Schnäppchen Eck..welche Aktie ist preiswert im Moment

  • @ tschonko was is eine knacker eine pistole?

    ich würde mich sehr gern mit horoskopen beschäftigen aber du sagst mir ja nichts dazu ach übrigens ich bin jetzt auch stolzer besitzer von gold wie macht ihr immer so schöne bilder von euren münzen mit der digicam wird das nix scannt ihr die ein?

  • RNGRandgold & Exploration Company Limited - Trading StatementRANDGOLD & EXPLORATION COMPANY LIMITED

    (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)(Registration Number 1992/005642/06)Share code: RNG ISIN: ZAE000008819Nasdaq trading symbol: RANGY("Randgold")Trading Statement

    Randgold is expecting a decrease of between 35% and 55% in earnings per shareand a further decrease of 480% and 495% in headline earnings per share for the12 month period ended 31 December 2004 ("the preliminary results") compared tothat of the last comparative period.The information in this trading statement has not been reviewed or reported onby Randgold"s auditors. The release of the preliminary results announcement isexpected to be published on or about 28 April 2005.Johannesburg26 April 2005

  • RNGRG&E Reports Profit In Difficult YearRandgold & Exploration

    RANGY("Randgold" or "the Company" or "the Group")In a year that has been extremely challenging because of prevailing marketcircumstances, Randgold & Exploration (RG&E) reported a profit of R120-millionfor the year ending December 31 2004, against a profit of R177-million in theprevious year.The lower profit stems largely from reduced gold production by RandgoldResources, where gold production dropped to 204 194 ounces in 2004 from 317 597in 2003.In the course of the year RG&E disposed of 3.2-million Randgold Resources sharesat a net profit of R133-million. RG&E however maintains a significant stake inRandgold Resources with 31 per cent of the shares. Including in this holding are9.9 million shares that were lent by the company to Bookmark Holdings, anempowerment vehicle set up to help fund the acquisition by Inkwenkwezi Gold of a15% stake in Western Areas from Anglo American. Inkwenkwezi is presentlyfinalizing the purchase of the stake and Bookmark is due to return the shares inJune 2006. RG&E also entered into various transactions with Aflease and PanPalladium during the year and at year-end held 54 million shares directly inAflease worth R75-million, which have subsequently been sold.Despite a difficult start in Angola, the Angolan ventures are now coming onstream which will certainly benefit the bottom line. RG&E chief executive BrettKebble said that RG&E now effectively owns a 45.5% interest in the Cassanguidialluvial diamond mining venture, in the Lunda Norte area of Angola, a concessionwith a history of successful mining. Operations began in December 2004 followingsignificant investment in infrastructure, plant and equipment by Randgold, andalready profitable. In addition, work has started on further concessions atLuxinge and Dando Cuanza, which has several known kimberlite pipes. "Explorationand geological work is underway to develop these high quality deposits, and bothconcessions are expected to start producing in excess of 10 000 carats per monthby the end of 2005," said Kebble. "The diamond potential of Angola is welldocumented and Randgold, together with its strategic partners in Angola, isideally positioned to benefit directly in the expansion of formal miningoperations in the country."RG&E"s earnings from interest increased to R30 million, up from R9- million in2003 because of funding advanced to RG&E"s joint-venture partners in Angola,Inkwenkwezi, a BEE company headed by former Transnet head Mafika Mkwanazi. RG&Ehas also assisted and continues to assist the acquisition by Inkwenkwezi of 19million shares in Western Areas.Through the funding of Inkwenkwezi which is beneficial to both the empowermentconsortium and the company, RG&E continues to be exposed to Randgold Resourcesand Western Areas. Kebble says the South Deep mine is a long-term asset ofconsiderable quality, nearing the end of its development stage and about toincrease production. "The unveiling of the South Deep Twin Shafts in Februarythis year should see gold production double over the next few years," he said.The board is mindful of the current discount to net asset value and is examiningmethods of unlocking shareholder value.Kebble said that within two weeks an announcement would be made regarding thereplacement of two current RG&E directors with independent directors.

  • @eldo

    Nur zur Info

    Werde heute Abend nochmal GSS nachkaufen


    heute hab ich.......Du ahnst es sicher schon.......und wenn ich es nie mehr wieder tue.........ich konnte nicht widerstehen......ich ärgere mich jetzt schon......ach egal.....Harmony nachgekauft ;) ;)

    Nicht aus Überzeugung....hatte es nur irgendwie im Gefühl....war wie ein Zwang. :D :D
    Die haben mich heute aus meinem PC angeschaut und haben zu mir gesagt:

    kauf mich ...kauf mich...cheapy cheapy

    Komme mir fast schon vor wie steph ;( ;(

  • Silver Wheaton Reports Record First Quarter Earnings of US$5.2 million

    Monday May 2, 7:30 am ET

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 2, 2005--Silver Wheaton Corp. (TSX:SLW - News; TSX:SLW.WT - News) is pleased to report record first quarter net earnings of US$5.2 million (US$0.03 per share) and net cash flow from operations of US$5.2 million (US$0.03 per share).


