Was anderes hätte mich in dieser Finanzhölle auch arg gewundert.
Jepp, überall diese Arzt-Töchter...!
2. Dezember 2024, 00:41
Was anderes hätte mich in dieser Finanzhölle auch arg gewundert.
Jepp, überall diese Arzt-Töchter...!
Der Dollar ist ja auch etwas malade, da ist es schon nicht schlecht, wenn sich eine solche Arzt-Tochter darum kümmert. Benni hatte ja auch diese heilenden Hände, quasi als Arzt-Sohn.
Diese Frau kommt aus der dritten Reihe.
Die Cleveren haben sich schon zurück gezogen.
Nach dem Motto "Ladies First"!
P.S. die nötigen Dollars aus dem Nichts zu schaffen, wird sie wohl noch hin bekommen.
Janet Yellen Exposed - The Truth Behind The Myth
When President Obama nominated Janet Yellen to be the next Chair of the Federal Reserve Board the praise he offered was similar to what had already poured in from around the country. In their assessments of Ms. Yellen's long career, Congressman, editors, and academics have underscored how her prescience and caution distinguish her from the reckless overconfidence that have plagued her male colleagues at the Federal Reserve. As proof of her wisdom supporters have pointed to speeches she delivered in 2005 and 2006 in which she supposedly issued clear warnings about the dangers then building in the frothy real estate markets. Without any attempt at reasonable fact checking, these claims have been parroted by the media.
However, a brief review of the speeches in question reveals that she issued no such warnings at that time.
In a new video, Peter Schiff, the CEO of Euro Pacific Capital and a well-known author and economist, goes over the speeches in question and comes to the easy conclusion that the new leader at the Federal Reserve is just as incapable as her predecessors of recognizing a dangerous asset bubble. Worse yet, as a diehard believer in the power of expansive monetary policy, Ms. Yellen would be much less likely to attack an asset bubble even if she were ever to recognize one before it burst.
Full video below:
Video-Doku: 100 Jahre Federal Reserve - Der Weg in die NWO-Diktatur
Vor 100 Jahren wurde in einer Nacht und Nebel Aktion die Federal Reserve gegründet. Auftakt für ein 20 Jahrhunderts, in welchem sich ein privates Kartell aus Banken, Mafia und Regierungen ihren Machteinfluss in der globalen Weltpolitik festigten.
50 Jahre später schafft Kennedy das Gesetz ab. 2 Monate ist Kennedy tot und sein Nachfolger Johnson führt das Gesetz umgehend wieder ein.
Prof. Dr. Michael Vogt zeigt in seinem Vortrag auf dem Kongress für Grenzwissen 2013 den Weg in die Diktatur der "Neuen Weltordnung".
Naja, gegründet oder legitimiert? Die offene Machtergreifung der Banken in den USA begann mit dem Mord an Lincoln. Klar, alles wirre Verschwörungstheorien aber wer man sich mal anschaut, wie präzise Otto von Bismarck seinerzeit die Hintergründe, sein Bedauern und seine Sorgen dahingehend formulierte, der wird anders darüber denken. OK, lesen ist out also weiter mit der Verschwörungstheorie: Jedenfalls wollte Lincoln genau das, worüber heute so geschimpft wird: wertlose Papierfetzen und genau an der Stelle müßte die Geschichte dann nach Gründung der FED weiter ansetzen...warum wäre es besser, sich keine (wie auch immer) gedeckte Währung zu wünschen.
Schade, daß da über die FED an sich und deren nachweisbare Sauereien nur wenig erzählt wird, eigentlich geht es ja zu 99% um den zweiten Teil der Überschrift.
Ein denkwürdiger Tag:
Vor 100 Jahren: Gründung der Federal Reserve
Heute auf den Tag genau vor 100 Jahren, am 23. Dezember 1913, verkaufte U.S.-Präsident Woodrow Wilson mit der Unterzeichnung des (verfassungswidrigen) Federal Reserve Act (Executive Order Number 10289) das amerikanische Volk und die gesamte Weltbevölkerung an die globale, private Hochfinanz. - Das Fed ist keine staatliche (wie der Name suggeriert), sondern eine private Institution. Bis heute sind die Eigentümer des Fed geheim. Es ist das bestgehütete Geheimnis aller Zeiten.
The American Dream
Der US-Senat hat am Montag Janet Yellen als Nachfolgerin von Fed-Chef Ben Bernanke bestätigt.
Die Ökonomin steht für einen neuen Zeitgeist. Vor ihr liegen große Herausforderungen an der Schaltstelle der Weltwirtschaft.
The Black Box
Without question, the central player in US markets (even world markets) is the Federal Reserve Bank. Every serious financial analysis concerns itself with Ben Bernanke and his successor Janet Yellen; indeed they have to, as the Federal Reserve single-handedly holds up the US stock and housing markets.
