevitable plunge in the price of gold, all “gold”. Thus at the same time that Western paper-holders were causing an artificial drop in the price of gold by moving from paper to metal; Eastern gold-buyers also stampeded into the market – attracted by the give-away prices created by that exodus.

    Indeed, as reported earlier this year; at one point gold imports into China and India alone had spiked to an annualized rate of about 4,000 tonnes/year. This occurs in a global market where annual mine-supply is well below 3,000 tonnes/year, and falling.

    Facing a new “supply crisis” in bullion markets (and again one of its own creation); the One Bank responded with its most blatantly brutal tactics to date. By manipulating the exchange rate of India’s currency to a record-low (via its now-exposed FX-rigging); the One Bank blackmailed the government of India into suspending all gold imports into the world’s largest gold market...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…entary/26465-silver-bells

    The Leverage of Debt and the Levers of Power

    In a previous commentary, The One Bank, readers were presented with the dominant social/economic/political menace of our era; one, gigantic financial monopoly which by itself controls 40% of the entire, global economy.

    That previous piece introduced readers to the litany of financial mega-crimes perpetrated by this Crime Syndicate, the endemic corruption which allows these crimes to occur without any impediment (let alone punishment), and the primary means to achieving that level of corruption/control: debt.

    The evidentiary basis for this construct is a persuasive piece of economic modeling, conducted by a trio of Swiss academics, which has been favorably cited by several other writers/sources. They arrived at their conclusions through mathematical analysis of a huge data sample of more than 30 million “economic actors” (primarily corporate entities).

    However, while that previous piece was based upon a solid evidentiary foundation; skeptical readers may still have had trouble accepting the validity of the level of corruption asserted within that analysis. Even though (if it were a nation) the One Bank would have a “GDP” roughly double that of the United States; skeptics may have still found it difficult to accept that one Crime Syndicate (in any form/size) can exert essentially absolute control over entire governments.

    To facilitate bridging this gap; this piece will focus upon how “control” of that magnitude is achieved in general terms, by first noting in specific terms how debt (and debt-leverage) is such an insidious tool in creating a “slippery slope” of corruption. It is a slide which (inevitably) leads to the saturation-level of corruption which now exists in our societies today.

    “Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.”

    - Mayer Amschel Rothschild

    That (in)famous quotation was cited in a recent commentary, but accompanied by what was (in hindsight) an inadequate degree of elaboration:

    …Whoever controls the money-supply of any nation/economy can simply funnel infinite amounts of free money into their own pockets – and with that money they can buy all the lawmakers. This is precisely the reality we face today.

    While this accurately summarized what has taken place in our societies, the important omission was in not explaining how having the power of the printing press translates into the control of governments (and entire nations). To understand this requires understanding debt; more particularly, fully understanding the relationship between lender and debtor...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…t-and-the-levers-of-power