Golden Star Resources Ltd. / GSS, GSC (NYSE, TOR))

  • Licht am Horizont? :)

    Tuesday, May 30, 2006
    Golden Star Resources has announced that it continues to make good progress with its sulfide expansion project at Bogoso/Prestea Mine in Ghana. Construction is expected to be completed and commissioning to commence in the third quarter. The project involves construction of a 3.5 million tonne per year sulfide circuit which is being built alongside the existing 1.5 million tonne per year oxide plant. The sulfide circuit incorporates the BIOX® bio-oxidation process which is marketed by a subsidiary of Gold Fields Limited. The Company states that when built and operating, the Bogoso BIOX® plant will be the biggest operating plant of its kind in the world.
    (Complete Text of May 30, 2006 News Release) PDF


  • Focus: GOLD · Momentum: GROWTH · Location: GHANA

    Golden Star is a gold mining company with its operating mines on the prolific Ashanti Gold Belt in Ghana, West Africa. 2005 production was 200,968 ounces and this is expected to increase significantly to 300,000 ounces in 2006 and 500,000 ounces in 2007.

    Our growth in 2006 and 2007 is largely the result of the expansion of our activities at Bogoso/Prestea. Construction and development activities for this expansion are well progressed and are expected to be completed late in 2006 at a cost of $125 million.

    At year-end 2005, Golden Star had 4.05 million ounces in reserves and, in addition, 200% more than that in its resource categories, all within trucking distance of current processing plants. The reserves and resources were estimated at gold prices of $400 and $480 per ounce respectively.

    Date Title
    Download Documentation BMO European Mining Conference
    Download Documentation Golden Star Resources Annual General & Special Meeting
    Download Documentation Q1 2006 Golden Star Resources Ltd. Earnings Conference Call
    Download Documentation Creating Value Through Exploration…rmation/Presentations.asp

  • Golden Star Announces Sale of Four Million Shares of EURO Ressources S.A. and Confirms Its Reduced Gold Calls Position


    Peter Bradford, President and Chief Executive Officer, commenting on the sale said: "The sale of the EURO shares confirms and continues our belief that EURO should develop as an independent entity, distinct and separate from Golden Star. Notwithstanding this sale, we continue to believe that EURO is a solid investment for Golden Star."


  • Golden Star Confirms Its Expansion Project at Bogoso/Prestea is Ahead of Schedule and Announces the Commencement of Inoculation

    Last Update: 9:19 AM ET Jun 29, 2006

    DENVER, Jun 29, 2006 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Golden Star Resources Ltd. (GSS) (CA:GSC) is pleased to report that positive progress is being made on its sulfide expansion project at its Bogoso/Prestea mine. Golden Star confirms that the construction is on budget and is expected to be completed and commissioning to commence ahead of schedule in the later part of the third quarter of 2006. The Company had originally targeted to complete construction in the fourth quarter.
    Peter Bradford, President and CEO, stated that "The Sulfide Expansion Project will significantly increase our processing capacity at Bogoso/Prestea. Current production of 1.5 million tonnes per annum from the existing oxide plant will be increased to a projected total capacity of approximately 5.0 million tonnes per annum from the combined oxide and sulfide plants. The new sulfide plant will utilize the BIOX (R) bio-oxidation process that is marketed by a subsidiary of Gold Fields Limited, currently being used in eleven gold processing plants that are operating or under-development worldwide. Upon completion, the Bogoso/Prestea sulfide plant will be the largest operating BIOX (R) plant in the world."…teid=mktw&sid=10752&symb=

  • Golden Star Starts Mining the Higher Grade SAK Pits at Its Wassa Gold Mine


    Peter Bradford, President and CEO, stated that, "Wassa has been negatively impacted by lower than expected grades since commencing commercial production in April 2005. While we continue to improve our understanding of the reasons for the underperformance, we do expect grades to trend higher as we access deeper portions of the pit. SAK is expected to provide a further boost to the average grade. Based on current knowledge, the SAK deposit is not large and therefore its positive impact on grade is expected to be limited to the next 12-18 months. However, in the longer term we expect that the Hwini-Butre and Benso deposits acquired through our acquisition of St Jude Resources Ltd in late 2005 to provide a source of higher grade material.
    "As at December 31, 2005," continued Mr. Bradford, "we estimated the combined undiluted measured and indicated mineral resource at Hwini Butre and Benso to be 5.3 million tonnes at an average grade of 4.53 grams per tonne. In addition, we reported a combined 1.1 million tonnes of inferred mineral resource at an average grade of 3.50 grams per tonne for Hwini-Butre and Benso. In 2006 we are investing $4.3 million on the exploration, drilling and technical studies on these deposits. We expect to complete a feasibility study for their development by December 2006."