    - During the quarter, Silver Wheaton sold 2.3 million ounces of silver at an average price of US$6.92 per ounce.

    - Total cash costs of $3.90 per ounce.

    - Cash and cash equivalents at March 31, 2005 of $24.0 million.

    - The Company is debt free, unhedged and seeking further acquisitions.

  • Randgold Resources takes a tumble

    May 5, 2005

    Johannesburg - London-listed gold miner Randgold Resources has reported a net profit of $12.120 million for the March quarter, down from a net profit of $15.384 million in the December 2004 quarter.

    Gold revenue declined to $31.986 million in the March quarter from $33.675 million in the December 2004 quarter.

    Randgold Resources has a 40 percent stake in the Morila mine in Mali, with AngloGold Ashanti holding a 40 percent stake and the Mali government holding the remaining 20 percent stake.

    The group is also developing a new mine at Loulo in Mali, which is scheduled to pour its first gold in the third quarter of 2005.

    Gold production of 167 272 troy ounces at $198 per ounce at the Morila mine was slightly ahead of plan on the back of higher grades, Randgold Resources said in a statement.

    Throughput at Morila's recently expanded plant was again constrained by operational and mechanical problems and at 857 000 tons for the quarter, throughput was well below the design capacity of 1.050 million tons per quarter.

    The company said its senior management was again working with joint venture partner AngloGold Ashanti to achieve full production consistently.

    At its Loulo project, mining operations started in December 2004 and two ball mills are currently being installed.

    Ongoing exploration has increased the total Loulo resource to more than eight million ounces and a study to determine the feasibility of an underground operation at the mine is scheduled for completion by the end of the June quarter.

    Randgold Resources also published its annual resources and reserve declaration on Thursday, which shows a significant increase in attributable resources.

    The company put its total measured, indicated and inferred resources of 10.02 million ounces compared with 7.95 million ounces at the end of 2003. The rise is mainly attributable to the growth of the Loulo resource.

    The group's total proved and probable reserves were reported as 2.51 million ounces.

    "We're going all out to get the opencast operation at Loulo into production and to firm up our grip on the project's underground potential. The results of the deep drilling at Yalea are very exciting and it increasingly looks like the Loulo project is going to grow into a world class mine," Randgold Resources Chief Executive Dr Mark Bristow said.

    "The continued underperformance of the upgraded plant at Morila is frustrating, but we're making a renewed effort, with our partners, to understand the issues there, so that they can be addressed properly. We're also maintaining a strong focus on controlling costs," Bristow added.

    Exploration programmes at and around Loulo and Morila as well as in Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ghana and Tanzania were advanced during the quarter with reconnaissance drilling in Senegal and Mali outlining significant targets for further follow up.

    At Loulo, five drill rigs were in operation, testing the ore bodies at Yalea and Loulo 0, gathering advanced grade control data and probing other targets in the region.

    At Morila, exploration focused on infill drilling around the pit for an updated resource estimate and mine plan, while additional targets were highlighted in that region, Randgold Resources said. - I-Net Bridge

  • Ich habe letzte Woche nochmal bei Golden Star Resources nachgelegt.
    Für mich ein echtes Schnäppchen auf dem derzeit gedrückten Niveau.
    Witterungsbdingte Produktionsausfälle und zeitverzögerte Betriebsaufnahme einer neuen Mine + der geplatzte IAMGold Deal hatte die Aktie auf Talfahrt geschickt. Golden Star ist unter den aufstrebenden mittelgrossen Goldproduzenten nun eine der günstigsten Aktien überhaupt.
    Die 3,8 Mio.Unzen Goldresereven sind aktuell nur mit rund 90US$ je Reservenunze bewertet..
    Vielversprechende Explorationsgebiete befinden sich im Ashanti-Goldgürtel Ghanas, in Mali und Sierra Leone. Zusätzlich ist GSS noch mit ca. 10% an MOTO Goldmines beteiligt.

    Strong bye :D :D

  • The gold price is holding up rather well. Except for a brief drop to $410 an ounce in late January the gold price has held itself above $420 this year, with a slight upward trend in place. For the past six weeks the gold price has hovered around $430 an ounce.

    The US dollar is still on thin ice, and when it falls through the ice the dollar-gold price will resume a more aggressive upward trend. My bet is still that we will see $700 to $800 an ounce within the next few years. But I am much less optimistic about commodities such as base metals.

    Keep in mind that gold is not a commodity: it is money. The price of gold and the prices of other metals do not have to follow the same path and, in fact, I don't think they will follow the same path going forward.

    Being the largest economy in the world, the health of the US economy is of paramount importance to our investments. Let's take a look at some recent news headlines from the Wall Street Journal.

    "Slowdown at U.S. Factories May Herald Further Chill."
    According to a survey quoted by the Journal, the US manufacturing sector turned in its slowest pace of growth in nearly two years. The manufacturing sector has been slowing for five straight months.

