Juniors aus Kanada

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    Seite 41,14.10.2005
    11: 35 - 12:44

    Viel Glück!

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Nevada Pacific Gold Ltd
    Symbol NPG
    Shares Issued 55,717,506
    Close 2005-12-12 C$ 0.77
    Recent Sedar Documents

    Nevada Pacific set to drill top plays

    2005-12-13 14:57 ET - Street Wire

    by Will Purcell

    Investors took a sudden interest in David Hottman's Nevada Pacific Gold Ltd. after they discovered the company had a promotable new shareholder. Robert McEwen, the founder of Goldcorp Inc., agreed to buy 12.5 million of Nevada Pacific's 40-cent shares, a $5-million investment. The shares come with 12.5-million warrants, exercisable at 50 cents over a two-year period. Eager investors quickly put the warrants into the money. Nevada Pacific's recently buoyant shares jumped another 21 cents on Friday to close at 80 cents, on just over 3.8 million shares.

    Although the arrival of Mr. McEwen as the company's largest shareholder and a director triggered the market's immediate reaction, the result of his investment could prove to be the real story. Nevada Pacific will now mount a big drill program on a few of its key plays in Nevada, according to Mr. Hottman, the company's chief executive officer.

    The cash

    The big private placement will not formally close until early next year, but Mr. Hottman said the first tranche of the transaction should close this week, covering 6.9 million of the units. The sale of the remaining 5.9 million units needs shareholder approval, which will come in late January. That approval seems certain, if the enthusiasm of Mr. Hottman and the market's quick reaction are any hint of the mood of Nevada Pacific's other shareholders.

    With $5-million all but in the bank and a good chance at another $6.25-million from the exercise of the warrants, Nevada Pacific suddenly has an ample supply of cash. The company will put the money to good use, Mr. Hottman said, adding the plan would be to "drill, drill, drill, make a discovery and build a company around it."

    Nevada Pacific has several active projects, including a modest producing mine in Mexico, but a series of properties in Nevada are what intrigued Mr. McEwen. Nevada Pacific began poking about in the southwestern corner of the United States about nine years ago, and the company picked up several properties that offer shots at yielding large gold deposits.

    Mr. Hottman enthusiastically touts his Nevada portfolio as "unrivalled amongst junior companies," a claim common with companies with patches of ground in any hot area. A more realistic spin would suggest that the holdings of several key gold majors dwarf Nevada Pacific's playbook. Still, the promotional appeal of Mr. McEwen gives the junior something to crow about.

    Two of Nevada Pacific's projects should be the first beneficiaries of the new cash. The Cornerstone project, at the southern end of the Cortez trend in the northern part of Nevada, will probably be the first to see a drill program. Nevada Pacific also has drill permits for two other projects in the state that it can work. Nevada Pacific also has a few projects in a joint venture with Placer Dome Inc. The Keystone play is producing some encouraging results and will see more work, but the gold major is paying the bills.

    Nevada Pacific also has a gold and copper play farther to the east in southwestern Utah that could quickly benefit from Mr. McEwen's investment. The Bat Ridge property produced some promotable assays early this year that has Mr. Hottman, and hopefully Mr. McEwen, suitably enthusiastic.

    The players

    Drilling on the Cornerstone project could start any day, as Nevada Pacific is now waiting for a drill to turn up. Mr. McEwen is likely chomping at the bit as well, as the play could well be the reason for his big share purchase. His U.S. Gold Corp. owns a big property along the Cortez trend in Nevada. That Tonkin Springs project surrounds the Cornerstone property and shares a border with Keystone.

    In July, Mr. McEwen bought 11.1 million shares of U.S. Gold for $4-million (U.S.), in a deal that gave him a one-third interest in the company. The purchase was effectively a takeover, as four of the six directors of the company resigned. Mr. McEwen installed his own directors and a month later, he became the chief executive officer and chairman of the company.