But when we talk about the Federal Reserve (or "the Fed," for short), we are overlooking something very important:
Bernanke and Yellen are mere employees of the Federal Reserve, not the owners. And we don’t know who the owners are.
If you’re new to this subject, that may sound ridiculous, and I can’t blame you for thinking so. But, the fact is, we really don’t know. The US government doesn’t own it and isn’t telling who does.
We do know that the Fed is a private banking group that has been given a monopoly on the creation of US currency, and the list of its owners is a closely held secret.
The true owners are almost certainly reflected in the roster of Primary Dealers who skim from US dollars (actually Federal Reserve Notes) as they are being made, but we really don’t know much more than that. There was a list that circulated in about 1930, but that was a long time ago.
Who are the people that Bernanke and Yellen take orders from? We don’t know.
What do these people want? We don’t know.
What are their long-term asset positions? We don’t know.
Who might they protect, aside from themselves? We don’t know.
If things get rough, will they obey politicians? Probably not, but we don’t know.
Our closest view of these people came from Professor Carroll Quigley, who said that he was given access to their records in the early 1960s. This is what he wrote in his book, Tragedy & Hope:
It must not be felt that the heads of the world’s chief central banks were themselves substantive powers in world finance. They were not. Rather they were the technicians and agents of the dominant investment bankers of their own countries, who had raised them up, and who were perfectly capable of throwing them down. The substantive financial powers of the world were in the hands of these investment bankers who remained largely behind the scenes in their own unincorporated private banks. These formed a system of international cooperation and national dominance which was more private, more powerful, and more secret than that of their agents in the central banks.
In another passage, he writes:
The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole… Each central bank sought to dominate its government by its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence co-operative politicians by subsequent rewards in the business world.
So, was Quigley telling the truth? I don’t really know, but Quigley maintained an excellent reputation. This wasn’t a man given to wild stories.
And if Quigley did tell the truth in 1966, is it still true?
I don’t know that either, and that’s the point!
There’s a fundamental factor in our financial analysis that is completely unknown to us.
Okay, presuming that Quigley was telling the truth and that his information remains close to true… and presuming that when push comes to shove, the Fed will ignore politicians… it seems likely that the Fed (who is buying up the rights to lots of real estate at the moment) will pull the plug at some point.
The purpose of pulling the plug will be two-fold: To reset an untenable economic system and to consolidate their position in a deflation. (Deflation, with its flood of loan defaults, transfers assets from borrowers to lenders.)
After that, and with some friendly legislation, they can print with abandon ("$10,000 checks for everyone!") and reset their system.
Presuming, of course, that the suckers (that’s you and me) keep obeying the rules of their rigged game.
This was my contribution to the great inflation/deflation debate.
There is excellent financial analysis being done by bright, competent, and brave men and women. But we must also remember that a large black box sits in the center of our analysis, and we don’t know what’s happening inside of it.
The people who can see inside of that black box – and there are some, whose secrecy is protected at the highest levels – have a gigantic advantage over all other investors and analysts. And so long as the inside of that box cannot be seen, the insiders will maintain that advantage.
This doesn’t make financial analysis pointless, of course, but it does leave it with a large "unknown" factor.
Paul Rosenberg
Debunking Tapering Mythology
One could only hope that after nine, nauseating months of lies and half-truths from the U.S. Federal Reserve and mainstream media on so-called “tapering” that we would be spared any more of this nonsense in 2014. Sadly, since the mainstream propaganda machine found this a very fruitful form of lying in 2013, and since it is rapidly running out of any other semi-plausible fiction to use in holding together our smoke-and-mirrors economies; it appears that “tapering” is here to stay – i.e. talk about “tapering”.
…The improving economy led the Federal Reserve to begin tapering its bond purchases this year. Monthly purchases of government bonds and mortgage-backed securities will be reduced from $85 billion to $75 billion this month, and it is likely that the quantitative easing program will come to a close by the end of 2104. [sic]
The delightful “Freudian slip” above by the Conference Board of Canada is the nexus of all this propaganda, and so it is the first point which must be stressed in debunking the lies. There is no “tapering” taking place in the United States, in fact most likely the money-printing has increased. A previously familiar chart (below) demonstrates this.
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…jan14base_max_630_378.png]
Where is the supposed “tapering” which took place last year? It’s not here, meaning that no reduction in the money-printing ever took place.
But regular readers undoubtedly have another question. Why does this chart of the U.S. adjusted monetary base now appear stretched-out, rather than the simple, vertical line that they are used to seeing? Because a chart which used to be scaled in decades is now scaled in years. Throughout the entire (modern) history of the U.S. dollar; changes in the monetary base have been so slow/gradual that the chart which measured the monetary base could be scaled in decades.
