Juniors aus Kanada

  • @Tambok& Aladin: was seid Ihr nur für seltsame Goldbugs?

    Da geht die Party gerade erst los (es ist 21.00 Uhr und erst ein Drittel der Gäste ist da, allerdings noch alle stocknüchtern und entsprechend verhalten) und Ihr redet davon, den Saal schon wieder zu verlassen :D.

    Jo, seits denn deppert? :D


    Was heute abend abgeht sind Klassiker wie KINROSS, GOLDFIELDS und sogar Deppen-GM´s wie DRD. Läuft das weiter so, trenne ich mich von denen. Bricht´s ab, bleiben die im Depot.

    Wenn's runter geht, halten, wenn's rauf geht verkaufen?

    So wird das nix mit dem neuen Benz :D



  • @ Ohne Rente

    Meinst du ehrlich ich renne und verkaufe alles nach 10 Jahre darauf zu warten das die 450 faellt. ?

    Das ist glaube ich das dritte mal, dann gab es wieder eine Watsche die noch kommen koennte.

    Ein paar Gewinne abraeumen und fuer Cash zu sorgen fuer die naechste Korrektur speziell wenn man belehnt ist bestimmt nicht falsch.

    Sonst hauts einen aus den Sattel und die Belehnung ist im Eimer mit Notverkauf einiger Rennpferde ist immer peinlich. Die Anlage ist fuer 5-7 Jahre gedacht, nicht fuer zwei Wochen.

    Traden zwischen durch ist nicht einfach und kostet Geld.

    Was altes gegen junges tauschen meine ich eher....

    Ciao, wer will schon ohne Rente oder GM Aktien da stehen.




  • So sieht es jetzt aus mit meinen Geschwader :


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Schönes Foto von den Überfliegern!
    Sind wohl Staffeln.Weiß einer meiner Söhne,Oberstleutnant der Luftwaffe,besser.

    Wenn erst mal Dein ganzes Geschwader abgehoben hat,mannomann!
    Ist aber auch am Boden ganz stattlich,hättest ruhig durchzählen können.
    Aber das ändert sich ja häufiger. ;)
    Richte da mal immer wieder ein Auge drauf.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Tja,ein paar hinkende S....gibts immer.Entweder die werden gesund,oder verwurstet.
    So ist das .Apropos:
    Hab einen Kampfbomber verkauft mit gutem Profit:EDR.
    Genauer teilverkauft.War mir zu schwer geworden,gibt Munition für was Neues. :]


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Ein Klassewert.Wenn die nicht so verwässert hätten!

    Standardwert in meinem Depot.

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • DSM habe ich in den letzten Monaten 4 x eingesammelt. Sind mit nahezu 5% gewichtet in meinem Depot. Ich erwarte mir von DSM einiges......ein feiner Wert....viel zu billig im Moment!!!

  • Ein drittel von GFI verkauft mit 20% im Plus, in 90min kaufe ich mit 10% der summe einen neuen Tiltel in Bolivia ein. Den Title nenne ich Euch spaeter,das Projekt sieht gut aus IMHO, den tipp habe ich von European Gold Center,die ansich immer gute Minen vorgeschlagen haben.

    Hat was mit Eagle zu tun, mehr sage ich nicht, hoffentlich kein golden eagle,der war ein flopp den ich wieder ausgemistet habe und er einfach nicht hochkam.

    Da Projekt ist nahe der Grenze zu Brazil auf einen Hochplato.
    Der Market Cap ist ging von 13m C$ auf 45m C$..



  • Scheint ich bin der einzige heute mit Eagle Crest, ist wieder eine Erfahrung. :rolleyes:

    This time an Update Report which brings you to Latin America or, to be more precise, Bolivia where Eaglecrest Explorations Ltd. (TSXV-EEL) is rapidly advancing its San Simon project, situated in the north-east of Bolivia near the border with Brazil. The significant progress that the company has made within a very short period of time, from an exploration company to building a mine with the gold recovery plant almost ready to start test production, has been recognized by the market in the last few months. The share price went up from C$0.11 ro C$0.24 and the market capitalization, on a non-diluted basis, increased from C$ 13 million to C$ 45 million.

