Das neue Südafrika

  • Was in SA abgeht ist doch ein abgekartetes Spiel. Aus der Ferne glaube ich nicht an faire Ermittlungen. Anschuldigungen gegen die Polizei machen sich auch denkbar schlecht. Ich würde versuchen, mich nach Deutschland abzusetzen. Solange es noch geht.

    Deine private "Reicskristallnacht" hast Du ja bereits hinter Dir. Nur dumm für Dich, daß einer der "Häscher" dabei umgekommen ist.

    Stell Die mal vor, was die Justiz im III. Reich draus gemacht hätte. Und dann weisst Du, was Dich im schlimmsten fall in SA erwarten kann.

    In ein paar Jahren seid ihr vielleicht da, wo Rhodesien jetzt ist.

    Zeit, die Segel zu streichen (meine Meinung).

    Sch... auf das schöne Wetter dort.

  • @ Mesodor

    Ich habe es schon mal erwaehnt, so einfach kann ich jetzt noch nicht die Zelte abrechen, warum lassen wir mal im Raum stehen.
    Ich habe noch eine Verantwortung , zumindest moralische Verpflichtung meiner Kinder die 14 und 17 Jahre alt sind und nicht so einfach mit mir ziehen koennen bis sie Volljaehrig sind.

    In 2007 gehts weiter um ein neue Camps zu suchen die in 2008 stehen ueber Mieten.
    Anfang bis mitte 2009 dann die Koffer packen, rechtzeitig vor der Fussball WM 2010 die hier nicht stattfinden kann mit der Situation die taeglich schlechter wird.

    Es gibt sehr viele Suedafrikaner die koennen mit ihren Pass nirgends wo hin und die werden wahrscheinlich das selbe miterleben wie die Weissen in Zimbabwe.

    Ich dachte eher an drei Wohnsitze fuer jeweils 4 Monate wenn Sommer ist. Vancouver oder Kaernten, Phuket, und so lange meine Kinder noch hier sind, in Kapstadt. In Kaernten ist der Haider und nicht so viele Gruene wie in Deutschland. In Vancouver sind 30% Chinesen, mir denen kann man auskommen wie mit den meisten Asiaten die noch Moral haben und sich benehmen koennen.

    Ich lebte von 1969 - 1985 in Muenchen und bin dann nach RSA.
    Dort hat sich so viel veraendert das ich nicht mehr dort leben will.
    Bei Euch sind letztes Jahr 350.000 Deutsche ausgewandert weil sie die Nase voll haben.

    Ich bin noch nie zurueck, egal wo oder mit wem in meinen Leben.
    IMO geht Deutschland durch das selbe multi-kulti chaos wie wir es bis jetzt erlebt haben dieses mit aehnlichen Konsequenzen.

    Vielleicht muss ich vorher schon die Notbremse ziehen, ist wie bei Goldaktien da muss man auch wissen wann die Zeit gekommen ist.

    Nach RSA zuueck kann man vielleicht wenn die Neger alles kaputtgehaut haben und sich selber fertig gemacht haben in 10-15 Jahren.
    Erstmal wird alles im Eimer gehen bevor es besser wird.
    Ich wuenschte wir haetten anstatt Neger besser Asiaten im Land oder gute Europaer die im Moment abruecken wenn sie es koennen.



    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo Eldo,

    1984 zum 2. Mal nach RSA, nicht mehr lange geblieben. Dann Asien. Als die Kinder zur Schule mussten, war die Wahl RSA oder Schweiz. Wir wählten die Schweiz, obwohl manche unserer Freunde für uns eine glänzende Zukunft in RSA gesehen hatten. Grund für die Nicht-Wahl von RSA war die institutionalisierte Apartheid, für die meine damalige Frau und ich uns schämten.

    Nun ist halt Apartheid 'in reverse' und unter dem sehr massiven Druck des Nordens (für deren Leute halt schon damals RSA das Paradies war, aber die Grenzen waren zu) ist die Rechtsstaatlichkeit vollends zusammengebrochen. Die Scheunentore von Zimbabwe und Mozambique, auch Sambia und weiter, sind weit offen, der Zustrom enorm. Immer noch ist ein ökonomisches Gefälle da Richtung Kap, aber wie lange noch...