Today, with the Federal Reserve’s virtual “printing press” running white-hot, 24/7; the only way we can still see incremental changes (i.e. anything other than a sheer, vertical line) is by stretching-out the scale of the chart dramatically. The simple fact that this chart has been re-scaled tells us there will be no tapering. No reputable institution would change the scale of a key statistic temporarily, for just a few months. If the Federal Reserve had any serious plans to “taper”; it would have never changed the scale of its own chart measuring the (official) money-printing...
Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…unking-tapering-mythology
Federal Reserve Increases Counterfeiting
At the beginning of 2012; readers were presented with a commentary about the U.S. Treasuries market (Maximum Fraud in U.S. Treasuries Market) which merely stated the obvious. There was no visible/legitimate means by which this market, and the massive quantities of new supply coming onto the market could be supported – at all.
With the world having already begun its transition away from the U.S. dollar as reserve currency to China’s renminbi; we had already entered into a new, permanent paradigm of declining demand for the U.S. dollar (and thus U.S. debt). Coupled with this; the large fiscal surpluses which had been used to soak-up U.S. Treasuries (in BRIC economies, and other Emerging Markets) during previous years have shrunk considerably.
Thus we had/have parameters where nations have dramatically less incentive to accumulate U.S. dollars (through buying Treasuries), and these nations have significantly less funds with which to make any purchases of foreign debt. Combined with the explosion in supply; this could only mean an enormous drop-off in demand, and (at best) a sharp spike in Treasuries prices – if not a complete collapse of this (obvious) bubble-market.
Even more outrageous is the fact that we have had these bubble-prices for U.S. Treasuries after it had become totally obvious to anyone paying attention that the United States is now hopelessly insolvent, or in the words of a former economic advisor in the Reagan regime, “bankrupt”. The (to be polite) questionable solvency of the U.S. economy dictates bond prices at absolute lows – not absolute highs. What we are supposed to believe is that virtually overnight; all of the world’s bond-traders suddenly/completely forgot the concept of “risk” with respect to the pricing of U.S. Treasuries.
But on top of all of this; simultaneously we have had U.S. equities markets soaring to record highs. Back when we had sane, legitimate (legal) markets, where the Laws of Supply and Demand still applied; bond markets and equity markets ran counter-cyclical to each other. When one market was moving toward its highs, the other was dropping-off in a trough.
Yet in the magical, arithmetic-defying realm of the U.S. Treasuries market; we had Treasuries prices at record highs, despite the obvious drop-off in demand. We had Treasuries prices at record highs, despite the obvious insolvency of the U.S. government. We had Treasuries prices at record highs, despite U.S. equities markets also, simultaneously soaring into bubble country...
Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…-increases-counterfeiting
Falling Emerging Market Currencies Prove Dollar-Fraud
Since roughly the beginning of this year; we have witnessed what is being characterized by the Corporate media as “the worst selloff in emerging-market currencies in five years”. This comes several months after our authorities began a (supposed) investigation into the serial rigging of currency prices in global FX markets by various tentacles of the One Bank.
Only the most naïve or obtuse of readers would not immediately suspect that we are witnessing yet another, monstrous financial crime by this rapacious crime syndicate. It is thus both ironic and amusing that as the mainstream propaganda attempts to pervert and conceal what is really occurring here that it inadvertently described what is taking place, in this Bloomberg headline:
Contagion Spreads in Emerging Markets as Crises Grow
Of course the “contagion” (or disease) which Bloomberg refers to is none other than the One Bank, itself. Simply and literally, this financial cancer destroys everything it touches, as part of an overall campaign to suck-out all of the world’s wealth.
How do we prove the One Bank’s guilt in this crime? The same way we prove guilt with any other crime: means, motive, and opportunity. Both “means” and “opportunity” are very obvious here; given that we are dealing with a financial monopoly which literally controls and operates all these markets. However; it is worthwhile to explicitly delve into the One Bank’s means for perpetrating these financial crimes – as it also epitomizes why smashing this crime syndicate is the primary imperative of our era.
Let me first revisit the Swiss research which defines the One Bank, itself:
In detail, nearly 4/10 of the control over the economic value of [all transnational corporations] in the world is held, via a complicated web of ownership relations by a group of 147 TNCs in the core, which has almost full control over itself…an economic “super-entity”…3/4 of the core are financial intermediaries.
Obviously when the Swiss academics refer to 40% “control” of all of the world’s “transnational corporations”, they are not talking about minority-interests of all these corporations, but rather 100% control being exerted over 40% of all the world’s largest corporations. Thus when the Swiss academics refer to a “super-entity” what they are really describing is a corporate monopoly so enormous in size/scope that it makes Microsoft or Google look like corner grocery-stores in comparison...