    However, this is the reward for what has been accomplished so far. But there is much more to come, this is only the beginning. Actually, Eaglecrest is coming to a highly interesting period of development. Very significant news about drilling, the progress of the underground program, the potential to reach higher gold grades, and other information in the form of scoping studies will come forward over the next few months. And there will be gold produced! Albeit from test mining only in this phase, but should the results of the laboratory and processing plant be in line with the expectations, actual gold production could start pretty soon. Another intriguing fact: the focus so far has been on an area that only represents 10 to 15% of the total property, which leaves a great potential to make more discoveries of mineralized areas.

    The attached Update Report contains all the relevant information. Reading is recommended and may lead to your own discovery! Hope you will like it and you know, if you have any remarks or questions, they are most welcome.


    Henk J. Krasenberg
    European Gold Centre



  • Hat zwar nichts mit Kanada zu tun,trotzdem ein Junior.

    Ich haette gerne gewusst was ihr im Moment uber Clifton Mining und Mine Managment haltet, ich bin am ueberlegen die haelfte zu verkaufen mit plus-minus null da die beiden in Stecken geraten sind und nichts ruehrt sich mehr in letzter Zeit.

    MGN wer weiss ob die ueberhaupt produzieren werden
    Falls das Go ahead kommt kann man da immer noch drauf steigen.
    Die Leach Heap Ergebnisse vom Kiwit Projekt bei Clifton erreichten nichts beim Kurs, ebenso mit Dumont Nickel mit dem sie das Projekt betreiben. Alle beide bewegen sich sideways,nichts geht voran.

    Schwere Entscheidung, halten, verkaufen oder kaufen ?

    Was meint ihr dazu ?



  • Aladin

    MGN hatte ich mal meinen gesamten Bestand rausgeschmissen und nach dem Mai Tsunami günstig zurückgekauft.....aber nur noch mit bescheidener Position ca. 2%Depotvolumen. Da kommt in der letzten Zeit gar nichts mehr stimmt schon.....aber ich halte sie weiter.....sollte der Silberpreis steigen wird MGN überproportional profitieren...unabhängig davon ob sie jemals produzieren oder nicht.

    Mit Clifton habe ich mich noch nicht beschäftigt...vielleicht weil ich auch niemals vorhabe Malaria zu kriegen :D

  • Tambok

    Die Bilanzen sehen bei den meisten Explorern schlecht aus aber die sitzen auf Gold und Silber und brauchen eben Geld um es zu foerdern
    Ich habe einen neuen Exoten gefunden ( GDX.V) den habe ich nun im Auge und kaufe eventuell nur ganz wenig.

    Wenn gute Bohrergebniss kommen dann sollte sich die ruehren.
    Leider kriege ich die PDF hier nicht rein aber sicher kannst du auf der Webseite auch forschen.


    Earlier today, I sent you an Update Report which brought you to Latin America. If you liked that atmosphere or, for us Europeans just more down-to-earth, the climate, here is an opportunity to stay there a little longer. We move to Guatemala with the Introduction Report on Goldex Resources Corporation (TSXV-GDX) which is exploring its El Pato property. It is interesting to know that before Goldex acquired the property, it was intensely explored by the Government of Guatemala, the United Nations and a Japanese government institution, because it was recognized for its gold potential since long and to advance the property to a stage where international mining and exploration companies would be stimulated to activate the development of the country’s resources. Indeed it did.

    At present, several international major companies, of which Inco, Glamis Gold and GoldFields are the most prominent names, are active in the country, as are several Canadian junior resource companies. I think Goldex made an excellent acquisition with the El Pato and the achieved results of the trenching and sampling programs have been very encouraging. Should these results continue to be as they are, and better is always welcome, and especially, should they be confirmed by the planned drilling program, the company could become another focus of international attention for Guatemala. The market is apparently taking an attitude of ‘wait and see’ by evaluating the company very modestly. On the other hand, at the current market capitalization of only C$ 5.2 million, all risks seem to be discounted and all opportunities are still there.
    An interesting situation in a country where the mineral potential has just about started to be recognized. With the success of Glamis, which is preparing for production, continuing, there will be more and more attention for the Guatemala and the junior companies that are active there. Goldex has every chance to benefit. Enjoy the report!


    Henk J. Krasenberg


    The 65 km² El Pato property is located in the
    eastern Department of Chiquimula, within the
    south-eastern part of the Republic of
    Guatemala near the boarder with neighbouring Republic of Honduras. The center of
    the property lies approximately 110 km east of the capital, Guatemala City and 10
    km west of the provincial capital of Chiquimula.

