Wall Street Invents NEW Jobs Propaganda
...Now, the “economists” at JP Morgan have joined-in in distributing jobs fiction. In keeping with its Wall Street reputation, the ridiculous “analysis” released by JP Morgan makes even the lies of the BLS appear tame in comparison. In totally re-writing the recent economic history of the United States, JP Morgan is now claiming that the U.S. economy can stop losing any more jobs (on a net basis) even with the weekly lay-offs remaining at 500,000 jobs.
Prior to the recent crash in the U.S. economy (i.e. when the economy was proclaimed “healthy”), when weekly lay-offs exceeded 300,000 per week the U.S. economy began losing jobs – a pattern that was true at the beginning of the current collapse. To believe the outrageous fiction from JP Morgan implies that the U.S. economy became 60% stronger (or simply grew by 60%) during this crash...
Wall Street erfindet neue Jobs Propaganda
...Hochgerechnet weitere, können wir davon ausgehen, dass JP Morgan Netto-Arbeitsplatzverluste erwartet, dass an oder nahe dem derzeitigen Niveau von 1,5 Millionen pro Monat bleiben. Dies wiederum bedeutet, dass die US-Wirtschaft wahrscheinlich verlieren werden weit über 10 Millionen Arbeitsplätze im nächsten Jahr, wie auch...