    Dass die Schwarzafrikaner an Aids aussterben, wie teilweise vermutet, glaube ich, wie auch schon erwähnt, nicht! Medikamente werden vom (europ.) Norden erpresst/erbettelt und ein Impfstoff wird wohl nicht so lange auf sich warten lassen, wie man schon gewartet hat.

    Das tief verwurzelte Clan-Denken der Schwarzafrikaner hat noch in jedem afrikanischen Land der Korruption derart Vorschub geleistet, dass die Länder entweder nicht regierbar sind oder eine absolute Diktatur des herrschenden Clans. Da wird auch auf die Schnelle (eine Generation ) nicht viel ändern...wenn man nur daran denkt, wie lange (ein paar hundert Jahre) Europa in kleine und kleinste Fürstentümer u.ä. zersplittert gewesen war, bevor es eine EU-Demokratur geworden ist!

    Alles gute,

  • Lucky, ich habe mich nie fuer Apartheid geschaemt weil ich nie eine miterlebt habe oder etwas unmenschliches gesehen habe in der ganzen Zeit in Kapstadt das immer Liberal war.
    Nun kann man sehen was passiert wenn man sie aufhebt und die Menschen kulturmaessig vermischt....Ein Chaos !

    Demnaechst auch in Europa.... wartet ab.



    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Eldo, ich hatte vergessen zu erwähnen, dass ich im Nord-Transvaal in einem schwarzen Gebiet gelebt hatte. Und dass ein Schwager meiner Frau presbyterianischer Geistlicher war, der die an den Haaren herbeigezogene biblische Rechtfertigung für die A. mitgetragen hat.

    Kapstadt war eine andere Welt! Auch Hillbrow in Johannesburg zu der Zeit!

    Ein Ort, wo sich Schwarz und Weiss vertragen, auch schon erwähnt: Botswana! Es muss nicht zwingend so sein, wie es jetzt in RSA ist.

    Alles Gute!


  • Lucky, sicher frueher in Nordtransvaal was nun Gauteng (Urangutang) heisst gab es Idioten wie Terre Blance und anderen Buren mit ihren abstehenden Ohren die glaubten Gott (NGK) hat ihnen die Macht in die Wiege gelegt und das Land geschenkt und Neger Menschen zweiter Klasse sind, das letzte worueber sich man streiten oder diskutieren kann.Es gibt aber Neger die haben mehr drauf als mancher Bure nebenbei bemerkt.



    Diese Hirnverbrannten sagen nun teilweise ""Boss"" zu den Negern die sie vor Jahren verpruegelt haben weil ihr eigener Mann De Klerk und Co sie alle auf einen silbernen Tablett an den ANC verkauft hat.
    Die ""Verkaeufer"" leben nun im Ausland, einige in der schoenen Schweiz wo ihr Konto ist. :]

    Die Weissen haben De Klerk gewaehlt und ihm das Mandat gegeben,.... eigentlich geschied ihnen nun Recht.
    Belogen, betrogen und ueber den Tisch gezogen wurde die alle.IMO

    Sorry, so lange man den Buren Rugby oder Cricket zeigt, Bier und Burewors gibt, kann man mit denen alles anstellen.
    Ich habe mich getaeuscht, dachte die hatten mehr drauf anstatt zu sagen ""alles sol reg kom""..... es kam aber links... :(

    Das so am Rand bemerkt, ich kenne Farmer in Australien z.B. die haben mehr Hirn und vor allem Rueckrad.

    Ihr alter Haeuptling P W Botha starb vor kurzen mit 90 Jahren der Rest ihrer Anfuehrer sind teilweise noch im Knast.

    Die Buren kommen nie mehr wieder auf die Buehne das steht fest, die sind eher ein Fall fuers Museum.
    Sie haben ""bedingungslos"" kapituliert und muessen nun den Negern gehorchen die Macht erhalten haben da sie von ihren eigenen Anfuehrern verkauft wurden.

    Da sieht man wieder wie sich das Blatt drehen kann, auch mit der Hilfe $$ vom Ausland geht das ganz schnell.

