Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

  • Montag 24. Mai 2004, 22:09 Uhr

    Ölpreis auf Rekordhöhe

    New York (AP) Der Ölpreis steigt ungeachtet der Bereitschaft Saudi-Arabiens, seine Fördermenge um bis zu zwei Millionen Barrel pro Tag zu erhöhen, unaufhörlich weiter. Am Montag erreichte der Ölpreis an der New York Mercantile Exchange mit 41,72 Dollar pro Barrel (159 Liter) eine neue Rekordmarke. Gegenüber dem bisherigen Rekordpreis eine Woche zuvor ist dies eine Steigerung um 1,79 Dollar oder vier Prozent.

  • @ schuldenblase
    Danke für deine genauen Erläuterungen zu den Silberspekulationen der Hunts. War genauer als meine bisherigen Informationen, die ich zu dem Ablauf der Geschichte damals hatte. Die Moral der Geschichte: Wer Gesetze machen und Geld drucken kann, gewinnt immer, solange es Leute gibt, die ihm für sein Papier etwas verkaufen.
    Mich beeindruckt es momentan brutal, wie wenig die (kurzfristige!!!) Entwicklung der Preise an den Rohstoff-Märkten teilweise mit (physischem) Angebot und Nachfrage, so wie die Preisbildung in der Lehrbuch- Volkswirtschaft dargestellt wird, zu tun hat. Ziemlich großes Spiel von Long- und Short Spekulanten und Manipulateuren.
    Der Gegenschlag der Long-Spekulanten hat wohl gerade angefangen und wird eine verdammt interessante Sache. Mal schaun, ob die "Bank" (und damit der US$ als Leitwährung?!) diesmal gesprengt wird. Weiss nicht, ob wir uns das wirklich wünschen sollen. habe noch kein klares bild über die folgen!
    Beim Ölpreis sieht es aus, als ob er allmählich ausser Kontrolle gerät.
    Spannende Zeiten mit ungewissem Ausgang!
    Gruß, Tomba

  • der brave soldat meldet das, was ihr ohnehin wißt:

    erfolgreich mitspielen kann derjenige, der weiß, welche interessen, wann, warum die big boys haben. und der erkennt, daß gewisse chart-realitäten als solche zunächst einmal überhaupt nichts dauerhaftes (für 2 wochen) ansagen, für den minutenhandel auch nur bedingt brauchbar sind.

    irgendetwas fundermentales sind jene boys durchaus in der lage ad absurdum zu führen.

    und weil "der markt" immer recht hat..... kann aus logik dann blödsinn werden - obwohl es gar kein blödsinn ist.

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    May 24 - Gold $385.50 up $1.20- Silver $5.98 up 14 cents

    Silver On The Move/HUI Surges On Close, Up 7 In A Row


    "There are men regarded today as brilliant economists, who deprecate saving and recommend squandering on a national scale as the way of economic salvation; and when anyone points to what the consequences of these policies will be in the long run, they reply flippantly, as might the prodigal son of a warning father: ‘In the long run we are all dead.’ And such shallow wisecracks pass as devastating epigrams and ripest wisdom.

    "But the tragedy is that, on the contrary, we are already suffering the long-run consequences of the policies of the remote or recent past. Today is already the tomorrow which the bad economist yesterday urged us to ignore. The long-run consequences of some economic policies may become evident in a few months. Others may not become evident for several years. Still others may not become evident for decades. But in every case those long-run consequences are contained in the policy as surely as the hen was in the egg, the flower in the seed."- Henry Hazlitt

    Silver carried the day. After an early obligatory drop to fill its gap (as mentioned in Friday’s MIDAS), silver came right back. It was only down after the opening for a few minutes on light volume when the buying showed up. Almost immediately, it went up on the day and consistently made new highs throughout the session. Much of the gains were made with a capped gold struggling to get through unchanged, even with oil up sharply.

    Silver continues to put in a rounding bottom and as each day goes by gives us evidence it is sold out. The open interest fell another 452 contracts to 88,838.

    July Silver:

    The silver market was so damaged by the price managers, specs are very shy about returning to the long side, which is why the open interest continues to contract. At some point, the specs will reemerge and silver should take off. The fundamentals remain very bullish.

