Juniors aus Kanada

  • Hallo Tschonko

    Die AMM.TO hat soweit ich weiss auch Hpopth im Program.
    Der HUI bzw. die Aktien haben mehr abbekommen als der POG heute,meine Aktien fielen knapp um 2 % im Schnitt.
    Bei RDV.TO hatten einige mehr Glueck als ich, legte volle 19 cents hin aber bei 50% vom Tagesvolumen im Einkauf.
    Die RDV schloss dann mit 15 cents ab :(. Egal es waren peanuts im Vergleich zu anderen.
    Die anderen Einkaeufe waren ok mit dem Volumen von mir.
    Der ganze Haufen ist in BC taetig, AMM auch in Mexico.
    CSG habe ich gestern gut gepickt, mal schaun was heute noch passiert, den Sturzhelm habe ich jedenfalls schon an, kaufen kann ich nichts mehr im Moment. Jetzt sind die anderen Cowboys dran, good luck guys !

    Out of Ammunition :(

    Anyway ,have a nice day


  • Aufgrund verscheidener Bereichte in letzter Zeit (u.a. von M. Siegel)habe ich mir mal Cumberland genauer angeschaut und muss sagen, dass sich mir dieser Wert inzwischen äusserst Positiv darstellt.
    Die Arbeit an der neuen Durchführbarkeitsstudie läuft. Die alte wurde ja verworfen, da hier die mittlerweile gestiegenen Energiekosten nur unzureichend berücksichtigt waren. Hat sich von den Tielfskursen auch schon wieder ganz manierlich erholt
    Ich finde die Grandes des Meadowbank Projektes auch sehr vielversprechend.
    Werde mir davon in nächster Zeit noch ein Paar Stück ins Depot legen.

    Cumberland Expands 2005 Drilling Programs to Focus on New Gold Zone at the Meadowbank Gold Project

    CUMBERLAND RESOURCES LTD. (TSX:CLG) (AMEX:CLG) is pleased to report an expansion of the 2005 diamond drill program at the Company's 100% owned Meadowbank gold project located 70 kilometres north of the Hamlet of Baker Lake, Nunavut. 2005 drilling programs are focused on increasing gold resources at Meadowbank, which is host to Canada's largest pure gold open pit reserves. The now completed Phase I and Phase II programs have successfully expanded the size of the Goose Island deposit, intersected encouraging mineralization in the Goose Island South area and discovered the new Cannu zone. Prior to 2005 drilling, Meadowbank gold resources contained an estimated 3,326,000 ounces of measured and indicated resources1 and 474,000 ounces of inferred resources(1) (Q1/2005).

    Phase III Drilling of New Cannu Zone

    Based on the encouraging results received to date from the recently discovered Cannu zone (see Cumberland news release 05-11), a Phase III drill program has been added and is designed to assess the expansion potential of the zone. The Cannu zone is located approximately 350 metres north of the proposed Portage open pit and represents additional near surface gold mineralization which may contribute to the resource and reserve potential of the project. The Cannu zone is hosted in a shallow synformal (bowl shaped) fold structure in the same rocks which host the gold reserves in the Portage (1,534,000 ounces(2)) and Goose Island (368,000 ounces2) deposits to the south. All of the mineralized intersections in the 7 holes assayed to date lie within approximately 75 metres of surface. Highlights from these holes include:

    Hole NP05-571: 7.06 g/t over 7.44m at 28m below surface
    Hole NP05-573: 2.65 g/t over 4.95m at 5m below surface
    Hole NP05-575: 21.36 g/t over 1.75m at 72m below surface
    Hole NP05-576: 4.14 g/t over 5.47m at 21m below surface
    and 16.44 g/t over 2.87m at 30m below surface
    and 2.07 g/t over 2.35m at 39m below surface
    Hole NP05-577: 6.66 g/t over 3.50m at 6m below surface
    and 7.27 g/t over 6.23m at 32m below surface
    and 4.73 g/t over 5.55m at 40m below surface

    The Phase II drill program has been dominantly focused in the Cannu area where 18 holes have been completed. The expanded Phase III program will include an additional 17 to 20 drill holes, bringing the total amount of drilling for the year to over 12,000 metres. The upcoming drill program will focus on the expansion of the new zone both north and south along strike, as well as drilling designed to better define the gold zone and its relationship to the known mineralization in the Portage area. The Phase III program will take place during October 2005.