Full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…encies-prove-dollar-fraud
FED wird Leitzinsen 2015 erhöhen
...das wird der längst präsenten Deflation einen Afterburner verpassen, die Börse wird crashen und die sehr liquide Elite sackt dann reale Güter zu Schnäppchenpreisen ein...wie damals !
Meine Theorie besagt, dass nicht FED die Märkte kontrolliert - sondern Märkte die FED.
D.h. die Entwicklung der FED ist nur ein Nachläufer...
Demzufolge wird FED die Zinsen erhöhen - auch wenn sich viele verwundert die Augen reiben werden und es für UNMÖGLICH gehalten haben
"Meine Theorie besagt, dass nicht FED die Märkte kontrolliert - sondern Märkte die FED"
nicht wirklich...habe mich (hier) zwar schon lange rausgehalten, aber ich gehe mit deiner Meinung teilweise d’accord ! ...natürlich steuern die (Konzern)Märkte die Zentralbanken...die stecken ja auch beide unter einer Decke...empfehle weiterführende Literatur der Keynesianer, eine brachiale Erhöhung des Leitzinses könnte kurz bevor stehen, klingt völlig unlogisch aufgrund der derzeitigen Verschuldungsraten, aber alle Signale deuten da hin...!!allerdings passiert das erst wenn die Elite fertig hat!!...empfehle da Literatur von Wolfgang Waldner !
Ja, das Unglaubliche wird allem Anschein nach passieren...ich nenne es die "HyperDepression" ! ....hoffe Gott steht uns bei !!!!
Trotzdem stehe ich zum Investment GOLD....bei der europäischen Bankeneinlagensicherung von lächerlicherlichen 2% nützt selbst dem überzeugtesten "Deflationator" das "Liquide" gar nix...es wird schlicht und einfach weg sein nach dem "BiGBang" ...wir haben nur sehrrrr viele Zahlen und tatsächlich kein Geld mehr, die Derivate werden ALLES vernichten !
Ist schon interessant, was Herr Waldner zum Thema Geldpolitik und Wirtschaftsgeschichte schreibt.
Man hätte sich jetzt auf eine Verschärfung der Deflationspolitik einstellen müssen und der Shitcoinhype zielte exakt in diese Richtung.
Dazu Abschaffung des Bargeldes usw.
Um alles auf das Preis- und Wertniveau von 1914 herunterzubrechen.
Mit einer Einschränkung.
Es darf keine größeren Kriege geben und nicht mal den Ansatz eines kalten Krieges.
Nur dann kann ohne Kampf um Zustimmungsraten durchregiert werden, um die Menschheit zu den Wünschen der globalistischen Finanzoligarchen kompatibel zu machen.
Aber wie das so mit Karten- und Brettspielen aller Art ist, manchmal kommt was dazwischen.
Die Karten sind gezinkt und die Figuren sehen plötzlich alle wie Könige aus.
Was nun?
Noch mal von vorn.
Die Druckertrommeln müssen ihre Umlaufgeschwindigkeit steigern, weil der Warenumlauf immer dürftiger wird. Vor allem in den Deflationszonen.
Die Kreditnachfrage steigt im Bereich Rüstung und Werbung an.
Man muß die Ukrainer zunächtst kaufen, bevor man sie abziehen kann.
Das libertäre Tempo stockt allgemein, also libertärer Kapitalismus-->Feudalismus.
Stattdessen etwas Keynes, bis sich die Lage in der Ukraine beruhigt hat.
Und dann wissen die Chessboardler, die ohnehin alles besser können, wie man deflationäre und inflationäre Bereiche in der Weltwirtschaft zurechtmanipuliert, um daran zu verdienen.
Und wann man wechselt.
Also Vordergrund gegen Hintergrund austauscht.
Sind alle ziemlich lernfähig.
Und wenn alles gut geht, klappt das nochmal 40 Jahre.
Und wenn nicht, macht es keinen Unterschied, ob die Leute inflationär oder deflationär enteignet werden.
Respect Bratwurst, liebe deine Beiträge !
Ja, wer viel stochert findet viel Unrat....hier der Link: http://www.wolfgang-waldner.com
Bitte lest erst das Kapitel Finanz/Eurokrise....Waldner setzt viele Vorkenntnisse voraus, wenn ihr dann den Marx-Engels Schwindel Beitrag lest, werdet ihr vom Glauben abfallen und das Kapital vom Marx lesen wollen....kleiner Tipp: hab's mir angetan und es war (aufgrund der neuen Erkenntnisse) die lustigste Lektüre meines Lebens !