    U.S. Gold and its Tonkin Springs play languished unnoticed for a few years, but Mr. McEwen's arrival triggered a sudden surge of interest. The company's shares jumped from 40 U.S. cents to more than $2 (U.S.) within days.

    A new buying wave in mid-November carried the company' shares to $3.96 (U.S.), as the surging price of gold attracted new interest in the Tonkin Springs property. The play has a resource of over one million ounces of gold identified in a small part of the property.

    "It was the McEwen name that made the stock go up 10 times since he purchased an interest in it," Mr. Hottman said. Nevada Pacific's opening promotional blast also touted Mr. McEwen as a key reason for the growth of Goldcorp's market value from $50-million to $7-billion during his tenure.

    Not everything touched by Mr. McEwen turns to gold, although his lesser lights occasionally defied gravity for a time. He joined the board of Platinova A/S in 1991. The stock ran from less than 50 cents to a crest of $5.50 in 1994, on the strength of some Greenland mineral hunts. A share cost a lowly dime when he quit the board in 2000.

    Mr. McEwen's Lexam Explorations Inc. offered a similar ride, after it went public in 1993 with some properties spun off from Goldcorp. The stock cost just a quarter early in 1994, but it soared to a high of $2.95 in mid-1995, as investors bought into a gold hunt in Canada's North and a developing interest in Nevada.

    The gold story sagged, but a diamond hunt in Greenland brought a brief resurgence in 1998. That story petered out as well, leaving Mr. McEwen with another market woofer. It took a few pennies to buy one of Lexam's lowly shares in 2003. A share cost barely a nickel this summer, but interest suddenly picked up. The stock recently traded as high as 68 cents, after Mr. McEwen bought a big stake in the company.

    Curiously, Mr. Hottman had a potential deal with U.S. Gold earlier this year, but without Mr. McEwen's name the potential arrangement was a tough tout. Nevada Pacific negotiated terms for a merger of the two companies this spring, but the potential deal apparently fell apart after a few Vancouver brokerage firms shunned a possible financing associated with the deal. "If we had merged with them, the stock would have gone down," Mr. Hottman said. He probably was right, since Nevada Pacific's shares suffered a 50-per-cent hit over the summer and fall anyway.

    The drill candidates

    Cornerstone could have a drill turning any day, although the program will have to wait until after Christmas if Mr. Hoffman fails to pry a drill loose soon. The play covers about 900 hectares of ground just north of U.S. Gold's 1.4-million-ounce resource at Tonkin Springs, and that proximity remains the key selling point of Nevada Pacific's play.

    The company does have some gold assays of its own. The values are generally modest, although Mr. Hottman touts a high-grade discovery in one of the company's trenches. That first trench produced 0.95 gram of gold per tonne over a 50-metre section, but the big news was a three-metre stretch at the eastern end that delivered an assay of 10.9 grams of gold per tonne.

    A drill hole at the eastern end of the trench encountered a 20-metre zone with an average gold content of about 0.8 gram per tonne. Two other holes in the same area produced intriguing gold values, as well as other minerals that accompanied finds in the Carlin area to the northeast.

    Mr. Hottman said the drill holes penetrated what he thought was a mineralized halo surrounding what would prove to be a higher-grade main zone below it. Finding that richer main zone that produced the 10-gram assay will be the focus of the new drill program.

    The company's trenching, mapping and geochemical work suggests the higher-grade zone runs from north to south, and an angled hole probing the area below the one promotable assay could prove a good test of the theory. The assays from that hole should be available shortly and some higher values would get the new drill program off to a rousing start.

    The Bat Ridge project could see drilling as well. Nevada Pacific collected 92 samples across about 250 hectares, and many of the tests produced intriguing copper, silver and gold values. In the 1960s, a drill hole delivered 3.8 grams of gold, 95 grams of silver and a copper content of 3.4 per cent across an 11-metre interval. Another hole managed 12.2 grams of gold and a copper content of 2.3 per cent.

