• ja silvergekko,
    wenn du verstehen willst, musst du vorher viel lesen.
    Und nicht 4 kurze 1 Satzfragen zu vier verschiedenen Aktien stellen.

    Dass das viele lesen auch nicht immer hilft, kann ich am Beispiel von Cabo geben.
    Ich kapier´s auch nicht. Hoch investiert.
    Kaufe pro Woche ein Flascherl Geduld bei Aldi und sauf es ex. :D


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Tschonko

    Kaufe pro Woche ein Flascherl Geduld bei Aldi und sauf es ex. :D

    Köstlich,grandios Tschonko. :D

    Gibts die auch in Magnumflaschen? :]

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Unter 0,4 C$, das gefällt mir gar nicht.



    Allgemeines über Drilling in Canada:
    Spending on mineral exploration this year has risen 38% from 2004, almost equaling the record set in 1997. Metals Economics Group, based in Halifax, collected exploration budget data from more than 1,400 mining companies around the world.
    The group concludes that exploration budgets will hit $5.1billion US this year, the highest they have been since a peak of $5.2billion US in 1997.
    The high metal prices are putting pressure on miners to speed up the development of new mines. For the first time since the group started producing its annual exploration report in 1989, spending on
    advanced-stage projects has exceeded spending on new “grass-roots” exploration projects. Late-stage exploration is more costly as it involves a significant increase in the amount of drilling done on the property. This extra drilling boosts the amount of information that is known about the


    Looking ahead, within its second year of operations (2005/2006), Cabo is evaluating alternatives that will allow it to focus on the drilling business, while at the same time increasing the value of the mineral property assets for its shareholders. One alternative which appears to give the greatest benefit to our shareholders is to sell the mineral
    property package to another public company for shares and to distribute a significant portion of such shares tax free to our shareholders. Valuations, fairness opinions, tax opinions and other factors will be presented to the Board of Directors for their consideration and, upon their approval, to the shareholders for their acceptance. If the
    majority of all the parties agree, we will be known as “Cabo Drilling Corp.”


  • Hi Aladin,
    das ist meine größte Position, aber nur mehr vom Einkauf her. :D
    Und das größte Rätsel.
    Nachlegen tu ich derweil nimma.
    Verkaufen auch nicht.
    Mein letzter, größter kauf war zu 0,44.

    Ich hab jetzt schon zu viele solcher Mistviecher.
    Da bin ich zur Zeit am Überlegen, was ich tu.
    Der Rest ist so +- 0. Ja und CDU, die ist fett im Plus.
    Also, ich hab im Gold Silber Bereich zur Zeit schlichtweg die falschen Aktien.

    Solar (ESLR) und Öl reißen mich heraus.


  • Press Release Source:

    Cabo Mining Enterprises Corp.

    Cabo Announces First Quarter Results
    Monday November 28, 5:48 pm ET

    - Its highest quarterly revenue of $8.819 million in the 1ST quarter of 2006, a 20% increase over revenue of $7.339 in the 4th quarter of FY2005 and a 67% increase over revenue of $5.292 million in the 1st quarter of FY2005.

    - Net 1st quarter FY2006 earnings before interest, tax, amortization and stock based compensation of $0.469 million compared to 4th quarter FY2005 earnings before interest, tax, amortization and stock based compensation of $0.094 million and a net earnings before interest, tax and amortization of $0.424 million for the 1st quarter of FY2005.

    - Net earnings after taxes for the 1st quarter of FY2006 of $0.117 million compared to a 4th quarter FY2005 net loss after taxes of $0.575 million and a net earnings after taxes of $0.356 million for the first quarter of FY2005 resulting in 1st quarter FY2006 earnings of $0.004 per share, FY2005 4th quarter loss of $0.003 per share, and FY2005 1st quarter earnings of $0.013 per share.

    - Gross margin percentage for the 1st quarter FY2005 was 17.0% compared with a gross margin of 21.1% in the 4th quarter of FY2005 and 17.8% in the FY2005 1st quarter.

    - Cash from operations, before changes in non-cash working capital items, was $0.336 million for the 1st quarter FY2006 compared to 4th quarter FY2005 cash from operations of $0.023 million and $0.427 million for the 1st quarter FY2005.

    - A current asset balance of $10.32 million and working capital of $4.58 million.

    - Total assets of $22.63 million and total liabilities of $7.28 million.

    "Cabo begins the fiscal year 2006 with strong first quarter revenues," said Mr. John A. Versfelt, Chairman, President & CEO of Cabo Mining Enterprises Corp. "The Company achieved record quarterly revenues of $8.819 million, an increase of $1.480 million or 20% compared to the previous quarter and an increase of $3.528 million or 67% compared to the first quarter 2005. This large increase can be partially attributed to the fact that all of the drilling services companies, acquired by Cabo throughout fiscal 2005, reported a full quarter of earnings under the Cabo banner. Furthermore, the mineral exploration and mining sector in Canada is continuing to improve as a result of strong global demand for all metals. This in turn has lead to an increased demand for drilling services and improved pricing."