    Gold continues to aggravate because of the continuing efforts of The Gold Cartel. Friday’s open interest dropped an enormous 7847 contracts on the rally, which tells us the specs were covering and the cabal forces were capping gold after the first half hour of trading to keep it within the $6 rule parameters. Eliot Spitzer is going after Dick Grasso. He ought to be going after the CFTC for gross negligence.

    Comex gold option expiry is tomorrow, while the Over The Counter option expiry is Wednesday. Market commentators say dealers won’t allow gold to rise until they pass. What do you mean, won’t allow? As you will note in John Brimelow’s commentary, the establishment freely uses the word conspire in this context, yet, when it comes to GATA’s findings, they run for the hills and scoff at us (well, not so much anymore). HYPOCRITES!

    Gold came in slightly lower with the dollar on the firm side and oil steady. The dollar turned around, silver moved up nicely, and oil SOARED, yet gold was held in check.

    Oil has finally become the talk of the town as far as inflation is concerned. About time. Nevertheless, few in the contrived mainstream world are querying why oil is going bananas and gold is doing so poorly? How can so many be so naïve?

    A large institutional type player in London, one with close associations to the gold market, is planning a major marketing campaign to introduce investors to the gold market. They have not done so for around 20 years. Their thinking is gold is in for a run over $500. However, this same group is preparing investors for a continued central bank effort to knock gold down in order to drive the individual investor away from gold. Their thinking is the French will actually sell some gold and this will be hyped up by the same propagandists we heard from the last time gold rose above $420. This is rather pathetic on The Gold Cartel’s part, but something to keep in mind. For starters, any French selling means another central bank will have to cut back under the Washington Agreement. For the caveat to this, see Philippine commentary below.

    Even though this London group is very wary of what the central banks are preparing, they believe their efforts will fail, even if it works for a short while. They plan to urge investors to hold tight and add in the event the gold price is knocked down. Physical demand is just too strong. Continued buying by the Saudis etc. is real.

    This same group expects the dollar to be tagged, but also that continued efforts by the Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese and South Koreans will stabilize this fall. With their huge dollar reserves, these countries don’t want an unruly dollar debacle.

    The gold weekly suggests we have seen the lows for this correction:

    Crude oil went bonkers, taking off to $41.72, up a whopping $1.79 per barrel. After denial didn’t work, Wall Street is fessing up to the increasing inflation expectations of this rise. Yet, the 30-year US bond rose 12 points to 105 12/32. There is more and more concern the Fed is in a bind as increasing energy costs are really going to crimp the consumer, thereby rolling over our economy into a significant slowdown. Thus, even though inflation is on the rise, the Fed could very well be hesitant about raising rates, a MIDAS theme in this column recently.

    How bullish can you get when it comes to gold? A one percent Fed Funds rate and inflation and oil headed much higher. The only question remains if this will lead to some startling deflationary aspects in the US economy as debt levels force various asset liquidations? If that does occur, Bernanke’s money helicopters will really go into action, which would be even more bullish for bullion.

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    The John Brimelow Report

    CFTC data produces Bulls

    Monday, May 24, 2004

    Indian ex-duty premiums: AM $5.54, PM $5.20, with world gold at $383.65 and $383.90. Adequate, and perhaps a little marginal, for legal imports. Seasonal influences appear to be at work, besides possibly the hope that world gold will slip back below $380.

    TOCOM gold closed 18 yen above Friday’s close, with volume rising 31% to a still paltry 22,083 Comex equivalent. Open interest slipped the equivalent of 236 Comex lots, however, and world gold was actually $1.10 below NY’s close at the end. Japan is supplying no impulse to gold at present. (NY on Friday traded 89,725 contracts - a big 28% above the estimate -including 11,345 switches. Open interest fell steeply, by 7,827 lots.)

    NY on Friday of course threw off early efforts to cap it (particularly conspicuous on ACCESS trading before the open, according to Macquarie and Standard London) and provoked the usual heavy selling on the close: (a 32% surge in estimated volume in the last 30 minutes (1/10th) of the trading day, dropping gold $2), nevertheless closing up $6.40.