    Nevada Pacific should also have a stream of news from the projects that Placer Dome is working under terms of option deals. The partners just finished a drill program on Keystone, which is just a few kilometres west of Cornerstone.

    Nevada Pacific gave up three cents Monday, closing at 77 cents on 1.47 million shares.

    ... CGR has had a head start and will go ahead whistling ...


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Bei der momentanen Marktschwäche macht der eine oder andere Wert Spaß.
    Ein Scheintoter lebt auf: CZN :]

  • Das ist die Hommelpromotion:
    wie immer bleiben die Probleme unerwähnt. (Konzession, Umweltauflagen, weil sehr sensibles gebiet......usw.
    Mich freut´s auch, weil mit 0,5€ hab ich break even.
    Riecht nach kapitalerhöhung. Stock raufziehen und ab damit.
    Siehe Macmin usw.

    Lustig lustig, tralala :D

    CZN.TO CZICF.PK Canadian Zinc
    87.9 mil shares fully diluted (Nov. 2005)
    Share price: $.62 Cdn x .86 US/Cdn = $.53 US
    Market Cap $47 million, U.S.
    Cash on hand: $14 million, U.S.
    Buildings & Infrastructure: $100 million, U.S.
    Value of the minerals in the ground: $4 billion, U.S.
    Value of the rock: $368/ton!
    Value percentage of each mineral compared to the others:
    53% zinc, 27% lead, 14% silver, 6% copper. (out of 100%)
    (The ore is actually 12% zinc, 10% lead, 6 oz. of silver per tonne!)
    Total silver resources: 70 million ounces, and the exploration potential could double that.
    Zinc prices continue to hit new highs at $.82/lb, and zinc inventories are dropping.
    The company needs to raise about $20 million to start mining, and has 5 out of 6 permits needed.
    In the last two years, the stock hit a high of about $2/share, and they raised money as high as $1/share. Thus, the stock is a real deal at under $.75, and could rise to about $2/share again if people get bullish on commodity stocks again.

    CZN.TO CZICF.PK Canadian Zinc --I use company stock symbols that will give you price quotes at Yahoo! Finance. CZN.TO is the Canadian symbol for the Toronto Exchange. CZICF.PK is the "pink sheets" symbol that Americans usually have to buy (depending on your brokerage firm). No matter which ticker you use, you are buying the same stock, with the same liquidity. The "pink sheets" ".PK" symbol quotes show less volume, and update prices less frequently, so don't use the pinks for price quotes--you just need the symbol to trade it with your broker, and you generally don't use the ".PK" designation with your broker, you just use "CZICF".

    --That's the web site, of course. Click the link to start your further research on the company. To do full due diligence, you should try to get information on the company or project that is not put out by the company, and not put out by a promoter, which is me. That's not always possible, but sometimes there is historic information you can look up.

    87.9 mil shares fully diluted (Nov. 2005) --That means there are 87.9 million, or 87,900,000 shares, "fully diluted" as of Nov. 2005. This number frequently changes, and is a good number to use to calculate the potential market capitalization of the company. There are other names for shares, as follows:
    "authorized"--this is the number of shares a company may issue to raise capital, but have not issued yet. This may represent a type of ceiling on which no more shares can be issued, but not really. A company can issue more shares with shareholder permission, which is usually granted.
    "issued and outstanding" --This is typically used to calculate market capitalization, but it does not include warrants and options.
    "warrants and options" --these may turn into shares at the option of the holder, who has to pay the option or strike price, to "buy" the share.
    "fully diluted" --this includes all the issued and outstanding shares, and all the warrants and options. I use the "fully diluted" number, because I like to assume that if the bullish case takes place, that all warrants and options will be exercized. By using the "fully diluted" number, I'm actually being conservative, by over-estimating the market cap.

    Share price: $.62 Cdn x .86 US/Cdn = $53 US --I always translate the share price into U.S. dollars. To do that, I have to multiply by the US/Cdn conversion ratio of about .86. You can find the latest number in the large chart at the bottom of kitco.com. You should do this before deciding the price to place your limit order in pink sheet stocks.