    Und was hat Gott dabei gemacht der alles regeln sollte laut NGK. ?

    Der hat wahrscheinlich zugeschaut wie der Rest der Welt wie der ANC an die Macht kam und nun eine neue "demokratische"" Apartheid mit uns betreibt und uns alle rausekeln will weil sie die Haeuser, Farmen,Autos brauchen fuer ihre Waehler die bis jetzt noch nichts erhalten hat ausser Inflation,HIV, Arbeitslosigkeit und Kriminalitaet.
    Die ANC Fuehrer schieben sich nun die Taschen voll, aber viel schneller als die Buren es gemacht haben.

    Der Fehler war das die Buren Apartheid zum Gesetz gemacht haben und nicht so betreiben wie der ANC es mit uns nun macht.

    In Zimbabwe ging es, warum nicht auch hier, wer kuemmert sich im Westen schon um einige millionen Weisse in Afrika.

    Keine Sau ! .... Hauptsache mir gehts gut. :]



  • South Africa

    I thought he was a baboon (Pavian)

    '2006-12-5 12:04

    Polokwane - A Musina farmer fired only two shots at what he said he thought was a baboon, killing instead a Zimbabwean man.
    This was the evidence of Superintendent Willem Visser in the case against Jewell Crossberg, 52, in a local court.

    Last week, three witnesses told how Crossberg fired more than two shots at a group of Zimbabweans.
    The witnesses were unable to say how many shots were fired.

    Crossberg is facing a charge of murder after the death of Jealous Dube, 29, who died on June 21 2004.

    Visser said in court that ballistic tests showed only two shots were fired with Crossberg's .38 Special revolver.

    Visser said Dube was killed from a direct shot. "It was not a stray bullet that hit him," he said.

    Dube was shot in the left armpit.

    The ballistics report also showed that Dube was not looking in the direction from which the shots were fired. His left side was hit first.

    Visser also testified that a revolver was not an appropriate weapon for hunting animals.

    Advocate Jaap Cilliers SC on behalf of Crossberg, said during cross-examination that Crossberg was not hunting baboons with the revolver.

    "The baboons cause a lot of problems on the farm. He only wanted to scare off the animals with the shots."

    Visser then agreed that a revolver would have been sufficient to scare off the animals.



  • Das erinnert mich doch an..... ?(

    Oben drauf, wenn man eine Daueraufenhaltsgenehmigung(Permanent Residence) hat die nun schwer zu bekommen ist und laenger als 6 Monate aus dem Land ist, verliert man die laut neuen Gesetz.
    Wenn man keine hat dann darf man sich nur max. 6 monate im Jahr im Land aufhalten mit meheren Besuchen oder nicht und kann somit seine Immobilie die man frueher gekauft hat nur mehr 6 Monate bewohnen.
    Von wegen Access, hier wo ich wohne haben 16.000 Neger die Beach in Reichweite von ihren Squatter Camp. Man muss so oder so eine in der Klatsche haben sich Property in RSA zu kaufen das spaeter wahrscheinlich von den Negern geschnappt wird. IMO
    Die eine Immoblie haben koennen somit nur mehr an "reiche Suedafrikaner verkaufen"" oder billig einen Neger.
    Das letzte ist wohl vorauf sie nun hinauswollen wenn man es nicht mehr verkaufen kann.
    Ansonsten wartet man bis man sie rausgeekelt hat, dann gibt es die fast gratis.


    STEP 1......

    Foreigners face SA property ban

    2006-12-7 10:59

    Cape Town - The South African government is to take its first step to regulate foreign land ownership - particularly along the Cape coastal area - which it says is being increasingly sold off at excessively high prices which only foreigners and "the super rich" can afford.
    Fuller detail of the Integrated Coastal Management Bill will be made known on Sunday by Environmental Affairs and Tourism Minister Marthinus van Schalkwyk.

    Government spokesperson, Themba Maseko, said on Thursday that cabinet was extremely concerned about "the mushrooming of estates in many parts of the country particularly in the Cape".

    Certain sections of land had "basically been closed off and sold off" at a very high price which "only the super rich and foreigners" could afford.