    UBS is impressed by the improvement of gold’s technical situation as viewed by the CFTC data:


    "…Comex trading speculators cut their gross long positions by 0.4 million ounces…while 0.65 million ounces of new shorts were added…The net long position accordingly fell by 1.06Moz and stood at 7.02 million ounces as of last week Tuesday, less than a third of the recent high of 22.5 million ounces seen in early April…" (JB emphasis)

    but nonetheless expects the price to be capped until after the full expiry of the nearby options –


    "Very large open interest at the $380 strike for the Comex Option expiry (25 May) and similar positioning in the large OTC expiry the following day are likely to conspire to keep gold within a few dollars of that level until these events have passed."

    (As noted on Friday, option expiries are the only occasion Bullion banks can envisage conspiracy in gold!)

    A usually bearish and noted bullion dealer , for once, is a much more pronounced bull on this data:


    "CFTC data to May 18: 33 tonne fall in large speculator net long. At 86 tonnes this is the smallest since July 15 last year; in the two weeks following that position tripled and the price rose $15. Compounding the feeling of a bounce in the air, the gross short position of large speculators at around 22% of open interest is the highest since end 2001…buy to end June then reassess?"(JB emphasis)

    The magnitude of the open interest reduction on Friday, combined with the unusually large underestimate of Comex volume, suggests UBS might be correct about the short term.


  • [Blockierte Grafik:]


    The DOW (9958, down 8) and the DOG (1923, up 9) continue to fiddle around. Yes, profits have been fine, but "Rome is burning."

    The dollar closed well off its highs, rising only 2 ticks to 90.59, while the euro rebounded from a 50 point early loss to close 9 higher at 120.08. The euro closed just above its 200-day moving average of 119.69. It has been flip-flopping on both sides of this average lately. Currency markets are affected more than other markets by these averages. If the euro could stay above this average for a few days, it could really run to the upside.

    The CRB, which has been all over the place as of late, went on a tear, climbing 4.72 to 274.50. Oil and coffee (76.65 cents, up 4.3 cents) led the way. Mahendra was jumping up and down about coffee the other day.

    Inflation report:

    MEMPHIS, Tenn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 24, 2004--FedEx Freight
    (NYSE:FDX) will implement a 5.9 percent general rate increase effective June 14, 2004. The increase will apply to interstate and intrastate traffic, and selected shipments between the United States and Mexico and Canada. Various additional adjustments will include elect minimum and accessorial charges as well as some select lanes and service areas. –END-

    GATA’s Mike Bolser:

    Hi Bill:

    The Fed added today May 24th 2004, $6 Billion in temporary repurchase agreements and they gave notice of a permanent operation tomorrow. The amount of permanent "Desk" securities offered to the primary dealers will be posted tomorrow. The pool stands at $41.87 Billion.

    Examining the DOW's moving average, we can see a sharp leveling off just in the last day which could indicate the Fed has put a floor under the DOW. This should be watched carefully as it may be a sign of stress in the Fed's labyrinthine maze of market rigs.

    Energy Stress

    Energy concerns aren't going away and represent, next to precious metals, the second best investment area in my opinion. For example, small, debt-free and resource rich companies in the natural gas field stand to gain this Summer and into the future for several reasons. First, since we know that the Fed has built in a 10 to 12% annual rise plan for gold it is reasonable to guess that energy costs will at least match that rate of inflation (This fact belies the old saw that gold "pays no interest"). Second, the Fed's own GSE (Government Sponsored Enterprises) paper machines, Fannie and Freddie, have created a flood of single family and multi family, energy gobbling dwellings. This has impacted the natural gas electrical energy demand in a significant manner. China is building its own strategic petroleum reserve to fuel their explosive growth and that effort has severely drained all of the excess capacity from the Middle East. The Saudis are pumping at full capacity and the world demand can't keep up.

    Finally, the fully predicted geopolitical disaster Iraq has become with its terrible damage to US credibility, may require generations of effort to correct. During this time the US will undoubtedly be under an energy ration plan with benefits inuring to the smaller, efficient energy producers.