    "Gross margin performance of 17% for the first quarter 2006 was slightly lower than the 17.8% in the first quarter 2005 and the 21% in the fourth quarter 2005, but marginally higher than the 16.4% for the full year 2005," said Mr. Versfelt. "Consumable, servicing and maintenance costs continue to drag down margins in our Heath & Sherwood division. In an effort to improve overall margins management in this division has been reorganized and new procedures have been implemented in the first quarter of 2006. Overall, in addition to higher fuel and steel costs, the Heath & Sherwood division continues to experience higher than normal costs primarily due to training of drillers and other operational personnel. However, gross margins and net revenues should improve as the new procedures take effect."

    "Cabo will likely have reduced revenues over the next two quarters as the Company's operations follow seasonal patterns," said Mr. Versfelt. "Past experience shows that business in December and January slows down due to the holiday season and more difficult weather conditions."

    "Quarter to quarter the Company's remained relatively strong. Net earnings per share of $0.004 improved compared to a $0.03 loss for the 2005 fiscal year," said Mr. Versfelt. "After tax earnings, while lower than the first quarter, showed improvement compared to the fourth quarter of 2005 and the annual results for the fiscal year 2005. Management continues to focus on administration cost controls and expects no significant increases in fiscal 2006. However, the development and implementation of our new computerized accounting and management information system is currently being reevaluated. This may lead to some write downs if the company finds it beneficial to change its strategy and implement a more cost beneficial system."

    "As announced in October 2005, Cabo intends to sell its mineral property portfolio to another public mineral exploration company," said Mr. Versfelt. "Subject to approval of the transaction consideration for the properties shall be paid through the issuance of common shares from the purchasing company's treasury. No less than seventy-five percent of these shares shall be distributed to Cabo shareholders on a pro-rated basis upon receipt of regulatory approval. The Company's Board of Directors has received an offer which shall be presented to our shareholders for consideration and if appropriate for approval at the December 15, 2005 annual general and special meeting. Management believes that this event is of significant benefit to the shareholders as they will receive shares in an exploration company while at the same time retaining their shares in Cabo. Cabo will then be able to focus all of its resources on growing the drilling services business. Subject to shareholder approval, the Company will change its name to Cabo Drilling Corp."

    "We believe that with continued strength in mineral exploration and mine development in the Americas, our improved productivity and our determined focus on cost control and improved efficiencies, Cabo should increase its profitability to meet management expectations and provide a good return to our shareholders," said Mr. Versfelt.



  • @eldo,
    danke für einstellung.
    Die Zahlen sind jetzt mal endlich schwarz. Aber etwas zu wenig.

    Die Auslagerung wird uns shares bescheren zu Weihnachten.
    Aber von wem?

    Im Berichtlesen bin ich eine null.
    Also, wenn mir wer was mitteilen kann, wäre ich sehr dankbar.

    Mir wird immer klarer, was sie wollen und das ist einwandfrei.
    Schein aber nur ich so zu sehen. - 8%.

    Wenn ich nicht so viel hätt, kaufte ich nach. Shit!


  • Am 15.12. ist es soweit:

    Wir haben dann eine reine Drillingfirma.
    Cabo Drilling Corp
    Und 2006 wird das Jahr der Driller. Weil heuer viel geld aufgenommen wurde und das muss ja in die Erde versenkt werden. Cabo steht da gut da mit ihren 4 Firmen, unter anderem ein Öl/Gasdriller.

    Da kriegen wir ja in Kürze etwas eingebucht. Und zwar von der Firma, die die ausgezeichneten properties von Cabo kauft.
    Bin neugierig, wer es sein wird?

    Neben FCO.TO in USA, die eine Cobaltmine hinknallen, wird es in kanada auch eine geben.
    Properties werden mit shares bezahlt und 3 Viertel an die shareholder ausgeschüttet.
    Dann hab ich ein paar Aktien mehr, weil viel mehr werden es nicht werden.

    Lieber wär mir gewesen, sie hätten die properties behalten, kann aber mit dem auch leben. Ich hab bei der Proxy auch dafür gestimmt.

    Apropos Proxy: H
    Hab mich letzten Freitag bei Cabo auf die Mailinglist setzen lassen und noch nebenbei nach der proxy gefragt. Nach 2 Stunden hatte ich die Unterlagen. Saubere Sache und nicht so ein Gesülze wie bei Sterling.

