Das neue Südafrika

  • 'Settlers' invade SA

    2006-11-23 14:55

    Johannesburg - Since 1980 more than 10.3 million foreigners who entered South Africa legally, never declared their departure, an employment report released on Thursday showed.
    The report, called the 4th South African Employment Report, was compiled by T-Sec economist Mike Schussler on behalf of trade union Uasa.

    The report showed that the number of foreign visitors, who never declared their departure, had increased from 65 000 per month in 2005 to more than 85 000 per month in 2006.

    Since 1988 to June this year, South Africa deported 2.459 million illegal immigrants, the report showed. Last year, the country deported 209 988 illegal aliens while the United States, which has a well-publicised immigration problem, deported only 186 000, according to the report.

    The report noted that if South Africa was deporting only 20% of the illegal immigrants more than 9.84 million people were illegal immigrants. It viewed this as a "possible" scenario.

    More Zimbabweans employed in SA than Zim itself

    "Between 1991 and 2005 the department of home affairs recorded the births of more than 3.1 million people born in South Africa before 1991. This means that this part of the population was at least 15 years old when registering their birth," the report stated.

    "The numbers are staggering to say the least, specifically when viewed against the actual 2006 population numbers," the researchers said.

    They added that more than 6.5% of the total Mozambique population had been deported from South Africa since 1994. A total of 4.3% of Zimbabwe, 4% of Lesotho and 2.5% of Swaziland populations have been deported from South Africa since 1994.

    Noting that most deportees were from Zimbabwe, Uasa urged the government to address the situation in that country.

    "At present, less than 1.2 million Zimbabweans are employed in their country. Uasa estimates that more Zimbabweans are employed in South Africa than Zimbabwe itself," the union said.

    The report comes soon after the SABC's Special Assignment aired footage of widespread corruption in the department of home affairs offices, which showed a Zimbabwean woman easily buying ID documents and birth certificates.

    I-Net Bridge (Business)

  • @eldo

    Hast du dich nicht schon in den Kurzurlaub abgemeldet?

    Kannst dich einfach nicht von uns trennen, gell :D


    "Stirbt ein Bediensteter während einer Dienstreise, so ist damit die Dienstreise beendet."
    (Kommentar zum Bundesreisekostengesetz)

  • Anders entschieden, ich fahre erst morgen frueh los,da sich einiges abspielt.

    Neues von Randgold Exploration.

    Investec Bank hatte JCI finanziert und ausgesaugt mit hohen Zinsen sagte ein Bekannter von mir. Das Darlehen von 450 millionen Rand an JCI fand ohne zustimmung der shareholder statt was nicht legal ist.
    Nun klagen zwei Parteien gegen Investec und heute neu Randgold gegen JCI.

    Mein Bekannter sagte das momentan kein Audit durchgefuehrt werden kann bis die 450 millionen irgenwo gebucht sind bei RE.
    Es wird noch dauern bis man Investec durchleuchtet denn die hatte viel Schuld an der Misere.
    Randgold sollte nach bereinigung der Sache wieder einen Wert/Kurs von 22 Rand haben von den 8.90 wo sie jetzt stehen.
    Tradingstop am JSE bis der Audit gemacht ist.
    Aflease besitzt nun 37% von RE und ueber SXR Uranium sollten die auch wieder auf die Beine kommen sagte er.

    Hier nun das neuste...

    Kebble Frauds: JCI Faces $697 Million Claim

    By Rob Rose
    22 Nov 2006 at 08:16 AM EST


    JOHANNESBURG (Business Day) --

    Randgold & Exploration has dramatically raised the stakes in its tussle with its associated company, JCI, claiming R5 billion ($697 million) from JCI largely for the various frauds committed by former CEO Brett Kebble.

    After forensic audits revealed in April that Kebble had shifted assets between the companies, both of which he headed before his death a year ago, Randgold said it would claim R1.13 billion ($158 million) from JCI. But in a notice yesterday, Randgold announced that it had sharpy revised its claim upwards to more than R5 billion ($697 million).

    Not only is this more than four times the original claim, it also threatens to wipe out JCI entirely.

    In April, JCI estimated its entire net asset value was R1.9 billion ($265 million) — less than half the money now being claimed from it.

    But JCI said yesterday it would fight the claim. The sharp difference of opinion sets the stage for something of a bizarre battle between the two interrelated companies, which were both roundly pillaged by Kebble.