    Oil report:


    Over the last couple of years crude oil has gone from $20/bbl to $42/bbl; The administration and the bubblevision hype has kept the investing public's eye off the ball by saying that oil is not a big factor in the economy anymore as it was in the 1970's. They have kept the focus on the price of the DJIA, the CPI, interest rates and employment numbers ...all of which have been kept dancing to the right tune. There has been a very clever policy of making sure the investor never focussed on anything outside the control of the Orwellians. Over the last week suddenly there has been a linkage between the price of oil and the US and World economic strength (G8 and John Snow were very emphatic this weekend). This seems to be the start of a fatal mistake...a crack in the dam. It was probably considered that oil must back off from the recent record highs, especially if Saudi obligingly gave lip service to pumping more crude and getting OPEC to raise quotas. This, if successful, would then allow the DOW to rally, the dollar to rally, gold to fall and bonds to rise as we enter the final months to the election. BUT this is a reckless gamble because as I covered in my note to you on Friday there is no spare capacity worth talking about in OPEC. Oil has done an impressive about turn today of being down 2% to being up 2%! The news channels are all over the oil story. All interviews I have seen with OPEC people have carefully spoken about raising quotas...NOT raising production. A link has been created in investors minds between the economy and oil dropping below $40...but this is not under anyone's control. Whether this was intentional or not, it seems to be a crack in the dam.
    Watch this space!

    From Reuters over the weekend on oil:

    The Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA) said earlier this month that Chinese apparent demand, which includes domestic refined product output together with net product imports, in the second quarter was expected to hit 6.26 million barrels per day (bpd).This would be 20.9 percent more than the second quarter of 2003 as year-on-year growth gained momentum, offsetting the adverse impact of the SARS outbreak in the spring of 2003. (For table "China's April crude oil imports, exports,"


    From The King Report last evening:

    I might add that the CFTC position of traders report released Friday on positions as of last Tuesday’s close showed another decline in the net spec long position coupled with a small rise in the crude oil price.

    The NY Time’s Eric Dash and David Leonhardt report "Insiders are Selling Like It’s 1999…The surge of selling also suggests that many executives realized that stocks remain decidedly expensive, despite the bear market of 2000 to 2002. The Standard & Poor's 500-stock index closed on Friday at a price-to-earnings ratio of about 20, well above its historical average…Executives sold $14.4 billion worth of stock in the first four months of the year, up from $4 billion in the period last year, according to Thomson Financial. ‘We have been tracking insider sales since 1971, and in the last few months they have never been higher," said David Coleman, editor of Vickers Weekly Insider Report. "There has been some pullback in the last few weeks.’"…33-IZsLuNva5EbXjKFM+7bRPQ


    Some insight from Australia into the shenanigans of the corrupt ones:


    I forgot to mention this at the time but just prior to the Silver Route last month when we were at $8.00 Goldman Sachs (who are the main counterparty of my broker in the spot market) actually went sniffing around the desk at my broker (and presumably their other clients as well) to get a full map of the rather large spot silver holdings that were on the books at the time. I was told that they wanted to be aware of these positions (ie how many people and the individual magnitudes) in the event that they were presented with any possible large liquidation orders outside of New York Hours!. Seemed like an unusual request at the time and I thought nothing more of it – but looking back in retrospect this confirms in my mind that these bums must have known what was coming.


    A heads-up from Aussie land:

    Urban apartments in market 'free-fall'

    By Barclay Crawford
    May 22, 2004

    DESPITE the best efforts of real estate agents in the nation's biggest property market - Sydney - prices continue to drop, with one senior property economist claiming inner-city apartment prices were going into free-fall.

    Raine & Horne's midweek auction results for Sydney's exclusive eastern suburbs show just nine of the 31 properties listed for auction were sold - less than 30 per cent - and of those, four were priced above $1.6 million.

    Of those not sold on Wednesday and Thursday night, nine were withdrawn from sale due to lack of buyer interest.

    Ray White sold only three of the nine properties listed for sale in Bondi on Wednesday night.