    Past work on the El Pato property identified
    ten areas of mineralization. Three of the zones,
    namely the El Roque, El Cerrito and El Cerrito
    Oeste zones, are interpreted to represent a single mineralized trend collectively
    referred to as the El Cerrito Trend. Other zones of mineralization on the El Pato
    Property include the Agua Zarca (La Mina), Taco, Taco Sur, Hill 69, T-76, El
    Campimento and Mauricio zones.

    Access on the property is via a series of paved
    and gravel roads from Chiquimula. A 20
    person camp in the west central part of the
    property serves as a base for exploration activities. Exploration can be conducted on
    a year round basis. During the rainy season (approximately August to November) a
    4-four wheel drive vehicle is necessary to ford creeks and negotiate slippery hills.
    The principal route for exploration activities is a gravel road from La Laguna which
    leads southwest to the exploration camp and along the trace of the El Cerrito Trend.
    Access to the north-eastern portion of the property is via a north trending road from
    La Laguna to the Guior area. A new road has been constructed from Chiquimula,
    northwest to the village of Terrero Barroso in the south central portion of the
    property; this new road has improved access to the Tacó and Tacó Sur areas.

    Mineralization on the El Pato Property has
    been interpreted by past workers to have
    characteristic of an epithermal environment
    Many epithermal precious metal deposits are known within Central America,
    including the El Limón Mine, Nicaragua (2.5 million ounces of gold and 4 million
    ounces of silver), the San Martin Mine, Honduras (1.2 million ounces of gold) and
    the Cerro Blanco deposit, Guatemala (1.2 million ounces of gold). However, based
    on the style of vein hosted mineralization and the alteration assemblage, other
    deposit types should not be ruled out. --- continued on page 3 ---



    Tekstvak: Location of mineralized zones:Tekstvak: Location and size:Tekstvak:
    --- continued fromt page 1 ---
    Several international companies started to become active with their search for minerals. Among them, several Canadian companies entered the scene and have been successful. Inco (TSX, NYSE-N) initially had a 70% interest in Exmibal, with the government of Guatemala owning the remaining 30%, but in December 2004, Inco sold the interest to Skye Resources (TSXV-SKR) which currently is evaluating the development of a nickel mining and processing project, using Inco as a guiding advisor.
    Glamis Gold (TSX, NYSE-GLG) acquired the Cerro Blanco property in 1998 and the Marlin project, where a deposit was discovered in 1998, in 2002. During its due diligence review, Glamis established an initial gold equivalent resource of 1.4 million ounces. Further drilling to extend the Main zone led to the discovery of major extensions to the south and southeast. The ore body is still open along strike to the west and down-dip to the south. Based on the subsequent feasibility study, Glamis commenced construction of a combined open pit and underground operation. At this time, construction is ahead of schedule and commercial production is expected in the first quarter of 2006. Mill capacity has been expanded to 5,000 tonnes per day to accommodate additional high grade feed recently found in other satellite properties. The project is fully permitted and enjoys strong local support, as well as backing by the Guatemalan government and the World Bank.
    Another successful Canadian company is Radius Gold (TSXV-RDU) which made a discovery at its Tambor property in 2000 and subsequently established, in joint venture with GoldFields, a contained resource of 57,000 ounces indicated and 216,000 ounces inferred. The Tambor is now joint ventured to Fortuna
    --- continued on page 3 ---
    Tekstvak: Deposit types:Tekstvak: Access:
    E u r o p e a n G o l d C e n t r e


    --- continued from page 2 ---

    Prior to granting the El Pato Property to Compañia
    Minería el Cóndor, S.A. (“CMEC”), now a subsidiary
    of Goldex Resources, the property was held by the
    Government of the Republic of Guatemala in a Special Mineral Interest Area. Previous exploration
    activities on the property were either completed by the Guatemala Dirección General de Minería
    (“DGM”) or by other groups, including the United Nations through programs such as the United
    Nations Development Program (“UNDP”) and the United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural
    Resources Exploration (“UNRFNRE”), and by the Japanese Government through the Japanese
    Institute Cooperative Agency (“JICA”) to determine the mineral potential within the Special
    Mineral Interest Area that includes the El Pato Property.

    Modern exploration of what is now known the El Pato
    Property dates back to 1966. A summary of past work
    from 1966 to 2001:

    1966-1967: Through the UNDP, the United Nations conducted a stream sediment program over an
    840 km²
    area near the town of Chiquimula, Guatemala. The geochemical survey sampled for copper,
    zinc and molybdenum in an effort to discover copper porphyry deposits during a period of high
    copper prices. Assay revealed elevated gold and silver concentrations.