    Da sind einige geil auf das Glückspackerl.
    Cabo + 11%.
    Nur was der Kurs nach der Abspaltung macht, da bin ich am Rätseln.

    Noch was:
    Einmal darf geraten werden, wer die verkauften properties nächstes jahr drillen wird?
    Und zwar gegen Bezahlung :D


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Das hört sich alles gut an.

    Haben den Aufschwung mehr geahnt .
    Am 11.hatten wir ja die CBE in Juniors diskutiert.

    Auch der Chart sieht immer besser aus.

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Was es auch immer heißt: :D

    Cabo Mining Enterprises Corp.: Sale of Mineral Properties
    Tuesday December 13, 7:30 pm ET

    NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Dec. 13, 2005) - Cabo Mining Enterprises Corp. (TSX VENTURE:CBE - News; "Cabo" or the "Company") today announced that the business concerning the approval of the sale of properties from Cabo to International Millennium Mining Corp. (the "Transaction") detailed in the Company's Information Circular, dated as at November 9, 2005, for the Company's Annual and Special Shareholders Meeting to be held December 15, 2005 (the 'Meeting") will not be dealt with at the Meeting and will instead be dealt with at either an adjournment of the Meeting or a new special meeting to be called by the Company.

    This item is being delayed to ensure that Shareholders have all necessary information required for them to make an informed decision before voting on the Transaction. It is anticipated that additional information regarding this Transaction will be mailed to Shareholders and posted on http://www.sedar.com within the next ten (10) days.

    The balance of the Meeting business will be carried out at the time and place specified in the Meeting materials."

    Cabo is a drilling services and mineral exploration company headquartered in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Company provides drilling services through its subsidiaries Heath & Sherwood Drilling (1986) Inc. of Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Petro Drilling Company Limited of Springdale, Newfoundland, Stratacan (Quebec) Inc., of Montreal, Quebec, and Advanced Drilling Ltd. of Surrey, British Columbia. Cabo's mineral exploration properties are located near Cobalt, Kenora, and Sudbury Ontario, Canada. The Company's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol: CBE.

    Hommel promotet CABO:

    Fifth company:
    Market Cap: $10 million, U.S.
    Cash on hand: $4 million, Cdn.
    Owns over 100 drill rigs, has about 250 employees, and is Canada's third largest drilling company. Owns silver properties in Cobalt, Ontario, the "Silver Capital of Canada", where silver is found in high grade "slabs", which historically produced over 500 million ounces of silver.
    To get the name of this company, sign up to "look at my portfolio" at silverstockreport.com

  • Jetzt blick ich etwas durch.

    Mail von Ray Lafarge: das exdatum zu erfragen, hab ich vergessen.

    Please provide your phone number so I can contact you about your questions.
    International Millennum has filed documents on http://www.sedar.com
    I believe the ratio wil be for every 4 shares of CBE you will recieve and additional share in International Millennum

    Ray Lagace

    4:1, das ist nicht schlecht von der Zahl her, nur die Dinger kann man nicht handeln.

    International Millenium wird die properties übernehmen, aber nicht heute wie geplant.
    Eigentlich wird es so was wie ein spin off, ist aber keiner.
    Ceo von Millenium ist derselbe wie bei CABO: John Versfelt
    Millenium ist noch nicht gelistet.
    Kurssymbol: IMI

    Siehe auch.

    Die wird natürlich in nächster Zeit an die Börse gebracht.

    IMO ist die Konstruktion nicht dumm. Was meint ihr?

    John Steele wurde angeheuert. Als nächste kommt EMMA PEEL. :D

    North Vancouver, BC – International Millennium Mining Corp. (“IMMC” or the “Company”) announced today the appointment of John P. Steele of Toronto, Ontario to IMMC’s Board of Directors, effective November 29, 2005. Mr. Steele is a mining industry advocate and brings to the Company an extensive background in mineral exploration, corporate governance and finance. Mr. Steele will serve as
    an Independent Director and will sit on IMMC’s Audit and the Corporate Governance Committees.
    “John Steele is an important addition to the IMMC Board as we look to significantly increase the Company’s mineral property holdings, to the completion of significant financing and to our TSX Venture Exchange listing application. His direct involvement in the development and management of mineral exploration programs worldwide, together with his experience managing public companies brings valuable depth, perspective and strength to the Board,” said IMMC President John A. Versfelt. Mr. Steele is a professional engineer and is currently President and CEO of Limerick Mines Limited
    which he co-founded in 1999. Mr. Steele is also the President and Technical Manager of Asian Tiger Resources which conducts mineral exploration and provides geological, geophysical, geochemical, drilling
    and IT interpretation services for mineral exploration projects in Canada, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the former Soviet Union.
    Mr. Steele is a former President and Co-chair of the Convention of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, Co-Chairman of the Securities Committee and Director of the Advocacy
    Campaign to achieve a Single National Securities Regulator in Canada. He has also served as a board member of Golden Tiger Resources, Griffin Mining Ltd., Geotai Exploration & Mining, High American
    Gold Corp., Westgold Resources, Paron Resources/Tonghak Harbour PLC, Iriana Resources Corporation and International Dunlap Minerals. Mr. Steele was also Manager - Corporate Finance, Southeast Asia for
    Yorkton Securities Inc.
    IMMC is a mineral exploration and development company engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral properties in the Americas. The Company has acquired and is exploring mineral properties in British Columbia, Canada; Nevada, USA; and Sonora State, Mexico. Emerging mineral targets include:
    silver, gold, zinc, nickel, copper and platinum group metals.
    On Behalf of the Board,
    (Signed “John A. Versfelt”)
    John A. Versfelt, President & CEO