    Maseko, reading a written statement on Thursday after Wednesday's cabinet meeting in Pretoria, said cabinet had expressed its concern about the unmitigated sale of coastal land "which has the effect of limiting public access to South Africa's coastline".

    He said the minister of environmental affairs and tourism "will announce further details on what steps government could take to arrest this trend".

    "Otherwise South Africans could wake up one day and discover that only foreign nationals and the super rich had access to our coastline," said Maseko.

    Focus on foreign ownership of land first arose in August 2004 when then Land and Agriculture Minister Thoko Didiza named a nine-person committee to probe the issue of land ownership and land use by foreigners headed by Professor Shadrack Gutto, director of the Centre for African Renaissance Studies.

    Earlier this year Gutto in an interim report recommended an immediate moratorium on the sale of land to foreigners.

    I-Net Bridge (Business)

  • R14m safe theft: Case scrapped

    2006-12-8 07:41

    Johannesburg - The case against four men who are alleged to have stolen about R14m from a safe at Benoni police station was scrapped from the roll on Thursday because the state could not decide if it should prosecute. :D

    The four suspects, Richard Sibuyi, Samson Baloi, and two police inspectors, Serious Mthembi and Paul Kgoedi, were allegedly part of a gang that broke into a safe at the East Rand unit for serious and violent crime in May this year.

    They were alleged to have stolen R14m, which was part of a haul of R72m in foreign exchange robbed from an aircraft at OR Tambo Airport in March.

    Their bail money of R10 000 was returned to them on Thursday.

    Two other suspects, Tshepo Phillip Mathe and inspector Khomali Robert Mashele, were murdered by unknown assailants shortly after they were freed on bail. :rolleyes:

    It is not known if these murders are related to the case. :D

    Two state witnesses in the case also died from unnatural causes while in police custody. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    Cornel Pretorius, chief prosecutor of Benoni magistrate's court, said magistrate Mitzi Schutte had scrapped the case from the roll on Thursday, because the director of public prosecutions could not decide if the prosecutions should proceed. :D


  • Ich kann die neuen Namen bald nicht mehr aussprechen. :D

    New name for DBN airport ?

    2006-12-8 11:55

    Durban International Airport (DIA) could soon be renamed Moses Mabhida International Airport if Durban's Ethekwini municipality has its way, the Mercury reported on Friday.

    Renaming the airport has been placed on the agenda of the next full council meeting of the Ethekwini municipality, which is expected to be held late January.

    The move has raised the eyes of opposition parties who claim no formal resolution was put forward at an executive council meeting on Wednesday.

    Moses Mabhida, the former general secretary of the SA Communist Party, died in 1986 in the Mozambican capital of Maputo.

  • It happens all the time... :(.. es ist wichtiger anstatt die kriminellen zu stoppen einen neuen Namen von einen Kommunisten Durban Airport umzubenennen.

    Robbers pounce in driveway

    2006-12-8 11:55

    A woman was shot and killed at her north Johannesburg home on Friday after armed robbers attacked her husband, Netcare said.

    The robbers were waiting in the driveway in Empangeni Street, Paulshof, said Netcare spokesperson Trevor Putterill.

    "When the husband opened the front gate he was attacked and the robbers got into the home where they shot his wife in the chest."

    The woman died on the scene.

    The robbers got away with a motor vehicle and an unknown amount of cash according to bystanders, Putterill said.

    The husband was not seriously injured in the attack.

  • And so on and on... :(

    Mom shot coming from bedroom

    2006-12-8 13:03

    Johannesburg :

    A woman was shot dead and her family held at gunpoint in her home at Paulshof in northern Johannesburg on Friday, police said.
    Four armed men approached the woman's husband who was closing the garage and about to leave for work with his son at about 07:30, said Superintendent Chris Wilken.

    The men forced the man and son, who was in the family's car, back into the house.

    The pair were made to lie on the floor and the robbers demanded cash from them. The wife was in the bedroom but heard the commotion and went to investigate, Wilken said.

    "When she came out of the bedroom, one of the suspects noticed her and fired a single shot at her."

    Hit in the upper body, the woman went back into the bedroom and the attackers fled in the family's BMW with the husband's briefcase and cash.

