Schnäppchen Eck..welche Aktie ist preiswert im Moment

  • # Moderatoren

    Schade es funktioniert leider nicht, ihr laesst typen wie peter silly mit voller narrenfreiheit munter weiter machen und habt zum schluss einen Kindergarten.
    Ich kann Euch nicht mehr verstehen. :(
    Ich lasse mich von diesen Kind nicht weiter anmachen die ganze zeit und habe wie von euch ersucht diese vorfaelle gemeldet, leider ohne Erfolg.
    Der Peter kommt doch nur um zu stoeren wenn ihr mich fragt.
    Vielleicht ist er auch nur ein Maulwurf der es mit Absicht macht. ?(

    Was ist bei dem noch sachlich oder lustig ???:…h.php?searchid=28751&sid=

    Weiter,der GM/Amerika thread wurde ohne Kommentar verschoben, warum ??

    Ich wuensche Euch Moderatoren nun mehr Peter Sillies damit es hier noch sachlicher wird in den Diskussionen auf den Goldseiten die bestimmt jeder gerne lesen will.........

    ....vom Silberforum !! :D

    Mir ist jetzt einiges klar geworden was hier los ist und los war.


  • Kein Bier,kein Gott, eigentlich passt sie hier nicht rein als winner wenn man die zahlen anschaut. ;(

    Die Miss ""Missioni"" :P eher,.. da oben am Balkon. :D

    Wie ist Eure Meinung, halten, oder verkaufen,was keiner gerne mag wenn er sie hat, so wie ich. :(

    Sh.... die ist bei mir im keller. :(

    Soll man nun Apollo X(speed geben , oder besser warten ? ? ?(

    Vielleicht kaufen ? :D oder eintauschen,aber fuer was ?(

    Gogh, was meinst du ??...bist so ruhig in letzter zeit. :( :D

    Man muss nur das richtige Trinken...... 8o

    Almdudler vielleicht ??.... :D

  • @eldo

    Kommt darauf an, wie tief Du im Keller bist mit Apollo. Ich persönlich bin kein Apollo Fan. Oft ist ein Ende mit Schrecken besser als ein Schrecken ohne Ende. Der Hebel bei Apollo ist allerdings gewaltig beide Richtungen versteht sich. Ich habe diese Woche bei Bema Gold eine erste Position aufgebaut. Die sind auch ganz schön runtergekommen in letzter Zeit...zu weit wie ich meine. Siegel hält von Bema nichts, aber da bin ich anderer Meinung. Evtl. ist das eine Alternative. Bema kam bei mir auch aus dem Grund rein da ich Russland bislang nicht berücksichtigt hatte; also auch ein bisschen disverifikation

  • Have been away a bit lately and just skimmed this thread!

    BPM - has a.) secured a $ 2.5 million financing in Londontown and b.) has closed down the mill on a temporary basis.

    The reasons for b. is not a serious fault in operations: It is the result of prior problems of BC Hydro this winter and generally bad weather conditions during that time.
    The company has not been able to keep up its ambitous schedule to develop the Peter Vein, nor were they able to complete the new haulage way in time - due to a.m. conditions. The decision to close down is only prudence and not to waste money.

    These minor obstacles will shortly be overcome and free cash flow is still expected from the 3rd. Qu. onwards.

    Any further dips should be aggressively bought at this stage.

    I also would like to put in my favourite short term play - PMI Ventures in Ghana and my fafourite silver plays - IMR and ASM.

    Best regards

  • frr

    Thanx for the idea, pity I'm out of ammu.
    Another Battle Station ! X(
    Hope you had a good trip.
    Do you know Battle Mountain Gold in Nevada ?
    Just picked it up on the Radar, know to little,but like Nevada as such.

    BMGX.OB , their website is:

    Sounds like a BMX bike. :D

    Wait for sunshine, the weather is bad, ...I need a break or new trip as well.

    Sh..., tough times again ! :(…ndich/grandich051205.html

    Cheers guys,have a good flight ;)


  • Gmorning, dieses gehoert zwar wo anders rein aber da schreiben die Jungs schon fleissig. Paul van Eeden ist nicht jedermann's sache aber ich lese ihn gerne.
    Was meint ihr darueber, traden oder halten ?
    Ich finde IMA, ASM oder SSRI z.B. sollte man long halten wenn man Aktien hat.Bei physical silver ist das vielleicht eine andere Sache.