    Experienced property economist Akis Haralabopoulos, from Alpha Economics, said prices in inner Sydney were being smashed by the combined effects of two interest rate rises, the Carr Government's new 2.25 per cent tax on investment property and an oversupply in apartments.


    Ray DeMoss, staunch GATA supporter and Café member pictured in the Smart Money Magazine gold article, will love these pictures:

    god bless the children of iraq

    Gold demand up, supply down:

    Aussie gold output hits record low
    14:03 AEST Sun May 23 2004

    Australian gold output fell to its lowest level in a decade last quarter as heavy rain from tropical cyclones disrupted production.
    Gold output in the March quarter totalled 64 tonnes, or 2.1 million ounces, down seven per cent on the previous corresponding quarter and 12 per cent on the last quarter…..


    MORE EVIDENCE GATA is correct and our assertions are right on the money - from GATA's Mihaly in the Netherlands:

    hi bill,

    A few weeks ago I reported the central bank gold holdings of EU countries. It's time to look a bit

    The Philippines, 95% of their gold left the country (total holdings were 225 tonnes in 2000):…2000-11/news-11172000.htm

    17 November 2000 - News Releases

    Shipment of Gold Reserves

    The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas has recently received inquiries about the airway bills issued by an airline for the gold bars shipped by the Bangko Sentral. The shipping of gold bars out of the country has been part of the gold operations of the BSP since its establishment in 1993. In fact, numerous countries also ship their gold reserves to a bank account located outside their respective country, for example, an account with the Bank of England or Federal Reserve Bank of New York, so that the gold can be used for international financial transactions.

    As of 31 October 2000, the Bangko Sentral has gold reserves valued at approximately USD1.86 billion. Of these, about 95% had been shipped out of the country via a location swap transaction with an accredited international financial institution. Under a location swap transaction, the Bank’s counterparty delivers an equivalent amount of gold to the BSP’s account at the Bank of England after they take delivery of gold from the BSP’s vault and ship the gold out of the country. The counterparty can ship the gold taken from the BSP to another destination other than London where they have their refinery, vault or buyer, and use gold that is already in London to deliver to the BSP’s account at the Bank of England. This way, the counterparty and Bangko Sentral both save on the cost of shipping.

    The Bangko Sentral ships its gold reserves to its account at the Bank of England so that the gold reserves may be used for investment in the international market. For example, the BSP’s gold reserves can be deposited with accredited foreign financial institutions, in the name of the Bangko Sentral, to generate interest income. The shipments are always approved by the Monetary Board and properly documented.

    (Really nice to see how this works.....95% gone/in the market!, Mihaly)


    Last Updated: April 30, 2004

    International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity

    (4) gold (including gold deposits and, if appropriate, gold swapped)5

    Current Data: In Millions of US Dollars (end of period)


    This is a perfect example of how the IMF and gold establishment (World Gold Council and GFMS) are deceiving the world about how much gold the central banks really have in their vaults. All of this Philippine gold which is swapped or leased out is counted as gold reserves on their books, yet the GOLD IS GONE! This is part of the extra 11,000 tonnes GATA discovered was swapped/leased in this very manner to clandestinely suppress the gold price. This SCHEME is ongoing even now. The Philippines think they can get their gold back. How? They will drive the price to the moon if they try. The supply/demand deficit is already over 1500 tonnes per year and mine supply is only 2500 tonnes per year.

    The IMF and Gold Cartel are perpetuating a FRAUD, one which will end badly, worse than Enron and with far more reaching consequences!

    Silver scarcity talk is slowly creeping its way back:

    Bill, I met you in Calgary along with jason hommel. A dealer Ideal with on a recent purchase gave me 10 0z bars instead of 20's or 50's or 100's ! He said he cannot get anything larger anymore! We sure must be getting close to the end of the road! He asked me too if I wanted to lease out some of my holdings! I think it is only a matter of time before the whole thing blows because the silver has to come from somewhere? Look forward to your daily encouragements especially during this last tough dip. I have to admit I sold 80% of my shares, but wait I bought them back two days later at close to the same prices because there is really no other place to put one's money and we must have faith. There is more Gold backing those shares than there is the Cad$ (200000 oz I believe) Also, do you think it may be wise to take delivery of share certificates of your gold shares in case of a bank melt down? look forward to your comments and your column daily, Keep up the good work. It is only through people like yourself that people like myself can vote with our dollars and eventually we move the market.