    Meadowbank Gold Project

    Cumberland is advancing Meadowbank towards open pit production of 315,000 ounces of gold per year over an 8.3 year mine life with an estimated total cash cost of US$224 per ounce. A feasibility study(3) was completed by AMEC Americas Ltd. in February 2005, SG Corporate & Investment Banking was appointed Financial Adviser in June 2005 in connection with potential debt financing, and development permitting is advancing to the final stages. Operations from three, shallow open pits are planned to commence in mid-2008, provided final permits and licenses are obtained in early 2006.

    Meadowbank Open Pit Gold Production Profile(3)

    Proven and Probable Reserves 2,768,000 ounces(2)
    Mine Throughput 2.73 Mtpa
    Mine Life 8.3 years
    Average Annual Production Rate
    Years 1 to 4 375,000 ounces
    Life of Mine 315,000 ounces
    Total Cash Cost per Oz.
    Years 1 to 4 US$199
    Life of Mine US$224

    Meadowbank Open Pit Gold Reserves - Q1/2005(2)

    Pit Category Tonnes Grade (g/t) Ounces
    Proven 1,253,000 5.19 209,100
    Probable 9,927,000 4.15 1,324,500
    Probable 2,247,000 5.09 367,700
    Proven 53,000 3.31 5,600
    Probable 8,416,000 3.18 860,400
    Note: 95% mining recovery and contact dilution applied.

    Cumberland is a well financed mineral exploration and development company. The Company has completed a feasibility study on the Meadowbank gold project (100% interest) in Nunavut and is advancing the project towards production. The Company also holds a 22% carried to production interest in the Meliadine West gold project and a 50% interest in the Meliadine East gold project, both located in Nunavut. The shares of Cumberland are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange under the symbol CLG.


    Kerry M. Curtis, B.Sc., Geo., President and CEO

    Qualified Person - Gordon I. Davidson, P.Geol., is Exploration Manager, Canada, for Cumberland Resources Ltd. and is the designated Q.P. for the Meadowbank Project. Mr. Davidson has supervised drill hole planning, implementation and quality control/quality assurance programs at the Meadowbank Project since 2002. Drill core analysis is performed on split core with standard fire assay procedures and AA finish. QA/QC programs employ random insertion of four internal standards, field duplicates and blank samples. Gravimetric analysis is performed on any sample yielding greater than 1 g/t gold in fire assay. Primary assaying is performed by IPL Laboratories, of Vancouver. ACME Analytical Laboratories of Vancouver provides external reference assaying. True thickness of intersections ranges from 95-100% of intersected widths.

    Forward Looking Statements and Risks - This News Release contains "forward-looking statements", including, but not limited to, statements regarding our expectations as to the market price of gold, strategic plans, future commercial production, production targets and timetables, mine operating costs, capital expenditures, work programs, exploration budgets and mineral reserve and resource estimates. Forward-looking statements express, as at the date of this report, our plans, estimates, forecasts, projections, expectations or beliefs as to future events or results. We caution that forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties, and there can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate. Therefore, actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Factors that could cause results or events to differ materially from current expectations expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, factors associated with fluctuations in the market price of precious metals, mining industry risks and hazards, environmental risks and hazards, uncertainty as to calculation of mineral reserves and resources, requirement of additional financing, risks of delays in construction and other risks more fully described in our AIF filed with the Securities Commissions of the Provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia and the Toronto Stock Exchange and in our 20F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC").

    Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors - The SEC permits mining companies, in their filings with the SEC, to disclose only those mineral deposits that a company can economically and legally extract or produce. We use certain terms in this news release such as "mineral resources" and "inferred resources" that the SEC guidelines strictly prohibit us from including in our Form 40-F available from us at Suite 950 - 505 Burrard Street, Vancouver, B.C. V7X 1M4. You can also obtain this form from the SEC by calling 1-800-SEC-0330.

    Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors concerning estimates of Indicated Resources - This news release uses the term "indicated" resources. We advise US Investors that while that term is recognized and required by Canadian regulations, the SEC does not recognize it. U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of mineral deposits in this category will ever be converted into mineral reserves.

    Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors concerning estimates of Inferred Resources - This news release uses the term "inferred" resources. We advise U.S. investors that while this term is recognized and required by Canadian regulations, the SEC does not recognize it. "Inferred Resources" have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and great uncertainty as to their economic feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an Inferred Resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimates of Inferred Resources may not form the basis of feasibility or pre-feasibility studies, except in rare cases. U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that part or all of an inferred resource exists, or is economically or legally mineable.

    Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors concerning estimates of Proven and Probable Reserves - The estimates of mineral reserves described in this News Release have been prepared in accordance with Canadian National Instrument 43-101. The definitions of proven and probable reserves used in NI 43-101 differ from the definitions in SEC Industry Guide 7. Accordingly, the Company's disclosure of mineral reserves in this News Release may not be comparable to information from U.S. companies subject to the SEC's reporting and disclosure requirements.

    (1) Meadowbank Gold Resources (First Quarter 2005) - The resource estimates were prepared in conformance with the requirements set out in NI 43-101 under the direction of Mr. Steven J. Blower, P. Geo., of AMEC Americas Limited, who is an independent Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.

    (2) Meadowbank Gold Reserves (First Quarter 2005) - The open pit mining reserves have been prepared in accordance with NI 43-101. Mr. Mark Pearson, P.Eng, Principal Mining Engineer with AMEC Americas Limited is the independent Qualified Person responsible for preparation of stated reserves.

    (3) Meadowbank Feasibility Study (First Quarter 2005) - The feasibility study incorporates improvements to the mine model as a result of a re-design completed in 2004 by the Company and the study manager, AMEC Americas Ltd. ("AMEC"). The results from the Study are summarized in a Technical Report, dated March 31, 2005, prepared by AMEC in accordance with the Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Construction scheduling and capital cost estimation has been prepared by Merit International Consultants Inc. ("Merit"). Metallurgical and process test work was completed by SGS Lakefield Research Ltd. Process design was completed by International Metallurgical and Environmental Inc. and AMEC. Supporting geotechnical engineering, hydrogeological and geochemical studies were completed by Golder Associates Ltd. ("Golder"). The Study has been prepared in accordance with the Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects as defined by National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101"). Assumptions include a long term gold price of US$400/oz. and an exchange rate of US$0.75 per Cdn$1.00.

    Cumberland Resources Ltd. (TSX:CLG) (AMEX:CLG)

  • Tschonko

    Meine Order ging gestern doppelt durch, ich war fast allein Kaeufer von Bralorne. :D..... Kennst du den Bericht schon, ganz unten ?

    @ Frr

    Na dann hoffe ich mal du liegst da richtig mit deiner Meinung ueber BPM und XCL die mir mehr Sorgen macht und fast tot ist.

    Wie auch immer, its my risk anyway.

    Cheers,take care ;)



  • ja kannte ich schon, aber nur auf Englisch.
    Hat frr neulich reingestellt, glaube ich. Müsste eh auch hier sein. Zurücklesen!

    Die Ergebnisse der Bralorne Mine sind sauschwach und erklären den Kursverlust. ((500tto erwartet 125tto sind es und nur 14tto gemessen)

    Man muss jetzt auf das Explorieren warten. Und hoffe, dass da was Gutes rauskommt. Wird aber teuer.
    Positiv: das ganze gebiet ist in einer Hand, wodurch sie die abläufe besser planen lassen.
    Schätze, die werden fördern und explorieren in einem.

    Vorerst heißt es nur: Bitte warten!
    also ich seh das so, weiß nicht ob es stimmt.