    Market Cap $47 million, U.S. --The market capitalization, or "market cap" is the total value, or cost, of the company, if you bought all the shares at the current stock price. You get this by multiplying the share price by the total shares (or total shares assuming all warrants and options are exercised).

    Cash on hand: $14 million, U.S. --Canadian Zinc has no debt, and has cash in the bank of about $14 million! They got this cash from issuing new shares, some as high as $1.50/share, not by engaging in profitable mining. Canadain Zinc still needs to raise another $20 million or more to get started mining. Permitting, feasibility, building a road, finishing building the mine, all cost more money. So, if you get the stock under $1.50 today, you are doing better today than someone else who participated in that "private placement". CZN has also issued shares at $.50, and at $1.00, and more recently, at $.55 to raise $5 million.

    Buildings & Infrastructure: $100 million, U.S. --CZN owns a project that was financed by the Hunt brothers back in 1980, who were famous silver investors. This project was financed about 90% complete when the Hunts went bankrupt by borrowing money on the value of their silver holdings. If only the Hunts never borrowed money... don't make the same mistake.

    Have you ever seen those movies in the '80's where company raiders would buy up a company that had assets that were more valuable than the company? This is what CZN is like. They have $100 million in infrastructure, and $14 million in cash, for a total of $114 million. (And that does not include the value of the land, nor the previous drilling work done, nor the minerals in the ground.) If CZN were a brand new company, starting from scratch, and raised $114 million, by issuing 87.9 million shares, it would typically be 1 warrant for every share. So, they would issue 1/2 of 87.9 million to raise $114 million. So, the math is: $114 million / 43.95 = $2.59. This means that CZN should be priced, at a minimum, of $2.59 US/share. Again, that would not include money for the land, or for the drilling--and this is a hot piece of land with high grades!

    Value of the minerals in the ground: $4 billion, U.S.
    Value of the rock: $368/ton! -- CZN has 11 million tonnes of ore that has the following grades:

    12% zinc/ton; = 240 lbs. zinc/ton x 83 cents/lb. = $199/ton for the zinc.
    10.1% lead/ton = 202 lbs. lead/ton x 50 cents/lb. = $101/ton for the lead.
    6 oz. silver/ton x $8.50/oz. = $51/ton for the silver.
    0.4% copper/ton = 8 lbs. copper/ton x $2.10 /lb. = $17/ton for the copper.
    Total: $368/ton! Prices accurate as of Dec. 13th., 2005
    With 11 million tons, CZN has about $4 billion worth of ore in the ground, at least.

    Now, CZN will not calculate the value of the minerals for you. They are forbidden, by law, from doing that, oddly enough. Nor can they use current prices for metals in any feasibility study. Why not? The banks force the mining companies to assume there will be no inflation, and that metals prices will go down. Isn't that insane, or what? But the insanity of the rules prevents CZN from effectively markting their own company. But we should assume that there will be continued inflation of valuable commodities like zinc because of the industrialization of China that is consuming steel, and zinc is an important componant of steel, because it prevents rust!

    Value percentage of each mineral compared to the others:
    54% zinc, 27% lead, 14% silver, 5% copper. (out of 100%) --This is only accurate at today's prices. Someone asked me, "Jason, what if silver goes up due to an economic collapse, and zinc prices go down?" Well, let's assume zinc prices are cut in half, and silver prices rise ten fold:

    12% zinc/ton; = 240 lbs. zinc/ton x 41 cents/lb. = $100/ton for the zinc.
    10.1% lead/ton = 202 lbs. lead/ton x 50 cents/lb. = $101/ton for the lead.
    6 oz. silver/ton x $85/oz. = $510/ton for the silver.
    0.4% copper/ton = 8 lbs. copper/ton x $2.10 /lb. = $17/ton for the copper.
    Total: $728/ton! --That's hypothetical, of course

    A multi mineral company gives a bit of diversification, no matter what happens to the economy. If the grades are high across both base metals, and precious metals, it provides a built in level of safety. --As long as the company avoids debt, and avoids hedging, which is the practice of pre-selling minerals at set costs, which can bankrupt a company, just like debt. CZN, at this stage, is unhedged, and I hope they remain that way.