    Not only do both companies share a CEO, in Peter Gray, but the cross-shareholding between the two separately listed companies has given rise to suggestions that the best option would be to merge them.

    But the finalisation of the R5bn Randgold claim would need to happen before any merger, as the financial position of each company would affect the terms of such an action.

    Gray is away, but spokesman Brian Gibson said this “arm-wrestling by lawyers on both sides was to be expected.”

    He said that mediators would now have to make a recommendation as to what the eventual claim should be.

    Mediators would rule on what the claim should be, and JCI and Randgold would then put this to their shareholders for a final decision.

    However, both JCI and Randgold have been suspended from trading on the JSE since July last year. But this disconcerting news for JCI shareholders comes a day after the company was given a significant boost by Gold Fields’ coup in taking control of South Deep.

    South Deep was originally owned by Barrick [NYSE:ABX; TSX:ABX] and Western Areas [JSE:WAR].

    JCI held a 16% shareholding in Western Areas and has agreed to sell the shares to Gold Fields [NYSE:GFI] in exchange for shares in that company.

    Gibson said despite the Randgold actions, the Gold Fields offer provided a major boost for JCI shareholders.

    “Time has been a great ally. A year ago, the value of Western Areas was between R17 ($2.37) and R20 ($2.79), but now this deal puts it closer to R50 ($6.98) a share. So with the blinding wisdom of hindsight, we are pleased we weren’t bullied into getting rid of our Western Areas shares, as so many demands were being made for us to repay cash,” he said.

    Gibson said JCI felt it a better option to “switch one asset, which had some challenges associated with it, for a more secure passive shareholding in Gold Fields.”

    Although JCI shareholders will vote on this Gold Fields deal in November, asset manager Allan Gray, which still holds 9.88% of JCI on behalf of its investors, has given its irrevocable support for the Gold Fields deal.

    Portfolio manager Ian Liddle said: “We believe the (offer) is a fair one ... and this gives JCI shareholders a smaller stake in Gold Fields, which is a far more liquid company.”

  • South Africa Mbeki: Home affairs is corrupt

    2006-11-26 09:12

    Johannesburg -

    President Thabo Mbeki has admitted that "widespread corruption" within the Home Affairs department was hindering service delivery, SABC news said on Saturday.
    Mbeki is attending a two day imbizo in Potchefstroom and Klerksdorp in the North West province.

    He said a new management system would be put in place while additional staff would be recruited in a bid to normalise operations

  • Welcome to Africa:

    There will always be corruption

    2006-10-05 16:18:59

    Pretoria - Corruption will remain a problem in South Africa, Special Investigation Unit (SIU) head Willie Hofmeyr said on Thursday.
    Giving an overview of the growth of the SIU over the past few years Hofmeyr said it was difficult to determine just how much corruption there was in government.

    "There are some areas which are just naturally vulnerable to corruption such as prisons, driver's licences, home affairs. There are always going to be problems and there would be a need for an ongoing capacity to deal with it," Hofmeyr said.

    Citing an example, he said the unit recently encountered a police officer who was offered R1m to drop a case. "That is more than many officers would make in a lifetime," he said.

    The SIU recovered R79m and saved government R852m in the past year in money that would otherwise have been paid out fraudulently as grants.

    Unit would grow

    Hofmeyr said the unit has saved the government R6.7bn in future losses over the last five years.

    The SIU is currently investigating about 30 state projects. These range from massive national investigations into social grants payouts, and corruption in the correctional services medical aid fund, to localised investigations in municipalities.

    Hofmeyr said the unit continues to grow but it would take some time before it can tackle all corruption in the state. :D

    By the end of the year the unit hopes to have 600 investigators and legal experts working for it with a budget of R145m this year.

    "I think we are halfway there it would be another five years before we say we can deal with corruption properly," Hofmeyr said. :rolleyes:

    He said he believed the unit would continue to grow and receive money because it "delivers value for the money spend on us".

    "Our goal is that if something is reported that there are enough people to go and deal with it...What we are saying to people; if you are corrupt we are coming to get you," Hofmeyr said. :D


  • Wenn schon über 80 Prozent aller Soldaten in Süd-Afrika HIV-Positiv sind, so ist ein Zusammenbruch der gesamten sozialen, militätischen und wirtschaftlichen Strukruren dort leider absehbar.

    Eine nur durch Schuldversprechen gedeckte Währung kann das nicht überstehen. Aber das ist wohl auch mit das unwichtigste Problem für die dort lebenden Menschen.