  • @ Tschonko

    Bralorne ist nun in der Schublade fuer Jahre oder beim naechsten Fruehjahrsputz draussen. In der Gegend bin ich schon rumgefahren, auch ein Grund warum ich die nahm. Kursmaessig und Chartmaessig sieht es nach Boden aus, wieder ein Grund. Hoffentlich finden sie mehr Gold um Bralorne, also such mal Frr. :D

    Eine anderer Truemmerstock ist GNG.V "Golden Goliath" ?(
    Hoert sich an wie Golden Eagle... :(
    Die haben Agnico Eagle im Background und einer ist Director dort.
    Da habe ich ein zweites Kissen heute darunter geworfen, bei denen kann es auch "dauern" wie bei Bralorne.

    Hier ein aelteres Video und Webseite
    Von mitte Marez 2005 da war der Kurs 0.25 cents.
    Recovery stock ????



    Warten, ........ja das muessen wir noch Jahre.



    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Glaubt ja nicht, daß Ihr allein so Untote habt.
    Wenn ich zB an meine NSU denke, wird mir ganz mulmig. ?(
    Obwohl vor ewiger Zeit gekauft, weit im Keller.

    Dann gibts noch Golden Arrows/GRG,
    aber ausgerechnet sowas erholt sich merkwürdigerweise iA.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Ha, die Golden Arrows hast du die auch, manchmal denke ich alles was mit Gold oder Golden anfaengt ist Schrott von Sprott Analysten :D

    Der Spin off von IMA, der haengt bei mir auch im Keller. ;(

    Da faellt sogar Apollo mit X-Cal vom Olymp. :D

    Dann noch Silvercrest, Fallaron, Canadian Zinc sowie Scorpio macht bestimmt nicht froh.

    C'est la vie, hauptsache lustig haben wir es hier als Winner und Loser. :D

    Ciao ;)


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Aladin
    Ha, die Golden Arrows hast du die auch,

    C'est la vie, hauptsache lustig haben wir es. :D

    Ist doch primstens so :D

    Wie so ne "Jungfrau zum Kind kommt ";):
    war ein spin off, bei Dir wohl auch.
    Dann aufgestockt, teilverkauft mit kl.Gewinn.
    der Rest hängt nun rum. :))


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Ich glaube mit Bralorne habe ich mich schoen verhaut, die wird bald Penny Stock da man munter weiter verkauft. :(

    Bis 1.01 C$ gings vorhin 8o

    Da Frrrierts mich gleich, jo wos is do los ?(

    Da soll der Frr gleich fuer mehr Reserven sorgen oder die Kommastelle bei den Bohrergebniss verschieben. :D


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Wenn wir schon bei "lustig" sind:
    Hab da ein Büchlein mit 365 Bauernweisheiten, äusserst unterhaltsam! :]

    Finde für heute,14.9., kann mich nur amüsieren:

    "Schaffst du im September nichts in den Keller,
    blickst du im Winter auf leere Teller."

    ;) Grüsse :))

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Ja Edel Man der Spruch passt wieder:

    "Schaffst Du im September nichts in den Keller,
    blickst du im Winter auf leere Teller."

    Die Meldung tut mir gut heute, die schauen auch auf den Spruch.

    Northgate to Acquire Young-Davidson Mines, Limited Advanced Exploration Property Containing 1.5 Million Resource Ounces of Gold

    Wednesday September 14, 10:24 am ET

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 14, 2005--(All figures in US dollars except where noted)
    Northgate Minerals Corporation (TSX:NGX - News; AMEX: NXG - News) and Young-Davidson Mines, Limited (TSX VENTURE:ODM - News) are pleased to announce that they have signed a merger agreement (the "Agreement"). Under the terms of the Agreement, approved by both Boards of Directors, Northgate will issue 0.7212 common shares of Northgate for every share of Young-Davidson. In a separate lock-up agreement, holders of 75% of Young-Davidson shares have already agreed to vote in favour of the transaction. Completion of the transaction is subject to the approval of 66-2/3% of Young-Davidson shareholders and approval of Canadian securities regulators, the TSX, the TSX Venture Exchange and the AMEX, amongst other conditions. The transaction is scheduled to close in November 2005 following the required shareholder vote, at which time Northgate will issue approximately 13.85 million shares and convertible securities to Young-Davidson security holders, which values the transaction at Cdn$20 million.