    Hier ist was er ueber Silber schreibt :

    Silver bugs believe that, like gold, silver is money. They also believe that the silver price is going to vastly outperform the gold price because of silver's supply shortage. But silver is not money; it's a commodity whose price is far more dependent on industrial demand than on anything else. However, because the silver market is so small, it is entirely possible for silver investors to create their own self-fulfilling prophecy. You need to be nimble, and remember to sell, to take advantage of such an increase in the silver price.

    Annual mine production of gold is about 80 million ounces while annual mine production of silver is roughly 600 million ounces, yet gold mining revenues are eight times more than revenues from silver mining at current metal prices.

    Why is gold expensive and silver less so? Because gold is money and silver is primarily an industrial commodity. Even though silver has, from time to time, been used as money, its chemical and physical properties make it less desirable than gold as a monetary asset. Among other things, silver oxidizes readily, and it is far more abundant than gold.

    Annual fabrication demand for silver is well in excess of eight hundred million ounces a year, of which roughly forty percent is used for industrial applications, just over twenty percent for photography, thirty percent for jewelry, and the rest (less than five percent) for coins and medals.

    Because annual fabrication demand exceeds annual mine supply, silver investors believe much higher prices are in store. However, since industrial applications and photography account for roughly two thirds of annual silver consumption, fabrication demand plays a key role in the silver market. The silver price is thus very dependent on changes in annual fabrication demand. As a result, continued economic growth in North America and the rest of the world should help the silver price remain strong and perhaps move up, whereas an economic downturn could be quite detrimental to the silver price.

    If we look at gold and silver in US dollars, then the relative strength in the dollar since the early Nineties should have had the same effect on both metals if they were priced as money, and their charts should look the same. But they don't.

    Silver actually performed much better than gold during the Nineties because demand for silver supported its price during the high-tech boom in the latter part of the decade. When the tech boom went bust, silver suffered, and its price barely budged from 2001 to 2003 while the gold price rallied strongly. Since 2003, gold and silver prices have moved more or less in tandem, and that is a result of the weakening US dollar. However, if we see a change in the economic climate, the correlation between the two metals' prices can easily break down again.

    The amount of silver typically used in any given application usually represents a very small component of the overall manufacturing cost. Therefore the demand for silver from both industrial applications and photography is very inelastic, meaning that if silver's price increases, demand does not decrease.

    At the same time, because the silver market is such a small market in dollar terms, a relatively small amount of investment demand can cause the price to spike dramatically. And because fabrication demand is inelastic, fabrication demand will not decline due to the price increase.

    So speculators buying silver in anticipation of a move upwards can easily create a self-fulfilling prophecy, causing the silver price to soar. But when they want to sell their metal to take profits, the same lack of liquidity that drove the price up will drive it right back down again.

    This combination of a small illiquid market, inelastic demand and feverishly bullish investors could cause the silver price to outperform the gold price at some point. However, you must be wary of an ensuing collapse and remember to sell. Silver's day in the sun might be very short-lived.

    Still, there is no guarantee that the silver market will enjoy the benefit of such a self-fulfilling prophecy. Judging by the silver price since 1990 in relation to what we know was going on in the world, it is entirely possible that silver will suffer along with other base metals and commodities during an economic downturn. ?(

    Paul van Eeden

  • @alle

    Es ist Zeit für meinen wöchentlichen Nachkauf.
    Ich möchte heute oder morgen einen der nachfolgend genanntenn Werte aufstocken; bin mir aber nicht ganz schlüssig welchen.
    Meinungen erwünscht


    Danke im voraus

  • Jaaaaa X(
    aber wurscht, ich bin mit denen jetzt im Plus.
    Obwohl mich das immer mehr ärgert, dass ich nicht nachgekauft hab zu 0,45. Hab ja da zum Diskutieren angefangen.
    Haben ja da einige gute Beiträge geliefert.
    Motto: Never zweifel the Urin! :D

    Na ja, aber ich bin sicher nicht allein beim Ärgern.


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