    When the husband went into the bedroom, he found his wife dead.

    Sandton detectives were still on the scene at midday and cases of murder and armed robbery have been opened.

    "The motive seems to have been robbery," Wilken said.

    The vehicle has not been recovered.

    The husband and son were not injured in the attack, he said.

    Netcare spokesperson Trevor Putterill said earlier that the robbers appeared to have been waiting in the driveway.

  • Former Policeman comments on stopping SA Crime in 6 weeks!

    The following comments are a response to Norman Reeve's claim that S.African crime can be stopped in 6 weeks. I think Norman's ideas are to use hard military force/fear... and I think if there truly were an ALL OUT effort... it could be done. The guy below though is no fool. He was possibly one of the youngest Captains in the S.African Police force - ever. He is now involved in private security like Norman.

    What I do agree with is the comment that the LEGAL SYSTEM undermines the ability to truly combat crime. This brings me back to my concept that the Govt loves crime, wants crime and wants to make it worse.

    So I think yes... Norman's ideas are not far-fetched... IF the laws were changed to give the necessary teeth... because currently... if you catch a criminal he is out on bail in no time. Jan]

    Anton wrote:-

    The problem with crime is not that the police can not do their jobs it is that they are not managed to eliminate crime properly. Their resourses like vehicles etc are not managed at all.

    To be able to resolve the crime situation nationally will unfortunately not take six weeks, but can be reduced to acceptable levels within 24 months with the right management and application of the resources. The SAPS needs to have a mind set change from controlling crime to the effective management to eliminate crime completely.

    All the top brass in the police are mostly from the old South Africa, and should be retiring soon. They are not interested in rocking the boat, but more in just serving there time and getting out. The young Turks taking their place have even less management experience. All the SAPS courses are aimed at control and not at eliminating crime through proper management. Even the degrees and diplomas at Unisa and other places do not provide the necessary resource management tools.

    The private security industry although effective will not be able to handle such an operation as they are geared for profit. Security companies with success in residential areas have not managed to eliminate the crime, but have rather just moved it to a different area.

    In addition to this without a functional and effective judiciary system you can not eliminate the crime.



    It's a small article but it reveals much more between the lines than in them. Martin

    Police must use maximum force when dealing with violent criminals in order to protect themselves and the public, Safety and Security Minister Charles Nqakula X( . said on Wednesday.
    He was speaking at the graduation ceremony of senior management officers who completed an executive development programme in Pretoria.

    "We cannot continue to bury police members who have been killed by criminals. If they kill us we are going to go after them," he said. Nqakula congratulated the graduates and warned them that they will be held accountable for anything that goes wrong in their provinces. The 165 graduates came from all nine provinces. The minister encouraged them to improve sector policing, saying there is a need to cover the streets as this makes people feel secure. Attention is also needed at borders to stop foreigners from coming into South Africa illegally.

    Nqakula also said the media must ask for evidence whenever someone approaches them with information. "The media must not allow themselves to be used as a medium to exploit slander. They should always ask for evidence," Nqakula said, as there many people who had "their own agendas".

    Nqakula maintained that crime levels are decreasing. :D

    He said between July 15 and November 15, more than 3 000 hardened criminals were arrested across the country. Between July and August another 85 people involved in organised crimes were arrested and were linked to 400 cases. The reason why people think that crime is high in South Africa is because the crimes are violent, he said. :D

    "To solve this we must deal with those who would want to kill our people." He said people had the power to expose criminals by working side by side with the police

    -- Sapa

    Source: Daily Mail & Guardian
    URL: http://www.mg.co.za/articlePag…/breaking_news__national/

    more crimes:

  • Mugabe could stay on until 2010 :(

    Godwin Gandu

    08 December 2006 11:59

    There are growing signs that factions within Zanu-PF will push for an extension of President Robert Mugabe’s mandate by pushing through contentious constitutional amendments which would allow him to stay on until 2010.

    This means presidential elections in 2008 will be deferred as Zanu-PF seeks to take advantage of its majority in Parliament and the Senate to push through the constitutional amendments.