    1979-1981: Through the JICA, the Japanese Government conducted a geochemical stream sediment
    survey specifically targeting gold and arsenic. Anomalous gold values up to 0.05 ppm Au were
    recovered from the Río Tacó area. Follow up work included a soil geochemical survey, with 425
    samples collected and analyzed for Au, Ag, Pb and Zn. The results of this survey identified a 4 x 1.5
    km area centred on the Quebrada El Pato.

    1985, 1986, 1989-1990: The DGM initiated a three-phase exploration program which produced the
    first detailed geological maps of the area, augmented by extensive outcrop sampling. A total of
    2,512.2 meters of core in 30 diamond drill holes were completed during this period. In addition, 87
    trenches were excavated and sampled. By the end of 1990 the final report issued by the DGM
    covered an approximately 3 km² area. Exploration activities by DGM culminated in the preparation
    of a resource estimate (proven, possible and probable) for several zones within the El Cerrito Trend
    of 634,472 tons averaging 11.13 g/t Au and 11.36 g/t Ag. (The estimate was prepared prior to the
    implementation of the NI 43-101 guidelines; the authors have reviewed the relevant reports by the
    DGM which pertain to the above mentioned estimate, however insufficient information, specifically
    cross sectional information was available to determine the reliability of this estimate.)

    1989-1991: The United Nations conducted an exploration program to confirm and expand upon the
    exploration work by the DGM through sampling of 115 new and reexcavated trenches and drilling
    3,321 meters in 35 diamond drill holes. The UNRFNRE study divided the exploration area into six
    sectors: El Roque, El Cerrito, El Cerrito Oeste, La Mina, Tacó and Agua Zarca. Exploration
    activities by the UN culminated in the preparation of a resource estimate of 2.05 million tons with
    an average grade of 7.0 g/t Au. (The estimate was prepared prior to the implementation of the NI
    43-101 guidelines; the authors have reviewed the relevant reports by the UNRFNRE which pertain
    to the above mentioned estimate, however insufficient information, specifically cross sectional
    information was available to determine the reliability of this estimate.)

    2000-2001: In January, 2000, CMEC was awarded an Exploration License for the 65 km²
    El Pato
    property by competitive bid from the Government of the Republic of Guatemala. Work by CMEC
    focused on relocating trenches and diamond drill holes completed during previous exploration
    activities and the preparation of a more accurate topographic base map to document further
    exploration activities. To confirm the tenor of mineralization at El Pato, CMEC resampled
    mineralized trenches and drill hole intercepts. In addition to resampling drill core intervals, CMEC
    relogged all of the drill holes on the property and sampled previously unsampled drill core intervals
    containing mineralization. In 2001 CMEC began a program of property wide prospecting, rock
    sampling, additional hand trenching and a soil survey which covers the western half of the property.
    In total, CMEC has collected approximately 233 surface rock samples, 232 core samples, and 1,056
    soil samples. Soil sampled were collected at 50 meter intervals along 100 meter spaced north-south
    oriented lines.

    Despite all this work done by previous
    operators, less than half the vein’s strike had
    been trenched and drilled and only 20% of
    the gold/arsenic anomalies had been followed up. Hence, the first objective of the
    2004 Goldex’ programs was to establish the continuity of these areas by trenching
    along the 2.5 km long vein system to link gold mineralized sections of vein and
    connect existing exposures of quartz veining and mineralization. Results in 2004
    have shown other veins that carry grade elsewhere on the El Pato concessions and
    included the encounter of 1.2 meters of 65 g/t along 25 meters of strike.

    The 2005 exploration program continued with ongoing trenching, sampling and
    surveying known and newly discovered zones and in March --- continued on page 4 ---



