Das neue Südafrika

  • Lucky

    So gehts, die einen gehen, die anderen kommen.

    Neighbour makes gruesome find

    2006-12-12 10:01

    Delmas - The bloodied body of a 79-year-old woman, whose hands and feet had been tied and whose head was wrapped in towels fastened with electric cord, was found in her house on Sunday night.

    Traurig, hier noch ein aelterer Bericht, die Auswanderung ist nun hoeher, IMO......

    Million whites leave SA - study

    2006-09-24 16:37:58

    One million white South Africans - almost a fifth - have left the country in the past ten years.

    This figure was released last week in a report from the South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR).

    Frans Cronjé, who compiled the report, said it was especially crime and affirmative action which had driven a fifth of South Africa's white population out of the country.

    He did an analysis of Statistics South Africa's Household Surveys between 1995 and 2005, emigration figures and other reliable estimates on population numbers.

    Cronjé said the results left himself and his colleagues dumbfounded.

    "When we drew the graphs we saw that almost a whole generation of white South Africans are not here anymore."

    Young people, children leaving

    The SAIRR's population pyramid of white South Africans show a definite loss of young people and children under the age of ten.

    The figures for 2005 put the number of white South Africans in the country at 4.3 million, 841 000 fewer than the 5.2 million of 1995.

    Cronjé predicts that the white population would continue to shrink, and, he said, the situation would have a far-reaching impact on the economy.

    "The white population is getting older, which means the white taxpayers are only going to contribute to the economy for the next twenty years. There would have to be a huge influx of skilled workers to fill this gap. This, unfortunately, is not the case."

    Due to the inequalities of the past, the education of most of the black children is still not on par to fill these gaps.

    Last year, for example, only 3 000 black learners passed matric with higher grade mathematics, said Cronjé.

    Economically productive

    Most of the white emigrants are economically productive people, said Marco Macfarlane, co-author of the report.

    However, in the last decade the black economically productive population grew by 81%. Some of these people have slot into the high-income group, where black people make up a third of the top earners.

    Whites, however, still account for half of this group, where Indians and coloureds make up 7% and 6% of the high-income group respectively.

    The rest of the black entrants to the labour market are busy in the informal sector, which do not necessarily contribute to the tax income.

    "Black people are entering the economy at a stiff pace, but of the economically active middle class (the country's biggest tax contributors), blacks only account for 1%." 8o

    Macfarlane said crime and affirmative action are the top reasons for the exodus of whites.

    More whites going to leave

    "And because the crime figures are not going to decline rapidly and affirmative action is to continue, more whites are going to leave.

    "The young people reckon they are being punished for what happened in the previous dispensation. They are furious, because they feel they had no part in it," said Macfarlane.

    According to the report the emigrants are between 20 and 40 years old.

    "This is the group that have children and help grow the population, but now they're getting their children overseas. And they don't come back. That means the white population is going to continue to shrink."

    The decline in the white population in the decade to 2005 is estimated at 16.1%.


  • South AfricaGovt guarantees 2010 fan safety

    2006-12-13 13:48

    Pretoria - The government on Wednesday reassured soccer fans across the world that their safety in the country during the 2010 World Cup is guaranteed.

    "We guarantee the safety and security of all the fans and teams that will be participating in the 2010 soccer event," said deputy finance minister Jabu Moleketi. :D

    Addressing the media, Moleketi said there will be 192 000 police officers in the country by 2009 and that of these 30 000 will be attached to the soccer event.

    Some of the security plans unveiled during the briefing include ensuring :rolleyes: a 24 hour presence at all hotels, places and routes that will be used by soccer fans.


  • ...sounds like a great place to visit for the world cup....NOT!!!

    viele von meinen Bekannten in SA hoffen immer noch, dass die WC Südafrika nur ein schlechter Traum ist und dass die FIFA bald aufwacht und das Tournament woanders stattfinden lässt!