    Acquisition Highlights

    - Acquisition of one and a half million resource ounces of gold which include almost half a million ounces of gold (Measured & Indicated Resources) within a low-strip ratio open pit configuration and slightly more than one million ounces of gold (Inferred Resources) in a low-cost bulk mineable underground configuration.

    - Excellent potential to double the current underground resource base and convert a large portion of the Inferred Resources into reserves.

    - The property's production history demonstrates excellent ground conditions for low-cost bulk mining, ore which yields high gold recoveries through a simple metallurgical process and environmentally benign waste rock and tailings.

    - The acquisition of Young-Davidson's gold property located in Ontario, Canada diversifies Northgate into another politically stable, mining friendly jurisdiction where there is community support for mining.

    - Post acquisition exploration program is scheduled to begin in early 2006 with an initial Cdn$3 million diamond-drilling program focusing on the many established targets within the claim package.

    Tom Obradovich, President and CEO of Young-Davidson Mines, stated; "We are pleased that Northgate shares our vision for the property. Over the last several years, Young-Davidson has consolidated its ground position, identified a number of exploration targets and intersected a number of new mineralized zones. However, at this stage in the development of the property, it is clearly time to bring in a partner with the development and operating skills necessary to take the project to the next level. When we assessed the gold mining industry, we found Northgate to be among the leaders in creating value, as they have demonstrated and continue to demonstrate with the Kemess operation and we are pleased to have concluded a deal with them. We view this combination as an excellent opportunity for our shareholders who will benefit from further development on the Young-Davidson Property by a financially sound mine operator while gaining exposure to the Kemess property and its strong operating cash flow. This is a Win-Win for both parties."

    Ken Stowe, President and CEO of Northgate, stated; "The acquisition of the Young-Davidson property represents an excellent step in Northgate's long term growth plan to add to our asset base. We are acquiring substantial resource ounces in a historic mining area in Ontario at an attractive price. The project is in one of the premiere gold mining camps in North America and has excellent potential to yield substantially more ounces than are currently known. The Young-Davidson properties display all the characteristics of our ideal investment target by being a pure gold play in a politically stable, mining friendly jurisdiction, with the potential to produce 150,000 ounces of gold per year for a decade. Soon after the transaction closes, we will be mounting a substantial exploration program to move the project forward and ultimately look to use Northgate's management skills and financial capability to turn this exciting exploration project into a profitable mine."


    The Young-Davidson property is located 60 km west of Kirkland Lake Ontario (Figure 1) and is accessed by a provincially maintained highway. The property consists of contiguous mineral leases and claims totaling 11,000 acres. Current resources for the property, as verified by an independent 43-101 compliant technical report prepared by Micon International Limited (Micon), are detailed in Table 1. The full text of the Micon technical report is available on SEDAR.

    Resources Short Tons Gold Grade Contained Gold
    (oz / short ton) (ounces)
    Open Pit
    Measured 6,978,000 0.062 432,640
    Indicated 530,930 0.059 31,320
    Total Measured &
    Indicated 7,508,900 0.062 463,960
    Inferred 363,400 0.039 14,170
    Inferred 8,600,800 0.118 1,018,660

    Prior to the consolidation of the property by Young-Davidson, various claims were held by a number of parties and in the 1930s through the early 1950s two separate mines were operated by Ventures Ltd. and Hollinger Mines, producing a total of almost one million ounces of gold from almost 10 million tonnes of ore. The underground ore bodies exploited by these historic operators had exceptionally low cost structures brought about by the low-cost bulk mining configuration of the ore, high gold recoveries (93%) through a simple metallurgical process and environmentally benign waste rock and tailings.

    For a location map of the Young-Davidson Gold Property, please click on the link below:



    Under the terms of the Agreement between Northgate and Young-Davidson, a wholly owned subsidiary of Northgate will amalgamate with Young-Davidson Mines, Limited and each Young-Davidson shareholder will receive 0.7212 common shares of Northgate Minerals Corporation for each common share of Young-Davidson. On closing, Young-Davidson security holders will receive approximately 13.85 million shares and convertible securities of Northgate valued at Cdn$20 million, which will represent approximately 6% of Northgate's total common equity. Completion of the transaction is contingent upon the approval of 66-2/3% of Young-Davidson shareholders and approval of Canadian securities regulators, the TSX, the TSX Venture Exchange and the AMEX, amongst other conditions.

