Global Economic Collapse

  • When Deflation Becomes Hyperinflation

    As we begin 2014; it seems incredible to me that we still have what is known as “an inflation/deflation debate” raging. But a debate which was merely frustrating five years ago is now absurd; because it is founded on an entirely false paradigm.

    What is logically implied in this “debate” is that spiraling inflation or crushing deflation are alternative scenarios; when, in fact, it has been patently obvious for many years that these two forms of economic cataclysm not only can be but must be concurrent (if not simultaneous) scenarios.

    Here I can claim no personal credit, as others saw the degeneration in the West into literal “Ponzi economies” sooner than myself. Darryl Schoon (for one) recently noted his own previous work in this area, and he, in turn, credited Bill Bonner with reaching this conclusion earlier than himself, going all the way back to 2006.

    Even beyond this; there has been the work of John Williams, the eminent producer/creator of It is Mr. Williams who first made the quantum leap in analysis in noting as our debt-saturated economies crumbled towards collapse – and fiat money-printing increased exponentially as a result – that “inflation” and “deflation” were not competing scenarios. He coined the term “hyperinflationary depression”, one which I subsequently adopted in my own work...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…on-becomes-hyperinflation

  • Fiscal Responsibility in the Real World

    It is both ironic and pathetic that as our corrupt, Western governments drown in their own self-created insolvency, these weasel-politicians spend more time talking about “fiscal responsibility” than at any other time in modern history. However, as with most of what our politicians talk about; they have little-to-no understanding of this subject themselves.

    A simple hypothetical example will bear this out. Suppose we have a Corporation in serious financial difficulty. It’s spending is roughly flat (in real dollars), but its revenues (also in real dollars) have collapsed. Despite this “revenue crisis”; the Corporation completely ignores revenue-generation, and obsesses entirely about slashing spending.

    It performs this cost-cutting primarily through laying-off its own employees (and/or slashing their wages and benefits), which reduces its own revenues even further. What is the one thing which we know for certain about this Corporation? It will go bankrupt in the near future.

    This hypothetical corporation is, of course, an identical representation of our own, corrupt/incompetent governments. While we suffer through the greatest revenue-crisis in the history of our nations; all the politicians ever talk about (and occasionally do something about) is cutting spending.

    Who continues to advise our idiot-politicians to continue slashing spending (in order to ensure that their minimal brainwave activity is never directed toward increasing revenues)? The deceitful bankers and the even more-incompetent economists. Of course it is this same cast of liars and fools who are 100% responsible for creating both our revenue-crisis and our solvency-crisis (which has resulted)...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…ibility-in-the-real-world

  • Alles ist gut und der deutsche Bürger im Konsumrausch und nicht zu bremsen. :D


    Die deutsche Wirtschaftleistung ist im vergangenen Jahr nur moderat gestiegen. Das preisbereinigte Bruttoinlandsprodukt erhöhte sich um 0,4%, wie das Statistische Bundesamt am Mittwoch auf vorläufiger Basis mitteilte.…nur-moderat,a3632902.html

    ,,Nicht was wir sehen, wohl aber wie wir sehen, bestimmt den Wert des Geschehenen'' Blaise Pascal

  • Creeping Zeros and Economic Armageddon

    Regular readers are familiar with my characterization and observations concerning the Corporate media propaganda machine. This oligopoly disseminates its “news” as a single, monolithic herd. This, by itself, is conclusive proof that we are dealing with propaganda (and brainwashing), as any legitimate “free press” always exhibits considerable diversity of opinion.

    However, one important facet of this brainwashing/conditioning requires no deceptions or distortions of any kind in order to achieve the desired effect: apathy and confusion. As an inevitable consequence of “inflation” (i.e. the relentless/excessive money-printing of the One Bank); the numbers we use in discussing the parameters of all our economies are increasing, and at an exponential rate.

    This phenomenon of arithmetic is known as “creeping zeros”. But what is important for this discussion is not the arithmetic, but the inevitable psychological ramifications of creeping zeros. Specifically, as the numbers increase in size at an exponential rate; our understanding of these numbers decreases – proportionately.