  • 2010 warning for Cape Town

    2006-12-13 18:25

    Johannesburg - The World Cup goes on with or without Cape Town - this was the stark warning emanating from chairperson Irvin Khoza on Wednesday at a Local Organising Committee media briefing in Johannesburg on the progress towards the 2010 tournament. Khoza was commenting on the niggling succession of obstacles that have emerged surrounding the construction of a new stadium for the World Cup which is due to be erected as part of a comprehensive development in the Green Point precinct of Cape Town - with the latest such obstruction a threat from the Green Point Residents Association to take the matter to court if certain conditions surrounding the project are not met.

    "The World Cup is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for South Africa and a momentous task to bring to fruition, with the whole operation required to be carried out like clockwork," said Khoza, "and even a delay of two or three weeks in our timetable of events could be critical, let alone a lengthy wait over the outcome of court proceedings.

    "Naturally we hope all the difficulties in Cape Town will be ironed out in time," added the LOC chair, "but we are not dragging our heels while getting into protracted arguments over the Cape Town stadium."
    A more conciliatory approach was taken by CEO Danny Jordaan, who pointed out that Cape Town municipal authorities had now accepted in entirety the proposals for the new Cape Town Stadium.
    Preliminary draw would take place in Durban

    "Ultimately," he added, "the stadium and its implications concern every resident of Cape Town and I cannot see the city rejecting a two-billion rand grant from the government towards overall costs if the project turns out to be still-born."

    Ironically, in the circumstances, Khoza scoffed at the allegations of serious disagreements between himself and Jordaan over World Cup planning and said they were bonded together to ensure the success of the 2010 tournament.

    "If there is any serious tension between us," he joked in a manner that recalled the old maxim about many a true word being spoken in jest, "they will only surface in 2011." :D

    Khoza and Jordaan were in more obvious accord over initial planning for 2010, which they described as "encouraging in all aspects - and ahead of time."

    It was confirmed that the preliminary draw for the 2010 World Cup would take place in Durban on November 23 next year, with up to 3 500 delegates and other visitors from 200 competing nations in attendance.

    Khoza said the LOC's preparation towards 2010 had been approved in its entirety by Fifa at a meeting in Zurich last week - and Jordaan said Africa had achieved a major coup in the decision by the executive to grant the continent six of the 32 team positions at the next World Cup to African teams for the first time.

    South Africa qualify automatically as hosts :D and what was described as "a mad scramble" will ensue among the 50 other nations for five places.

  • Aus Business Day vom 14.12.2006:

    World Bank predicts slower growth for SA

    Jonathan Katzenellenbogen
    International Affairs Editor

    ECONOMIC growth in SA will slow to 3,6% next year, according to a new World Bank report, but there should be no hard landing.

    In its Global Economic Prospects 2007, the bank presents a bullish view for globalisation and the world economy, pointing to a rapid expansion of the middle class in the world economy and good prospects for mass alleviation of poverty.

    The prediction of growth of 3,6% next year is well below the national treasury’s forecast of 4,3% presented by Finance Minister Trevor Manuel in the medium-term budget policy statement in October.

    The treasury’s forecast period is March to February and the World Bank’s is for the entire calendar year.

    The World Bank also estimated that the local economy would grow at 4,6% this year, while the treasury estimated in the medium-term budget policy statement that GDP growth would be 4,5%.

    Reasons for slower growth were weaker domestic demand following interest rate hikes, the weaker rand and higher inflation, the bank said.

    However, it emphasised that “a hard landing is not anticipated — in part because the depreciation of the rand should boost output in the export sector”.

    The report said the mining and manufacturing sectors should do particularly well with the weaker rand. It also said growth would be helped by the increase in government infrastructure spending ahead of the 2010 Fifa World Cup.

    In its forecast for SA, the World Bank also predicted that inflation would rise to more than 6% next year.

    Last week, Reserve Bank governor Tito Mboweni said he expected the Bank’s inflation target measure of consumer prices less mortgage increases, CPIX, to exceed the 6% upper level of the inflation target range in the second quarter of next year. “Thereafter, CPIX inflation is expected to follow a downward path to just above 5% at the end of the forecast period in 2008,” he said.

    The Reserve Bank has raised the repo rate four times this year to 9% to curb a consumer spending spree that threatens to push inflation above the target.