    Hunger, Anarchie, Kriminalität, Gewalt und Willkür werden die Wegbegleiter dieser schlimmer als die Pest wütenden Seuche sein.

    Das HIV-Virus war bereits ab 1986 für mich ein Grund dafür, meine damaligen Ersparnisse teilweise in Silber anzulegen. Ich ging von einer viel schnelleren Verbreitung der Seuche mit einem Höhepunkt in den mittleren 90ern aus, aber auch von viel entschiedeneren Gegenmaßnahmen gegen die Seuche weltweit aus, sodaß es in meiner Vorstellung niemals zu einer solchen Katastrophe hätte kommen können.

    Soweit ich weis, steigen die Aidszahlen nach wie vor auch in Deutschland und anderswo an.

    Langfristig ist das wohl ein noch viel schlimmeres Eliteversagen, als der Welt-Geldbetrug. Süd-Afrika zeigt und das. Und nichts wird unternommen. Zumindest nichts, was die Seuche wirksam eindämmt. Weder dort, noch hier.

    Die Strafen für Menschen, die absichtlich oder billigend Menschen infizieren, weil sie von ihrer Infektion wissen und sie ihren Partnern verschweigen sind eines: lächerlich gering.

    Dafür müsste es lebenslänglich mit anschließender Sicherheitsverwahrung geben (meine Meinung). Solche Leute, die sich so vernatwortungslos verhalten, das sind menschlische Streu-Bomben.

    Anstelle der Internet- und Kontenschnüffelei sollte man vielleicht lieber ein ganzes Volk regelmäßig durchtesten. Damit jeder weis, woran er ist und sich zusätzlich zu den bekannten Maßnahmen davor schützen kann, indem er sich das Testergebnis seiner Sex-Partner zeigen lassen kann.

    Aber das kostet ja und da hat man als Staat keine Möglichkeiten, zugunsten des "Sozialadels" und korrupter und korrumpierender Politiker (=Stimmenkäufer über Wahlversprechen / Sozialleistungen, die andere zahlen) Menschen um ihr Vermögen zu bringen oder dem gleichkommende Handlungen vorzubereiten oder zu optimieren (meine Meinung).

    Die französische Revolution hat uns gezeigt, was passiert, wenn es Bürger Leid sind, ausgebeutet zu werden.

    Und die Pest hat uns gezeigt, was passiert, wenn eine Gesellschaft sich nicht vor gefährlichen Seuchen schützen kann (oder auf heutige Verhältnisse bezogen: nicht schützen will). Fast 100 Jahre Lethargie und kaum Überlieferungen. Entvölkerte Landstriche.

    Ich glaube, das was in der französischen Revolution geschah war -rückblickend- gewiss nicht schön, aber das "kleinere Übel".

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo Eldo und mesodor,

    Es hat denen ja gedämmert, dass es wirklich eine infektiöse Seuche ist, was als Aids-Erkrankung bezeichnet wird. Der Druck vom Süden auf die Pharma, antivirale Substanzen in hunderten von Tonnen praktisch gratis zu liefern, oder die Lizenzen zur eigenen Herstellung zu verschenken, wird noch zunehmen.

    Mit weitreichender Verfügbarkeit von a.v. Substanzen wird der Ausbruch der Krankheit, der ohnehin sehr variabel ist (Infektionsdosis wird eine Rolle spielen?), zusätzlich verzögert. 'Nur' HIV+ kann ja heissen, dass man relativ gesund ist und sich pudelwohl fühlt.

    Hatte mal ein mathematisches Modell für die Verbreitung der Seuche gesehen (allerdings vor 15 Jahren). Danach müsste die gesamte Menschheit längstens dahinsiechen und rapide eingehen, ausser es gäbe plötzlich HIV-resistente weise Homo's (so wie die Menschenaffen ja gegen SIV = simian immundeficiency virus weitgehend immun sind).

    Es wird sich einpendeln auf irgendeinem Niveau, und zukünftige Resistenzbildung bei den Menschen ist nicht von der Hand zu weisen.

    Neue Gefahren drohen hingegen durch das Abholzen der Wälder, zurückdrängen der Affenpopulationen und Verspeisen von Affenfleisch, wie Ebola, Hanta u.a.m., welche bisher im Urwald geblieben waren!