    The hint that Mugabe will stay in power for the next three years came last Saturday from a columnist known as Nathaniel Manheru, of the state-controlled Herald newspaper. Former information minister Jonathan Moyo confirmed that Manheru’s real identity is George Charamba, Mugabe’s spokesperson and secretary for information.

    “When Zimbabweans go to the polls in 2010, polls to choose their president and members of Parliament, our repining private media, the British and the Americans will have died from confounded predictions. That is my prediction,” the column said. :D

    The growing push to back three more years of Mugabe appears to be fuelled by internal Zanu-PF power struggles, and seems to have poured cold water on Vice-President Joyce Mujuru’s ambitions to take over as interim president in 2008.

    Already political temperatures are boiling within Zanu-PF ahead of the party’s crucial annual conference slated for next Thursday.

    “Those that support Mujuru were anticipating prospects for recovery with a new leadership face,” says Zanu-PF insiders, but others, “feel Mujuru was on an ugly mission to weed out those aligned to [Rural Housing Minister Emmerson] Mnangagwa,” hence “they feel better off with Mugabe.”

    So far, three provinces have submitted recommendations that Mugabe amend the Constitution to hold presidential elections at the same time as parliamentary elections in 2010.

    Presidential elections are currently set for 2008. Midlands, Mavingo and Harare passed the resolutions this week.

    When Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa tabled the proposed constitutional amendments last July, various options existed for Zanu-PF. These included reducing the current parliamentary term from 2010 to 2008 and holding presidential and parliamentary elections simultaneously, or having both elections in 2010 with the Parliament and Senate electing an interim president to run the country between 2008 and 2010.

    Should Mugabe extend his term, Mujuru will have to wait until the 2010 elections. :(

    Insiders within Zanu-PF feel the development is a boost for a faction aligned to Mnangagwa who controversially lost the vice-presidency to Mujuru two years back.

    Mnangagwa’s faction believes that if Mujuru takes over, “there was [a] likelihood of a damaging political witch-hunt against her rivals” that would split the 43-year-old party.

    Daggers are now drawn, as other factions within Zanu-PF are confused about whether to endorse the new resolutions.

    “She has rubbed many people the wrong way already,” said an insider within the party’s Manicaland province who feels she shouldn’t rule. “We would rather settle with Mugabe until the situation stabilises in 2010,” he said.

    While the decision could serve the interests of certain Zanu-PF factions, it “certainly would harm prospects for economic recovery,” says Lovemore Matombo, the president of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions.

    “Another extension of Mugabe’s term will be disastrous for the country,” says John Makumbe, a political scientist with the University of Zimbabwe.

    “You need to build national consensus on how to resolve the national crisis. It does not matter if Zanu-PF goes ahead and propose these amendments as this will not solve anything. We need a new democratic Constitution, not piecemeal amendments which are done without involving all stakeholders,” says Professor Welshman Ncube, founding secretary general of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change.

    Hier die neusten Spielkarten von Zimbabwe: :D

  • The excuses blacks give for not coming to work here are legendary.

    The most common one is to say "my mother died". But because of the black African concept of the extended family... he could end up going to his "mother's funeral" more than once... because it might not be his mother but a "mother" some what removed. So they could have funerals for several mothers and fathers... and so forth. Eventually you don't know who they really are burying and whether in fact it is their mother or father!

    This guy was just more creative and on this case caught "in the act" so to speak!!

    Africa has its humorous side - make no mistake.

    A South African man has been fined $140 for taking a week off work, telling his employers he was pregnant.

    Charles Sibindana, 27, stole a certificate from a clinic during his pregnant girlfriend's checkup, a court near Johannesburg heard.

    He then added his own details to the note and submitted it and took seven days off work, seemingly unaware that only women consult gynaecologists.

    His employers became suspicious and investigated the matter.

    On passing sentence Magistrate Bruno Van Eeden warned Mr Sibindana "not to walk around faking sick letters from gynaecologists" as if he was pregnant, the South African Press Association news agency reported.

    Source: BBC
    URL: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6190772.stm

  • Luggage thieves have field trip

    2006-12-10 20:00

    Johannesburg - With holidaymakers set to stream into South Africa, baggage theft at airports has come under scrutiny - and despite huge security upgrades, it's still a sensitive issue.