  • DJ Golden Star Resources 1Q EPS 6.9c Vs Loss 2.6c/Shr >GSS

    Golden Star Reports Second Quarter 2006 Results Positive Operating Margins Recorded at Both Mines

    Our main objectives for the remainder of 2006 are to:
    -- Complete mining and commence reclamation at the Prestea Plant-North pit in late 2006;
    -- Permit and commence oxide mining from Pampe on the Akropong trend west of Bogoso, to provide oxide ore to the Bogoso plant following exhaustion of the Prestea Plant-North ores;
    -- Commence sulfide mining at Bogoso, which is now underway;
    -- Complete construction and commissioning of the Bogoso Sulfide Expansion Project;
    -- Achieve improved production rates and costs at Wassa;
    -- Continue mining the higher grade SAK deposit at Wassa during the second half of 2006;
    -- Continue high level of exploration activities;
    -- Continue Prestea Underground mine evaluation and feasibility studies;
    -- Assimilate and further explore the St. Jude properties and progress the feasibility studies; and
    -- Continue identification and acquisition of growth opportunities both within Ghana and elsewhere.
    Until we are able to (i) assess the impact of the higher grade SAK ore at Wassa, and (ii) finalize the exact timing for the commencement of commercial production from the Bogoso Sulfide Expansion Project, we are unable to update our production forecast for 2006. These factors are also expected to impact cash operating costs per ounce but the higher than expected costs year-to-date are likely to make it difficult to achieve our previously announced guidance for the full year.

  • Golden Star Resources Limited CFO Featured in Exclusive Interview with

    Last Update: 7:01 AM ET Aug 14, 2006

    NEW YORK, Aug 14, 2006 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- On August 10, Allan Marter, Chief Financial Officer for Golden Star Resources Limited (GSS)
    updated the investment community in an exclusive interview with . Topics covered in the interview include an overview of the Company and its working interests, recent press releases, current capitalization, upcoming strategic and financial milestones.
    To hear the interview in its entirety, visit , and click on "Interviews." Interviews require free registration, and can be accessed either by locating the respective company's ticker symbol under the appropriate exchange on the left-hand column of the "Interviews" section of the site, or by entering the respective company's ticker symbol in the Search Archive window.
    About Golden Star Resources Limited:
    Golden Star holds a 90% equity interest in the Bogoso/Prestea and Wassa open-pit gold mines in Ghana. In addition, Golden Star has an 81% interest in the currently inactive Prestea Underground mine in Ghana, as well as gold exploration interests elsewhere in Ghana, in other parts of West Africa and in the Guiana Shield of South America.

  • On August 10, Allan Marter, Chief Financial Officer for Golden Star Resources Ltd. (GSS) updated the investment community in an all-new interview with . Interview highlights include detailed discussions on the following topics:

    - current operations in West Africa
    - production forecast
    - current capitalization and capital requirements through the next
    12 months
    - current cash flow
    - management bios
    - upcoming milestones for investors to watch for

    To hear the interviews in their entirety, visit , and click on "Interviews." Interviews require free registration, and can be accessed either by locating the respective company's ticker symbol under the appropriate exchange on the left-hand column of the "Interviews" page or by entering the respective company's ticker symbol in the Search Archive window at the bottom of the "Interviews" page.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Sehenswert der Bericht wegen des schönen Langfristcharts der WIWO.…0/SH/0/depot/0/index.html

    Es sieht so aus,als ob eine langfristge Bodenbildung sich dem Ende nähert.


  • Edel Man

    Wird aber auch Zeit :D :D

    Hab Sie immer noch im Bestand...derzeit +10% mit der Gesamtposition....wenn sie mal ohne Wassereinbrüche, Erdrutsche und steigenden Kosten produzieren könnten.....tja dann....up up an away.
    Die Assets selber sind super....


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Das stimmt. Was haben wir nicht schon alles darüber gehört.....

    Bin ja seit geraumer Zeit raus,im Nachhinein hätte man am Tief herum wieder einsteigen oder nachkaufen sollen,hätte... :)
    War immerhin vor einigen Jahren DAS Schwergewicht im Depot !

    Nun waren einige andere Werte eben fleissiger. :]

    GSS kommt ,aber nicht so heftig,daß Interessierte nicht wieder dazustoßen können.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Focus: GOLD · Momentum: GROWTH · Location: GHANA

    Golden Star is a gold mining company with its operating mines on the prolific Ashanti Gold Belt in Ghana, West Africa. 2005 production was 200,968 ounces and this is expected to increase significantly to 300,000 ounces in 2006 and 500,000 ounces in 2007.

    Our growth in 2006 and 2007 is largely the result of the expansion of our activities at Bogoso/Prestea. Construction and development activities for this expansion are well progressed and are expected to be completed late in 2006 at a cost of $125 million.

    At year-end 2005, Golden Star had 4.05 million ounces in reserves and, in addition, 200% more than that in its resource categories, all within trucking distance of current processing plants. The reserves and resources were estimated at gold prices of $400 and $480 per ounce respectively.

    The gold market and gold prices, 1800 – 2006 »

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