    The World Bank report also predicted an easing in the second half of the year as weaker private consumption offsets inflationary pressures stemming from higher import costs, a weaker rand, and higher construction costs as infrastructure investment picks up.

    For the world economy, the Bank predicted average annual growth of 3% to 2030 — 2,5% for high-income countries and 4,2% for developing countries.

  • Ich finde momentan nicht den richtigen thread dafuer und lege es hier rein.
    Ich hoffe der trading stop hoert bald auf und man weiss endgueltig was die Kebble Saga gekostet hat.

    Randgold Exporation News

    RNG - Randgold & Exploration Company Limited - Directorate appointment

    In compliance with rule 3.59 of JSE Limited's Listing Requirements, the
    following information is disclosed:

    Mr. Marais Steyn has been appointed as financial director on the Board of
    Randgold, with effect from 13 December 2006.
    With effect from 13 December 2006 the Board comprises:
    David Morris Nurek (Non-Executive Chairman)
    Peter Henry Gray (Chief Executive Officer)
    Marais Steyn (Financial Director)
    Johann Blersch (Independent Non-Executive Director)
    Thomas Graham Dale (Independent Non-Executive Director)
    Brenda Matsehoa Madumise (Independent Non-Executive Director)
    Andrew Christoffel Nissen (Non-Executive Director)

    14 December 2006

    Sasfin Capital

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Moin Eldo

    Dieses merkwürdige Stück hatte ich gottlob nur mal kurz vor etwa einem Jahr.
    War das nicht mal RANGY ?

    Paßt hier hinein: ;)

    TWILIGHT of the Hippo-Gods? WAR, RANGE


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • SA food prices soar

    2006-12-14 13:40

    Johannesburg - South Africa' national food prices increased on average by 7.3% between October 2005 and October 2006, data released on Thursday by the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) showed.

    The council, which monitors 75 key food products that include brown bread, super maize meal, special maize meal and boerewors, said the increase was considerably higher than the figure of 6.03% for the period July 2005 to July 2006.

    "Increased inflationary pressure in September and October are a particular concern in light of the up coming festive season, which is usually associated with inflationary trends due to demand for food items," the council said.

    Food items that increased by more than the inflationary target of the Reserve Bank of 6% included brown bread at 6.08%, beef at 24.06% and super maize meal shot up by 46.49%.

    "Based on the product we monitor, the cost of the basket of food was R871.22 in October 2005 and increased by R63.39 to R934.61 in October 2006," the council said.

    However, there were a few products that showed price decreases over the same period. Prices for carrots fell by 10.85%, potatoes by 20.99%, pork chops by 7.17% and skimmed milk powder by 19.37%.

    NAMC said it expected the maize meal prices to decrease slightly in January, while seasonal increases in demand for red meat and chicken were expected to increase prices further in December and January.

    I-Net Bridge (Business)

  • Wie angekuendigt was ich bezahle wenn ich Einkaufen gehe.
    Ich esse bestimmt nicht die ganze Zeit, brown bread, super maize meal, special maize meal and boerewors. :D...

    Wechselkurs 9.27 R /Euro

    Preise in Euro:

    Rinder Fillet kg 15.00
    Bockwurst/Wiener kg 8.63
    Aufschnitt 100gr 0.69
    Salami 100gr 1.83
    Schinken 100gr 3.20
    Cola 1 liter 2.30
    6 Eier 1.95
    Toastbrot 0.56
    Lindt Schokolade 2.50...die schmeckt wenigstens.
    Dusch Gel 250ml 2.05
    1kg Zucker 1.42
    1 liter Milch 0.73
    Blattsalad Kopf 0.72

    Wenn einer 1000 Euro netto verdient hat er ein sehr gutes Einkommen.
    Die billigsten ein Zimmer Wohnungen kosten min. 380 Euro, sind aber ein Loch.
    Etwas schoeneres mit mehr Schlafzimmer kostet incl.Nebenkosten ab 900 Euro im Monat.
    Benzin kostet rund 65 cents/liter und die Versicherung 60 Euro/Monat wenn man ein Auto hat. Ein Taxi kostet 1.19 Euro/km.

    mehr Preise spaeter....