    The implication of this is hopefully obvious to most readers: the bigger the crimes of the One Bank, and the faster it piles one mega-crime atop another, the faster we lose the capacity to understand the magnitude of these crimes. When it commits crimes involving numbers which are literally beyond human comprehension, it becomes logically impossible to truly understand these mega-crimes, themselves.

    It is necessary to inject some hard numbers here to facilitate understanding. The largest number which we puny humans can fully understand is (roughly) one million. It requires no academic credentials to make such an assertion, because the basis for this conclusion is tautological in nature.

    Generally speaking (and as simple, common sense), we can only “understand” what we are capable of perceiving with our senses. You cannot explain “colour” to someone who has been blind all of their lives. You cannot explain “music” to someone who has been deaf all of their lives. They lack the sensory capacity to genuinely understand such concepts.

    Similarly; while we can be told what an “atom” is, we cannot truly grasp the nature of these particles – save for the very few who can observe them (somewhat) via the aid of an electron microscope. This lack of comprehension also applies to phenomena in the universe which are too large for our comprehension...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…s-and-economic-armageddon

  • ;( ;(

  • Ich hoffe die NATOSCHWEINE beissen sich die Zähne aus. Es soll brennen überall bei diesen Drecksäcken. :thumbup:

    NATO RAUS! In die Sonne schiessen diese Schweine.


    Libyen: Gaddafi-Loyalisten übernehmen Kontrolle über Südlibyen


    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

  • Die Lebenslüge Falschgeldsystem kommt bei den Eliten an

    von Peter Boehringer E-Mail 05.02.14 12:03:08

    Angesichts immer ver-rückt-erer Zustände der Finanzmärkte und der Gesellschaft wird nolens volens nun die Ursachenanalyse sogar der „Eliten“ realistisch. Leider jedoch nicht ihre Wertungen und Weiter-so-und-durch-Empfehlungen dazu: Was EUR-Kritiker seit 2010 sagen, aufgeklärte Medien seit 2008, die Geldsystemkritiker seit sehr vielen Jahren, die Baaders und Bandulets seit mind. 1990, die Goldbugs seit Jahrzehnten, die „Verschwörungstheoretiker“ und „Untergangskassandras“ jeder Couleur ebenfalls; und was die Österreichische Schule seit fast 100 Jahren sagt und Cicero und Petronius…-falschgeldsystem-kommt-b


  • The End of Too-Big-To-Fail? The End of The One Bank?

    This commentary has a dual title, because it was impossible to give precedence to either one of these questions of paramount importance. The sequential order of these questions is governed by the fact that an affirmative answer to the first question gives rise to the second.

    But such talk ‘puts the cart before the horse’. The first detail of which readers must be aware is the Reuters headline (and article) which provides the basis for these interrogatives:

    Fed’s Lacker calls for new laws to end too-big-to-fail threat

    Yes, we have seen/heard various banking officials and politicians occasionally muse about “doing something” about this systemic, corporate blackmail in the past. However, the strong/direct language of the title of this article was fortified with equally strong and explicit language in the text:

    Calling too-big-to-fail banks “the most critical issue facing our financial system,” a top Federal Reserve official on Tuesday urged new laws to address the problem, including ending Fed emergency lending powers…

    This is unprecedented, at least with respect to the last six years of saturation-fraud which has been condoned (if not actively assisted) by the same cast of banking officials and politicians. Here tone is of equal importance to substance. Note the judgmental nature of this reporting:

    …new laws to end too-big-to-fail threat

    …“the most critical issue facing our financial system”

    This is the sort of language which regular readers are used to seeing in my own commentaries – not coming from the lips of either our (corrupt) banking regime or our (corrupt) Corporate media. Indeed, for nearly six, long years; we have seen the media, our politicians, and (of course) the Banksters themselves all referring to the abominable concept of “too big to fail” as a permanent reality, and rarely as a “threat”.