    Tekstvak: Past ownership:Tekstvak:
    --- continued from page 2 ---
    Silver Mines (TSXV-FVI). The other Guatemalan properties of Radius, the Banderas, the Holly (which is very close to the Goldex El Pato Gold Project) and the Cerro T, are now joint ventured to Glamis Gold.
    Another Canadian exploration company active in Guatemala is Aurogin Resources (TSXV-AUQ) which has advanced its El Sastre gold project now to the point of just having received environmental approval from the government. This makes it possible to commence with construction of the planned heap leach facility this fall, followed by the beginning of actual gold production scheduled for the spring of 2006. The El Sastre mineral resource has been calculated at an indicated resource of 370,000 tonnes grading 4.1 g/t gold, thus containing 49,251 ounces of gold, and an inferred resource of 1,165,000 tonnes grading 3.1 g/t gold, thus containing 117,265 ounces.
    As mentioned above, Inco sold its interest in Exmibal to Skye Resources who is investigating the progress possibilities of the nickel project. Another Canadian company, focussing on nickel exploration and development in Guatemala, is Jaguar Nickel (TSX-JNI). The company has an extensive property base in the country with 7 different properties. The limelight is on the Sechol exploration property which has the potential to develop into a 10,000 to 15,000 tonnes per annum of nickel in ferronickel. It aims to complete a scoping study in 2005 and the feasibility study by 2006 with 2009 as production target.
    It is justified to say that Goldex is in good company in Guatemala. Given the success of the several exploration and soon also mining projects in the country, Guatemala will gain further recognition for its potential. Goldex intends to fully contribute to that by making its El Pato project a success too.
    * * * * *
    Tekstvak: Historical work:Tekstvak: Goldex programs:
    E u r o p e a n G o l d C e n t r e


    2005, the choice was made to begin an important follow-up basic exploration
    program on the rest of the property before starting a multi-phase drill program to
    test the historic El Pato ore reserve.

    Exploration drilling will start off with a 2000 meter “First Pass” to verify the best
    gold grades encountered to date by previous exploration efforts. Because
    mineralization is open both along strike and down dip, exploration drilling will
    also scout the extent and character of the El Pato/”Shak” vein system well away
    from existing drill holes. Work will center on the ten holes with the best
    intercepts encountered to date and vector out from known mineralized areas by
    200-300 meter step-outs to discover the limits of veining and precious metal

    Based on the results of the “First Pass”, a second 6000 meter phase of
    reconnaissance drilling is planned to follow to outline the limits of El Pato Vein
    gold mineralization and begin to evaluate features external to the vein such as
    structure, ground conditions, water table, and topography. The second phase will
    also set-up individual ore shoots for definition drilling to be initiated next year
    that will outline the gross geometry, tenor, and metallurgy of target
    mineralization. Definition drilling will evaluate external features of the
    geology and initiate resource definition of a 43-101 compliant reserve.


    Awaiting the results of the current program brings us in a curious stage
    because it will tell us more about the potential of the El Pato property. So
    far, the trenching and sampling results were outright encouraging. If the
    results of the current programs continue to be promising and lead to a
    significant expansion of the area of mineralization, the real excitement has to
    come from the scheduled drilling program. I expect a flow of news to be
    starting to come out shortly.

    The Goldex management and directors have a solid knowledge of mining and
    exploration and also of how to conduct business in Guatemala. In addition to
    its staff in Canada, it maintains a bi-lingual full technical staff in its office in
    Guatemala City. They all are very excited about the potential of the El Pato
    and the Cerro Las Minas properties and are confident that they will succeed
    in confirming and extending the resource as discovered and developed by
    previous operators. Moreover, they are reviewing several properties to
    enlarge the project portfolio.

    Looking at the current market capitalization of approximately C$5.2 million,
    it should be obvious that the market is evaluating Goldex rather modestly;
    the fact that drilling has yet to begin, apparently causes an attitude of ‘wait
    and see’. However, a continuation of the encouraging results from the
    currently ongoing program and a confirmation by the forthcoming drilling,
    could have a dramatic impact on the future share prices. It will be
    worthwhile to follow the news closely as it comes out!

    Henk J. Krasenberg

  • @ Valueman

    Danke fuer die Meinung ueber MGN, ich schmeiss am besten eine Muenze heute, verdammt schwer hier eine klare Entscheidung zu treffen.
    Tschonko kann bestimmt was ueber Clifton sagen ,dem kann es so wie mir gehen und schaetze er haltet die so wie du MGN.



    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Kann Dir bei der Frage nach Clifton und MGN auch nicht helfe.Hatte früher mal MGN im Visier, sind mir aber zu undurchschaubar.
    Vielleicht hilft statt Münze auch ein ;) Blick auf den Chart,die Indikatoren,-- spar ich mir, zumal kein Fachmann--, sehen eigentlich ordentlich aus:


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Kann mir das nach dem Blick auf den MACD nicht verkneifen:
    Wenn ich sie hätte, würde ich jetzt nicht verkaufen.
    Your lonly decision!


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    :)Hope Your best!


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

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