Sehr schönes Update von The Investment Doctor. Der schwache AUD verbessert stark das Ergebnis von NMI.
Gegenwärtiges CF von 8 - 9 % bei Schuldenfreihei ist sehr gut. Der Kurs weiterhin sehr solide....
Was hier nicht erwähnt wird, ist die Nähe von Fosterville zum legendären Bendigo, werde ich mal näher etwas recherchieren.
„Newmarket is doing very well, and I think shareholders can look forward to another year with $25M in free cash flow this year for a free cash flow yield of 8-9%. That's great, and what makes the story even better is the fact Newmarket should be debt-free by now. It had some convertible debt on the balance sheet, but this was converted into common shares, cleaning up the balance sheet.
In fact, I'm expecting Newmarket to report a net cash position of $40M+ by the end of this quarter. As long as the Australian dollar remains weak, Newmarket Gold should be bought on weak moments!..“…old-australian-dollar-key
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