    Why is tone as important as substance? Simply look at our own, recent history. Over the past six years of ambivalent weasel-talk from this same collection of Villains; what we have seen is that the weak, equivocal language of these bankers/politicians/media drones has always been accompanied by equally weak action – either no action at all, or mere window-dressing which actually perpetuates the fraud/crime...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…l-the-end-of-the-one-bank

  • DHS Agt Reveals Collapse Within 6 Weeks

    US Kollaps innerhalb der nächsten 6 Wochen!…thin-6-weeks-2459940.html


    Urgent Update–Inside Source Just Contacted Me: “Start Making Cash Withdrawals RIGHT NOW–It Is Coming Down Soon!!” (Shocking Videos)…cking-videos-2458934.html

    :!: :!: :!:
    Elite insider predicts Global Economic Collapse March 4th, 2014…er_embedded&v=_zGeVxHVRUU

  • DHS Agt Reveals Collapse Within 6 Weeks

    Desertfighter, du kennst aber doch bestimmt die neue Regelung im Forum?

    Nach der muss jeder, der hier einen Crash ausruft und der nicht in der angegebenen Zeit eintritt, jedem Forenmitglied eine Unze Silber zahlen!

    Übrigens die Videos kann man sich nicht mal zwei Minuten anschauen, ....überall gottesfürchtige Schlaftabletten....dann lieber crash, als solchen Leuten zusehen müssen, die haben eher schwere Probleme mit sich selbst...

  • The Matrix (2014 version)

    Few noises emitted by the U.S. (and Western) mainstream media have been as shrill or as sustained as the endless accusations that “China is a currency-manipulator”. Every time the renminbi falls in value versus the dollar (and sometimes merely because it doesn’t rise); we hear the U.S.’s political puppets burst into a familiar chorus. China is (supposedly) deliberately manipulating the value of the renminbi lower (versus the dollar) in order to make its own exports cheaper – and thus steal U.S. jobs.

    This, in turn, has led to endless saber-rattling by the same puppets, threatening to punish China with assorted economic sanctions . We’ve seen so many episodes of this farce that those who follow U.S. political theater closely should have that script memorized.

    First, the moment the renminbi slides by any significant amount; we have Republican drones hurling accusations at China because – true or not – it makes them appear “strong” when it comes to “protecting U.S. jobs”. Then we have the Democrat drones chiming-in with their agreement. Because whether or not they actually believe what they are saying; if they don’t echo the accusations, they know they will be painted by Fox “News” and the rest of the lunatic-fringe on the Right as being soft on protecting U.S. jobs.

    Yet, incredibly, the moment the calendar clicked-over from 2013 to 2014, we see a brand-new paradigm. As “the Matrix (2013 version)” becomes the Matrix (2014 version); suddenly the mainstream media has new propaganda priorities. In this new paradigm, where the Federal Reserve is pretending to begin its long-promised Exit Strategy; portraying China as “a currency manipulator” is against the interests of the Master of Ceremonies, the One Bank.

    Here’s how the Matrix (2014 version) works. For four years we were told by this same mainstream media that U.S. bond and equity markets were being (literally) “pumped up” by the exponentially increasing money-printing of the Federal Reserve. This was nothing more than stating the obvious. If you pump air into a tire, it will inflate...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…7-the-matrix-2014-version

  • MEANS: U.S. economy on schedule to crash March 4, 2014

    Those wild and crazy Mayans put down their marker that the end of the world would occur on Dec. 21, 2012 — about two months from now. There is, of course, some small chance that they might be right. On the other hand, there is a very large probability that the real end of the world will occur around March 4, 2014.

    Read more:…march-2014/#ixzz2uvFWjHDF




    The new war is said to begin in March of 2014, during the Olympic Games in Sochi. It is also possible that the war may start five days after the Games end. Globa did not say in which country exactly the war would begin. He only said that the African revolutions would slowly be moving towards Russia. Massive protests will eventually spark in Central Asia, the astrologist said.


    "Ess und trink so lang Dir´s schmeckt scho 2mal ist uns´s Geld verreckt!"; "Steuerbetrug ist der strafbare Versuch des Steuerpflichtigen den legalisierten Diebstahl durch die Herrschenden zu verhindern." "Goldpreis = Gold/Vertrauen in die Geldwertstabilität."

  • IMF: Wealth Inequality Harms Economies

    For the past three decades; we have been subjected to the mythology that when the Rich get richer “it’s good for the economy”. This mythology has been debunked in several of my own previous commentaries, most notably The Pareto Threshold.