  • @ Eldo. :D wollte gerade eine ähnliche Liste reinstellen. LOL

    Allerdings, wenn man sich nicht nur auf Reiths im Gardens Center für sein Fleisch verlässt, gehts auch unter €15 / KG für Filet 8)

    Wenn wir im Woolies Food Court einkaufen gehen ist eine "Wagenladung" im Vergleich zu Frankfurt mittlerweilen teurer! Und wir essen auch nicht "Pap 'n Sous" ;) Erschreckend wenn man so die Durschnittsgehälter dort annimt!

  • Fs-fra

    :D..bei Reith war ich schon lange nicht, wenn Fillet dann ein zartes,der Preis von 15 Euro ist Woolie Preis, dafuer gibt es Qualitaet.
    Wer billig kauft der kauft und zahlt oft doppelt.
    Ich komme in letzter Zeit meistens auf 100-200 Euro wenn ich mit dem Einkaufswagen unterwegs bin bis er voll ist.
    Gestern ein paar alkoholische Getraenke und schon wieder 200 Euro gone.
    Cointreau 750ml 23.80 Euro, Bombay Saphire Gin 25.80, Kaluha 11.50 Euro Bells Whiskey 1liter 14 Euro...etc.etc
    Eine Flasche White Wine im Bottlestore ist heute auch bei 5.50 - 8.00 Euro.
    Ein Hotel wie Protea,nichts besonderes. kostet nun auch 100 Euro die Nacht, ohne einen Leihwagen. :D

    RSA freut sich auf Euren Besuch. :P

    Aber das kennst du ja, wie der Durchnittsbuerger das macht ist mir ein Wunder.

    Ein Hauptmenue im Restaurant ist auch schon bei min. 7.50 Euro bis 10 Euro, Vorspeise bei 3 Euro, Flasche Wein 8-12 Euro.
    Da ist man schnell 25- 30 Euro los zu zweit, das ist heute ganz normal wenn man essen geht.

    Meine Maid kriegt 2.70 Euro in der Stunde, das waere ein Gehalt von 430 Euro im Monat wenn sie vollbeschaeftigt waere.
    Die meisten verdienen nichtmal 280 Euro im Monat plus Essen.

    So und nun komme mal mit 280- 400 Euro aus zu zweit mit Kind.
    Ich kenne einige Deutsche die in Call Center oder Lufthansa arbeiten.
    Die verdienen ca. 860 Euro vor Steuerabzug und arbeiten oft 50 Stunden voll im Stress.
    Wer noch Internet DSL und Telefon/Handy hat der zahlt noch extra ca. 160 Euro im Monat.

    Kein Wunder diese Kriminalitaet die wir haben bei den Preisen und Arbeitslosigkeit..
    Mir kommt es schon vor wir haben jetzt schon deutsche Preise, bei Hygiene und Putzmittel sogar noch teurer als in Deutschland.
    Die spinnen hier mit den Preiserhoehungen, die meisten Lieferanten haben ein Monopol und die machen was sie wollen.

    Ich kann es mir noch leisten aber was machen die anderen ?



  • ...deutsche Preise gibt's schon länger. Prote Hotel - oh man... jedesmal wenn ich an dem in Green Point vorbeifahre und die R1100 / Nacht sehe, frage ich mich, wer das zahlt.

    Komm mir gar nicht erst mir Alkoholpreisen - da kriege ich so einen Hals! :D

    Erinnerst Du dich noch an die Zeiten, wo eine wirklich gute Flasche Wein im Restaurant so um die R40 - R80 gekostet hat? Und die selbe Flasche auf'm Weingut in etwa 1/3 davon... Das ist nur ein paar Jahre her!
    Habe schon oft mit Winzern über die Preisgestaltung unterhalten. Die Einstellung ist einfach: Der beste Wein wird nur für Export produziert und die paar hL, die für den SA Markt übrigbleiben werden zu dem selben Exportpreis verkauft. Der Winzer sagt eh, wenn ihr (SAs) mir den Preis nicht bezahlt, dann verkaufe ich halt 100% ins Ausland....
    Das gilt übrigens auch für Obst / Gemüse - die 1a Qualität ist nur für den Export bestimmt - der "Rest" geht ins Inland. Vor 4 Jahren habe ich noch R20 für eine 2Kg Box Litchees bezahlt. Heute....