    South African Airways (SAA) says although the annual percentage of baggage that is tampered with is fairly small (0.11% of six million pieces), that's still a monthly average of more than 500 SAA passengers who suffer losses.

    Baggage theft is a sensitive issue, says SAA spokesperson Sarah Uys.

    So sensitive that another local carrier refused to divulge figures. "The information is too sensitive," said a spokesperson for British Airways and kulula.com.

    Nationwide spokesperson Rodger Whittle said incidents of theft from the airline "could not be quantified".

    Jason Tshabalala, security head of OR Tambo Airport in Johannesburg said unfortunately technology could not completely eliminate the human factor.

    A recent Carte Blanche TV program showed how baggage handlers hide behind pillars to pillage luggage.

    R140/kg for lost luggage

    Airports Company of South Africa (Acsa), which shares responsibility with airlines for most of the luggage handled at South African airports, had in the last six years spent R250m pepping up security measures.

    OR Tambo Airport now has more than 1 400 closed-circuit security cameras. Cape Town and Durban airports also had to shape up after an investigation by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) in August this year.

    It's a problem that responsibility for security shifts from Acsa to SAA halfway through the process, says Tshabalala. :D

    Acsa scan the luggage twice before SAA takes over in the baggage holding-areas.

    If case of theft, SAA uses the international standard of $20 per kilogram to compensate victims.

    That means passengers could claim about R140/kg for lost luggage, albeit clothes, jewellery, or a laptop.

    SAA receives about 9 500 complaints a month in all categories, including luggage sent to the wrong destination, and damaged or stolen luggage.


  • Zim inflation races to 1 098.8% 8o

    2006-12-11 12:04

    Harare - Zimbabwe's annual inflation quickened to 1 098.8% in November from 1 070.2% previously, highlighting an eight-year economic recession critics blame on government incompetence.
    The country's inflation rate is the highest in the world and is the clearest sign of an economic and political crisis also shown in unemployment above 80%, shrinking gross domestic product and shortages of foreign currency, food and fuel.

    The Central Statistical Office also said on Monday month-on-month inflation rose to 30.1% compared with 27.5% previously.

    President Robert Mugabe's government has projected that inflation - which it has labelled the country's number one enemy - would slow to between 350% and 400% by the end of next year although analysts are wary of the forecast.

    Analysts say only drastic measures such as curbing excessive state spending and halting the practice of handing cheap funds to farmers and state enterprises - which has been blamed for driving money supply growth - would help bring inflation down.

    Zimbabwean workers have borne the brunt of inflation as they grapple with escalating increases in the price of basic commodities, transport fares, education and medical fees while salaries have legged behind.

    The government has accused businesses of profiteering at the expense of ordinary citizens and is working on a law that will effectively require manufacturers to justify raising prices.

    Last week it set maximum fees for private schools.

    Critics blame Mugabe's politics for plunging the former bread basket of southern Africa into crisis, particularly his government's drive to seize land from white commercial farmers for landless blacks.

    But Mugabe says Zimbabwe has fallen victim to a Western campaign of sabotage to punish him for the land seizures.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    für Ihre Banknoten.

    Es gibt ein süsses kleines Ländchen in Afrika (im Moment vergessen, müsste suchen), da HABEN die Banknoten nur noch den Materialwert. Jeder kann sie drucken, und sie werden halt per Ballen (fast wie Baumwolle) verschoben. Warengeld, wie einst Silber und Gold.

    Wie lange sich die Gängsta in Zimbabwe sich noch halten können, wundert mich. Wer zahlt, befiehlt und wer schiesst, befiehlt, womit gezahlt werden darf!

    Ein Kollege mit einer Shona verheiratet, setzte sich von Zim in die Schweiz ab, weil seine Frau als nicht Zanu-Anhängerin verfolgt und schickaniert wurde. In der Schweiz wurden das Ehepaar und die Kinder von Rassisten im agrarischen Hinterland de Schweiz übel verfolgt. Sie setzten sich vor kurzem wiederum ab - wohin ?? Kannst dreimal raten: nach RSA! Na denn! Ich wünsche denen auch viel Glück.


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