Ms. Haruko Fukuda has developed an outstanding stewardishp executive role with the gold producer executives. However, it is a well known fact of those in the know that there is a big faction and split on the World Gold Council on what is really going on in the gold market. She knows that and we know that.
The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee asks her to consider the following:
Dear Ms. Fukuda,
Your commissioned study, Gold Derivatives: The market view, by Dr Jessica Cross and Virtual Metals Research and Consulting Ltd is lengthy and detailed, but I believe it does a disservice to the gold industry and gold market participants.
The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) presented its own lengthy "Gold Derivative Banking Crisis" document to the Speaker of the House of the United States, Denny Hastert, Spencer Bachus, Chairman of the House Sub-Committee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Dr. John Silvia, Chief Economist of Senate Banking Committee and to every House and Senate banking committee member.
Last week, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany's most highly regarded newspaper, wrote two articles about our document and that the content of what GATA has presented should be taken seriously. I have attached a summary in English of the first article and an English translation of the second one for your perusal…….
* 9/7 "Die Verschwörungstheorie am Goldmarkt ist abwegig und falsch"