    Some thoughts on the $6 rule:

    Dear Bill,

    I hate to say it, but I actually LOVE the $6 rule. I've been trading the financial markets for over 20 years, both professionally and personally, including 10-years of trading Treasuries and junk bonds institutionally for a sell-side dealer. In 20 years I have NEVER seen a more predictable trading pattern than can be exploited for relatively riskless profits. As long as the cabal has the ability to manipulate the market in this fashion, for the time being anyway, gold-bugs may as well capitalize on the opportunity rather than rant and rave about the illegal manipulation. Both times the June gold contract was up over $8.00 this week, I shorted a few contracts and covered for nice profits right before the COMEX closed. I know this will end sooner or later but I equate this to finding loose change on the floor of a bar - I always bend down and pick up anything over a penny.
    Dave K.

    Dave, I pick up the pennies too!

    Some feedback from South Africa for a miners advocate who knows of GATA:

    Mr Murphy:

    If you are not the right person to be speaking to about relevant information for Anglogold specifically, could you perhaps point me to someone ? I would like to raise these issues from a south african socio economic perspective. Thats my concern. And no one has really done that in this country, except for you. I'd like to get some answers.

    I would be most grateful. And so would the 200 000 mineworkers in this country if I could shed some light on what's causing all these 'retrenchments', and why. I have access to them - they are my primary concern, as I believe they are a group which does not always have the opportunity or the right to speak out, all things considered. So even if they were in any way being mistreated, or suffering as a result of the actions of the market etc, they wouldnt even know why. I want to speak to Mr Godsell on behalf of all the men that have worked underground to make Anglogold the gargantuan corporate entity it is today.

    Kind regards,
    Miss Suiko Alston

    With 15 minutes to go the HUI was down a few ticks for the day. All of a sudden it went ballistic, shooting up to 194.63, up 3.72. What a surge! There is some resistance in this area, then little until 210. The XAU finished at 86.91, up 1.09.

    Something to note on Golden Star Resources ($5.24, up 14 cents). The short open interest went from 6,440,765 to 14,111,376 from April 15 to May 15. This 126% increase was the third largest on the entire Amex. Wheaton River is the only other one which was greater. It is reasonable to conclude GSS ought to really POP when gold surges towards $400 again. Could be one heckuva short squeeze.

    The HUI has now crept its way up and stands 30 points off its spike low. It has corrected close to 33% back towards its highs. Those who stepped aside breathed a huge sigh of relief. Good for those of you nimble enough to sell way up there, or even slightly above here. Now what, however? Do you chase a market which is up 7 days in a row, or wait for setbacks? Many of the smaller gold companies are comatose and offer great entry opportunities for those looking to get on board this historic investment opportunity.

    Those who wait too long might be left behind. Friday I brought up Seabridge Gold and what a fine company it is. Don’t know why, but Seabridge (SA on the Amex) jumped 20% today to $3.30, up 55 cents, - and this with Canada out for Victoria Day. It is now up 50% off its lows. Other quality explorations are likely to do the same in the very near future.


  • Zitat

    Original von ThaiGuru

    Die Insider haben sich gerade eben eingedeckt!

    Morgen wird Gold vermutlich mindestens die 390.- Dollar Schwelle wieder überschreiten.

    Da bin ich mal gespannt. Wenn es so einfach ist .....

  • ...mal wieder bezeichnend:Immer wenn grössere Bewegungen am laufen sind,dann geht kitco nicht! X(

    Hier noch die godmode-Einschätzung von gestern:

    24.05. 20:54
    SILBER "humpelt" ...
    (©GodmodeTrader -
    SILBER: 5,98 $

    Aktueller Tageschart (log) seit dem 12.11.2003 (1 Kerze = 1 Tag).