    Total silver resources: 70 million ounces, and the exploration potential could double that. --I visited the company offices of CZN, and I asked to see their maps of their resource calculation. They have done drilling only across 3 zones out of 12 zones on the property. The high grade ore is in a vein that looks like a large diagonal sheet in the earth, that likely extends further, well below where they have well-defined drilling done. Drilling gets more expensive the deeper you go, and there is little point in doing too much drilling further out than they have already done, since they have an 18 year mine plan already. Like almost every property in every minerals company, there is further exploration potential that makes the project look better the longer you look at it. hmmm... Is that why I keep writing about this company, or am I in love?

    70 million ounces--That's just the silver, too, which is only 14% of the value of the metals in the ground. I'm not converting zinc to silver, I'm leaving the zinc out of it.

    But if you want a stock that stands to rise as silver prices rise... here's the math on that:

    $47 million market cap / 70 million oz. silver = $.67/oz. That's cheap silver in the ground!

    The major mining companies sell for up to 1/3 to 1/2 the price of the metals in the ground, like $4/oz. for silver, or $250/oz. for gold in the ground.

    Thus, CZN could rise by a factor of 6, even without silver prices rising! Or up to $3.70/share, up from $.62! --But that still does not count any value for the zinc, but only for the silver!

    CZN topped out at about $2.00/share back in Feb., 2004, but that was back when silver was about $6.55 and rising, before silver crashed in April, 2004 from silver's high of $8.40. The crash in silver prices shook people out of CZN, who were impatient. Back then, zinc prices were $.46/lb! See silver stock report #22 in my archives. Today, zinc prices have nearly doubled!!! Meaning, we might expect CZN to rise as high as $3-4/share Cdn?

    So, I've written about CZN recently, and the price has moved up a bit, from $.50 to $.62. Does that mean it's ready to correct down from $.62, and you should wait, or is the stock price already on a dip from $2.00, meaning that the stock is going to "correct" up, to catch up with silver and zinc prices? If you've read this far, that's what you've got to decide. I made my decision months ago, when buying CZN at $.45, and I've had to wait much longer for prices to rise.

    Final disclaimer. CZN has not paid me to write about them.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Gerade um diese Aktie wurden,nicht nur von Hommel,immer wieder abenteuerliche Kalkulationen aufgemacht.
    Hommel sagt selbst "hypothetical".

    Falls diese Geschichte wirklich mal in die Gänge kommt,müsste wirklich was dabei herauskommen.
    Die hab ich schon so lang,da kann ich noch zuwarten. ;)


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Mit den entsprechenden Auswirkungen!
    Da wussten einige vorher,was da abläuft.

  • Werte Goldgemeinde,

    bei Yukon Zinc ist was los. Riesige Umsätze bzw. Käufe.
    Das gleiche auch bei Canadian Zinc

    Was ist da los ??? ?(

    Wer nicht an sich arbeitet ist wie ein elendes Stück Holz im Ozean
    Samael Aun Weor

  • @.........,
    also von TNS hab ich noch nie was gehört.

    Zur Zeit haben wir viel kurspflege für kommende financings wie schon oben erwähnt.
    Folglich wird viel gebohrt werden 06.
    Folglich sollte man die haben, die auch fündig werden, d.h. entweder die im Anfangsstadium, und das ist Glücksspiel pur oder wo eben bekannt ist, stark vermutet wird, dass etwas dasein muss.
    Beispiele spar ich mir.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Tja,war kurz davor,mit der Hälfte auszusteigen.
    Hatte schließlich auch billig nachgelegt.

    Aber nun bleib ich voll dabei.

    Möchte nun voll absahnen! ;)

    Der Salsa geht weiter..........

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

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