    Aber die "Saffas" denken ja eigentlich eh nur "wenn's teuer ist, dann ist es gut - wenn's importiert ist, dann ist es besonders gut....."

    Am schlimmsten finde ich die Deli's - kennst Du Giovannis in Green Point? Ich sag nur Croissant Mafia von Kapstadt. Und fang erst nicht von Primi Piatti und der Mafia an ;)

    P.S. Bombay Sapphire bekomme ich hier für €18 / L :D

  • fs-fra

    ""Am schlimmsten finde ich die Deli's - kennst Du Giovannis in Green Point? Ich sag nur Croissant Mafia von Kapstadt. Und fang erst nicht von Primi Piatti und der Mafia an.""

    :D...die kenne ich gut !

    Ich habe in D RSA Weine gekauft die wesentlich billiger waren als hier.
    Hier ist alles ein Rip-off , Gangster wo man hinschaut.
    Mit dem Preis vom Bombay Sapphire hat mich der Portugiese wieder beschissen. :D
    Well, dafuer gibt es umsonst genug Wind, kaltes Meerwasser, Sonne und Kriminalitaet.



  • South Africa 1128 children murdered in 2005

    2006-12-14 18:36

    Cape Town

    Boiling water, hammers and iron pipes were among the instruments used to kill some of the 1 128 children murdered in South Africa last year. :(

    This is according to Safety and Security Minister Charles Nqakula, who, in a written reply to a parliamentary question posed by the Democratic Alliance, said almost a fifth of the child murders were committed by other children.

    According to figures contained in his reply, a total of 324 (28.7%) children died as a result of being shot. A further 287 (25.4%) were killed by knives.

    However, the third-largest category of causes of death - totalling 203 of the children - is headed "unknown".

    In a statement on Thursday, DA spokesperson on child abuse, Mike Waters, questioned how seriously investigations into child murders were being carried out.

    "According to [the] reply... in almost one fifth of child murders in 2004/05, no cause of death was identified, which means that it is almost certain that no autopsy was carried out.

    "But an autopsy is the starting point of any investigation and an almost absolute requirement for a successful prosecution.

    "The reply therefore raises questions about how seriously child murderers are being pursued, if even the basics of an investigation are not being carried out," he said.

    The horror of the violence

    Waters said it was only when one saw the causes of death listed in the minister's reply that the horror of the violence was brought home.

    "Of these murdered children, 26 were kicked to death, ten were burnt to death, and six were killed with a fist. Another six were killed with an axe. Boiling water, hammers and iron pipes were used to kill a further nine children."

    He said in 18% of the cases, no weapon was identified.

    "Given the broad categories of weapons used - such as 'sharp object' and 'blunt object' - even a very superficial investigation should have been able to determine the cause of death.

    "This suggests that there has in fact been virtually no investigation and, furthermore, it means that there is no forensic evidence available to base a prosecution on.

    "It is therefore hardly surprising that the reply indicates that in 31.2% of cases, nobody was charged with the murder," he said.

    The young age of some offenders also raised alarm bells about the appalling levels of violent behaviour among young South Africans.

    "Some 19% were under the age of 18, and a total of 34% of murders were carried out by people under the age of 21," Waters said.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    .. gabs mal im Bottle Store in Louis Trichardt... so 16/20 in meiner, vielleicht geschönten Erinnerung...ist aber länger her... und die winery im Moment nicht in Erinnerung, aber es gibt sie heute noch...es waren zwei Engländer, die den store geführt haben...ich kriegte von denen sehr stabile leere Whisky-Boxes um meinen minimalen Hausrat nach Hause zu senden...das Post-Office hatte noch zwei Eingänge für 'blankies' und 'non-blankies' und der Postmaster war ein Regierungsspitzel :P

    Je länger ich deine RSA-Posting lese, Eldo, desto mehr kommen mir fast die Tränen. It goes down the drain.


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