Die Cangold Übernahme mit "Guadalupe de los Reyes" steht wohl auch kurz vor dem Abschluss.
Gruss John.
Auszug aus GoldSilverData:
Cangold Ltd is an interesting stock because it is so cheap. They have a FD market cap of $3 million, yet have three large properties with potential on 27,000 acres. Their Guadalupe project in Mexico has a 500,000 oz deposit at 1.5 gpt, plus 10 million oz of silver for offsets. This mine is likely to get built. However, they are low on cash and need about $7 million to purchase the 100% option on Guadalupe. Then they will need perhaps $30 to $50 million to build mine. Financing could be an issue and makes this a high risk speculation stock. In fact, I would consider it extreme risk because they need cash soon to make options payments or will lose Guadalupe.
They also have a property in Canada (Argosy) that is 4 miles from a 5 million oz deposit. It is a past producing mine in the 1950s (100,000 oz) so it should be easy to permit. Their other property is an early exploration project in Mexico.