    Und vergesst in eurer Planung die Vogelgrippe nicht! Die 'asiatische' anfangs letzten Jh. war auch eine Vogelgrippe gewesen! Siehe auch meine Signatur :rolleyes: .

    @Eldo: Wenn nach dem Absenden ein Beitrag nicht angezeigt wird (weisser Schirm und Statusanzeige im Browser 'fertig' o.ä.), heisst das nicht, dass er nicht 'gelandet' ist. Einfach später wieder nachschauen, meist (i.d.R.) ist er da. Und klicke immer mal auf die Werbung; bringt denen Geld. Sodass es hoffentlich mal einen neuen hochkarätigen Server gibt.


  • Food prices skyrocket

    2006-11-26 21:03

    Johannesburg - The seven lean years are here. Food prices have increased by 8% already this year and the end is not in sight.
    Some economists estimate that food could become up to 15% more expensive in the next few months.

    South Africans spend, on average, almost a quarter (23.7%) of their disposable income on food. This means that consumers are going to feel the heat of rising food prices even more.

    The prices of, especially, meat and mielie meal have suddenly soared.

    According to the latest report of the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) the price of fresh meat products had soared 26% by July this year and that of mielie meal by 35.5%.

    At that time, consumers had to fork out R50/kg for lamb chops, R30/kg for mince meat, R30/kg for stewing meat and a whopping R17 for 5kg of mielie meal.

    Rapport, sister publication of Fin24, found in a separate survey at four supermarkets that, since July, meat prices had increased even more.

    Will influence spending patterns

    Lamb chops cost, on average, R68/kg, rump chops R67/kg, lean mince R44/kg and boerewors R41/kg.

    The South African National Consumer Union has expressed concern about the sharp increases.

    Sancu chairperson Ina Wilken said: "If basic foodstuffs are becoming so expensive, things will get only worse for Joe Public.

    "Especially in the light of higher interest rates and expensive credit just before Christmas. It will influence everyone's spending patterns."

    Statistics South Africa data shows that, by September, food prices already had risen by a further 8% on the previous year.

    Professor Johan Willemse, economist in agriculture at the University of the Free State, warned that consumers should expect further increases of between 12% and 15%.

    "Food-price increases are only the beginning. Exorbitant food prices are here to stay for the next two to three years."

    Independent economist Noelani King Conradie expects the Reserve Bank to hike interest rates by another half a percentage point in December.

    Food inflation hits everybody

    "Hopefully, people will see how these factors have an impact on their pocket and take on less debt," she said.

    JP Morgan Chase economist Marisa Fassler agreed that food prices could go up more than 9%.

    "Food inflation has a direct influence on everybody, precisely because most of our money goes to buying food."

    Fassler reckons that food prices could decline by the end of next year, depending on a good rain season and a drastic improvement in the maize crop. :rolleyes:


  • nicht angezeigt X(..bzw nach oben geschoben.

    ""drastic improvement in the maize crop."" :D"(siehe oben)
    Bei den neuen schwarzen Farmern ??

    Schaut mal nach ZIM was passiert wenn Schwarze uebernehmen...

    Well, es ist hier bei vielen Artikeln teurer als in D kann ich nur sagen.
    Ich neheme mal einen Einkaufszettel und schreibe die Preise in Rand von einigen Artikeln sonst glaubt ihr es nicht.

    Ich schau schon gar nicht mehr hin und zahle was die Kasse anzeigt.

    Kein Wunder die Kriminalitaet nimmt zu und es ist kein Ende abzusehen bei der Arbeitslosigkeit oben drauf.

    Soweit ich weiss bekommt jemand erst HIV Drugs wenn der CD4 unter 100 sinkt fuer kurze Zeit im Krankenhaus, danach muss man Heim zum sterben bei HIV.

    Da bekommt keiner eine Monatspackung IMO.

    Das Loch wird aufgefuellt mit neuen Einwanderern vom Norden, siehe oben.

    Have a nice day



  • ...wer kann denn diese Preise bezahlen...vor 10 Jahren liessen die Farmer in West-Australien die Schafe verhungern...eine Kugel kostete damals 2 $ und das Schaf brachte in Freemantle 1$ fob X( X( X(

    Sollen die Bimboooos halt Maisgrütze fressen.....macht auch satt.

    Mein Opa erzählte mir von sibirischen Suppen....ein Topf Wasser ..zwei Brennnesselblätter und den Krautstrunk vom Krautskopf der Lagerwachen.....die zähe Wutz hat auch das überlebt.