    I'm not going to rant about why the US economy is in trouble. There are enough articles in the Commentary section on my website at on that topic. What I want to point out is that we might be approaching the tipping point. It is quite possible that the wobbles we are seeing now are the wheels coming off. More headlines:

    "Delta Puts Figures to Its Pension Bill"

    It's no secret that the airline industry is in trouble. Ever since 9/11 they have been having a tough time and now, with the rising cost of fuel, they are in serious trouble. But slow revenue growth and rising fuel costs are not the only problems. One of the really big issues facing the US economy, and not just the airlines, is under-funded pension plans. Delta reckons it has to pay $3.15 billion into its employee retirement plans over the next three years. That is in addition to the $450 million it will pay this year. Let's put that in perspective. Delta had revenues of $15 billion in 2004 but made a $3.3 billion operating loss. The total loss for the year was $5.2 billion. Shareholders' equity in the company is a negative $5.8 billion. Add in the shortfall on their employee retirement plans and shareholders' equity becomes negative almost $10 billion, and that's assuming we don't have any more operating losses, which is a bad assumption to make.

    Watch the auto manufacturers; they're next. In fact, most of America's "Big Business" is in trouble. But investors don't care. The average price to earnings for the S&P 500 Index is 19.2 and the price to book is 2.8.

    "S&P Downgrades GM Debt to Junk Status"

    Standard and Poor's cut the corporate credit ratings of General Motors Corp., General Motors Acceptance Corp., and all related entities to junk status on Thursday. S&P also stated a negative outlook, indicating that a further downgrade is possible.

    This is serious business. It affects about $300 billion in outstanding debt and increases GM's cost of doing business across the board. You might not have known this, but GM is the largest issuer of corporate bonds in the US, and its bonds are now rated as junk. A harbinger? Possibly.

    It's not just Corporate America that's in trouble. 8o

    "Treasury is Considering Bringing Back Long Bond"

    In August the US Treasury will announce whether it is going to start issuing 30-year bonds again. During the dot-com bubble and the stock mania of the late Nineties the US Treasury was raking in tax receipts from investors who were making a killing on the stock market. The oracles in Washington were so impressed by the additional tax revenues that they decided to stop issuing 30-year Treasury Bonds. America's Government was going to start paying off its debt.

    Of course, making future projections based on abnormal circumstances is not prudent, and the financial environment during the late Nineties was abnormal. It's not as if the economic policy makers were oblivious of the unusual circumstances -- Alan Greenspan called it in 1996 with his famous quote of "irrational exuberance" in the US equities markets -- they just chose to ignore it.

    Now, instead of reducing its debt, the US Government is going ever deeper into debt. Just this week the US Government's debt ceiling was raised by $781 billion to almost $9 trillion.

    US interest rates have remained low because China, Japan, South Korea, and others have been buying US Treasuries with their trade dollars. But long term US interest rates have also been kept in check because the Government was redeeming 30-year bonds and issuing shorter term bonds. If the Treasury decides to reintroduce the 30-year bond in August, don't be surprised if 30-year interest rates start rising. I have long cautioned that the US Budget Deficit is a virtual guarantee that US interest rates will go up. The Government's deficit has to be met by issuing bonds. As the supply of bonds increases the prices of bonds will decline and interest rates are inversely related to bond prices. So if bond prices fall, interest rates rise. By the end of this year we will see higher US interest rates across the spectrum, not just on the short end, as we've seen in the recent past.

    Of course, higher US interest rates are not going to help Corporate America, or the consumers who are consuming more than they're earning. So none of this bodes well for the US economy and the economy is already in trouble.

    If the US economy slows down the rest of the world slows down as well. The European Central Bank has said that growth prospects in Europe have only worsened since the Bank downgraded its forecast for the year in March. And who do you think is going fuel China's growth if both the US and Europe are having economic troubles? Japan? China's economy is not yet strong enough to keep up their rapid rate of expansion with internal demand.

    On this backdrop you can see why I am not bullish about commodities.

    We should not forget that there is almost universal pressure on China to revalue its currency upwards against the dollar. As I explained in my commentary of February 10 (available at in the Commentary section), a revaluation of the renminbi will cause US interest rates to rise and the dollar to fall. The falling dollar will make the gold price in US dollars go up. Even though it will also mitigate any decline in worldwide commodity prices in terms of US dollars, don't let this fool you. The cyclical bull market in commodities is over.

    Paul van Eeden

  • tschonko ;)

    Psssssss !....nur keine schlafende hunde und katholiken wieder wecken.
    Ein paar ja ! ;) Hast zeit, ich zeige sie Dir gerne.
    Schoen waers wenn alle, aber so was kann man dort einfach und sehr guenstig ausleihen ! :D
    Gibt es auch in Wochen/ Monats /Jahr Tarif. 8o

    Cameras, meine ich natuerlich. :]
    Super Fotoplatz da klickt es ganz schnell....und schon sind sie in der box. :P

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