    Der in der vergangenen Woche begonnene charttechnisch regelkonforme Ausbruch aus der mehrwöchigen bullishen Keilformation setzt sich heute fort, allerdings nach wie vor mit geringem Momentum. Der Anstieg insofern lediglich ein "Humpeln", was angesichts der Prügel der Vorwochen nicht sehr überraschend ist. Mit 5,98 $ steht SILBER unweit der ersten Zielmarke von 6,1372 $. Diese 6,1372 $ Marke stellt die eigentliche Schaltstelle dar. Ein Anstieg darüber ist bullish und spricht für Folge-Anstiege zu den benannten Kurszielen, ein mehrfaches Abprallen erhöht die Wahrscheinlicheit, daß SILBER noch nicht auskorrigiert hat und neue Tiefs erreichen kann. Es gilt zu beachten, daß jetzt beim ersten Erreichen der 6,1372 $ Marke ein Abpraller "normal" und "wahrscheinlich" sein wird. Wichtig ist, daß anschließend eine erneute Attacke auf die 6,1372 $ gestartet wird.
    [Blockierte Grafik:…subcortical/O2/tgo223.gif]

  • New York, 25. Mai (Reuters) - Das US-Verbrauchervertrauen
    ist im Mai leicht auf 93,2 gestiegen.

    ANMERKUNG: Von Reuters befragte Volkswirte hatten für den
    Berichtszeitraum im Schnitt mit einem Gesamtindex von 93,5
    Punkte gerechnet.

  • Das Neueste von Ted Butler:

    May 24, 2004

    China Controls Silver

    By Theodore Butler

    (The following essay was written by silver analyst Theodore Butler. Investment Rarities does not necessarily endorse these views, which may or may not prove to be correct.)

    First, a quick word on the Commitments of Traders (COT) - it’s spectacular. The latest COT shows the total COMEX dealer net short position in silver has been reduced by 33,000 futures contracts (165 million ounces) on the wolf pack engineered sell-off, from over $8/oz. Gold's COTs show a breathtaking reduction of 140,000 contracts on the engineered $50 decline. The brain-dead tech funds served as the accommodating patsies, once again. Now the decks appear to have been cleared for a liftoff to a powerful rally.

    I hope there is not the slightest doubt in anyone's mind as to why we sold off so sharply. This downward move occurred for one reason and one reason only - to allow the dealers to cover as many of their short positions as possible. The good news is that they did in spades. As such, the market structure now allows for a rally of significant proportions. The mother of buy signals in silver is alive and well. Gold and copper look poised for a dramatic up move as well.


    Hier der Link (lesen!)

    Ted Butler

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Gold profitiert vom hohen Ölpreis

    Der rekordverdächtig hohe Ölpreis und zurückgekehrte Fonds-Käufer haben Gold am Dienstag zu einem 18-Tage-Hoch verholfen. Im Tagesverlauf klettert der Kurs des Edelmetalls in der Spitze auf nahezu 390 Dollar.
    HB LONDON. Die Ankündigung Saudi-Arabiens vom Wochenende, die Ölförderungen über das in der Opec vereinbarte Mass hinaus zu stiegern, konnte die Märkte Händlern zufolge nicht nachhaltig beeindrucken. Die negativen Auswirkungen des Ölpreises auf das Konsumverhalten der US-Bürger könnten eine Zinserhöhung der US-Notenbank Fed verzögern, und haben deshalb den Dollar unter Druck gesetzt. Eine schwächere US-Währung verbilligt das in Dollar gehandelte Gold für Investoren aus anderen Währungen wie Euro oder Franken. In Europa würden die Effekte des hohen Ölpreises durch den starken Euro abgemindert.

    Zudem deckten sich nach Händler-Angaben Fonds wieder mit Gold ein, nachdem sie ihre Longpositionen zum 15-Jahreshoch von 433 Dollar Anfang April liquidiert hatten. Gold stand beim europäischen Handelsschluss bei 387,90/388,70 (Vorabend 384,30/385,05) Dollar. Das zweite Londoner Goldfixing lautete auf 388,90 Dollar nach 387,60 am Morgen und 384,00 Dollar am Montag Nachmittag. Eine Schweizer Bank gab den Gold-Kilopreis mit 15.710/15.960 (15.764/16.014) sfr an. Silber schloss ebenfalls fester auf 6,03/6,06 (5,82/5,85) Dollar.