    Within the next few weeks, Young-Davidson will be mailing an Information Circular to its shareholders outlining the transaction, in preparation for a shareholders meeting that is tentatively scheduled for November 1, 2005. The transaction is expected to close on the first business day after this meeting once shareholder approval has been obtained.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Du meinst NGX.
    Ist einer meiner größten PM - Werte, fast 4 % in 3 Tranchen gekauft.

    Die muß endlich mal kommen.ME stark unterbewertet.
    Hatten ja div.Probleme mit Streiks, schwierigem Terrain usw.

    Das sind good news,danke. :]


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Metalline und Fortuna gekommt auch einen Schwung heute, aber nicht von mir. :))

    Meinen Kangaroos in Sydney gehts bis auf die Domina :D.. nicht so gut.
    Dachte ich werde reich wie Croesus, bis jetzt schaut nicht so aus.

    Haelfte der Verlust Harmony raus und zum Erholen in Sterling gesteckt.
    Bissl schaufeln :D
    Bei Sterling liegt mein Schnitt nun bei 4.07 USD.
    Ich glaube die Harmony ueberholt die Sterling nicht.
    Wenn der Rand wirklich in die Knie geht dann kann man wieder nachkaufen was ich bei Harmony nicht vorhabe,die sehen mich nicht mehr und bleibe eher der GFI und Range treu die Internationaler sind und Uranium AFL/Range, wenn ich mich nicht irre, dabei ist.
    DRD wegen New Guinea halte ich als Basis- stock noch laenger.
    Droppy kann nun machen was sie will. :D, nur weg von Kebble's und Swanepoel heisst die Devise.

    Mal schaun, auf ein Wunder in RSA warte ich schon lange nicht mehr, das wird immer schwaerzer.


  • "Meinen Kangaroos in Sydney gehts bis auf die Domina .. nicht so gut.
    Dachte ich werde reich wie Croesus, bis jetzt schaut nicht so aus."


    nicht jeder hat eine Wunderlampe.

    Und es geht nicht in Wochen, allenfallls in Monaten,

    manchmal nur in 1-2 Jahren.

    BTV - ein Traum

    NMC - wird kommen

    CRS - hatten "marginale Mine"

    auf "care and maintenance" gestellt.

    (Norseman läuft umso besser.)

    Dann müssen alle damit verbundenen assets

    abgeschrieben werden. Wußte jeder, verstanden

    aber nur die wenigsten.

    Habe sofort nach "Absturz" gestern nachgeladen.

    Nur eins würde ich gerne wissen.

    In den Weinbergen um Pick´N´Pay in Constanzia

    blüht da der Wein oder steht die Lese wie im Rheingau an?



  • @ Tambok

    Danke fuer die prompte Info was mit den Kangaroos los ist, da bist du der Profi down under.

    Ich lasse die mal rumhupfen, alles dauert seine Zeit.

    Bei uns ist bald Fruehjahr und der Wein wird geerntet in Feb/Mar.
    Bis jetzt blueht noch nichts, aber trinken tue ich den oft. :D



  • @ Eldo,

    von den Canadian Juniors weiß ich nichts

    und halte mich da raus. Weiß noch nicht

    mal, ob und wie die "performen".

    Was heute abend abgeht sind Klassiker

    wie KINROSS, GOLDFIELDS und sogar

    Deppen-GM´s wie DRD.

    Läuft das weiter so, trenne ich mich von denen.

    Bricht´s ab, bleiben die im Depot.

    Meinetwegen kann der Durchbruch über die 450 "sich noch

    was zieren".



  • Tambok

    Denke auch so, bei HUI 240 sollte man auf alle Faelle Gewinnmitnahmen machen. CNBC erwaehnt nur wenig und verharmlost den Anstieg heute bei den GM.

    So oder so wird es kritisch, zu schoen um wahr zu sein.

    Wenn wir zu hoch fliegen und kraeftig fallen sollten dann machen wir auch einen Chapter 11. :D


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