    Naja ..er durfte auf seinem Europatrip mit Adolf`s Lustreisen den Kontinent zweimal auf Schusters Rappen erkunden. :D :D :D
    Gott sei seiner Seele gnädig...die Geschichten die er ableiss waren alle strafbatallionswürdig.

    cu DL.....sag mal Eldo..was macht dein scheiss Prozess ?( ?( ?(

  • PS:

    @Lupo...der ist am 16. Februar...ich hoffe ich bleibe Euch danach erhalten...bis dort hin Ungewissheit was nicht angenehm ist.

    Nun ein fancy Alarmsystem installiert und ein Wachdienst, sollen die mit den Einbrechern aufraeumen in der Zukunft.

    Die sind hauptsaechlich Schwarz und duerfen das.

    Ein Weisser nur wenn er ein Messer erst drin hat oder angeschossen ist.

    Demnaechst werfen wir mit Steinen wenn sie uns alle entwaffnet haben, die benutzen dann unsere Schusswaffen die sie kaufen am Schwarzmarkt oder (von der Polizei) die ihren niedrigen Lohn oft aufbessern.

    Gruss vom Kap, du Fruehaufsteher :)


  • Pirates threaten SA waters 8)

    2006-11-27 13:27


    - Ruthless sea pirates who plunder hundreds of ships each year off the coast of Africa are moving south, threatening South African waters, Pretoria News reported on Monday.

    The United Nations Security Council and international maritime safety organisations have urged the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to take drastic action against the gangs of heavily armed pirates.

    According to their report, between January and November, 48 ships were attacked around Africa by gangs of pirates armed with an assortment of weapons - including surface-to-surface missiles, rocket propelled grenades, armed helicopters and heavy calibre machine-guns such as anti-aircraft guns.

    The calls for precaution also follow South African Intelligence Minister Ronnie Kasrils' warnings last year that sea piracy was creeping closer and closer to South Africa and that the country needed to "move swiftly" and establish good intelligence networks to stop pirate attacks.

    Pirate attacks are down

    The report also uncovered that some of the pirates operate phantom ships disguised as vessels in distress.

    They are believed to use intelligence operatives stationed at Richards Bay, Durban, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town harbours to feed organised crime syndicates with information detailing sailing times, destinations, routes, cargoes and numbers of crew.

    The International Maritime Bureau (IMB) and International Maritime Organisation (IMO) agreed that Southern Africa needed to take heed of the warning.

    Their latest release of statistics on world pirate attacks show that between January and September, 174 ships were attacked by pirates worldwide. This is down from the 205 attacks in 2005.

    Of the 174 attacks, pirates boarded 113 vessels, hijacked 11, took 163 sailors hostage, including 14 Nigerian naval officers, kidnapped 20 sailors and murdered six.

    According to the IMB, the latest attack in SADC waters took place 10 days ago when 15 pirates in a high-powered speedboat attacked a container ship waiting to berth in Dar es Salaam harbour in Tanzania.

    Tshwane University of Technology safety and security department lecturer Henri Fouche said the escalation of attacks showed it was just a matter of time before South Africa was targeted.

    "It is clear that pirates are moving their operations further south as they discover there are few, if any, navies operating in southern African waters, especially around countries like Mozambique, Madagascar, Seychelles, Comoros and Namibia.

    "This means pirates will continue to move south, coming closer to South Africa where yachts, fishing ships and cargo vessels will be attacked," Fouche said.

    He said another reason South Africa and other SADC countries were becoming a major target for pirates was the recent discovery of oil and gas off the Tanzanian coast and the fact that six million tons of oil were transported around South Africa's western coast every month making this "a gem" for pirates.

    Said Fouche: "It is therefore imperative that we start assisting our neighbouring countries to stop these attacks before they reach our shores."

    IMB director Captain Pottengal Mukundan said the number of pirate attacks, especially along Africa's west and east coasts, was an "extreme cause for concern".


  • South Africa

    SA steps up national security :D

    2006-11-28 09:01

    Johannesburg - The OR Tambo airport is a South African national key point and its safety should never be entrusted to foreigners. The national police commissioner Jackie Selebi was very clear about this when he introduced the government sector's security council in Pretoria on Monday.

    The security council's task will be to monitor security standards at national key points, including major airports and certain government buildings, and vital facilities such as Koeberg power station.

    "OR Tambo(n) :D airport is a national key point and we cannot have it in any other hands, than South African."