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    Harmony Gold aussichtsreiche Anlage


    Die Experten von "BoerseGo" sind in ihrem aktuellen "Tec-Report" der Meinung, dass die Aktie von Harmony Gold (ISIN ZAE000015228/ WKN 851267) ein aussichtsreiches Gold-Investment ist.

    Die jüngste Korrektur des Goldpreises biete langfristig orientierten Anlegern eine gute Einstiegsgelegenheit. Vor allem südafrikanische Minentitel seien auf Grund der vergleichsweise günstigen Bewertung eine Spekulation Wert. Der Goldpreis habe zuletzt eine Korrektur durchlaufen. An den grundsätzlich positiven Aussichten ändere dies aber nichts. Wer auf mittelfristig weiter steigende Goldnotierungen setzen möchte, für den würden sich derzeit vor allem die Aktien südafrikanischer Goldminengesellschaften anbieten, die im Vergleich zur Konkurrenz beispielsweise aus Nordamerika ausgesprochen günstig bewertet seien.

    Ein Hauptgrund für die schwache Kursentwicklung der südafrikanischen Minentitel sei bislang der gegenüber dem US-Dollar starke Rand gewesen, der sich negativ auf die Geschäftsentwicklung der Unternehmen ausgewirkt habe. Explorations- und Lohnkosten würden in der starken Heimatwährung Rand, die Erlöse dagegen im schwachen US-Dollar anfallen. Mit mehreren Zinssenkungen habe die südafrikanische Notenbank allerdings bereits die Voraussetzungen für ein Ende der Rand-Stärke geschaffen.

    Eines der Topinvestments unter Südafrikas Minengesellschaften sei Harmony Gold Mining. Durch die Übernahme von African Rainbow Minerals Gold (ARMgold) im vergangenen Jahr sei der Konzern zum weltweit fünftgrößten Goldproduzenten herangewachsen. Die jährliche Produktionsmenge belaufe sich nun auf rund 4,1 Millionen Unzen. Im zurückliegenden Geschäftsjahr seien annähernd 80 Prozent der Goldproduktion auf das Heimatland Südafrika, der Rest auf Australien entfallen. Um auch angesichts der schwierigen Währungssituation weiterhin profitabel produzieren zu können, habe Harmony angekündigt, durch die Schließung von Minen die Kosten senken zu wollen.

    Immerhin seien derzeit rund 30 Prozent der südafrikanischen Produktion unprofitabel. Gleichzeitig sei man ständig auf der Suche nach günstigen Gelegenheiten, wie man durch Übernahmen die Produktion ausweiten könne. Im bis Ende Juni laufenden Geschäftsjahr werde Harmony auf Grund der angesprochenen Umstände einen Gewinnrückgang verbuchen. Nach 67 Cents werde man voraussichtlich nur noch 15 Cents je Aktie verdienen. Bereits im kommenden Jahr solle das Ergebnis aber wieder auf 84 Cents je Aktie klettern.

    Mit einem KGV von 13 ist die Aktie von Harmony Gold eines der aussichtsreichsten Gold-Investments, so die Experten von "BoerseGo".


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    Gold futures continue rebound
    Key mining indexes rise to highest level in three weeks

    Gold for June delivery tacked on $3.10 to trade at $388.80 an ounce on Nymex.

    The contract reached $390 earlier -- that's its highest level since May 7.…%2D8CA8%2D083576F3A909%7D

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    9:32 AM MDT Tuesday

    Gold miner reports higher losses

    Mining company Canyon Resources Corp. lost $5.7 million on revenue of $1.7 million for the three months ended March 31.

    Canyon (AMEX: CAU), based in Golden, last year during the same period recorded a $1.9 million loss on revenue of $9.3 million.

    The company restated its net loss because of an accounting change related to its stock option plans.

    The gold miner said revenues fell because of a drop in production. The company shut its Briggs Mine in California in April, which brought in 5,681 ounces during the first quarter. Canyon said the net loss rose because of higher unit costs of sales and lower revenues, even as the price of gold rose.

    © 2004 American City Business Journals Inc.

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