    In that piece; it was explained that wealth-inequality was not merely “harmful” to economies, but rather when it becomes too extreme it literally destroys economies. This is all just simple arithmetic/economics. Proof of this principle requires nothing more than simply visualizing an inverted “wealth pyramid” – where a small number of people at the top hold all the wealth, and the masses hold nothing.

    Obviously such an economic phenomenon is the literal representation of “instability”, reflecting a hollowed-out economy which cannot possibly survive. Conversely, elementary economic theory (i.e. the “marginal propensity to consume”) proves that an economy must be healthier/more robust if most of the wealth is held by most of the people.

    Now the International Monetary Fund, one of the central institutions of the Western banking empire, has come out and stated the obvious. Nations with higher wealth-inequality consistently exhibit poorer economic performance than nations with less inequality. We have had empirical proof of this for decades.

    Year after year, decade after decade; the Scandinavian nations of northern Europe, with centralist governments and economic policies, consistently rank at the top of all international surveys of “quality of life”. Many in the mainstream media (and the Right-Wing media, in particular) mistakenly label these governments as being “socialist”. However this cannot possibly be true.

    It is these same banking institutions and “right-wing think-tanks” which tell us all the time that socialism destroys economies. However, the centralist governments of Northern Europe also rank at the top of all international surveys on prosperity. The societies with the least wealth-inequality in the West are also its strongest economies.

    While the “more capitalist” nations in the West (dominated by Western banking) all have debt-to-GDP ratios approaching 100% or worse; these Scandinavian nations have debt-to-GDP ratios of 25% or less. Surely the right-wingers at Fox “News” don’t want to assert that all of the best-managed (and most-prosperous) economies in the Western world are “socialist”?...

    Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…nequality-harms-economies

  • Den global economic collapse sollte es schon an 1.1.2000 gegeben haben.
    Weil das Datum als 75, 90, 95, 99 dargestellt worden ist.
    Die Jahreszahlen.
    Das hat noch in den Rahmen des hexadezimalen Systems gepaßt.
    Basis 16, Potenzen der Basis 16...
    Die Zahl ff wäre 255.
    dezimal 99 wäre 63 hexadezimal.
    99 wäre im Rahmen 2 stelliger Hexzahlen gewesen.
    2000 wäre 7D0, also erstmals 3 stellig.
    Das wäre nicht darstellbar gewesen
    Oder die Computer wären auf 00 gegangen.
    Für 1900.
    PRINT i; CHR$(i)
    - Mit ASC und CHR$ den ASCII-Code oder das zugehörige Zeichen anzeigen bzw umrechnen.
    würde den ASCII-Code von 0-255 darstellen.
    Den Schrift- und Zeichensatz auf 8-bit Rechnern.
    Es gab aber schon im Jahr 2000 16 bit und 32 bit Rechner.

    Dadurch ist der global economic collapse am 1.1.2000 ausgefallen.
    Man könnte sich zwar in 32 bit Systeme reinhacken, aber das ist keine Frage des Betriebssystems und des Supports, sondern der firewallmäßigen Absicherung.
    Das kann weiterhin geupdatet werden.
    Wo Geldautomaten als intranet-Netzwerke betrieben werden, gibt es mit Win-xp auch nach Ende des Supports nichts zu knacken.
    Anders kann es auf ausgewählten Systemen mit Internetanbindung aussehen.
    Wenn man mit einer Postbankkarte bei der Deutschen Bank abheben will.
    Dazu muß das System online gehen und wird angreifbar, weil man nie wissen kann, wer gerade in Vorhand ist.
    Der Hacker oder der Hersteller von Antihackersoftware.
    Im Allgemeinen führt der Hacker und die Antihackersoftware läuft hinterher.
    Im Ausland sollte man keine Geldautomaten benutzen, aber das ist ja nicht Neues.

  • Ach jetzt haben die Leute Panik wegen XP, das kann man aber sicher noch einige Monate nutzen :) Nunja, die Hersteller wollen ja neue Programme, Hardware und Win7/8 verkaufen...deshalb die Panikmache. Wer sich halbwegs auskennt, kann XP noch ne Zeitlang nutzen.

    Wer gerne eine Beratung bzw. ein Update bzgl. seines Systems will kann mich kontaktieren, bin im Sieger - Sauerland tätig. (werbung)

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