    News zu International Millenium:


  • Hier die genauen Bedingungen:
    das record date wär auch interessant.
    Obwohl, ich hab eh genügend Cabo.
    Die Vereinbarungen schauen nicht schlecht aus.


    Cabo Announces Signing of Letter of Intent and Mailout of Supplementary Information Circular and Valuation and Fairness Opinion
    Wednesday December 28, 9:00 am ET

    NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Dec. 28, 2005) - Cabo Mining Enterprises Corp. (TSX VENTURE:CBE - News; "Cabo" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the signing of a Letter of Intent with respect to the proposed sale of all of the Company's mineral property interests (the "Properties") to International Millennium Mining Corp. ("IMMC") (the "Transaction").

    Pursuant to the Transaction, the Company proposes to transfer all of its Properties to IMMC in exchange for 10,000,000 units of IMMC, each unit consisting of one IMMC common share and one-third of a warrant, each full warrant entitling the holder to purchase one share in the capital stock of IMMC for thirty-five cents for a period of two years following the date of issue. The Company will subsequently redistribute no less than seventy-five percent of the Units to its Shareholders on a ratio of one IMMC unit for each four shares of the Company that they will hold on a record date to be determined. The net effect will be that Shareholders will continue to hold their shares of the Company and receive units in the capital of IMMC.

    The Transaction is subject to a number of conditions including:

    (i) the Company's Shareholders approving this Transaction;

    (ii) IMMC's Board acceptance of the Transaction;

    (iii) the TSX Venture Exchange accepting the Company's sale of the Properties to IMMC;

    (iv) IMMC completing a private placement financing of no less than $2,500,000 of which no less than $1,000,000 would be expended on the Properties;

    (v) IMMC acquiring a TSX Venture Exchange listing; and

    (vi) IMMC Shareholders approving the Transaction.

    The Transaction will only close upon satisfaction of the above conditions precedent, at which time Units of IMMC will be issued to the Company and redistributed to the Shareholders. A four month hold period will apply to the IMMC shares redistributed to the Shareholders as per the formula detailed above.

    At the annual general meeting of shareholders held December 15, 2005, the matter regarding the Transaction was adjourned. The adjourned Annual General and Special Meeting of the Shareholders is to be held on January 23, 2006 at 10:00am. This matter was adjourned to allow the Company time to attain a final valuation of the Company's mineral properties, and a fairness opinion regarding the offer received from IMMC. The Company is in the process of mailing out its Supplementary Information Circular along with the Valuation and Fairness Opinion, provided by Northern Securities Inc. The Opinion states, under the heading "Fairness Conclusion: that: "Based upon and subject to the foregoing, Northern is of the opinion, as of the date hereof December 22, 2005 that the consideration to be received in respect of the Transaction by Cabo is fair from a financial point of view to the holders of the common shares of Cabo."

    For a complete description of the proposed Transaction, the Company's agreement with IMMC, income tax considerations, and related matters, please refer to the Company's November Circular and the Supplementary Information Circular available on the Company's website http://www.cabo.ca and SEDAR http://www.sedar.com.

    Cabo Mining Enterprises Corp. is a drilling services company headquartered in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Company provides services through its subsidiaries Advanced Drilling Ltd. of Surrey, British Columbia; Forages Cabo Inc. of Montreal, Quebec; Heath & Sherwood Drilling (1986) Inc., of Kirkland Lake, Ontario; and Petro Drilling Company Limited of Springdale, Newfoundland. Cabo also holds interests in mineral exploration properties located near Cobalt, Kenora and Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. The Company's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol: CBE.


    (signed "John A. Versfelt")

    John A. Versfelt

    Chairman, President and CEO

    Further information about the Company can be found on the Cabo website (http://www.cabo.ca) and SEDAR (ww.sedar.com).

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