    "It must and will be in our hands, otherwise we would be saying it's OK to surrender our sovereignty," Selebi said. :D

    The former security chief at the airport was Paul O'Sullivan, a British national who is involved in mud-slinging with Selebi. O'Sullivan alleges that Selebi has been involved in organised crime. Selebi said in turn that O'Sullivan was running a smear campaign against him. :D

    "We are prepared for people who think they can come here and regard us as a banana republic where they can take charge of our security," Selebi said.

    Security standards are to be improved at many places, including Koeberg nuclear power station. 8o..... :baby: :baby:

    A loose bolt left behind after routine maintenance work in one generator on Christmas day last year led to a power blackout in the Western Cape later.

    Public Enterprises minister Alec Erwin said at one stage that it looked like sabotage, although he downplayed this later in Parliament.

  • South Africa..... No record of millions of rands :rolleyes:

    2006-11-28 10:26

    Polokwane - Limpopo's department of health and social development claims to have spent over R206m on salaries, bonuses and 13th cheques last year, but has no paperwork to prove it. :D

    Provincial auditor general Steve Lekutule raised concern about the bad record keeping in his 2005/6 audit report.

    He also found that the department overcharged debtors by more than R350 000, which it will now have to pay back.

    Furthermore, finance officials approved full payment of R50 894 to a contractor even though he hadn't completed the job.

    "Some of these things happen because some administrators don't have to report every thing to head office," said department spokesperson Phuti Seloba. "We will be giving more [attention] in that regard."

    The Democratic Alliance (DA) has called for the national department of health to investigate the irregularities in the province.

  • South Africa

    47 tourists robbed in two hits

    2006-11-29 20:17

    Cape Town - Two groups of tourists were robbed of their personal belongings at gunpoint in Langa township, said Cape Town police on Wednesday.
    In the first incident, seven tourists were robbed while leaving the Chris Hani Independent School in the township on Tuesday afternoon, said captain Elliot Sinyangana .

    In a report on Wednesday, the Cape Argus said five Germans and two British nationals had just made a donation to the school when a gang of armed teenagers pounced on them.

    They took their belongings, including cash, and only left when pupils and residents gave chase.

    Hours after the armed robbery, another group involving 40 Dutch tourists were robbed while leaving a restaurant in the township.

    Increased police presence now

    Sinyangana said the group was approached by four men and a woman about 22:30.

    "They demanded personal belongings at gunpoint and some of the tourists were attacked and injured when they refused."

    Sinyangana said no arrests had been made.

    "But, there is an increased police presence in the area after the two robberies."

    The Democratic Alliance has asked Safety and Security Minister Charles Nqakula to take urgent action.

    "Several armed attacks on foreign tourists in the past few days confirm that safety of tourists ahead of the 2010 World Cup is a major concern," said the party's Dianne Kohler-Barnard.

    Urgent steps needed

    "The minister seems oblivious to these attacks.

    "He needs to take urgent steps to guarantee the safety of all visitors to South Africa in the lead-up to 2010."

    She said it was impossible for the country to protect the thousands of people expected to flock to South Africa in 2010 if it was incapable of protecting a small number of tourists in the "normal holiday season'.

    "The minister should be doing his utmost to protect visitors and South Africa's image ahead of 2010."

  • Ich mach mir die Arbeit und tippe einen Bericht von einen Reader's Letter im "" You"" Magazine.

    In four pages of a single newspaper in SA one day last week, the state reveals R180 million has been stolen in cash heists since 2000; two groups of visitors to kistenbosch in Cape town are robbed at knifepoint; last year 1 200 children were murdered...
    and 22 000 were raped in SA; the Asset Forfeiture Unit has seized property linked to crime worth
    R1 billion in the past seven years; 400 000 people are being investigated for social grant fraud;
    President Mbeki says, "trust me, Selebi is clean" :D
    Every day we settle more comfortably into our positon as a true part of Africa. Mr Mbeki, you have failed !

    In einen anderen bericht schrieben welche das manche Polizeistationen nicht mal den Hoerer abnehmen, so wie bei mir.

    Ich glaube es gibt nur mehr Verkehrspolizisten die uns hauptsaechlich Weisse wie Strassenraeuber abzocken.

    Da funktioniert das System, bei der normalen Polizei aber nicht.

    Well, zurueck zum himmlischen Tafelberg,... that's the other life in Crime Town. :O

    Gute Nacht 8)


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